liv-skyler · 1 year
atzei zeitim omdim ? more like… what the fuck!!
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naturecopy · 1 year
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🔥in 2003 there was confirmed a new record for the world's heaviest lemon, grown by farmer Aharon Shemoel on his farm in Kefar Zeitim, Israel. The mighty citrus fruit grew next to another large lemon and weighed 5.265 kg (11 lb 9.7 oz)
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eretzyisrael · 7 years
More to the point, the man behind the lovely sukkah is an Egged driver plying his daily bus route on Jerusalem’s streets: Ihab, a Muslim resident of the neighborhood of Ras al-Amud (Ma’ale Zeitim) in the holy city.
Speaking with Ynet, Ihab said his goal is to “improve relations” with his riders, in light of the fact “they’re often strained – doubly so in Jerusalem.”
Ihab purchased the sukkah decorations with his own money at a store in a Jewish neighborhood and spent three hours carefully hanging them in his bus.
Passengers have been enthusiastic in their response, he said. “I hear a lot of ‘Way to go!’ and ‘Happy holiday’ from most people,” he told Ynet.
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palestine · 7 years
New Year, New Settlement Outpost, New Demolition
 By: Madeeha Araj/ National Bureau for the Defending of Land and Resisting Settlement/
As the entire world marks the New Year, the Israeli Occupation right-wing government demolishes more Palestinian houses in the C areas, and in Jerusalem city in order to expand the Ma’ale Adumim settlement.
Recently, it has demolished 11 houses and an animal husbandry barn in Al-Khan Al-Ahmar area east of Jerusalem at “Wade Snisl” and “Be’er Al-Maskob, known as area “E1” where more than 200 people, most of them children and women were displaced.
On the other hand, mayor of the Israeli occupation municipality in Jerusalem, Nir Barkat plans to put the cornerstone for the Ma’alot David settlement outpost, as the local committee proposed 17 building licenses for general objection, which were built already at the former Israeli police headquarters in Ras al-Amood neighborhood adjacent to the Ma’ale Zeitim settlement.
In an advertisement issued by the committee of planning and construction, it said  the committee announce under the item 149 of the law of planning and construction of the 1965 that an application was submitted by the Karen Shalem ltd Co. to construct a new housing that includes 17 housing units, at the Jericho road, in Ras al-Amood neighborhood – Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. Deputy Mayor of the occupation of Jerusalem municipality, Kobe Ekhalon, and the Head of the so-called Local Committee for Planning and Construction announced that ‘objections” are open until next Jan. 13th, 2017, and so objections will not be accepted after that, and that the scheme documents can be seen and checked at the archives of the Licensing department.
It is clear that the goal behind those units is to carry out the first stage, which is considered as the cornerstone to build Ma’alot David settlement outpost, moreover, the committee planning to build 104 settlement units to be added to the already built 116 units at Ma’ale Zeitim in the Ras Al-Amood neighborhood. The move came to expand settlement towards the Ras Al-Amood neighborhood. The new outpost is built on Jerusalem on a land that was used by the Jordanian Police before being occupied in 1967, which was vacated by the Israeli police in 2009, to move to its new location in the E1 area that threatened by settlement.
 The National Bureau has warned of the risks of the scheme to annex “Maale Adumim settlement” that considered one of the largest settlements in the West Bank, to pre-empt any possibility to establish an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.  Taking into account that such a racist decision separates the West Bank and cut it into apart without a geographical coherence, besides, the dangerous negative effects that such a step incurs against several villages and towns around the holy city. Moreover, the Bureau warned against the serious remarks by the Israeli Education Minister, Naphtali Benitt to re-propose the scheme of annexing Maale Adumim settlement to Jerusalem and imposing Israeli sovereignty on it, as he said his party is pushing towards annexing the Ma’ale Adumim settlement as part of a strategy to bring all C areas in the West Bank. For her part, the so-called Israeli Minister of Justice, Eilat Shaked said, “annexation of Ma’aleh Adumim is an introduction to annex all C areas.”  It is noted that, Benitt initiative isn’t new, but rather an attempt to support a draft law presented by the Land of Israel Lobby at the knesset, which was signed by various coalition members, except Yahdoot Ha-Torah, the draft law was signed by heads of the Likud, Jewish Home, Yisrael Beiteinu, Shas and Kolano, besides a  deputy from each block.
