#admittedly i also just don't feel totally safe discussing the other ship here bc it can be seen as 'problematic' if you adhere strictly to
voloswag · 2 years
Hi there! Same anon as before who mentioned that I felt inspired seeing your content, HCs and whatnot.
I'm still a shy lil baby but I want to say that I get feeling lonely in your interests, but I do look forward to seeing when you post! There's a lot of A+ content on your blog and I'd love to see more and even hear about your ships that you hint at occasionally ^^
Anon you have no idea how much I loved seeing this in my inbox, I’ve been itching to answer it all day!!!!!!!!!
; -; i reach for u with my little hands.... I totally understand feeling shy but just know that my dms are always open! i think? hold on lemme check my settings--ok now they’re for sure open lol
thank you so much, you’re inspiring me to keep posting! I just have to sit down and decide on what specifically I want to ramble about bc honestly there’s just so much I could yammer on about forever. as for the ships, one is with a canon char and the other is with an oc, but chances are I’ll only be discussing the oc ship here because I’m incredibly powerful like that u_u ......and also because it’s the ship i’ve developed more of the two anyway. they have so much in common but it’s where they differ that makes it particularly fascinating, imo.
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