#The Making of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
keeperofdarkness22 · 2 years
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The Making of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
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goryhorroor · 2 years
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horror + the firsts
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ofthehands · 3 months
The Swing
A short fic about the swing made of railroad ties in the Sawyer's yard. ~3,300 words. Warnings for general Sawyer-isms/ some implied child abuse. It's a little sad, but not too heavy.
It was a hot summer morning. Jedidiah sat outside, with his eyes closed tight, and his hand over his wife’s. It was so hot outside her skin felt warm, and he could almost convince himself she was still alive. Jedidiah had no intention of moving, of ruining the moment he had with his Edith. Until he felt a soft tug at his shirt sleeve. He opened his eyes slowly, and looked down at his youngest grandson. 
The little one was his favorite from the moment he was born. His oldest grandson was too much like him- in the face, in his heart, and in his heavy hands. When Jedidiah looked at Drayton, he could only see his mistakes. The middle boys- the twins- he was a little more fond of. There was novelty in having twins in the family again, his aunts were twins. But those boys were near rabid, and had the thinner, more weaslish features of their father. The twitchier of the two- either Nubbins or Bobby, Jedidiah honestly couldn’t remember- tried to get in his good graces, and would sometimes lay against his leg, calm-like and just talk to him. But the pair quickly fell into wrestling with each other again, and harassing their brothers. It was just their nature, like an old barn cat they would always be a little wild. Junior was special. He had a softer voice, and he was as kind hearted as it was possible for a Sawyer to be. And he had Edith’s eyes. There was something about that- something that got to Jedidiah’s cold old heart. Even though Edith was dead, gone for a long time, their love still persisted, still existed in the world in Junior’s face, and gentle hands, and the way he sang and hummed softly to himself. He was a special boy. Jedidiah loved him more than anything. 
Which was why, when the boy came to him with a problem of any sort, he did his absolute best to fix it. Junior made those soft noises he did, and whimpered, and held something out to Jedidiah. Jedidiah had to pull it close to his face to see it. His vision was going. At his age, everything was going. 
It was a broken chain link, and little Junior kept pointing at it, and babbling, and pointing to something else, something further. Jedidiah stood, slow and unsteady, and Junior grabbed his arm, supporting him gently. 
“Show me.” 
It was the swing. The Sawyers had an old white bench swing. The paint had chipped over the years, and it was rickety as all hell. And apparently, when little Junior sat on it, it broke. Well, Junior wasn’t exactly little. He had always been a big boy, with big hands and feet. Jedidiah figured he would end up the tallest of the brothers, though he didn’t tell that to the twins, who were constantly trying to one up each other, and teasing their older brother with threats of catching up to him soon. Regardless, Junior was a big boy, and it was an old swing. Jedidiah would have to get creative if he wanted to keep it from breaking on him again. The world would keep spinning ‘round, with or without Jedidiah in it, and he wanted to make sure the swing stayed up for his grandson year after year. 
“Don’t worry, Junior,” he said, his voice sounding weak even to his own ears. “Grandpa’ll fix it up.” 
It was the biggest project he had taken on in years. But it felt good. He used to take on things like that all the time- fixing stuff up around the house, and working on furniture, and when they came out, working on cars. But, his hands got shakier, his mind fuzzier, and his body weaker, so his projects had slowed down. It felt good to be doing it again, to be working with his hands and with his body. He had fixed the chain first, reconnecting it where it had broken in the middle with the piece of chain Junior had handed him and a pair of pliers. Junior sat at his side, clapping his hands and chattering occasionally, and watching with rapt attention. Jedidiah looked around at the surrounding trees, but they were all either too high up or too thin to support Junior’s weight long term, especially if he got as big as Jedidiah thought he would. So he started to scrounge around the property, looking for something sturdy enough, with little Junior helping to hold him up. 
It got to noon, or some time close to it, and he had still found nothing. He knew it was around noon, because the twins ran out of the house like someone had lit a fire under their asses so they could harass their eldest brother as he pulled up in the driveway. All that had happened was Drayton had come home from the gas station for lunch before he went back out, but for the twins it was one of the most exciting happenings of the day. Or, at least any day they didn’t catch some poor animal and drag it back into the house to play with. 
“Drayton! Drayton!” yelled the more talkative one. Jedidiah couldn’t honestly tell the twins apart, especially not that far away. The talkative one- Nubbins? Bobby? Jed was pretty sure it was Bobby- lunged at his brother the moment he got out of the car, throwing his whole body at him. The boy was only 12, and Drayton caught him, lifting him off the ground, to his great amusement. The quieter, twitchier one snuck up on him, then jumped at his back, trying to scale him like a squirrel running up a tree. 
“Wh- Goddamn- Nubbins- quit that!” Drayton yelped, tossing the brother in his hands back to the ground, where he started rolling in the dirt, laughing, as his older brother tried to grab Nubbins off his back. Nubbins tried his best to claw and bite his brother like a wild animal, which Bobby seemed to find hilarious, especially as it further pissed off Drayton. Nubbins didn’t break skin when he bit family members, usually, but it was still the kind of foolishness that made Jedidiah a little less fond of the twins. Junior was a good boy, rarely if ever up to foolishness, and whose occasional foolishness was usually related to the schemes of the twins. Drayton managed to dislodge Nubbins, and toss him at his other brother. It seemed to knock the wind out of them, but the boys were up and laughing and trying to roughhouse in a heartbeat, so Jedidiah didn’t worry. 
Those boys were as tough as they come- they probably wouldn’t have a mark on them, and it certainly didn’t ruin their mood. Junior was soft, emotionally- roughhousing too much with him upset him. And Drayton, when he was as young as they were, was a bit soft physically. He didn’t have any playmates, not really, but Jedidiah remembered how the boy had developed a habit of wearing long sleeve shirts in 100 degree heat, shamefully trying to hide handprints bruised onto fragile skin. Jedidiah always thought he might be soft with the boys, and honestly he was softer with his brothers than their father had been with him, but he had a temper that got the better of him at the worst of times. But, the boys had learned that quickly, about their big brother, and they were good at understanding when he was playing with them, and when to scurry like rats, into corners of the house they thought he might not find them in.
 It was good they had a strong man’s presence in the house. Jedidiah had his suspicions about Drayton, and he would put money on his grandson’s status as a confirmed bachelor, but it hadn’t held him back from being a solid male presence in his younger brother’s lives. Which, with their father gone and Jedidiah’s health failing, they would need. Jedidiah worried only about the lack of a woman in the house, but there was nothing really could be done about that. Drayton wouldn’t bring home a wife, and Jedidiah was happy with Edith- he had one true love and a wonderful life with her. He didn’t want more. So the boys would have to make do being raised by their Grandpa and their brother. Jedidiah was confident his boys would turn out fine. He just hoped he was around to see it. 
By the time Jedidiah was done thinking about all that, he and Junior had almost walked all the way to the front door. He used to be quicker. He had been a strong man, and a fast one too. When the old sheriff had come by their house yappin’ about a serial killer Jedidiah had run him down like a dog and beat him to death in one clean hit with the sledge. Nowadays, though, just walking down to the mailbox was an all day trip. He sighed a little, and Junior noticed, looking up at him, and slowing down a little. He made a soft noise, questioning, probably asking if Jedidiah was alright. 
“Grandpa’s fine, boy. Just thinkin’ is all.” He wished Junior would talk, the boy was at least seven years old now and he should have been talking a long time ago, but that just never happened. Jedidiah had gotten comfortable with the idea that he probably wasn’t going to. That was alright. He loved Junior regardless, and he knew, even if he never said the words, that his boy loved him too. 
He needed to get his boy’s swing fixed. 