Within the context, the Arkansas x-Governor of America, Mike Huckabee recently visited the Maale Adumim settlement in Jerusalem, and put the cornerstone for the establishment of a new settlement there. It is known that Huckabee is strongly pro-Israel, and visited it many times during the last few months . He also visited many Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Jerusalem, which he considered as an Israeli land. He expressed his full support for the settlement. He also visited Shilo settlement to the south of Nablus city in August 2016 during which, he discusses the nuclear deal reached between President Obama’s administration with Iran. In a statement, he was quoted as saying, “(Israel) doesn’t have to swap the land for peace, and it can maintain control on both Jerusalem and the West Bank.
Israeli sources disclosed that the official religious school at the Sha’arei Tikva settlement in the West Bank was illegally erected on a Palestinian land in Azzun Atma village near Qalqilya, adding it receives official support from the Israeli Ministry of Education, as the ministry claimed that the school was temporary built on the place. This is not the first illegal public school built on a Palestinian land contrary to law.  In 2012, “Mihat Hinokh School was built on a Palestinian land in the Jacoub neighborhood north of Jerusalem. At the time, the Civil Administration delivered an order to halt building in the school; it also issued a demolition order. But on the ground, neither the demolition carried out nor building works stopped.
It was revealed that the Israeli Army military commander for the Central Area, Major-General, Roni Numa, approved last week, the transfer of Amona outpost to another land belonging to Palestinians, who have documents prove their ownership of the land, and they have submitted their objections on that.  However, Israeli forces began bulldozing plot no. 38 in order to shift settlers to it despite the fact that a Palestinian citizen from Silwad village has submitted an objection for shifting the settlers, and he presented documents that show his ownership of 90% of the plot. The military order issued by Numa also targeted a number of plots, which the Israeli occupation intends to declare them as absentee properties and then to be given to settlers. The military order allows the occupation authorities to seize a land for 2 years and not for 8 months as was the case before.  It also reviewed a number of plots, i.e. 38.28, 29.30 and 54, in order to shift Amona settlement to them. 
  Via PNN http://bit.ly/2jvGMV6
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blogpopular · 4 years
Leyendo Zacarías en el Monte de los Olivos
Leyendo Zacarías en el Monte de los Olivos
El único lugar en la Biblia donde el Monte de los Olivos es mencionado en su nombre actual “Har Ha Zeitim” es en Zacarías 14:4 en el marco de la profecía sobre la batalla final sobre Jerusalém en el fin de los tiempos. Los invitamos a estudiar hebreo bíblico y a animarse a leer el texto de Zacarías sobre la batalla final, pero en…
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Discover the Mount of Olives and Other Christian Pilgrimage Sites
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All of Jerusalem is considered holy, but the Mount of Olives (Har Zeitim in Hebrew) holds a special spiritual intensity for Christians… and Jews and Muslims.
 One of the best ways to understand the city is by going to the Rehavam Zeevi lookout - named after Israel’s Tourism Minister who was assassinated in October 2001 - on the Mount of Olives and studying both its ancient and modern contours. At 820m above sea level, one gets an impressive view of the Temple Mount, a long stretch of the Old City walls and a glimpse of the church of the Holy Sepulcher, nestled in the Christian Quarter with its impressive dome very much visible.
 Biblically, the Mount of Olives - so called because it used to be covered with olive trees - was the place to which King David fled when his son, Absalom, rebelled. After King Solomon turned away from God, he built pagan temples there for the gods of his foreign wives (1 Kings 11:7-8).
Ezekiel had a vision of “the glory of the Lord” ascending from the city and stopping on the Mount of Olives. (Ezekiel 11:23). Zechariah prophesied that in the final victory of the forces of good over the forces of evil, the Lord of hosts would “stand on the Mount of Olives” and the mount would be “split in two from east to west.” (Zechariah 14:3-4).
 Other biblical sources tie the Mount of Olives with future miraculous occurrences that will take place during the Redemption. As a result, the Mount of Olives became an important site in Jewish tradition and various customs developed. This includes having the distinction of being the location for one of the oldest Jewish burial sites in the land of Israel - dating back to the First Temple period. Yael Eckstein, Global Executive Vice President of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship), said that the presence of the Jewish graves helps Christians to connect the dots in Jesus’ life. “Christian pilgrims often ask why Jesus was in Jerusalem - and the answer is because he was Jewish and he was connecting to all the holy sites in Jerusalem.”
