#This isn't actually like. Autumny
stick-by-me · 7 months
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A meal fit for a king
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oreramar · 1 month
Florist Talk: a flower shop calendar
So I talked about the average day in a flower shop. Now it's time to talk about the average year (usual disclaimer: US-centric, small town sort of knowledge is to be found here. Adjust as needed for a different setting, whether real or fictional; these notes are merely meant to provide grounding or ideas for your writing).
So, Month By Month:
Business is basically dead for most of this month.
It's too early for springy colors but nobody wants the red and white Xmas color combo anymore. Floral limbo.
Prep for V-day begins in earnest sometime around here.
Earliest V-day orders might start coming in middle-to-end of the month. Sometimes people think ordering super early means they can get roses for cheaper. This is not the case; they will be charged the price of the roses they're gonna get, not the roses that exist a month before.
A longer post will be dedicated to V-day itself eventually. For now, know that there's usually a lull in business immediately after the day itself.
There may be leftover roses. Nobody will want the leftover roses. If your Florbo over-ordered these supplies, they will have a difficult time shifting them. Write a fic and have them donate roses to an elderly care facility or something.
Kinda dead for the most part, aside from a little bit of prep toward Palm Sunday and Easter and Prom (see April)
I always make stuff for St Patrick's day but very few people want flowers for St Patrick's day so there's not much point. Maybe this could be different in a community with more people who go all in on St Paddy's.
When there are orders, this is when people start to ask for "springy" flowers.
If there are Christian Churches around they might want Easter Lilies ordered in for Easter, and Palm Branches for Palm Sunday.
Sometimes people will ask for flowering mum plants too, usually in white, yellow, or lavender. The wholesalers always seem to send way more lavender mums than any others, like they're trying to get rid of them.
Prom Season - technically can stretch from mid-late March through April. Depends on how many high schools are in the area. This means lots of corsages and boutonnieres. If there's a single big school that's very local then that means one very, very busy weekend spent doing nothing but assembling these things the day before and getting them picked up and paid for the day of. Might make a focused post on these one day.
Secretary's Day / Administrative Professionals' Day - late April. Technically there's a Day for this but it also covers the entire week of that day as well. Businesses and Bosses buy small flowers or maybe candy bouquets for their various Admins. Can get a little busy.
Teachers Appreciation Day / Week - early in May, lots of school deliveries.
Nurses Appreciation Day/Week - the next week in May, lots of hospital/clinic deliveries.
MOTHER'S DAY OH GOD OH - oh it's not quite as bad, actually. People get their Mother's Day flowers the entire week before so it's less concentrated. Still a big one.
US has Memorial Day right at the end. This means arrangements made for placing in the local cemetery. Can be busy but isn't usually too bad.
Dead business. So bored.
Dead business. So bored.
Attempt at July 4th table arrangements. Not many tend to sell.
Dead business. So bored.
School is back in session, which means that any student, teacher, or school admin staff who has a birthday or anniversary on a weekday might get sent flowers or balloons or candy bouquets or things like that, which means Flower Shop business.
Preferred floral designs shift toward "fall" and "autumny" colors and flowers somewhere between August and September.
Not a lot going on specifically, but business still tends to be busier than in summer. Also, despite all efforts, Halloween does not tend to involve a lot of flower orders, which is a real shame because you can do some real fun things with orange, purple, and bright green flowers, and with hot glue strands on twigs to make cobwebs, and with black painted bowl vases to resemble cauldrons...
US has Thanskgiving this month and some people want fancy flower and taper candle centerpieces for their tables. A responsible florist will include tags warning people not to burn those candles unattended because while the floral arrangement isn't going to be dry by any means, it is still technically flammable, especially if the candle has burned very low and for a very long time.
Christmas also involves fancy flower and taper candle centerpieces for tables. Also like 80% of all floral arrangements are being done in red and/or white.
And that's more or less it. Set your writing appropriately for how busy you want the Florbo to be with their flower job - if the plot demands Florbo have a lot of free time or be very very bored, look at the summer months, or the downtime of early January or late February. If you wish for them to be overwhelmingly busy, set it the week before Valentine's or Mother's day, or pick an April weekend for a local Prom and give them like forty corsages to make on a single Friday. A more moderate or variable day to day structure might be in May, or one of the Autumn months, when there's usually plenty of everyday type stuff to do plus the wild card busy days around big funerals or the like, with random dead days peppered in there.
Happy writing!
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lokisgoodgirl · 7 months
you have a whole series based on folklore so I'm gonna assume ur a swiftie of some level, and after first listen to "say don't go" my first thought was the lakes
idk maybe not the lyrics exactly cause there's a difference in situations, but the song just sounded like the way I feel about the lakes
maybe it's the angsty pining vibes
Idk but I just thought I'd share
I was like....how have I never heard this song. And then I realised it's a vault one and I LOVE IT AHHHHHG AND i love that you thought of The Lakes!!! 🥺🍁 You are so so right, that song could be from Loki AND our perspectives.
