#afo's a dragon confirmed?
rain-coat-killer · 2 years
Ok, so there is actually rain and strange weather phenomenon happening in other places at the moment in the manga.
I've thought since Lady Nagant's battle that Afo may or may not have a quirk that controls the rain.
Some Eastern dragons are said to bring rain...and Western dragons typically breathe fire.
Hmmm.... Ah yes-
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marunalu · 15 days
The leaks are real but something just feels off about the chapter itself. While we’ve seen in a previous flashback(forgot which one), that Overhaul was very likely to be one of the orphan children prior to joining the Yakuza, it’s just the overall flow of the chapter just makes it seem unsatisfying and resulting in plot holes. Like AFO considered training teenagers to be his double but it seems rather forced to ask Kotaro to have another child and Hana doesn’t seem to reached double digits. Or copying the Overhaul Quirk and making decay out of it would mean that Afo and Garaki could’ve fixed the former’s issues unless Touya destroyed it by accident. And then there’s the situation where technically, only Bakugo won while every other student didn’t achieve their goals(Shoto, Ochaco and Izuku) and that chapter 420 is going to match a certain someone’s birthday.
It actually would make sense though to have the side characters beat AFO but having the other fights not mentioned yet be done off screen is still unsatisfying.
We know that in real life, Hori has health issues due to working with Shonen Jump and having the Dragon Ball creator die last month is very likely to make things more somber. I’m not going to be surprised if he had someone else draw some pages(unless the change in artstyle somehow is a plot point).
Isn’t MHA Izuku’s retelling of the events to someone? Overhaul or Eri are likely to be the Macguffins to give Izuku his arms back given what we’ve seen with Eri earlier so we’re going to have some chapters of celebration of the “win” and a small epilogue.
At least we have fan fiction since it’s very likely that people will ignore the ending.
Yeah this chapter feels soooo off! And dont let me start talking about all the plot holes and how a single chapter managed to destroy over the years built up plotpoints. Like you said WHY would afo and garaki not use the overhaul copy on afo to heal him ESPICIALLY because afo told garaki once "then hurry up and fix me doctor" after garaki mentioned that they havent found a fitting regeneration quirk yet and you are telling me THEY WOULDNT USE THE OVERHAUL COPY TO ARCHIVE THAT??? It was made clear afo wanted to get back to full health but he doesnt use the quirk that could fix him in ONE MINUTE??? Or an other plot hole: afo somehow (dont show just tell) managed to convince the shimuras to have an other child because he considered hana to old to get manipulated DESPITE that he owns orphanages full of children older then or around hanas age even TEENAGE touya and chisaki he considered as fitting vessels if tomura shouldnt work out but HANA was to old??? This is literally retconning what was already confirmed as facts!
And about bakugou: well he is horis golden child so OF COURSE only he is allowed to win since his character is all about winning. And unlike izuku, ochako and shoto he had ZERO emotional connection to afo. No deep. No feelings. Just to give bakugoubitch a win by giving the bad guy the final killing blow, immediately praised for doing so as if afo wasnt already half dead and severly weakend by dotzens of other heroes before who did so much more but BAKUGOU gets the praise (to be fair he did say it was a group effort but he still was the one who was praised first as if he did it all alone)! The ironic thing is bakugou did exactly what he always does: winning by killing. How ironic. Just a few chapters before we got afos backstory which revealed he was a victim of society too but I guess simply killing these kind of people changes everything to the better. Their society will not change. There will just show up an other afo or tomura at one point. Bakugou was allowed to beat and kill the main villain he had no relationship with but izuku, ochako and shoto are not allowed to safe their villain counterparts they actually have a relationship with. I mean its very possible that toga is alive because she is nowhere to be found, but touya even if he survives made clear he will never forgive his family and most likely ending terrible disabled (except if deux ex machine eri will be used here as well) and izuku who FINALLY was able to reach tomura has to watch how he gets destroyed by afo. The leaks say afo completly destroyed tomuras mind so that means he is pretty much dead and only his body remains which is now in afos full control. No final confrontation between afo and yoichi. Nope yoichi is just gone and afo doesnt even look that pissed off about it.
There are fights completly left out. We dont really see any of the other students fight, we just get told they won. We dont see the confrontation between aizawa, mic and kurogiri and just need to accept they eventually reached him and if anything we will only get a small flashback of the events. Its so disappointing and lame. It feels like as if hori just wants to end the manga as fast as possible so he uses his beloved "tell dont show" way of writing.
About horis health issues. I get that. As a huge bleach fan I was so dissapointed how rushed the last arc of bleach was but I was able to understand why. Kubo had health issues too and was forced by shonen jump to end the manga in 10 chapters. No one was more pissed off about that but kubo and if he had been healthy bleach would have lasted at least for an other year. But with hori it feels different. It feels like as if he really just wants to end the whole thing because he lost his interest. The last few arcs have been not really well written. I dont know if akira toriyamas sudden death plays a role in this disaster of a chapter. I get that it was a shock for the manga world. I get that mangakas loved the guy. But maybe instead of rushing the plot and retconning already built plot points hori should just have taken a long break to get himself together if it really affected him that much AND to get rest. Toriyama still lives through his work and will inspire many new mangakas for the comming 50 years or more.
By the way Im not worried about izukus arms at all. Its obvious eri will get used as the deux ex machine to restore them. If its not her then overhaul but Im pretty positiv she will heal izuku. The thing is even if izuku gets finally his confrontation with afo its clear he will win and afo will die.... again. Wow, how creativ. The only thing I hope is that if dfo is canon then izuku will somehow reach afo to get at least a little bit of emotion in that fight and will convince him to let tomura go if there is still a chance to safe him. Im still to 100% sure dfo is canon by the way but I dont think it will have an statisfying outcome and will be rushed as hell.
All in all this was a very dissapointing outcome. I know the manga is not over yet so hori could still surprise us, but I dont have much hope left for a good and well written ending of the story. I really need to stop praising hori when he writes a REALLY good chapter like the one before, because everytime I do that the very next chapter is a pile of shit!
Sorry, if I sound so aggressive and harsh by the way, but this chapter really pissed me off. The ONLY thing I liked about it is the fact that its to 100% confirmed that afo can change his appearance which is a huge win for dfo. Also sorry for the rant and for possible gramatic errors but I wrote this whole thing in a hurry and most likely left a few dotzen things out that pissed me off. 😅
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kitsunefyuu · 2 years
This chapter...
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Honestly the only thing that got me hyped was Dabi showing he is literally too feral to die and AFO face reveal.
I am not surprised at Jeanist once again confirming Bakugou is dead his heart EXPLODED guys. I don’t know how dead he is but at the least he definitely isn’t ok with no pulse seems pretty dead to me.
Maybe will have some bull shit way he come back, and I’ll be disappointed because loses all impact.
Yes it common for MC in shonen to come back but let me tell you what those universes tend to have. Magic. Spirits. God/truths. LITERAL DRAGON BALLS THAT CAN DO WHATEVER.
Now tell me, what does MHA have that is comparable and I stg if someone says Eri I’m going to point out she’s a little girl and she hasn’t revived anyone prior. I don’t think it works on DEAD things or she be working her powers on dead lizards not living one losing their tails.
I expected jeanist to maybe use his quirk but nothing been shown that the only thing that might. But him saying there no pulse-
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uozlulu · 2 years
BnHA/MHA chapter 361 reaction and spoilers
Mirio’s comments about friends dislodges something in AFOraki’s structure and causes Tenko to speak. Then AFOraki thinks, ‘This body was complete! A perfect unification of Tomura Shigaraki and me - or so I thought? It seems there's a component that hasn't quite melted...’ which seems to confirm that in the restructure, AFO seems to bet a dominant force since AFOraki refers to Shigaraki being separate from a ‘me,’ which is presumably AFO. It also appears, because AFOraki wants to wrap this up quickly upon realistic there’s a crumb of Tenko that remains that perhaps this could destabilize something about AFO’s takeover of Shigaraki’s body. This also fits with the visual we had several chapters ago of Midoriya wanting to reach out to Tenko in the space where AFO and OFA existing with in the mind (soul?). That said, I’m still hoping for a Dragon Ball kind of conclusion to all this rather than Shigaraki just completely reverts to Tenko. It’d be nice to see Shigaraki get a kind of Vegeta ending where he’s still himself but away from his abuser and off with the League who genuinely like him, perhaps even on some kind of terms with Midoriya by the end of the series.
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pocketramblr · 2 years
Ideal Hisashi reveal:
Izuku talking to the vestiges about Aoyama and classmates and family and all that, and in that time it's revealed that Second never had any kids, but he did have a little brother and he basically pulled a Nana with him. Significant looks towards Yoichi may be sprinkled whenever in that sequence for many reasons.
Second finally shows his quirk in a flashback, breathing fire at AfO's face when getting his big ol scar
While Izuku is doing the same thing, fire breathing a villain- possibly while breaking Aoyama out of jail. How many parallels do you want.
(note that Second could barely breathe a candle sized flame, but izuku is full on dragon)
Readers are torn between the possibility that 1- AfO took the fire breathing quirk from the brother and is Hisashi 2- AfO took some other fire breathing quirk unrelated and is Hisashi 3- Second is Izuku's great million uncle (3a- who has a family habit of leaving family in order to avoid AfO) (3b- with unconnected family leaving habits) 4- Hisashi is unrelated to either of these as fire type quirks are pretty common, I even hear there are raccoons with them, 5- Hisashi is Lunch Rush with several possible connections to the statements above
Nothing is ever confirmed. Izuku beats AfO and ignores his final monologue to save Tenko so we don't know what he said. It doesn't matter, saving people does.
The last panel of the penultimate chapter is Izuku walking through a door, surprised, and saying "hi mom, dad."
The two weeks that follow feature insane resurgences of all five theory groups
The last chapter reveals Izuku walked in and saw Inko and Toshinori, who surprised him with a big katsudon dinner and some homemade hero merch
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class1akids · 3 years
BNHA 297 - Thoughts
So I was really hoping to get hospital and kids, but instead we got prison break, which Greek mythology references, some social commentary from Meatball Guy’s dad (also maybe foreshadowing that at least a part of society will call for more drastic treatment of prisoners. Also to show that yeah, they don’t consider them human).
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 ShigAFO riding his dragon nomu 
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and a new mysterious villain lady (prisoner 656698) who is either related to someone or is suffering from same-face syndrome. 
