#Top 10 Digital Marketing Strategies for Hotels
appdevelopement · 17 days
How to Build a Travel App: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Building a travel app can be an exciting and rewarding project, especially in today's digital age where people increasingly rely on their smartphones for travel planning. Whether you are an entrepreneur looking to launch a new travel service or a developer wanting to create a unique app, this guide will walk you through the essential steps of building a successful travel app. Along the way, we will highlight how partnering with a top travel web app development company, particularly in India, can significantly enhance your project's success.
Top 10 Steps to Build an Travel App
1. Define Your App’s Purpose and Features
Before diving into development, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of what you want your travel app to achieve. Consider the following:
Target Audience: Who will use your app? Business travelers, backpackers, family vacationers?
Core Features: Essential features might include flight and hotel bookings, itinerary planning, local attractions, and user reviews.
Unique Selling Proposition (USP): What makes your app stand out from the competition?
2. Conduct Market Research
Research the market to understand current trends and user preferences. Analyze successful travel apps to identify what works and what doesn’t. This step is crucial for refining your app’s features and ensuring it meets market demands.
3. Choose the Right Technology Stack
Selecting the appropriate technology stack is fundamental for your app's performance and scalability. Popular choices for travel app development include:
Frontend: React Native, Flutter for mobile apps; Angular, React for web apps.
Backend: Node.js, Django, Ruby on Rails.
Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB.
Collaborating with a Travel Web App Development Company can help you make informed decisions about the technology stack.
4. Design an Intuitive User Interface
User experience (UX) is critical in travel apps. A clean, intuitive design will ensure users can navigate your app effortlessly. Focus on:
Simplicity: Keep the interface simple and user-friendly.
Consistency: Maintain a consistent design throughout the app.
Speed: Ensure quick load times and smooth transitions.
Consider hiring a Travel Web App Development Company In India that specializes in creating engaging and user-friendly designs.
5. Develop the App
The development phase involves translating your designs into a functional app. Key considerations include:
APIs: Integrate APIs for booking services, payment gateways, and location services.
Security: Implement robust security measures to protect user data.
Testing: Conduct thorough testing to identify and fix bugs.
Working with the Best Travel Web App Development Company can ensure a seamless development process.
6. Implement Essential Features
Your travel app should include a set of core features to provide value to users:
Booking System: Allow users to book flights, hotels, and rental cars.
Itinerary Planner: Enable users to create and manage their travel plans.
Local Guides: Offer information on local attractions, restaurants, and events.
User Reviews: Integrate reviews and ratings to help users make informed decisions.
7. Launch and Market Your App
Once your app is developed and thoroughly tested, it's time to launch. Effective marketing strategies include:
Social Media: Use social media platforms to reach a broader audience.
SEO: Optimize your app’s website for search engines.
Partnerships: Collaborate with travel bloggers and influencers.
Partnering with a Top Travel Web App Development Company can also provide marketing support to help your app gain visibility.
8. Gather Feedback and Improve
Post-launch, gather user feedback to understand what works and what needs improvement. Regular updates and new features will keep your app relevant and engaging.
Why Choose a Travel Web App Development Company in India?
India is a hub for top-tier tech talent and offers several advantages for travel app development:
Cost-Effective Services: Development costs in India are generally lower compared to Western countries.
Skilled Developers: India boasts a large pool of highly skilled developers.
Quality Assurance: Companies in India prioritize quality and adhere to international standards.
Choosing the Top Travel Web App Development company in India ensures you receive quality development services at a competitive price.
Building a travel app involves meticulous planning, design, development, and marketing. By partnering with a Travel Web App Development Company in India, you can leverage their expertise to create a high-quality app that meets market needs and stands out in the competitive travel industry. Whether you are looking for Travel Web App Development Services in India or seeking the Best Travel Web App Development Company, India offers excellent options to help you bring your travel app vision to life.
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tasmiyakrish · 3 months
Unleashing the Power of Marketing: 10 Proven Strategies to Drive Success for Your Newly Built Shopping Mall
Marketing a newly built shopping mall requires a strategic approach to captivate customers, establish a strong brand presence, and create a buzz in the market. In this blog post, we will explore ten effective marketing strategies that will help maximize the potential of your newly constructed shopping mall and drive foot traffic through its doors.
For those looking to master the art of digital marketing, enrolling in a reputable Digital Marketing Course in Bangalore can provide the essential skills and knowledge needed for navigating this dynamic landscape effectively.
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Crafting a Comprehensive Marketing Blueprint
Begin by crafting a comprehensive marketing plan that encompasses your objectives, target audience, budget, and specific tactics to promote the shopping mall. This blueprint will serve as a roadmap, ensuring a synchronized and effective marketing campaign.
Embracing the Digital Landscape
In today's digital era, a robust online presence is paramount. Harness the power of digital marketing channels such as social media, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, and paid online advertising to reach and engage your target audience effectively. Leverage compelling content, promotions, and interactive campaigns to connect with potential customers.
Influencer Collaboration for Amplified Impact
Forge partnerships with influential local personalities, bloggers, or social media influencers who have a substantial following in your target market. Collaborate with them to showcase the shopping mall through their platforms, generating excitement, and attracting potential customers. Consider offering exclusive experiences or incentives to enhance their engagement and influence.
Sparking Excitement with Grand Opening Events
Organize captivating grand opening events that ignite anticipation and draw attention. Create special promotions, discounts, giveaways, or entertaining activities that entice people to visit the shopping mall. These events will not only generate immediate foot traffic but also leave a lasting impression, fueling positive word-of-mouth.
Balancing Traditional and Digital Advertising
While digital marketing is crucial, traditional advertising methods still hold value. Employ billboards, newspaper ads, radio commercials, and television spots to reach a broader audience and raise awareness about the shopping mall. Blend traditional and digital advertising to maximize your marketing reach and impact.
Nurturing Community Connections
Engage with the local community by partnering with charities, sponsoring events, or hosting community activities within the shopping mall. This involvement fosters a positive reputation and builds strong relationships with potential customers. By becoming an integral part of the community, you cultivate loyalty and support.
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Additionally, choosing the right strategies and techniques is crucial, and obtaining the right skills is equally important. This is where enrolling in the Top Digital Marketing Online Training can make a significant difference.
Curating Unforgettable Experiences
Create immersive and unforgettable experiences within the shopping mall to entice visitors. Consider hosting art exhibitions, fashion shows, live performances, or interactive installations that captivate and engage shoppers. These unique experiences will not only attract customers but also prolong their stay, leading to increased spending.
Loyalty Programs and Collaborative Ventures
Implement a loyalty program that rewards frequent shoppers and encourages repeat visits. Explore partnerships with neighboring businesses or hotels to offer exclusive discounts or packages, creating a mutually beneficial relationship. These collaborations broaden your customer base and enhance the overall shopping experience, driving customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Showcasing Convenience and Amenities
Highlight the shopping mall's convenient location, ample parking facilities, family-friendly amenities, or other distinguishing features that set it apart from competitors. Emphasize the seamless shopping experience and ensure ease of navigation for customers. By prioritizing convenience, you encourage repeat visits and positive reviews.
