hosizorayoukai · 10 months
📝目次📝 -------------------- 0:00 今回の天体とは 0:47 金星との比較 1:41 惑星の温度の測り方 2:09 二次日食グラフとは 3:35 大気予測のグラフ 5:00 悲しい観測結果 5:26 バーナード星のフレア 6:30 生命が生きる手立てとは 6:53 ウェッブの今後の調査 8:07 今回の名言
前回 TRAPPIST-1bのジェイムズウェッブ観測結果はこちらから https://youtu.be/hiYlcV9j2js
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⭐️TRAPPIST-1ってなに?⭐️ ---------------------- TRAPPIST-1は、夜空に見える大きくて明るい星とは違います。 実は赤色矮星と呼ばれるとてもとても小さな星なんです。 しかし、小さくても、その周りには信じられないようなことが起こっています!
TRAPPIST-1がお母さん星で、惑星がその子供だと想像してください。 全部で7つの惑星があり、みんなダンスのようにお母さん星の周りを回っています。 惑星は恒星にとても近く、私たちが太陽に近づくよりもずっとずっと近いのです。 つまり、これらの惑星はいつも暖かく、しかし私たち太陽に比べて、 とても小さな星なので、すべてを燃やすほど熱くはないんです。
科学者や天文学者たちは、これらの素晴らしい子供たちの惑星を ひとつずつ詳しく調べて理解してきたいと考えています。 そこで、2021年12月に打ち上げられた、これまで人間たちが 作り上げたことがないような最新技術で大きな宇宙に浮かぶ 望遠鏡で調べています。
今回、公表されたのは、お母さん星から2番目に近い「TRAPPIST-1c」という惑星です。 地球より少し大きく、恒星から少し離れていて金星と似ています。
この7つの惑星はとても特別なんだ。もしあなたが1つの惑星に立っていたら、 空に他の惑星を見ることができ、それらは私たちの月よりもずっと大きく見えるだろう! 科学者たちは、トラピスト1号とその惑星にとても興奮しています。 なぜなら、太陽系外の惑星についてもっと多くのことを教えてくれるかもしれないからです。
今度、星空を見上げるときは、TRAPPIST-1の素晴らしい惑星系を思い出してほしい。 7つの小さな惑星が、居心地の良い暖かい抱擁で、母親の星の周りを踊っているのだ。 宇宙には他にどんな驚きが待っているのだろうか?
▼動画版・初心者特集 TRAPPIST-1(トラピストワン)はこちらから 1,初心でもわかるTRAPPIST-1の見どころ特集【知識編】 https://youtu.be/HG0j4nsLbr4
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2,人類未踏のTRAPPIST-1惑星系を一つ一つめぐる旅【探索編】 https://youtu.be/0JtqU5E_pYI
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3,4つの惑星ハビタブルゾーンのTRAPPIST-1特集【探索編02】 https://youtu.be/etsA-xY4CWI
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⭐️チャンネル登録はこちらから⭐️ https://www.youtube.com/@soranohoshi
このチャンネルでは、宇宙や星空の情報や知識を親しみやすく、 ゲームやアニメ感覚でシェアしていくチャンネルです。 今後の動向や、宇宙や星々に興味がわきましたら、 是非!チャンネル登録もしていただけると嬉しいです。
アンケートや感想、いいねボタンも大変励みになります。 お気軽にご参加ください。
日々の星空ライフを充実したものに。 今後、人類のさらなる宇宙への挑戦を見守っていきましょう。
📣割愛・こぼれ話📣 ------------------------------------------------- ▼トラピスト1dの360度ビューア NASA VR: On the Surface of Planet TRAPPIST-1d (360 view) https://youtu.be/o2MgG6KhO1E
🎬店長の気になるグッズ・映画🎬 ------------------------------------------------- ▼TRAPPIST-1惑星系 太陽系外惑星の発見 パーカー 素材構成: 杢グレー: 93% 綿, 7% ポリエステル; その他のカラ https://amzn.to/3lRv2OC ▼函館トラピスト修道院 トラピストクッキー 24包入り https://amzn.to/42U22VI ▼NASA trappist-1 – 100ピースジグソーパズル https://amzn.to/3piB6S4 ▼iPhone 11 Trappist-1 惑星宇宙旅行 科学教師 スマホケース https://amzn.to/3NGcTyg ▼【ふるさと納税】トラピストバター3個セット https://a.r10.to/h51qjj
📘資料・出典📘 ------------------------------------------------- ・フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ・天文学辞典:天体に関する用語を3,000語以上収録・解説。 https://astro-dic.jp/
【公式】公衆のためのWebbホーム https://webbtelescope.org/
📀使用ソフト📀 ------------------------------------------------- ▼Space Engine –宇宙シミュレーターソフト http://spaceengine.org/ ロシアの天文学者でプログラマによる独自の3D宇宙空間 シミュレーションソフトウェアおよびゲームエンジン。 ※当動画は、Proライセンスを取得して配信しています。
▼ステラナビゲータ12/AstroArts 最新版・純国産の天文シミュレーションソフトウェア。 https://a.r10.to/hU8Ip9
▼Universe Sandbox 2 宇宙物理シミュレーションソフト http://universesandbox.com/
▼CeVIO AI さとうささら すずき つづみ 弦巻マキ(日本語&英語) 深層学習等のAI技術を使い、声質・癖・喋り方をリアルに再現した 新世代の音声創作ソフトウェア最新版! ・さとうささら(ベクターPCショップ) https://pcshop.vector.co.jp/service/catalogue/cevioai/ ・弦巻マキ/AHS(AH-Software) https://www.ah-soft.com/cevio/maki/index.html ・すずきつづみ(ベクターPCショップ) https://pcshop.vector.co.jp/service/catalogue/cevioai_tsudumi/ この動画はCeVIOプロジェクトの「さとうささら」「弦巻マキ」「すずきつづみ」を使用しています。
🎬おすすめ動画リスト🎬 ------------------------------------------------- ▼【系外惑星 特集】太陽系外惑星、天体のまとめリスト https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVD9xZXaEKsXN6_jsLzXzj2QZg4teWT4g
🔽ブログやSNS🔽 ------------------------------------------------- ▼Twitterアカウント https://twitter.com/kikuchon37
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susurrusone · 2 years
