#aeric tracke
waitingrose · 6 years
Honest Q&A: Round 4! 7x7 Table
Looks like everyone came this time! Good! I am happy to see that you all have taken an interest in these!
Well, right to business then. It looks like our readers picked something of an overarching topic today. Let’s see how this goes...
 Faith is a belief in the right things. Who or what would you say you have the most faith in?
Maeryn: “I have faith in my family. They have been through so much and continue to work hard to keep all of us going. Especially my Father.” Helene: “Mine does too, Mae. I have faith in my friends. Lloire, Ikara, Destiny, Soren.” Silone: “Did you just say Soren? I am moving seats again. I have faith in my sister, Aeritria. And my knives.” Aeric: “Wait…you are Aeri’s sister? Yeah, we both are movin’ seats. I’ve got faith in Gideon, my brother. Also in th’Siren. She carries us through tough shyte.” Sunny: “Bear has faith in the Twelve, yes he does! Oh, you mean me? I have faith in ….my bow! It keeps me alive, yes it does!” Velestine: “People. I believe that anything and everything can change if we get behind each other. Sometimes, even the most dangerous ones will surprise you.”  
Pride is an excessive belief in one’s own abilities. In what do you take the most pride? A particular skill? A remarkable achievement?
Maeryn: “I take pride in the small miniatures that I craft. I don’t know many people who do such a thing and so I…perhaps believe it is specific to me. Unique.” Helene: “Myself. I push my limits an’ like to test people who are bigger or stronger lookin’ than me, yeah? I don’t stop until I can’t move.” Silone: “Mmm, Pride. I am an exceptional artist and a master with a knife. How many people do you know than can fight in heels, hmm?” Aeric: “Yeah, ya really are her sister. I turned Captain at eighteen summers an’ been runnin’ my ship th’last five years. I know most routes through those waters better than any Captain I’ve met an’ I can do ‘em faster.” Sunny: “SHIP! I WANNA GO ON A SHIP! Row row row, your boat!” She bounces in her chair and then stills when Velestine places a hand to her arm softly. “Hehe! I got excited, yes I did! I can track and sniff out anything, yes I can! Let me at ‘em!” Velestine: “I missed you, Sunny. You warm my heart. I take a great deal of pride in my work. It takes patience and a little creative flare to craft potions and elixirs, but I have used that to help make soaps and lotions, teas, all sorts of things. I guess you could say ‘my craft’, actually.” Hope is taking a positive future view, that good will prevail. What would you say that you hope for the most?
Maeryn: “I hope that I can someday find a cure. But if not, then I wish to travel the world completely. See it all. Perhaps even have my stories on someone else’s shelf.” Helene: “Keep breathin’, mostly. Hope I can see my friends again. Stupid to wish for wars to be over because it starts another, every time. No one sits still, yeah?” Silone: “The slow death of anyone that sells people. I wish to rid the world of slave traders and their disgusting partners in crime. Maybe then some people can enjoy their life instead of living in fear.” Aeric: “I thought ya were scary before, but damn. I kinda like ya now. I hope to to fly, some day. I want t’rule sky an’ sea.” Sunny: “I hope for sweets, yes I do! If I can get sweets, it’s a good day, yes it is!” Velestine: “...I am going to adopt you as my own, Sunny. I hope for some quiet moments between the fighting. As Helene stated, it never comes to a close. Would be nice if it did but I am sure we would find a way to occupy our time that was just as destructive. So, I hope for peace, in small measures.”  
Envy is wanting what others have, be it status, abilities, or possessions. Is there someone or something you are envious of? It doesn’t have to be a huge all-consuming envy, even something small.
Maeryn: “I don’t envy anyone, really. Everyone has something that is different from another but that is what makes us so interesting.” Helene: “Feelin’ about the same on that too, yeah? No point thinkin’ on it. Focus on your sword and their sword, an’ nothing else.” Silone: “Pride. Envy. Starting to sound like sins in this list and I am very, very pleased over it. As for being envious, of course. We all want something someone has. For me, it’s a family.” Aeric: “Ya seem a lot softer this round. I envy th’Sky Pirates. It’s a bigger freedom to be up there an’ I want that too. Not t’mention they got a King I wanna meet.” Sunny: “I wish I was as BIG as a ROE so I could eat non-stop, yes I do!” Velestine: “I would cook all day for you, sweet girl. I would say that I am envious of…hmm, that is a good question, actually. Perhaps people who own their own homes. I have always lived with others and traveled the lands but havn’t had a place to call mine just yet. I would like a small house in the Shroud somewhere with plenty of room for my gardens.”  
