#UK Minibus tours
travel-uk2 · 5 months
How to Plan a Vacation on a Budget
Planning a fulfilling vacation doesn’t have to strain your finances. With strategic approaches and mindful choices, exploring the UK on a budget becomes an achievable and enriching experience. Here's a comprehensive guide to crafting a wallet-friendly trip;
1. Embrace Shared Transport Options
Consider hiring a minibus or coach for group travels within the UK. Shared transport options like minibuses not only offer cost-effective solutions but also ensure convenience and unity among travel companions. Splitting the expenses among a group minimizes individual costs while allowing everyone to explore together, making it an affordable and efficient mode of transportation.
2. Book in Advance for Discounts
Early planning is key to unlocking significant savings. Booking accommodations, transportation, and activities in advance often comes with discounted rates and special offers. Take advantage of early bird discounts available on flights, train tickets, and accommodations, securing better prices while ensuring availability, especially during peak travel seasons.
3. Travel Off-Peak Seasons
Opting for off-peak travel times presents numerous advantages. Beyond quieter attractions and lesser crowds, off-peak seasons often offer reduced rates for accommodations, transportation, and attractions. Plan your trip during shoulder seasons or off-seasons to capitalize on lower prices while enjoying a more tranquil travel experience.
4. Embrace Budget Accommodations
Explore a range of accommodation options that cater to budget-conscious travelers. Look beyond traditional hotels and consider hostels, guesthouses, or vacation rentals. Websites and apps often showcase competitive rates and unique stays, providing cost-effective lodging without compromising comfort.
5. Plan and Prioritize Activities
Create a comprehensive itinerary that prioritizes free or low-cost activities. Research and explore attractions, parks, and cultural sites that offer complimentary admission or have nominal entry fees. Engage in walking tours, visit public parks, or attend local events that provide immersive experiences without hefty price tags.
6. Pack Smart and Economically
Travel light and carry essentials to avoid unnecessary expenses. Pack snacks, reusable water bottles, and basic necessities to avoid impulse purchases. Additionally, consider using public transportation or walking to explore destinations, reducing transportation costs.
By incorporating these budget-conscious strategies into your travel plans, you can explore the UK's wonders without stretching your budget. Smart planning, leveraging shared transport options, booking in advance, and opting for off-peak travel seasons empower you to enjoy a fulfilling and cost-effective vacation. Unlock the beauty of the UK without breaking the bank, creating memories that are both enriching and financially prudent.
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hs2travel · 1 year
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Road trips are one of the best escapes from a monotonous life. However, this doesn't mean that you take your vehicle out on an impulse and hit the road instantly. There's a lot of planning behind it; also, there's a lot of groundwork before you head out. In case you and your group plan to explore destinations, it's best to go for a luxury coach hire service. Moreover, the day trip coach hire comes with different ranges of bus services. Luxury coach hire companies aren't challenging to find. In fact, they are easily searchable. With the online world sky-rocketing, most coach companies are on Google. On the other side, you can also get in touch with the executives via traditional calls. You can have a detailed insight into what their services entail as well as the various features that each of their coaches offers. HS2 Travel is a leading coach hire for tours company. We provide exceptional service. Our experts are happy to greet you and make the travel plans smooth and successful. Contact us today to hire the best service.
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in-death-we-fall · 1 year
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24 Hour Party People
Things are getting messy on the Stone Sour/Murderdolls UK tour. Welcome inside their world of drunken orgies, comedy pissing and pickled cow’s hearts…
(google docs link)
Photos: Tina Korhonen
If you ever find yourself in the same building as Corey Taylor, the frontman with the most Tourettes-like speech patterns in rock (no mean feat in an arena where swearing is both big and clever), the chances are you’ll hear him long before you see him. A couple of hours after his band Stone Sour’s first UK show with fellow Slipknot-affiliates the Murderdolls, the singer is drunkenly ping-ponging off the walls of a corridor backstage at Nottingham’s Rock City, beaming and gleefully bellowing Electric Six’s ‘Gay Bar’ at top volume before tumbling into his dressing room for the umpteenth shot of Jack Daniel’s this evening.
The backstage area is teeming with young women who have miraculously acquired passes along the way. More incongruously and to Taylor’s obvious confusion, there are also random semi-naked men flitting about. In the next room, Murderdolls’ Nikki Sixx-coiffed bass player Eric Griffin is entertaining two ladies — one of them, dressed as a sexy nurse, currently occupied with snapping on a pair of surgical gloves. Tonight is clearly going to get messy. If everyone involved in this tour comes out of this thing unscathed, it’ll be a miracle.
“I like the fact that we’re just five fucking guys who stink and love music. I love it, that’s real, fuck that dumb shit.”
    Rewind a few hours, and an infinitely more coherent, if chronically hungover Corey Taylor is fumbling his way into a minibus to join his bandmates on their way to an in-store signing. While, along with guitarist Jim Root, he spends his time worrying America’s parents and poncing around in a mask in Slipknot, it’s quickly obvious that Stone Sour offers the chance to show his often-gurning, surprisingly clumsy human side. The side that has dumped all attempts at being enigmatic for the person whose big ambition in life is to appear in a cartoon (“I can picture Bart Simpson going to a Slipknot concert,” says Jim. “It’d be great, you’d hear, like, a note between bleeps.”), who has been terrified of sharks since his mother took him to see ‘Jaws’ when he was three, who has an obsessive love of British comedy, and revels in tasteless, decidedly un-PC jokes. A random example: “What do you call the worthless skin around a pussy? The rest of the woman.” Classy.
    All of which is good news for the scores of fans who have turned up to meet the band today.
    “There are guys out there who would pick their eyes out with a fucking coathanger and go, ‘Aaargh! They’re for you!’,” grins the singer as one fan thrusts a giant dildo at him to be signed. “But they’re all great. Anyone that listens to us is pretty fucking cool. And little kids are really into it too. You take the time and you fucking talk to them and shit, that’s a fan or (sic) life. Get them young, like the tobacco companies say!”
    Over at the venue, the Murderdolls — all similarly hungover, bar iron-livered frontman Wednesday 13 — emerge from their bus in a flurry of red and black hair and leather to be met by fans bearing gifts of Boris Karloff action figures and teddy bears dressed in bondage gear.