“Oh, Grandpa, you’re uh- lookin’ bright eyed and bushy tailed today! You uh- you want some lunch? I- I got some fresh sausages today, cooked ‘em myself down at the gas station-” Drayton came up to them, rambling as usual. 
“Boy, I need you to do somethin’ for me,” Jedidiah said, putting a hand on his arm. Drayton’s eyes lit up. He liked to feel useful. “You know those railroad ties, them big logs those fellers that own that roofin’ business got?” 
“Oh, yeah- I- I seen those-”
“I need you to steal me some. Three, maybe four. Can you do that for me?” It wouldn’t be easy, for damn sure. 
“Uh.. Yeah- I’m- I’ll figure it out.” 
Jedidiah had to admit he was a little surprised when Drayton actually managed it. Drayton got home in the evening, a little earlier than expected, and brought the railroad ties with him. Drayton and the twins helped to unload them. Then Jedidiah got to work. He managed most of it on his own, with Junior or the twins occasionally coming out to watch him work on it, or to ‘help’. But, eventually, it got a little too hard to finish on his own. Jedidiah had worn himself out with the measurements, and the construction of the damn thing. He had built it laying down- that was the only way he could build it- and he still needed to get the back legs on the thing, which was going to be a bitch, and then tilt it all back up. He didn’t have the strength to do it, and even though Junior was a big boy, he doubted the two of them could get it done alone. 
“Junior, get your brothers,” Jedidiah said. “All of ‘em.” 
The boys didn’t question what Jedidiah told them, at least not too much. Drayton and the twins held up one of the back legs of the thing, while Jedidiah attached it. His hands were getting shaky, and weak, and he wasn’t sure how much more of this his old body could take. Junior sat in rapt attention, watching as he attached the first one. 
“I want all you little’uns outta the way now- we gonna see if it can hold itself up.”  The younger boys cleared, the less coordinated twin tripping over his feet, and being pulled up by the talkative one. Drayton was the only thing holding up the leg now. He was a grown man, but not an impressively strong man, but he wasn’t struggling. That was a good sign. It was probably holding its own weight. Which needed to happen- Jedidiah might not be able to attach the other leg if this one failed- he just didn’t have that kind of energy. “Alright. That looks good. Get on out of the way, boy.” Drayton moved, and let it hang. The leg stayed up on its own, and Jedidiah grinned. The swing wasn’t the most elegant thing he had ever built, but it was working. They just had to get the last leg on, and then tip it up, and it would be a job well done. 
“G-Grandpa, I-I’m gettin’ tired,” the twitchy twin said. 
“It won’t be much longer, hold still, damnit!” Jedidiah snapped. That was probably a lie. His hands wouldn’t cooperate any more, he could barely hold the tools he was working with, much less use them. Junior made a soft noise, and he looked up, still glaring a little. Junior held out his hand. And Jedidiah relented. 
He guided Junior, step by step, through putting the last leg of the swing on. Sometimes, he had to lay his hands over Junior’s and show him how to do it physically,  but the boy was catching on fast. Jedidiah hated losing control, hated the feeling of his body breaking down. But in that little moment everything felt alright. 
It was more permanent. One day he wasn’t going to be there. He would be dead, though likely never gone, out on the porch next to Edith, preserved, but not present. But Junior would still have his swing. And come what may- stormy weather or the inevitable grip of time- Junior would know how to fix it. Jedidiah knew he wasn’t long for this world. But he also knew his boys were going to be alright. 
They got the last leg attached, and the twins cheered and ran off before he told them to. Fortunately for Drayton, who was still under the damn thing, it was attached well. 
“Boys, get back over here!” Jedidiah tried to yell. His voice didn’t carry enough and the two of them kept springing around the yard. “I thought them little shits was tired,” he huffed. 
“Nubbins! Bobby! Get your asses over here!” Drayton yelled. The boys listened, unenthusiastically, but they listened. 
“B-but we finished it!” said the smaller one. 
“We finished it, we finished it!” the talkative one repeated, jumping up and down. 
“Yeah,” Jedidiah said. “And now we gotta tip it upright.” 
It took all the Sawyers to lift the damn thing, but when it went up, it flew back quick, landing on all fours with a slight bounce that sent the swing itself flying wildly. The younger boys thought that was funny, laughing and cheering and clapping their hands. And Jedidiah felt proud. Until the damn swing hit the frame and all the remaining white paint popped off like some kind of gag. Then he was mad as hell. 
“Damn it  all!” he snapped. He would have stormed off if he had the energy, but he didn’t, so he just stood there sullenly, shaking his head. That swing had been white the whole time they had it- since before any of the little ones were born, before Drayton was born, before Edith-
“W-wait Grandpa, we- we still got some ol’ white paint out in the shed. We could let the boys paint it up nice, and then have dinner, and then it’ll prob’ly be dry,” Drayton said. “Good as new!” It certainly wouldn’t be good as new. But Jedidiah figured it was better than nothing. 
The boys got a kick out of painting the old swing. Drayton fetched Jedidiah a chair, and let him sit out there and watch them while he made dinner. Junior did it nicely, trying to have some artistry to it. The twitchier twin- Nubbins, Jedidiah was half-sure that was Nubbins- tried to do something similar for a while, before his counterpart spattered him with paint on purpose. Then the pair quickly turned to playing with it, painting each other more than the bench. 
“Boys- quit waistin’ that paint. You know how hard that’ll be to get out of your clothes? Your brother’s gonna have a fit when he sees that.” The boys only sort of listened to their Grandpa, but he couldn’t find it in his heart to be mad at them. 
The bench got painted, and he was shocked it turned out as well as it did. They went in for dinner, and the twins told everyone about their day, and the hornytoads they had been terrorizing. It was nice. The boys only got along so often, for so long, but it had been a good day. For once, just for a little while, there was peace. Jedidiah wished there had been more of that. He wished, for just a second, that they didn’t live like they did, that he could pretend the boys had some shot, that they could have good lives, that anything could live in this house, and live well. But he was suddenly overwhelmed with dread. His boys had been shot in the foot at the start of the race. There was nothing they could do, no one in their corner. Except for each other. God, he hoped they remembered to be good to each other.
Jedidiah did his best to hide all that worry- and to chase the dread away. His boys would be fine. Outsiders would hate them sure, but they didn’t need outsiders. They would be fine by themselves. 
After dinner, the family made their way back outside. Drayton touched the bench a few times, and said it was dry, but as Jedidiah sat down it still felt a little sticky. He would have been mad about that, when he was a younger man. But it was a good day. He just sort of chuckled. Junior sat down on the bench with him, starting to swing them both back and forth. Jedidiah was bone tired, nearly asleep right there. Night time had come over them. The stars were out, and bright, and too many to count. He looked out at the field. Drayton was playing with the twins. Jedidiah had seen it happen a thousand times, so he was certain the boys had teased and annoyed him till he got up and chased them around a little, which devolved into a game of tag when they outran him long enough for him to cool down. Well, it was something like tag. Drayton was chasing the boys around, occasionally picking one of them up and spinning him or tipping him upside down, much to the twins’ great amusement. It was nice. Jedidiah rested his eyes for just a minute. He could hear them, still, the boys laughing and squealing as they were caught, and the soft song of crickets. Junior was humming something he couldn't quite recognize. He held his hand out and the boy caught it. He rubbed circles on the top of his little hand, and tried to commit that night to memory. There had been bad times. So many bad times. But there was good. His little family had nothing else. But they had each other. And in that moment, Jedidiah felt like it might be enough. He didn’t mean to, but he drifted off to sleep. He hadn’t even thought he could fall asleep on that swing, didn’t realize it till he woke up inside, in his chair, next to Edith. He could hear laughter from the other room. Trying to be quiet, but filled with just a little too much joy. He didn’t mind being woken up at all. He smiled a little, and took Edith’s hand. 
