#Zelda in a tank top
skirazed · 11 months
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How to Fish A Comprehensive Guide to Catching Fish
Fishing is not just a recreational activity it is a skill that connects us with nature and provides a sense of adventure and relaxation. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced angler understanding the fundamental steps and techniques involved in fishing is crucial for a successful catch. In this essay we will explore the process of fishing covering essential aspects such as selecting bait and lures choosing the right fishing rod casting techniques hooking a fish and handling your catch. By following these guidelines you can enhance your fishing skills and increase your chances of reeling in that prized catch......
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syndxlla · 9 months
best friends don’t look at each other the way we do
A low stakes, high reward, and self-indulgent Zelink fan fiction. Canon-compliant. takes place between BOTW and TOTK.
chapter four: I’m better than ever
Read chapter three here
My masterlist
Song: Landscape with a Fairy by aspidistrafly
Summary: Link and Zelda start to get back on their feet, local problems in Hateno Village start to arise.
Warnings: PTSD, dealing with trauma
Word Count: 3.3k
Authors Note: sorry this took me so long to update! This is unedited so pls be kind haha. I love you all! Also I’m working on getting this uploaded to Ao3!
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A few days go by, and Zelda finally starts to feel like herself again. After three days of laying in bed, drinking broth that Link makes for her, and falling into deep, dreary sleeps, she can finally get herself out of bed.
She walks downstairs, not feeling dizzy or nauseous, to find Link passed out against the table. His mouth is slack, and the smallest amount of drool dribbles out onto the cracked wood. His eyelashes are long and thick, and he has an old scar through one of his eyebrows, causing a clean-cut line of no hair. He looks so gentle when he sleeps, soft and peaceful. You would never guess he was the threat he was.
Zelda knew how badly he needed to sleep, he had spent days restless over her. She knew he got some rest here and there, but never enough to really help. She notices his shoulder shake, he isn’t wearing a shirt. She swears he never does at home. It was cold, despite it nearing summertime. Zelda goes to grab one of the wool blankets he keeps on a bench against the wall. Before she carefully drapes it around his shoulders, she examines the scars on his back. It’s littered with cuts and bruises. Some had healed well, and were only suggesting an injury. Others were a pale shade of tissue, some were still red and pink. One even still had his make-do stitches in it. She wondered who did them for him, and what battle caused the injury. Link still had bruises on his side and bicep from the fight with the calamity. They were starting to turn a jaundiced yellow and green, his body slowly healing them. Zelda’s stomach turns at the memories of the beast.
She shakes her head and sighs, placing the blanket over his bare skin and positioning it over his shoulders. Link stirs and his breathing shifts, he closes his mouth, swallowing before continuing his dreams. His hair is out of his hair tie, and it lies loose around his shoulders and face.
His face and look is so alluring, there's something about him that’s so comforting. She could sit with him all day, just with him as he slept, knowing that she’s safe.
She uses the washroom, taking her hair out of the old braid and letting the soft waves fall over her shoulders and cascade down her back. A pit churns in her stomach as she looks at her long hair. Her hair was always a part of her identity. Something she never cut, never damaged. It was beautiful, even after the years of divine wear and tear on it. She never had a choice with her hair. She didn’t get to make hardly any choices for herself. He runs her hands through her hair, sometimes she wished she could just rip it all out. Have a fresh slate.
She changes her clothes after searching for something fresh to wear, she would eventually need some of her own clothes. Zelda does all of this being as quiet as she can be. She doesn’t want to wake the sleeping hero at any cost. She finds an old pair of green pants that hit her at the knees, they’re comfortable, but tight to her skin. She finds the matching blue tank top that goes with it, and pulls it over her head. It feels nice to have some clean clothes on. When Link wakes up, she’ll ask if there’s a clothing store nearby.
The princess starts on breakfast, pulling some bird eggs from the cool inventory and a bit of goat butter. She has no idea what she’s doing, and very quickly realizes that she’s burning the eggs. In a panic, Zelda attempts to fix her mess, but somehow makes it worse. She quietly swears and before she knows it, Link is standing behind her, wrapping his arms around her body and replacing her grip on the skillet with his own calloused hands.
He engulfs himself around her, resting his chin on her shoulder as he pulls the burnt egg away from her. Her heart flutters, skipping a beat. She wonders how he was able to do an act that was so simple, so domestic. Did he think about it the same way she did? She felt safer and warmer in his embrace, wanting to linger there forever, feeling his bare chest against her back, but it's over all too soon. He steps away and fixes her mistake.
“I-I’m so sorry.” Zelda sighs. “I’m not sure what’s wrong with me.”
“Nothings wrong with you.” Link assures, “Open the windows.” He nods to the glass. Zelda goes to push them open, and they must not have been opened in years because they creak open with a tired groan and dust falls from the frames. Her breaths are quickly followed by coughs after the fact, and she scrunches her nose.
Almost immediately, Link is making a perfect omelet, and it smells wonderful.
“How do you do that?”
“Years of practice.” He smiles. “Grab some plates.” She follows his request again, his voice is still gruff and gravely from his sleep. Zelda places the plates on the table, facing across from each other. Link carries the pan over to the plates, cutting the omelet in half with his spoon and then placing each half on the plates, being sure to give Zelda the bigger piece. Zelda sits after thanking him, and instead of Link sitting across from her, he drags the plate for himself across the table to be next to hers, taking his place right next to her on the bench, legs pressing up against one another. Zelda begs her thoughts not to be too ambitious.
They eat mostly in silence.
“Is there a clothing store nearby?”
Link nods, “Yup, two of ‘em actually.” He looks at her, his eyes still sleepy, “I can go get you some if you like.”
“I would like to go with you, if that’s alright.” Zelda nods.
“Are you feeling well enough?” He asks.
“Mhm,” She hums, “I would really like to get out of this house.”
“What, you don’t like my house?” Link asks, pretending to be hurt.
Zelda giggles, chiding him, “I love your house.” She sighs, those words came so easily. The word ‘love’ lingers in her mind. “Will you teach me how to cook?”