    Perhaps inevitably, because of the way they look, their unashamedly cock-rock outlook, their gang mentality and the way that there’s genuinely no-one like them at the moment, the band have inspired a tribe of similarly-attired devout followers who you can spot a mile off. Many of them are female, which is curious given the off-the-scale testosterone levels that shape the band.
    “We had a group of four girls here bawling their eyes out, really shaking,” says Joey Jordison, struggling to wake up. “I don’t really think it’s too weird. We give them something to believe in, some escapism from maybe some of the hard things in their lives.”
    “It’s insane,” grins Wednesday. “You hang around us for a day you’ll be crying to get away from us.”
    It’s a strange kind of devotion the two bands create. While both are surprisingly approachable some people still go to unnecessary extremes to get their attention.
    “A girl came to an in-store signing with her arms completely slashed up, with every guy in the Murderdolls’ name cut into her arm,” says Joey. “She brought me a cow heart in a formaldehyde jar with my picture in it, and said that that was her heart and it belongs to me. And she gave me a book of a hundred poems that are all about me.’
    Is that not a little disturbing?
    “No, I just think that some of these kids need a little bit more attention. We’re a fun band, we want the kids to have fun, and I don’t want anyone taking their aggressions out on themselves. Life is really not as bad as they think it is. That’s why we come over here, because I know we’re important to these kids. I could easily be at home right now sitting out on my porch drinking a beer and not giving a shit. But I’d rather come over here and tell kids thank you for giving me a reason to live as well.”
    By the time showtime comes around, Stone Sour can be found in their dressing room “spanking the bottle of Jack”, a strange pre-show ritual that seems to achieve little more than earning Corey a new blood blister on his finger.
    One set of anthemic rock and one set of fantastically ludicrous glam-rock stomping later, and it’s time to get the alcohol flowing, bring the prettiest girls backstage, and for certain members of this touring circus to behave very badly indeed…
“Oh Jesus.”
    Corey Taylor is suffering. The last anyone saw of him last night was when he was taken to support band Elviss’ bus for a little drink. Today, he’s paying the price, big time.
    I remember getting onstage,” he says, trying to piece the previous evening together. “I remember doing a great show, coming offstage, drinking about 12 Jack and Cokes being pulled onto Elviss’ bus and them pumping fucking absinthe down my goddamn throat trying to kill me. Fuckers. After that it’s a blur. I remember eating an ignorant amount of fucking lamb steak, just shoving it in my face. It was fucking gross.”
“We go apeshit every night.” -Joey Jordison
    This, apparently, has nothing on what went on in the Murderdolls’ tour bus last night, where one stunned witness hazily recalls someone attempting to use the on-board toilet, only to be met with the sight of a certain lanky member of the Murderdolls inserting “objects” into two girls.
    “We are a fun rock ‘n’ roll party band in every sense of the word,” says a wary Joey Jordison the next day as the band roll in to the Birmingham Academy. “You can draw about every conclusion you ever heard about the traditional rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle from the ‘80s, that’s pretty much us. But I don’t want to make it sound like that’s cool. I don’t endorse it in any way.”
    Joey, Corey, and Jim Root have, of course, seen and done it all before with Slipknot, so it’s fair to say that, bar the heroic alcohol consumption, they may have a certain amount of detachment from the mayhem surrounding them these days.
    “But all that crazy shit happened a long time ago,” Corey insists, grimacing through his hangover. “I don’t really recall! I’d be coming offstage, having a glass of milk and eating cookies.”
    Because the two bands are about such vastly different things — with Stone Sour it’s about bringing things down to the simple elements of their songs and connecting with the audience, while Murderdolls are on a mission to bring the biggest, trashiest, glammiest, most X-rated party to every town they hit — there’s little in the way of rivalry between the camps. The only competition seems to be with putting on the biggest, loudest live show.
    “If anything I think it’s healthy if there is,” Corey concurs. “It just makes you want to give that bit fucking more and go for it. At the end of the day it’s all about the kids, fuck us. It’s all about whether they’re having a good time or not.”
    “There’s always that little competition,” Joey says. “This is our last run before we go back to Slipknot, so I’m not worried about it too much. But we put on the same show pretty much every night anyway. We go that apeshit every night.”
The first thing you’d notice on entering the Murderdolls’ dressing room is the detritus: clothes, make-up scattered everywhere, not to mention drummer Ben ‘The Ghoul’ Graves — the cause of most of last night’s very worst behaviour — stretched out on a sofa and spilling, somewhat unpleasantly, out of his stage costume of a PVC thong while loudly “making room” in his nose. The second thing you notice, half a second later, is that it stinks in here.
    “My clothes smell like a cat litter box,” Wednesday says, wrinkling his nose. “I got my pants out of our wardrobe case, and they’re still soaked from the show because I was sweating, but I swear they smell like piss. I think someone could have pissed on my pants. Our stuff was packed up, so I’m not sure what happened, unless someone is trying to play a trick on me.”
    This, of course, is what happens when you stick a load of men on a bus together for months on end and deny them the rights to proper laundry services.
    “Most bands rely on special lights and effects,” Wednesday continues, as Joey and Corey work on new Slipknot material down the corridor. “But we come to the people in Smellovision. We bring all the senses out. Whenever you come to our show and we haven’t come onstage yet, you can go (sniffs), ‘Oh, something smells like shit! They’re getting ready to go on!’. We’ve got an intro smell instead of an intro tape.”
    Tonight’s show makes Nottingham’s insanity look like a warm-up. It’s so hot in the venue you have to wade through the air, and after Stone Sour incite a mass singalong of ‘Bother’, the Murderdolls trip down the stairs, making last minute checks on their hair, before they explode onto the stage. By the time the encore comes around, Acey has rather gruesomely lost all his clothing from his lower regions, the rest of them are running around the stage as if they’re being chased by killer mosquitoes, and Stone Sour are bellowing their approval from the wings. Nothing here is about angst. It’s all about living larger than most of our lives.
