#Tatyana's spirit does not deserve wacky hijinks
tea-with-eleni · 2 years
Ireena High School Host Club
The party has decided they like Ireena. The Dhampir is still not best pleased Vasili von Holtz is trying to get close to her but our session today was too short to get much development... we just toured Vallaki since one of our players was absent and I still haven’t finished mapping all of the nonsense happening in that friggin town.
However. The artificer pointed out that Ireena’s reverse harem situation maps pretty well onto Ouran High School Host Club.
They proceeded to match everyone up.
Ireena is obviously Haruhi, the lone girl. 
The blonde noble swashbuckler with his fancy clothes is obviously Tamaki.
The dhampir (day job: debt collector) is Kyoya.
The tiny halfling cleric bought a stuffed bear at Blinsky’s Toys. He must be Honey.
The goliath who has decided his purpose in life is to literally carry the cleric around like a backpack is Mori-Senpai.
Which leaves the dragonborn rogue and the kobold artificer as the twins. 
Vasili has somewhat invited himself as part of the party and is the only one who does not fit this mapping... appropriate since he is, well, Vasili von Holtz. The party has decided he’s a harmless himbo. 
At the end of the session, I sadly remarked, “Aww. I didn’t get to use any of my vampire dice.” 
Party: What, you didn’t roll Strahd on the random encounter table?
Me: Why would Strahd be interested in your tour of Vallaki? 
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