Link laughs, “Oh no you can’t fix that.” He teases her in reference to her antics this morning. She frowns, unamused, and he sighs, “I’ll teach you, but in return I want you to teach me something, too.”
“Anything.” Zelda smiles.
“Teach me how to be brave. Like you.” He asks after a beat.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about it… and I’m terrified. All the time I am.” He swallows, scared to open up like this, proving his own point. He glances at the princess who stares at him with her beautiful, green eyes which inspires him to keep going, “I know I’m the courage guy and everything, and don’t get me wrong, I’m not afraid of things, like I’m not afraid to beat up monsters or jump headfirst into a well, but I’m filled with this… this dread. Like something bad is going to happen and no matter what I do, I can’t stop it.” He explains, never being this vulnerable with anyone anymore. He used to be with Mipha back in the day, but she was gone because of something Link couldn’t stop.
“Link… courage and bravery are two different things.” Zelda states, taking a risk and placing a dainty hand on his, the touch is electric, they both feel it. “Bravery is the ability to walk into an enemy camp with a decayed weapon and two apples. Courage is the strength to keep fighting when it feels impossible to.” She explains.
Link looks at her, and he realizes how easy it would be to just lean over and kiss her. Her lips are so soft, so pink, so inviting. He glances at them a few times. He decides not to.
“I just… I just don’t want to lose you again.” He pulls his hand away, looking down at the empty plate dejectedly.
“Hey.” She pulls his gaze again, their eyes meeting once more. “You got me. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.” She reassures him, and then rests her head on his shoulder. They needed one another.
He’s worried sick about her the entire time they’re in town. He can’t quit watching her, and she’s enthralled by the stimulation of the world around her. She almost gets plowed over by a kid running through the street, and she just laughs when it happens, the brightest smile on her face.
She takes a deep breath, feeling the sun on her face. The warmth of early summertime makes her cheeks a soft pink and eyelashes flutter.
“Did you have to bring that with you?” She asks, referencing the legendary sword that was strapped to his back. “It’s safe now, remember?”
Link frowns, “You can never be too-safe.” He just nods and she shrugs.
Zelda takes a hop-like step to the bulletin board posted in town to read the notices. One read that there would be a sale on milk up at the farm the next week, another was basic town hubbub, but one stood out to her. It was written by the hands of someone who isn’t very skilled with penmanship. It was a note asking for books, probably by a child. The note asked that someone would kindly donate a few new books for this young reader, leaving them on the bench outside of the mayor's home. She smiled, this was the type of kid she was.
A completely different note catches Link’s eye.
New monster spotted north-east of town. Killed two cattle. Please be cautious.
Link hums, turning the paper over to see if there’s any more information, but that was it.
“What is it?” Zelda asks.
“A monster. I would guess it's just a Moblin, but the note says it's new.” LInk frowns, perplexed. “I’ve fought every monster in Hyrule ten times over, there are only Moblins and Bokoblins in these parts.”
“Should we be worried?” She asks, her eyes blown-wide. She’s in constant fear of having to go through anything traumatic again.
Link shrugs, “I saw a destroyed fence the other day up there, I should probably go speak with the rancher.” He shoves the note in his back pocket, “Come on, let’s get you some clothes.” He holds his arm out for her to take, something he hasn’t done in a long time. He almost pulls it away in embarrassment but she gladly takes it, smiling at him as she does.
Both of their hearts threatened to burst out of their chests, but they each calmly forced themselves to stay composed.
Link leads her into one of the clothing stores, the door ringing from a bell as they enter. The shop was small, but had plenty of things in stock. Zelda pulls away from his arm sooner than either of them would have liked to start browsing. Link follows three steps behind, where he usually was.
“Link!” A woman smiles from the back of the shop. Ivee walks towards him, cheerful. “You’ve been gone for so long! I thought I heard you were back in town.” She says before wrapping her arms around him and hugging him. Link is a little surprised by it and doesn’t really hug her back.
Link nods with a smile. “I’ll be in town for a while.” He states, being friendly but not too friendly. He and Ivee have some history.
“You? Never.” She giggled, stepping closer to him, she was a bit shorter than him, and had cute brown eyes that sparkled up at him. “You can’t stay put in one place for too long, you'll get bored!” Her body language was flirty, handsy, she thought Link was as handsome as everyone else did.
Zelda is made aware of the situation and tries to keep her cool. There’s no reason to get jealous. “Well you all better give me some work to keep myself busy.” He smiles, scratching the back of his head.
“Oh I would love to.” She sighs and Link awkwardly laughs.
Zelda steps in at that moment, “I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name.” She stands a little closer to Link than she normally does, not quite touching him, but close enough.
“Ivee.” She says to Zelda. “And who are you…”
Zelda takes a harrowing breath, “Who am I?” She asks, her tone increasingly offended, “Who am I?” She asks again laughing at Link, “Well I am the Pri-“ She starts to say and Link interrupts her grabbing her shoulder.
“This is Zelda, she’s from the west. She’ll be staying with me for a while.”
“Oh.” Ivee looks visibly hurt. She then looks at Zelda with a frown, “You know, it’s bad luck to be named Zelda. That’s what the Princess who killed herself a hundred years ago was named.” She sighs, glaring at Zelda. Her gaze softens when she returns to speaking with Link, “If you need any assistance, I’ll just be up here.” She smiles and turns around, “It’s great to have you back in town, Linky. I would love to walk up to the waterfall at Nirvata lake with you again. It was so fun last time.” She winks at him before returning back to her perch.
Links cheeks burn red.
“Rude.” Zelda mutters under her breath. “What in the name of Hylia does she mean by that?…Linky?” Zelda teases, scoffing at him. Link swallows, embarrassed.
He then signs to Zelda, ‘Ivee makes up stories’.
Zelda lifts an eyebrow, not believing it, ‘She’s not very polite’.
Link shakes his head, ‘She’s young. Times are different’. He pulls Zelda into a more secluded corner of the store, not wanting to embarrass anyone, ‘You can’t tell people you’re the Princess’.