Harnessing the Power of Social Media
Maintain an active presence on social media platforms where your target audience is most engaged. Share captivating content, promptly respond to customer inquiries and reviews, and run social media campaigns to promote specific stores or events within the shopping mall. Social media platforms offer opportunities to cultivate brand loyalty and foster a sense of community among shoppers.
Effectively marketing a newly built shopping mall demands a strategic blend of digital and traditional marketing strategies, community involvement, and a focus on crafting unique experiences and convenience.
By implementing the ten proven strategies discussed in this blog post, you can create awareness, attract customers, and establish a powerful brand presence for your newly constructed shopping mall.
Continuously evaluate and adapt your marketing efforts based on customer feedback and evolving market trends to ensure sustained success and stay ahead of the competition.
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advertindia-blog · 5 months
Crafting an Effective Sales Funnel: TOFU, MOFU, BOFU
Buzz words TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU  are in trend in digital marketing services. These terms are the backbone of a successful sales strategy. Several personal brands are blooming in Gurgaon. This makes the role of digital marketers indispensable in Gurgaon. As mastering various stages of sales funnel can set your business apart.
Therefore, let’s explore how these stages work. Also, how a digital marketing agency, like Advert India, can significantly boost your marketing strategies.
TOFU: Top of the Funnel - Awareness is Key
Imagine you're managing your business in Gurgaon, immense competition, changed customer buying behavior might keep you on toes. Therefore, an expert digital marketing agency like Advert India will ensure that your business attract a broad audience. They will create content that will draw the attention of the audience.
Take, for example, a boutique hotel in Gurgaon. In the TOFU phase, your aim isn’t directly selling hotel rooms. Instead, you will craft engaging blog posts or eye-catching infographics, perhaps titled “The Top 10 Must-Visit Destinations in Gurgaon.” This approach is designed to spark the interest of travelers in the early stages of trip planning. It’s about becoming a go-to resource, a trusted advisor in the travel journey, rather than pushing for immediate sales.
MOFU: Middle of the Funnel - Nurturing Interest
Moving on to the MOFU stage, here’s where potential customers are actively exploring their options. They’re aware of their need and are on the lookout for the best solution. In this phase, your content should serve as a guiding light, leading them towards your offerings while continuing to provide valuable, informative content.
For instance, in our initial example of boutique hotel, at middle stage, a blog post like “Choosing the Perfect Stay in Gurgaon: What to Look for in a Boutique Hotel” could be more effective. Such type of content gently introduces the unique selling points of your hotel, while simultaneously offering insightful tips on selecting the best accommodation. It's a delicate balance between guiding and selling, providing valuable information with a subtle nod to your services.
BOFU: Bottom of the Funnel - Sealing the Deal
Now, we reach the BOFU stage, the critical point where decisions are made. Your audience is primed and ready to make a purchase. This is where your content needs to deliver that final persuasive push. It’s time for direct marketing, showcasing your product’s benefits and what sets it apart from the competition.
For the boutique hotel, this might include a visually stunning video tour of your property, highlighting luxurious rooms, exclusive amenities, and glowing testimonials from satisfied guests. The aim is to create a compelling narrative that not only showcases your hotel but positions it as the premier choice.
The Role of Digital Marketing Services
Throughout each of these stages, the expertise of a digital marketing agency, like Advert India, becomes indispensable. Specializing in SEO services in Gurgaon, such agencies can ensure your content is seen by the right people at the right time. Their expertise spans from keyword research and content creation to strategic distribution, amplifying your marketing efforts and ensuring maximum impact.
In The Nutshell
The essence of a successful sales funnel lies in providing value at every stage. With a strategic approach and support from seasoned  best digital marketing services in Gurgaon like Advert India, you can build a funnel that doesn't just attract leads but effectively nurtures and converts them. As, understanding and implementing TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU is crucial for guiding customers through their purchasing journey. In today's fast-paced digital world, this strategic approach can be the difference between just reaching your audience and truly engaging them.
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merxconstruction · 6 months
Top 10 Trends in Hospitality Construction in Singapore
In the ever-evolving landscape of Singapore's dynamic market, the hospitality industry stands at the forefront of innovation and growth. Cutting-edge hospitality construction trends play a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of hotels, resorts, and other accommodation options in this vibrant city-state. As leaders in the field, we recognize the importance of staying ahead of the curve. 
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Sustainable Designs
Sustainability is no longer just a buzzword; it's a commitment that defines the future of hospitality construction in Singapore. The emphasis on eco-friendly and energy-efficient structures is gaining traction, aligning with the city's eco-conscious initiatives. Green building materials, energy-efficient systems, and sustainable construction practices are becoming integral to hospitality projects, not only for environmental reasons but also as a marker of corporate responsibility.
Smart Technology Integration
The integration of smart technology is revolutionizing the hospitality sector, offering guests a seamless and personalized experience. From automated check-ins to in-room control systems, technology is enhancing operational efficiency and guest satisfaction. In Singapore's competitive market, hotels and resorts that embrace the latest in smart hospitality solutions are positioning themselves as leaders, catering to the demands of tech-savvy travelers.
Flexible and Multipurpose Spaces
Modern hospitality spaces are designed to be flexible and multipurpose. Adaptable layouts cater to various functions, ensuring that spaces can be transformed based on specific needs. This trend maximizes utility, making venues suitable for a range of events, from business conferences to social gatherings.
Incorporating Biophilic Elements
To create a tranquil and inviting atmosphere, hospitality construction trends now focus on incorporating biophilic elements. Bringing nature indoors through green walls, natural light, and open spaces enhances the overall ambiance, contributing to guest satisfaction and well-being.
Wellness-Focused Construction
As health and wellness become top priorities for travelers, hospitality construction trends are adapting to meet these evolving needs. Wellness-focused design principles are gaining prominence, with architects and designers prioritizing features like natural lighting, green spaces, and fitness amenities. 
Cultural Sensitivity in Design
Understanding and incorporating the local culture into hospitality design is a trend that goes beyond aesthetics. Cultural sensitivity in design is crucial for creating authentic and immersive experiences for guests. From architectural elements to interior decor, establishments that reflect and celebrate Singapore's rich cultural diversity are resonating with both local and international visitors, setting themselves apart in a crowded market.
Energy-Efficient Infrastructure
In a bid to reduce environmental impact, hospitality constructions are implementing energy-efficient infrastructure. This includes the use of energy-saving technologies, sustainable building materials, and design strategies that minimize the carbon footprint of buildings.
Enhanced Safety Measures
The recent emphasis on safety and hygiene has prompted the integration of advanced safety measures in hospitality construction. From robust fire safety systems to state-of-the-art security features, establishments are exceeding regulatory standards to ensure guest well-being.
Digital Guest Experiences
Digital innovation is transforming guest experiences in hospitality. Leveraging technology for seamless interactions, establishments are adopting features like mobile check-ins, keyless entry, and personalized services through apps, enhancing overall customer satisfaction.
