#admiral hornagold is trying to substitute authority for expertise and that why he didn't survive the movie kids :D
The Royal Navy in the Sea Beasts had NO BUSINESS trying to hunt sea monsters - even aside from the propaganda in the background
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the first-ever time the movie introduces us to the Navy, its through an Admiral bragging about a ship built to kill sea beasts which Captain Crow pretty quickly sizes up as not the right tool for the job
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"fixed cannons are useless (and her captain is an Ass)"
But its not just that they didn't know how what kind of ships and weaponry would efficiently take down massive ocean critters!! They also didn't seem to bother giving their men any drilling or training to prepare for the job itself!
This guy:
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saw Red pop over the crest of the island and immediately went to shoot *without alerting anyone else* on the shore that the Red Bluster was in charging range of them! Note how as he goes to shoot at her, most of the other soldiers in the background remain unawares
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aside from like the one (1) guy (bottom left) who also sees and actually goes "hey there's the Red Bluster!" the soldiers and the ship remain unaware that Red is there until she's actually charging them because this chucklehead shot at her
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So by the time these poor sods find out that this massive, pissed-off unicorn seal thing is coming for their asses, she's already halfway to them and it is way too late to take effective precautions! The musketshot and cannonfire doesn't slow her down at all - it just seems to smother the ship in her own smoke so nobody can see anything at all by the time Red hits them
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Like from the top down, nobody in the navy was given adequate preparation or training for this job, and it shows
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POV: u fucked up
like for my part-time job I work with heavy and dangerous machinery, and one of the things that was really emphasized when I started was: tell someone if something's not right: mechanical problem, something breaks, whatever it is, communicate it to someone
and this is just for working with industrial machinery! which is a lot less unpredictable than a giant, powerful animal that can and will tear you and your ship a new porthole. It highkey seems like Admiral Hornagold literally didn't do any training or prep for this mission with his soldiers, and just assumed that they'd suceed "because we are
The Royal Navy
like what a massive waste of time, money, manpower, and lives for such a stupid oversight!! 'cuz....they HAVE people who've been successfully hunting beasts for centuries!!! if even one commanding officer in the navy had been like 'hmmm, perhaps I should hire some retired hunters or off-duty hunters to do some consulting before I commission a ship and assign recruits to man it" the whole thing could've been avoided!!
it was SO STUPID TO NOT DO THAT whether or not the naval officers in charge were in on the propaganda machine!
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