‘Why Not?’ Zelda signs back, her expression frustrated and confused, ‘I am, aren’t I? I didn’t kill myself. Do they really believe that?’
Link nods, ‘Some people don’t even believe the Calamity happened’.
“What?” Zelda verbally exclaims.
Link holds his pointer-finger to his lips, hushing her, Conspiracy theorists or something.’ He signs, ‘besides, people won’t believe you if you tell them you’re The Princess’.
‘That’s absurd!’ Zelda angrily signs at him.
Link tries to calm her down, looking at her with his understanding eyes, ‘Until we can get the Zora to confirm for the Hylians that you are The Princess, It’s best to just lay low’.
Zelda frowns, wrapping her arms across her chest. ‘Fine’. She signs back.
Link nods, “Let’s get you some clothes.”
They leave the store with a good collection of items, some shirts and trousers, a hooded cloak, socks and a pair of boots for her. She was still wandering around in her goddess sandals. “Most ladies wear skirts these days, when you’re in town, you should too.” He explains as they walk next door to a nicer, more prestigious shop. Zelda was acutely aware that he did not offer her his arm when they left Ivee’s shop.
“So they’ve regressed?” Zelda asks, back in her day, it was becoming quite popular for women to sport trousers, even in formal situations.
“Very much, yes.” Link nods. “The calamity threw the world back, technology has been put on a complete hold, there have been little-to-no scientific breakthroughs since.” Link explains. It makes Zelda sad.
“That’s a real tragedy.” She frowns, “We were making so much progress.”
“I know.” Link says, “but now everyone just fends for themselves. If there's a famine or illness in a town, it's up to that town to solve it. There was a village in West Hyrule, before the canyon that had survived the Calamity. They were doing pretty well for the first fifty or so years. But then they had a bad plague, and were completely wiped out. There's nothing but a ruin there now.”
Zelda’s heart hurts, “It’s my fault.” She stops in her tracks. Link turns around, looking at her dejected composure. He walks back to her, taking her hand with his.
“Look at me.” He says, but she keeps her gaze set on the dirt road. Link takes his hand and gently lifts her chin to make eye-contact with him. “It’s not your fault. This is not on one person's shoulders.”
“I know but-“
“Zelda.” He stops her, “We can’t change the past. It happened. But we are both still here.” He takes both her hands now, “We survived, so let's look into the future. There’s only up from here.” He reassures her.
Zelda cracks a smile, and she desperately wants to lean in and give him a quick, gentle kiss on his lips. But she doesn’t, because she can’t guarantee he would kiss her back, and she would rather suffer in silence over her desires for him, but stay close, than jeopardize their friendship at all.
“Come on.” He leads her into the store, not letting go of one of her hands until they’re inside.
Zelda leaves with two dresses now, a soft, cotton dress that’s blue, and a white one with green and yellow details on the hem of the fabrics. “Thank you, Link.” She says as they begin their walk back home. “How do you have so much money?”
“Talus.” Link nods, not giving anymore context. Zelda shrugs, catching up with him.
They spent that evening cleaning, Link finally took care of all the junk he stored there, discarding old weapons and starting a burn pile outback to get rid of scraps and wooden bows. Zelda takes a big broom and dusts out all of the cobwebs, sweeping out piles of dirt, and taking care of the sand pile that had accumulated from his treasures found in the desert. She noticed how her heart twinged at the idea of the desert, the idea of Urbosa. She shakes the thought away, focusing on the task.
Dusk falls on them, and Zelda is wiping down the walls with an old rag while Link is sitting up in the rafters, dusting the wooden beams the roof is built on and trying to reach a bird's nest that had been built up there. He straddles a beam, shirtless, barefoot, and dusty.
As he sits up there, he peers down at the girl who kneels twenty feet below him, her long hair tied back into a bun and secured with a stick shoved through the center of it. Her feet bare and dirty, toes poking out from under her bottom as she sat on them. She couldn’t see him looking at her, couldn’t hear how his heart beat twice as fast when he thought about her, wasn’t aware of how his pupils grew at the sight of her.
She hummed, and he could hear it. Humming a song he didn’t know, but felt vaguely familiar, like he knew it in a past life. Link wondered if the past incarnations of the Goddess and the Hero ever loved each other. Surely they did, to some degree. Maybe platonic, or the type of love you have for someone you work alongside and deeply respect. He wondered if any of them ever loved each other the way he wanted to love his Zelda. Did it ever work? Had he been a king in a past life? Did their past selves ever have children? His stomach flutters at the idea of having a family with her.
She must have sensed his gaze because as soon as he begins to fantasize about Zelda having a baby with him, she looks up at him, and smiles. He’s so shocked by her sudden gaze, terrified that she could read his mind and almost loses his balance on the beam, falling his chest onto it and holding on. He smiles back and laughs. Zelda giggles at him.
“How’s the view? Up there?” She stands up and does a silly little dance around herself.
He sighs, and laughs, “the view is perfect!” He shouts down, “A little dusty.” Coughing a bit.
She asks, “Are you alright up there?”
Link smiles, “I’m better than ever.”
Chapter five
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ledzephlin · 3 months
society if there was tgirl gorgug thistlespring in denim skirts and distressed rock tank tops and fishnets and platform boots that make her even taller with shitty emo eyeliner that zelda showed her how to do
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creaturetap · 6 months
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what if totk sheikah tech prosthetic, hmm? inspired a bit by that botw concept art where link has a sheikah tech arm
sketch of the arm itself under the cut
digital drawing of link from tears of the kingdom. he wears the climbing gear from in-game: a red bandana, blue tank top, and green trousers. his hair is down and he has scars on his face and arm. his right arm is a prosthetic made from dark material, with glowing orange and blue patterns. he has an eye symbol on the back of his hand. he sits on the floor, looking at his prosthetic, moving the fingers. the lighting is warm and yellow, and the background is pale green.
