#ai defending hikaru
As you said your considering watching "Star Twinkle Pretty Cure" loke with Heartcatch plan too do reviews??
I just finished Episode 16 a few days ago, so I’m about a third of the way into the series. I’ll give my thoughts on it so far.
While I still prefer Tsubomi for her character development, I think Hikaru/Cure Star is a very likable lead with all of the energy she brings to the table. I like how she’s a shameless sci-fi nerd with her love for all things space, mainly constellations and aliens as shown in the first episode. She’s just so full of optimism and eagerness, she fills the role of leader well with how she can easily rally the other Cures. A good example of this was in one episode where Hikaru drew up a redesign for the team’s damaged rocket ship (which I’ll get to later) that the other Cures like so much, they manage to get the repairs done much quicker despite spending some time adding on accessories because of how motivated they are. This is a kind of character trait I really like seeing for leaders, being able to motivate the others to do things outside of the battlefield. Hikaru is just a really fun character so far, and is currently my favorite this season.
Lala/Cure Milky is also a really interesting character so far. Being an alien, most of her episodes deal with her getting to know the human race and its cultures, mainly through her friendship with Hikaru. She starts off more apprehensive to her situation on Earth, but does become more open to learning more. At the same time, this does lead to a flaw where she tends to blindly focus on pure logic and hates failure, much like a certain other alien primarily dressed in blue. There’s an episode where Lala transfers to Hikaru’s middle school and has a pretty bad first day with how little she understands the social protocol, and the next day, she relies on her AI to help her blend in more and understand to the point where she forces herself to stop using her verbal tic “-lun” at the end of her sentences. It shows how much she hates failure, and it says a lot about her character. She still manages to grow past this flaw a little, and I’m looking forward to seeing how else she develops in the series.
Elena/Cure Soleil is basically the big sister of the team kind of like Yuri from Heartcatch, though without the added baggage the latter had for most of her series. She’s referred to as “The Sun of Mihoshi Middle School” by the other characters. Really subtle there, writers. Granted, it’s referring to her friendly attitude towards her fellow students mixed with her athletic skills, which naturally draws a lot of students to admire and look up to her, even Hikaru. Unlike Itsuki, she’s much more relaxed around others and even asks Hikaru to stop referring to her as her sempai, especially since Hikaru has seniority over Elena as a Precure. She’s generally the more level-headed one of the team, and tends to rely on diplomacy more often, like when she diffuses an argument between Hikaru and Lala early on, and later helps to convince some aliens to hand over one of the MacGuffins/toy tie-ins, the Princess Star Color Pens peacefully after helping to defend their planet. From what I’ve heard, Elena and the fourth Cure were added to the show last-minute thanks to executives, but I think Elena fits in with the cast pretty well so far.
Likewise, Madoka/Cure Selene is referred to as “The Moon of Mihoshi Middle School” because she’s... high-class? Fancy? Rich? She’s basically meant to be a foil to Elena in some regards. While Elena is more lax and friendly, Madoka is more stoic and a bit of a perfectionist. While Elena has a happy relationship with her family, Madoka has a much more tense relationship with her father who hates aliens for no reason, and will take any chance he gets to remind the audience how much of an asshole he is. I think he’s running for the Worst Father in Animation Award after hearing Gabriel Agreste won it three years in a row. Madoka generally has the hardest time as a Precure because of how she has to keep it a secret from her xenophobic father, and seems to be struggling with her loyalty. This is mainly because I’m so sick of family drama from Miraculous, but Madoka’s character arc revolving around her relationship with her dad is honestly why she’s my least favorite out of the four.
Fuwa is nothing more than a plot device/cute thing to look at. I mean, at least the fairies in Heartcatch could actually speak in complete sentences, and not say their names like a Pokemon. Prunce is honestly a much more memorable character with his dialogue and plays the role as comic relief well.
I really like the villains so far. They’re all aliens based off Yokai and have their own approaches to the monster of the week formula. Kappard (a Kappa), is a vain warrior who tends to use the imaginations of others to create new weapons to use against the team. Tenjo (a Tengu), views her troops as pawns and uses the the imaginations of others to turn them into giant versions of the show’s grunts, the Nottorei. Aiwarn (a Hitotsume-kozo), is a trickster who uses corrupted Princess Star Color Pens to create the true monsters of the week, the Nottoriga, using the imagination of others. There’s also an Oni-themed alien who’s their boss, but he hasn’t really done much yet. Overall, these villains have some really creative motifs that I really want to see more of. It kind of reminds me of the movie Treasure Planet which did something similar by combining fantasy with sci-fi.