Trend Towards Boutique Hotels
A noticeable shift in consumer preferences is steering the trend towards boutique hotels. Guests seek personalized, unique experiences, and hospitality construction trends are aligning with this demand. The focus is on creating intimate, one-of-a-kind spaces that stand out in a competitive market.
In conclusion, Singapore's hospitality construction comapny is undergoing a remarkable transformation, driven by cutting-edge trends. From sustainable designs to digital guest experiences, the industry is evolving to meet the dynamic demands of the market. By embracing these trends, establishments can not only stay relevant but also provide unparalleled experiences for their guests.
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10 Effective Strategies to Boost Direct Bookings for Your Hotel
In today's competitive hospitality industry, attracting more direct bookings for your hotel is essential to maximize revenue and build stronger guest relationships. In this article, we'll explore ten strategies to increase direct bookings. We'll also highlight the significance of leveraging Hospitality Consulting Services and the expertise of Top Hotel Industry Consultants in India to navigate the challenges associated with Third-Party Hotel Management.
Optimize Your Hotel Website:
Your website is your digital storefront. Ensure it's visually appealing, easy to navigate, and mobile-responsive. Highlight your unique selling points and provide a seamless booking experience.
Implement an Effective SEO Strategy:
To improve online visibility, invest in a robust SEO strategy. Incorporate relevant keywords, meta tags, and create high-quality, engaging content to rank higher on search engine results pages.
Utilize Social Media Marketing:
Leverage the power of social media platforms to promote your hotel. Engage with your audience, showcase your property, and use targeted ads to reach potential guests.
Offer Special Promotions:
Attract guests with exclusive offers and packages, such as early bird discounts, family deals, or romantic getaways. Promote these promotions on your website and social media channels.
Encourage Loyalty Programs:
Implement a loyalty program to reward repeat guests. Offer discounts, free nights, or other incentives to encourage guests to book directly in the future.
Utilize Email Marketing:
Build an email list and send out personalized offers and newsletters to past guests. This keeps your property top-of-mind and encourages direct bookings.
Enable Online Booking Engines:
Invest in a reliable online booking system. Ensure that it integrates seamlessly with your website and provides a user-friendly, secure, and fast booking process.
Request Guest Reviews:
Positive reviews can influence potential guests. Encourage satisfied guests to leave reviews on platforms like TripAdvisor or Google, and showcase these on your website.
Partner with Local Businesses:
Collaborate with local restaurants, attractions, and event organizers. Offer package deals that include their services, which can attract more guests seeking a comprehensive experience.
Leverage Hospitality Consulting Services:
To navigate the complexities of the hospitality industry and maximize your direct booking potential, consider seeking assistance from "Hospitality Consulting Services." These industry experts can provide valuable insights and strategies to help you stand out in a competitive market.
Incorporate the Expertise of Top Hotel Industry Consultants in India:
Top Hotel Industry Consultants in India can offer tailored guidance to enhance your hotel's visibility, service quality, and overall competitiveness. Their insights can prove invaluable in your quest to increase direct bookings.
Consider Third-Party Hotel Management:
If you find it challenging to handle all these strategies on your own, you can explore Third-Party Hotel Management options. These professionals can streamline your operations and marketing efforts, ultimately driving more direct bookings.
In conclusion, boosting direct bookings for your hotel requires a multifaceted approach. By optimizing your website, engaging in effective marketing, and offering enticing promotions, you can attract more guests. Additionally, seeking assistance from "Hospitality Consulting Services" and "Top Hotel Industry Consultants in India" can provide you with the industry expertise needed to stay competitive in the ever-evolving hospitality landscape. Finally, don't hesitate to explore "Third-Party Hotel Management" to maximize your revenue and guest satisfaction. With the right strategies and support, your hotel can thrive in the competitive hospitality industry.
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shafqatdad · 8 months
Marketing Your Hotel on Instagram: Tips and Tricks
Marketing Your Hotel on Instagram: Tips and Tricks https://ift.tt/76HOezl Social media platforms have become powerful marketing tools for businesses, and the hotel industry is no exception. Instagram, with its visually appealing nature, offers a unique opportunity for hotels to showcase their properties, engage with potential guests, and build a strong online presence. To make the most of Instagram as a hotel marketer, here are some valuable tips and tricks: 1. Create a Stunning Instagram Profile: Your Instagram profile is your digital storefront, so it should be visually enticing and informative. Use a high-resolution profile picture, such as your hotel’s logo, and write a concise, engaging bio that includes your location, contact information, and a branded hashtag if you have one. 2. Showcase Your Property: Utilize Instagram’s visual appeal to showcase the best aspects of your hotel. Share high-quality images and videos that highlight your rooms, amenities, restaurants, and any unique features that set your property apart. 3. Consistent Branding: Maintain a consistent visual style and color scheme to reinforce your brand identity. This consistency will make your profile more recognizable and appealing to potential guests. 4. User-Generated Content (UGC): Encourage guests to share their experiences at your hotel by creating a unique hashtag, like #YourHotelNameExperience. When guests post using your hashtag, reshare their content on your own profile. This not only promotes your hotel but also builds trust with potential guests by showcasing real experiences. 5. Engage with Your Audience: Don’t just post content; actively engage with your audience. Respond to comments, ask questions in your captions, and encourage followers to share their thoughts. Building a genuine connection with your audience can lead to stronger brand loyalty. 6. Use Instagram Stories: Instagram Stories provide a dynamic way to keep your audience updated in real time. You can use Stories to share behind-the-scenes content, promote limited-time offers, or conduct polls and Q&A sessions to interact with your followers. 7. Highlight Special Offers and Promotions: Use Instagram to promote special offers, packages, and promotions. Create eye-catching graphics and captions that clearly convey the value of booking with your hotel. 8. Leverage Instagram Ads: Invest in Instagram advertising to extend your reach beyond your current followers. Instagram offers various ad formats, including photo ads, video ads, carousel ads, and more. These can help you target specific demographics and reach a wider audience. 9. Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with travel influencers and bloggers who have a significant following in your niche. They can create content and post about their experiences at your hotel, which can greatly increase your visibility and credibility. 10. Use Instagram Insights: Take advantage of Instagram Insights to track your performance. This feature provides data on your audience demographics, post reach, engagement, and more. Use this information to fine-tune your content strategy and optimize your marketing efforts. 11. Run Contests and Giveaways: Engage your audience with contests or giveaways that encourage user participation. For example, you could run a photo contest where users submit photos taken at your hotel with the chance to win a free stay or other rewards. 12. Tell Your Hotel’s Story: Share the history, values, and unique aspects of your hotel. Storytelling humanizes your brand and helps potential guests connect on a deeper level. Remember that a well-executed Instagram marketing strategy can be a key driver in attracting more guests and establishing your hotel as a top destination in the hospitality industry. The post Marketing Your Hotel on Instagram: Tips and Tricks first appeared on Shafqat Dad | Hotels & Hospitality. via Shafqat Dad | Hotels & Hospitality https://ift.tt/09pkTz8 October 13, 2023 at 08:15AM
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meghnasharama-blogs · 8 months
Ascend as an International Brand Strategist with an Online MBA
In an era of globalized markets and diverse consumers, the narrative of a brand transcends boundaries. An International Brand Strategist is at the heart of this dynamic, weaving stories that resonate universally. Interested in wearing this cap? An Online MBA in International Trade Management could be your launchpad. Dive in, as we explore this synergy of branding and global business insights.