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I’m reposting this because l improved the shape of the face. A little tweak can make a big difference! #watercolorpainting #TRAPPIST-1 #trappist1 #portraitpainting #practicemakesprogress #spaceart #paintingtheskykingdom #visualizesuccess #etsyshop #etsysellersofinstagram See my profile for links to prints and originals. https://www.instagram.com/p/CgUgN2BLPC2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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1solone · 1 year
#TRAPPIST1, the ultra cool dwarf star system, is about 39 light-years from Earth. Find out how long it would take NASA’s Space Shuttle, the New Horizons spacecraft and Breakthrough Starshot’s proposed laser sail-propelled vehicle to travel to the system. More on the new findings about this star system: https://goo.gl/5BiRCM#TRAPPIST1, the ultra cool dwarf star system, is about 39 light-years from Earth. Find out how long it would take NASA’s Space Shuttle, the New Horizons spacecraft and Breakthrough Starshot’s proposed laser sail-propelled vehicle to travel to the system. More on the new findings about this star system: https://goo.gl/5BiRCM
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frans-blok-3develop · 3 years
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Ultra cool dwarf star TRAPPIST-1 with its seven more or less Earthlike planets
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lidrauniverse · 4 years
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Nasalization T-Shirts Collection with 25% Discount using code 25WEAR : https://www.redbubble.com/people/lidra/collections/639639-nasalization?asc=u
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scottuminga · 5 years
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STEP-1 - ScottUminga - I painted this one after having a talk with @kichyro about space and trappist-1. I also wanted this piece to be inspiration towards a stepping stone/milestone kind of feel, unlocking differents parts of yourself. #scottuminga #space #lgbtqart #trappist1 #rainbow #geometric #digitalart #inspiration #inspire https://www.instagram.com/p/Bszkv_NA4Qw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wykjkry3wowh
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acediashouse · 6 years
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Хумка звезды Траппист 1 ~~~
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leftfacepainter · 3 years
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davidarthurpersley · 4 years
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If it were not for my passion of Music, I most likely would have pursued History or Science. The history of our origins have always been so fascinating to me; as well as Space. Not to long ago Scientific explorations have discovered a similar Galaxy with a Solar System 300 light yrs away which resembles our own Milky Way. With its on new Sun approx. 4.6 Billion yrs old. Two super Exoplanets also being discovered one of which could possibly be habitable. And now there’s a report of a droid satellite Osiris-Rex has successfully landed on an Asteroid to collect samples and bring it back to earth for further study. Can you imagine what such samples could reveal about the Universe. Or if humankind does unfortunately ignores climate changes & Earth becomes unbearable for humanity. We’d be searching for other Cosmic Havens to call home. Just saying, DA #space #the #final #frontier #osirisrex #trappist1 #system https://www.instagram.com/p/CGmGHsABbGT/?igshid=1q0ennqk2h8jh