/ end ID]
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the right drawing was traced from the ancient armour in botw! it was my starting point and the inspiration for the first sketch on the left, though i ended up going with a more obviously/visibly mechanical design in the middle
digital sketches of 3 prosthetic arms made from sheikah technology, from zelda: breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom. on the left is one that looks similar in size and shape to a human arm, with harder plating on the outside. in the middle is a thinner design, with swirling patterns on it and more visible mechanical joints. this one has arrows pointing towards it. the third is a colour sketch, showing mostly dark grey design with light brown/grey edges, and bright orange and blue details.
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ryo-apologist · 21 days
Racer! Link
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Racer! Link x Reader
CW: Smut, Minors DNI, I will block your ass, author knows nothing about racing and it shows
AN: Yes, this is about that Link. The one with the elf ears, says "Hyah!". Yeah I'm a Linked Universe Nerd. Sucks to be y'all. Keep ya guessing on which fandom has my balls this week.
~Darling XOXO
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☾ So, I hesitated writing this for a number of reasons, but I decided I don't care. Hozier has a new song, April has me face down in the mattress with how hard it's fucked me and I just want to write about a Link near and and dear to my heart.
☾ Mario Kart Link.
☾ He's just a silly lil goober who's always having a good time. Especially when I play as him because what is second place? He'll never know.
☾ I know, canonically, both are Skyward Sword! Link and Breath of the Wild! Link. I do not care.
☾ Because come with me, sinner, as we explore a whole new world. A world where Mario Kart isn't a silly lil game. It's an empire.
☾ Like Fast and the Furious (I think, idk I never watched any of them). OR like sk8 the infinity at S. I do know that one.
☾ There are real things at stake here. It's intense, and it's heavy.
☾ Here, give me a break while I do some worldbuilding here. Mystery blocks are still a thing, they work by magic idk, except getting hit by one of those things is devastating. It's why the newcomers don't last long.
☾ All the main screen players (Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Inkling boy, etc.) are high level racers. They are A-listed and the ones you look out for if you see them in the lineup.
☾ Including Link himself. He drives a motorcycle he named Epona, which he built himself from scratch.
☾ I spent a lot of time (three minutes) trying to figure out a clever nickname for him, and then I saw some of the names other people gave their Linksona's and, while there's nothing wrong with them, I quickly realized I was overthinking things.
☾ It's mostly a stage name, his name is Link and outside of the raceway, he goes by it.
☾ But, for shits and giggles, and point of discerning him from the others, I don't care. Call him ratchet, greaser, racer, cypher, tank, axel, sparks. I'm giving you all the freedom! Me? Personally? I'm going to call him:
☾ Neo- a combining form meaning “new,” “recent,” “revived,” “modified,”
☾ Great I gave you some background, let's get into the fun parts.
☾ Neo, where do we begin with you.
☾ Have y'all read A Court of Mist and Fury? You know Rhysand?
☾ He's Cassian coded.
☾ LMAO You thought.
☾ He's a fun, kind-of guy but when shit gets real, he can shift from zero to a hundred like that.
☾ He'll be laughing with a newbie, patting them on the shoulder, but the second that visor comes down, he's unrecognizable. He's an A-lister for a reason.
☾ He's infamous for taking shortcuts that are insanely dangerous. He's almost always bandaged somewhere, but not his pretty boy, play bunny face.
☾ So Cassian and Lightning McQueen.
☾ He's totally the kind to shoot a wink and a flirty wave, spend the night and then be gone by morning. Or have them escorted out by his Zelda in the morning, Tony Stark style
☾ He's a slut.
☾ Can you tell I like my men slutty?
☾ And he's such a....character in bed.
☾ He's a selfish lover, but make no mistake about it. His partner gets their end. That's right. I said lover. He's fucked bowser.
☾ I'm kidding
☾ No I'm not.
☾ He doesn't care who's in his bed. Man, woman, the funky others who say FUCK YOU to the gender spectrum /pos
☾ He'll bottom, top, switch it up mid-way through. He just like me fr.
☾But he's not lazy. Selfish, yes, but lazy? No. He's the best rider both on and off Epona, yk yk.
☾ And he has such a pretty cock too. A pretty flushed pink, circumcised with such a lovely vein running up the bottom of it. And while pretty, sorry his balls aren't much to write home about.
☾ They are dangerously sensitive though. Suck on them and run your thumb along the head of his dick and he'll whimper.
☾ He whimpers so nicely. God, when he's in the middle of bouncing up and down on you (artificial or organic both are good), and his own hands are running up his chest, plucking at his own pebbled nipples and playing with the piercings as his head is thrown back in pure bliss-
☾ He's probably sponsored by Monster Energy
☾ Has a sugar daddy FOR SURE. God wish I was HIM.
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mk-wizard · 10 months
Top 15 Games that SHOULD get a 100% Reboot/Restart
Hi. I felt like doing something positive especially after my last post, so as a follow up, here is a list of games that I think should get the reboot treatment. And when I say reboot, I don’t just mean remake with fancier graphics and bonus features. I mean restart altogether with fresh new storylines that go their own way though in some specific cases, all they need is a new look. Note that this is my subjective opinion and nobody here has to agree with it. It’s just a fun suggestion.
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1- Metal Gear - I don’t mean Metal Gear Solid, I mean Metal Gear in general. In fact, I think the “Solid” should be retconned entirely because it not only stopped being about Solid Snake who is the hero, he was done dirty with a pathetic ending and the only sequels we get now are prequels. Not to mention the constant drama and tragedy became nauseating. My advice is to restart from the beginning by rebooting the games that date back to the NES as are with better writing and then after that, only do a half-reboot of Metal Gear Solid and then go its own way while respecting Snake as a main character. Solid Snake is a staple in war themed games and set the standard of how we create them. He should REMAIN the main character and have his endings always remain open with him still standing with dignity.
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2- Dino Crisis - I don’t think I need to say much here. Everyone is dying to see this game get remade and it’s not hard to see why. With the exception of the third game and the spin off, Dino Crisis 1 and 2 are amazing. They are dinosaur themed games that actually feel like survivor horror games and not like shooter games with the dinosaur gimmick. This series deserved a reboot and a third game that gives it proper closure.