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It feels kind of wasteful that we spend so much panel time explaining all the security systems and then the break-out is basically like ziiiiiip - zaaaaaaaap, but we are reminded that it takes not one, but two AFOs (being in hive-mind) and seven nomus to achieve this. 
As far as I understand the action - ShigaAFO disables the main electrical system with an EMP attack, and the 3 seconds it takes for the back-up generator to come on line PruneAFO destroys the equipment from the inside that kills prisoners if they even “think about using their quirks”. It needed perfect timing - so it means the two AFO consciousness is basically the same, but we already new that. 
Highlights of the chapter are - AFO and Shigaraki bickering inside their consciousness:
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AFO confirms what we already knew - that he’s planning to make Shigaraki not simply his heir, but literally the next “him” - whether this is by possessing his body through AFO consuming Shigaraki’s consciousness or something more, like fusing the two bodies - that is to be seen. 
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The escaped prisoners include Muscular, Moonfish, and mystery lady also frees the armless Overhaul (who used his forehead to bang on the door), who seems to want to go to Yakuza-boss.
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It does not include goat-head who was skewered by Moonfish together with the guards, who seem disappointingly useless for a high security prison. Unlike Class1a
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While Kurogiri and Stain were shown to be in Tartarus, so far they were not shown among the escaped prisoners. 
The escape is not complete, because well, the bridge was drawn up and Tartarus is 5 kms away from mainland. So the only way out is AFO (maybe using his nomu or Kurogiri’s warp or AFO’s own teleport), who promises freedom to those that submit to him.
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ShigAFO comes face to face with PruneAFO and well, MeatBall Dad is also part of this plan somehow apparently. PruneAFO is still stuck on the old comic they read with his brother like literally 9 generations ago and wants to prove that he’ll be the greatest demon lord. 
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I wonder if maybe Tomura will kill AFO’s body and that will play into AFO’s plan of possession where Tomura’s hatred and negative feelings are part of the hold. 
I’m also really curious what Stain (suicide squad theory intensifies) and Kurogiri do next. Stain does not seem to be the submitting type and well... the question is who does Kurogiri wake up as - would he be able to break his programming? But I lowkey hope he comes back with Tomura, because Kurogiri’s genuine care for him + occasional Shirakumo breakthroughs would make for an interesting dynamic with a Tomura who presumably will keep struggling against AFO’s chokehold on his mind. 
This is all good and fine, but can we please go back to the HOSPITAL and the Origin Trio now??????
Chapter recaps
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lumilasi · 3 years
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Finished her pretty quick, I just got an idea surprisingly fast. Also this confirms Ryuu has a type: Redhead, intelligent, wears lot of black and red lmao. Also her pose is a bit wonky, but eh. it shows her outfit well enough.
....This reminds me, I should rewrite Reidou’s bio somewhat, I don’t quite like her BG story yet. 
Anyway, further info below:
Age: 27 (she was 20 when she met Ryuu)
Sexuality: Bi
BASICS (Pros in normal, cons in bold)
Quirk name: Living ink
Ezuko is able to create ink-like substance into any surface she touches, basically allowing her to create tattoos and art pieces without needing tools. She just needs to imagine what she wants the picture look like, or have a reference to look at. She can also turn liquids into this inky substance.
Ezuko tends to need more time and proper focus if she wants to create larger and more intricate designs. For her to create these images or change a liquid into ink, she does need to be touching the object/liquid.
She can easily create tattoos for people with her ability that is pretty much pain free, or graffiti or even basically change the color and design of an entire building, piece of clothing, etc.
The image she’s made, she can shift and change and make move however she wants, even after a long time. She can use these moving images to even temporarily blind people by making the image shift around their eyes.
The process in some cases take even longer than doing the same tattoo traditionally would take, at least if the image is complex and large, and she doesn’t have proper references for it.
For her to be able to make the pictures move, she usually requires having been touching the object/person minimum of five seconds.
Her quirk ultimately is not meant for combat, and she can’t really use her drawings in a fight, only disorient them to either flee or find a chance to use her liquid shifting ability.
Ezuko’s ability to change liquids into ink can allow her (accidentally or on purpose) to turn a person’s blood into ink and basically poison them to death near instantly. 
She can neutralize liquid based attacks as well by turning them to her ink, which will automatically start to listen to her commands.
She is immune to most acids and poisons (non-digested ones) because she automatically turns these things into ink when they touch her. It’s not her quirk being passive however, but rather a survival reaction she has developed. 
In order to do this, she needs to be able to touch the liquid she wants to change, which means in a case of a fight, she needs to either make the person bleed (or get them to spit or whatever, she prefers the blood as its “easier.”)
Ezuko tends to be fairly blunt, no nonsense type of person. She’s mostly pretty calm and level headed even in tight situations, but when her temper flares it can be pretty bad. She’s gonna let you hear where you screwed up exactly, in other words. 
Ezuko tends to not like people with “strong” quirks by default, because the whole obsession over quirks let to her family disowning her for not having a “good enough” power and wanting to do something else than be a hero or have some other profilic career. She can change her mind about you (like she did with Ryuu) once she gets to know you better, and sees you’re not putting all your value as a person on your power. 
She’s quite intelligent and enjoys reading and learning about a lot of different things, partly because it helps her imagination run wilder and thus makes it faster to create her images. 
BACKGROUND STORY (A quick summary, details may develop)
Ezuko was born to parents who were all about status, and quite disappointed to find out her quirk wasn’t suitable for heroism. They then tried to push her for something else that could rise their wealth and standing in society. Ezuko herself didn’t want to do this, dealing with a lot of arguments and abusive language from them, up until she moved out at age 18, heading to study arts. After that her family basically disowned her, refusing to even answer her calls. Ezuko quit trying to reach them, figuring she’d be better off without.
Then, when she was doing an apprenticeship in a tattoo parlor, she ended up having to deal with an abusive customer one evening, where he started harassing her. In a panic, she ended up discovering another, unfortunate side-effect of her quirk, where during the struggle she managed to make the guy bleed, and then swiftly turned his blood into ink, killing him near instantly. Some local residents came to see the commotion, and instead of asking her side of the story just automatically began to call her a murderer as the customer was a regular, forcing her to flee the scene. 
The local press and everybody around there started to exaggerate her temper and further paint her in a bad light, forcing Ezuko to flee the place altogether. She tried to reach for her parents for help, but they refused to help her, believing the media that she’d done it on purpose.
Sometime during her runaway spree she ran into Ryuu, who’d only recently gained lot of notoriety, though the girl was unaware of this. He helped her in a fight against some thugs, and she brings the injured Ryuu into her hideout to fix his injuries. They stick together for a bit, and Ryuu even brings her to a person he knows that generally tends to help out with people like her - a broker named Giran. Giran let’s her work in his bar, also making sure that everybody knew not to bother her as that’d be a bad idea. He even helps her to get a place to stay in eventually. Sometime during these years, she hears rumors about “Frostbite” having potentially died, which makes her a little sad initially, though Giran cheers her up be stating that there was probably more to the story than that.
Some years after that, she finds out about Ryuu being alive through Giran, as he sends her to bring something to “an old acquaintance” as the man put it. This said acquaintance turned out to be Ryuu.
Few more extra details;
- She’s the only person out of the people around Kain who actually understands his more scientific talk. They can end up having long conversations about a subject that none of the others have a clue of.
- Her name translates to “Paint” (Pandoru that she pronounces as pandora) and “illustration lake.” (Ezuko)
- The world she lives in is based on my fic Reanimate, which basically means there’s no league of villains, as Tenko never became “Shigaraki.” Giran is the only important member (outside of afo) that is still a criminal in this AU. Because of Kain’s dimension hopping ability, this doesn’t mean she doesn’t get to interact with the more villainous versions of the gang, though. 
- Ezuko made Ryuu’s dragon tattoo as a thank you for helping her.
- Her surname is bit of a pun, as it’s written as “Pandoru” aka paint, but after leaving home and her parents behind, she began saying it as “Pandora” referring to Pandora’s box as a bit of a darker joke about her choosing to go against her parents and thus unleashing a lot of bad things into her life. This proved to be even more accurate after the parlor incident. 
- Her parents wanted her to either find a way to become a hero with her quirk, or go into some other highly respected profession for status and money, when Ezuko just wanted to do something artistic.
- Ryuu actually didn’t start crushing on her until after they met again years later after their first meeting, when he and Kain returned from another eventful dimension hopping trip to visit their little sanctuary corner and friends, Wasabi and his mums. Up until then he’d seen her just as a friend/acquaintance
- Wasabi digs her a lot because they have similar hairstyles.
- The vine tattoo represents her quirk and spreads around her arms and shoulders more when using her quirk. When using it in extreme amounts (Like turning a large body of liquid into ink for example) her skin around those parts gets so covered it looks like she just has one large pitch black tattoo covering those areas, and you can no longer see the vine details. 
Also, the ref sheet base was made by yourultraarchive as usual
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makeste · 4 years
Who is the bitch in the first year hero courses most down for murder, do you think? Surprisingly, despite being the only one to actually MAKE death threats, I'm mot sure Bakugou is all that high up there? When you've got Todo freezing people from the inside out, Mushroom Girl choking people, Honenuki drowning people and dropping industrial chimneys on them etc etc... What would your rankings be?
what better way to spend a Sunday evening than by ranking all of U.A.’s first-year students by murder.
disclaimer: I am doing this for fun and this entire post is ridiculous so please do not take it too seriously. also just a heads up, this post contains some recent manga spoilers as well as a couple of spoilers for Heroes Rising. now then, let’s quantify these bloodthirsty little savages.
okay so despite being entirely too plus ultra for their own good, approximately 99% of these kids would never dream of doing any kind of permanent harm to another living being. so I’m just listing the first thirty in no particular order, and then we’ll get to ranking the top ten.
despite having that brief moment in chapter 167 where virtually everyone thought he was a serial killer, Aoyama is actually a good boy. a bit stalkerish, maybe.