    “Rock stars should look like they’re from outer space or something,” Joey says afterwards, as they pack up their make-up kits. “When I was growing up seeing Alice Cooper and Kiss and shit, when I went to a show I could be like, ‘Okay, that’s the fucking dude in the band’. That’s the way it should be. Even with Slipknot, our image and the show goes with the music. Music and imagery go together, and it just makes it that much more fun for the live show.”
    And while Stone Sour head off to deal loudly with the latest booze-related crisis (their bus driver, who is supposed to be driving them to Scotland in an hour, is passed out drunk, so it’s time to fire him), Joey prepares himself for the long, but no doubt eventful journey ahead.
    “I intend on having a hangover tomorrow,” he says. “The plan for tonight is the same for every night. The reason bands get so fucked up and drink a lot is because all we do is the same thing every day, and it’s the best fucking lifestyle. We have no responsibilities. You’re on this bus, nothing can fucking touch you. You’re meeting cool fucking people all the time. It’s much more fun-orientated and more of a free-spirited vibe with this band than any other band I’ve been in.”
“I liked the ‘Fuck’ song!” The fans’ verdict on the Stone Sour/Murderdolls face-off…
Name: Riannan Davis Age: 19 From: Mid-Wales Well, what did you think?: “Excellent. I love Stone Sour and Murderdolls.” Which band comes out top?: “Stone Sour. I just prefer them and I get bored of Murderdolls after a while. Stone Sour are good over and over again.” Highlight? “Getting promised to go backstage in five minutes!”
Name: Andrew Gordan Age: 14 From: Oxford Well, what did you think?: “It was amazing, really good.” Which band comes out top?: “Murderdolls, definitely. I just prefer that type of music, it’s really good.” Highlight?: “‘White Wedding’ by the Murderdolls. I love the Billy Idol version, and I love the Murderdolls version.”
Name: Natalie Reynolds Age: 15 From: Bristol Well, what did you think?: “I’ve had a fucking amazing time!” Which band comes out top?: “Murderdolls! They rock, because Ghoul’s in the band. He’s so fit! He’s just the drag queen of my dreams.” Highlight?: “Seeing Ghoul in a thong!”
Name: Chaz Boswell Age: 18 From: Wales Well, what did you think?: “It was fantastic tonight.” Which band comes out top?: “Murderdolls, definitely. They’re more fun than Stone Sour, and I prefer their music. My friend lost his shoe.” Highlight?: “Finding the shoe.”
Name: Hayley Lamb Age: 14 From: Lemington What did you think?: “I had a great time.” Which band comes out top?: “Murderdolls. I just love the way they dress and I think their music’s great.” Highlight?: “I liked the ‘Fuck’ song with the umbrella, that was great.”
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madamemuller · 8 months
Day 22 - Niagarafälle
Um 6.50 Uhr in aller Früh stehe ich vor dem Eingang meiner Unterkunft in Toronto, da ich eine Tour zu den Niagarafällen gebucht habe und gleich von einem Minibus abgeholt werde. Ich habe für die Tour ein paar Dollar mehr investiert, kann dadurch aber mehrere Stunden Zeit sparen, bzw. diese besser in die Besichtigung vor Ort stecken. Mit dem Bus holen wir noch drei gebürtige Pariser:innen ab, zwei Frauen aus UK und ein Paar aus Nagasaki. Schon gegen 9 erreichen wir unser erstes Ziel: den Skylon Tower. Abgesehen davon, dass wir zudem außerhalb der Hochsaison und an einem Montag dort sind, können wir bei zwei der drei Attraktionen mit dem guide die Warteschlangen umgehen. Oben angekommen schicke ich ein Foto mit Blick auf die Wasserfälle der amerikanischen Seite direkt an meine Nichte - sie studiert gerade in Pennsylvania und geographisch trennen uns heute die wenigsten Kilometer.❤️
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Anschließend besuchen wir Journey behind the falls. Das behind ist hier allerdings gar nicht so spannend, man sieht nur viel Wasser hinter einer kleinen Tunnelöffnung vorbeirauschen. Viel mehr imponiert mir der Blick aus nächster Nähe von der Aussichtsplattform gleich neben dem Wasserfall, bzw. der Blick sozusagen vom Bürgersteig auf den hinabstürzenden Niagarafluss. Und letzteren kann man sogar kostenlos genießen, Dusche inklusive.
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Und schließlich erkunden wir die Niagarafälle noch mit dem Boot Hornblower, zusammen mit mehreren hundert in roten Plastik gehüllten Tourist:innen.
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Trotz des Ponchos bin ich an einigen Körperstellen völlig durchnässt. Zum Glück scheint die Sonne. Wir haben eine gute Stunde Lunch-Freizeit in der Innenstadt, die praktisch nur aus einer potthässlichen Vergnügungsmeile besteht. Nach einem schnellen Burger setze ich mich in einen Park, blicke aus etwas Entfernung auf das Treiben an den Wasserfällen... und treffe noch einmal auf die zwei Frauen aus Hamburg, denen ich schon in Vancouver und Jasper begegnet war.
Auf dem Rückweg fahren wir noch an ein paar anderen Stellen entlang des Flusses vorbei, z.B. dem Niagara Whirlpool und der Floral Clock.
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conleywelch78 · 1 month
Silver City, New Mexico And The Gila National Forest And Cliff Dwellings
Refer for any one of these experts if ever you decide to book your vehicle during your stay now. About 39km past Kimberley you rapidly realize Modder River which is joined with the Riet Waterway. Dolphins generally frequent the waters outside the shoreline. There's every chance that you'll see them swimming most nights. It's a great spectacle when they swim by, sometimes a few or sometimes a whole their school. But they always seem to send you to smile. There are various tours throughout the area can take you on a boat-ride in search of them. View More: topcamauaz.com - Top Ca Mau AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Ca Mau AZ: Nguyễn Thảo Phương - Nguyen Thao Phuong South Africa has just one of the world's worst records for motor vehicle accidents, so drive with caution. Maintain your distance from vehicles at the cab end. Watch out for cars coming straight at you while nevertheless overtaking other cars. Tend to be expected to download over onto the paved shoulder - high might be people walking. Cape Town has a few unwritten rules of the fishing line all a unique. For example, minibus taxi drivers assume they support the right of way constantly. They will cut you off and run traffic lights with impunity. Be rigorous approaching a freeway in Cape Destination. The on-ramps often lead straight into the fast lane, and most local drivers won't reduce the speed of to let you in. Freeway signs also don't give much warning of the off-ramps. Plan your trip, so a couple of where you're. On the southern end lies the sheltered bay of Sivota essential waterside bars and tavernas. On the southwest coast, Vasiliki has quayside bars, cafes and non-stop night life. Vassiliki was a sleepy little fishing village. These days it is one the hawaiian islands main resorts The port is found in the south-east belonging to the large sea. It offers good shelter although the current wind tends to blow in the harbour making conditions uncomfortable at particular times. The bottom holds well. Tin Top Ca Mau AZ News There are the same as anchorages towards the west coast but you will discover beautiful beaches where stunning sunsets.
