#WILL CRY! he speaks chinese so well. can u c the light in his eyes? ah. my motherland did that. i will never not b moved when i c that light
roxybefab · 4 years
The Ink Artist
The art classroom was quiet, the only sound heard was Riley’s even breathing and the sound of the ink covered pen she held.
Her animation was almost complete and many basic sketches of the two main characters littered the table she sat at. She was currently working on an idea for her next episode.
Her wavy chocolate brown locks were in a loose side braid.
She was about average height but still wore heeled brown boots to make her look a bit taller. Her body was what she considered ‘fluffy’, an excuse for her slightly chubby body.
She wore a baggy hooded plaid shirt, red and black, and black leggings underneath.
Her eyes, hazel and huge, were protected by a pair of big round glasses and her cheeks were rosy.
Her skin was beige (although it was hard to tell by the ink that covered her hands), similar to most hispanic people, and her lips, plump, were a gorgeous shade of pink.
The door opens and in comes Amanda Mary Drew, Riley’s best (and only) friend.
Mandy was a pretty and kind girl.
Like Riley, she was ‘fluffy’ and sported rosy cheeks.
Her skin was a bit lighter and she wore some fake glasses, which she claimed were repelling blue light, that made her look good and smart at the same time.
“H..Hey, Muh-muh...Mands!” the brunette’s face turned a light pink in embarrassment as she struggled to speak. She sighs and looks down to keep working on the outline.
Mandy smiles at her, a quiet ‘hey’ leaving her lips as she sat down beside her.
“So, you’re still working on these two goofs, huh?” Mandy picks up the paper, the two main characters from before on the paper.
Riley smiles and nods.
The names Candy and Charlie were in big letters and two children were on the page. Both looked to be made of candy, marshmallows, and sported crowns on their heads. The girl, Candy, and the boy, Charlie, both siblings. Mandy smiles back and puts the drawing back down.
“Hey, did you hear? Jeff killed someone else.” Riley perks up at the familiar name, her attention turning to the smaller female as she opens her bag and pulls out a newspaper. The words, ‘JEFF STRIKES AGAIN’ on the front. It showed a picture of a woman, crying, holding her child. The little boy had a grin cut into his face and you could see that he was stabbed multiple times. Riley smirks to herself, opening the paper and reading,
Jeff the Killer strikes again, murdering a twelve year old boy by the name of Allen. He was found in his bed, stabbed about twenty times and a smile carved into his face. Police haven’t found him quite yet and it is very obvious that they are getting frustrated with how this killer keeps escaping from them—
She sighs, handing it back to Mandy who takes it and shoves it in her bag.
“Hey, wanna g-go out and get suh-suh-something? Lunch starts i-i-in thirty muh-muh-minutes and I really whu-whu-want some Mcdonalds.” Riley suddenly asks, putting down her pen and getting up to stretch. She heard Mandy let out an ‘Okay.’ as she begins putting away her supplies.
“I’m home!” Riley groans in annoyance, turning up the volume of the tv. A cartoon was playing, Spongebob is what the brunette remembered it was called, and Riley couldn’t help but ignore her mother’s boyfriend when he walked in the room with a bag of chinese takeout.
“Hey, dude!” he exclaims once he sees her, a smile on his face as he sits next to her. She smiles at him, “Hey, Duh-Duh-Dylan” leaving her lips before she goes back to her drawing. She hears the crinkling of the plastic bag , the smell of orange chicken and chow mein hitting her as soon as she looks up at him with a questioning look on her face.
He was young, 34 from what Riley remembered, with dark fluffy hair and an average body. He was always around, more than Riley’s mom, and Riley couldn’t help but feel like he was her father. He smiles his huge, white smile at her as he started to put food on a plate.
“Your mom is gonna work late,” he hands her the plate, “So I decided we could hang out.”
“Yeah, t-th-that sounds c-cool.” she smiles, putting her sketchbook down as she starts to dig in.