Charity is concern for, and active helping of, others. Do you believe yourself to exhibit this virtue? Be it yours or another’s, what act or moment stands out for you as a charitable one?
Maeryn: “I help someone whenever I can, and I know a few others who do the same. I could stand to be a little better at it, though. Helene: “I gave most of my winnings and food to the kids and families in the camps outside Ul’Dah, while I was there. Do the same in the Reach too, yeah? Can’t give those, I give my time.”   Silone: “I hunt down those that sell people. I think that counts, don’t you?” Aeric: “Hahahahaha! Want somethin’, fuckin’ work for it. Not above helpin’ someone in trouble but handouts? No. Plenty of work t’find if ya look hard enough. I came from nothin’ and didn’t ask for anythin’ I have.” Sunny: “Oh! Oh! I always share! I also help people get where they are going, yes I do! I am a guide, yes I am!” Velestine: “I spend a lot of time with the orphans in the cities. I am fond of reading to them and I bring fresh baked cookies and muffins along in my basket each time.  I wish I could do more for them but sometimes time is more valuable than gold.”  
Gluttony is the desire to eat or consume more than you require. What is the one thing best guaranteed to show off your gluttonous side?
Maeryn: “Hmmm, I don’t eat too much to be honest. If we are speaking in the sense of food, that is. I am a glutton for stories, though. Could never grow tired of listening to someone speak of themselves.” Helene: “Shouldn’t eat so much of anything, yeah? Harder to burn it off. But if I go with Mae’s idea, I think I can’t get enough exercise. Just gotta keep moving all the time.” Silone: “Wine, to be sure. Always have a glass near me when I paint and pour one when I get home. Have my own little collection of them, as well.” Aeric: “Can’t stop myself when I get ahold of fresh meat. Bein’ on th’sea means nothin’ but jerky, fish, an’ the like. Get back on land? Goin’ t’hurt myself on some red meat. Answerin’ ahead for the the ball of energy, she is goin’ to say sweets.” Sunny: “SW—hey!” She giggles and swishes her tail about happily. Velestine: A soft slip of laughter is heard, and she reaches over to pull Sunny into a warm embrace. “Far too easy, sweet one. I myself can never get enough baked goods or delicious food of any kind. It is a wonder I keep my figure.”  
Fortitude is never giving up. With as many strong willed people as there are here, I imagine this will prompt good responses. What is it you would never give up on? Is it a person, a goal?
Maeryn: “I could never give up on my family. They do not with me, even if I am a bit of a pusher when it comes to some of the rules we have.” Helene: “I don’t give up in general. But…lately, it became a person. And I am shiftin’ my focus to be the best I can for them. An’ their goals. Shields protect those that hold them, yeah?” Silone: “I won’t give up on my sister. We spent many years apart and I refuse to let the distance keep us any longer.” Aeric: “My brother’s dream. Leave it there.” Sunny: “Never give up! Never surrender! Fight fight fight—Oh! Sorry I punched you, mister, yes I am! You are okay though, yes you are. I don’t give up, see!?” Velestine: “I could never give up on anyone. Especially not when they are hurt or in need. I have the stubborn soul of a healer and that doesn’t always win me awards with my patients or friends, unfortunately. But my heart will always keep me from walking away.”  
Lust is a powerful craving for things such as sex and power. Do you feel that you give in to those temptations easily? What do you lust after the most? Maeryn: “I uh, well. That uhm. That is a question. Mm, for the sake of graces, I will say that I pass.” Helene: “Shouldn’t let that distract you, yeah? I don’t seek either, but I won’t deny the first with the right person. Time and place.” Silone: “Mmmm, I knew this one was coming. I crave both. Something about the way you can take control of someone utterly in their most vulnerable state. Or overwhelm them in every way. Makes you feel alive.” Aeric: “…” He clears his throat. “Yeah, same.” Sunny: *She is just a fit of giggles* Velestine: Laughing right along with her for a moment, she soon composes herself. “I crave touch more than either of those. I am very fond of it and feel a deeper connection through the sensations either in my feet or my hands. Because of this, I am want to reach for people openly.”  
Justice is being fair and equitable with others. It is the guiding principle of certain Dark Knights. Do you believe in justice? Is such a thing possible in the world we live in?