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View More: topcamauaz.com - Top Ca Mau AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Ca Mau AZ: Nguyễn Thảo Phương - Nguyen Thao Phuong Being the southernmost tip of the UK, Cornwall really is lands end for the united states and the cliffs are dramatic. Its northern border Cornwall section has got wonderful beaches, beautiful and rugged scenery and Atlantic breakers. While you travel from Hartland Quay to Bude, this will be the toughest however the most spectacular walk plus it begins from Hartland quay which is often a remote the coast. Along the way you can to limb to the top of the the cliffs and to the sea level many times. The scenery is spectacular and there are lots of waterfalls. The path does not pass through any towns or villages and you discover a very remote premises. Went for desert at Cafe Lalo, where portion of the movie "You've Got Mail" was recorded. Then we walked up Broadway to Fairfield Market, several blocks South of Popular Zabars, a grocery and kitchen appliance store (but so much more: an experience). I became surprised the actual variety of fresh produce and meats, fish, and poultry and relatively the best prices. The aisles are very narrow in store, as a result of fact that space set in a premium in New york. Buy an unlimited Metro Pass, $21.00 for your week, and hop on a Downtown bound bus on Broadway. Downtown means with the Battery, the Southernmost reason for Manhattan. This journey leaves with all the North Vancouver dockside at 8.30 am. The port may be busy nevertheless, you are warmly welcomed by staff in uniform. Instantly North Vancouver is put aside and you view the backyards of homes typically the prosperous West Vancouver. An individual enjoy your breakfast there's always something good notice how relaxed consumers are as they travel about their daily goals. Colesberg will be the largest town in the. It is a popular stop off point if anyone is traveling on the Cape from Johannesburg right now there are many things to do learn there. Tend to be museums, beautiful architecture and the Gariep Dam Nature Reserve is not far from there at times. Be ready for steep ascents and descents - serious very little flat country. Also be aware this is high altitude - starting around 3000m and rising as high as 4000m, so just of extra fitness Cape Ca Mau Viet Nam go a great.
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Once the instructions and data were shared and we were raring to take inside, the guide opened the complete roof to your advantage possible tuning into. Top Cà Mau AZ 24h The windows are big enough for viewing but may sometimes limit the landscape view. The particular roof was lifted diet plans . simply beautiful with large open grasslands and eyes hunting for wildlife sighting. Driving another 500 meters and we were officially on the Tarangire national park lines. There were only mud roads but the ride decided not to still feel bumpy. Community . sight was of a termite mound. Termites and other ants are an valuable part of this ecosystem along with the best cleaners of planet earth. Top Ca Mau AZ News They travel in armies and positive nothing is left after a kill to stale or pollute the surroundings. It you hadn't had strong desire to trek in New Zealand already, the lord of the Rings films probably sealed the contract. Undoubtedly the most famous trek is Milford Track at the stunning Milford Sound in New Zealand's Fjordland in the bottom of the South Tropical. This trek was described by Rudyard Kipling as 'the finest walk as world'. Another, rather unusual memorial in the city is the AIDS Funeral obituary. It was built and maintained in memory of your number of folks that lost their battle the actual epidemic. Inside of the city cemetery, with unusual gravestones and unique above should also burial spaces because among the nature of your water table of metropolis.
Ahhhh.Cape May beach. When many people start planning vacations, many lean towards sticking their feet on sand. Exactly why not, it's extremely relaxing. Should you not like sitting and relaxing on a beach, just being the actual world 'beach' atmosphere is this price. The laid back style, flip flops, people out contributing to. You gotta love doing it! This is why so many as well as vacation and also a big source of Cape May, NJ actually. You end up being the hungry, but mount your bike a lot more for a quick half mile jaunt to the south. In Marina Del Rey, you'll find a multitude of great beach restaurants; an amazing place for lunch. Fuel up; you'll need it for your next portion of the cruise. After Marina Del Rey, the path becomes a reduced amount populated since dives down through Playa Del Rey and Redondo Beach. You'll even pass a working oil refinery that looks as if something your own Mad Max. And you'll travel directly under the planes of LAX. Maintain your eye out for biggest airplane associated with world that lands here, the A380 airbus. This moderate point-to-point trail near city of New Portland is 17.5 miles long and takes 9 hours to handle. This hike winds through a number of ponds, along streams and across the Kennebec Brook. The path also crosses part within the Arnold Trail( the route of the historic march led by Col. Benedict Arnold in 1775). and Jerome Brook on a narrow footbridge. It then winds via a swampy area heavily populated with cedar trees. One of the best places to rent a scooter is key West, Fla. Key West is southern most part of Florida, located about 90 miles north of Cuba. This is actually a superb place for renting a scooter while there is a lot to witness. The famous author Ernest Hemingway spent a considerable time there, so you can visit his favorite hangouts. There is the southernmost point of the island where you can view the sunset and increase glass without the pain . locals. Then you've got to hit the famous bar district on Duval Street for famous to the annual Fantasy Fest. Use caution when riding your scooter, though. Key West is made up of small streets with lots of blind the corners. ~ Buenos Aires (BA) - A stunning, cosmopolitan city constantly alive with life. Top Cà Mau AZ 247 The Cape Ca Mau Viet Nam, and largest city in Argentina and the second biggest in Brazilian behind Sao Paulo. Known for - Birds of Prey, wilderness camps, over fifty waterholes at the tourist roads and at the camps, fantastic shows of wildflowers, for example the devil's claw in summer, and excellent photographic opportunities of animals and landscapes. On southerly part of the end lies the sheltered bay of Sivota with several waterside bars and tavernas. On the southwest coast, Vasiliki has quayside bars, cafes and non-stop lifestyle. Vassiliki was a sleepy little fishing village. It's one the hawaiian islands main resorts The port is based in the south-east in the large these types of. It offers good shelter although the current wind sometimes blow into the harbour making conditions uncomfortable at situations. The bottom holds well. There aren't anchorages with a west coast but you'll find beautiful beaches where beautiful stunning florida sunsets. So, so when you see a flag flying in Cape Town, examine to complete quick run through your mental check list and individual your trip has represented each for this colours within the flag. I went from Tel Aviv for the