Mina did dream up that one attack where Ochako floats her up in the air so that she can rain acid down on people, which is slightly homicidal. but she’s not a killer. honestly if she was we’d all be dead already. see: thicc Girl Noumu.
if Tsuyu had ever killed someone she would have already told everyone all about it because she is open about these things so safe to say she is not a killer.
all Ochako wants to do is help and support people. she can be pretty hardcore from time to time but my baby girl would never. not to say that villain wouldn’t be a good look on her. I still get a shiver up my spine remembering that one time Toga turned into her and demonstrated exactly how deadly her quirk could be.
nah. the worst thing Ojiro has ever done was throwing his empty plain yogurt cup into the wrong recycling bin by accident, and he felt terrible about it afterward.
real talk, Kaminari could very easily kill a ton of people with his quirk if he actually tried. but he hasn’t, because he is only two and is too busy learning his shapes and colors and leaving his lego duplo blocks all over the carpet for other people to trip on.
do I even have to justify this at all. duh Kirishima doesn’t murder people sorry to anyone who came into this post all excited to read a big paragraph going off about Kiri’s raw bloodlust. I don’t know what you expected.
Kouda is probably deadlier than everyone thinks. imagine him commanding, say, a mob of giant hornets to swarm and kill someone. it’s a good thing he wouldn’t actually hurt a fly.
I sat here for a while thinking about what I could say about Satou. but just. can you picture him killing a guy? nah, me neither.
one of the things I like about Shouji is that he looks older than he is, and kind of creepy, what with the masked face and the freaky tentacle arms and all the like. and so he very likely experienced some of that good old fashioned quirk racism growing up, and people were afraid of him and/or thought he would become a villain. but instead he decided to become a hero. and I think that says so much about Shouji’s character. it reminds me a lot of Shinsou; his desire to become a hero was so strong that he overcame prejudice and circumstances which could just have easily have led to him becoming a villain (and in fact, it’s not all that different from some of the actual villain backstories). anyway so yeah no murder for him.
I think she would consider killing anyone who ever hurt Momo or Kami, but aside from that NO because she is a good pure girl who loves music and rocking out and putting smiles on people’s faces.
poor Sero is so not-murdery that when he does get pitted against someone with more murdery energy such as Todoroki, he basically gets immediately overwhelmed and everyone is just kind of wincing and then timidly applauding him and saying “good try.” that’s Sero’s life. he would just sit there and get murdered rather than going in for the kill. he’s a good bro.
needs several restraining orders filed against him, but wouldn’t actually kill someone.
well one time she did explode a grenade in Aizawa’s face. but no.
now we have come to the 1-B kids. I will give brief descriptions in case you, like me, sometimes have trouble remembering their names. so, Awase! the welding, Momo-rescuing one. he is not murdery.
the rotating limbs one. one of the least murdery kids in the fairly murderous 1-B on account of his quirk is just too ridiculous. sorry Sen.
the Tokoyami one. more likely to bore you to tears talking about death than actually kill someone. which is too bad because he honestly would make a pretty bitching assassin.
would say she’s probably in the top fifteen. god I love her quirk so much. just want her to slap some bitches to death. but she probably wouldn’t.
the growly monster one. he does get some bonus points for tending to lose control once he goes full beastmode and werewolfs out. and he is fairly deadly.
the roly poly double smashy one. it’s actually only a matter of time before Shouda kills someone, most likely. his quirk is way too dangerous, and the thing is, it’s probably hard for him to tell how dangerous a particular impact is going to be beforehand. one of these days it’s gonna be way stronger than he intends and somebody’s neck is gonna get snapped.
never forget that time Pony stabbed Ojiro and Shouji like a dozen times and everybody was just cool with it.
the air platform one. he did try to suffocate Kouda that one time.
only if he’s fighting Shouto. or teamed up with Shouto. then all bets are off as to whether or not he’s going to drill his superheated steel fist right through somebody’s face.
the severed limbs one. she just has kind of a murdery vibe to her. stalking everyone with her various body parts. yuuugh. I bet if she did kill someone nobody would ever be able to prove it was her.
the speech bubble head one. is going to destroy so much public and private property once he’s set loose on the streets. but no deaths.
the glue one. and nah, Bondo is cool.
the Ant-Man one. doesn’t strike me as particularly murderous, I even went and reread her part of the joint training arc to confirm it. she’s fine.
the kung fu dragon one. not especially murdery. overall probably one of the least bloodthirsty in class 1-B in fact.
the vines one. she’s extremely murdery. I can’t be the only one who thinks that, can I? Shiozaki scares the shit out of me. if I were Kaminari I would have nightmares about her.
would murder every single member of class 1-A if he could. would be the criminal in a Detective Conan two-parter. would give a long monologue about always being the side character and never in the starring role until one day he finally couldn’t take it anymore and snapped. why does his hero costume make it look as though he’s going to steal a bunch of famous jewels out from under everyone’s noses. nah but I’m just kidding and Monoma would never actually kill someone. but one day he’s probably going to be framed for murder by a villain and Kendou and Shinsou will have to team up to defend him and catch the real culprit.
10. Yanagi
the creepy pale ghost-girl-looking one. contrary to what you are probably all thinking, her high ranking isn’t just because of her general horror film vibe, but also because she attempted to bludgeon Mina to death during the joint battle arc. but also yes it is because of her general horror film vibe.
9. Kamakiri
the stabby one. he’s up here because I’m pretty sure he tried to kill Jirou that one time. like what was he even gonna do if Bakugou hadn’t stepped in. though to be fair I don’t think he actually had his knives out at the time so maybe he was just gonna elbow her in the face or something idk.
8. Bakugou
I agree with you that Bakugou is much more bark than bite, anon. and not only is he remarkably careful and precise with his quirk and good at avoiding any collateral damage (and even better IMO ever since his supplementary training), I think that due to his various struggles with being perceived as a villain and also trying to find his own understanding of what being a hero means, he’s probably more self-aware than most of the other kids at this point when it comes to matters of “is this morally okay.” so in spite of his generally violent demeanor, I very much doubt he ever would or could actually kill someone. but he’s in the top ten because his high shounen protagonist levels do place him in the “would potentially go apeshit if and when something happened to someone he cares about” category, though. and also because he and Deku did basically attempt to disintegrate Nine, and then when Nine just dropped off the face of the earth afterwards, no one even bothered to wonder what had happened to him. which leads me to wonder if Deku and Katsuki straight up assume they did in fact kill him and just dgaf.
7. Deku
see above re: Nine. and also he may have to kill AFO one day. so while he probably wouldn’t be happy about it, I think he could still potentially do it. and also because he absolutely does lose his gotdamn mind every time someone hurts one of his friends, and especially Kacchan, and I could picture him just snapping if something really awful ever actually did happen. I don’t think it would in canon because it’s just way too dark, but I don’t think it’d be out of character if he did.
6. Iida
literally tracked down the villain who attacked his brother with the full intent of personally killing said villain once he got his hands on him. true, Shouto and Deku talked him out of it in the end, but still. that was some real motherfucking killing intent. also I will never forget the image of this kid sitting his ass down in middle of the woods and mutilating his own goddamn body without any anesthesia. listen, everyone. just please, for your own safety, do not fuck with Iida.
5. Shouto
and now we reach the top five. listen, feel free to disagree, but I stand firm in my belief that out of all the non-traitor and non-demon-possessed children in class 1-A, Todoroki Shouto is absolutely the most likely to straight up just kill a bitch one day. this boy froze a man from the inside out until a tower of fucking ice was jutting out of his fucking throat, and was all “go ahead and hibernate for a while” like excuse me, THE FUCK. and the thing is, this wasn’t just a one-time occurrence either; he literally pulls this kind of shit ALL THE TIME. froze an entire fucking building with his classmates in it and was all “feel free to bring it on but fighting without the soles of your feet will be painful.” heh. what the fuck. and do you all remember when he fought Sero and was in a bad mood so he iced half the fucking stadium. nearly killed a few people right then and there. “I got carried away.” whaaaaaaat. and I could go on and on; he nearly burned poor Shindou alive, and basically the entirety of chapter 205 could have been submitted as evidence in a court of law had that training battle against Tetsutetsu gone only slightly differently. basically Shouto is an entirely too realistic portrayal of a very sweet but marginally unstable boy with a completely broken power and a shitload of unresolved personal trauma which he is still working through.
4. Honenuki
somehow more murdery than Todoroki “HIBERNATE!!” Shouto. this is entirely because of chapter 205, formerly the most murdery chapter of the entire series, and dethroned only by the recent chapter 266 for obvious reasons. anyway so during the joint training battle, Honenuki bludgeoned Todoroki in the back of the head and would probably have let his unconscious body slump into the softened ground to drown had Iida not saved him. he then proceeded to drop a water tower on top of the both of them. a whole-ass water tower. this was a fucking training exercise. and Honenuki was the only one who kept his calm throughout the entirely of said exercise. and he was praised for his calm murdering skills afterward. because he was fucking awesome tbh. anyway but the point is this is supposed to be a hero school not an assassin school but I’m not really sure anymore you guys.
3. Tokoyami
my man would have straight up killed Moonfish in that forest and sure did try his best. he’s got the same issue as Todoroki in that his quirk is as powerful as it is unstable. and while he himself is not murdery, when Dark Shadow loses control, though… hooooh boy. I was gonna add something about him also interning under Takami “literally stabbed my friend in the neck for the greater good” Keigo, but I think that makes them both come off as more sinister than they actually are. I do think a big part of Tokoyami’s story is him overcoming his inner darkness and wresting control of it and mastering it, so I don’t think it’s very likely that he actually will kill someone in the story. but he’s got a murdery side, no two ways about it.
2. Toadette
straight up filled Tokoyami’s windpipe with mushrooms during a training exercise. he uses that to breathe, fyi. she then offered him a lozenge afterward. do not fuck with Toadette. do not. just don’t.
1. Hagakure
last but not least! Hagakure “hasn’t killed anyone officially but is also definitely the traitor” Tooru! y’all know how it is! I’m committed to this theory! I’d even be willing to put money on a reveal scene where she does just straight up kill someone, and that’s our cliffhanger establishing that the traitor is none other than! and this is coming up sooner than you might think too, guys. Horikoshi brought up the traitor again relatively recently during the Christmas Eve chapter, and that kind of foreshadowing isn’t for nothing. anyways I’m here for it though so bring on that body count you funky little turncoat.
so there you have it. my not-that-definitive definitive ranking of classes 1-A and 1-B by murderous inclination. there’s really not that much rhyme or reason to it tbh but this was fun, thank you anon!
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oddinss · 4 years
fav fics featuring Dabi
hello everyone! im not a “loud” reader, everything im capable of is “yoooooooo” and “JEEZ WHA WHAT WaS THAT WhAT A ROLLER CoAsTER” in comments (my russian brain is shutting down sometimes and i still dont even have an acc on AO3), yet here is PART ONE of my absolute favorites in fandom
1. mr.famous by yee_san  Just absolutely golden wrong number AU, a chat of Dabi and Hawks, who of course don’t give a clue who they are chatting with.