Another thing I really like about this show is how it generally plays with certain sci-fi tropes. The very first time the team goes out into space to search for one of the Princess Star Color Pens, they get into trouble with the locals, who see it as a sacred artifact, and even before that, look down on the Cures for not having fur like they do. It’s a pretty realistic depiction of making first contact with an alien race like that. Another interesting episode is in the aforementioned episode where Lala goes to school for the first time. You’d think that since her kind work are automatically educated by artificial intelligence, she’d be really smart, right? Actually, because of how much she’s relied on an AI to help her do everything, she’s so inept that she can’t even calculate double digits in class like 15+10, and generally struggles on her first day of school.
Generally, I’m really enjoying the show so far, and I’m looking forward to continuing it.
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darkershining · 4 years
Just watched episode 44 of Star Twinkle Pretty Cure.
The episode begins with something falling from the sky, while the Cures are in their rocket, celebrating Christmas and teaching Lala and Yuni about the traditions and Santa Claus. Abraham suddenly calls to let them know of a spaceship that crash-landed nearby, and asks them to go investigate and see if the owner of the spaceship needs any help. As they approach the crashed spaceship, Hikaru wonders if this might be Santa Claus himself.
Turns out that while it’s not quite Santa Claus, it’s not too far off either, as this young alien with a spaceship carried by robotic reindeer is a Santanian, an alien race that Yuni had previously encountered.
On the Notraiders’ planet, Darknest is seen leaving his throne, slowly walking down the stairs.
Yuni explains how the Santanians are aliens who deliver presents simply because they like surprising people. The alien was about to go on his delivery with the help of his robot assistant, but due to damage from the crash, the robot ends up malfunctioning. They bring the robot back to the Cures’ rocket, where the AI analyzes the damage and begins reparations. However, with the estimated time it’ll take for the repairs to be done meaning the alien wouldn’t be able to make his deliveries in time, Hikaru and the others offer to help out instead.
They meet up again at the rocket later in the night, getting dressed in Santa outfits for the occasion. Due to the damage to the Santanian’s spaceship only having received some emergency repairs, the ship can’t move as fast, so Fuwa helps out by using her warping ability to shorten the travel time, and they begin their deliveries.
Enjoying their time, Hikaru suggests they all do this again next year. With Hikaru bringing up next year, Elena tells the others that she has thought things over, and finally decided that she wants to be an interpreter like her mother, and thus she’ll start studying abroad. Hikaru asks Madoka if she’ll do the same, but Madoka says she’s still thinking it over. As they discuss the future, Hikaru asks Yuni what she’ll do once Planet Rainbow is restored. Yuni figures she’ll just go back home, to which Hikaru admits that she’ll miss her, but will be happy for her.
Fuwa tells Hikaru not to worry, offering to use her warp powers so that even if the Cures eventually go their separate ways, she can at any time make it so they can see each other whenever they want. Hikaru thanks Fuwa, and wishes that they can stay together forever.
The robot reindeer are suddenly struck by a green beam, as Darknest himself suddenly appears above them, demanding that the Cures hand over Fuwa.
The Cures transform, and try to fight him. Cure Soleil leaps into action first, but is sent flying and rescued by Prunce. Darknest then knocks Cure Milky and Selene off the ship, and Fuwa uses her warp power to move the ship below them so they can be saved. However, Fuwa is too exhausted afterwards to use her warp powers again. Cure Star and Cure Cosmo try to defend Fuwa, but Darknest continues to attack the ship, sending it crashing.
Prunce manages to grab the ship, but Cure Star and Fuwa fell off and Darknest chases after them. With her attacks not doing much, Cure Star resorts to using her powers to try to get some distance between herself and Darknest to keep him away from Fuwa. However, despite her efforts, Darknest manages to catch up.
As things look bad, the Cures’ rocket suddenly comes to her aid, and the other four Cures see an opening to unleash their attacks on Darknest. Cure Star eventually joins in with one more attack, before Fuwa initiates the Star Twinkle Imagination. The group attack breaks “Darknest’s” mask, revealing it to be just a Notraider dressed up to look like Darknest. The imposter Darknest is pulled back to the Notraiders planet, where the real Darknest notes that while his minion didn’t do as well as he hoped, it was still a successful test of the new armor.