Online MBA: A Foundation for Aspiring Brand Strategists:
Holistic Business Perspective: An MBA, especially one focused on international trade, offers a panoramic view of global business landscapes. Such a viewpoint is paramount for strategists aiming to craft universal brand narratives.
Flexibility and Diversity: The online format not only provides flexibility in learning but also exposes students to diverse global perspectives, invaluable for international branding.
Specialized Curriculum: Courses in an MBA in International Trade Management encompass subjects like global market analysis, international consumer behavior, and cross-cultural management, all vital for a brand strategist.
Potential Industries for an International Brand Strategist:
The canvas for an International Brand Strategist is vast, encompassing:
Consumer Goods: From chocolates to smartphones, influencing global buying behaviors.
Fashion and Luxury: Creating trends that appeal to Parisians and New Yorkers alike.
Automotive: Crafting stories for cars that cruise on both Autobahns and Indian highways.
Tourism and Hospitality: Promoting destinations or hotels to a worldwide audience.
Technology and Software: Positioning tech solutions for diverse global markets.
Challenges in the Role:
Diverse Consumer Perceptions: What appeals to consumers in one country might be passé in another. Deciphering these nuances is both a challenge and an art.
Ever-evolving Digital Landscapes: The rapid digital evolution means that strategies need perpetual updating.
Cultural Sensitivity: A misaligned campaign can offend. Ensuring cultural respect is a constant task.
Top 10 Indian Companies in Search of International Brand Strategists:
Tata Group
Reliance Industries
Mahindra Group
Godrej Group
Aditya Birla Group
OYO Rooms
Tech Mahindra
HCL Technologies
Weighing the Decision to Pursue an Online MBA:
Career Leap: For those in the branding realm, an MBA can be the bridge to the international stage.
Networking Galore: Connecting with peers globally can open doors to international branding opportunities.
Skill Enhancement: From data analytics to understanding global market dynamics, the course is a skill goldmine.
Let ShikshaGurus help you in your Education Journey:
ShikshaGurus assists you in exploring and comparing courses from over 60 online and distance learning universities. They offer free, unbiased consultation sessions with experts to guide you in selecting the ideal educational path. Furthermore, they provide assistance in finding the best university that aligns with your budget.
Branding on a global scale is an exhilarating journey, filled with tales from every corner of the world. With an Online MBA in International Trade Management, aspirants can arm themselves with the right tools to become the chief storytellers in this grand narrative. For those in India aiming to leave a mark on the world branding stage, this might be your call to action.
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realdatascraping · 9 months
Scrape Real Estate Data | Real Estate Data Scraping Services
Scrape Real Estate Data - Real Estate Data Scraping Services
Create aggregators, predict trends, make better decisions, or automate real estate marketing with Web scraping in countries like USA, UK, UAE, Germany, Spain, etc. Web scraping is disrupting the real estate industry with data from the web. The availability of real estate data on property listing sites has opened up new possibilities, providing the material needed to predict trends, make better investment decisions, automate real estate marketing, and build new products.
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Know more >>
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hypemarketer · 11 months
What are the Top Content Marketing & SEO Trends?
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Recently, content marketing has really taken off. It has successfully attracted customers, produced leads, and increased conversions for businesses of all sizes.
The versatility of content marketing is one of its best features. Your content may be diverse and dynamic when in the hands of the proper people, whether it be website copy, social media postings, blogs, or videos.
Search engine optimization, sometimes known as SEO, is a crucial component of content marketing. If you want your material to be seen on search engines, SEO is an essential component of any content strategy. Your material is more likely to be viewed by the appropriate audience at the appropriate time and location if it is more SEO-optimized.
According to HubSpot’s State of Marketing Report 2021, 60% of marketers who spend in content marketing gauge their effectiveness through sales. Given the success of this area of digital marketing, it’s crucial to comprehend the major content marketing and SEO developments that will emerge in 2022.
1. It is getting harder to rank content on Google
Every content marketer is aware of the significance of being on Google’s first SERP. According to Sistrix research, the click-through rate for information in the top spot on Google is 25%, but it drops rapidly to just 2.5% for content in the bottom 10 spots. This only demonstrates the strength of your ranking in Google search. However, as the search engine increasingly displays more of the results of its goods, it is becoming more difficult to rank organic material.
“Google’s accommodation engine is now displayed when you search for a hotel,” explains Kate Toon, an SEO and content expert. So, branded search is becoming increasingly prevalent. The Core Web Vitals change (in 2021) was significant from a technological standpoint, and Google is pushing for usability, not just in terms of speed but also in terms of how your website loads.
Google is also creating a stir over accessibility, which will be taken into account when determining rankings. This includes making your page screen-reader-friendly and include enough contrast, font adjustability, and picture captions.
This requires content marketers to change their strategy to incorporate four crucial components:
Plan for branded search – seek for keywords and use them appropriately in your content
Do your People research – Additionally, inquire about brand outcomes to assist you maximize your copy.
Set up tracking for searches and keywords – So that we can keep track of their effectiveness and add new ones as they appear.
Question-based – The number of Google searches is growing. In both your short- and long-form content, ask questions.
2. Great imagery is the main focus of Google Discover
On your phone, Google Discover is a bank of swipeable material. It is personalized information that is listed according to your preferences and interests depending on what you read and search for by tracking your location and online and app activity.
Of course, this is a goldmine for content marketers since it enables your material to appear in users’ mobile feeds without them having to do any searches. What is the process for adding material to Google Discover?
Make your material stand out by producing excellent content. This may sound apparent, but Google only wants to display the most pertinent and excellent information to its consumers.
Focus on credibility and authority – Google values knowledge and will give authoritative material high rankings, so include quotes from professionals or provide evidence of your dominance in the field.
Optimize your website since having excellent information on a sluggish or unavailable website is useless. Consider your titles. Avoid headlines that are highly promotional or clickbait since they will alienate your readers.
Make material current – Users need timely and relevant content, so take advantage of trends or important events. Include compelling graphics in your material. Google Discover is all on visuals, so be sure to include compelling and pertinent photographs.
Toon thinks Google is giving more and more weight to aesthetics. “Google is making increasing use of image search. The way we use Google is changing thanks to Google Discover, and websites with excellent pictures are starting to rank higher.
3. The Use of Interactive Content Is Growing
Interactive content has grown in popularity among companies over the last several years since it encourages prospects and consumers to participate. Calculators, tests, surveys, maps, infographics, games, and TV series like Bandersnatch from Black Mirror are examples of interactive material.
Interactive content receives twice as much interaction as static material, according to Demand Gen’s State of Interactive Content research, and it may be especially helpful for B2B marketing initiatives like live webinars or virtual events.
