#ahsgydjbfkdj I don't know how to deal with this kinda stuff
mxmanynames · 26 days
Hi, Writer Waddle Dee! Out of all the stories you’ve written, which one is your favourite? I’m looking for new things to read between shows.
- from Cosmo @poppybros-jr
Ah, hello Cosmo!
My favorite book, you say? Oh, I can't remember the name for the life of me- but my favorite has to be the one where a magical waddle dee with ancient heritage falls in love with another (one without magical powers) and has to deal with ancestory shame (or, at least they think their ancestors are shameful of them).
I'm a big fan of romance and, even though it's not my most popular piece, it was a lot of fun to write!
Thanks for asking, Cosmo! Hope this helps!
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