2. Fever Dream by sushibomb Everyone’s favorite trope: sick Dabs and tired-of-being-alive Hawks
3. a day in your life by thishasbeencary Hawks and Dabs bodyswap! And waiting for the effect to wear off together
4. SERIES “these words twist my tongue and break my bones” by paradoxx1 Dabi struggles and yet still is a little bitch! LOVED THAT. Fics:  - An Unwanted Intervention Aizawa and Dabi interactions are something I live for and here they are just… juicy and good! A summary alone made me wheeze in an instant (I totally LOVE crack-style). Basically, everything starts when Aizawa finds injured and drugged Dabi on his doorstep. - Énouement Dabi saves Yagi’s life, they stuck under collapsed building, and OF COURSE dabi almost dies.
5. in a crowd of thousands by blueskiddoo ​  Well, Hawks had an idea for Dabi to pretend being Touya. I laughed at the beginning but the last chapters… man…
6. Keep the Homefires Burning by kurakynr, museflight, origamidragons, saccha, starship_phoenix, toomanybookstoread  This is one of the COOLEST written and plotted stories in fandom! Kingdom!au, where the prince Shouto is cursed and become a dragon, trying to survive and break the curse alongside with two other dragons: Dabi and Kirishima. Oh, by the way, Shoto believes, Dabi is the one who killed his brother, Touya.
7. cold-blooded by wellthengetouttathesoupaisle Hawks is stuck in snow storm, his phone is dead and he is one step from being dead too. Dabihawks!
8. SERIES “Dabi Says Fuck the Human Species: Artificial Natural Selection Addition” by cereal_whore  last in this list but not the LEAST (ima rapper), crack-queen of this fandom. fics are getting updated!!!!!!! i thought i wont see this historical moment... I cackle ALL the time, theyre so good, ill leave parts of original summaries  - clean up in aisle forty! (down childhood lane) Dabi, sobering from a drug-induced high at the feet of the tired UA staff, finds himself quirkless and with two choices: either face prison, or become what is essentially an unpaid janitor on house arrest, babysitting a body of uncivilized students who fear no god.  - family, happy meal toys, and other plastic things When Dabi walks out of McDonalds without his order but instead a job.  - Artifical Parenthood, Affectionate Brotherhood Todoroki Shouto just wants joint custody over his own older brother who's now inexplicably ten-years-old.  - The Danny Phantom Effect (but like, with australian subtitles) Shouto gets hit by a quirk with ghostly properties, and only Dabi can see him. Then, through unknown laws of this quirk, it's somehow transferable between them, confirming that they're utterly dependent on each others' existences. - paper crowns Dabi agreed to being adopted by a freak called Afo, solely because the nobleman promised to cook the raw chicken he stole earlier that day.
PS lets rest our brains and souls after 267.... PPS i literally have 200 open ao3 tabs so ill make part 2 for sure
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thequietmanno1 · 4 years
Thelreads, MHA 217, Replies Part 2
1) “Oh my god this shit is going to be GOOD. REALLY GOOD. Now I want to see you bullshiting your way out of this one Midoriya, your boyfriend just got excited to know you two have so much in common, how are you going to break his heart?”-Man, I can’t wait to see how Todoroki reacts to Midoira busting out the other 5 quirks and leaving him behind in terms of duel-wielding powers. Also, this is confirmation that technically Todoroki’s quirk counts as a 2-in-1 deal for quirk powers, even if they’re both aspects of the same power.
2) “That was some cold shade you threw right there Todoroki, hot damn. Well, at least Midoriya is keeping it simple, he never saw it happening before, didn’t even knew it could happen, and technically he told the truth by saying it was derived from his original quirk. Technically.”-It makes sense that Todoroki would be a little miffed at Midoira, considering his whole character development and subsequent arcs dealing with his more positive outlook now look like they were founded on a lie, given Midoira appears to have not been taking his own advice the whole time they were fighting (which incidentally makes Todoroki the third of his rivals to be irked by Midoria apparently hiding this power until the most recent fight) but Midoria honestly doesn’t have to lie much when explaining how he doesn’t know much about how it activated or that he even had that power in the first place. If this keeps up, his classmates won’t be fazed by him pulling new powers out of nowhere in subsequent battles, like firing dragon-shaped energy constructs in a kamahameha blast. 
In fact, the more interesting conversations are going to be how he finds ways to explain each subsequent new power to his classmates as being derived from his quirk, even with the opportunity to update his quirk classification, there’s going to be major adjustments every time he unlocks a new ability, and the more varied they are, the more difficult it’s going to be to explain them away. This might actually become a major problem for izuku, as while it’ll help cut down the comparisons between him and All Might, more people might begin drawing comparisons between him and AFO instead, especially since Izuku aims to become a number 1 hero, and thus a major public figure, having multiple powers available is going to be a massive problem for him to find a way to adequately explain it all away. That said, I am really looking forward to the next 2 sports festivals, since Midoira already got a reputation as a crazed lunatic from his first appearance, widespread enough that even Gentle knew who he was with little reference, showing his new powers and abilities at the next festivals will serve as a major PR boost for him, since Criminals will know he’s got multiple abilities that each put him on a level higher than them if they see him on sight.
3) “Oh no, I know exactly what will happen…”- Like medicine, sometimes what’s best for you is a very bitter pill to swallow, but the fact is that Todoroki needs to have more control over his fire half if he wants to make the most of it, and, just like he learned a lot about being a top hero from his father during the internship, there’s no-one better to learn his fire control techniques from. At least Endeavour is undergoing massive character development of his own at the same time, so subsequent training could be a good way for him to showcase his development through taking a kinder, more supportive role than he did previously when he was blinded by surpassing All Might.
4) “Endeavor, please, can you put the criminal away before you start texting your kid? Oh my god that poor bastard, wasn’t even given the privilege of a normal arrest.”-It looks more like endeavour responded the instant he heard Shoto’s text, even mid-arrest. Granted, it does show his skills and his strength to be able to handle taking down a criminal one-handed whilst also checking his recent messages- wish I could do that with some of my work- but it also seems to be another mark in the ‘aggressive fatherhood’ running gag.
5) “Alright, I got the idea. We haven’t seen that person as a hero, and Present mic just made a comparison with Shinso, so it definitely was someone whose quirk wasn’t enough to get them into the hero business, or at least wasn’t given the right opportunity to grow and show their worth. Like Shinso, they got the short end of the stick, and Aizawa doesn’t want it happen again.
Present mic definitely stays in touch with them, going by the way he’s talking, but Aizawa probably had a falling out. Crap, that’s sad.”- Yeah, to clarify, because I don’t know if somebody pointed it out, but shirakumo is the guy you can see chatting to mic in the brief flashback in 216, and he’s somebody that Aizawa and Mic were close with during their own school years. He hasn’t shown up in the present yet, but as a minor spoiler/incentive to read the spinoff, he does show up in a minor cameo role in vigilantes, since that’s a prequel to this main story, so it’ll let you get an idea of what his personality is like before Horikoshi finds a way to let Aizawa reconnect with his old school pal during another one of Class 1A’s plot-mandated shenanigans
NO MORE FULL MOONS”-You say you’re dealing with your persona craze, but you keep finding ways to make these shout-outs to the franchise, and Persona 3 in this case
7) “But I appreciate that Midoriya is officially the emotional support. He was invited just because Aizawa likes his presence. What, you thought he was Eri’s emotional support? Hell no, Aizawa can’t stand having to deal with both Mirio and Monoma at the same time.”-  Aizawa spent all that Time giving Dad support and Advice for Shinso, not to mention running 1A’s class activities, he’s barely had time to spend Dad hours with Eri. Therefore, her main emotional support right now comes from Midoria and Miro, the two people who put their lives on the line and managed to touch her heart at the culture festival. Not to say that Eri doesn’t like Aizawa or anything, it’s just she feels more safer and such around Miro and Midoira, preferably together, so Aizawa’s main role around Eri is to provide a level of comfort that she can’t accidentally erase anybody with her powers whilst he’s around, while she slowly warms up to him. I guess that makes Mira and Midoira akin to those support dogs who provide emotional stability for anxious kids outside the house, which reminds me…
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8) “Goddammit… Well, Eri’s power was in a whole new level, it makes sense that Monoma’s unable to copy the activating mechanism that makes it work. Probably for the best, it would be a problem if it went berserk like it did with Eri.”- more like he’s unable to overcome the inherent limitation that his own quirk’s timed function and ability to retain power only for a several minutes directly contradicts the restrictions imposed upon certain quirks that need to accumulate resources over a lengthy period to be effective. That said, it’s unclear what resource Eri is building up inside herself to gain enough power to unleash the healing wave, or even how she accumulates it in the first place, so if Monoma can help them understand that, maybe Eri could start learning how to accumulate energy faster, or start to control the amount she emits, or even focus the amount she emits in a single direction instead of an AOE, so it’s safer to use her power around others without fear of accidently catching someone who doesn’t need healing in the crossfire.
9) “Why you ask Midoriya? He could save mirio in the blink of an eye, and fix your arms.”-Granted, Eri herself is still able to use the whole build-up of energy anyway, so that’s always an option once she starts to master her power focusing, but it’s unclear if it would work well for either of them. Midoira kinda needs his body built up to a certain level to be able to handle the Full Cowling levels he currently can, so undoing that to put his arms back to a pre-broken state might be detrimental to him in the short-long term, especially with the recent reveal of the MLA and their own nefarious plans in the next arc, as well as the league and what they’re up to. Midoria’s caught up in ever-escalating events, so it might be that he simply won’t have a peaceful enough time to risk resetting his control of OFA and then train his body back up again before shit majorly hits the fan. As for Miro, the issue with him is that his body is ‘already’ reset- his quirk factor was hit with the reset function of Eri’s power, targeted only to that particular body function and no other, so resetting him back a few months may not undo the resetting of his quirk. 
It’s kinda like his quirk was reset out of existence, so there may be nothing for Eri to put back the way it was before. Additionally, Eri’s power only works in ‘reverse’ so using that on his quirk factor may not do anything at this junction except push the development of his quirk back even more. Overhaul did say that Eri’s power was to Rewind the ‘time’ of another, not that it de-ages them or resets things to a prior state, but that it literally turns the clock on their body backwards until they’re at a previous healthy state, so if Eri was to fix his powers, she’d need to work out how to unlock a ‘forward’ function to her quirk, allowing her to age people and, if she can target it, his quirk factor so it’s reset back to his current age. I mean, she only has the one asymmetrical horn on her head, so I’m kinda expecting her to grow another one to match, and that horn to contain the power to forward another’s time.
