#also i have legend whump planned for tomorrow too...
faeerrie · 2 years
Whumpmas In July 2022 - Day 1
(Re)introduce Yourself
Oh my gosh, I know I'm several days late with this one, but I am FINALLY catching up with all of it. Thankfully, I'm not too far behind.
Hi!! I'm Fae!! I'm a Tumblr veteran who started using Tumblr under a few different names for fandom stuff when I was 15ish and abandoned it when I was around 20ish. I then decided to give it another try a few months ago (I am now 24), but I really wanted to put more emphasis on creating my own content (fanfiction, cosplays, gaming journalism, etc.) and developing my own brand instead of only reblogging everything and keeping up with all the Hetalia Cosplay RP Blog Community Drama.
I've never actually participated in a fanfic event, so I'm going to use the helpful template provided by @whumpmasinjuly
Name: Fae
Gender: Non-Binary
Favorite Season: Summer
Average Amount of Sleep: Roughly 3 hours- I have really horrible insomnia and Adderall is prescribed to me, which is a stimulant.
Dream Job: Content Creator for the Achievement Hunter Team or for G4TV
Blog Established: For this particular one, about half a year ago
Reason for URL: It's my online persona- the name I go by on all of my platforms. In old terminology, my "internet name." I do not want anyone in my family I was born into connected to me via the internet.
Fave Whump Tropes: The "baby" or "innocent" one of the group getting grievously injured or attacked and everyone else just losing it. Alternatively, someone close to the seemingly harmless/innocent/baby person of the group getting grievously injured or attacked and that unassuming person loses it, scaring everyone, including their friends, that they weren't harmless. They were just peaceful. Kinda enemies, kinda frenemies who are on opposite sides who are forced to fight each other on the regular, but it's obvious their heart isn't into it anymore, and it's more playful than anything. The more "good-aligned" one has something super bad happen to them, and the other one realizes they always knew they loved them and goes on a rampage to save them, fuck what their own team has to say about it! The normally super poised, altruistic, practically-an-angel-on-earth character absolutely losing all sense of morals or standards when a loved one has something bad happen to him. Kinda just snaps. An absolute badass (think assassin, spy, etc.) has their beloved kidnapped by a really stupid enemy. They go all-out tactical war mode to get them back. Everything is meticulously planned and they are basically in "professional" mode until they finally find them, when emotion finally returns to their face and they hold them close and try not to cry from relief. However, this is when the captured beloved person finally sees the true extent of the badass's scary abilities. Bonus points if friends/old, trusted colleagues are recruited into helping and are high-key scared of them. I'm going to stop here, lol.
Projects I'm Working On: Rewriting my first fanfic posted on Ao3, a Dragon Age: Inquisition Lavellan/Dorian oneshot, Finishing up my Mass Effect Andromeda Whump (Male Ryder/Reyes), Finishing up my APEX Legends whump (Mirage/Protective!Bloodhound), there's also been this Grown-Up!PPGxRRB(Blossom/Brick) whump drabble that's been stuck in my head for the past like 3 months. I have to write it out sooner or later, lol!
Favorite Color: This is extremely super specific, but it's the exact color in the middle of the gradient that you see, if you visit any beach on Emerald Coast in Florida, where the water starts out a beautiful, clear emerald, but slowly turns into a brilliant deep sapphire color.
Anything else you'd like to add: It's super late as I am typing this, but I am super hopeful to have all of the prompts caught up and posted by the end of my day tomorrow!! I really look forward to experiencing this event for the first time, and sharing my writing with y'all!!
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