Maeryn: “Yes, I do. We must have some laws in place or people would hurt one another without restraint. But it is not for me to make such a call and I know sometimes it should be bent. Perhaps I simply see it as a loose ideal.” Helene: “War has no place for that stuff, yeah? One side says it’s in the right, other says the same. You an’ the guy in front of ya both have family and loved ones to come home to. If you think too much on it, you end up dead or runnin’ yourself into the ground with guilt. Justice is best done by the moment.” Silone: “I make my own justice.” Aeric: “Eh, not all laws are good, Mae. Some are kinda outdated an th’like. Sunny: “I am always fair, yes I am! I split my cupcakes evenly, yes I do! Oh! You mean…oh okay I got it! I think. Uh, yes? Maybe?” Velestine: “It is hard to say one way or another, so I believe my answer would be flexible. It depends on the moment and what is happening and who was involved for me to say which I prefer. I will always believe that there must be a balance to life and sometimes we must take matters into our own hands to tip the scales back. And sometimes, we must leave it to others.”  
Anger is the loss of rational self-control and the desire to harm others. Are you one to lose control to your anger? What was the worst case of letting it loose that comes to mind?
Maeryn: “I do not lose my temper. I believe I have done so maybe once or twice but I tend to wish to speak before it escalates to that.” Helene: “Can’t let it consume you, yeah? I go the opposite when mad. I get quiet an’ focused. Like my blood is cold. But I don’t lose control.” Silone: “I am quite the same. I exude calm and patience when my anger is tested but I have lost it before. I once saw someone I cared for come to harm and I am not quite sure what happened after.” Aeric: “Black out anger. Yeah, if I wasn’t told, Aeri would be your sister. As for me? Taken my axe ‘an gun t’plenty of people. Takes hurtin’ someone I care for to get me full rage. So, they deserve anythin’ comin’ for ‘em after that.” Sunny: “I am never angry, no I am not! Someone upsets me, and I walk away, yes I do! I got angry before, but I threw the box out the window, yes I did. It was mean as can be and wouldn’t open, no it wouldn’t!” Velestine: “I have lost control once before and it was because of a very traumatic moment I was witness to. Like Helene stated, I am also a cold sort of anger when I reach that point. Admittedly, it takes a lot to get me there.”  
Prudence is care of and moderation with gil. This one is a bit simpler. Are you a gil-pincher or do you spend with abandon?
Maeryn: “I do not get out much, I am afraid. So, I would say I pinch gil, to be sure. My family is fond of saving and I believe I learned it from them.” Helene: “I don’t need much, yeah? Keep my armor in shape, keep my weapon ready, keep myself fed and clothed. Anything else is just extra.” Silone: “I live in a very comfortable lifestyle and enjoy keeping it up. But I earn as much as I spend. I won’t turn down a beautiful piece of furniture if I believe it will look good in my home.” Aeric: “You look th’type to spend money. I’m middle? Spend a lot on my girl, th’Siren. Not a lot on myself. Spoil her rotten, though.” Sunny: “I hold gil all the time, yes I do! Pinching it doesn’t do anything, no it doesn’t! Why would someone hold it all day? OH! Oh, I get it! I like to spend it on food, yes I do!” Velestine: “I don’t like to spend any of it, if I can. I would much rather make or gather the things I need and what I can’t, I will buy from local merchants first and foremost.”  
Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain. Some might think this goes hand in hand with prudence but that is not the case. Even those who string their gil-pouches tightest can be known for their charity or simply do not fret over making more gil. Are you a take-take-take sort? Is the gathering of wealth important to you?
Maeryn: “My family has always been ambitious, and I suppose I inherit that in a different way. Wealth is not important to me, but it is a part of my life. I wouldn’t be upset if we lost it by tomorrow.” Helene: “They can keep it, yeah? Not interested in fancy pillows and houses.” Silone: “My family was dirt poor. I fought to be better than that and I am now. So yes, in a sense, I am Greedy.” Aeric: “Yeah, guilty. I am all about th’makin’ of gil an’ the wealth of it in th’long run. I want an airship an’ all that comes with it. I give back to those that help me an’ hard work earns part of the take. But I don’t want to be piss poor again.” Sunny: “I’m not greedy, no I am not! My purse strings are tight though, yes they are! People steal! Mean mean people.” Velestine: “I…by the gods, you are precious. I myself am keen on keeping some savings for a rainy day but no, I do not consider myself to be the greedy type.”  