10) “They store power, and that can’t be copied.”- It’s a similar restriction to the one that prevented AFO from Stealing Best Jeanist’s quirk- some powers require time and investment to be able to be used properly, and whilst AFO may have the time and patience to spend practicing these abilities, to others that lack that patience or have limited time to use the abilities, it’s much harder to use these powers if you’re not willing or able to spend a lot of time learning how to use them from scratch. It’s actually quite similar to Midoria’s current problem with his new powers as well, come to think of it.
11) “Nice for you to realize now that Monoma could’ve fucking died back then Midoriya. A day later and it finally dawned to you.”-Well, he did kinda realise it at the time, given his panicked reaction to Monoma threatening to use his power, but the complete lack of exploded limbs and the pressing need to chase after Shinso at the time prevented him from really processing it, so he kinda assumed Monoma was bluffing at the time, or didn’t give it much thought until it got brought back up again.
12) “Emotional support, please help Eri as well, I think that Aizawa can deal with the two loudmouths for a few minutes.”- well, even the loudmouth coked off his head can tell there’s a time and an place for Tact, which isn’t always Aizawa’s strong suit- maybe half the reason he needed help with Emotional support for Eri is that he’s a bit too dry and forthright for his own good, even around a kid he’s trying to be gentle and caring towards.
13) “Oh that’s a fucking ominous call back right there. Yeah they definitely are playing that angle now, Midoriya is trying to deny that he is in any way similar to AfO, and this interaction with Eri, saying how the power isn’t evil, it just needs to be handled properly… Oh boy…
We’re in the endgame now, at least about this theory. I feel like we’ll know it soon enough…”- Yeah, it’s inevitable at this point that Midoria will start comparing himself to AFO when even characters like Bakugou and All Might, who know he’s the furthest thing from being like him, start drawing parallels between them. The real test is probably going to come when they final have an actual face-to-potato meeting, since here’s some murky connection between them that AFO seems to think is a funny joke, and he’s the only guy old enough to remember the punchline…
That said, no matter what happens between them this Power of OFA is something good for Midoria, it’s been formed willingly through people supporting and giving towards each other, and now their hopes are being given form through Midoira developing multiple abilities to rival AFO’s, at least in theory. It’s a matchup of Quality vs Quantity, only this time Midora’s got more moves in his arsenal that All Might did, and he’s got the brains to use all these new abilities simultaneously in similar ways to AFO himself during Kamino. Regardless of whatever the relationship between Midoria and AFO, Midora himself is somebody worthy of using these abilities given freely by the will of the past holders, as opposed to AFO forcibly stealing the powers against his victim’s will. That said, considering Midoria always wished for just the one power to make his dream of becoming a hero true, it seems like a massive case of ‘be careful for what you wish for’. @thelreads
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gimme-more-caffeine · 5 years
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Have a chibi Dragon Izuku. I'm very proud of this drawing!
@gentrychild commonly refers to All for One as a dragon with his quirks being his hoard, and I love the idea. So in AUs where AFO is Izuku's father (this has yet to be confirmed or rejected in canon so I'm hoping it's canon!) and Izuku has AFO quirk as well, that makes him a dragon as well. The orb is the quirks given a manifested form.
Also please forgive the crinkles, I forgot this at work. My manager is an ass who tends to throw away ANYTHING and EVERYTHING on the counters (even IMPORTANT PAPERS) so I had to pull this out of the trash. I was lucky and no liquid/food was thrown on top of it
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lakesandquarries · 6 years
Brimstone In My Garden (Chapter 2)
Chapter Two - I'mma hold my cards close
Summary: When he was five years old, Midoriya Izuku went missing. Now, ten years later, he’s one of the top villains, whether he likes it or not. When an attack on UA leads to him encountering his childhood best friend, new possibilities open up for him.
Pairings: todobakudekukiri
Notes: Villain Deku au, will have quite a bit of violence and gore later on, along with implied/referenced child abuse. None of this is appearing just yet, but I’ll warn when it does happen.
Fic title from “Little Pistol” by Mother Mother. Chapter title from “Polaroid” by Imagine Dragons.
< Chapter One Chapter Three >
Read it on AO3, or under the cut!
Sleep avoids him that night.
It avoids him the way he wishes he’d avoided Kacchan. Deku lies in bed and stares up at the ceiling, thinking over the day’s events - one part in particular.
The attack had been a failure. That, at least, was good. A few students and teachers had been injured, but no one had died, and Deku was glad for that at least.
Kacchan had seen him.
And that - that was worse than someone getting hurt. That was something that could get everyone hurt. He shouldn’t have taken a risk like that, no matter how much he wanted to.
He can’t stop playing it over in his head, thinking about Kacchan’s shocked face and Kirishima’s question. Did Kacchan really know him? He had when they were five, sure. But that wasn’t really saying anything. Two five year olds could become friends in a matter of seconds, and their friendship wasn’t much more than that, just two little kids who happened to live near each other and went to the same park.
But Deku isn’t the same person he was when he was five. And even back then - Kacchan had pushed him away. Now, with Deku being what he is….
Who would want to know him? Kacchan is studying to be a hero, to save lives, and Deku is a villain. All he’s accomplished is making things worse for himself. AFO is already going to be mad the attack failed - if he finds out Deku let himself be seen, he’ll be furious.
It’s just another thing on his list of things he has to lie about. It started out with just him knowing who he was, but now he's reached the point of disobeying direct orders, something he would have never dreamed of doing before Yasuhiro.
He owes a lot to Yasuhiro, really. Deku still has no idea why he was sent to kill him, but it’s because of his magazine collection that he knows anything about himself - besides the lies AFO fed him, at least.
He sighs, sitting up. Sleep isn’t likely to come for him tonight, and he has other things he could be doing. He saw a lot of interesting quirks during the fight today, between Kirishima’s rock-like arms and the way their teacher had completely erased quirks.
He pulls his notebook out from its hiding spot, turning on his light to make some notes. He adds a few to Kacchan’s page, as well. Those gauntlets he had…..
Kacchan’s going to be an incredible hero, someday. Deku just hopes he can stay out of his way.
Bakugo can't sleep.
He's one of the first ones out, usually. Kaminari had called him an old man, when they'd first moved into the dorms and Bakugo had gotten up at 9 pm to go to sleep, but Bakugo had only needed to look at him and Kaminari had backed down.
He feels old, right now. Like the new knowledge he's gained has aged him.
Deku's alive.
More than that, Deku's a villain. And not just any villain - Regrowth is one of the most terrifying villains currently active. He's been responsible for dozens of deaths, and yet no one has ever seen his face before, only the plain white mask he wears.
But now Bakugo has.
He hadn't meant to say the name. Shock had given it a chance to slip out, and the reaction had been all the confirmation he needed.
He'd called him Kacchan.
“Deku’s gone,” he'd said, but Bakugo didn't believe him. Villain or not, that was Deku. That was the same boy that had held his hand on field trips, cried when he squished a bug, and told Bakugo about his plans to be a hero.
The same boy he'd pushed away, over and over, until he was gone and there was nothing to push. When Deku had found out he was quirkless, the other kids had bullied him, and Bakugo had joined in. He’d felt a little bad, sure, but not enough to stop.
The last time he spoke to Deku was to tell him they couldn’t be friends anymore. The next day, Deku vanished.
He’s spent ten years wondering if things could have been different, blaming himself for what happened. But now….this is a chance to redeem himself. If he can rescue Deku, maybe he can make up for what he did all those years ago.
Of course, this relies on Deku wanting to be rescued, but Bakugo had seen the look on his face. He hadn’t attacked him or Kirishima. If Deku was a real villain, like the others that had been at USJ, he would’ve attacked him. But Deku hadn’t even fought back, meaning he was still that same kid Bakugo knew somewhere in there, even after ten years. Maybe Regrowth had killed people, but that’s not really Deku, is it? And if Deku really didn’t want to be rescued…..well, he’d cross that bridge when he got to it.
It’s too late for him to be thinking about this. The clock reads 4:34 AM, and he’s got class the next day. He rolls over and tries to shut off his brain, and eventually, falls asleep.
He doesn’t get much sleep, though. His alarm goes off at 7 am, and he knows if he slips in his routine, people will notice. So Bakugo drags himself out of bed and into the kitchen, desperately trying to rub the sleep from his eyes.
He doesn’t normally drink coffee, but this morning, he’s grateful some of his classmates do. There’s a fresh pot already, though whoever made it’s wandered off. There’s only a few others awake at this time - Sero, Yaoyoruzo, that one guy with the arms - but they're in the common area. He pours himself a cup and downs it, slumping against the counter.
“Woah, man, you okay?” Kirishima asks. Bakugo hadn’t even heard him approaching.
“‘m fine,” he mutters, not turning around. “Had trouble sleeping.”
“I can tell,” Kirishima says. “Is it about that dude we saw yes-”
Before Kirishima can finish his sentence, Bakugo slams his hand over his mouth. “Shut up!” he hisses, wide awake now. No one else is in the kitchen, but he glances around anyway, just to check. “You can’t tell anyone about that. Anyone. And don’t talk to me about it, either! This is secret. You say anything and I’ll blow your head off.” He releases his hold on Kirishima, who rolls his eyes at him.
“Jeez, dude, you don’t need the threats,” he says, laughing. “...Are you sure you don’t wanna talk about it? You seemed pre-”
“I’m fine,” Bakugo says, pouring himself another cup of coffee. “Conversation over.”
He leaves Kirishima standing in the kitchen and marches back to his room. He has a rescue mission to plan, and he refuses to let anyone get in his way - not even Deku.
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BNHA fic ideas...
I just like thinking up of plots for fics when I have nothing better to do. It helps me come up with different scenarios and, if inspired enough, ends up writing it anyway (or fuse two separate ideas together so I have more material to work with)
Quirks: The Origin (Saiki Kusuo crossover)
I was brainstorming on how quirks came to be. And then I learned that Saiki can alter reality, so I thought, “what if, because it’s a hassle to keep rewriting the laws of reality (e.g. hair color, fast healing) just to blend in, Saiki decided to make one huge change that encompasses any possible esper power.” and so our favorite OP esper says, "Supernatural powers are not unnatural."