“We done good,” he told her softly. “In spite of everythin’... It turned out alright.” 
Grandpa didn’t stand again. Drayton said the day he fixed the swing must have been one last ‘hoo-rah’ from his body before it gave out. That made sense to Bubba. He could rarely remember Grandpa standing as long as he did that day, even with the help of one of his grandsons. 
The years went on, and the old swing remained. It was impressively sturdy, Bubba could sit in it with the twins sometimes. But, most often, it was just him and Grandpa. When he could, when his chores were done or if Drayton and the twins kept fighting too loud, Bubba would take Grandpa outside, and sit him down in the chair, and just swing with him. Bubba never knew why Grandpa liked that swing so much that he spent his last big push of energy on fixing it, but Bubba enjoyed it too. And, more importantly, he liked spending time with his Grandpa.
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cinephile-inc · 1 year
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9 films you should watch/like before considering being friends with me 😉
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aviscarrentals · 5 days
i want to play a (racing) game
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a series of f1 fics based off of some of my favorite horror movies
charles leclerc- the shining
you, your boyfriend, and a bunch of friends decide to spend your winter break together in a giant hotel. what could go wrong?
max verstappen- it
after years away from your hometown, derry, you suddenly receive an urgent call from your long-forgotten childhood friend, alex, that leads to you returning to the very place you swore you would never face again
carlos sainz- a quiet place
after losing everything you know when the world fell into apocalypse due to the invasion of alien-like monsters with some very sharp ears, you find a new family in the other survivors
lando norris- scary movie (saw parody)
you wake up next to a stranger in a dimly lit room chained to a chair, which is bolted to the floor. luckily, the situation turns out to be more humorous than terrifying (may or may not be 100% based off of the jerma episode of generation loss LOL)
fernando alonso- freaky
you wake up in the body of a middle aged man. but not just any man. a man who also happens to be a wanted serial killer.
george russell- the purge
you and your best friend alex's annoying best friend, george, have to work together to survive the purge night (lily's also there)
pierre gasly- unfriended
you and your friends video call every friday night to hang out together. unfortunately, an angry spirit has decided it wants to spend some time with you guys as well...
mick schumacher- fnaf
after countless failed attempts, you've finally found yourself a new job! the bad news is, it's a night shift and you're scared of the dark. so, naturally, you drag your boyfriend along with you.
alex albon- child's play
when you and your boyfriend unexpectedly have to take in your young niece, you two struggle to make a connection with the little girl. maybe splurging on the cool new doll she's been wanting will fix that.
yuki tsunoda- final destination
what do you do when some random guy that you've never spoken to before tells you he's seen visions of you dying? what do you do when it turns out he was right and death is pretty pissed off?
oscar piastri- the menu
you and your husband have worked non-stop to build a successful, stable life for yourselves. you two really deserve a break. how about a fancy dinner on a remote island prepared by one of the most revered chefs in the entire culinary world?
ollie bearman- scary stories to tell in the dark
it's the final halloween before you have to move away from your hometown and your best friends since birth. hopefully you can make it a night to remember.
lance stroll- the cabin in the woods
you and your boyfriend decide to invite some friends to spend the weekend in a little log cabin in the forest as a way to momentarily retreat from your stressful lives. well you definitely won't be getting any rest this weekend, that's for sure.
logan sargeant- scream (aka yelp)
an eerie masked killer has made its way into your town and is slowly picking kids off one by one. who could it be? is there anyone you can trust? prologue chapter 1
liam lawson- happy death day
happy birthday! i hope you're excited because this will be the longest day(s?) of your life
sebastian vettel- the texas chainsaw massacre
it's summer, which of course means it's time for a roadtrip! unfortunately, you and your friends decided to visit texas, usa, where everything's bound to go wrong (because it's texas, usa)
kimi raikkonen- would you rather
desperate times call for desperate measures, although at this point desperate would be an understatement. so when the perfect opportunity falls right into your lap, who are you to turn it down?
jenson button- halloween
it's halloween! the spookiest day of the year. even though you don't bother participating in silly little holiday celebrations, there are some traditions you can't ignore…
mark webber- 28 days later
the world has gone to shit. even so, you're doing everything you can to survive, despite how hard it is on your own. maybe it would be better if you formed a team?
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journalofanoldsoul · 6 months
Spooky Night Movie Club (Moon Edition)
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⚙️ Moon in Aries - "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" (1974): This movie is a high-octane, action-packed horror classic that perfectly complements the impulsive and adventurous spirit of individuals with Moon in Aries. With its fast-paced narrative and intense scenes, it mirrors the high-energy and daring nature of Aries Moon individuals who thrive on excitement and adrenaline.
🪄 Moon in Taurus - "Practical Magic" (1998): "Practical Magic" is a delightful and enchanting film that delves into themes of love, family, and the mystical. It's an ideal choice for those with Moon in Taurus, as it revolves around strong family bonds, a touch of romance, and a cozy, aesthetically pleasing backdrop. The movie weaves together elements of romance, witchcraft, and sisterhood, creating a visually appealing and heartwarming experience for Taurus Moon individuals who cherish comfort and emotional connection.
💀 Moon in Gemini - "Scream" (1996): The clever and communicative nature of "Scream" resonates with the inquisitive and chatty qualities of Moon in Gemini individuals. This iconic slasher film keeps the audience engaged with its witty dialogues and intricate plot, making it a fitting choice for those with a Gemini Moon who appreciate intellectual stimulation and quick-witted storytelling.
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🏚️ Moon in Cancer - "The Conjuring" (2013): "The Conjuring" is a classic horror movie that explores the theme of protecting one's home and family, aligning with the nurturing and protective instincts of Moon in Cancer individuals. Based on the real-life paranormal investigations of Ed and Lorraine Warren, the film delivers spine-chilling and emotionally engaging experiences. It dives into the dynamics of family bonds and the profound lengths people go to shield their loved ones from supernatural threats, making it a compelling choice for those with a Cancer Moon who deeply value family connections and security.
🪓 Moon in Leo - "The Shining" (1980): "The Shining" is a visually stunning and emotionally intense horror masterpiece, which harmonizes with the dramatic and attention-seeking traits of Moon in Leo individuals. Directed by Stanley Kubrick, the film combines breathtaking visuals with a gripping narrative, creating a sensory experience that resonates with the theatrical and expressive nature of Leo Moon. It delves into themes of isolation, madness, and the eerie, making it a captivating choice for those who relish grand, emotionally charged storytelling.
👻 Moon in Virgo - "The Sixth Sense" (1999): "The Sixth Sense" is a film that meticulously delves into details and intricacies, mirroring the analytical and critical nature of Moon in Virgo individuals. Directed by M. Night Shyamalan, this psychological thriller centers around a troubled child who sees and communicates with the dead. Its focus on observation and unraveling mysteries aligns with the Moon in Virgo's penchant for scrutinizing and paying attention to the finer points of life.
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🕯️ Moon in Libra - "Crimson Peak" (2015): As previously recommended, "Crimson Peak" is an exquisitely visual gothic romance horror film that appeals to the romantic sensibilities of Moon in Libra individuals. Directed by Guillermo del Toro, it combines romantic and haunting elements in a visually captivating narrative. The movie explores love, deception, and the eerie, making it a poignant choice for those with a Libra Moon who appreciate themes of beauty, love, and relationships.
😈 Moon in Scorpio - "Black Swan" (2010): "Black Swan" is an intense psychological thriller that aligns with the depth and intensity of Moon in Scorpio individuals. Directed by Darren Aronofsky, it explores themes of obsession and personal transformation through the story of a ballerina's descent into madness. The film's dark and enigmatic atmosphere and its focus on emotional depth make it a compelling choice for Scorpio Moon individuals who seek profound and psychologically complex narratives.