Temperance is moderation of needed things and abstinence from things which are not needed. In essence it is the opposite of gluttony. Is there anything that you find you abstain from that you wish you did not?
Maeryn: “No, I wouldn’t say so. I enjoy every little moment I can.” Helene: “I wish I was better about bein’ touched. Most of the time, my muscles lock up.” Silone: “Something happened to cause that, I imagine. I abstain from being emotional about things.” Aeric: “Nope. Do what I want, when I want.” Sunny: “Me too, me too! I like to do everything, yes I do!” Velestine: “I would like to be better about some things but overall, I wouldn’t say I hold back too much.”
 Sloth is laziness and the avoidance of work. Somehow I don’t see that being of much concern with this group, but what would you say is your laziest habit?
Maeryn: “Oh, I will pay someone to run a package down to the moogle mail carrier instead of taking the stairs myself. I am sometimes winded easily.” Helene: “Just need to run more, yeah? I could be more lazy with things but that kinda ties into the last question.” Silone: “I would rather pay someone to clean the gallery instead of doing so myself. I have often also had things delivered which would have taken me less time but, why waste my own time?” Aeric: “I let Gid handle organizin’ the cargo. I am shit for organizing anythin’, really.” Sunny: “I like to take lots and lots of naps, yes I do! I wake up SUPER early but I nap so many times. Unless we are moving and then I can’t, nope nope nope!” Velestine: “Hmm, I would say I enjoy naps as well but that is only due to my horrible habit of staying awake through the night most days. But I would much rather let someone carry something for me than do so myself. A bag is fine but I will find someone to haul something large well before I attempt to do so.”  
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy days to give some insight into your inner thoughts for our readers. I know today’s questions were a little tougher than some of the ones before but I hope you don’t begrudge me asking you. Before you go, what do you all think of me?
Maeryn: “I think you are nice and I don’t mind them in the slightest. Look forward to speaking with you again.” Helene: “Nothin’ much to say! Don’t have a problem, yeah?” Silone: “I suppose you are all right. Could stand to have a nicer taste in clothes.” Aeric: “Do a fine enough job, I think.” Sunny: “Is that thing real?” She pokes the mustache. “IT IS! IT IS! IT WIGGLES, YES IT DOES!” Velestine: “Sunny, no need to poke the nice man’s face like that. I understand you are curious, though. Anyway, I think you are very patient and kind. Your genuine interest in us is impressive.”
Tagged by: @peacekeeper-xiv (He made them) Tagging: ALL OF YA’LL! JUST DO IT!
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komainu-no-hana · 6 years
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Aeric Tanner was careful on how she stood. He didn't tug nor seek to quicken her pacing but instead offered a sturdy hold for her to take. Even if she had intended to pull back, those warm gloves wrapped around both of her hands and gently traced her scales with the curve of a thumb. "Found your footing?"
Hana Komainu 's fingers curled around his hands as she stared up at him.  She felt as if she were out of breath until she realized that she was, having held her breath as soon as she made it to her feet.  The tracing of his thumb at her scales at her ilming closer, a motion that could have been mistaken for a sway of unsteady feet, but a nod chased her exhale.  "Yes."
Aeric Tanner let go of one of her hands as she swayed forward and instead placed it very gently to her god side. "You sure?" He leaned back just enough to catch her gaze. "We'll take it slow, yeah?"
Soren Gilmar had woken to find Hana missing. His heart had jumped with concern. Where in the seven hells had she gone? Tracking her was easier than it should have been, but her injuries meant she wasn't being as careful with how she traveled on food. He came up to the pier and stepped into the shadows wrapping himself in them and spotting her. Blinking several times at the man with her, a rather protective anger filled his chest. She was supposed to be in bed, resting after nearly dying. Who the hell was this guy. He paused before getting to close. Perhaps it was Averill. He knew she normally wouldn't get that close to anyone. Still, he didn't remember Averill being a pirate. Keen  eyes narrowed on the man as he contemplated popping up behind him and shoving him into the water.
Hana Komainu 's tail fluttered behind her as his hand set upon her good side.  Her eyes wanted to dart away, but they held firm as she nodded.  "I'm sure," she mused softly, voice nearly a whisper.  "I can make it to Averill's."