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3- Parasite Eve - Like Metal Gear, this series did dirty to its main character (Aya Brea) in such a way that they wrote themselves into a corner. Only the first game feels unique and special while the second and third instalments have an identity crisis, a confusing weapons and spell system, and a tank control that never belonged. Only the first game should stay as is with a simple remake and then, its sequels should actually be true sequels that keep the battle, spell and control system as are. Let’s just forget that PE2 and The Third Birthday ever happened.
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4- Silent Hill - Let’s be honest. Harry Mason is the most underrated male protagonist in survivor horror because unlike all the others, he is not a man of action, not a badass and very relatable for it. He is a widower, a writer, a pacifist and one heck of a dad who literally jumped into the underworld to save his daughter. Now, while I like a lot of the sequels, this series lost its way. With the exception of Silent Hill 2, I think Harry and his daughter should have remained the main protagonists of the series. Harry is proof that real men come in all flavors and having one like him is different while still showing the best attributes of masculinity.
PS: I know Silent Hill 1 got a reboot, but it was bad. Period.
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5- Turok - Before there was Dino Crisis (and I’m not discrediting it), there was Turok. The titular hero who might I also add is aboriginal which is a very underrepresented group in fiction period who literally kills dinosaurs with his bare hands. He is a badass and he while he has gotten reboots before, none of them hit the mark yet, but creators should not give up on him. He is worth the effort and if they keep trying, they will strike gold.
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6- Castlevania - This series is ICONIC and nobody ever gets tired of it. It should make a comeback and it is one of the few series where being 3D would make it better. And considering that medieval settings in video games is all the rage now, it would be great to see Simon Belmont back in action. Heck, I would even be open to seeing a Belmont fighting evil in our modern times in 3D.
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7- The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time - Now, I stand by that this series doesn’t need a reboot, I think this game specifically should get a remake because it is a great game that reshaped the series into how we know and love it now, but it was very buggy and the graphics were not that great even for their time. Everything else about it is great, but it does need a facelift.
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8- Prototype - A forgotten gem if there ever was one. This series is unique in that it is the one game where you play as the monster who is also an anti-hero. Yet again, its series did its main character (Alex Mercer) dirty though on top of that, left too many questions unanswered. This series needs a reboot with a much better storyline. If you haven’t seen it, play the first game and you’ll see my point.
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9- Tomb Raider - Now, we can all agree that this series has lost its way. While I am all for origin stories and I admit it makes sense for Lara Croft to not be hardened or toughened up from the start. Keeping her as a weak frightened girl doesn’t make her realistic nor does it make her a likeable heroine. And I am woman enough to admit that being athletic, confident, daring and badass is a part of Lara Croft’s character. I don’t want her to be realistic. I want her to be cool and fun to play. This series needs to go back to its roots when it was fun and Lara was allowed to shamelessly be herself.
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10- Dead Rising - Another case of a game losing its way and its main protagonist becomes someone they’re not. The second instalment was the only game that felt true to what the series is supposed to be and even then, it felt like a spinoff not a part of the main story because Dead Rising is Frank West’s story. Another thing that also stood out about this game is that unlike most zombie themed games, the main character is not only not a fighter, he’s a total lover in all the great ways. Frank is (or rather, was) compassionate, honest and it isn’t for nothing that you only got the best ending when you would save everyone. Heck, he would save people who tried to kill him. This series should get a total reboot and a total rewrite after game 1. And can we please not give Frank a heart of stone? Him being loving is what made him great.
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11- ObsCure - Another lost gem with a unique premise and group of protagonists. This game plays up our childhood fear of the dark because the monsters in this game literally are allergic to the light and the setting is in a highschool. It feels like Scream meets the Blair Witch Project making it a lot of fun, and the monsters are so delightfully creepy. Plus, the story was compelling. Sadly this series only got one sequel which was actually great, but never got that third instalment that would wrap everything up. I say we give this series a reboot, so it can finally finish what it started.
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12- Resident Evil Outbreak - I know this is a spinoff series, but it’s one of the best in the series. It fills in a lot of gaps in the main storyline and any game that allows you to have your own tyrant fighting alongside you is awesome. It also has a multiple ending system which was well done and very rewarding when you get the best ending. I think this should get the reboot treatment and even have a third game that expands the aftermath further.
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13- Resident Evil Dead Aim - Another one of the best spinoffs in the RE series because it expands the story specifically in how tyrants are made and how the variants work. And to be honest, I even liked the characters. I would love see new life breathed into this compelling game even if it just remains the only one of its kind.
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14- Days Gone - I don’t care what anyone says. Any game that allows to play a biker with the spirit of an honourable warrior is badass. Also, can we talk about how this is one of the few games where the main protagonist is married and remains loyal to his wife even long after?! He may be white, male, straight and Christian, but he is still pretty progressive and embodies the BEST part of masculinity. The parts that drive a man to be romantic, noble and heroic. This game with extremely misjudged to the point of bigotry and it deserves a proper reintroduction because it was going places.
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15- Half-Life - This series helped Valve get its jump start and it had the most unique and most iffy type of protagonist in an action/sci-fi game possible yet worked: a scientist. After all, who expect the skinny nerd with the big thick glasses to save the day? Yet, it worked and this game has tons of monsters that became iconic in video game lore. What’s really sad is that a third game was in works, but never saw the light of day. I say we reboot this series and give it the chance to honour its promise to give that third game at long last.
Bonus - Other honourable mentions here are Left 4 Dead because Back 4 Blood stinks, Alone in the Dark though I hear a reboot is in the works, Doom, Devil May Cry and the right way please, Bloody Roar, The Suffering, Fatal Frame, The Evil Within and any other fantastic game series that either went bad due to bad sequels or never got the chance to keep going.