 The point on the Mount of Olives of Jesus’ ascension varies according to different Christian traditions. The Chapel or Mosque of the Ascension - for today it is part of an active mosque controlled by the Muslim Waqf (religious authority) – was originally built in the fourth century CE, according to descriptions from the Latin pilgrim, Egeria, describing the site’s construction. The edifice was destroyed in the early 11th century, as Christian holy sites were destroyed by the country’s Muslim rulers. The Crusaders rebuilt the site in the 12th century and there is a tradition that the rock inside the small octagonal building is indented with Jesus’ footprint.
 A short walk from the Chapel of the Ascension is the Pater Noster Church or the Sanctuary of the Eleona. The site is maintained by a Carmelite Order and it is thought to be the place, according to tradition, where Jesus taught the Lord’s Prayer. A small grotto is assumed to be the exact location of Jesus’ teaching - and pilgrims from across the world can try and find the prayer on the approximately 140 colorful ceramic plaques in their own language. The church itself is unfinished as the French - who own the site and had wanted to rebuild the destroyed Byzantine church) – ran out of money.
 Other churches include Dominus Flavit, a Catholic church shaped like a teardrop that commemorates the Gospel event where Jesus wept over the fate of Jerusalem. It was designed and built by Antonio Barluzzi, one of the foremost modern church architects in the entire land of Israel. The Church of St. Mary Magdalene is a Russian Orthodox church, whose seven gilded onion domes, each topped with a tall cross, provide one of the most arresting sites in Jerusalem.
 The Church of All Nations is a somewhat somber church at Gethsemane, built over the rock on which Jesus is believed to have prayed in agony the night before he was crucified. Abutting it is the Garden of Gethsemane (and the nearby grottoes), the ancient olive grove identified as the place where Jesus went to pray the night before he was crucified, and the cave where his disciples are believed to have slept.
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israel-jewish-news · 6 years
Construction of Har Hazeisim Shul Gets Underway
New Post has been published on http://hamodia.com/2017/12/19/construction-har-hazeisim-synagogue-gets-underway/
Construction of Har Hazeisim Shul Gets Underway
Maale Zeitim. (Yossi Zamir/Flash90)
For the first time in at least 2,000 years, a shul will grace Har Hazeisim, as construction of a large, 2,000-square meter complex begins in the Maale Zeitim neighborhood, adjacent to the Har Hazeisim cemetery. The building was approved for construction ten years ago, and some NIS 10 million ($5.7 million) has been raised for its construction.
Currently, 130 families live in Maale Zeitim, but hundreds more are slated to join them in the next decade, said Yerushalyim City Council member Aryeh King, who lives in the neighborhood. “Our purpose is to build residential Jewish contiguity in the area east of the Old City, and this synagogue will provide a focal point for development of the neighborhood.”
The building will have two levels, with Ashkenazic and Sephardic congregations, as well as meeting and community rooms , batei medrash, and so on. Unique to this shul will be the fact that its aron kodesh will face west – among the few in the world that do, as it will be due east of Har HaBayis. According to King, due to the sensitivity of the project only Jewish labor is being used.
Much of the money for the project was donated by the family of Irving Moskowitz, z”l, who was one of the chief protagonists of the construction of the neighborhood.
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kunstoph · 7 years
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ringlawfirm · 7 years
There is no security in Jerusalem: terrorists attacked a house with Molotov cocktails. Resident: “Trying to kill us” , 10 hours and 54 minutes ago Arab terrorists attacked house no. 5 in the Maale Zeitim neighborhood of Jerusalem with Molotov cocktails, and they intend to burn down the house. Miraculously, the Molotov cocktails flared up at the entrance to the house and the attack ended with only…
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blogpopular · 4 years
Lendo Zacarias no Monte das Oliveiras
Lendo Zacarias no Monte das Oliveiras
O único lugar na Bíblia onde o Monte das Oliveiras é mencionado com seu nome atual “Har Ha Zeitim” é em Zacarias 14:4 no conexto da profecia sobre a batalha final sobre Jerusalém no final dos tempos. Convidamos todos vocês a estudar hebraico bíblico e ler o texto de Zacarias sobre a batalha final, mas em hebraico! Mais detalhes…
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