#The only difference is I can't talk about Trigun to anyone IRL because nobody I know watches anime
mollymarymarie · 1 year
we're not friends but me me me. what is your opinion about it
OH WE'RE FUCKING FRIENDS NOW MY DUDE okay buckle up I have a lot of things to say, mostly negative lol
So I didn't read the manga but the original Trigun is MY FAVORITE ANIME OF ALL FUCKING TIME. Does the original show follow the plot of the manga or is this like a FMA Brotherhood situation where THIS VERSION is more closely aligned to the manga? Let me know
I was first very confused when Knives is referred to first as Nai and my immediate response was HAS HIS NAME NOT BEEN KNIVES THIS WHOLE FUCKING TIME (but they refer to him as Millions Knives later on so, okay.) (also, important to note, I watch the original Trigun in English dubs, don't come for me, I really love Johnny Yong Bosch)
WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WITH MERYL WHO IS THIS AND WHERE IS THE FEARLESS BITCH I KNOW AND LOVE like this girl is immediately flustered by Vash saying something vaguely nice (maybe that was a joke and I didn't get it) and also when shit gets real, hiding behind her coworker/boss/whoever the fuck that guy is because I don't even fucking know him AND SHE'S A FUCKING REPORTER??? WHAT IN THE LORD'S NAME HAPPENED TO THE BERNADELLI INSURANCE SOCIETY??
HALF OF THE FUN IN THE ORIGINAL SHOW WAS NOT KNOWING IF THIS MORON IS ACTUALLY VASH THE STAMPEDE/THE HUMANOID TYPHOON OR NOT like we knew it was but also he's just so fucking stupid (and I say this with the most love and affection I can) we can totally see why Meryl does not believe that it's HIM. (and also the FUCKING REVEAL of finding out one of his arms is bionic???? AND THEN getting to find out WHY. Like. My dudes. Why were we robbed of this magic in this series)
I know it's only one episode, I'm still going to give it a chance but so far, not as fun as original Trigun. I mean, I knew it probably wasn't going to live up to the original, because how could it, the original is PERFECTION. But a lot is so different and I'm not sure if it's because THIS STORY is closer to the manga or because they were trying too hard to make it different from the original series.
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