“So, you still drawing in ink only?” he asks before taking a bite of his food. Riley nods, glancing down at the inked sketch from before.
“Maybe t-t-tomorrow I’ll c-c-color it?” Dylan laughs, making the teen lift a brow.
“What’s s-so fuh-funny?” She asks, slightly glaring at him.
“Kid, you always say that! Last week you said you’d color in the last one but you ended up not doing it.”
“Yeah, but that d-d-doesn’t mean I-I-I won’t th-th-this time!”
Riley remembered how she only colored her art when her dad was around. When he died she stopped adding color in anything. She remembered her dad, a tall and cheerful man who loved his family more than anything.
But things change.
An hour passed, it was now 10:30 of the night and Villainous was now playing on the tv.
Riley yawns, drawing in ink like always and glancing at her soon to be step father. He was watching the spanish cartoon intently, chuckling whenever Dr. Flug did something goofy.
The front door opens, footsteps sounding as they made their way to the living room.
“Oh, hey, love!” Her mother says, walking in and heading straight to Dylan to give him a kiss.
“Hey, Lori!” He chuckles when she grins at him before she glances at her daughter and sneers at her.
She still doesn’t forgive me..
Riley sighs, looking away from her mother and to the tv. Black Hat was advertising some kind of villain summer getaway.
Lori Lawrence hated her daughter. She didn’t hate her for no reason, no, she hated her because Riley’s father had died two years earlier in search of a perfect birthday gift for their wonderful talented daughter. They had gotten a phone call at 1 in the morning and apparently some guy hit him with his car after looking down at his phone. Lori had fallen into depression, not eating or sleeping. Whenever Riley went near her she’d scream and yell at her, telling her that it was her fault. That if she didn’t exist then he wouldn’t have left the house and he wouldn’t have gotten ran over.
And as she got better, she started to be gone. Longer than the day before. She had left, once, for a month. She never answered the phone when it was her daughter. Luckily for Riley, Dylan soon came into the picture. He had added some happiness in her life as well as Mandy.
“I’m going to b-bed.” she mutters, standing up and making her way to her room with her sketchbook in hand.
It wasn’t her fault that her dad wanted to make her happy.
But it still hurt the sixteen year old that her mom blamed her for her dad’s death.
That night Riley lay awake in her twin bed. This wasn’t the first time, she’s had insomnia since that fateful night. But she always ended up asleep by midnight.
She glances at her phone, the screen illuminating the room for a couple seconds as she reads the time. 3:13 it read, before turning off.
The sound of footsteps in the hall got her attention, shuffling and breathing passing her room. She knew it wasn’t her mother or Dylan, they were out at some bar getting drunk. With a shaky sigh, Riley pulled the duvet off of her and sat up, stretching a bit before making her way to her door.
The shuffling stopped as soon as she opened the door but she heard glass drop in the kitchen, and the ‘crunch’ of walking over the glass.
Taking in a deep breath, Riley quietly makes her way to the kitchen. There was part of a glass plate lying on the wooden floor, the other half smashed into bits all over the floor. No one was in the kitchen but once the young teen looked out the window her heart sped up and she felt the color drain from her face.
There was a tall man under a lamp post, all other light on the street gone other than the one that hit him. He wore a suit, and he wouldn’t have freaked Riley out much if she hadn’t noticed that he had no face. Tentacles came out of his back and he was ‘staring’ at Riley.
He tilted his head when she quickly clutched her chest, her heart beating fast and her throat closing from the fear.
The light quickly turns off, darkness taking over the street and he was gone.
Riley was too busy trying to control her breathing to realizes that she fell to her knees on top of the glass shards, her vision was getting blurry and she only heard static before she passed out.
“What’s w-wrong with y-you?”
Mandy jumps, the fluffy haired girl visibly deflating in relief when she sees the ink artist. Riley noticed her tear filled eyes and quickly hugs Mandy.
“What’s w-wrong?” Riley asks again, more quietly this time.
“My parents.. They.. Kicked me out..” Mandy burst into tears in her friend’s arms.