Southernmost point of Israel which Eliat. Following a long journey through the harsh heat of the desert, I set my foot with the highest time Eliat - the connection of Israel, Egypt, and Jordan. The night temperature writer the desert was abnormally cold. At this destination, behind the bared wire fence was Egypt territory. According to the Naday - my friend from Israel, although the Egyptian Military post was near here, there were many Israel people still walked hundreds of of miles in this hot desert in order to immigrate illegally to Israel. South Africa has one of the world's worst records for motor vehicle accidents, so drive with caution. Keep your distance from vehicles ahead of. Watch out for cars coming straight at you while tend to be overtaking other cars. A person expected to pull over on the paved shoulder - its keep might be people stepping. Cape Town has a few unwritten rules of the fishing line all an. For example, minibus taxi drivers assume they support the right of way without exception. They will cut you off and run traffic lights with impunity. Be diligent approaching a freeway in Cape Destination. The on-ramps often lead into the fast lane, and most local drivers won't slow down to permit you to in. Freeway signs also don't give much warning of the off-ramps. Plan your trip, so realize there are only where you're going. View More: topcamauaz.com - Top Ca Mau AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Ca Mau AZ: Nguyễn Thảo Phương - Nguyen Thao Phuong Written By Author in topcamauaz.com: Mai Gia Hân - Mai Gia Han Written By Author in topcamauaz.com.com: Bùi Hữu Duy - Bui Huu Duy
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getaxi · 9 months
"Convenient Minibus Hire Services in Wembley, UK 🚐✨"
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Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog (382): Mon 3rd Apr 2023
Up early for a guided bus tour of LA I’m the sunshine today. I was hoping that we’d be going on a double decker open topped bus but we ended up in a small minibus. There was another British guy from Manchester who was there on his own, an American couple from Wisconsin or some shit, then in the seats behind us there was a family from Australia. The tour guide asked where we were from and Dad kept shouting “UK” but Americans just can’t pick up the Geordie pronunciation of words with “A” sounds in them so eventually I had to shout “England” as the guide kept thinking we were saying Ukraine. We went past the Nakatami Plaza from Die Hard and the Manc got into a discussion with the American couple about whether Die Hard is a Christmas movie or not. I wanted to chip in that Jaws: The Revenge and Edward Scissorhands are both technically Christmas movies too. The tour guide was lovely but I think she might have been making up part of our tour as we went past a cemetery which she said Charlie Chaplin was buried in. Evidentially I must have drifted off at the start of the tour and woke up when the bus had made its way to Switzerland because that’s where Charlie Chaplin is buried. We went past the public toilet where George Michael got arrested for trying to bang an undercover policeman. I love the fact that a public toilet has essentially become a historical landmark. If you’re concerned that a building that you like might get torn down then why not trick a beloved gay icon to try and suck you off there and then it will be protected due to historical significance. We went past a shop that Wynona Ryder got busted for shoplifting and said that she did it as preparation for a role. Good thing she hasn’t been cast in a Myra Hindley biopic then. We then went past CBS studios where many TV shows are recorded. The tour guide said she can tell which show is recording in the CBS studio by the look of the people in the line. For instance if they have bright shirts on she knows it’s The Price Is Right. I felt like saying “and if it’s to see James Corden it’s people in sneakers with untied laces, sweatpants pulled up to their tits and grey hoodies covered in drool”. We paused the tour so that we could get lunch on Santa Monica pier. This pier is the official end of Route 66. I did the Route 66 10 years ago and started at the official marker in Chicago but by the end I was too tired to go to the pier to see the official end and just stayed in the hotel for most of the trip. This means that I set off on Route 66 in October 2013 and I’ve only technically completed the full journey in April 2023. I know I was lazy but that’s ridiculous. When we got back to the tour bus we were told that someone had missed the start of the tour and would be joining us for the remainder of it. There was only one seat left free on the bus and it was next to me so whoever it was was going to be sat next to the trip…so I even need to tell you that it was a big fat guy? I mean this is me we’re talking about of course it was a big fat guy. It was ALWAYS going to be a big fat guy. I mean it was never going to be a super hot, blonde Australian lass with gigantic tits was it. On the plus side I was in the in the middle seat and this fat fuck was on my right hand side so if a car plowed into the right hand side of the tour bus he would serve as a giant air balloon and I would be safe…though admittedly his blood and guts would probably burst out of him and all over me leaving me looking like the end of Carrie. Our final stop was the Hollywood Sign which took a while for us to get to but it was really breathtaking. I couldn’t get a decent picture of it with me with it but people will just have to take my word that the small white blur next to my head is in fact the Hollywood Sign. I have to say that they’ve really done a good job of rebuilding it after it was destroyed in that documentary The Day After Tomorrow, and then again in that other documentary Sharknado (whenever I go away and see a landmark I always like to do at least one joke where I confuse a fictional movie it features in with a documentary). After the tour ended Dad and I had a nice walk in the sun down Hollywood Boulevard on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. We saw stars dedicated to legendary names like Mildred Dunnock, Kitty Carlisle, Vincent Lopez and a load of other dead cunts I’ve never heard of! I got a picture of Buster Keaton’s star but my phone ran out of battery before I could take one of George A Romero’s. I was unaware that to get a star in this walk you have to request one and actually pay for it yourself. That’s a bit shit. Surely it should be like a knighthood where you only get one if you’re deemed to have done a lot of worthwhile things. Imagine if knighthoods were done the same way the Walk of Fame is and we had “Sir Rylan” and “Dame Gemma Collins”. What a day. I definitely feel as though I’ve settled my unfinished business with California now. As I’ve said before the first time I visited this state at the end of my Route 66 adventure I was too exhausted to explore it and so I’ve been determined to come back and do it properly and I can now happily cross California off my list. I would have loved to have rented a surfboard and ridden the waves in Santa Monica beach but I’m not going to let that get me down as there’s plenty of places to surf. Hawaii for instance…
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camposborregaard94 · 1 year