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lucyhenleyon8tracks · 7 years
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Check out this playlist on @8tracks: Planet Hop from Trappist-1 by lucyhenley.
“Exploration is in our nature. We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. We have lingered long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to set sail for the stars.” ― Carl Sagan
cover: exoplanets.nasa.gov
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susurrusone · 2 years
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Light being from the TRAPPIST-1 solar system🌞. I am showing the painting at different angles so that the photos shows the sparkle - I used some of the Rembrandt Chameleon watercolor for the sparkle. This watercolor contains coated glass. #rembrandtwatercolor #rembrandtchameleon #trappist1 #lostinspace #spaceart #watercolorportrait #watercolorpainting #etsyseller #etsysuccess #dotpress #leveloneframes #romanszmal #shadowviolet #missiongold #lavenderwatercolor #planets #paintingtheskykingdom #visualizeyourreality #artretreat #watercolorinthemountains #arttherapy https://www.instagram.com/p/CgSHU-nOujQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nasa · 7 years
Largest Batch of Earth-size, Habitable Zone Planets
Our Spitzer Space Telescope has revealed the first known system of seven Earth-size planets around a single star. Three of these planets are firmly located in an area called the habitable zone, where liquid water is most likely to exist on a rocky planet.
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This exoplanet system is called TRAPPIST-1, named for The Transiting Planets and Planetesimals Small Telescope (TRAPPIST) in Chile. In May 2016, researchers using TRAPPIST announced they had discovered three planets in the system.
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Assisted by several ground-based telescopes, Spitzer confirmed the existence of two of these planets and discovered five additional ones, increasing the number of known planets in the system to seven.
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This is the FIRST time three terrestrial planets have been found in the habitable zone of a star, and this is the FIRST time we have been able to measure both the masses and the radius for habitable zone Earth-sized planets.
All of these seven planets could have liquid water, key to life as we know it, under the right atmospheric conditions, but the chances are highest with the three in the habitable zone.
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At about 40 light-years (235 trillion miles) from Earth, the system of planets is relatively close to us, in the constellation Aquarius. Because they are located outside of our solar system, these planets are scientifically known as exoplanets. To clarify, exoplanets are planets outside our solar system that orbit a sun-like star.
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In this animation, you can see the planets orbiting the star, with the green area representing the famous habitable zone, defined as the range of distance to the star for which an Earth-like planet is the most likely to harbor abundant liquid water on its surface. Planets e, f and g fall in the habitable zone of the star.
Using Spitzer data, the team precisely measured the sizes of the seven planets and developed first estimates of the masses of six of them. The mass of the seventh and farthest exoplanet has not yet been estimated.
