subwaytostardew · 3 months
Ingo and Emmet are technically celebrities back in Unova, or at least Nimbasa, it would make sense if a paparazzi or journalist or someone from the news came from Nimbasa to see and report back to the city what the twins are doing. They're nosy and you know what sells? Whether or not the celebrity is dating, it could be the husband protecting the farmer from bad publicity or them being super proud of their spouse! It's not a date per say but it'd be an interesting event give or take.
Kade and I were talking about this, but anything to do with paparazzi and publicity will probably have more to do with Elesa. We don't want to stray too far from canon, so most celebrity antics will be more to do with being associated with her.
They're technically celebrities... but not quite! They don't exactly have much star-power of their own in canon. When you disembark on the Battle Subway and talk to the other random NPCs, pretty much everyone hates them; they all say stuff about how Ingo and Emmet are suspicious or weird (I remember that vividly because it honestly made me feel a little sick and I had to put down the game for a couple of days ;;;>.>). Few can appreciate their autism. 😔
The competitive battling scene isn't particularly big in Unova (outside of Blueberry Academy but... that's pretty contained). Dedicated battlebrains like Hilda and Hilbert don't make up a significant amount of their passengers. Most passengers are just average people on their commute to work. Most people challenge the Battle Subway for the sake of it (a bit of a tourist attraction like the carnival area nearby), lose really badly, get discouraged, and never come back unless if they need to use the subway to get somewhere.
In the railfan scene, they usually aren't even special guests at train conventions! They're regular attendees who had time to befriend Cilan at their leisure. He's probably the only person who does their stamp rally!
Being a Battle Facility Head doesn't necessarily constitute celebrity status. Lenora has a perfectly normal husband and marriage with no drama whatsoever! All the Unovan Gym Leaders have other jobs and lives of their own; similarily, submas are just conductors first and foremost. It wouldn't be so absurd for a middle aged train conductor to settle down with some farmer.
They're just some guys. They're even worse in Stardew as regular old train conductors; there's no battling scene to draw in challengers and the scenery itself doesn't even have much worth visiting! It's a sad truth, but most people wouldn't notice if they went missing *cough* they will. The "main plot" for them is how their relocation cough bringing that to the spotlight had a bit of a toll on them mentally.
On a sillier note, I do like the thought that most people were interested in them (superficially). Ingo did end up winning first place in a Unova sexyman poll for being tall, dark, and handsome. Emmet's still bitter about being voted third place despite being his identical twin. The Battle Subway got busy when people were under the impression that Ingo was a edgy, brooding, gentleman but that perception was quickly turned around the second he opened his mouth. The hype died down for them after a year so now they're back to being just some guys.
Anyways... Probably the closest thing we have to a "paparazzi" event on our itinerary so far is just Cilan being submas' number one fan (one and only fan?) as usual.
▷ Station Steward Thylak
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