Southampton Minibus Lease, Eight,12,16,24 Seater Low-cost Minibus With Vehicle Driver Southampton
Making your journey arrangements can usually be tense as well as time consuming. At Minibus Hire Bristol we assure all of your desires are provided for as well as objective to take the stress of your trip, leaving you to enjoy your day, Minibus Hire Bristol is the solution to all your traveling problems. We can provide cars in 8, 12, 14, sixteen and also 24 seater capabilities. We can also cover 33, 36, forty 9, 53 as well as 70 seater minibuses as well as coaches as correctly. From minibus hire for stag and also chicken occasions to minibus rent for transferring big groups to occasions, we offer total eight, sixteen,32 & fifty five seater lorries. Schedule your journey with Wormall's Minibus & Coach Work with for a prompt and also dependable taxi solution. As well as your scheduling reference isn't acknowledged, it's likely that the scheduling has been made with a third-party website. Please verify your booking verification email for information connecting to how to amend/cancel your scheduling or click the link beneath for third party call information. Please observe if you reserved throughout a sale or at a reduced price which fee is not available, the version brand-new price will use. Where specified within the product details some special supply reservations can't be changed or terminated. Please observe, in case you have actually booked Security FastTrack, Key Control FastTrack or a lounge in addition to your automobile park reservation after that your authentic reservation time will still relate to those products. We understand exactly how crucial it is to trip with satisfaction. That's why we thrill ourselves on offering quality, economical and risk-free solution always. From booking coach hire hire to taking you to your destination, we ensure that you have a smooth experience. You have actually concerned proper area if you're seeking minibus lease with a vehicle driver. Our chauffeurs will certainly manage your each demand and will make favorable you get a kick out of your trip. The Minibus Employ worth with motorist in High Wycombe varies relying on the length of the solution as well as the path to be taken, but it is a really economical choice when organizing group trips. The solution is more economical than, for example, making use of an amount of non-public vehicles considering that, simply by investing in gas, we are discussing a substantial quantity to save. When travelling as an individual, this choice is a simple one as an end result of you will opt for one of the most inexpensive one, generally public transport. However, when you need to trip with a gaggle of individuals, it is very important that you select a technique of transport that might meet the desires of all the people within the group. Among the reasons why it stops working is the intend to alter the vehicle on many occasions, as none can take you to every one of the places. Minibus Hire London objectives to provide the most effective rates on the train hire market to ensure that all guests can get the location they're entering London, England, and also across the UK. We have a spread of cars in our fleet, from 24 to 53-seat trainers for hire, which allows us to relocate groups of all dimensions. As a result we're an even more cost-effective option for large teams, as the quantity of cars needed is minimized to one gigantic trainer. The team at Minibus Hire London wants revealing all their travelers the all-natural amazing element regarding England. Please take among many coach trips and see all that England needs to supply, plus get associated with the British life-style, which is popular throughout seas for its Nobility as well as well-known landmarks. Our company provides a few of one of the most competitive fees on coach tours available, to ensure that all site visitors can see what this stunning nation needs to see. Our group of drivers can fit teams of any dimension, with trainers varying in dimension and also features. As experienced minibus company within the Edinburgh space and also working also more afield, we're exceptionally inspired to continuously present potential customers with phenomenal customer support. Remarkable solution, would positively recommend and also utilize once again. Our drivers are well uniformed, seasoned, have DBS clearance as well as are Vehicle driver CPC proficient. All our minibuses depend on day frequently and also are less than three years old. Click on this link for more info of our functional vary of minibuses. College trips are obtainable in all shapes and sizes, from educational trips as well as adventures to obtaining a group to the native swimming baths or the institution netball staff to the match. Stevenage Minibus Hire with our 8 & sixteen seater minbus's are ideally located for all London based mainly flight terminals along with; Gatwick, Heathrow, Stansted, Luton as well as London City Airports. Check our online reservation system now, determine your dates and enter contact with us for a fast return quote. Our customer assistance group will certainly then give you with a name if you require anything. Our reliable minibus rental fee solution presents one-off journeys in addition to agreements. Invite to Avon Minibuses based primarily in Bristol, South Gloucestershire. With over twenty years of expertise, we offer punctual and also specialist coach rental fee providers for both non-public and business customers. A minibus scheduling takes a while to finish, so we encourage that you simply give no less than day discover prior to the booking happens. A licence check is called for to be carried out face to face at the SRC Invite Point following directions emailed bent on you. If there may be some time in between your reserving as well as the date of separation we need you to provide us with another DVLA real-time permit code inside 7 days of your scheduling. You don't need to return personally for this as well as can e mail it on to us in case you have actually accomplished all the various other paperwork.
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minibushireukblog · 2 years
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travel-uk2 · 5 months
The Benefits of Hiring a Minibus with a Driver
Hiring a minibus with a professional driver offers a multitude of benefits, enhancing travel experiences in various ways. Here are four compelling reasons why opting for a minibus with a driver is a smart choice:
1. Convenience and Stress-Free Travel
A key advantage of hiring a minibus with a driver is the convenience it brings. Traveling becomes hassle-free as you’re relieved from the responsibilities of navigating unfamiliar roads, parking, and dealing with traffic. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey while the experienced driver handles all aspects of transportation, ensuring a smooth and stress-free trip for passengers.
2. Cost-Effective for Group Travel
Minibus hire with a driver proves to be cost-effective, especially for group travels. By pooling resources for transportation, the overall cost per person significantly decreases compared to individual modes of transport. The shared expense of hiring a minibus makes it an economical choice for groups, offering comfort and convenience without breaking the bank.