“You c-c-can stay w-w-with me i-i-if you’d like.” Riley said.
Mandy had really strict parents who usually made her do what they want. They had disowned one of Mandy’s older brothers just because he was bisexual so Riley didn’t really question why they would kick out Mandy.
“Are you sure? What about your mom and Dylan?” Mandy looked up at the brunette, “I don’t want to be a burden.” Riley smiles at her.
“Don’t worry about it, Mands. They’re buh-both guh-guh-gonna be gone f-fo-for a month to Hawaii. T-to make u-up the h-honeymoon the-they never had.” Riley rolls her eyes, slowly letting go of the shorter female, “My mom c-can’t s-say anything a-about it, she’s ne-never home anyways.”
“Okay, thank you so much,” Mandy smiles, her eyes were now puffy, “If it’s okay, can you drive me to your place then? My parents didn’t let me get any of my things..”
“Y-y-yeah! I’ll text you whu-what my car looks like.”
“What do you have after lunch again?” Mandy asks, putting her backpack on.
“I-I-I have a-a-art, dummy!” Riley giggled as Mandy facepalms.
“I’ll see you later then, Riles.” Mandy says, walking out the door.
“Hey, R-R-Riley!” Devin, the school douche says as she passes by her, shoving her to the side as he made his way to his seat. The art teacher walked in shortly after and started taking role. Then he began speaking about drawing something christmas themed because the finals were coming up.
She’s been drawing the creature she’s been seeing.
Tall man with no facial features, just a pale white face, and tentacles coming out of him.
She hasn’t stopped seeing him.
Three times now.
That’s how many times she’s seen the creature in the past two months.
The second time he had been standing on her front porch and she had noticed him through a window.
The third was at school, she was busy trying to finish her Lit Writ homework outside of class and had looked up to see him a couple yards away.
They always ended with her passing out.
And slowly Riley noticed some other things appearing.
Jeff the Killer had shown up in her room the night before.
But he didn’t kill her, no, he just stood at the foot of her bed and stared down at her. He had slowly made his way to stand next to her before he whispered the words, ‘Go to sleep’, gently tracing a smile on the younger girl’s lips and up to her cheeks before she passed out.
Riley looks down at her sketchbook, opening it up and adding more ink to the newest drawing.
She was drawing Jeff this time, just in ink, her emotions going through her and onto the page.
She sighed, glancing down at her hands that were covered in ink. The sticky dark substance was covering her arm, all the way up to her elbows.
Strange.. She thinks, staring at her arms before going back to the sketchbook.
“He said something christmas themed, you stuttering freak!” Mandy’s boyfriend slams his hand on her sketchbook, laughing at his own comment before he quickly throws her pens and sketchbook to the floor.
It’s going to be a long day.. Riley thinks, glaring at the male before picking up her supplies.
Two hours later, Riley and Mandy were in her home eating leftovers from the night before.
“Hey, why are your arms covered in ink?” Mandy asked the quiet girl, watching her inking a drawing that she recognized as Jeff the Killer.
“I-I don’t know. It won’t co-come off. I b-blame Devin and his fuh-fuh-friends. I have spanish with th-them and tha-that class always ha-ha-has me asleep by the e-end so..”
Mandy nods, watching Riley get up and walk to the living room.
It was lunch again, Riley was in the art room eating and drawing. The art teacher told her to try and get the project done so she decided to just do it at lunch. It’s been a month, the ink on her arms has only spread up her body, her legs and arms were dripping ink everywhere and she often spit out ink. She sighs, tugging the sleeves of her plaid shirt down more. Her mom had arrived two nights ago but left in the morning. Riley stares at the drawing, wanting to color it but deciding against it.
A yell made her whip her head up, her bangs covering an eye as she stared at the door. After a couple seconds and hearing another yell followed by laughter, she quickly got up and walked to the door.
Was that Mandy? Her only thought. Her heart beat sped up and she felt the ink dripping faster.