🍂 Moon in Sagittarius - "The Cabin in the Woods" (2012): "The Cabin in the Woods" is a thrilling and adventurous horror-comedy that resonates with the adventurous and exploratory nature of Moon in Sagittarius individuals. Directed by Joss Whedon, the film offers a unique twist on the conventional cabin-in-the-woods horror genre, adding elements of humor and surprise. It provides an entertaining and adventurous experience for those with a Sagittarius Moon who love a blend of thrills and comedy in their horror movies.
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🔪 Moon in Capricorn - "Psycho" (1960): As previously recommended, "Psycho" is a classic psychological thriller directed by Alfred Hitchcock. It explores psychological depth and themes of control and power, which reflect the practical and disciplined nature of Moon in Capricorn individuals.
👹 Moon in Aquarius - "Donnie Darko" (2001): As previously recommended, "Donnie Darko" is a surreal and thought-provoking film that aligns with the unconventional and intellectually oriented qualities of Moon in Aquarius individuals. Directed by Richard Kelly, it delves into themes of time travel, alternate realities, and the human psyche.
💧 Moon in Pisces - "The Shape of Water" (2017): "The Shape of Water," directed by Guillermo del Toro, is a visually stunning and emotionally engaging fantasy film that appeals to the imaginative and empathetic nature of Moon in Pisces individuals. The movie offers a unique love story with elements of mystery and the supernatural, making it a captivating choice for those with a Pisces Moon who appreciate themes of romance, fantasy, and emotional connection.
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I hope you've enjoyed this selection.
Stay tune for more astro posts.
xoxo J.
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brokehorrorfan · 8 months
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Trick or Treat Studios has launched pre-orders for a replica of Leatherface's chainsaw from The Texas Chain Saw Massacre for $79.99.
A toggle switch activates a constant motor idling sound, and a trigger makes chain spin with chainsaw sound effects from the film.
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pinkeoni · 7 months
Will Byers: The Final Girl
Looking more at Will through Carol J. Clover's Men, Women, and Chain Saws
After making this post about Will's gender expression in which I referenced and was inspired by Carol J. Clover's book Men, Women, and Chain Saws, a book which was mentioned in this article, an article which brought to my attention my Mori motherthroat, I have since made it through the books introduction and have gotten all the way to the end... of the first chapter. Like I said, I'm a slow reader.
But it's within this first chapter that Clover actually talks about the Final Girl trope, something that I, and others, have suggested that Will falls into.
And to be honest, I didn't quite get the Final Girl labelling of Will until I started reading Clover's book and made my analysis. But now, it all makes sense. So I wanted to do a deeper dive into Will as the Final Girl of the show, how he embodies this trope, and how he subverts it.
Defining Will as a "Final Girl"
The idea of Will being the Final Girl is a way to allow Will to have the masculine hero role that the creators seem to be teasing for him, without sacrificing his more feminine role of victim. The term victim-hero that I used in my original post is one that I got from Clover herself, which she uses in reference to final girls. Final girls spend the majority of their film suffering at the hands of the killer (victim) before eventually turning the tables and getting revenge (hero) or is saved by an outside force, typically (but not always) a male one.
The Final Girl idea for Will doesn't come out of nowhere either, as the show itself plays with slasher tropes. Season one opens with a culling from the killer with the initial lab sequence, and dialogue from Brenner suggests that there were other victims, with only Will being left as the lone survivor. Season four feels more slasher-y, with the kills being on screen and the killer actually given a name and a face (making Max somewhat effectively the Final Girl for that season) and the season ends with the idea that the killer is still on the loose, with emphasis given to his connection with Will.
Carol J. Clover describes Final Girls as follows:
“The Final Girl is boyish, in a word. Just as the killer is not fully masculine, she is not fully feminine—not, in any case, feminine in the ways of her friends. Her smartness, gravity, competence in mechanical and other practical matters, and sexual reluctance set her apart from the other girls and ally her, ironically, with the very boys she fears or rejects, not to speak of the killer himself.”
Where Final Girls are often boyish girls, Will is a girlish boy. So it's not just the narrative that aligns him with other Final Girls, it's his characterization as well. His non-conformity to gender norms, as well as his romantic reluctancy, is part of the trope.
This is most notably exemplified in season three, when Will is unable to relate to the heterosexual-romance drama that his other male friends seem to be intertwined with. Even Dustin, who doesn't share much time with the main crew this season, had a girlfriend, something that allied him to Mike and Lucas and set Will apart.
In season one Will feels more Sally at the end of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, after being tortured for the last chunk of the film by the slaughterhouse family, Sally makes her escape on the back of a pickup truck. Will spends most of the season evading the killer (who we later learn to be Vecna) until he is rescued by Hopper and Joyce. Will and Sally never turn a weapon against the killer, but they endure, out last, and survive long enough to be rescued.
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But Sally's case is just one way that the Final Girl story can end, and you're more likely to find a different kind of ending— with the Final Girl turning the tables on the killer and getting back at him. Sometimes, but not always, by brandishing the killers own type of weapon against him.
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So now we're in a post-vol. 2 world where the killer is still at large, Will has been confirmed several times now to be the center of the final season, it's said to be Will's "coming-of-age" story and the killer's reign can't last forever.
Clover talks about "phallicization" when describing the journey of the Final Girl.
"The tale is no less one of maleness. If the experience of childhood can be—is perhaps ideally—enacted in female form, the breaking away requires the assumption of a phallus. The helpless child is gendered feminine; the autonomous adult of subject is gendered masculine; the passage from childhood to adulthood entails a shift from feminine to masculine."
But is that really the answer? For Will to wield a weapon against Vecna and brutally kill him? For Will's femininity to be framed as something that needs to be overcome?
To go in the opposite direction (castration) hardly seems like a solution either, especially considering that the phallus belongs to gay man. To castrate would be to suggest that the phallus— sexuality— is one that is dangerous and needs to be removed.
So how do we find a middle ground, one that maintains the phallus without eliminating Will's feminine character traits? And is there a solution suggested in the text?
Oh rod motif, you never get old
In episode one the phallus is represented as something destructive, the rifle, which Will puts down and arguably because so, was afforded more time than if he had used it.
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As the series marches on, the phallus never goes away— it just transforms.
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The phallus has gone from something of fear and destruction to a representation of love and creation. But Will has yet to self actualize because the above scene is also an act of castration because Will doesn't claim proper ownership over the painting. The phallus is a beautiful display of love, but only if it belongs to someone else.
The show may have (unsubtly) foreshadowed this self actualization as it relates to the phallus and the defeat of Vecna.
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And I don't really think that people at this point want to spend the rest of the post reading about Will with powers theoretics so I'll just leave the suggestion there for now and allow you to come to your own conclusions.
Final (Girl) Thoughts
The idea that heroism is male and victimization is female is an idea that is as old as and older than Odysseus, but that isn't to necessarily say that heroism and self-actualization is a purely male idea, something that may have been contended by the existence of Final Girl herself.
"At the moment that the Final Girl becomes her own savior, she becomes a hero; and the moment that she becomes a hero is the moment that the male viewer gives up the last pretense of male identification. Abject terror may still be gendered feminine, but the willingness of one immensely popular current genre to re-represent the hero as an anatomical female would seem to suggest that at least one of the traditional marks of heroism, triumphant self-rescue, is no longer strictly gendered masculine."
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soapyghostie · 10 months
Thanks for the compliment! I'm glad to know you're having a good time, and I'll make sure to keep the requests coming! (Fair warning, a lot of these are going to be Texas Chainsaw related. Like right now!)
