#also Zag complaining about his father to Suki made me SAD bc YKNOW Suki's parents BUT AT THE SAME TIME
mythvoiced · 1 year
@kamipyre | ♥
“It’s the incessant disinterest and constant expectations.”
Zagreus eats nothing but junk food. You’d think with the amount of fat and calories he keeps so enthusiastically shoving into his mouth, he wouldn’t have the chipper physique of a late 20s bachelor who’d only ever cared about getting a sports scholarship and a concussion.
Alas, Zagreus didn’t care much about the kind of sports that would have gotten him a scholarship back in the day. And he’s not exactly a bachelor.
The rest is... pretty much on point.
Right down to the concussion.
Which is the thing he’s pretty sure he’s sporting right now. All while shoving yet another fry into his mouth, grotesquely salted and without a drop of ketchup. His mixed accent spills only after the potato had already been chewed, a polite man who eats with his elbows on the table.
He grabs another fry and begins gesticulating. A napkin would help here, but he’d already pushed his own towards the forensic, case she’d like to transform it into a shape more magnificent than his greasy fingers could ever hope to dream of.
It’s probably not a good thing that he’s this familiar with someone from law enforcement solely because he keeps getting dragged into the nearest station after getting his ass ceremoniously handed to him by his boyfriend’s brother.
No amount of ‘but officer, it was consensual, we were sparring!’ would convince the questioner, especially once you took a look at Zagreus’ state and the complete lack of impairment on Charon’s anything.
To be fair, though, the reason he’s actually in any way familiar with this member of the LAPD is because he’d asked about the origami littering so many desks, and not because he'd fucked up enough to have to involve forensics.
“You’d think having only one child you have actual direct communicative access to would make him more likely to expend a minute amount of care towards said child, alas,” he sighs.
Then he offers a smile. “Sorry for rambling, by the way. How was your day?”
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