3. Safety and Professionalism
Professional minibus drivers undergo rigorous training and possess extensive experience in navigating diverse road conditions. Their expertise ensures not only safe transportation but also a sense of security for passengers. Professional drivers prioritize passenger safety, adhere to traffic regulations, and handle any unforeseen circumstances adeptly, allowing travelers to relax and focus on enjoying the journey.
4. Flexibility and Customization
Hiring a minibus with a driver provides flexibility in itinerary planning. The driver’s local knowledge can offer insights into the best routes, attractions, and dining options, enhancing the overall travel experience.
Additionally, the flexibility to tailor the schedule according to the group's preferences allows for a customized and personalized trip, accommodating diverse interests and maximizing the exploration of destinations.
The benefits of hiring a minibus with a driver encompass convenience, cost-effectiveness for group travel, safety, professionalism, and flexibility. This mode of transportation not only streamlines the travel process but also elevates the overall journey, offering a seamless, secure, and enjoyable experience for passengers.
Whether it's a family vacation, corporate outing, or group excursion, choosing a minibus with a driver is a smart choice that enhances the travel experience while ensuring comfort and peace of mind for all travelers.
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hs2travel · 1 year
Coach hire for tours Birmingham | HS2 Travel Services Ltd
Road trips are one of the best escapes from a monotonous life. However, this doesn't mean that you take your vehicle out on an impulse and hit the road instantly. There's a lot of planning behind it; also, there's a lot of groundwork before you head out. In case you and your group plan to explore destinations, it's best to go for a luxury coach hire service. Moreover, the day trip coach hire comes with different ranges of bus services. Luxury coach hire for tours companies aren't challenging to find. In fact, they are easily searchable. With the online world sky-rocketing, most coach companies are on Google. On the other side, you can also get in touch with the executives via traditional calls. You can have a detailed insight into what their services entail as well as the various features that each of their coaches offers.
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ukairportrides · 2 years
Five tips to booking a better trip with Liverpool Heathrow airport transfers in London
How can you make sure that your vacation goes smoothly if you need any Heathrow airport transfers to and from your hotel, or to a number of sporting events near Emirates or Wimble Stadium? If you ever have any airport transfers in London, online, you may not be aware the meet and greet of your driver is free.
If you do choose a professional company that offers the use of one of their London chauffeurs to get you around town to sightsee, shop, or celebrate a birthday, here are five questions you should ask of a company that offers both Heathrow To Liverpool Taxi and other airport transfers in London.
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If my flight is late, can I still get a transfer? – A professional company provides certified and licensed London airport minicab. It may allow a certain time after your flight that they will wait, in case your flight is late. You do not have to pay extra if you are late because of a late flight. You should call the company - which you have arranged the transfer with - if you will be later than a half hour.
Do you accept plastic? – Some companies offer Heathrow airport minicab will only accepts cash. Others will take cards. You should ask before you try to book a transfer and realize your wallet is empty.
What are some of the benefits if I book a luxury car online? – It does not matter if you are book a vacation or you are in London for a little business and pleasure. Our discreet black cars and minibus, driven by trained London chauffeurs, can get you where you need to go. You do not have to pay an extra charge for luggage or hand luggage, unless a passenger or their party goes over the luggage limit and another car must transport their luggage.
Can you get me to my destination easily? – All our drivers provide airport transfers in London and they each have satellite GPS. This technology ensures that your driver will not be late to get you where you need to go in the city.
How soon do I need to make an online reservation? Many companies require passengers to make their reservations weeks to months in advance. However, some professional companies that provide London airport cab and transfers to other airports and seaports allow reservations with only a 24-hour notice. Pick a professional company that allows worldwide booking and it offers instant confirmation. The latter may give you piece of mind - you do not have to worry that you do not have a car booked.
Britainnia airport transfer provide a professional and exclusive luxury limousine or executive car hire with driver to private and corporate events such as VIP transfers, business meetings, conference, seminar, private tours, celebration, sightseeing, airport transfer, and cruise transfers. They provide value for money complementary travel, in a comfortable and efficient style, anywhere in UK. But, they specialize in our transfer of passengers to and from Bristol to Heathrow Taxi and from Bournemouth to Heathrow Taxi. Whether you travel on business or pleasure, they will be able to provide the right service for you.
Some Quick links:-
Birmingham to Heathrow Taxi, Heathrow to Gatwick Taxi, Manchester to Heathrow Taxi, Edinburgh to Heathrow Taxi, Gatwick To Heathrow Taxi
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essexminibusuk · 2 years
24X7 On-time Minibus Hire Essex : Essex Minibus Hire
Essex Minibus Hire is a prime minibus hire and coach hire company based within the UK. Our roots are deeply settled in the minibus and coach hire industry with over a decade of hands-on experience. Over the period of ten years in business, we have expanded our coach and minibus hire services to almost every major part of the nation; including Essex, Kent, and other locations within the UK. We are driven by the motive of making your tours hassle-free, and by being in operation 24×7, we make sure you get exclusive and unrivalled services. On top of that, we understand the dynamics of travel; despite all the meticulous planning, there can always be impromptu decisions and lines of action. Keeping this in mind, our well-trained team backs up your sudden plans by validating urgent bookings by providing you with the desired service in as little as 30 minutes.
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travel75 · 2 years
Road Trip Locations by 9 Seater in Edinburgh
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A road trip by 9 seater in Edinburgh will take you to attractions like Linlithgow Palace, Cairngorms National Park, and the stunning scenery of the surrounding areas. If you are looking for an affordable car rental, consider one of the vehicles from nine seats. Read on to learn more about these options and what you can expect from your rental. Until then, take advantage of our tips and recommendations for your road trip in a nine-seater.
Linlithgow Palace
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For an easy day trip from Edinburgh, head to Linlithgow Palace, a royal residence with a storied history. You can drive yourself or take part in an organized tour. Outlander themed day trips often include free time at Linlithgow Palace, which served as the filming location for the famous Outlander series. Linlithgow Palace is operated by Historic Scotland, and entry is free with a valid Explorer Pass.