Drayton, Nubbins, and Bubba reacting to Reader killing a victim for the first time, specifically to protect the man in question? To set the stage a little, while they've never opposed the Sawyers.. diet, they generally stayed out of everyone's way when victims showed up. Until now, that is. -☎️
Ah! No worries Anon! Texas Chainsaw Massacre is such a great movie and I love the Sawyer family. I have no problem writing for them. Well, I hope you enjoy!
Drayton Sawyer
Drayton was never the one to get directly involved with actually killing the victims. His role was always gaining their trust, kidnapping them, and cooking. 
When you came along, you openly opposed helping his brothers kill anyone who walked on their property. Well, if that’s the case, you can help him cook. You know that everyone has a role to play in the Sawyer household right? Drayton isn’t going to let you lallygag around. 
 One day, while you and Drayton were brewing up some chili for dinner, a victim escaped their chains and crawled out of the basement. You guys didn’t hear them come into the kitchen because the next thing you know the victim is holding Drayton hostage with a knife to his throat, spitting out slurs and crying to let them leave. 
You were panicking on the inside. You knew you couldn’t let them go or they’d go to the police. However, you didn’t want them to kill Drayton; he was the love of your life. You decided to do the only option left to you… 
You backed up slowly, while saying words of comfort to the victim, until your back was against the counter where you could grab a knife without alarming them. Once you got the knife, you quickly lunged and stabbed the victim in the neck. Drayton got free and you continued to stab the victim to clarify the victim’s death. 
You felt awful for taking a life, but the Sawyers were important to you, especially Drayton. If you had to, you’d kill for them, again. 
Nubbins Sawyer
Nubbins likes to stab things. I definitely said it. You name it: people, animals, carcasses, trees. Literally everything and anything! Stabby stabby makes him happy. 
When you guys first started dating and you told him you weren’t into killing people, he got very sad. ☹️ He just wants to do some stabbing with his s/o, but he understands. You can just do some chores around the house; you can’t just do nothing around here or Drayton will get onto you. 
Well, there was this one particular day where you were doing some yard work, you saw Nubbins toying with an injured victim running around the property. You brushed it off and continued to do what you were doing until you heard Nubbins’ cries. You turned your head so fast that you almost got whiplash and there you saw it… 
You saw Nubbins on the ground with his leg split open, bleeding an awful amount. The victim was standing above him with an ax. Idk how they got ahold of that ax, but they did. 🤷‍♀️ 
You looked around and saw a shotgun on the porch; it was fully loaded. You didn’t think twice. You pointed that sucker at the back of the victim’s head, pulled the trigger and their brains went everywhere. 
You went into the house and grabbed a medical bag. After grabbing the medical bag, you examined Nubbins’ injury and patched him up to the best of your ability. You just killed someone, but you’d do it again if you had to, for Nubbins. 
Bubba Sawyer
We all know that Bubba is the butcher of the family; the one with the chainsaw; the one who makes sure there is meat on the table for the whole family. 
After you told him you were opposed to getting involved with the family’s schemes, he supported your decision. Besides, it’s dangerous business; he doesn’t want you to get hurt. This sweet boy always wants you safe. He’ll get Drayton to only give you chores inside the house as it’s safer. You'll be least likely to cross paths with a victim that way. That can only last so long, sadly… 
You were doing some tidying up around the house, listening to chainsaws going off in the distance. Just the usual. You were used to the chainsaw noises by now. However, you heard squeals of pain and you knew that something happened to your Bubba. Your instincts kicked in. You knew there was a spare chainsaw Bubba kept in the basement; you grabbed it and went outside to a horrifying sight… 
There in front of you, Bubba with one of his arms cut clean off his body while the victim had his chainsaw raised above their head, ready to give the final blow to Bubba’s skull. 
You rushed forward. You got in front of Bubba and raised your chainsaw to meet the other, blade on blade. For a long time, the quiet Texas homefront was filled with chainsaw roars and clashing blades until you got a clear opening to drill your chainsaw straight into the heart of the victim.  
You made sure they were shredded to pieces before you checked on Bubba. Once the victim was taken care of, you took Bubba inside for special aid. Hopefully that was the first and last time you would kill someone, but you never know. 🤷‍♀️
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madame-mortician · 8 months
Texas Chain Saw Massacre Game lore Deep Dive!
I wanted to do a lore deep dive since I've been hyperfixated on this game for the past fortnight, so here we are. Also I have an Evil Dead the Game one coming out soon, but that's for later. Before we start, please note this game is a prequel to the first film, so Sally and her friends haven't met the Slaughter Family yet.
Essentially the main story of TCM (the Game) is that these group of friends go searching for Maria Flores, Ana's sister who has been missing for the past month. Since other crimes are happening throughout Texas, Maria's disappearance gets drowned out and the police are unable to help. Ana gets her close friends together, this being (so far) Connie Taylor, Leland McKinney, Sonny Williams and Julie Crawford, and she tries to find out what happened.
In their search, the group come across the Slaughter Family, and all of them are kidnapped and either held captive in the family house, the slaughterhouse, the gas station or Nancy's house. Through gameplay the player chooses their fates, and so far there is no canonical ending so it's unknown who exactly was kidnapped, where they were kept or who, if any, survived. (Update: There is now a canonical fate for each character, check the end.) During an opening cutscene, one of the 5 victims tries to escape but gets killed by Leatherface before everybody else even wakes up.
In gameplay only 3 members of the Slaughter Family actually appear, though Leatherface is mandatory and canonically is one of the killers hunting these group of friends. (Update: Leatherface is no longer mandatory to start a game, but considering the game was made with the intent of him being mandatory I'm still saying he's canonically one of the killers, it just makes sense.)
So what exactly happened to Maria? Well we have the prequel game "Petals" to answer us. Essentially, Maria had gone on a roadtrip where she stopped to take photos of random things that interested her, and every so often sent a postcard to her family to let them know she was safe. At some point, a man began to follow her around and she felt like he was stalking her every move even if she couldn't see him. In Newt, Muerto County, Texas, Maria's car broke down and she decided to kill time by taking photos. What she did not know was that Johnny was following her at this point, being the guy who had been stalking her. As she takes pictures, he follows her around before unlocking the front gate to the family house, leading to Maria entering out of curiosity. As Maria took her last photo, Johnny finally revealed himself and stole her camera. This caused Maria to realise who he was and flee towards the closest house, begging for help. Unfortunately for Maria, this was the home of the Slaughter Family and Sissy answered the door, and she and Johnny held Maria down as Leatherface killed the poor girl. After this, her body was taken to Black Nancy's house, where it's possible her friends found her (if that is where they spawned.) Since she had told her family about the man stalking her, and she'd stopped sending letters, her sister instantly became worried and began to search for answers, becoming paranoid after her car was found abandoned.
Whilst this is the main story, there are other behind the scenes lore related to the characters, mainly the killers. Since Leatherface, Cook and Hitchhiker are already well known I'll only talk about the new characters.
First, Sissy. Sissy is one of the original characters introduced for this game, however she was actually a scrapped concept from the original film that Kim Henkel removed, likely because the film was too crowded. (It should also be noted there is a member of the family named Sissy in the 2013 film.) Sissy is sister to the Cook, Hitchhiker and Leatherface, however at some point during her adolescence she ran away from home, and went around the country joining various different cults, most notably joining the Manson Cult where she learned the songs she sings in game. It's implied she wasn't always insane but became so after joining the Manson’s. During her time in the Manson Cult, she learnt how to make poisons from flowers and she used this on her victims as her MO. It's implied she was part of the cult during the murder of Sharon Tate, meaning she’s been in the cult for at least 4 years. Only recently she returned home to the Slaughter Family, where she quickly became a favourite of grandpa and a useful member of the team due to her innocent and sweet appearance. Sissy is seemingly the most beloved member of the family (aside from Grandpa) as Leatherface, Hitchhiker and Grandpa are on good terms with her, or at least as good as you’re getting in this family, with only Johnny and Nancy seeming to dislike her. As to why she isn't in the films, it's likely after the game she left the family again to either go off on her own or to join a new cult.