The next day, the children the Cures delivered presents to are happy with their presents, and the Cures are pleased with their delivery job, as well as the fact that the delivery robot’s repairs were finished. The alien thanks the Cures for all their assistance, and heads back into space as the Cures wish him a merry Christmas.
Another really sweet episode! I liked the moment where the Cures talk about the future, as we get some closure to Elena’s arc with her finally having figured out what she wants to do in the future. I get the feeling this scene is also partially setting things up for what will fully unlock Hikaru’s Twinkle Imagination. I’m also getting the feeling that Fuwa might get get captured by the Notraiders in the near future. 
And I thought the twist with the fake Darknest was really clever. Looks like things are just about all set for the beginning of the final battle between the Cures and the Notraiders. 
I’ll be looking forward to the next episode!
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robertisgay-blog1 · 6 years
Tatsunoko's the worth of Smiles TV Anime Previewed in Ad
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 The official Twitter account for Egao no Daika (The worth of Smiles), Tatsunoko Productions' (Speed Racer, Gatchaman, Time Bokan, Infini-T Force) fifty fifth day anime project, began streaming a 15-second ad on weekday for the show. The text within the ad reads, "This is that the story of 2 girls: one WHO saves the globe together with her smile, and one WHO will solely defend herself together with her smile."
The anime can premiere on the WOWOW, Tokyo MX, and YTV channels in Jan, and it'll have twelve 30-minute episodes.
The show stars:
Yumiri Hanamori as Yūki Soleil, a aristocrat of a kingdom that has lasted eons. The woman is innocent, naive, expressive, and sometimes happy, crying, or obtaining angry.
Saori Hayami as Frank Stella Shining, a lady WHO is often smiling once she deals with individuals. She additionally encompasses a reserved aspect, and is a wonderful soldier.
Tatsunoko describes the story:
On a planet removed from Earth, there's a kingdom filled with smiling faces. aristocrat Yūki is twelve years previous, and getting ready to enter a sensitive age in an exceedingly person's life. Everyday, she cries, laughs, and typically, her heart throbs excitedly. All the whereas, she lives blithely within the royal palace.
Filling her days with color area unit her loyal vassals: her tutor Reira, Izana WHO assists in political beliefs, the leader of the chivalry Harold … then, there's her childhood friend and aide Joshua.
"Yūki! If you have got spirit and guts, you'll be able to do anything!"
"…No, not this again! Joshua, be nobler!"
Stella is seventeen years previous and a capable, reserved soldier. However, she is often smiling ... for smiling is crucial to living.
This is a story of 2 women born on distant planets.
Toshimasa Suzuki (Lagrange - The Flower of Rin-ne, Fafner: Heaven and Earth) is guiding at Tatsunoko Productions, and Shinichi Inotsume (Hayate the Combat pantryman, PERSONA five the Animation) is responsible of the series scripts. NOB-C (Musasino!, Urawa no Usagi-chan) is attributable with the initial character styles, further because the original story idea with Hikaru Yuasa. Naoto Nakamura (Miss Monochrome assistant character style, highschool Fleet) is planning the characters for animation.
Kazuya Tanaka is guiding the sound, and Tsubasa Itō is composing the music. Chiho feat. majiko area unit activity the gap theme song "Egao no Kanata" (Beyond the Smiles) and also the creative person kimi no orphée is activity the ending theme song "Kono Sekai Ni Hanataba" (A Bouquet For This World).
 Dimension highschool Live-Action/Anime Hybrid Show Reveals additional solid
The official web site for the Chōjigen Kakumei Anime - Dimension highschool (Super-Dimensional Revolution Anime - Dimension High School) original live-action/anime TV show discovered 2 additional solid members and a teaser visual on weekday.
The show can have each live-action and anime elements, with Yuuichi Abe (Carino Coni, The woman in Twilight) as director, and Izumi (Touken Ranbu) as character designer. two-dimensional figure photos is enlivening the 3DCG animation elements, and also the actors themselves area unit activity motion capture for the animation.
The show can premiere in Jan on Japanese capital flux unit.
The antecedently discovered solid includes: (left to right in image above)
•           Takuma Zaiki as Tsuyoshi Kikawada
•           Shōhei Hashimoto as Yurio Mizukami
•           Takahide Ishii as Junpei Shiroyama
•           Takeo Ōtsuka as Ryūsei Midorigaoka
•           Toshiyuki Someya as Sōshi Momoya
The show's story centers on 5 highschool boys WHO area unit taking remedial categories, once they area unit suddenly sent across dimensions to Associate in Nursing anime world. The story develops as they cross between each the $64000 and anime worlds.