Utilizing interactive content may be done in a variety of ways and for a variety of objectives, including lead generation or brand exposure. In order to pick activities in Scottsdale, Arizona, for instance, a user is led on a journey via this interactive infographic from Marriot Hotels.
DMI’s Digital Skills Test is an interactive piece of content that we’ve discovered to be effective in generating traffic and leads. It gives those who are curious about how well-versed they are in digital marketing a means to assess their degree of expertise and identify the areas where they are strong and weak.
Future developments in the metaverse and other new worlds may increase the role of interactivity in content marketing. “Facebook or Meta’s big future wager is the metaverse.”
How does my product or brand exist in a virtual experience setting would be an analysis of the metaverse that anybody can understand. Therefore, testing it with interactive material may be quite easy, says Fitzpatrick.
4. Content Creation Will Involve Artificial Intelligence More.
When producing engaging material, the human touch is crucial. The ability to choose the perfect word or phrase or to use comedy to stand out in a sea of material is something that content marketers take great pleasure in. Good writing is an art, and finding the proper tone and message to express your personality takes practice.
But clone production using artificial intelligence (AI) is about to go to a new level. In order to increase the comprehension of search queries by its algorithms, Google has been investing in natural language processing techniques over the past few years.
According to Kate Toon, SEO and Content Expert, “We had an algorithm update about a year ago called BERT, which was about understanding how what we’ve typed into Google, not just what we’re looking for, but why we’re looking for it, so understanding the context of the words.”
Another algorithm modification since BERT is known as MUM (Multitask Unified Model). This is made to seek for patterns in language so that you can comprehend it structurally.
Toon predicts that this will significantly affect how content marketers approach copywriting, keyword research, and copy automation.
“Automation is a more inexpensive choice for many firms. However, the tone, sequence, and messaging are frequently off. Because I don’t believe AI is yet capable of understanding wit, slang, rhythm, and tone, I don’t believe copywriters have anything to be concerned about. But in order to save time and money, I believe we will gravitate toward more automation.
SEO specialists will find this kind of AI technology beneficial since it allows them to automate the creation of copy components like title tags, meta descriptions, and alt tags.
5. Content marketers must incorporate content that is answer-based.
When searching for material online, modern customers prioritize finding answers. Today, inquiries make up 14% of Google searches, with the term “how” being the most often used one.
Customers are now more inclined to resort to gadgets and ask queries, whether they use voice search or type into a search engine on a laptop or mobile device. For content marketers who practice the craft of writing copy, this is an intriguing development.
Question-and-answer based content is still quite simple to obtain real estate for in the organic area, according to Toon. “It’s harder to rank in the organic space for just blank keywords, but it’s still relatively easy to get real estate for question-and-answer based content,” he adds.
Implementing FAQ schema is another action you can do to enhance content SEO. This might be a FAQ page schema or QA (people submitting various responses and voting on them). This is “really simple to do,” in Toon’s opinion, and it also provides you a chance to appear in the
People Also Ask section of search engine results pages.
The Future of SEO and Content Marketing
As you can see, content marketing and SEO have undergone a lot of recent improvements that provide you chances to increase engagement and conversions. The secret is to understand your audience and their problems so you can provide content that is genuine and gives solutions. Customers today want to believe that businesses are speaking to them personally. It is clear that people are using question-based searches to hunt for answers and that they want interactive information to immerse them in the experience.
It involves producing SEO-friendly content that promotes your business on search engines and other important channels, including social media. You might not need to start from scratch either; perform a content assessment to identify any existing materials that were successful and see whether they can be updated or repurposed.
Get writing, planning, and studying to see what you can come up with. It’s an amazing moment for material.
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tomreview · 1 year
VRTrek Absolutely No Technical Expertise
Make the Most of the Latest Video Marketing Strategies for 2023 and Beyond to Increase Your Earnings!
Get Interactive Virtual Panoramic Videos, HD Videos, and Photos With Multifunctional Hotspots and Clickable Objects Links and Experience Top-Tier, AI-Integrated Technology for Crafting and Selling Exceptionally Profitable Virtual Reality Videos and Images in Minutes
Definitely No Specialized Mastery or Related knowledge Required!
For 2023 and beyond, embrace the future of marketing with engaging interactive virtual reality videos!
Easily export your virtual videos and use them anywhere Create a 3D view and show your tour in an immersive and interactive mode Show before and after version of a panorama in the same view by splitting the screen Experience 3D virtual reality mode directly inside the browser Be creative with extensive customization of point of interest PROFIT from hungry buyers in hot niches like hospitality, business consultation, hotels & resorts, real estate, Airbnb, daycares, eCommerce, restaurants, old age homes, and so on Invite people to join your shared video with No recurring fees! With VRTrek in your corner, you can win the video marketing battle once and for all Outperform your rivals and expand your market reach Engage with geographically dispersed clients without a physical presence Boost Interaction and Conversions Today Effortlessly Develop an Enthralling Digital Visual Experience Provide a Memorable Visual Experience for Your Clients Achieve Optimal Visibility for Your Products and Services An Intelligent and Efficient Marketing Approach for Enhanced ROI Generate a Flood of Focuse
Yes, figures show that customers see anywhere from 500 to 5,000 ads per day on average.
As a result, using TV, digital, and mobile marketing to get and keep customers' attention has never been more challenging.
So, the best brands in the world are using 360-degree video to create engaging video marketing experiences that keep viewers hooked for a long time.
As a result, it is safe to say that... Virtual Interactive videos are here to stay for a very long time.
Why every business owner needs interactive videos and images: 88% of marketers say that interactive content sets them apart from their rivals.
Interactive videos generate 66% more engagement and 44% more time spent watching them. Interactive videos are shared 29% more often and contribute to increasing brand or product awareness. Interactive content generates 4-5 times as many page views as static content.
Virtual reality (VR) allows automotive engineers and designers to easily experiment with the look and build of a vehicle before commissioning expensive prototypes. The click-through rate for interactive videos is 10 times higher than that of passive videos. 93 percent of marketers said interactive content is very effective at educating buyers and to take it further. Before any money has been spent on physically manufacturing the parts, companies like BMW and Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) have been using VR for years to hold early design and engineering reviews to check the vehicle's visual design and object obscuration.
VR is making a big difference in the healthcare industry. VR can help healthcare professionals better prepare for any situation. Surgeons can interact with medical devices in virtual reality and practice surgery on virtual bodies thanks to companies like Osso VR. This helps them become more comfortable with new devices and more skilled at implanting them.
Retail We will be able to try on clothes in the virtual world to see how they would look on real people thanks to body-scanning technology and VR retail experiences. Hugo Boss and other fashion houses will be among the first to participate in the first Metaverse Fashion Week, which will take place in March 2022 and feature virtual catwalks, stores, and fitting rooms.
Tourism In the post-Covid era, VR for tourism has made it possible to experience a vacation before purchasing it. From your home in Singapore or California, you could take a guided tour of Barcelona or Budapest. Users can explore the world from the comfort of their own homes, exploring everything from coral reefs to Mars' surface and Rome's Colosseum.