I have to say though, the series isn't actually based on folklore, if you're expecting a folklore based twist 😂 i was just listening to that album a lot when I was in the lake district, and it mentions the lake district. Just in case that's a coming disappointed..🤭
I have added it to my Lakes Inspo playlist, thank you! ❤️ It's actually perfect for the chapter I'm writing at the moment. Did someone just make it 17% more angsty by accident? Yes you did @crokitheloki 😂
As an aside, if you're interested in knowing the other songs on that playlist let me know 😍very autumny, angsty, dreamy.
Also yes, busted, I am a swiftie. I saw her first album was released 17 years ago and thats like over half my life so thats scary😂I remember buying it when it came out and it was a nightmare to get in the UK.🤭
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multifandomwritings · 3 years
slashers reactions to their s/o being obsessed with halloween? like their s/o goes to every possible store to get halloween decorations (or constantly makes their own spooky/cute decorations), excited to hand out candy to trick or treaters, and they are the most happiest theyve seen their s/o be on oct 31st? please and thank you!! 🎃🧡
Sure, haha sounds like me! I hope you like it! ^^ (The lengths of these vary a lot so x_x)
How the slashers would react to their S/O loving/going all out for Halloween
Thomas Hewitt:
- This is pretty new to Thomas. His family probably doesn't even acknowledge Halloween most of the time so when you're all enthusiastic about it he'll be pretty intrigued/confused as to why
- However, he certainly isn't opposed to the whole thing. He's always happy to go along with whatever makes you happy, and will go the extra mile to make you smile as much as he can
- You definitely aren't getting any trick-or-treaters where he lives, but he's happy to help you decorate everything up and make up for it however he can. You both end up drowning the house in spiderwebs and pumpkins, tying together the already somewhat unsettling appearance of it. Believe it or not, the whole family gets into it in their own ways, happy to actually be celebrating for once (even if certain family members gripe about it lol)
Brahms Heelshire:
- Like Thomas, Brahms never really did much for Halloween, either (if anything at all). So when October comes along and you're all excited for spooky season and Halloween, he'll be a little confused and interested since it's something you're into and he hasn't ever seen you so excited about something
- Very happy to go along with whatever you like. If you want to plaster Heelshire manor in jack-o-lanterns, cobwebs, orange lights, etc. go for it! He doesn't mind at all, in fact, he would appreciate the change of scenery. The house is very uptight so to see a splash of color and festivity throughout would cheer him up more than you'd notice
- Won't really help you decorate unless you ask, though he'd secretly hope you would. Since it is new to him, he'd be more excited and giddy about the whole thing than he'd let on. Comfortably celebrating things like that is a pretty unfamiliar concept to him, and seeing you all excited and happy to be spending a time of year you love so much with him would make him all warm and fluttery. Watching spooky movies together, decorating, dressing up, etc. would put a huge smile on his face, and Halloween would quickly become one of his favorite times of the year, too
Michael Myers:
- Considering Halloween is sort of his thing, he'll be happy to know you're as enthusiastic about the holiday as you are
- Loves to see all the decorations you put up and such, as he admittedly loves the spookiness and atmosphere of the holiday
- He might even forgo his usual Halloween 'activities' to spend it with you, since you love it so much. Very intriguing to him to see how lit up and excited about it you are. No, he won't be helping you pass out Halloween candy, but he might even help you do some holiday baking (aka eat what you're making as you go along) or help you carve a pumpkin!
Jason Voorhees:
- Jason finds your love for Halloween to be very endearing and sweet. Very supportive of anything that makes you happy so he'll get into it in his own way, too
- Will melt if he comes home one day and finds you've decorated his cabin, especially if you're waiting all smiley and excited about it. Adores it and you so much
- Halloweens with Jason would be on the simple side, considering where he lives and such. There really isn't much around so you won't get trick-or-treaters or anything, but in his own way, he'd really want to make it special. Will bring you random autumny/spooky things he finds around the woods or decorations he finds, and happily goes along with any other traditions you have/want to start with him. Baking, decorating, carving pumpkins, etc, he'll happily help! Shy and reluctant if you want him to dress up with you though, but he'll still go along with it for your sake (and if you compliment him in his costume?? He'll blush so bad, can't deal with praise and compliments at all, in a good way)
Bubba Sawyer:
- Very happy to go along with your love for Halloween. If you want to go all out with decorating, he's very supportive!...And in fact, will waste no time helping you get right to it
- Whether you want to go out and buy up a bunch of things or make them yourself, he'll help. He's pretty handy so he'll help you craft things to decorate the house with, gathering items to use on autumny walks
- He's likely to get just as excited and enthusiastic about it as you are, simply because he loves seeing you like that. The entire month of October is extra festive with Bubba as he'll try to make it as special as he can! If he gets smiles out of you for his efforts he'll be a blushing, smiling mess
Chop Top Sawyer:
- Probably gets into Halloween himself to some extent so when you talk about how much you like it with him, it will only get him more excited to spend it with you
- Loves to see how happy and excited you are about it. Will surprise you with random decorations/spooky things he finds throughout the month and won't stop grinning if he gets a reaction out of you. He'd love helping your decorate but, of course, he's chaotic about it (which actually works out really well because everything ends up looking really good and spooky so??)
