#adventures -- 'It was horrifying waiting to see if you'd survived the fall from the ship. Holly was looking for you for what felt like ages
orangerosebush · 2 years
Do you think that Artemis and Butler ever explicitly told Angeline and Tim that they orchestrated Fowl Sr's rescue from the Mafiya, or did that just never like... come up
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orangerosebush · 2 years
It would be very funny (bear with me here) if, post-canon, Fowl Sr were to be having a conversation with Butler, and the topic of Fowl Sr's captivity following the sinking of the Fowl Star just naturally comes up.
Perhaps Fowl Sr says something along the lines of, "Ever since — well, of what I remember, that is — I was rescued from Britva, I just... cannot do sea travel anymore".
And Butler kind of... hums noncommittally and then says — thinking nothing of it due to the fact that it's years post-series, and everyone who is a Butler or a Fowl knows about the People and their adventures: "It was horrifying waiting to see if you'd survived the fall from the ship. Holly was looking for you for what felt like ages to Artemis and I".
... and Fowl Sr pauses, because wait. Why was *Holly* the *elf* from *Haven* fishing him out of the fjord in Murmansk??
"Well," Butler continues reluctantly (having not foreseen Fowl Sr being out of the loop on this), "Of course. The Britva rescue mission was part of why Artemis and I were involved in quashing the rebellion Opal was orchestrating in Haven at the time".
Now, Fowl Sr has this moment where his brain just... buffers.
Because he KNEW that there must've been *some* reason for why Artemis went from being Haven's number one public enemy to saving their civilization time and time again.
Buuut he had assumed that it was largely an alliance engendered by Artemis and Butler feeling like... guilty? or something? CERTAINLY Tim did not think that he was being dangled as a bargaining chip with sentience into Haven's political affairs, lmao
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