lampung7com · 1 year
Bentuk Tim, Polres Lamtim Buru Pelaku Pembakaran Hutan Di TNWK
Bentuk Tim, Polres Lamtim Buru Pelaku Pembakaran Hutan Di TNWK
LAMPUNG7COM | Polres Lampung Timur Polda Lampung bentuk tim buru pelaku yang diduga melakukan pembakaran hutan di Taman Nasional Way Kambas (TNWK) beberapa waktu yang lalu. Kapolres Lampung Timur, AKBP Zaky Alkazar Nasution mengatakan, dari hasil olah Tempat Kejadian Perkara (TKP), ada dugaan kebakaran hutan di TNWK Lampung Timur sengaja dibakar. “Benar, kami bentuk tim yang terdiri dari personil…
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pennumbra · 4 months
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xannerz · 3 months
hmm, this one's a little older but i don't think i've shared it before?
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birb-reblogs · 18 days
I often see some variation of ppl saying 'I loved the last episode of CW season 2 but the rest of the season was [bad/forgettable/draggy]' or similarly, 'Season 2 was rushed/ruined by executive meddling and needed more seasons to tell its story' and like... I really don't agree w/ either of these points? All of S2's exposition and plot happens at the tail end of the season, and even if the season finale was spectacular and executed perfectly, that's terrible pacing and story structure.
S2's runtime was 264 minutes; 190 minutes of that were episodes 1-8, and 74 minutes made up the finale. 190 minutes out of 264 is 71%, which is to say that much of the fandom agrees that 71% of the season was completely skippable at best to unenjoyable at worst. Imagine if a friend recommended a 10 chapter book to you, and promised you that it got good but only after the first 7 chapters- if it hadn't dropped all at once on a streaming platform, I kind of doubt CW S2 would've retained viewership going into the finale at all.
Revealing the big secret of the General/tnwk backstory and then concluding that storyline all within one episode was a whirlwind, and there's no reason for it to have been paced so jarringly outside of a desire for shock value and a dramatic twist. CW's backstory sets the stage for the series, but the impact of the 'tragedy' and the potential to explore the different characters' motivations, development, and interactions in the present is kneecaped by having its delivery be so truncated (to say nothing of the character writing). Even if you like the bones of the story, where's the time to develop these ideas and the sense of build up/payoff.
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radarlampungtv · 8 months
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Gajah Sumatera Ditemukan Mati di TNWK Tanpa Gading, Diperkirakan Sudah Seminggu
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realita-lampung · 1 year
Lampung Terpilih Menjadi Tema Pada Kontes Kecantikan Puteri Indonesia 2023
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BANDARLAMPUNG - Gubernur Lampung Arinal Djunaidi menyambut baik dan memberikan dukungan penuh dipilihnya Provinsi Lampung sebagai tema dalam Kontes Kecantikan Puteri Indonesia 2023. Dia berharap hal ini akan memberikan dampak bagi pengembangan pariwisata Lampung secara nasional dan internasional. Hal itu disampaikan Gubernur saat menerima audiensi dari Yayasan Puteri Indonesia (YPI) di Mahan Agung, Kamis (30/3/2023) malam. "Kami sampaikan penghargaan dan ini suatu kebanggaan sekaligus menjadi peluang bagi Lampung untuk bisa lebih dikenal tidak hanya nasional namun di kancah internasional. Dan ini harus kita respons dengan baik selaku tuan rumah," ujar Arinal. Ia menuturkan pihaknya akan memfasilitasi dan memberikan informasi segala potensi yang luar biasa yang ada di Lampung untuk bisa dieksplor. Baik itu pariwisata, budaya, kain, kuliner, UMKM, tarian, musik tradisional, satwa dan lainnya. "Lampung memiliki potensi yang luar biasa dan keindahan alamnya. Kita punya Anak Gunung Krakatau, Taman Nasional Way Kambas (TNWK) dan pantai-pantai yang indah diantaranya Pahawang, Teluk Kiluan, Tanjung Setia dan lainnya," katanya. Arinal meminta instansi terkait bersama Kabupaten/Kota dan Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia berkolaborasi dengan YPI untuk membuat konsep dengan sebaik mungkin dan hasil yang maksimal. "Kita persembahkan kekayaan dan keindahan Lampung dari segala sisi. Kita berikan