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fire-fira · 3 months
20 Questions for Writers
I was tagged by @linzerj for this, so without further ado:
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
On Ao3 I currently have 70 (though that number is going to increase soon), and on ffn (all my oldest stuff) I have 34. (Dear lord I need to eventually move my older stuff to Ao3. Maybe under a secondary pseud at some point... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Looooots of DC stuff, some TMNT, and with my older stuff I also wrote for Sonic, DBZ, Legend of Zelda, FMA, Gargoyles, Peter Pan, and Megaman. (I also have some early-stages fic and plans for Planet of the Apes fics, but I haven't posted any of that yet.)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Head Trauma - One of my earliest Bluepulse OT3 fics. YJA-based; Jaime gets knocked out on a mission and the team gets their first exposure to Khaji Da directly.
Loving an Alien Shouldn't be this Complex - Another Bluepulse OT3. YJA-based; Bart's part in what's intended to be a trilogy of fics about the same circumstances/events. Crushing on Jaime is one thing, but realizing he's crushing on Khaji Da is a whole different ballpark.
If You Think My Truth Is A Lie, You Can Get Bent - Bluepulse OT3 yet again, though background in this case rather than front and center. Mostly YJA-based; Bart is trans, in college, and entirely fed up with an obnoxious classmate who was perfectly fine with him and the fact that he's a guy up until she found out he's trans.
The Weirdness That You Know - Pre-Bluepulse OT3, pre-finding-out-Khaji-Da's-name. YJA-based; During some downtime on base after the events of season 2, Jaime winds up finding out that Bart and Khaji Da are very similar in terms of their sense of humor. The two of them getting along should probably be concerning.
Familia: Not Simple, but Needed - Bluepulse OT3. Mostly YJA-based; What happens when you have a sleep-deprived scarab who stubbornly has stayed awake for about three weeks? Nothing good and nothing the three of them would have ever expected if Khaji Da was coherent enough to think through the consequences of their actions before doing something.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to. Sometimes I wind up replying waaaaaayyyyyy later (when my emotional energy tanks it takes a lot for me to drag myself into talking to people in general, but I try to reply when I'm in a better spot), but if I have my way then I'll eventually reply to everything (unless there's literally nothing else to say).
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
That would honestly have to be either my Bluepulse OT3 poem I Am Your Loss or my La'gaan-centric fic I Tried To Warn You. I Am Your Loss is focused on Khaji Da outliving Jaime and Bart and all the feelings involved with that, and I Tried To Warn You is an examination of La'gaan's emotionally abusive relationship with M'gann and him coming to terms with the fact that he was manipulated and abused. So yeah. Heavy.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That's a tough one. The Name That Calls You Home is one contender, along with Fatherhood Isn't Easy, and Trusting Again Can Be The Hardest Thing. Two of those are focused on family and finding home (TNTCYH and FIE), and two are La'gaan-centric (FIE and TACBTHT). So yay for one of my TMNT AUs and two of my La'gaan fics meeting the mark? (Though all three have some painful circumstances that make the good that much more pronounced. Yeah, that was unintentional.)
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
The only time I've ever gotten any 'hate' was someone trying to be pissy about an old poem series I wrote back in highschool because they didn't feel it was a 'serious poetic work' and was 'amateurish'.
That. On character-based poetry. For freaking Sonic characters. Seriously just-
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9. Do you write smut?
Almost never. (I can't say never because I did publish one fic on Ao3, but by a lot of people's standards it's really tame.)
10. Do you write crossovers?
I'm not opposed to crossovers, but I very rarely do. Usually I find my mind playing with multiverse iterations of characters meeting each other, but it's very rare my mind goes to wildly different stories getting a crossover-- in no small part because it usually tends to devolve into a case of 'Wouldn't it be cool if these characters met? Look how cool this character is!' in my head with no real decent plot. (That said, thanks to some old RPs with a friend of mine I am fond of Mass Effect's femshep and Voltron's Allura as a ship. It was a chaotic RP. lol)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
As far as I know, NOPE. If I'm fortunate it'll never happen.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes actually! Both I Tried To Warn You and Unstoppable Until I Break that I know of. (Unfortunately I can't read Chinese, so finding them on the site they're hosted on is difficult for me, but I do know they're there somewhere.) La'gaan keeps winning. lol
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Only one, and it's Devilfish. Beneath the Surface was a fun collaboration between me and onyxdragonx back before tumblr's purge in 2018. I have no idea if he left tumblr entirely, but I'm glad we wrote it.
14. What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
Ngl, it varies by series/franchise and how I'm feeling. I used to be pretty solid in single ships for characters for a long time, but as time has gone by I've drifted more into multi-shipper territory. At the moment though, the one that's eating at my brain the most is Devilfish-- La'gaan/Eddie-- because hell yes for my crack ship.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Maybe it's over-optimistic of me, but I don't look at any of my WIPs as 'abandoned' or as something I'll 'never' complete. Back when I was posting my writing only to ffn I used to joke about my trademarked 'delays of doom'. It's always a case of I will get to said stories eventually and I do work on old things from time to time, but due to shifting interests/life junk/life-junk-that-causes-a-low-creative-battery/etc. it can take me a long time to get back to something.
If I was going to narrow it down to the one that I'm not sure when precisely I'll get back to and is the most likely to take me a while to get back to (more than anything else), then it'd probably have to be an Elfquest fic with Leeta/Cutter/Rayek as endgame. Either that or the Planet of the Apes series kicking around in my head that I haven't quite figured out how to frame yet.