The Linlithgow Palace is best reached by car, which is the cheapest way. Despite the small size, the building was never meant to hold cars, so you can't take a minibus, caravan, or 9-seater. Luckily, there's a car park just down the road. The walk uphill is not long, so you should be able to see the palace in about 30 minutes.
Cairngorms National Park
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Rent a 9-seater car from Edinburgh to explore the beautiful Scottish countryside and enjoy a family road trip to Cairngorms National Park. This park has more to offer than you may think. The park is home to five of the UK's six highest mountains, including the Cairngorms. You can also find 55 Munros (mountains over 3,000 feet), ancient fortresses, and wildlife in this region.
The Cairngorms National Park is located in the Scottish Highlands. You can explore the park on a day tour from Aberdeen or Inverness. While you are in Scotland, don't forget to take a trip to the Loch Ness Monster in the park. The elusive monster has captivated the world for centuries, and you can visit its enchanting home in the park.
Tips for Renting 9 seater
If you need 9 seater car hire Edinburgh, you should look at the prices of renting one from different vendors. Depending on the season, rental rates will vary. These cars are spacious minivans with sliding doors and an extra large luggage compartment. The seats in these cars can be transformed into three, four, or five rows. These cars offer high passenger capacity, convenience, comfort, and affordability. They are great for large groups and families traveling to and from Edinburgh.
While hiring a 9-seater vehicle in Edinburgh, it's important to consider the extras you'll need. For example, some car hire companies have insurance excesses that are blocked on the lead driver's credit card. This can be a significant amount, and the amount may not be returned to the driver until weeks after the rental is over. To avoid this issue, choose Premium Cover. You can pay the excess amount using a debit card at the time of rental. To determine if your credit card is accepted, go to the extras page.
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paulsminibushire · 2 years
Always Opt For Bus Hire Services In Cities
To make your London trip more enjoyable, whether you're in London or the UK, you can travel by bus. The bus rental plan offers many options and will allow you to complete your city tour in a memorable way. You decide 16 Seater Minibus Hire In Manchester what you need, whether the coach is needed for airport transfers or a full sightseeing tour. It is possible to travel in groups from Central London to other locations, including Dover and the Southampton region. This allows you to enjoy your trip at an economical price.
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It is easy to hire a bus in London. Many service providers are professional and offer excellent services for tourists and executives who wish to travel with a group to attend meetings or seminars. The transport system can be a very satisfying service if you are traveling in large groups with friends, family, or business associates. They are tailored to your needs and offered at a very competitive price. To enjoy London's fresh air, you can also take advantage of double-deck buses and open top buses.
You can choose from a variety of buses provided by reliable and experienced operators. Buses are driven by licensed drivers who have the proper license to drive on city streets. You can easily take advantage of this amazing activity by browsing the internet. Contact an elegant service provider online to discuss your requirements. You will receive all the information you need and a quote for bus hire in London.
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brn1029 · 2 years
On this day in musical history….
May 2nd
1963 - The Beatles
The Beatles were at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'From Me To You', the group's first No.1 and the first of eleven consecutive No.1's. The title of the song was inspired from a letters column called From You To Us that ran in the British music newspaper, The New Musical Express.
1964 - The Rolling Stones
The Rolling Stones self-titled debut album started a 12-week run at No.1 on the UK charts. The album spent a total of 51 weeks on the UK chart. Also on his day The Stones made their first appearance on the US singles chart when 'Not Fade Away' entered the chart at No.98.
1969 - The Who
The Who gave a press preview of their new rock opera 'Tommy' at Ronnie Scott's in London, England. The double album about a "deaf, dumb and blind boy" who becomes the leader of a messianic movement, was the first musical work to be billed overtly as a rock opera. In 1998 it was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame for "historical, artistic and significant value" and has now sold over 20 million copies worldwide.
1970 - Norman Greenbaum
One Hit Wonder Norman Greenbaum was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Spirit In The Sky.' Also a No.1 hit for Doctor and the Medics in 1986 and Gareth Gates in 2003.
1972 - Bruce Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen auditioned for CBS Records A&R man John Hammond in New York. Springsteen played a short set for him in his office; Hammond was so impressed that he arranged a real audition that night at the Gaslight Club in New York for other Columbia executives. Bruce passed the audition.
2004 - Guns N' Roses
Total Guitar magazine's readers voted Guns N' Roses' anthem ‘Sweet Child O' Mine’ as the greatest guitar riff ever ahead of Nirvana's grunge anthem ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’. Led Zeppelin's 'Whole Lotta Love' came third, followed by Deep Purple's ‘Smoke On The Water’. Total Guitar editor Scott Rowley said: "To a new generation of guitarist's, Guns N' Roses are more thrilling than the Sex Pistols".
2005 - Eric Clapton
Eric Clapton joined former Cream members Ginger Baker and Jack Bruce for the first of four nights at London's Royal Albert Hall 36 years after they had split up. Tickets were changing hands for more than £500 on eBay and fans had flown over from the USA to witness the reunion, which Clapton aged 60, is said to have agreed to because of the failing health of the other former members of the band.
2006 - Keith Richards
Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards was released from hospital in New Zealand after the 62 year-old suffered "mild concussion" when he fell out of a coconut tree while on holiday in Fiji. He was airlifted to Auckland's Ascot Hospital for observation, where he underwent a brain scan.
2007 - Jimi Hendrix
Almost 2,000 musicians gathered in the Polish city of Wroclaw to play a rock anthem by Jimi Hendrix. The guitarists were aiming to set a new Guinness World Record by gathering 1,876 guitarist's in the city's market square to play 'Hey Joe'. Organisers say it was the biggest guitar ensemble in recorded history.
2009 - Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan mingled unnoticed with other Beatles tourists during a minibus tour to John Lennon's childhood home. He was one of 14 tourists to examine photos and documents in the National Trust-owned home, where Lennon grew up with his aunt Mimi and uncle George. Dylan who was on a day off on a European tour paid £16 for the public trip to the 1940s house in Woolton, Liverpool.
(Is it just me, or wouldn’t you be at the very least tempted to jab your friend in the ribs and, point to the guy…"who looks just like Bob Dylan")
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