aliceyoake · 2 years
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oow this is masami. the catdragon, very fluff
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bisoravit · 1 year
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easter activities , open ― 🍪  ;  bake easter-themed sugar cookies together.
the ingredients laid out prior to the invitation of the other blonde psionic were now glaring back at the young girl. decidedly pulling her plush red ribbon from out of her hair , paula uses the spare hair tie clinging to her wrist in order to pull golden tresses back and out of her vision. she shuffles quickly around the minimalistic kitchen , a theme her mother worked so hard to achieve , and two large bowls are pulled from the lower cabinet near the sink. once inspected to ensure they were clean , twoson's sweetheart places the metallic one underneath the bright red stand mixer and tosses in a stick of softened unsalted butter and a cup of white sugar according to her distant memory of the recipe last year when she prepared these with her mother.
might as well get a head-start while she waits for ana to arrive , and what better way than to begin with the base.
some tunes would be appreciated in a time like this ; unfortunately the portable radio of the jones' was busted and inoperable. just as paula was about to accept their music-less fate , realization creeps forth and bluebell hues flutter shut to mentally call her companion. . . ( hey ana , can you hear me ? if you can , could you bring anything to listen to music. . . please ? )
♡ ៸៸ @snowaelis​
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snowaelis · 1 year
this is a nice editor
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viejillox · 1 year
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Beautiful Art - A warm smile among the snow
A beautiful and amazing girl, seeing her and making her happy makes your heart warm. Her name is Elizabeth and she is here to brighten your day.
A beautiful drawing to start this 2023✨ Enjoy it guys!!🦊❤️
Card to all my social networks, so you don't miss any of my art https://viejillox.carrd.co/
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linkemon · 9 months
Kyan Reki x Reader
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Selfship dla Miya_Kamiya-Sawyer. Masterlist w języku polskim można znaleźć tu.
For English version of the same work check my Masterlist here.
⇝ Wasza historia zaczęła się dzięki waszym mamom. Jesteście klasycznym przykładem: "Od przyjaźni do miłości".
Wasze rodzicielki poznały się w latach szkolnych i od tamtej pory trwały w wieloletniej przyjaźni. Już kiedy były w ciąży, wyobrażały sobie, że ich dzieci koniecznie muszą się poznać i spędzać ze sobą czas. Dlatego, kiedy tylko odrobinę podrośliście, zabierały was wszędzie razem. Macie nawet zdjęcie jak leżeliście w wózku, kopiąc jedno drugie. Wyjazdy wakacyjne też były absolutnym minimum, dlatego mnóstwo miejsca w albumie zajmują także i takie fotki. Zwykle macie na nich głupie miny albo robicie coś dziwnego. Reki do dzisiaj wypomina ci jak chciałaś mu wypchać policzki babką piaskową (tyle, że z prawdziwego piasku...) i się popłakał.
⇝ Chodziliście do tych samych szkół aż do liceum. Po nim wasze edukacyjne drogi się rozeszły. Mimo to, nadal się spotykacie, tylko trochę rzadziej. W podstawówce dziewczyny zawsze nie mogły się nadziwić, że mówisz do Rekiego po imieniu. On dodawał do twojego imienia -chan i kolegom zdarzało się żartować, że zakochana z was para.
⇝ Chłopak podziwia twoją miłość do tańca. Wielokrotnie próbował przełożyć jakoś tę dziedzinę sportu na deskorolkę. Niestety niezbyt mu się udało. Nie ma nic przeciwko jeśli nauczysz go trochę ruchów z hip-hopu, uważa je za niezwykle fajne. Możesz też liczyć, ze przyjdzie na każdy występ, jaki będziesz miała. Któregoś razu twoja rodzina nie zdążyła przyjechać przez korki. Zabrał się z nimi autem, ale widząc co się dzieje, wyciągnął deskę z plecaka i wyminął auta. Zdyszany wpadł w samą porę na twoją kolej. Zagwizdał głośno przy wszystkich widzach, by dać ci znać, że tam jest.
⇝ Twoje wspieranie go w kwestii S, to troszeczkę bardziej skomplikowana sprawa. Mimo wszystko, to nie jest do końca bezpieczne miejsce. Jeśli przyjeżdżasz na jego konkurs, to zawsze starasz się być z kimś. Shadow mięknie i zwykle pozwala ci się z nim zabrać. Na wyścigach zazwyczaj trzymasz się spokojnego Cherrego albo Snowa.