16. What’s your writing strengths?
FEELINGS. Emotions, getting into characters' heads and hitting that emotional gut-punch that makes people feel things.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Aside from my delays-of-doom™️, I can get SO damned wordy. And cerebral. Which isn't always a bad thing if I want my readers to know what's going on in a character's head, but it's a royal pain in the ass if I want to give a decent description of the space characters are in or have actual conversation and events happening while a character is getting lost in their head.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
lol Seriously though, while it might be rare for me to write full-blown conversations in a different language, if a character is multilingual then I personally prefer including indications of that with their word choices. Usually that results in an offhand word or several here or there in places where it flows naturally, but unless I'm confident in how things flow with that other language (whatever it is) then I'm unlikely to go for a full on conversation. If I am confident in the translation of what I'm writing and the switch into that other language makes sense for the characters in context then it's highly likely I'll go for it-- albeit with including the hover-over translation thing that Ao3 offers so readers don't have to bounce back-and-forth between where they're at in the story and the translation at the end of the chapter/fic. (Though I don't mind when other authors take that tactic.)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Sonic, and though I didn't put any online until 2003, I wrote a whole convoluted series back in middle school and on up into early high school I think (I suspect most of it's lost because it was all on an OLD computer), and even before that I remember a script-styled Sonic fic that I never finished that I was writing back when I was like... 5? ...7? Somewhere in there. Point is my first fandom is from a LONG time ago.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Yeeeeeet another hard one. If I don't cop out with Unstoppable Until I Break and I pull in my older stuff, then I guess it'd have to be Two Sides. It's a Legend of Zelda fic playing with the concept of Zelda and Sheik as simultaneously being and not being the same person, and while I'd probably write it differently now (dear gods I published it back in 2008) I still love the concept and think it's intriguing as hell. Just the very idea of Zelda and Sheik having once been the same person and remembering it in subsequent lives is just... There is a TON of potential there.
Will I ever revisit the idea? Maybe one day. For now, it is what it is.
As for who I'm tagging: @sounddrive, @brightlotusmoon, @radioactive-earthshine, and whoever else would like to do this. n.n
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pikminapplebloom · 5 months
2024 predictions in case Apollo is correct
TF2 gets announced on the switch or dual switch
Halken unionizes and the announcement confuses everyone because it shows Kirby’s pink nub implying a fist
Miyamoto decides that Peter Jackson and Jeff Marsh should direct the Zelda series and Dan gets involved and they turn it into a P and F style cartoon with Zelda characters + they stop working for Disney. Lamar Abrams voices Ganondorf and gives him a Swedish accent somehow.
Italy legalizes weed, and Milleflori bongs are now considered “chic”.
Elon Musk dies when driving his car in an explosion.
Homosexuality found in cephalopods makes splatoon fans go “yep we know that”
Weird Al does a Minecraft collab called “Nethermind” but Bizzarely shows himself in Minecraft next to Steve Alex and herobrine and parodies the Weezer blue album despite saying they suck.
Studio Ghibli comes out with a scifi film based off of The Long Sunset and people keep saying Kywalla and Arin look like animal crossing characters
Side order DLC has a spoiler in the form of an mlp:fim reference though no one is sure why
Tomodachi life comes out. And the miis have “default styles” involving the standard male and female outfits, one with flared pants, one with a tank top, one with a crop top, and one with a romper and thigh high boots. they allow gay marriage and different accents and if you pick the English language option they let you have a boston accent
Mahou shoujo dc movie starring the green lantern.
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shannonsketches · 5 months
Been casually following your stuff for a while, but I only just now went through your blog for real. So since I know you also have major Ganondorf brainrot, any particular takes on him and his philosophy in TP?
I haven't played Twilight Princess in a thousand years, unfortunately, and apparently I never bought it?? So I've got a lot more hours logged in OoT and Windwaker. I did however snag myself a treat on ebay so I may have more thoughts about this in the coming weeks.
That said, I do remember that he was the first Ganondorf that made me and the friend who I originally started doing Zelda comics with think about Ganondorf more critically as a trickster and not a tank (I was too young to really be considerate of Wind Waker when it first came out, but I was 16 when TP dropped and we were already having fun playing in the zelda sandbox. I remember really hating his design in TP, so I must've already been knee-deep in my OoT shit lol)
Idk if it's necessarily what you asked but I think I recall that his dynamic with Zant and his literally possessing Zelda really changed my perspective on him as a magic user (even though he is still pretty hands-off in OoT, we had SSB: Melee by then and if you know you know) and probably spurred the idea that the Gerudo stones in the OoT dungeons could be read as Ganondorf setting those traps up.
His monologue and death scenes are also some of what formed my headcanons about his very calm demeanor masking this bitterness and stubbornness and being inclined to succumb to his anger and grief (because what is left for him here? He's already lost everything, and all that remains is revenge). I also really liked that in OoT his beast form is a result of him losing control of the triforce, and in TP he can switch back and forth, which implied to me that that anger and grief is controlled and terrifying and precise, which is just such an excellent fucking flavor of villainy. Twilight Princess said, "Remember Ganondorf? He's older and wiser (this is a threat)."
Anyway that's all I can think of off the top of my head -- but I'll be thrilled to report back if/when I'm able to replay the game soonish!
Also....This is not what you asked but I have a very fond memory of watching my friend (who was a Link stan) play TP and commenting in-character as he played through, and every time he died I would laugh and say 'Try Again!' in Thee Dumbest Old Man Voice a 16 year old can conjure, and we ended up basing their entire dynamic for our comic on it, haha.
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femboycloudstrife · 7 months
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y’all know this kind of tank top? where can i find some of these i used to have a few like this and they’re all gone. i tried searching for link legend of zelda type tanktops and my efforts were fruitless.
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bluesdesk · 8 months
For me Hyrule is, other than a beautiful trans man, an aroace icon!
Following the headcanon Aurora is just a kid, at the end of Zelda 2 she kissed Hyrule on his cheek. Then they met the others at the castle and Hyrule got to know he was destined to become the new king, of course the kingdom had lost the main lineage/bloodline after what happened to Aurora and her brother. There was still time though (time to do his top surgery, in LU he has the tank top to cover his still relatively new scars), and Hyrule got to spend time with the Zeldas, becoming a little brother for Dawn and an older brother for Aurora!