Matterport and other real estate companies are leading the way in making it possible for people to look at houses online and get a "feel" for the space. This saves time because you won't have to look at places that might be smaller, darked, or otherwise not what you expected. You will be able to concentrate your time viewing only the homes in person that you are most likely to fall in love with.
The entertainment industry is utilizing entertainment VR to enhance 360-degree film experiences and strengthen emotional ties to the characters or the film itself. For instance, Disney Movies VR takes the user to red carpet events as well as an interview with "The Jungle Book" cast members.
Sports There are a number of virtual reality companies specializing in live sports event viewing, so the way we watch sports is already changing. VR is now available for sporting events such as the NBA and NFL. NBC has announced that it will live stream the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics in VR, as well as provide highlights for some of the events in VR. Business Events, Meetings, and Conferences Given that VR enables individuals to meet in places virtually, it is not surprising that the pandemic brought an increase in VR events, conferences, and meetings. Companies such as Big Screen VR enable people to watch the Super Bowl together in VR. Meetings with coworkers from all over the world can be held in a collaborative and interactive manner using platforms like Glue, Arthur, and Meeting Room.
When you put on your headset in London, you can connect and collaborate with your coworkers in New York and Madrid as if you were all in the same room.
Social VR makes it possible for people from all over the world to meet in the same virtual space. Once in VR, or 'the metaverse', individuals can visit virtual films, eateries, sea shores, shows, and all the more together.
AltspaceVR and Meta's Horizon Worlds are two prominent VR social communities already in development. They not only let people explore virtual worlds together, but they can also make immersive content, like virtual reality spaces that are just for friends and coworkers.
Virtual Videos Drive More Engagement, Conversions, and Profits for Businesses Worldwide OREO HYUNDAI NIKE SAMSUNG JUMEIRAH NISSAN RED BULL FORD PROVEN FACT... Virtual Videos Drive More Engagement, Conversions, and Profits for Businesses Worldwide OREO HYUNDAI NIKE SAMSUNG JUMEIRAH NISSAN RED BULL FORD
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maximagrowth · 1 year
Unlock Your Hotel's Online Potential: Partner with India's Premier Digital Marketing Agency for Hotels
Are you a resort or hotel owner, currently searching for a digital marketing agency in India to improve your online visibility & attract more visitors?
At MAXIMA GROWTH, we specialize in crafting tailored digital marketing strategies that align with your business goals. From optimizing your website's search engine ranking to implementing data-driven social media campaigns, we have the expertise to boost, and improve your online visibility & generate room bookings.
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Our team of experts will analyze your unique needs and create a customized plan to maximize your online growth. Elevate your online presence and achieve unparalleled success today!
Looking to elevate your hotel's online presence and engage with your target audience? MAXIMA GROWTH's insightful blog on the Top 10 Social Media Marketing Strategies for Hotels. Discover effective techniques to leverage social media platforms, create compelling content, and connect with potential guests.
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Take a deep dive into this must-read blog and unlock the power of social media marketing to drive bookings, enhance brand visibility, and establish your hotel as a preferred choice among travelers. Don't miss out on the opportunity to harness the potential of social media and revolutionize your hotel's digital marketing efforts.
Contact MAXIMA GROWTH today for a comprehensive digital marketing consultation.
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yash-mirani · 1 year
Best Digital Marketing Company In Delhi
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You’ve found the top digital marketing agency in Delhi that can support your efforts to conquer the web and expand your business online.
The top 10 digital marketing businesses in Delhi for 2023 will be quickly broken down in this post, allowing you to improve your online presence and accelerate the expansion of your business.
Every company wants to swiftly, affordably, and successfully increase its customer base in the current environment of fierce competition. You may harness the effectiveness of internet marketing to grow and develop your audience in a place like Delhi with the aid of a digital marketing company.
Here are a few of best digital marketing company in Delhi.
Digileap is one of Top digital marketing agencies in India. If you make use of our trustworthy digital marketing services, you might be prosperous. We offer the expertise to support you in realising your vision, whether it be through website design, YouTube channel creation, Facebook ad campaigns, or SEO tactics.
Kinnect is one Top digital marketing agencies in India. More than 350 “Kinnectors” work for the startup Kinnect, which Rohan Mehta and Chandni Shah launched in 2011. Kinnect is based in Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore. They have won several honours from all over the world because they have continually produced excellent work over the years.
Kinnect creates original solutions to your difficulties that are appealing to your target market and clearly affect your company’s goals.
By coming up with unique solutions that speak to their target market and have a clear influence on their company goals, Kinnect helps its clients overcome problems.
Techmangnate was founded in 2006 by SEO specialist and voracious reader Sarvesh Bagla. The organisation is among the best in India overall, not just the best digital marketing company in Delhi . Techmagnate employs a comprehensive strategy for all aspects of digital marketing, from conception to execution.
Webchutney Dentsu
Webchutney Dentsu was founded by Sudhesh Samaria and Sidharth Rao in April 1999. Dentsu Webchutney is now managed by CEO Gautam Raghunath. This company provides comprehensive, cutting-edge digital marketing services. One of the Top digital marketing agencies in India is Dentsu Webchutney.
Internet Moguls
If you run a hotel, restaurant, or travel agency, you should definitely look into Internet Moguls as a potential digital marketing partner.
The Internet Moguls company, which has been around for 11 years, was founded by Avijit Arya. Internet Moguls serves as a tech+ and service agency for lodging establishments, dining establishments, travel agencies, airlines, and tourism boards. They offer a wide range of services, and the 200 moguls they employ are dedicated to elevating your business in the digital sphere.
Abhinav Sahai created Niswey in 2011. This agency helps B2B clients in the Asia-Pacific area. Delivering precisely is their primary objective, which they achieve with the aid of their team of devoted and knowledgeable workers. You’ve been waiting for B2B management, and here it is.
Burp Digital Brands
One of the best digital marketing company in Delhi was formed by Anshul Sharma, and it has managed a number of projects for some of the largest brands in the business.
To help its clients win the digital game, BrandBurp Digital employs more than 175 marketers, including Google Certified SEO Page Rankers, Content Managers, and a wide spectrum of other top performers.
Grapes Digital
In November 2013, Himanshu Arya founded Grapes Digital, which has since served as the foundation for some of the best digital experiences. Grapes Digital stands out for its commitment to influencing consumer behaviour in order to create a comfortable digital experience that transforms brands and boosts brand relevance.
The business was started in 2015 by its CEO and founder, Avinash Chandra. Through the use of a very unique technique, the company’s “Digital Brand Commerce Strategy” aids businesses in providing exceptional customer service.
It offers a team of specialists who can make your online presence lucrative by utilising a best-in-class technological stack, fully managed E-Commerce capabilities, a business plan powered by data application, and a marketing strategy based
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netcontentbiz · 1 year
12 Tips How to Increase Revenue in Hotels
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As a hotel owner or manager, you may already be familiar with the benefits of digital marketing in driving revenue growth. By partnering with a digital marketing agency that specializes in the hospitality industry, you can gain access to a wide range of digital marketing services and strategies that can help you reach your target audience and increase bookings during low-demand periods.
