#This is man he's a good actor so normally I can't associate him with his characters
mlobsters · 6 months
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supernatural s11e2 form and void (w. andrew dabb)
lack of recap i'm perpetually confused. brain was too occupied trying to sort out gods and creation and timelines in this universe. sam infected with dark zombie juice and hasn't told dean, dean with pretty deputy and baby. roger
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project get dean a baby
and apparently adorable baby is supernatural in some variety, great. i know even less about amara than i thought
so sam's just gonna figure out a cure to the zombie juice? by sheer force of will? rolling my eyes.
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serious upgrade from s10 hair for our sam
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so now they're torturing rabid wet kitten cas. of course. over metatron? ok. not surprisingly, i can't remember where things were left with him
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what in the lighting. why is so much of this conversation happening like this
SAM What's your name? BILLIE Mm, you flirtin' with me, kid? ‘Cause, no offense, but you ain't my type. And I'm not looking to get friendly with the man who helped gut my boss. SAM I'm sorry about Death.
BILLIE It's over. SAM What's over? BILLIE You and Dean, dying and coming back again and again. The old death thought it was funny. But now there's one hard, fast rule in this universe. What lives, dies. So the next time you or your brother bite it, well, you're not going to Heaven... or Hell. One of us -- and, Lord, I hope it's me -- we're gonna make a mistake and toss you out into the Empty. And nothing comes back from that. I know you're dying. I can feel it. You're unclean in the biblical sense. So I'll be seeing you again, Sam. Seeing you real soon. Name's Billie, by the way.
okay guys, how can we make a credible threat to sam and dean. oh oh, i got it!! you've heard about purgatory, but have you heard the good word about the Empty! super contrived. but ok.
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real shame they decided to keep her in shadow for most of that conversation, she's gorgeous. didn't feel like a choice for dramatic effect, just looked like they messed up the lighting (to me)
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hannah / the magicians s1e7 the mayakovsky circumstance - lee majdoub as the djinn
hey, new-hannah was (very briefly) in the magicians too
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trying to recall if i've ever seen physiotherapy instead of physical therapy in the US. i've had a lot of physical therapy over the years. i associate calling it physio with the uk (and presumably canada). important thoughts
SAM So, I know it's been a long time, but Dean and I, we've -- we've been through a lot of bad. But this is different. This is my fault, and I don't know how to fix it. And if I have to die, I've made my peace with that, but... please. Dean deserves better. Dean deserves a life.
oh no i did not sign up for sam torture flashbacks wtf, left field. that's not the sign we were looking for :S
well they played big tension dun dun DUN music for seeing crowley at the house with supernatural baby but i just giggled
they keep using that xfiles-sound again this episode! (clip of it in 10x12 v xf fight the future)
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somebody better feed that poor probably evil baby 🥺 i volunteer as tribute.
getting final destination vibes with grandma putting a kettle on. oh, well, just straight to stabbing. that works too
what is this music??? egads
oh. bye hannah. shame, i liked her current actor
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LOL now sam's using the Serious web search like cas did instead of the goofy one they normally use. course i can't find my post mentioning it because blog search is utterly busted way beyond what it normally is. SIGH.
anyway, handy that billie gave him the little clue to figure out how to cure his zombie juice disease. also snorting because they totally very pointedly showed them loading the unwieldy holy oil pot (jar? carafe? jug??) into the duffel in the prior episode. well now we know why!
also sam was just gonna let himself die without telling dean? not cool, bro
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✨the forbidden holy marshmallow✨
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ok if you don't look at the forbidden marshmallow, those are really pretty effects
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haha amara having a renesmee moment
DEAN Where are you going? CROWLEY To see the child that eats souls.
this whole buddy copping it up with crowley is cute and all, guess he's sorta reset to mostly evil but whatever's convenient for his ends is good too
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more nonsensical music choices when dean goes strutting off to find amara after skewering crowley's hand to the wall
so are sam and dean gonna tell each other their little secrets now? no? course not. dumb plot shit is one thing but that is the kind of that more easily tips me over into losing interest. my patience is so very thin, it's a trope i hate and they use it SO. MUCH.
this whole kid thing and the evil lady thing reminds me of the incredibly forgettable eve storyline with a dash of lilith in a kid's body. and a smidge of the leviathans, crowley trying to lure her in with treats. better received than the muffin basket for dick.