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ezlo-x · 1 year
ok...I went to the grocery store to buy food, went to the gas station cause my gas tank was empty, played w my dog and had fun, and finished my collegework and feel relieved. I think I have my thoughts abt the new totk trailer organized
tldr i have a lot of mixed feelings but I blame it on the way nintendo markets this game.
if you dont want negative opinions killing your hype and excitement for this game you are more than happy to just scroll off this post. I don't want to ruin it for you
ok to start off w the negative cause it actually makes me sad to be negative abt something that I've been anticipating for years. Just to end up being frustrated on how Nintendo has marketed this game and I realized how botw's marketing will never be topped. Remembering the showcasing how the ai of a horse would never crash on to a tree (that was hype back then i know it sounds funny now but ppl were so mind blown back then). The map, how you can jump, climb, eat, you could do basically anything. Anyways the way they announce new games like totk was pretty much predictable (except for that one time on twitter). Have almost an hour long direct showcase, make people anxious that there will not be new totk news, then suddenly they pull the "one last thing". And we only get less than 5 minutes of game footage where everything is so vague we don't know what's happening. Also just the pattern of being radio silent until a month before the release.
This trailer solidified this pattern and it annoys me. I want to see gameplay of this game idc for the story cause that could be lead to be a surprise you can keep the story vague on the trailers, that is fine by me. But the gameplay? Where is it? Those milliseconds of footage that you just showed? That's not enough because I don't know what is happening. I want to see gameplay I want to see what else you can do, what more you can do. Don't get me started how the official zelda twt account is currently showcasing small new things abt the game. Which yeah sure fine i'll give it a pass but would it hurt to also include that in the direct?
Anyways now lets actually talk abt that trailer that was basically a remix of the previous trailer.
Ganondorf's voice does not work. It doesn't it just not. It is not terrible it just doesn't work. His dialogue did not make things better he sounded corny as hell. Fucking cornier than OoT Ganondorf I honestly want to look at Oot Ganon's lines in game to see if he has said anything much cornier than whatever totk Ganondorf just said in the trailer.
The mechanics? Like the milliseconds of footage they decided to show of those flying things? They're alright w me actually you want to know why? Cause they're super vague about it and Idk what to think of those things!!!!!!!!
Now...to the positive the only positive thing that I could say. I am very excited for the new monsters. Apparently they're reintroducing an old nes monster similar to how they did w the Lynels (eventhough it was just a frame where you could see it I found that out thanks to twitter). The new Bokoblin that they also showed in a millisecond but showed the full artwork on twt is very cute, actually cuter than the regular old bokoblins idk why.
and thats all I have thanks
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Extra info about me!
Animator - I have a top-secret project in the works
Musician - I make music, not yet posted
Fandom brainrot - I can't fit them here, and I can't think of them all at once
Chronically online
She/her and they/them
I almost burned down a building once
I'm known for SCREECHING at the top of my lungs at random intervals
I'm obsessed with squares
I'm an expert at Thomas the Tank Engine fanfic
I play the bagpipes
My favorite movie is Monty Python and the Holy Grail
I like screaming at people on hotel balconies
My favorite show is Gravity Falls
I love writing about throwing children in meatgrinders
I'm the proud owner of 2 cats
I'm obsessed with a certain triangle man
My favorite food is salmon
My favorite song is 23 minutes long ("Echoes" by Pink Floyd)
I lived in Alaska for 7 years
I run on pure caffeine and the will of God
I like obscure 80s new wave bands
I like dad rock
I make really good cookies
I reproduce through mitosis
I like anything shiny and neon-colored
I worship an ancient Jewish carpenter; you might of heard of him
I don't know what I am, but I'm 95% sure I'm not neurotypical
I hate ceiling fans
I hate coconuts
*inhales* That's it.
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dragcnlxrd · 3 months
☕ cozy things tag game (mun)
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comfort food(s): salmon sashimi, unagi, oyakudon, ribs, menudo
comfort drink(s): cream soda, sasparilla, peach calpico
comfort movie(s): Vampire hunter D 1&2, inkheart, tombstone, labyrinth, lexx 1-4, Tarsim Singhs The Fall
comfort show(s): the office, the simpsons, What we do in the shadows, Lexx, paranormal caught on camera, incredible dr pol
comfort clothing: pajama pants or cotton shorts, loose t-shirt or tank top, fuzzy toe socks, sometimes my pokemon hoodie
comfort song(s): anything by Gackt, the Targaryen songs by Ramin Djawadi, black veil brides, Mozart's Lacrymosa, Adagio for strings, Vivaldi's four seasons, Lonliest Day, anything Rammstein
comfort book(s): the Vampire Lestat, Vampire Hunter D novels, Inkheart, No Regrets manga, Cry to Heaven, Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman, The Sandman graphic novels
comfort game(s): Silent Hill, Pokemon, Final Fantasy series, Zelda, Tetris, Kirby's dreamland, Balloon Kid, Bubble Bobble, Bust a move
tagged by: @untilthcyrot tagging: @xx--ofmanythoughts--xx, @thescaledqueen, @mystiic, @ravusnightblossom, @brideofcdragons, @rexelectus, @call-2-arms, and whoever else I forgot because i have the memory of a goldfish
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sins-of-the-sea · 3 months
☕ Cozy things tag game
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comfort food(s): Fried tilapia with steamed rice and veggies; pork sinigang; vegetable lumpia; fancy lox with cream cheese bagel sandwiches
comfort drink(s): thai milk tea, green tea with soymilk, chocolate milk, lemon/chamomille tea
comfort movie(s): The first two Mummy films, My Neighbor Totoro, Mulan, The Land Before Time, and uhhhh so many others
comfort show(s): idk, Forensic Files, Princess Tutu, America's World's Dumbest, Kitchen Nightmares, others going over my head honestly-
comfort clothing: Pajama pants, short shorts, tank tops, vests
comfort song(s): 'Dance with the Devil' by Breaking Benjamin; 'Brave' by Leona Lewis; a lot of assorted 90s music and especially "senti" music, tbh-
comfort book(s): ...textbooks?
comfort game(s): As strictly comfort games, Pokemon Go; Cult of the Lamb; Star Fox 64; Super Mario 64; Banjo-Kazooie; Legend of Zelda: Majora's Masks; many others
tagged by: @hriobzagelthewanderer, neeeerrrrrrd-
tagging: *slaps you* YOU'RE IT
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