#Steven walking in on her and just thought 'anime' because basically he knows Lonely Blade but isn't much familiar with Tameshigiri.
screwpinecaprice · 2 years
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Connie performing Tameshigiri, requested by Sharkman Jhones at Patreon!
(And an extra page.)
Okay I didn't know about this practice until this request was made. I think it's pretty cool. 🤩 Admittingly, I haven't done my research as much as I wished I had. I just basically skimmed it on wiki, looked at Google images, and heavily used poses from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fonwRv5yQaA And I just learned the sword is suppose to be facing up when you put it back in the scabbard, blergh, too late for that now.  :P
Also, Patreon shoutout~ ♪
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