From developing a comprehensive digital marketing plan to leveraging the power of social media and email marketing, a digital marketing agency can provide you with the tools and resources needed to stay ahead of the competition and attract more guests to your hotel. In this blog post, we'll explore how digital marketing can help you optimize your revenue during low-demand periods and share our top tips for success.
Whether you're looking to improve your website's visibility in search engines, create engaging social media content, or launch a targeted advertising campaign, our tips are designed to help you make the most of your digital marketing efforts. By partnering with a reputable digital marketing agency and implementing these strategies, you can drive revenue growth and achieve long-term success in the hospitality industry. So, let's dive in and discover how digital marketing can help you boost your bottom line during the low season.
Low Demand Phases In Hotels; 
Low-demand phases are periods when there is less demand for hotel rooms, and these periods can usually be predicted. For hotels that cater to fun-oriented experiences, such as beach resorts in Europe, demand is typically higher during holiday periods but lower during regular business weeks. Conversely, for business-oriented hotels, mid-week demand is typically higher. For example, a beach resort in Europe would expect higher demand from June to August and lower demand from November to March due to the weather. Similarly, beach resorts in Australia would anticipate higher demand from December to February during their summer months. Since low demand is expected, it follows predictable patterns, making it easier to forecast and maximize revenue.
12 Tips to Optimise Revenue in Low-Demand Periods
#1 Monitor Market Trends: 
Keep a close eye on market trends and events that may impact demand for hotel rooms. This will allow you to adjust your pricing and marketing strategies accordingly.
#2 Create Packages And Promotions: 
Create attractive packages and promotions that offer guests added value and incentivize them to book during the low season. This could include discounts, complimentary meals or activities, or exclusive perks.
#3 Leverage Loyalty Programs: 
Encourage repeat business and reward loyal guests by offering exclusive perks and discounts through your loyalty program.
#4 Partner With Local Businesses: 
Partner with local businesses such as restaurants, attractions, and tour operators to create joint promotions and cross-promote each other's offerings.
#5 Target Business Travelers: 
Focus on attracting business travelers by offering special rates and amenities that cater to their needs, such as free Wi-Fi and business center access.
#6 Improve your online presence: 
Invest in a user-friendly and visually appealing website, and make sure your hotel is listed on all relevant travel booking sites.
#7 Utilize Social Media: 
Leverage social media platforms to showcase your hotel and promote special offers and packages.
#8 Implement dynamic pricing: 
Use data analysis and revenue management software to adjust your pricing in real-time based on demand and market trends.
#9 Offer Flexible Cancellation Policies: 
During uncertain times, guests may be hesitant to book in advance. Offering flexible cancellation policies can help alleviate their concerns and increase bookings.
#10 Focus On Direct Bookings: 
Encourage guests to book directly with your hotel by offering exclusive discounts and perks, and make sure your website is optimized for easy booking.
#11 Upsell And Cross-Sell: 
Offer guests additional services and amenities at check-in, such as room upgrades, spa treatments, or tour packages.
#12 Personalize The Guest Experience: 
Provide personalized service and attention to detail to create a memorable guest experience and encourage repeat bookings and positive reviews.
How Digital Marketing Help The Hotel Industry In Low Demand Phase
Digital marketing can be a powerful tool for hotels to attract guests and increase revenue during low-demand phases. Here are some ways in which digital marketing can help the hotel industry during low-demand periods:
Targeted advertising: 
Digital advertising allows hotels to target specific audiences based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. By creating targeted campaigns, hotels can reach potential guests who are most likely to book during low season.
Search engine optimization (SEO): 
SEO helps hotels improve their visibility on search engines like Google by optimizing their website content and structure. By using relevant keywords and phrases, hotels can increase their chances of appearing at the top of search results, making it easier for potential guests to find and book their property.
Social media marketing: 
Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are powerful marketing tools that allow hotels to engage with potential guests and promote their property. By sharing engaging content, running targeted ads, and offering special promotions, hotels can generate interest and bookings during low-demand periods.
Email marketing: 
Email marketing is a cost-effective way for hotels to reach out to previous guests and subscribers with special offers and promotions. By creating targeted email campaigns, hotels can encourage repeat bookings and generate interest from potential guests during low-demand periods.
Reputation management: 
Online reviews and ratings can greatly influence a hotel's reputation and ultimately its success. By actively monitoring and responding to reviews, hotels can improve their online reputation and attract more guests during low-demand periods.
Overall, digital marketing can help hotels stay competitive and generate revenue during low-demand periods by reaching a wider audience, building brand awareness, and promoting special offers and promotions. By incorporating these strategies into their marketing efforts, hotels can maximize their revenue potential and thrive during both peak and off-peak seasons.
In conclusion, low-demand periods can present a challenge for hotels, but with the right strategies in place, it's possible to increase revenue and drive occupancy rates. By implementing the tips we've shared in this blog post, such as optimizing your pricing strategy, leveraging digital marketing techniques, and providing unique guest experiences, you can attract more guests and boost your bottom line.
Partnering with a digital marketing agency that specializes in the hospitality industry can also provide you with the expertise and resources needed to develop and execute a successful marketing plan. By leveraging the power of digital marketing, such as SEO, social media, email marketing, and targeted advertising, you can reach your target audience and increase bookings during low-demand periods.
At Net Content, we specialize in providing digital marketing services for the hospitality industry. Our team of experts can work with you to develop a comprehensive digital marketing plan that's tailored to your hotel's unique needs and goals. Whether you're looking to improve your website's visibility, attract more guests through social media, or launch a targeted advertising campaign, we're here to help.
So if you're ready to take your hotel's revenue growth to the next level, contact Net Content today to learn more about our digital marketing services and how we can help you succeed in the hospitality industry.
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Study Hospitality in Switzerland: Popular Courses, Institutions and Careers
Switzerland is known for several things, Hospitality, Chocolates, Cheeses, Watches and scenic beauty among many other things. It is no surprise that it is also home to some of the world’s best institutions for hospitality management. According to the QS World Ranking 2022, Eight institutions in Top 10 for hospitality and leisure management in the world are from Switzerland.
Are you planning a career in the hospitality industry and set your mind upon Switzerland universities? Then worry not. We have got you covered. We will in this blog, very briefly, arm you with the necessary data which will help you decide the institution of your choice, what to study in Switzerland and what career to pursue.