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eva-knits12 · 7 months
My take on Danny Masterson's sentence.
Trigger warning: rape and sexual assault.
I try to avoid celebrity gossip and the drama that surrounds it, but sometimes, you just can't avoid it. The Danny Masterson sentence is one of these things that we just can't avoid, and what happened, and the celebrities and the church of Scientology defending his actions is just wrong on so many levels, I don't know where to begin.
Unless you've been living under a rock, you heard that actor Danny Masterson was recently sentenced to 30 years to life in prison for sexually assaulting women. Now, we don't always know 100% of the details. We may even write this off as that there are two sides to every story. We may even give these people a pass because "it was a one time thing," "he or she made a mistake", "if you don't vocally consent, then it's not rape," etc. We've all heard these excuses, and they are enough to piss me off.
Now, I have experienced sexual harassment in my teens, but I will not go into detail about that. It was wrong, but I was in my teens. As an adult, I recognize that it was wrong on so many levels, but my parents and I did what we felt was right, and reported it to school authorities, who just swept it under the rug. If this happened to me today, I would be getting the legal system involved.
With Danny Masterson's victims, how much do we really know? I'm pretty sure that there was a lot more that happened privately that was eventually made public. If I'm not mistaken, some of these victims may have been under the age of legal consent, which is 16 in most states.
One of his victims was an ex-girlfriend who reported it to the Church of Scientology. What did they do? They made her look like the bad guy, while he got away with raping her scot-free. She didn't go to the police because with that cult, you NEVER go to law enforcement. The sick part was a lawyer for the church said that it wasn't rape since they were in a relationship, and she had consented. Danny had violated her bodily autonomy and he may have possibly used a roofie, or some other drug. I say possibly because as I have already stated, we don't know 100% of the details. Only two people know what really happened, and there was a good chance that she was drugged.
For a while, all of these victims were either intimidated into silence, or bullied into silence by the church of Scientology. When they finally worked up the courage to go to the authorities and report it, it may have been too late. I'm not sure what the law regarding rape and sexual assault is in California, because I sure don't live there. I live in suburban Detroit, where the laws regarding rape and sexual assault are way different. By the time the victims finally reported Danny Masterson to the authorities, they had left the Church of Scientology, so when they left, the statute of limitations had already run out.
The first victim held Danny accountable. The sick part? His wife, Bijou Phillips stood by him blindly! If I were in that position, my first thought would be to take my child or children and run for the hills, then file for divorce! They also have a child, a daughter I think, and what lesson does that teach her? Does she think what Daddy did to these women is normal? Does she think that it's normal for Mommy to be defending this sick man? Does she have any stronger male and female role models in her young life who can model what true strength is and give her that much needed discussion about consent?
When more victims spoke out, and well after the authorities were involved, Danny was finally arrested. The victims feel vindicated, more so now that he is in jail. Finally, he is being punished by law for his actions. The sick part? The Church of Scientology still defends his actions.
His friends who are not in Scientology or even associated with the cult, are defending him. I'm not sure if they're being paid off by his team, and they are just as sick as he is for defending him. Some of those defending him are women, which just makes this situation even sicker!
My personal take is that Danny Masterson is a rapist and a predator. Cut and dry. I hope his victims are seeking therapy because they are going to need it in order to move forward and move on with their lives.
Everyone was shocked when he was fired from his Netflix show when all of these allegations came out, and I wouldn't be surprised if he is now blacklisted from Hollywood. We all know of Bill Cosby, who had the exact same fate as Danny Masterson. I mentioned that Danny Masterson is a Scientologist, and that the church defended his actions.
We all watched That '70's Show. We all related to those characters because we all knew those characters and were one of those characters. I related to Eric, and we all knew an Eric, a Donna, a Jackie, a Kelso, a Hyde, a Fez, a Laurie, a Rhett, a Kitty, a Midge, and a Bob in high school. I admit that I watched That '70's Show, and I kept watching it. It was a quirky, funny teen show, and it was much different than Dawson's Creek.
Danny Masterson and the cult he is in are NOT above the law. Nobody is above the law.
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space-morningstar · 2 years
Dudes, what was that moment during a performance or something where you've thought "There's no way that's Tobias", where you feel like it's really impossible to associate him?
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