Next is Johnny, being based on real life serial killers who used their good looks to attract victims, especially women. Like Sissy, he was a scrapped concept that was reused for the game. He is not directly related to the Slaughter Family, as he is actually adopted and is only cousins to the main siblings. As a toddler, Johnny's real mother was murdered by Black Nancy, who for whatever reason, took Johnny in and raised him as her own, lying to him and saying she was his Aunt. Growing up he became sadistic and enjoyed using his charms and handsome face to attract his victims and kill them. Despite being good at killing, and excellent at drawing prey in, he is rather disliked by most of the family who find him too hard to control. Whilst the family are murderers, Johnny is a serial killer and causes trouble for the family by murdering girls all the time and drawing attention to them as reflected by the voice lines said in game. He got a scar on his left shoulder, from the "Pflugerville Incident" where he'd stabbed a girl to death, but her roommates woke up and fought back. Opposite to Sissy, majority of the family doesn't like Johnny, as Sissy, Hitchhiker, Cook and Leatherface all seem annoyed by him. Johnny is the one who inadvertantly starts the game, as it is he who stalks and eventually kills Maria, leading to Ana and her friends going after them, and this is one of the reasons the other family members are so mad at him, especially Cook who states he doesn't take pleasure in killing like the others do. It's likely he isn't in the films because he wasn't with the family, but rather with Nancy or off on his own.
Black Nancy is a black widow killer, using her meek and innocent apperance to draw in men, who she eventually married before they "mysteriously" disappeared. Unlike the other characters with an outside life, Nancy has a bad reputation giving her the nickname "Black Nancy" although nobody can prove she killed her husbands. In her backstory it's stated she didn't really kill her husbands for money, but rather because they couldn't fill the void in her heart, yet raising Johnny did. It's unknown what relation she has to the main family, but seeing as Johnny is considered a cousin to Sissy, Hitchhiker and Leatherface, it's likely she is their Aunt making her the sister to whoever their parents are (which might be Grandpa, idk lore's very weird.) Since she isn't part of their direct family, she isn't as close to the rest of them, however she is very much obsessive over her "son" in an odd juxtaposition as she is very motherly to Johnny, whilst also being sadistic and cannibalistic. It's likely she keeps Maria's body in her house to protect Johnny specifically. Since she isn't as close to the family and doesn't live with them, it's likely she didn't appear in the films because she was doing her own thing away from the rest of the family. She also seems to have a connection to Cook, but nothing has been confirmed. Some think she might be his partner, but considering she's a black widow, it would be weird. That and he could be her nephew so I'd hold off on shipping them.
Ana Flores is the unofficial protagonist of the game, being the one who gets all her friends together to go searching for her missing sister when the police were unable to do anything. Despite being a regular girl, she has the best endurance and takes hits easier, likely being due to her willpower. She is so determined to find her sister she literally tanks hits from a chainsaw, just to discover the truth. Likely following where her sisters car was found, she comes across the Slaughter Family along with 3 of her close friends, and they end up being kidnapped and hunted down in one of the four maps. It's unknown whether Ana or any of her friends survive, but considering the original film shows no signs the family were close to being caught, it's possible the victims were all killed, or Ana was unable to convince the cops of anything. It should be noted that Ana’s character is referred to as “The Final Girl” implying she might’ve survived. (Update: She doesn’t survive, check the end of this post.)
Finally there is Danny Gaines, Maria's boyfriend who went looking for her. He didn't go with Ana or her friends, he instead went off on his own and came to Black Nancy's house to find answers. Nancy knew what happened with Maria, and to protect her son she decided to try and kill Danny, which might've led to him being taken to the Family House which is right next to Nancy's house, being kidnapped alongside the others. Since his fate is not mentioned alongside the other survivors, it seems to be canon that he was killed by Nancy.
Some other small tidbits is that the Hitchhiker's camera is actually stolen from Maria, and is the same one he uses in the first TCM film. Majority if not all of the radio broadcasts are related to the Slaughter Family, such as a person getting poisoned by Sissy, the "Terror of 1-40", and Johnny's Pflugerville murder case.
Regarding canonicity, this game works with the original writers and actors, and nothing contradicts anything in the original 2 films, so I consider this canon to the franchise, as does the creators. If a new character comes out that is somebody like Sally Hardesty, that definitely won't be canon, but it is an online asymmetrical game, so not everything will be 100% canon.
These are really fun, but after Evil Dead the Game I don't think I'll do another since Friday the 13th didn't really have lore and Dead by Daylight has way too much lore for me to cover. As always, if you have any questions about the lore of this game, just ask, I don't have all the answers but I know most of the lore so don't be afraid to ask.
*UPDATE* The game devs have released an official lore post about the story! I’d recommend checking that out:
*SECOND UPDATE!! The Devs have revealed the canon fates of each character. Unfortunately every survivor dies in the game. First to die is Leland, then Sonny, Connie and Ana. Julie does escape the house but bleeds out and dies on the road. Personally IMO I think it’s odd they characterised Ana as the “Final Girl” just to have her not only die but not even be the last one standing? Like just say Julie is the final girl or make Ana the one who dies on the road… Since Danny is also dead, this means so far, nobody has canonically survived the Slaughter Family. I should mention, the opening cutscene where a victim is killed by Leatherface appears to canonically be Leland, since he's the first to die.
*ANOTHER UPDATE: An official lore stream has been uploaded that goes through each character in detail, so my post is obsolete and if you are interested you should just go check that out.
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ornithorynquerouge · 5 months
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Behind the scenes from the making of “The Texas Chain Saw Massacre” 1974
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theomeganerd · 2 months
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Video Game News Stories for February 25th, 2024
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Soars to Critical Acclaim, But Questions Remain
Square Enix's highly anticipated Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, the second installment in their reimagining of the classic RPG, launched yesterday to generally positive reviews. However, the critical reception has been mixed, with some praising the game's stunning visuals, emotional storytelling, and expanded combat system, while others criticize its pacing issues and deviations from the original narrative. Regardless, the game is already a commercial success, topping sales charts worldwide.
Elden Ring DLC "Shadow of the Erdtree" Announced, Pre-orders Discounted
FromSoftware surprised fans by announcing the first DLC expansion for Elden Ring, titled "Shadow of the Erdtree." Details remain scarce, but the teaser trailer hints at new areas, enemies, and challenges. Interestingly, pre-orders for the DLC are already discounted on some platforms, sparking speculation about a potential release date in the near future.
Surprise! Dead Island 2 Launches on Xbox Game Pass
After years of development hell and numerous delays, Dead Island 2 unexpectedly launched yesterday on Xbox Game Pass. The game picks up the zombie-slaying action in Los Angeles, offering a gruesome and comedic open-world experience. While reviews are still trickling in, early impressions suggest it might be worth checking out, especially for Game Pass subscribers.
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Gets Leatherface DLC
Gun Interactive's asymmetrical multiplayer horror game, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, is getting a chilling new DLC character: Leatherface himself. This iconic slasher joins the roster of playable killers, bringing his brutal chainsaw and signature mask to the hunt. The DLC is expected to arrive in March, just in time for Halloween season... or should we say, Massacre season?
Baldur's Gate 3 Mod Support Comes to Consoles
Rejoice, console RPG fans! Larian Studios announced that Baldur's Gate 3 will be receiving mod support on PlayStation and Xbox consoles later this year. This opens up a world of possibilities for user-created content, allowing players to experience new quests, stories, and even custom classes.
Other noteworthy news:
Twitch was hit with a hefty fine by South Korea for failing to properly classify and filter gambling content.
A popular 2018 RPG is finally coming to the Nintendo Switch, with details expected soon.