Taking a long and deep breath, Riley quietly opened the metal door. The sight made her angry, the sight of her best friend in pain making her hate Devin more than ever.
Her blood boiled at the sight of Devin lifting his hand to smack Mandy again, tears were streaming down her cheeks and Riley could see the red outlining of a handprint on Mandy’s cheek.
Devin’s friends were surrounding them, two turning to see who opened a door.
Riley felt the ink fall to the floor, but instead of hearing the drip drop of liquid, she heard a ‘clang’.
The kind that metal hitting the floor makes.
Riley looked down, noticing that it was a knife; a long bladed knife with a dark handle and it looked like the thing was melting.
It didn’t take long for Riley to notice that it was made of ink and that’s why it was dripping.
A ‘smack’ was heard, followed by laughter again and Riley picked up the knife, looking up and glaring at Devin and his friends.
“Let her go.”
Devin looked startled and looked over at Riley for a second. Mandy stood next to him, tears rolling down her face and a trembling lip.
The sight made Riley even angrier than before.
Devin rolled his eyes and nodded his head at the tallest kid in his ‘gang’.
Riley recognizes him as Julio, the douche who’s been making fun of her stutter all year. Anger burned through Riley’s veins and she felt like she was melting because of it.
“What the fuck is happening to your face?” Devin gaped as Riley tilted her head in slight confusion, “it’s melting!” Devin took a step back. Julio made a disgusted sound but didn’t back down, just stood in front of the ‘melting’ girl.
Julio took a step back, making Riley whip her head in his direction before a feeling started to form inside Riley. She knew what the feeling was, knowing it was not a feeling but an urge. Something that she really craved. A low growl sounded, coming past her lips made Julio take a step back one again. Riley then launched forward, stabbing and punching the teenage boy in front of her.
Nothing could stop her from hurting him, her anger only growing as she sliced at his body, the crimson blood oozing out of the cuts and onto the floor.
Riley felt something in her brain snap, wondering if it was her sanity before a huge grin starts to take place on her face.
The teenagers in front of her stared in terror, not knowing how to react to what they were seeing.
Riley’s irises had changed to cut pies, similar to the old Pac-Man, and her mouth was stretched up to her ears in a Cheshire cat like grin. Her teeth had sharpened. Ink oozed down her face, coving an eye as she shoved the tall teen against a wall, her knife long forgotten. Something flowed down Riley’s forehead, covering her eyes till the only thing she saw was the dark oozing color of ink
Her arm starts taking a different form, the ink crawling up and forming a long spiked spear. The boy she had against the wall sobbing. Riley felt her grin widen even more at the sounds he was making, inky drool slowly falling to the ground as she lifted her arm up and stabbed him in the abdomen. She didn’t stop there though, no, Riley couldn’t stop the anger she felt.
Angry because her mother hasn’t texted her.
Angry because Mandy wouldn’t defend herself from her boyfriend.
Angry because Devin was running away, phone in hand and calling the cops.
Angry because the boy under her was surprisingly still alive.
So she did what only her biggest role model did.
She turned to where she had abandoned her knife earlier, her arm lifting up and shooting a strand of ink at it and yanking it towards her.
That was just like spiderman! She turned back to the kid who was still clinging on to life, her giant grin turning to a huge sharp toothed sneer as she started stabbing him repeatedly in anger and madness. The only thing that stopped her murderous rage was when the police arrived. They found her sitting next to the body, that Cheshire grin once again on her face as she watched her masterpiece.
Julio Henderson had fifty three stab wounds, thirty in his abdomen and the rest either on his chest or throat. His face had dark bruises on it from Riley’s punches and he had deep claw marks on his arms and cheek. The cops stared at Riley, hunched over and giggling as she talked to something that wasn’t there.
It was hard for the cops to get the girl into their car but once they did she was driven down to the police station. Once she had arrived they had dragged her to a room and sat her down.
“Full name?”
“Riley Diana L-Law-Lawrence.”
