#abc really did that and i can’t believe it’s fucking real 😭
really insane benlocke post incoming. warning for nsfw text and also spoilers for the entirety of lost
SO. questions taken from this post.
1 Who would be first to to bite down anc consume the flesh of the other, euphoric in the taste and the heft and the slide of the blood ben of COURSE
2. who is the ant and who is the ophiocordyceps fungus? locke is the ant and ben is the fungus 😍 though in a much more real sense locke is the ant and the mib is the fungus
3. who is the dog and who is the master? locke is the dog and ben is the master UNTIL the latter half of season 5 (post-the life and death of jeremy bentham) when ben becomes the dog. my evidence
4 when the roles are blurred or reversed who would be first to die and how? would it be by bulletwound? the phallic blade? strangulation? locke dies by strangulation. we know this. but when the roles are blurred/reversed locke kills ben by making him kill the man he worships, which triggers a kind of rebirth for ben
5. Cocaine or Heroin? heroin
6. who licks up the other’s cigarette ash? ben licks up locke’s cigarette ash
7 who is julius caesar and who is brutus? locke is caesar and ben is brutus
8. who is jesus and who is judas? locke is jesus and ben is judas
9. did jesus want it? did julius caesar know it was coming? are the betrayed ever proud? locke never saw it coming and he never wanted to be betrayed one last time but maybe he is just a tiny bit grateful. after all he was going to kill himself before ben strangled him. maybe death comes as a relief. not the betrayal though
10. who is irrumatus and who is irrumans? who is pedicatus and who is pedicans? had to give myself a quick latin lesson for this question and i still don’t think i get it 😭 is irrumatus the one penetrating orally and irrumans the one being penetrated? in that case locke is irrumatus, ben is irrumans. same for pedicatus and pedicans—locke penetrates anally, ben is penetrated. although none of this happens until the latter half of season 5 when locke is not locke anymore
11. did they ever kiss and why not? no because locke would never. but frankly the real answer is because there’s no damn time for these two to kiss on that island! have you ever tried to write fanfiction about the time ben and locke spent together on the island. every moment of their time together is accounted for. there’s just no time for ben and locke to kiss or for ben to give locke the worst sloppy of his life. and believe me i’ve tried to find the time. the consequences of abc’s lost’s breakneck pacing
maybe in a different world ben could have kissed him tenderly before the strangulation. in those moments when he was being kind in order to get information out of locke. when he helped him off that table. imagine
12 if they are two sides of the same coin who is heads and who is tails? locke is heads ben is tails
13. and if the coin was the holey dollar? ben would try to fuck the hole
14. And if the dog bit back? 15 and if the dog bit back? 16 and if the dog bit back? 17 and if the dog bit back? 18 and if the dog bit back? 19 and if the dog bit back? the thing is. locke isn’t even a particularly loyal dog. he’s a dog that hates his master’s guts and is only following that fucking guy around because the guy miiiiight give him food. he might be lying though! he lies a lot. but it’s not like anyone else is offering the dog food.
so the dog DOES bite back. and it’s funny because the master seems to kind of like the dog, even though he keeps leading the dog on and occasionally trying to kill the dog. so the master acts super betrayed whenever the dog bites back. he might even actually feel a little hurt. he knows he has the upper hand, though—he always has a plan etc
so if the dog bit back the master would be like . I’m hurt, John, I really am :/ while also knowing the dog can’t do shit and will come crawling back to him
UNTIL! the master kills the dog. and then. the dog comes back to life. and the dog acts different. more self-assured. like. the dog knows how to get its own fucking food now. and more than that. it knows how to feed the master
and then the dog starts telling the master that maybe he should bite his own master, as in, the master’s master. and the master is like. Nooo haha that’s so crazy. Unless….. and then he does. and then the dog says Actually I’m not your dog. I’m the Satan allegory
so the master loses his faith and goes through a whole redemption arc (sort of). it’s a whole thing. he does go back to the dog though because what else is he supposed to do? lol. and then he sort of does bite back once he realizes the-dog-not-the-dog doesn’t give a shit about him. which leads to this cool bit from the finale script.
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ON MASTER-TURNED-DOG. Realizing EXACTLY where he stands
20. Who buys the other flowers?🥰 ben buys locke flowers 💕💕💕
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