Time Travel
Ooooh, boy. My favorite genre.
I have thought a lot things for this. Like Izuku could travel to the past and raise himself (pass on OFA? idk) or even end up in All Might or Shimura Nana’s time wherein he could save the former from Toxic/Venomous Chainsaw and the latter from being killed.
If he becomes a pro in the past, Izuku could even become a teacher in UA!
Or or or, Izuku travels only a couple of years maybe, into the past. And subsequently gives his quirk to Kouichi. lmao there will be two madmen in town: canon!Izuku and OFA!Kouichi.
We could also go the angst route and make it a Sisyphus fic. Or if you have a bit of mercy, maybe just base it on Re:Zero instead. Another angst idea would be that he travels to the past and thinks “yes, this is my chance to create a better future” though unfortunately, his interference is what caused all the problems in the future (he gets Nana killed, gets Shigaraki taken in by AFO, etc.)
I love Haimawari Kouichi and I’m sad that there’s only one fic of him that I found. love the idea of Kouichi teaching in UA and aspiring fresh maggots on what it means to be a hero
I always thought that after the events of Illegals, he and Pop☆Step could become legal heroes; he works for Tensei!Ingenium in Team Idaten and Pop☆Step could enter a hero high school (UA?). all I want is for Kouichi to save Big Brother Ingenium he was a real hero, dammit Stain
Judging by Tensei saying that Tenya couldn’t do turns yet in Illegals, I’m assuming that he’s still a kid; maybe 10-12. So that puts Illegals more or less 3-5 years ahead of canon (also because Aizawa and Midnight don’t look too old and they only started teaching back then). Pop☆Step could be a sophomore/senpai in UA.
Since Stain is all but confirmed to be in Illegals Stendhal, really?, fic can showcase how meeting Kouichi changes his perspective and instead of being a Hero Killer in the future, he becomes a nice, non-Voldemort vigilante? idk
Or a role swap between Izuku and Kouichi. All Might meets Kouichi and admired that the only reason why Kouichi didn’t get into a hero high school was because he was doing a heroic deed. He becomes OFA successor. Izuku meets Knuckleduster. Quirkless duo with tough old man and young madman. Quirkless too OP pls nerf.
Boy do I have some ideas on what kind of quirk Izuku will inherit from his parents, or something completely unrelated to them altogether.
Since Izuku’s dad can breathe fire, I came up with the idea that an improved version of it would be the power of Fairy Tail’s Natsu: fire dragon slayer magic.
If we’re to go with an improved version of his mom’s, I originally thought telekinesis was okay, but then it’s predictable that Inko’s quirk could evolve to that. So I thought hey, maybe the opposite (rejection) could be better. Basically, it boils down to giving Izuku a watered down Shun Shun Rikka without the ‘fairies’, just the rejection barriers.
A possible way of showcasing it would be Izuku originally thinks he can only block attacks and heal with his barriers. Then when he meets All Might, he heals him and AM brings Izuku to Recovery Girl. Recovery Girl says that his quirk is actually rejection. He doesn’t learn how to utilize it offensively (Kotenzanshun) until maybe Sports Festival Arc or Field Training Arc. He learns Shiten Koshun maybe when they come up with their special moves idk
Another quirk that I thought would be nice to give to Izuku is Tychokinesis, or probability manipulation. He doesn’t have the extra toe joint but since there’s no signs of a quirk, they still put him down as quirkless. The reason for this is his quirk is merely unobtrusive. He just thinks he’s a bit luckier than your average person since he doesn’t affect anything drastic with the quirk (e.g. he gets winner popsicle sticks, wins raffles during school festivals, etc.)
Canon goes as follows: Izuku still gets OFA. Maybe he discovers his quirk during the USJ attack or something when All Might was fighting the Noumu. Like maybe he saw that AM was at his limit and fervently hoped that he’d stay transformed for longer, Izuku’s hands may have glowed or something, and voila!
Possible limitations: he can't manipulate absolute probabilities, i.e. 0% and 100%. e.g. All Might gets shot in the chest (1% survival, 99% death), Izuku could manipulate that and flip it on its head. On the other hand, All Might gets headshot (0% survival, 100% death), Izuku can’t do anything.
Another quirk would be barriers (similar to Kyoukai no Kanata’s Glaciate barriers). Since Izuku is the type to fight only to protect, I thought that it fits. He initially sees it as a defense/support type quirk: use it to block attacks and as platforms, and can only make basic shapes with it (like a flat square, etc.). With time, he learns advanced barrier shaping (e.g. cube: uses it to imprison people).
The secret to his barriers is that it has a repulsion force, which he got from his mom (hers is attraction). His barriers can actually repel both inside and outside. This is how he can block attacks— it doesn’t stop something, it repels it. The platform idea? It repels him at a minimum amount of force, which is how it could hold him up. 
Izuku could then learn how to adjust the amount of repelling force he could incorporate into his barriers and even learn how to focus the force in only one point of said barriers. I mentioned that it could be used to imprison stuff— imagine being able to crush things inside of it using the repelling force by shrinking the cube’s size. It’s highly versatile and I haven’t seen anyone write a Quirk!Izuku or even an OC with this.
5 notes · View notes
makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 214: 4th Popularity Poll and 5th Set Climax
Previously on BnHA: Deku met a Hellboy-looking dude in another one of his One For All Dreams and they had a chat! This friendly yet intimidating fella told Deku that the power that had just exploded out of him was actually the dude’s quirk, Blackwhip. It turns out that OFA hasn’t just been stockpiling physical power; all six of the prior wielder’s quirks are included in the package as well! It’s just that up until now, none of the other wielders has ever been able to access them. Before vanishing back into the dream abyss, Deku’s new friend told him he needed to gain better control of his emotions, as his anger toward Monoma was what triggered Blackwhip’s rampage and made it so difficult to handle. Back in the real world, Deku awakened unharmed thanks to Ochako and Shinsou’s efforts. But since the teachers hadn’t called off the battle yet, Monoma came rushing in to attack, with the rest of Team B not being far behind. Mina and Mineta showed up to battle Yanagi, Shouda, and Kodai (they really need to do something about that number disadvantage), while Ochako battled Monoma and Shinsou got ready to take on Deku. The teachers are still watching btw, but it seems like they want to see how this plays out.
Today on BnHA: The newest popularity poll results are revealed and I have a lot of thoughts. A lot of thoughts. Vlad and All Might question why Aizawa wants to let the kids keep fighting, and Aizawa says it’s cuz they’re all still trying their hardest to win. Mineta saves Mina’s life and then completely ruins it because of course he does, but she takes it in stride and uses him to attack the others by flinging him at high speed to ricochet endlessly off of his grapes in a Gran Torino-esque fashion. Monoma tries to attack Deku with One for All but it doesn’t do anything (fortunately for Monoma), and Ochako then takes him down while Deku goes after Shinsou. Deku by the way is fighting quirkless because he’s worried that if he tries to use OFA right now he’ll lose control and put everyone in danger again. He and Shinsou start tusslin’ and we have a flashback to when Ponytail!Aizawa (omg) was training Shinsou on how to use his capture weapon. Back in the present, Shinsou uses the scarf to send a bunch of heavy pipes crashing down towards Deku. But Deku chooses this moment to make peace with himself and his quirk, and catches the pipes using Blackwhip.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my mostly-unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’m caught up with the manga now at chapter 225, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
how are BnHA’s Jump covers always so epic you guys
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Shinsou you better watch out, Deku’s fist is too close for comfort. well you’re the one who wanted to fight him again buddy
all right now let’s check out that character poll
oh, nice
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...okay so apparently the results were actually in chapter 207? but the color spread wasn’t released until this chapter wtf why
okay well let me analyze the color page first, and then I’ll go find and complain about the poll results
BAKUGOU AND DEKU’S SWORDS. okay I’ve seen this image before and I love it so much, and that is of course because it’s a sequel to the color page from chapter 120. and the two of them are now each carrying one half of All Might’s sword. basically this is symbolic confirmation that the two of them together will carry All Might’s legacy forward. this is so important to me you guys. this brings me so much joy and happiness
can we talk about what Hawks is wearing. I thought this was a medieval AU, but he’s looking rather steampunk to me. what, are you too cool for D&D, Hawks? also is that a literal hawk. that you’re holding. for some reason. huh
can we talk about what Todoroki is wearing?? and also what the actual hell is going on with his face? he’s wearing some sort of weird mask. and his outfit looks nothing like it did in the previous AU color spread. was Horikoshi just being extra or is this some indicator of a crazy plotline coming up for him somewhere down the road?
loooooool Endeavor being in the top ten must have pissed off lord knows how many people. it would have pissed me off, before the Endeavorhawks arc. but I’m cool with it now. I get it. having him as your favorite doesn’t mean you’re giving a ringing endorsement of all his actions; it just means he’s a compelling character who’s been getting some really good development lately. still absurd that he’d be ranked over Aizawa, but if I’m honest with myself it really should be Jeanist who was bumped down for that. he’s just there because Japan apparently shares the same weird tastes as myself. by the way how fucking strange is it to see Jeanist without any Jeans holy shit is that even allowed
and winding down here, (1) I’m glad to see All Might still in the top ten ranks at least, (2) Iida is a handsome boy and I love how his armor is reminiscent of his Ingenium costume here, and that he’s the one actually riding the dragon (be careful Iida or my idiot son is going to fall right off its head), (3) Kirishima is still as popular as ever I see, and lastly (4) Momo being in the top 10 is giving me life and I hope she gets some more spotlight this year! it was great to see her as the head of her respective Joint Training battle team
okay! so now let me find the list from chapter 207
holy shit, okay so first of all let me just say that apparently this poll received almost 81,000 votes. for comparison, the third poll only received about 36,000
so having said that, it is absolutely astounding that my boy Bakugou came in at number one yet again, with a margin of over 1000 votes. glad to see you being appreciated boyo
and Shouto made it to #2 for the first time! good job hot and cold! the Endeavorhawks arc definitely gave him a boost as well I think. and well deserved!