“Lori Lawrence, m-m-mother, Dylan Greene, h-h-her boyfriend.”
“Lori Lawrence? The lawyer?” The man stared at Riley with wide brown eyes. He was an average man with combed back hair and a frown. Riley nods.
“We didn’t know she had a daughter.”
“S-she doesn’t s-speak of m-me muh-much..” he makes a face, something that looks like a ‘I can see why’ look.
“Motive for attacking?”
“Devin ha-has b-been abusing m-my best friend. His fuh-fuh-friend had th-the nerve to do it a-as well and I snapped.”
He nods, writing something down before getting up. Riley started giggling to herself, looking down at her cuffed hands before bursting into laughter. The sound of her joy echoing through the halls.
When the man returned, all he found was a couple of drops of ink and the cuffs laying on the chair, the echo of Riley’s laughter sounding through the room as the man ran out in a panic.
There’s a new killer on the loose, many know her as Riley D. Lawrence, the daughter of Lori Lawrence, the lawyer. Lori is devastated at the thought of her daughter going insane and is retiring from her job in hopes of waiting for her daughter to come home. No one knows where Riley is but we do know that she is near. Last night a boy by the name of Justin was murdered by Riley, his organs were hanging from the chandelier and his upper body was outside of his home. The words ‘The Artist’ were written on his room’s wall multiple times. It appears that she won’t be leaving anytime soon.
A scoff rang through the kitchen, the sound of a fork scraping a plate heard. Lori glared at the paper, glancing down at her phone that marked the time.
In half an hour she would be leaving on a date with Dylan.
“She just wants attention..” she muttered, standing up and turning to go to the living room.
A giant puddle of ink stopped her.
Lori stared at it in confusion, that had not been there when she walked into the kitchen. The ink was bubbling, dark huge bubbles of ink and after a couple seconds a giant bubble appeared and popped.
Lori stared in terror at the sight. It was a girl, with long wavy chocolate brown locks and hazel eyes. But her irises were cut pies, like the old Pac-Man or Mickey Mouse and she sported a Cheshire cat like grin that went up to her ears.
The Artist glared at her mother, her grin ever present as her mother took two steps back in fear.
“Hi, muh-mommy.” she whispered, ominously.
There was another figure standing in the shadows, shaggy burnt hair and white leathery skin making Lori scream as she realized her daughter had a partnership with Jeff the Killer.
Riley wasted no time in stabbing her mother, a cackle leaving her lips as she stabbed her repeatedly.
Lori Lawrence was dead.
And The Artist was ready to go after many other people who had ruined her life.
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juicylivy · 6 years
❣ The Interview ❣
My first Kun imagine!! I love him so much, my little teddy bear aww :3
(Let’s just say that Kun is in NCT U here becz he was in Without U Chinese Vr. lmao... /cries/).
Here’s how he looks in this! /dies from cuteness/ :
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You had been the lucky winner of being in an interview with NCT U together with 8 other girls. Your hands were sweaty and your heart up in your throat making it hard to breath and speak as you waited outside from where the interview would take place. All kinds of thoughts were running through your mind.“How do I look?”, “do I look presentable?”, “would the boys like me?”, “would my baby, Kun, like me?” all these sorts of thoughts kept occupying your mind, making angst run through you. 
The other girls were having fun whispering things to each other, stuff like: “I bet Taeyong looks so handsome!”, “Of course he does! He’s Taeyong!”, “I hope Jaehyun will look at me!” and then Doyoung laughed. “omg did you hear that?”, “his laugh is so cute I just wanna pinch his cheeks!”.You wished you could be like those girls; all chattery and bubbly. Instead you were here having a mental breakdown and sweating and anxious. 
Everything seemed to be so angst for you until you heard him laugh. That beautiful sound seemed to wash away your fear and you became happy and relieved. It was Kun. Your boy. His laugh could make the most depressed person smile and happy. Your eyes shone with happiness and love. You could just picture that beautiful smile that adorned his face, making his eyes light up. That was your boy. You couldn’t wait to see his beautiful angelic face and sweet, loving, and adorable smile. 