Ai Nimoda can launch a manga adaptation on the pixiv Sylph web site in Dec. The show additionally encompasses a radio program titled Dimension highschool - Hōkago Jishūshitsu (After college personal Study Room) that debuted on October nineteen on Radio port, Radio Cloud, and Nico Nico Channel, with Ishii and Ōtsuka as hosts.
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Tatsunoko's the value of Smiles TV Anime Previewed in Ad
Tumblr media
 The official Twitter account for Egao no Daika (The worth of Smiles), Tatsunoko Productions' (Speed Racer, Gatchaman, Time Bokan, Infini-T Force) fifty fifth day of remembrance anime project, began streaming a 15-second ad on Mon for the show. The text within the ad reads, "This is that the story of 2 girls: one UN agency saves the globe together with her smile, and one UN agency will solely defend herself together with her smile."
The anime can premiere on the WOWOW, Tokyo MX, and YTV channels in January, and it'll have twelve 30-minute episodes.
The show stars:
Yumiri Hanamori as Yūki Soleil, a aristocrat of a kingdom that has lasted eons. The lady is innocent, naive, expressive, and infrequently riant, crying, or obtaining angry.
Saori Hayami as Stella Shining, a lady UN agency is usually smiling once she deals with folks. She conjointly features a reserved aspect, and is a superb soldier.
Tatsunoko describes the story:
On a planet faraway from Earth, there's a kingdom packed with smiling faces. aristocrat Yūki is twelve years recent, and on the brink of enter a sensitive age in a very person's life. Everyday, she cries, laughs, and generally, her heart throbs excitedly. All the whereas, she lives mirthfully within the royal palace.
Filling her days with color ar her loyal vassals: her tutor Reira, Izana UN agency assists in dogmas, the leader of the chivalry Harold … and so, there's her childhood friend and aide Joshua.
"Yūki! If you have got spirit and guts, you'll do anything!"
"…No, not this again! Joshua, be nobler!"
Stella is seventeen years recent and a capable, reserved soldier. However, she is usually smiling ... for smiling is important to living.
This is a story of 2 women born on distant planets.
Toshimasa Suzuki (Lagrange - The Flower of Rin-ne, Fafner: Heaven and Earth) is guiding at Tatsunoko Productions, and Shinichi Inotsume (Hayate the Combat pantryman, PERSONA five the Animation) is answerable of the series scripts. NOB-C (Musasino!, Urawa no Usagi-chan) is attributable with the initial character styles, still because the original story idea with Hikaru Yuasa. Naoto Nakamura (Miss Monochrome assistant character style, highschool Fleet) is planning the characters for animation.
Kazuya Tanaka is guiding the sound, and Tsubasa Itō is composing the music. Chiho feat. majiko ar playing the gap theme song "Egao no Kanata" (Beyond the Smiles) and also the creative person kimi no orphée is playing the ending theme song "Kono Sekai Ni Hanataba" (A Bouquet For This World).
 Dimension highschool Live-Action/Anime Hybrid Show Reveals additional forged
The official web site for the Chōjigen Kakumei Anime - Dimension highschool (Super-Dimensional Revolution Anime - Dimension High School) original live-action/anime broadcast disclosed 2 additional forged members and a teaser visual on Mon.
The show can have each live-action and anime elements, with Yuuichi Abe (Carino Coni, The lady in Twilight) as director, and Izumi (Touken Ranbu) as character designer. two-dimensional figure photos is enlivening the 3DCG animation elements, and also the actors themselves ar playing motion capture for the animation.
The show can premiere in January on capital of Japan Mx.
The antecedently disclosed forged includes: (left to right in image above)
•           Takuma Zaiki as Tsuyoshi Kikawada
•           Shōhei Hashimoto as Yurio Mizukami
•           Takahide Ishii as Junpei Shiroyama
•           Takeo Ōtsuka as Ryūsei Midorigaoka
•           Toshiyuki Someya as Sōshi Momoya
The show's story centers on 5 highschool boys UN agency ar taking remedial categories, once they ar suddenly sent across dimensions to AN anime world. The story develops as they cross between each the $64000 and anime worlds.
Ai Nimoda can launch a manga adaptation on the pixiv Sylph web site in Dec. The show conjointly features a radio program titled Dimension highschool - Hōkago Jishūshitsu (After college non-public Study Room) that debuted on October nineteen on Radio port, Radio Cloud, and Nico Nico Channel, with Ishii and Ōtsuka as hosts.
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