Aeric Tanner removed the hand at her side and placed it to the curve of her cheek with a light smirk. "Alright. If ya get winded, let me know. We will stop at--" Soren Gilmar blinked. Not Averill, just another pirate, likely taking advantage of the fact that Hana was still heartbroken and vulnerable. That sealed it. He moved swiftly in the shadows coming right up on the man and hauling off to deck him into the water while reaching to make sure Hana didn't fall in with the scoundrel. Aeric Tanner noted the motion RIGHT before it hit but wasn't looking to dodge it. Instead, he turned -into- it to block it from hitting Hana and take it full force to the cheek. He lost his footing with the force and topped down the steps into the water with a heavy splash.
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pipboyyz · 7 years
Journal: 1 Page: 1 Title: Anew
                   My given name is, as translated into common, Constellation, but not the one I use. My name, as known by everyone I tell, is Aeric Septum. I picked this name as a symbol of my new life, as I left the ashes of my village, I left a new man, and it was fitting to leave with a new name. I was born to firbolg parents Mary and Leerick in the remote village of Vellosh deep in the elven forests. The village was seen as a ghost story to humans, and even to most elves, but among the elders of the elves we where seen as hidden protecters and guardians of the forests. That is what we where for the most part, protectors of ancient and mystical beasts and plants. We would use illusions, trickery, and sometimes force to protect and shelter the more magical beats and plants. Phoenixes, unicorns, and treants where common sights to us firbolg. I was a bright student growing up, absorbing knowledge like a sponge, and was quickly scouted by a local alchemist to become an apprentice, that's when my life started to change.
​                ​I was taught in the mystical ways of alchemy by Felix Drathamus, a brilliant and eccentric sage. Mixing potions, collecting rare ingredients, and traveling to the depths of the forest where my daily activities as his apprentice. He was a powerful wizard, but I never could learn the symbols as well as he could, so he sent me off with the rangers to learn druidic magic, or if that failed, just bowmen ship. When I joined the rangers that's when my powers fully took form, I quickly learned how to shapeshift, and was learn the druidic magic, but again I lacked in that area. Cantrips I mastered, but rituals I struggled. You would think with my background in alchemy I would pick this up easier, but calling on the power of something long dead was for some reason very difficult for me. That's when I found the book of Twilight, and another chapter of my life started. ​                 To pass the trials of a ranger in Vellosh was no easy task, you must start the day as a wolf and travel the forest, gathering ingredients and traveling to the mysticals caves to cast the rituals of my forefathers. The hunting and gathering was easy for me, I could track for days without rest, and was a natural shifter. The rituals caused me problems, I could do them, but not in the timeframe the wanted. It was my 3rd attempt when I found a cave I had never seen before. I was an expert of the trails for the trial at this point, and wanted a change of pace. I took a long approach to the last cave when I went farther around the mountain. I was forced to shift into a ram just to climb the steep cliffs, but it was fun for me. That's when I found the hidden cave. It was small, enough for a bed, desk and a  door, but that's it. Inside was decades old ingredients and enough dust to fill a cauldron. I searched the room, looking for something to take back to show the elders, hoping to impress them, but all I found was a book. It was wrapped in chains and written in multiple languages, I took it back to the village, hiding it. I wanted to unlock whatever mysteries it had. Returning was seen as normal to someone who had failed so many times, so I was given space, that let me pour over the tome in peace. What I found was a diary of an exiled druid, who had tapped into magic deemed evil. He named this type of druidic magic "The Circle of Twilight". ​              This style of magic was to draw from the power of a freshly killed animal to cast a ritual faster and more efficient than with ingredients. The power let the caster use this power solely, no ingredients needed, to cast a ritual.I knew it was a wrong, but I was ashamed by my failure and wanted to impress, so I learned every trick in the book I could, and set out on my last trial. As I arrived to the last cave to cast the ritual of my forefathers, I slew an eagle, something so mighty that I knew it had enough power to cast it. That's when all hell broke lose, the forest gods where not pleased. The cave shook, and rocks fell, but something stopped them. Something dangerous and evil, and I could tell something that I had set lose by using forbidden magic in an area deemed sacred to my people. The entity was not interested in me however, and I felt it rush to the village. I shifted and ran after the phantom, but it was to fast. By the time I arrived most of the village was in ruins, people slaughter in the streets, houses on fire, and my elders burned alive. I knew I would not be forgiven, so after looting a small bag of supplies I ran. That's when my adventure started.... ​ ​ ​
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