The MC then started to talk about the fans that had won the price of meeting the boys, and the boys exclaimed with happy voices. Cold sweat and anxiety began to fill you again. You gulped down a lump in your throat and readied yourself. You looked around at the other girls. They had gotten silent and was just standing there stiffly, looking scared with eyes dilated and breathing heavily. The doors soon opened and of course you had to be the last to enter. All eyes were on you and you tried your best to smile and not seem faced with the sudden attention on you. You were overly happy to be there of course, but you were incredibly starstruck and didn’t know how to act. You shook your head and smiled more believable now and waved. 
The MC greeted each of you and you bowed respectfully. You tried to keep your attention on him and on the fact that The NCT U were looking at you and waiting to greet you too, yet you kept the smile on your face. Soon the smile became very genuine and then it didn’t want to go away. Who could blame you though? You were meeting your idols; your dream had finally come true.   
You went on to shake hands with the members and you felt your heart crying in your chest. You shook their hands and looked them deep into their eyes; you had to savor and appreciate this moment now that you had the chance. You were smiling all over your face and giggling, but that was until you had to shake hands with Kun. It was like everything just stopped. You were standing right in front of him now and wow did he really look better in real life. His eyes were so beautiful, shining with happiness, making you smile. Kun smiled widely back at you and you giggled smiling back at him.“Annyeong!” he said, and you blushed madly, but said hello to him too. You let go out of his hand, even though you didn’t want to, and went over to your seat. 
After you were done introducing yourselves the real questions came and you began to grow nervous. You stole secret glances at Kun all the time, but you also caught sight of him staring back at you. Your eyes widened, and you looked away quickly, but not after you saw him smile shyly. Omg, what’s going on?
“So! Now, lets start with a question we’re all dying to know the answer to!” the MC started, and you knew very well what that question was. “Who’s your bias and why?” You knew it.
Since you were the last one to enter, you were of course also the one to answer all the questions, so you sat there nervously fidgeting with your fingers as you heard all the other girls saying who their bias was and how they were their bias because they were so amazing and hard working. You were so nervous, because of the fact that you knew this question was going to be asked, you had prepared a little speech, so you were sure to give the correct answer. Since you always seemed to malfunction when attention was on you, it was only convenient that you had. So, when the MC pointed at you, and asked you, you straightened up and took a deep breath and giggled when the other members smiled sweetly at your shyness. 
“Well, my bias is you, Kun oppa. And the reason why, is because you’re such a kind person; you always make me smile and feel happy. You always make me feel loved and appreciated. I’ve always had a hard life with bullying and teasing in school, making me hate myself. But when I got to know you through v lives and other livestreams, I began to feel happier. You are always so happy and cheerful, even though you don’t say much, it’s still clear that you’re there, because you ooze off this comfortable and relaxing energy and atmosphere. It’s just great, really. I know I’m not there at the livestreams, but I can feel it through the screen and I can see it on the members. Also, now that I’m here and I meet you, I-I can feel it too. And it makes me the happiest girl in the world to experience it…” you were on the edge of tears and you had to take a small break to calm down before you could continue. “I-I love you Kun. You made me love myself more and I don’t know how I can thank you enough. I-I just… th-thank you. For being there for me…” you couldn’t help it anymore and a few tears fell.
It was silent for some time after you had finished talking, and you didn’t dare to look up. You really just needed someone to give you a hug, but that most likely not going to happen. You heard a few footsteps coming over to you and crouch down in front of you, but still you didn’t look up. A hand reached your chin and tilted your head up, and you looked into Kun’s warm and beautiful brown eyes. You sniffed as you gazed into his loving eyes and a small smile crept onto your lips. His smiling is contagious. “I love you too, baby girl. I’ll always be here for you, don’t ever doubt that, okay? And please don’t hate yourself… you’re so beautiful and amazing, those kids just can’t see it. You’re gorgeous, okay? And if anything happens to you, you just go to them and say “Kun will beat your ass if you threaten me again!” okay?” 