- Of course he'll want to dress up on Halloween with you. Something matching or at least coordinated, and very extra. He'd happily pass candy out with you (eating half of it before handing it out lol) but would also love to go driving around and listening to your favorite Halloweeny songs together. Maybe even wants to visit a haunted house or two if you like? 👀
Nubbins Sawyer:
- Nubbins is kind of a mix of Bubba and Chop Top. He gets into it a bit too but not as much. But like Bubba, he's happy to go along with whatever makes you happy
- He is very creative and crafty so of course he'll help you decorate things for Halloween! His taste in decorations tends to be a bit more macabre, so your tastes get blended together and it ends up almost being too much by the time you're both finished
- He adores how much you love Halloween though. That would mean your interests/tastes are more aligned than he thought! Like I said, he tends to be drawn to spookiness himself so if you love it it'll make him feel weirdly more comfortable around you? And he'd love being able to have that time of year together where you can both be expressive and happy and it's *on theme* so no one really questions it lol
- Pretty unsurprised at your love of Halloween and spookiness, considering your taste in S/O (meaning he can be pretty spooky himself so obviously you're into that sort of thing)
- He'll get just as into the whole thing as you do, if not even more so. Loves helping you decorate for Halloween too, making up his own weird, somewhat gross things to put around the house in hopes you'll get a kick out of it
- He really loves to see you happy and lit up about anything, so he'll go all out himself to make sure Halloween is as memorable as he can. A complete sap, at least when it comes to you (not that he'd admit it. But you'd have to be super close with him and special to him to become his S/O so) so anything that makes you happy is actually really important to him
- Another one that is fascinated/intrigued by your love for Halloween. Interesting that time of year/a holiday would make you so excited and happy?? Not that he's complaining, he adores seeing you all smiley and excitable
- You're so strange and interesting to him. He can't help but be endeared when he sees how decorated up your house is with Halloween decorations. If you admit you go around to different places in search for decorations and such he won't be able to help but smile, finding it so sweet and kind of funny
- Willingly and happily takes part in whatever you'd like him to, half because he knows it would make you happy and half because he's genuinely intrigued as to why you enjoy it all so much. Also fixates on you a lot on Halloween itself. Seeing you as happy as you are on Halloween will put him in a good mood, smiling throughout the day and quietly feeling really grateful for you for making him feel like that
Bo Sinclair:
- Not that into Halloween himself usually. Not that he doesn't like it but he just doesn't think about it or acknowledge it most times. He might even tease you a little for how much you like it at first
- However, he really likes seeing you happy, although it isn't easy for him to show that sort of thing. So at the very least, he'll lay off the teasing a little, and won't complain as you slowly begin filling his house with Halloween decorations (which leads to you almost wanting to see just how much you can get away with before he says something)
- But he never will?? You can string orange lights all over Ambrose and line the streets with jack-o-lanterns and he'll just be like 'you really like Halloween huh? 👀' rather than teasing you because despite being a grouch he is a grouch with tact (lol to some extent) In other words, if he knows it's important to you, he won't make comments. Also, he kinda likes it. You make it feel homey and comfortable and he hasn't even acknowledged Halloween in years so he won't complain :')
Vincent Sinclair:
- He loves to hear about any of your interests and about things you like, so if you talk about how much you love Halloween he'll adore it. He never got really into it before (not for lack of interest though) so he'd be excited to see what sort of things you liked to do and how you celebrate
- Finds it cute that you go around in search for Halloween decorations and loves to see the things you find, smiling as he watches you enthusiastically talk about everything
- Will make you little spooky wax things throughout the month and completely melts if you get all excited about it. It only encourages him to make more and before you know it you have a whole collection of things he's made like that
Lester Sinclair:
- So cute. Honestly he probably wouldn't be that into Halloween (not that he wouldn't like it/celebrate it, but it wouldn't be a big deal for him) but your enthusiasm tends to rub off on him and he'll find himself getting more into it than usual
- 100% helps you decorate everything up. He wouldn't be able to stop smiling as he'd love that you were sharing that time together, especially since it's so special to you (and he never really had Halloweens like that)
- Anything you want to do, he's up for. Be it passing out candy, picking out costumes and dressing up together, going to haunted houses or watching scary movies, he'll happily do it all. Genuinely thinks you're the sweetest ever for being so excited and happy about it. Halloween is now his favorite time of the year too because of it!