yang terbaik Lampung sebagai tema Puteri Indonesia 2023," katanya. Dalam kesempatan itu, Arinal mengajak seluruh masyarakat Lampung untuk mendukung dan mendoakan Lulu Zaharani Krisna sebagai perwakilan Lampung dalam pemilihan Puteri Indonesia Lampung 2023. Malam final Puteri Indonesia 2023 sendiri akan dilaksanakan pada 19 Mei 2023 mendatang. Selain itu, Arinal juga meminta masyarakat mendukung Shahnaz Rafika, Puteri Indonesia Lampung Favorit 2023 untuk juga bisa masuk sebagai finalis Puteri Indonesia Lampung 2023 perwakilan Lampung II. Dalam pertemuan itu, hadir Direktur PT Mustika Ratu Tbk sekaligus Ketua Pemilihan Puteri Indonesia Nasional Kusuma Ida Anjani dan Ketua Bidang Komunikasi YPI Mega Angkasa. Hadir pula Laksmi Shari DeNeefe Suardana (Puteri Indonesia 2022), Cindy May McGuire (Puteri Indonesia Lingkungan 2022) dan Adinda Cresheilla (Puteri Indonesia Pariwisata 2022). Ketua Pemilihan Puteri Indonesia Nasional Kusuma Ida Anjani menilai bahwa Lampung sangat kaya akan potensi seperti pariwisata dan kebudayaannya. Ia menyebutkan pihaknya memilih Lampung sebagai tema Puteri Indonesia 2023. "Lampung punya potensi besar dan atas dasar itu Lampung kita angkat sebagai tema Puteri Indonesia 2023. Ide itu kita matangkan dan kita datang ke Lampung," ujar Kusuma. Kusuma menyebutkan kunjungan ke Lampung ini diawali dengan syuting atau pembuatan video opening oleh Puteri Indonesia, Puteri Indonesia Lingkungan dan Puteri Indonesia Pariwisata 2022 yang saat ini sedang berjalan. Salah satu tujuan lokasinya yaitu TNWK. "Kita menghadirkan 3 Puteri 2022 ini terlebih dahulu, baru selanjutnya seluruh finalis Puteri Indonesia 2023 yang berjumlah 45 finalis akan datang ke Lampung," katanya. Ketua Bidang Komunikasi YPI Mega Angkasa mengatakan YPI terus menjalin komunikasi dengan Pemerintah Provinsi Lampung, HIPMI dan pihaknya lainnya mengenai potensi dan keindahan alam mana saja yang akan ditampilkan. Ia menuturkan termasuk juga terus membangun komunikasi bersama dengan Ketua Dekranasda Provinsi Lampung Ibu Riana Sari Arinal terkait kerajinan apa saja yang bisa di eksplor seperti kain tradisional Lampung atau lainnya. "Kain Lampung ini nantinya akan dipakai seluruh finalis dan juga 3 ratu kecantikan dunia yang akan hadir," ujar Mega.(Adpim) Read the full article
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wayward-delver · 3 years
I knew this show was going to get dark the moment I first saw it, but damn I wasn’t expecting it to go straight into the Abyss.
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mediapanglima · 2 years
Tandatangani Perjanjian Kerjasama Dengan TNWK, Wakapolda Lampung : Kawasan Hutan di Lampung Harus Dilindungi
Tandatangani Perjanjian Kerjasama Dengan TNWK, Wakapolda Lampung : Kawasan Hutan di Lampung Harus Dilindungi
MP Bandar Lampung – Wakapolda Lampung Brigjen Pol Subiyanto menghadiri pelaksanaan penandatanganan dokumen perjanjian kerjasama antara Polda Lampung dengan Balai Taman Nasional Way Kambas (TNWK) tentang pengamanan dan perlindungan kawasan hutan TNWK di hotel Horison Bandar Lampung, Jumat (7/1) pagi. Turut hadir dalam kegiatan tersebut, beberapa pejabat utama Polda Lampung, para Kapolres yang…
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localtrip · 3 years
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Kucica Ekor Kuning https://www.localtrip.my.id/2021/05/burung-kucica-ekor-kuning-yang-nyaris.html #tnwk #kucica https://www.instagram.com/p/CPZ4wbcgh86/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sunshine-zenith · 2 years
Centaurworld, where an Action/Dark Fantasy character ends up in a High Energy Comedy Cartoon (With Plottwist Tragic Background) world, with a villain straight from a Horror movie and a mysterious Dystopian-esque Warrior share a Fairytale (That’s Halfway Between A Grimm-esque Story and a Classic Disney Tale) backstory
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Way Kambas Yay
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badak sumatera
Taman Nasional Way Kambas
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lampung7com · 1 year
42 Personil Polres Lampung Timur Bantu Petugas TNWK Padamkan Kebakaran Hutan
42 Personil Polres Lampung Timur Bantu Petugas TNWK Padamkan Kebakaran Hutan