A Red Bull ad cleverly reimagines the iconic Final Fantasy VII intro with a twist.
Sea of Thieves is on the verge of breaking a 39-year record for consecutive weekly content updates.
Looking ahead:
Mark your calendars! The next Nintendo Direct is rumored to be happening in March, showcasing upcoming Switch titles.
The highly anticipated open-world Pokémon game is expected to be revealed soon, potentially during the next Direct.
The debate surrounding the controversial Hogwarts Legacy continues, with both supporters and critics making their voices heard.
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bradshawsbaby · 6 months
Hello, my dear! I have an autumn prompt request! Hows about “i don’t like scary movies.” - “i’ll keep you safe.” + Rhett x Honeybee? 🍁 🍂 🎃
I would let Rhett keep me safe during a scary movie any day of the week!
It had been a perfect fall day. The weather in Wabang had finally dipped just a little below 50 degrees, which meant that you and Rhett got to get all bundled up for some afternoon horseback riding on your family’s property, the crisp autumn air filling your lungs and stinging your cheeks as you raced each other across the pasture.
By the time you’d gotten Scout and Willow cooled down, fed and watered, and safely tucked away back in the barn, you and your boyfriend’s fingers were practically numb from the October chill. It had been the perfect excuse to run inside, change into sweatpants and hoodies, and brew a fresh pot of coffee while you set out all the ingredients you needed to make your mama’s famous chili.
“You’re spoilin’ me, honeybee,” Rhett mumbled into your neck, his strong arms wrapping around your waist as he pressed his broad, muscled chest against your back.
“Hardly,” you replied teasingly, pointing at the onions that needed chopping. “Get to work, Abbott.”
He grumbled good-naturedly in response, swatting you on the butt playfully before rolling up his sleeves and jumping into the task you’d assigned him. The two of you worked side by side in comfortable, contented silence, tossing the ingredients into the giant pot you’d set on the stove.
With your parents away visiting your aunt and uncle for the weekend, it was nice to have the place to yourself, just you and Rhett. In the back of your mind, you imagined that this is what it would be like when you and your boyfriend finally had a place of your own, and the thought warmed you from the inside out.
By the time the sun started setting, casting the kitchen in rays of golden light, you and Rhett were sitting side by side at the small wooden table your great-grandfather had built, your boyfriend’s thigh pressed firmly against yours as you proudly feasted on the chili you’d worked together to make.
“Only thing that’s missing is your mama’s cornbread,” you lamented with an exaggerated sigh, pushing your food around with your spoon.
“Tastes perfect to me, even without it,” Rhett grinned, leaning in and pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth, which made you smile.
It was fully dark outside by the time the two of you finished cleaning the dishes and headed into the living room to curl up on the couch. You laid your head on Rhett’s shoulder as he grabbed the remote, flicking through the channels more out of habit than anything else.
He stopped, however, when he spotted one of his favorite Halloween movies—The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.
“Oh, Rhett, no!” you gasped, immediately squeezing your eyes shut and burying your face in his neck. “You know I don’t like scary movies!”
You hadn’t ever since you were a little girl, and Rhett knew it, too. He’d tried to scare you with enough of them when you were kids. He was a horror movie fiend, much to your chagrin.
You could hear him chuckling, but you didn’t budge or open your eyes even a crack.
“Don’t worry, honeybee, I’ll keep you safe,” he whispered in that deep, raspy voice of his, dropping a kiss on the top of your head and holding you tighter. “Leatherface is gonna have to go through me before he can get to you.”
“Rhett!” you wailed, your grip on him tightening as you shivered at the mere thought of that psycho killer breaking into your house in the middle of the night.
“Alright, alright, I’m changin’ the channel!” Rhett caved, reaching for the remote and flicking it quickly. “There, Casper. Does that sound better?”
“Much,” you nodded, lifting your head and snuggling against him in satisfaction.
Rhett grinned, brushing your hair behind your ear affectionately. “I’ll still keep you safe, even if it’s just from Casper the Friendly Ghost.”
autumn prompt list
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
if its not too much to ask, fyodor watching a horror movie with an s/o who's really scared by it? i hope you're doing well!
Thank you, I hope you're doing well aswell :) thanks for your request!
'•.¸♡ Horror movies ♡¸.•'
Fyodor x gn!reader
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The movie you were watching was 'The Texas Chain Saw Massacre' and it absolutely terrified you. The movie was a horrifying mix of gore and scary moments.
Everytime a scene came on that scared you you held onto Fyodor and closed your eyes hoping it'll be over soon. Each time you did that Fyodor smirk to himself slightly and reminded you that it was a movie and there is nothing to be scared of.
He held your hand throughout the entire movie even during the not scary scenes.
After watching the movie you were spooked and attached yourself to Fyodor for safety.
Fyodor did tease you a bit about being scared but vowed to protect you while you were scared despite his playful teasing.
At night Fyodor aloud you to latch yourself onto him while he held you in his sleep.
If you cannot fall asleep, Fyodor will try to distract you by telling you random stories he read before while brushing your hair through his fingers
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
So I didn't watch the full The Texas Chain Saw Massacre but in my defence I watched the first half and the Netflix adaptation and I was going to say a different movie but apparently they are worse so I didn't.
!Masterlist new!
I'm not gonna write for Sigma until I finish his masterlist as I have to make two cuz I wrote so much for him, I will not be updating the old masterlists and only the new ones, I made 5 out of like 20 so over the course of more or less a week I will be posting less and there might be times I'm not posting (requests) as I will be working on the masterlists.
If a link does not work or if I forgot something in the masterlist(s) please tell me
Have a wonderful day/night
-love, Az
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biillylenz · 3 months
Hi okay this is a little intro thing and boundaries and such !!!!
﹒──── ✩!ᶻz ⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜ㆍ﹒
◞ ★ Lil intro to me: !!! You can just call me by my user, billy lenz, or leon !!! i am a gay man, my pronouns are he/him/his ^_^ i cosplay and draw and yap a lot
ᨳ Things I am into:: Saw, Dead by Daylight, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, House of Wax, Halloween, Black Christmas (obviously), The Boy, NOES, Resident Evil, PJSEKAI, and Minecraft !!! :-)
◞ ★ Boundaries: I am always totally okay with DMS and asking to be moots or spamming or asks or requests or anything i would love to make friends on here infact i encourage it if u want!!! Umm. Basic DNIs and stuff... I guess... I'm pretty chill I think.
ᨳ DM me for my discord if you'd like, it's where I am most active ^_^!!!
﹒──── ✩!ᶻz ⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜ㆍ﹒
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ladyofthewolfsbane · 5 months
They’re Made of Meat: How the Texas Chain Saw Massacre Forces Us to Confront the Horrors of Slaughter
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This will be an analysis focusing on my interpretation of TCM and how it criticizes the meat industry. 
11/8/23 note: I originally posted this on my old horror blog. Since I privated my old blog, I wanted to post this here.
Three things before we start. First, given the nature of this analysis, I will describe the deaths of animals (as well as their mistreatment) and the fictional deaths of humans. I will use some images of animals in making my argument, but I’m not using images of dead animals.
Second, I am a vegetarian for ethical reasons, so my perspective will be undeniably biased. If me just mentioning that bothers you, this might not be the analysis for you.
Third, I’m not saying all of these things were intentional on the director’s part. This is simply my interpretation of the movie.
All that said, let’s begin.
You enter a dim room, and something feels … wrong. You have spent the last several hours in a hot metal vehicle, cramped with your companions. Now that you’ve left the vehicle, you’d hoped that this new place would provide some help and relief.
But this new place is dark and smells of decay.