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For comparison…if our sun was the size of a basketball, the TRAPPIST-1 star would be the size of a golf ball.
Based on their densities, all of the TRAPPIST-1 planets are likely to be rocky. Further observations will not only help determine whether they are rich in water, but also possibly reveal whether any could have liquid water on their surfaces.
The sun at the center of this system is classified as an ultra-cool dwarf and is so cool that liquid water could survive on planets orbiting very close to it, closer than is possible on planets in our solar system. All seven of the TRAPPIST-1 planetary orbits are closer to their host star than Mercury is to our sun.
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 The planets also are very close to each other. How close? Well, if a person was standing on one of the planet’s surface, they could gaze up and potentially see geological features or clouds of neighboring worlds, which would sometimes appear larger than the moon in Earth’s sky.
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The planets may also be tidally-locked to their star, which means the same side of the planet is always facing the star, therefore each side is either perpetual day or night. This could mean they have weather patterns totally unlike those on Earth, such as strong wind blowing from the day side to the night side, and extreme temperature changes.
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Because most TRAPPIST-1 planets are likely to be rocky, and they are very close to one another, scientists view the Galilean moons of Jupiter – lo, Europa, Callisto, Ganymede – as good comparisons in our solar system. All of these moons are also tidally locked to Jupiter. The TRAPPIST-1 star is only slightly wider than Jupiter, yet much warmer. 
How Did the Spitzer Space Telescope Detect this System?
Spitzer, an infrared telescope that trails Earth as it orbits the sun, was well-suited for studying TRAPPIST-1 because the star glows brightest in infrared light, whose wavelengths are longer than the eye can see. Spitzer is uniquely positioned in its orbit to observe enough crossing (aka transits) of the planets in front of the host star to reveal the complex architecture of the system. 
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Every time a planet passes by, or transits, a star, it blocks out some light. Spitzer measured the dips in light and based on how big the dip, you can determine the size of the planet. The timing of the transits tells you how long it takes for the planet to orbit the star.
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The TRAPPIST-1 system provides one of the best opportunities in the next decade to study the atmospheres around Earth-size planets. Spitzer, Hubble and Kepler will help astronomers plan for follow-up studies using our upcoming James Webb Space Telescope, launching in 2018. With much greater sensitivity, Webb will be able to detect the chemical fingerprints of water, methane, oxygen, ozone and other components of a planet’s atmosphere.
At 40 light-years away, humans won’t be visiting this system in person anytime soon...that said...this poster can help us imagine what it would be like: 
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Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space: http://nasa.tumblr.com
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syftkog · 2 years
A new study published today in the Planetary Science Journal shows that the TRAPPIST-1 planets have remarkably similar densities. That could mean they all contain about the same ratio of materials thought to compose most rocky planets, like iron, oxygen, magnesium, and silicon.
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lidrauniverse · 4 years
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Nasa Trappist-1 Exploration T-Shirt at @Teepublic from 14$ (30% dioscount for 2 days): https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/7105244-trappist-1-exploration
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startorialist · 7 years
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More and more I find myself dreaming of the TRAPPIST-1 planetary system and these beautiful artists illustrations of all seven worlds. Of course we don’t know nearly enough about them to have any clue what they actually look like, but still...they sure are pretty!
Now you can daydream about TRAPPIST-1 any day thanks to Yugen Tribe who used the renderings NASA commissioned to create these gorgeous jewelry versions:
TRAPPIST-1 necklace
TRAPPIST-1 bracelet
And if daydreaming about other worlds out there is your thing, check out this awesome Twitter bot that tweets about new planets with a twist of magical realism. 
- Summer
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mellyhatchet · 7 years
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My T-shirt Today... #MellyCranfordPix #selfie #PeekABoo #PeekABooISeeNibiru #Nibiru #PlanetX #Trappist1 #solarporn #solarsystem #spacegeek #spacenerd #NibiruNerdy #Anunnaki #PlanetNowHere
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