and my boy Deku at #3, but while the difference between Katsuki and Shouto is only about 1200 votes, the difference between Shouto and Izuku is more than 7,400. basically the top two are in a league of their own here goddamn
and Hawks is all the way at #4! holy shit! more than 4,500 votes between him and Deku, mind, and Kirishima is nipping at his heels less than 200 votes away from him, but still, that’s amazing given how recently he made his debut and how relatively few chapters he’s been in. I expect the number of votes for him to skyrocket in the next poll, assuming we get more of that double agent storyline. Touya -- I mean Dabi -- is probably gonna get a boost too lol
my boy Finest Jeanist on God’s Green Earth is next at 6th, and then MOMO IN 7TH PLACE YAAAAAY GO MOMO
Iida beat All Might as well and made it to #9! though only by 100 votes
and All Might is in 10th, and then Aizawa is at 11th. oh Aizawa. you were upstaged by a crotchety old man seeking to make amends for his past sins, and a denim-clad meme who nearly made the ultimate sacrifice against AFO and then proceeded to not be in the manga for 120 chapters and counting. but it’s okay you were never in this for the fame
anyways the rest of the results are listed here, but some quick parting remarks:
Gang Orca came in at 15th, presumably thanks to his EXTRA GUIDANCE
my boy Denki is in 16th place and I want him to keep moving up! go kick Shindou’s ass. how the hell did that tool make it all the way to 14th place
Ojiro is still inexplicably popular to me. he’s a nice guy but you could replace him with a cardboard cutout of himself probably and I bet you it would take some time before anyone noticed something was off
Jirou is at 21st despite her performance in the Band AU arc and that is fucked up, people. WHERE IS THE RESPECT
Shinsou somehow went down despite finally making his reappearance in the series?? I seriously don’t understand how popularity works, at all
Overhaul beat Mirio by 3 votes and while I’m so psyched Mirio did better than the last poll (up to 26th place! these 455 people have impeccable taste), this fact is utterly depressing to me. did these people actually read the arc, for real
NIGHTEYE IS AT 27TH AND I’M SO SAD. not about him being at 27th, because that’s actually pretty good. but just, you know. because once again I am reminded that he’s dead sob
lastly, in the American popularity poll Bakugou received 38,000 fucking votes holy shit. we may not have any fucking clue how to vote for presidents but at least we fucking got something right, goddamn. and Mirio in 9th place. and Aizawa in 6th. you guys are all right, US fandom
anyways that took like 25 years and if I’d known it was going to be this long I would have saved the poll to be its own damn recap lol. but now on to the actual chapter!
Vlad this is just how we do things around here. not all of us can be ~safe~ teachers whose students don’t get attacked and abducted every Wednesday afternoon. some of us like to live on the edge and be super irresponsible because we’re lazy and also because the students will honestly manage to get into trouble regardless of whether we do our jobs or not
and anyways Aizawa says that if Deku’s quirk acts up again he’ll stop it so it’ll be fine
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and All Might’s asking Aizawa why
well it’s obviously because he wants to give Shinsou a chance to complete his examination. and maybe he wants to see how the kids deal with this unexpected twist as well. so long as nobody gets hurt, why not
oh my god Aizawa
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this man is fighting to reclaim that top 10 spot. never give up. never surrender
so we’re cutting to panels of all 9 battlin’ kids, and he says all of them are still trying to win this battle
because fucking plus ultra, in other words
sob I should be more indignant shouldn’t I. has this school actually made me come around to their way of thinking
nah, it’s only because everything is clearly fine now. had this scene taken place even 90 seconds earlier I would have been all “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, OF COURSE YOU SHOULD STOP THEM”
lol what
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he just shows his affection in some very strange ways tbh
anyway so here we go! back to the kiddos! Deku and Shinsou are each holding onto Shinsou’s scarf and staring each other down!
and now Shinsou has GONE FISHIN’
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this is beyond hilarious to me. oh my god. Deku you could just let go
but I guess he thought he could out-muscle him. like if anything, he’d be the one pulling Shinsou down to where he is. but instead he’s falling off of the platform where he and Ochako were standing
and Ochako’s running over and she’s all “Deku lost...?! in a power struggle?!”
that makes it sound like Game of Thrones lmao
Deku’s glancing back up at her and says he can’t use his quirk right now because he’s worried about putting everyone in danger again
yeah, that’s probably a good call. at least until you get a handle on your emotions. even ol’ Hellboy was all “much as I love my awesome fucking quirk, it’s been powered up to here and back now so results may vary”
Ochako says that in that case they should retreat and regroup
lol how are you going to fucking retreat. this has already turned into a melee battle, they’ll just follow you
and Deku says that if they retreat now, they’ll lose
ah, good point
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this is their chance to capture him, when he’s exposed and his quirk which relies heavily on stealth and surprise has been neutralized
Ochako’s jogging over to him
oh my god
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oh to see Katsuki’s reaction to this. sigh
oh. but Deku is dotting and he says “not exactly”
what are you up to you mysterious little chia pet
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(ETA: you know, I made fun at the time, but given all the other shit we’ve seen today, I have to give her credit for at least warning her opponents before attempting to maim them.)
and class B is just doing the same damn thing as before
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I’m surprised they’re not trying to go on offense. mind you, it shows that they have a lot of respect for Mina’s offense and they don’t feel like getting pummeled by acid this fine afternoon, which is understandable
oh shit but here we go
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...holy shit
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good job Mineta. how many panels before you say something stupid to enrage us all again
oh shit I scrolled down to the rest of the page and SO FAR SO GOOD?! wow this is like a record
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Mineta did something smart and creative and swooped in to save a teammate and didn’t say or do anything perverted to ruin it?? better get me an umbrella cuz I suspect the other shoe will be dropping shortly
(ETA: 3... 2...)
aaaaaaaaaaaand the very first panel on the next page is him being smacked into Mina’s chest as a result of the twin impact, apparently just as planned
well so much for that. he made it a whole five panels though
hey, imagine if Horikoshi had written that scene and then not thrown in that last part in for absolutely no reason. imagine if Mineta was like that all the time. underestimated and mostly overlooked because of his mascot-like appearance and oddball quirk, but impressing us all with surprisingly clutch saves at crucial moments. kind of like the little niche that Aoyama has established for himself. it honestly wouldn’t be that hard to make Mineta an interesting and actually funny character, and the fact that we’re going on five years of the same old shit instead is kinda disheartening
anyways, enough mourning what could have been, I guess. in the meantime Mina is grabbing him and hurling him lmao
and he’s bouncing around like a ping pong ball and class B is trying to avoid getting hit by him
oh my god. he is the special attack
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ain’t nobody wanna get hit by that. that’s a smart move
Shouda says he wants to pull back, but they’re kind of surrounded now and it’s hard to come up with a plan in the spur of the moment
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all credit to Mina’s astounding creative mind, which has fucking flourished in these last couple of arcs and I hope it continues to do so. she is brilliant
Tsuburaba says Shouda is having to protect the other two because they’re weak at close-range combat? say what now?? how is a telekinesis quirk weak at close-range combat, exactly?? just float some metal shit into the air and wait for Mineta to inevitably ricochet into it and concuss himself and just like that you’re free to take on Mina three against one. even someone as awesome as her would struggle with that
meanwhile, Jirou is wondering why the hell the teachers haven’t stopped the battle yet
and here’s the first we’ve seen of Katsuki since The Thing happened, so yeah you bet I’m posting that shit
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he looks openly confused, and not in his normal “I don’t know what’s going on and that pisses me off so Imma make an angry face” way. but in a more overtly “what the fuck” way. not that dissimilar to the way he looked when he was watching All Might battle AFO, but with less panic, thankfully
it definitely says a lot about how far his relationship with Deku has come that this is his reaction, though. confusion and maybe slight concern, rather than anger or jealousy or automatically thinking this is something new Deku had up his sleeve that he was purposely hiding from him. he really has come such a long way since Ground Beta
anyway so here’s Deku and Ochako taking on Monoma
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at least someone is using that TK quirk. or is that twin impact that he’s using. well either way, at least he’s doing something and not just standing there
oh look more Monoma monologuing
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officially the most dramatic motherfucker who ever lived. but more importantly,
why he would attempt to use a quirk that he has seen breaking its original owner’s bones and only MOMENTS AGO causing its owner intense pain as he flailed around out of control is beyond me. he kind of snapped here and got all go big or go home, I guess
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Deku I assure you it very much can
now Ochako’s telling Monoma to stop and that it’s dangerous! and she’s charging toward him!
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wow what??
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so he was trying to activate it but it wouldn’t work?
well (1) he’s damn lucky it didn’t, and (2) is that because Deku’s technically quirkless? or is it because the nature of OFA makes it so it can’t be copied or passed on to anyone against the owner’s will? that is really convenient if so
(ETA: or (3) he did copy the quirk but not the accumulated power stored within it. oooh I have some thoughts on that. gonna try and take some time this evening to type out that OFA essay.)
Shinsou’s trying to save his partner, but!
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oh shit
he looks so caught off guard sob. Deku are you gonna punch him. please be gentle he is still new to this
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once again, I submit for your consideration: your MVP
you see Monoma, this is how you take a supposed “supporting character” quirk and elevate it to its max potential
so now Deku’s tackling Shinsou and they’re tumbling onto the ground
Shinsou’s making another attempt to get Deku to talk but our boy is too smart for that shit now. fool him once, shame on you. fool him twice, shame on him. but you still haven’t managed to fool him thrice so it looks like he can be taught!
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and Shinsou is again saying he’s not the same as when they last fought
ahhhhhhhh we’re cutting back to the teachers now ARE WE GONNA GET SOME SHINY MENTOR FEELS
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oh my god oh my god
mentor feels! All Might you’re not the only one who’s been training kids out in the woods in the wee hours of the morning!
Aizawa is self-taught holy fucking shit this man’s talent is severely underrated
and I don’t think I’ve rambled about this yet, but! now we’re finally getting to see why Aizawa took such a personal interest in Shinsou, and I’ve been waiting and waiting for this and I’m so happy we’re finally getting to it. he sees himself in him. they both have powerful quirks capable of incapacitating even the strongest opponents, but the catch is that those quirks are mental rather than physical. physically they are essentially quirkless, and so if they ever get caught off-guard -- or pitted against giant robot opponents, or opponents who are otherwise immune to their abilities -- they’re at a huge disadvantage
so here’s this kid who’s very much like him, and Aizawa has no obligation to reach out to him, but he does so all the same, because he cares, and if he can help this kid fulfill his dreams and not have to stumble along and make it up as he goes the way he had to, isn’t that worth doing?
Aizawa Shouta let me just once again say that it’s a war crime that you were not ranked in the top ten, and I think we need to conduct a special investigation into these poll results. I’m only seeking justice and the truth
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so now Shinsou’s shouting again that he’s not the same as he was back then!
and he’s using his capture weapon to bring a bunch of heavy pipes crashing on top of them!
