#also every song off the new album SLAPS live. i've never felt so alive. every single song feels so good to scream
iwillbestronger · 25 days
just got back from a fletcher concert. don't think I've ever felt gayer in my life
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22 - LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver (2007)
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Sound of Silver, more like "Sound of my Post-Collegiate Bummer Years".
This band rules. This album rules. Listen to it if you haven't yet. Thank me later.
It might be the best example of nü-disco, which isn't really a thing but it fucking SHOULD BE.
•Get Innocuous!-
This intro is forever, but it slaps so hard you barely notice it's been 2 ½ minutes when the singing finally comes in, and the fading-out singing is such a cool sound.
Normalize "it making you feel alive"!
•Time To Get Away-
Let the vocal acrobatics commence! For a guy who kinda talk-sings through most of the songs here, his ability to go from a low note to a high note is pretty amazing. Freddie Mercury-level octave leaping on display.
Otherwise, it's a funky-ass bop about breaking up.
•North American Scum-
As something of a North American scum myself, I love this song. Unfortunately, the last time i was given the aux at work... let's just say I was alone in my enjoyment.
"And for those of you who still think we're from England? We're not."
The chorus is simple but effective, and it WILL get stuck in your head.
•Someone Great-
Another long intro that i absolutely love. It just moves.
This song's instrumentation reminds me a lot of Oingo Boingo, in that everybody in the studio is doing something entirely different, and the whole thing really shouldn't work, but it does and it's beautiful.
This song's lyrics just (and likely will always) remind me of the last time i heard it: the day David Bowie died.
•All My Friends-
Starts with one of those chaotic piano bits that sounds like it's easy to play but I'm sure it's actually incredibly difficult, considering how it sounds just slightly out of time with itself, and it just keeps up like that forever.
Also, one of the most relatable songs on the album. I miss hanging out with all my friends. It's been too damn long since I've seen most of them.
•Us V Them-
This one has always had big Talking Heads energy to me. Might be the odd percussion and kinda anxious vibe.
Kinda repetitive at the end.
•Watch the Tapes-
Eh, it's alright. Imo, the weakest song on the album, which isn't to say it doesn't pull its weight, just the one I fuck with the least.
•Sound of Silver-
"Youth may be wasted on the young, but nobody old really wants to be young again, because being young FUCKING SUCKS and there's nothing to do but get torn asunder by your own out-of-control hormones and waste your youth."
•New York, I Love You But You're Bringing Me Down-
Honestly, put this in my top 30 favorite songs of all time. One I've always wanted to try at karaoke, too.
I've never lived in NYC, never even been to New York state, but I've lived enough places and watched them change entirely to have this one really resonate with me.
(A personal aside: i miss the living hell out of you, dirty sketchy downtown Normal, Illinois. I miss your weird little shops and your holes in the wall that were all torn down to make way for hotels and CVSs and 5-over-1 "luxury apartment complexes" that all only exist to bilk college kids out of their money. They tore down and paved over everything that made you cool and interesting and replaced it with corporate bullshit, and you will never be avenged because nobody but me even cares about what you were anymore.)
This track is Completely Different from every other song on the album, but one of the most heartfelt songs of true despaired longing that i could name off the top of my head.
Nothing else i can think of properly conveys the sense of: 'yeah, sure, this place was objectively terrible and truly filthy and incredibly dangerous but it was ours and we loved it dirty and scary and wonderful. It felt like home.
And now you fucking suits and state senators have gone and cleaned it up and sanitized it and moved all the weirdos out and raised the rents to keep it the riffraff and made it "acceptable to the public" and ruined literally everything that made it special and fun and different and unique and good.'
The piano is so beautiful, the drumming at the end is inspired, and the video is exceptional, too.
Damn, this album is so good.
Favorite Track: New York, I Love You, But You're Bringing Me Down. If you listen to one song on this album, make it this one.
If you listen to two songs on this album, pick North American Scum to go with it.
Least Favorite Track: Watch the Tapes.
As prophet of our age Laura Les put it best: "we don't want to watch the news, we just read statements".
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