Top 10 best Institutions:
Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne
Glion Institute of Higher Education
Les Roches Global Hospitality Education
Business and Hotel Management School, Lucerne
César Ritz Colleges Switzerland
EHL Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality
Hotel Institute, Montreux
IMI University Centre
Swiss Hotel Management School    
IHTTI School of Hotel Management
Popular Programmes:
Hospitality Management
Hotel Management
Business Administration
Culinary Arts
Hotel and Tourism Management
Hospitality and Business Management
Leisure and Tourism Management
International Hospitality and Tourism Management
Sustainable Hospitality Management
Wine and Hospitality Management
Marketing and Management for Luxury Tourism
Hospitality Strategy and Digital Transformation
Luxury Management and Guest Experience
Careers to pick from:
Hotel Manager
Brand Marketing Executive
Product Manager
Director of Operations
Sales Manager
Private Banker
Products Oversight
Loyalty Supply Manager
Entertainment manager
Managing Director
Senior Director of Spa & Wellness
Business Development Consultant
Holiday counsellor
Executive chef
Food and beverage director
Study in Switzerland for Indian Students There are about 25,000 Indians in Switzerland, including about  1,000 Indian students. Unlike the US, UK, Australia or Singapore, thousands of Indian students do not pour into the country every year to study . The primary reason for it is the cost. Being a premium destination, both living and study costs are expensive in Switzerland. However, Switzerland offers nothing but the best. Their hospitality management institutions are among the top rated in the world. The country was the first to open schools for training hoteliers and restaurateurs and is looked up to across the world.
The Swiss hospitality education model equips students with the bottom-up knowledge required to manage a business effectively. Students learn the details of every department and role, so they have a keen knowledge of the industry. This comprehensive method of teaching is what has earned Swiss hotel and hospitality management schools their elite reputation.
So if you are hesitating traveling from India to Switzerland, we’d encourage you to take that leap. It is only when you opt for the best that the results are the best. Can you imagine graduating from the top institution equipped with the best training the world could offer?
And if you are still apprehensive, we suggest you seek the help of Career2life - Study abroad consultants in Delhi, who can help you understand the value of the degree and the ways to make your dream of studying in Switzerland come true.
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promillerofficial · 1 year
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Hospitality consulting firms help hotels to create and work on effective strategies and solutions in order to shoot up their revenue. They do this by taking care of every aspect of a hotel’s business including revenue management, market feasibility study, asset management, third party management, digital marketing etc. In this modern world where the competition is so high and everyone’s trying to find their way to become the best, especially in the hospitality sector, seeking some kind of professional guidance seems inevitable if you want to remain at the top of the game. So if you are someone who is seeking expert guidance for your hotel or resort, we would recommend you to sign up with one of the top 10 hospitality consulting firms in India. Click here to know more https://www.promiller.in/hospitality-consulting-firms-in-india
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digipreeth · 1 year
10 Pointers for Lowering Business Taxes
10 Pointers for Lowering Business Taxes
Tax deductions may be quite beneficial for you as a small company owner. Planning carefully will allow you to lower your taxable income. Here are 10 suggestions to help you lower your company taxes.
For a company or a small business, filing business taxes is a demanding task. Nobody likes to give the government their hard-earned money. However, income tax is a hard reality that company owners must also come to terms with. Even if you cannot avoid this obligation, you may come up with strategies to lower your tax obligations.
Here are some suggestions on how to reduce your taxes as a business.
1. Employ a relative
One of the most effective strategies to reduce company taxes is to hire a family member.
Hiring their spouses into the company is another way small business owners may lower their taxes. Since the corporation is responsible for paying these taxes, they can be excluded from taxable revenue, which lowers the overall expenditure of the company.
We advise you to look into comprehensive education from HINDUSTAN ONLINE - CODE if you're keen to understand more about these taxes and financial management. You might strive to obtain a top-notch understanding in this field with their Masters in Finance program.
2. An account for retirement
When it comes to retirement savings, there are several retirement plan alternatives with the greatest advantages. They also have several tax advantages that can be highly beneficial. The IRS website offers a wide variety of retirement plan alternatives that can be quite advantageous for small company taxation.
3. Costs for utilities
You can classify these costs as utilities or business expenditures if you're an entrepreneur who uses your phone and car for proper business purposes. These costs may include recurrent charges, convenience costs, or preliminary costs. This is one of the most helpful tax advice because by classifying these costs as company expenditures, you may lower the tax burden on your small enterprises.
4. Hotel and transportation costs
Entrepreneurs frequently need to travel between locations for business-related tasks. One piece of advice for lowering small business taxes is to always utilize the company's account rather than your personal one for such costs.
For instance, if your annual salary is Rs. 20 lakhs, your firm account shows that you have spent about Rs. 5 lakhs on this charge. In this case, the travel costs can qualify as business expenses and be free from taxes. In this case, you would only be required to pay tax on the remaining 15 lakhs rupees.
5. Cost of Medical Insurance
Entrepreneurs are eligible for tax deductions for medical insurance premiums under Rs. 25, 000. This insurance can be for the entrepreneur's dependant parents, spouses, or children and is deductible under Section 80D of the Indian Income Tax Act. However, this tax advice won't apply to company owners whose companies are their second jobs and whose employer already pays their medical insurance costs.
Do not neglect to look for the required HINDUSTAN ONLINE - CODE Masters in Finance online program. They may greatly aid in your understanding of these taxes and offer top-notch solutions for the administration of your company's finances.
6. Put your money to work in marketing
You must abandon outdated outbound marketing strategies and switch to digital and inbound marketing for your services and goods in this era of digitization. This offers two advantages.
First of all, inbound marketing will expand the reach and growth of your company. Second, since all of your marketing costs are tax deductible, they serve as tax-saving advice. As a result, you may also save money in this regard. So, to save on taxes, put any spare cash you have at the end of the year towards marketing and advertising.
7. Steer clear of cash transactions
According to the Indian Income-tax authority, if your cash transaction, as per your books, is more than Rs. 20,000 per day for a single individual, your transaction would be void.
You will be paying more in taxes for your small business as a result of this nullification than you otherwise would have. Try to do any transactions worth more than Rs. 20,000 through a bank. As a result, you will pay the same amount of tax that you would have otherwise rather than an excessive amount, which would ease your financial strain.
8. Depreciation
Adding to the depreciation already taken into account might also lower corporate taxes. This is so that an entrepreneur can take advantage of section 35AD's 20% increased depreciation provision if they install new machinery throughout the year. This is another suggestion for easing the burden of taxes.
For instance, suppose you purchase new equipment and deduct the standard 25% depreciation but neglect to deduct the additional 20%. In this case, the 20% tax rise resulted in more taxes being paid, and as the greater depreciation can only be claimed in the first year, it was a lost opportunity. So keep this tip in mind while setting up new equipment.
9. Lending
Another excellent tax-saving advice is to donate money to a good cause. This is unique advice since it allows you to do good deeds while still reducing your tax liability. However, you may only reduce your tax burden by giving when you are giving to charities that are registered with the IRS. If you give to registered charities, political parties, or the PM Relief Fund, you are eligible to receive a 100% tax deduction.
10. Interest on mortgage loans
One of the best tax advice is that if your start-up is linked to your PAN card, you can deduct the interest you spend on your home loan from your income tax.
By including the interest on any home loans, Section 80C allows for a tax deduction of up to Rs. 1.5 lakhs each year. This advice should persuade you to take out a bank loan to construct or purchase a home since it will lower your tax obligations.
the conclusion
As long as you make good plans, there are various strategies to lower company taxes. As a small company owner, lowering your taxable revenue may be quite beneficial.
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