Billy Lenz:
- Billy enjoys seeing all the Halloween festivities usually too to some extent, but seeing how much you like it will only encourage him
- Fascinated by how happy you seem because of it all, but he doesn't question it. If you're happy about it he'll be happy about it too! Like some of the others, your enthusiasm will rub off on him. He'd nearly be just as enthusiastic as you, putting up every dusty old decoration he could find and happily waiting for you to notice he did a little decorating himself
- Loves activities like holiday baking, watching spooky movies while snuggled up together, things like that. And he'd absolutely dress up if you asked, has no reservations about it!
Asa Emory (The Collector):
- He's pretty indifferent to the holiday. He does like the atmosphere of it (more or less) but he isn't one to acknowledge it in any major way on his own
- He's very intrigued by you, your behavior, and your interests, so your love of Halloween becomes his latest fascination. Admittedly finds it kind of endearing. He won't partake in many of the various Halloweeny activities you have planned throughout the month, but he'll enjoy watching you enjoy the month and holiday anyway (and if you really want him to participate, he won't be totally opposed 👀)
- Celebrating with him is pretty simple. He'll pass out candy with you on his porch, if you like. He's more likely to express himself through gift-giving and such, however, so throughout the month he'll spoil you by buying just about every spooky decoration he sees. Also, will find you completely adorable if you dress up, but of course that's only expressed in a small approving smile
Otis Driftwood:
- Otis and his family tend to get pretty into Halloween too. Granted, it's on a totally different level, but still 👀
- So he finds your love for Halloween to be endearing, in his own way. He won't be too involved in the decorating or anything, but he likes to see what you come up with, and is surprisingly sweet about it if it's just the two of you
- Kind of interested in the sorts of traditions you have and things you do. He's weirdly touched that you want to include him (and maybe his family) in it as well, since it's so special to you. He can't help but be a bit more cheerful when you're around, particularly when you're as enthusiastic and happy as you are about it, just because how much you light things up. His family adores you too, since you get him to be in such a good mood
Charles Lee Ray:
- Well he definitely isn't going to get as into it as you are, but he doesn't mind at all. There are worse things in life to be enthusiastic about! If you're happiest at the spookiest time of year then you're probably well matched, after all
- Will he tease you for going to a bunch of different stores to buy Halloween decorations? Yes. Will he mind? Not really. In fact, if he sees anything spooky while he's out, he'll probably get it for you. But since he's kind of mean, he'll also try to scare you throughout the month, getting those random motion-activated jump-scare decorations, putting them around your house to scare you and laughing wickedly if he gets you (I'm /sorry/) (He'll forget about them and will get startled himself too if it makes you feel better lol)
- Loves watching horror movies and eating Halloween treats together, believe it or not. He's less into things like passing out candies and such but he'll celebrate with you however you like anyway since you like it so much
Tiffany Valentine:
- She thinks you're so cute and loves to see you all excited and worked up about it. She'll start to love Halloween just as much, since you do
- Dresses up in spooky outfits throughout the month and melts if she gets a smile or reaction out of you. Her Halloween costume itself would be something elaborate and extra, hopefully matched to yours!
- Your house is completely plastered in Halloween by the time you're both done, inside and out. Loves doing all the traditional Halloweeny things with you such as baking, carving pumpkins, etc. And not only will she help you hand out candy, she'll probably insist you both go trick-or-treating a bit yourselves (Too old? Never!)
Josef (Creep):
- Josef likes Halloween too, though not as much as you do. However, as he picks up on your love for Halloween as the month goes on, he'll sort of begin to adopt it as his own
- Very enthusiastic and extra about the whole thing. Will drive you all over the place to buy different decorations and such. Easily excitable and wants to start a bunch of traditions, such as decorating the house up, baking together, dressing up and carving pumpkins
- Admires everything about you a lot so your love for Halloween is just something new he finds lovable about you. When you're all excited on Halloween itself, he'll keep smiling to himself at how lit up and excited you are about it
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formerlyjannafaye · 6 years
OMG JANNA I love love love your moodboard it's so autumny and adorable P.S. I would love you forever if you made one for one of my fics Also I have been meaning to ask you for a while, isn't your birthday this month? Because I want to make you a gif set for it!!
GRACE I would love to make you a mood board!! YAY! It’s so fun. I’m glad you liked mine, I made it while I was struggling for motivation to work on it and it made me happy to look at for inspiration. Yes, it is my birthday this month! On the 12. I would actually die of happiness if you made me something you sweet angel you ❤️
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