#The majority of the fandom always defending Toph's flaws is something I'll never understand
transformers0 · 1 year
So. In "The Chase" episode, was Toph wrong in her argument with Katara about refusing to help the gaang with the chores? If she is, can you explain why?
Yes, Toph was wrong about not wanting to pitch in with chores.
She's part of a team now.
She has to contribute and help others, not just take care of herself.
Especially since she is fighting in a war now, not just for a competition, and not just for show anymore.
And the episode saying that Katara was too hard on Toph and misrepresenting Toph's flaws as not wanting to accept help rather than her actual wrongdoings of not wanting to help others makes The Chase the worst episode in the show to me, personally.
By the way, is this a braindead question from an anon who apparently is blind to Toph's faults?
Apparently the answer to that is also yes.
Why is this even a question?
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