LAMPUNG7COM | Satu wilayah di kawasan hutan Taman Nasional Way Kambas (TNWK), Lampung Timur berhasil dipadamkan setelah terbakar sejak Rabu (23/11/2022). Kebakaran diduga melanda puluhan hektare di kawasan hutan tersebut. Kapolres Lampung Timur AKBP Zaky Alkazar Nasution melalui Wakapolres, Komisaris Polisi (Kompol) Sugandhi Satria Nugraha mengatakan api berhasil dipadamkan pada Kamis…
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weonbullshit · 2 years
💕Name Headcannons for Centuarworld. 💕(spoilers if you haven't seen it I guess)
-Elktuar: Elliot
-General/Human half: Elias
-Nowhere King/Elk half: Ares
-The woman/Princess: Soraya
-Rider: Kaia
To me, these character were all to significant to be left nameless like that. Also these names are purely by what I like. Plus Ares is the god of war and I liked that for TNWK. I could switch the names for the general and the centaur since they mean the same thing, but it doesn't fit as much to me. Let me know what y'all think and what other names could fit them. 💙
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xannerz · 3 months
its always surreal to me to see people praise s2 of centaurworld. s2 was so spectacularly bombastic and aimless and it ended in this awkward forgettable fizzle.
i feel like a dick saying it b/c i really do love the show lmao. or, at least half of it lmao (/stares at tnwk). gf and i've been thinking about rewatching it just to write out our thoughts on why s2 was such a poor follow-up to s1 - from the tone to the setup to all the worldbuilding the narrative had to offer in between the (far more) memorable songs of s1. idk. it's sad because cw really had the bones of a cult classic, but idek if you can call it that.
ive seen a few posts commenting on its lack of popularity, and i feel like it certainly deserves more, b/c i do feel like it's a novel idea made w/ love, but the shift btwn s1 and s2 wasnt just in the plot. there was a full-on *fracture* in the quality and direction and i'm still scratching my head over it. more than i should be, probably. but, it's just a bummer.
#centaurworld#centaurworld critical#<- a tag i never thought i'd use lol#ok EDIT: fuck it im tagging this maybe there are others who'll also see their own viewing experiences in this post too#dont mind me rambling#but i got an ask on my thoughts abt cw a long time ago (hi!! i still have it 😭) and ive been wanting to write a detailed response since.#debating tagging this since the fandom's already p small and i dont wanna bump the tag with negativity#even if it is (what i feel is) p fair criticism. but idk people are sensitive and conflate it w hate idk idk#ive seen thinly-veiled hate posts in the t*ngled the series tags and it's always bothered me.#bc you can tell op just like hates xyz character or the show entirely and its like can you just come out and say it LMFAOO#but i genuinely like cw. i so so very much do. so i get bummed out! gf and some other friends and i were so excited for s2 and#when it rolled out ep by ep we were like 'it'll get better right? right?'#also tempted to just draw more cw fanart in general bc the t t s fandom is slow and if half the people dont have each other blocked#theres simply 0 overlap in fave chars or interpretations so lmao#im going back to work i just feel sour LMAO#also adding that i think a lot of people conflate a story eliciting an emotional reaction from you = its good#but ill revisit that and all these thoughts again eventually in another post. we'll see.#and i STILL want a nwk tattoo lmao. or at least an elkie. gf and i love elk bc of this guy! the impact that he has!#xangoeswah
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teraslampung · 5 years
Bunga, Induk Gajah PLG Taman Nasional Way Kambas Melahirkan
Bunga, Induk Gajah PLG Taman Nasional Way Kambas Melahirkan
TERASLAMPUNG.COM — Pusat Latihan Gajah (PLG) Balai Taman Nasional Way Kambas di Lampung Timur kembali menambah keluarga baru setelah lahirnya bayi gajah pada Kamis dini hari, 28 Maret 2019, pukul 02.45 WIB.
Bayi gajah berjenis kelamin jantan itu dilahirkan induk gajah bernama Bunga melalui proses kelahiran normal. Bayi gajah yang beratnya diperkirakan 137 kg, tinggi 91 cm, panjang badan 110 cm,…
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radarlampungtv · 10 months
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Tim Medis TNWK Nekropsi Penyebab Kematian Gajah Mambo
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