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(ETA: I think because it’s a reminder that all of the past wielders of OFA are just as good and pure as All Might in their own ways, and they’ve all been working tirelessly to fight evil this whole time, and it’s like Deku doesn’t have just one mentor, but he has eight now.)
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(ETA: of course he did. this is Deku, he takes and learns from everyone. I love it.)
oh my god. what a damn chapter. this recap is almost 4000 words and it was worth it. I love this arc
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 158: Deku VS Overhaul ~Conclusion~
Previously on BNHA: Eri escaped Overhaul and leaped into Deku’s waiting arms. Before Overhaul could grab them, Deku instinctively activated 100% OFA in his legs and leaped to safety on the surface. Back in the Pit of Despair, Nighteye told the others he’d seen Deku’s death in a vision, and he believes they can’t do anything to stop it. Up on the street level, Deku marveled at how all of his wounds were suddenly healed up. But then he collapsed in pain feeling like his body was being “pulled apart from the inside.” Overhaul reappeared, having merged himself with a new minion, and explained that Eri’s quirk gives her the power to “rewind” humans, reverting them back to a previous state. Depending on how she uses it, she can even rewind them back to nothingness. He made it out to be some cursed thing, but Deku was all “8D” and realized he was carrying a full-HP-restored-and-all-status-ailments-cured healer who was currently using her quirk uncontrollably, unable to turn it off. So he literally fucking strapped her to his back with Mirio’s cape, and activated 100% One for All Full Cowl.
Today on BnHA: We say goodbye to volume 17 and usher in the new era of volume 18. Overhaul monologues a bunch about quirks and mutations and disease and blah blah blah. He says brats like Deku can’t appreciate Eri’s value and the power of her quirk. Meanwhile Togawice watch from a safe distance, and Ochako floats Nighteye up to get him some medical help. Overhaul has more flashbacks about how the Comatose Boss (back before he was comatose) told him to stop selling quirk drugs and not to stray from the right path. Of course, as we all know, he didn’t listen, wanting to restore the yakuza to their former glory by starting a drug war and supplying both sides. It’s arguably implied here that Overhaul may be the one who put the Comatose Boss in his coma, but Horikoshi is very vague about it. At any rate, back in the present day Overhaul continues to rant at Deku, but Deku has fucking All Might power now, and he just. Beats the everloving shit out of him. Like, it takes about four pages. Holy shit. And just like that, this battle is finally over.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 187 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
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(ETA: I recall reading in an interview somewhere that Horikoshi usually colors the volume covers in Photoshop, but for this one he felt like doing something different and so he colored it by hand and very much enjoyed it. it looks good!)
somehow I wasn’t picturing this weird mutant Overhaul creature to be red. somehow it makes him look even more like a Zelda boss
100% OFA Deku looks so cool! and his OFA lightning has turned yellow just like All Might’s oh gosh
“a bright future” OH GOD YES PLEASE
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(ETA: I HATE IT EVEN MORE NOW!! looking back on it now is giving me the headcanon that Mirio is actually sitting on the bench alone, sometime after this arc, and that’s actually Nighteye’s spirit sitting there, watching over him. I have no idea why my subconscious would choose to come up with a background story for this page that makes me want to cry even more.)
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(ETA: I love this volume)
(ETA: Seiji sure has a lot of spare time on his hands huh)
wow this opening panel is talking about the possible origin of quirks as a fucking virus spread by rats. like if the fucking bubonic plague gave you superpowers
oh no
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I did not ask for an Overhaul flashback and I don’t care about him. go ahead and flesh him out if you must, but no amount of backstory can satisfactorily explain why he’s such a fucking creep
Tongue!Overhaul says that neither Deku nor Eri understand the value of Eri’s power
idk man, Deku’s already making some damn good use of it barely two seconds after discovering that it exists
so he’s explaining that her quirk can be used to rewind the mutation that brought quirks about
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how come the version Tamaki got shot with only did this temporarily, though? does this mean the effect is eventually going to wear off on Deku and he’ll collapse with every last one of his bones shattered and probably die immediately omg
also would it then be possible to undo what happened to Mirio? or does the quirk not work on itself? goddammit
and in theory this could potentially even be used for creepy necromancy purposes. ohhhh man
(ETA: and also I’m telling you, the more I think about it, the more I’m becoming convinced that this is the quirk which will eventually bring All for One back to power. eventually someone is going to make the mistake of letting AFO come into contact with Overhaul over in Tartarus, and once that happens, things are going to go downhill fast.)
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ironically, this actually seems like the most narrow-minded view of Eri’s quirk possible. most people would look at Eri’s quirk and immediately identify it as a healing quirk. the fact that he turned it into a destructive quirk tells you all you need to know about the kind of person he is right there
also, those buildings he’s casually smashing just so happen to have people in them omg
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why would they not have evacuated by this point. there was a fight going on between a dragon and a giant villain for a full 20 minutes. for that matter, you’d think that local heroes would have eventually stepped in at some point. that’s plenty of time for backup to have arrived, and it should have been abundantly clear by that point that they needed it. so much about this doesn’t make any damn sense smh
(ETA: I think later on they confirm that there were only a handful of civilian injuries, though, and they were only light scratches and stuff. but all that means is that they got lucky goddammit.)
wowwwww Overhaul. wow
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I’ll take “most ironic things villains have ever said” for $500, Alex
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Deku’s thinking to himself that Eri’s power is getting stronger and that she doesn’t know how to stop it. “just like the first time I used One for All”
he’s thinking that she basically has her foot stuck on the gas pedal
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is he “Deku” now? no more Izuku-kun or -chan or whatever?
as for Mr. Compress, he got squished by Ryuukyuu and melted
Ochako’s floating up to the surface with Nighteye in tow. and they were smart enough to avoid removing the spike in his stomach so he doesn’t instantly bleed out
does Nighteye even still have his left arm omg
now we’re flashing back again to the old boss chewing out Overhaul for getting into a fight with some dude and laying him out in critical condition
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the boss thinks Overhaul is going behind his back and undertaking some secret venture in the drug business
he says he told Overhaul not to get involved with those drugs. I think that was the flashback we saw some chapters earlier
and he’s again telling him “you must not stray from my path”
why am I starting to get the feeling that the boss never actually got “sick” and that was Overhaul’s doing as well...?
oh my god is he talking to Kurono here
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I feel like this is the only person who could plausibly be shipped with him. it doesn’t hurt that at this point he’s literally the last Precept standing
Overhaul’s determined to restore the family back to its former glory
oh here we go. finally the complete master plan
so first they flood the streets with some of the “incomplete products” they have on hand that can temporarily erase quirks
and once people have gotten a taste of that they’ll all be clamoring to purchase the completed product from them at sky-high prices
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did they actually start to work on that particular serum yet?
anyways, because the boss isn’t A COMPLETE MONSTER, he’s immediately telling him no
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you know, this is one of those instances where the time-honored mob tradition of doing away with a troublesome family member before they get even more troublesome would not have gone amiss. just sayin’. in hindsight he probably wishes he had
instead he just told him “if you’re going to disobey our way of thinking then you should just leave”
Overhaul says all he wants to do is repay the boss for taking him in
then why don’t you start by, I don’t know, FUCKING LISTENING TO HIM oh my god
but instead he went behind his back, continued torturing the innocent little girl, and proceeded with his plan
(ETA: okay, so! after much discussion, I have come to agree with the people saying that this scene...
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...which I initially took to be Overhaul relenting, followed by the transition from the flashback back to the present, is in fact actually Overhaul making the decision to take his boss out of commission. the fade to black and the startled look on the boss’s face are intended to show that Something Bad is about to happen. and the next panel after that is just Overhaul thinking about how he owes a great debt to the boss, and that if they proceed with his plan, they can restore the family. “look forward to it, Pop.” so yeah, that does make sense.
what still annoys me though is that they don’t explicitly confirm it, even though it’s arguably the key moment in terms of Overhaul’s development into a villain. the series has no problem showing Eri’s torture in way more detail than anyone ever needed or asked for, and yet this key scene merely gets hinted at. it’s basically the thing all of these flashbacks are leading up to, and then they just... don’t show it.
there is one possible reason I can think of for this, which is that this scene is from Overhaul’s perspective, and because he wants to continue thinking of himself as the loyal son who’s doing this all for the sake of his father figure, it makes sense that he would censor his own recollection of the incident in order to further convince himself that it was all for the best. but while that explains the vagueness, there are still tons of other ways Horikoshi as the author could have confirmed it for us. for instance he could have showed it from Kurono’s perspective instead. or hell, just confirm it with a simple line of dialogue if you have to. but narratively, I think the decision to leave it inconclusive hurts the story by robbing us of the coolest, most dramatic and defining moment of Overhaul’s past.
so idk, I’m still not the biggest fan of this scene. for me, it comes tantalizingly close to being the kind of super dark twist I was hoping for, but then fails to stick the landing. so I’m hoping the anime can improve on this a little bit.)
so now we’re back in the present, and there are a few panels of Overhaul screaming that everyone else is missing the bigger picture, and he’s trying to destroy this world (the word “world” being in quotation marks, so I assume he means society, not the actual world), and that the “fake heroes” who are fixated on their tiny notions of justice need to stay out of his way
boy this is getting tiresome. it’s like someone combined Stain and Overhaul and created... Worse Overhaul
but he really doesn’t stand a chance against a 100% Deku, I think
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well, we just had three huge pages of Deku beating the shit out of Overhaul. what do you guys think. climax? are we done at last?
oh my god you guys
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;________; WE DID IT
(ETA: this is the quickest Final Battle a 40+ chapter arc has ever had. I’m not complaining, mind. good god am I not complaining)
so Deku punched Nighteye’s vision in the face?? apparently?
I mean, there didn’t even seem to be any point where he was even remotely in danger of dying. so either there’s something coming up, or Nighteye really screwed up on that one
either way it’s not like I mind? holy shit. we’re done? we’re really done?? ARE WE MOVING ON FROM THIS ARC
oh my god you guys. hey google play “We Are the Champions”
hang in there Kacchan and Shouto. we’re coming, lads
no bonus, this volume is pretty skimpy on the omake content honestly. but hey guys, tomorrow our favorite villain with too many hands makes his own long-awaited reappearance! google, when you’re done with this song, get ready to play some AC/DC next. we’re about to embark on the Highway to Hell, baby.
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