You couldn’t help but giggle at the last part. Kun was such a sweet guy and you loved him so much. You nodded your head as a response. “See? That smile there makes you so beautiful and I can’t believe I’m your bias, because… you’re so amazing,” Kun said as if he was in a daze, looking all over you. You blushed and looked down, but looked up again and smiled again which made him laugh and then you laughed along.
Kun smiled and nodded approvingly and stared into your eyes. You thought for a second that he was going to leave, but then he surprised you by hugging you tightly against his chest and leaning his chin on you shoulder right where your head meets your neck. Your heart skipped a beat and you felt a happiness so strong go through you that you felt like crying. This was what you needed. You needed a tight hug from Kun, and here he was giving it to you. 
“See? You’re always there for me. you always make me feel happy, beautiful, and appreciated. Thank you so much for that and… I love you,” you told him as you hugged him back and leaned into his embrace. It felt so nice to be in his arms. You felt so safe and secure. He was so soft and warm it was like hugging a teddy bear, if only you could hug him to sleep at night too…Kun let out a shy giggle and released you from the hug much to your sadness.“Of course, I am. I’m your oppa, remember?” He said smiling again, and you smiled back and nodded. “I’ll always be there for you. Plus, I love you more, princess.” You heard the crowd coo at the cuteness of this séance you two were having now, and you both blushed madly. This ruined the mood and Kun had to go back to his seat, so the interview could continue. 
The rest of the interview went by smooth with all of you smiling and grinning and having a good time. When it was time to leave, all of you went out the same way you came in, but now it was different, since the members went out with you. You had all made a little bond with them, so now you were walking towards the exit with Mark. You were having a small talk about how everything was going with the fanbase and you told him how we were doing great, and maybe you might’ve added that we make all kinds of weird videos with them, like crack videos and edits. He laughed and blushed and shook his head. “Of course, you are.” He said and you both laughed. 
Before you exited the building, you felt a tap on your shoulder and you turned around.It was Kun. You felt your heart clench happily at the sight of him and you smiled widely. “Hey, what’s up?” you had gotten way more confident ever since the talk you and Kun had at the start of the interview, so you talked livelier to him now. “Hi, umm… I just wanted to say goodbye properly before we go both ways… and I also just wanted you to know that I hope you’ll feel better about yourself soon… because seriously, you are a really gorgeous girl,” he confessed shyly and scratched the back of his neck. You were completely starstruck, but you quickly pulled yourself together and took in his heartwarming words.
You giggled, and it made Kun look at you with a perplexed expression. “What?” he asked and chuckled weirdly.
“It’s just because, you’re so thoughtful and kind… thank you for caring so much about me… I never thought you’d come here and say goodbye like this… but I’m happy that you did,” you explained, and your cheeks went hot. He smiled happily at you, and it warmed your heart to the point where you thought it would’ve exploded.
“Of course, you’re my girl,” he shrugged, and gave a shy smile. You thought you were about to cry, but you tried to hold it in, so you just let a laugh that could’ve been mistaken for a choked laugh. 
“I love you so much,” you whispered, and tried to hug him, but held back because you weren’t sure he wanted to. He giggled when he saw what you wanted and pulled you in for a hug. You rested your head against his shoulder and took in all the comfort and kindness he put into the hug. When he released you from the hug, he looked around worriedly, and secretly gave you a note. You got the memo and received it unnoticed. He smiled and you both went outside. You said goodbye to all the other members and you went your own ways.
When you came home, you sat on your bed and opened the note to see what it said, and your heart nearly beat out of your chest.It read:
“Hey sweetie… you really made an impression on me today… and so I thought it was only right that I should give you this… here’s my number xxx xxx xxx xxx <3 please text me when you get home and tell me if you got home safe! It’s very important to me, haha… :3 <3
Love, Your Kun. <3”
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