#a shitty camera on my computer doesn't help my cause either
Ooh! What's this?! MY FACE? Yes. Yes, it is.
I figured since I look all pretty right now, I might as well. Also, because @zombabe935 thinks it's a good idea.
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(Now for some sillier photos, as well as a preview into my sketchbook :3)
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(If anyone gets what cutscene the first sketch is from and what game this little guy is from, comment or reblog with your answer. :3)
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(Bottom text: Sorokina Middle text: I'm a dragon! Stop calling me a dinosaur!(Inside joke with a friend))
I also drew the DE dragon on the right. :3 I have too much time on my hands.
I tried to get the cat in, but he's napping on a box. He's old, so I forgive his laziness.
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