You hear a sound and call for your friend. You come forward and walk up a ramp towards a strange room, and —
A hulking figure appears from nowhere and strikes your skull. You collapse, your feet flailing and clattering against the metal ramp. The hit downed you, but you still remain conscious. It takes two more strikes before you lose consciousness.
What I just described is the death scene of Kirk from The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.
What I just described is also the hypothetical destruction of a cow that entered a slaughterhouse and was improperly stunned with a captive bolt gun and who had to be stunned twice before being rendered insensible.
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre criticizes the meat industry by performing the very same trick I just played — by forcing the characters and the audience into the perspective of livestock. It accomplishes this by putting the characters in the position of animals sent to slaughter when each character encounters the Sawyer family.
Themes of slaughter and the meat industry enter the movie early on. Within the first 10 minutes of the movie, the characters pass cattle awaiting slaughter. At least one of the animals is clearly suffering — the audience is given a quick shot of a cow panting and frothing in the unforgiving summer heat.
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Franklin then begins to describe how cattle were previously slaughtered with a sledgehammer, but a captive bolt gun is now used to stun them prior to bleeding. During his description, the ethics of meat is explicitly questioned.
Pam says, "People shouldn’t use animals for meat." From the beginning, Pam is essentially setting up the thesis of the movie — animals suffer for meat consumption, and we shouldn’t do it. She has heard the information and come to a conclusion.
However, Sally simply wants to look away. She says, "Franklin, I like meat, please change the subject."
Sally does not want to confront the reality of where meat comes from and what animals go through to provide her the meat she enjoys. Ironically, she will eventually be almost put through the slaughter process that she originally refused to confront.
Soon, the protagonists pick up the first member of the Sawyer family — the Hitchhiker. (Note: I know the family members are given names in TCM 2, but since I’m only talking about the first movie, I won’t use those names here.)
The confrontation of meat production continues as the Hitchhiker describes how his family has historically worked in the meat industry.
These two scenes being set at the beginning of the movie and the detail they go into about cattle slaughter frame the movie as a criticism of meat production.
Now, I’ll go into specific scenes. It won’t be a blow by blow recap of the movie, though I will go in order of events.
The first to be killed is Kirk. Kirk’s death closely parallels that of the slaughter of cattle. He enters an unknown area and travels up a metal ramp, not knowing what fate awaits him. His death occurs with little warning and is performed dispassionately. As mentioned at the beginning, his legs flail and kick before he dies, similar to cattle struggling during improper stunning in undercover slaughterhouse footage.
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Leatherface’s weapon is even a sledgehammer — previously used in slaughtering cattle, as discussed at length by Franklin and the Hitchhiker.
Additionally, the sliding metal door that Leatherface slams is similar to the sliding metal door of a knock box that cattle are herded into so that they can be stunned.
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Indeed, the entrance to Leatherface’s room is even surrounded by what appears to be cattle hides.
Soon after Kirk’s death, Pam comes to find him. She stumbles into a room covered in chicken feathers and filth. The floor closely resembles the living conditions that broiler chickens are forced to deal with inside factory farms. They are packed closely together and stand in layers of feathers and their own filth. In that room, there is even a chicken held in a small cage, perhaps paralleling the tiny battery cages factory farmed chickens have been kept in.
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When Leatherface finds her, he treats her just as dispassionately as Kirk, and he hangs her on a meat hook like a side of beef.
Now, I think it’s time to discuss the Sawyers a bit more. The Sawyer family treats the protagonists in the same way that they would treat any non-human animal. In the Sawyer’s minds, it makes sense. Humans are, just like any animal, made of meat. To them, there is nothing that makes a human different from a cow.
While the movie primarily focuses on the plight of the "livestock," there is also some focus on how the meat industry is toxic to the workers as well.
In one scene after Jerry has also been killed, Leatherface is visibly in distress. People have been coming to his home in quick succession, and he feels he has had to kill them.
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Slaughterhouse workers are often pressured to increase speed on the line, resulting in stress for the workers and lowered welfare standards for the animals they kill. According to the article Meatpacking: A Closer Look Inside a Secretive and Dangerous Industry, slaughterhouse workers are at a high risk for anxiety and PTSD. 
Later, Leatherface is berated and threatened by the Cook because the Cook believes he has performed below the standards expected of him. This parallels the pressure and mistreatment slaughterhouse workers may face from supervisors. 
"Some said their supervisors screamed and humiliated them to keep up production speed," Meatpacking: A Closer Look Inside a Secretive and Dangerous Industry said.
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Returning to the protagonists, there are many striking scenes with Sally. Of all the characters, her experiences put the audience most directly and vividly in the position of an animal meant for slaughter.
The most disturbing parallels begin after she has escaped the Sawyer house for the first time. In this section of the movie, she goes to the gas station and briefly thinks that she is safe. Of course, she isn’t. 
The Cook recaptures her and proceeds to treat her like an animal, such as prodding her and beating her with a broom to get her to go where he wants.  Slaughterhouse workers have been caught on undercover footage similarly beating pigs with paddles and sticks and using electric prods to herd them. 
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Then there is the infamous dinner scene. Sally is tied to a chair, staring in terror and screaming while the family mimic her cries and laugh at her. Her screams of distress mean no more to them than the bellowing of a cow or the squealing of a pig. In fact, there are even the sounds of pigs squealing and grunting in the background while she screams. Intermingling her sounds of distress with the cries of animals cements that they have become one in the same in this scenario. 
There is a lot of undercover slaughterhouse footage that captures workers mocking and taunting the animals that are clearly in distress, paralleling the Sawyer’s mockery of Sally. 
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This mockery and verbal abuse in the meat industry likely comes from what I mentioned earlier — the need of slaughterhouse workers to disassociate to do their jobs. This causes them to see animals as objects to take their frustration out on rather than living things that can suffer.
"The worst thing, worse than the physical danger, is the emotional toll," said a former slaughterhouse employee in Slaughterhouse: The Shocking Story of Greed, Neglect, and Inhumane Treatment Inside the U.S. Meat Industry. "Pigs down on the kill floor have come up to nuzzle me like a puppy. Two minutes later I had to kill them. … I can’t care."
There are moments when the Cook seems to have twinges of regret about what they’re doing, saying he takes no pleasure in killing, that they shouldn’t torture her.
But he believes the killing is necessary. He has to shut down his sympathy for Sally. Just like the former slaughterhouse worker quoted above, he can’t care.
Eventually, the Sawyers decide to allow Grandpa to kill Sally. They lean her over a bucket and hand him a sledgehammer, again using the same method to kill her as they would to kill an animal. All the while she screams and cries and the verbal abuse continues.
 The Hitchhiker uses misogynistic terms to refer to her, similar to workers using such terms for female animals trying to escape their fate.
And Sally does manage to escape her fate. 
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I doubt this was intentional, but there is a striking parallel between her escape and the rare cases of cattle escaping from slaughter. She smashes through a window and runs for her life in any direction she can and ends up on a road where chaos ensues. 
There are cases of cattle escaping slaughter by breaking through a fence and running the streets, which causes similar confusion and chaos to Sally’s escape. A notable example are the "St. Louis Six," who were six cows that escaped slaughter and were later taken to a sanctuary. 
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Sally, too, is helped by kind strangers. One of the most notable strangers who helps her is a cattle truck driver that throws a wrench at Leatherface. While his job is to transport cattle to slaughter, he has unknowingly saved a woman who has escaped the same fate as the cattle he transports. 
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At the end of the film, Sally escapes in the back of a truck, covered in blood and laughing. 
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At the beginning of the film, she said, "Franklin, I like meat, please change the subject."
By the end, Sally could no longer look away. She could no longer ignore reality of the meat industry, for she had been dragged to a slaughterhouse herself, now no different than the meat she enjoyed. And the audience, too, is forced to witness the terror of the slaughterhouse through Sally’s eyes.
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