⇝ Reki jest twoją ostoją, gdy przytłacza cię szkoła. On sam nie jest zbyt wybitnym uczniem, ale wie że twoje liceum nieco mocniej patrzy na oceny, dlatego kiedy masz doła, od razu jest gotowy cię pocieszyć. Zabierze ci książki sprzed nosa, jeśli uzna, że za dużo się uczysz. Regularnie przypomina, że wyniki to nie wszystko i widzi twoją ciężką pracę.
⇝ Doskonale jesteś w stanie rozpoznać, kiedy Kyan traci swój dobry humor. Ma tendencję do udawania, że wszystko jest w porządku. Musisz go niejako zmuszać by powiedział ci, co mu leży na sercu. Zawsze kupujesz mu pudełko lodów i jecie je razem na jednym z okolicznych murków. To wystarcza by powiedział ci, co go martwi.
⇝ Często prawisz mu komplementy, bo wiesz że ma problemy z niską samooceną. Od razu robi się czerwony.
⇝ Nigdy z Rekim nie widzieliście w kategoriach brat/siostra. Pomimo bycia tak blisko od dzieciństwa, od szkoły podstawowej rozwijała się między wami miłość. Wasz problem polegał na tym, że byliście zbyt ślepi na uczucia drugiej strony i obawialiście się friendzone'u.
Dla chłopaka, momentem przebudzenia były podstępy jego sióstr. Któregoś razu miał się nimi opiekować i nagle dziwnym trafem zniknęły, aż znalazł je po sąsiedzku u ciebie. Zdarzało im się też dorwać jego telefon i wysyłać ci serduszka albo miłosne wierszyki. Zawstydzało go to strasznie i zawsze potem się tłumaczył. Aż kilka dni temu doszedł do wniosku, że mają rację, bo takie właśnie są jego uczucia.
⇝ Dlatego z pomocą Langi wykombinował, że zaprosi cię do twojego ulubionego parku rozrywki. Strasznie się stresował. Do tego stopnia, że mało co mu wychodziło. Zamierzał wygrać dla ciebie pluszaka na strzelnicy, ale to ty zrobiłaś to dla niego. Pod koniec dnia prawie chciał zrezygnować z wyznania. Szczególnie, gdy zobaczył jak jakiś inny chłopak do ciebie zagaduje. Odeszłaś jednak od nieznajomego i stwierdziłaś, że w porównaniu do Kyana, był beznadziejny. To dało mu potrzebny zastrzyk odwagi by zdjąć swoją bluzę i okryć cię nią, po czym wyznać ci co czuje. Teraz z bijącym sercem czeka na twoją odpowiedź.
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5minuteworld · 11 months
"The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes" - Suzanne Collins
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Polish below ⬇️
Oh my God. I don't know what to say. It was terrible. I had high expectations, especially because of some fragments about Snow's secrets in Mockingjay. I'm speechless.
Firstly, I thought that whole book will be focused on Snow's reasons for why he acted like that. It was clarified, but not that well as I expected.
Whole plot was about Snow's and Lucy Gray love story. It's so funny if you realise that we don't know what happened to her, if she is alive or not. I felt like author just said 'I don't want to write that anymore' and ended The Ballad just to end it. I can't find other explaination.
Next, I saw that some really unimportant plots were expanded that much that they became boring, but more important things were very faintly developed.
And the ending... I wrote something about it up there, but unknown closure of Lucy Gray's story was not the only bad thing. As I learned in Mockingjay, Suzanne Collins have interesting talent to horrible endings. When comes the time of closing all plots, things are getting faster and faster. Everything is solving too simply, even if seemed to be unsolving problem. You read about something trough whole story and learn that it solved in easiest existing way. So frustrating, isn't it?
I enjoyed reading a little, but disappointment outweights the scale.
Nie możecie sobie wyobrazić mojej irytacji po przeczytaniu epilogu. Miałam zdecydowanie za wysokie oczekiwania co do tej książki. Karmiłam się nadzieją, że poznamy jakieś spicy sekrety, tak jak powiedziano w Kosogłosie (o wrzodach w ustach itd) i... nie wiem co powiedzieć.
Po pierwsze, myślałam, że całość skupi się na ukazaniu, dlaczego Snow zachowywał się tak, a nie inaczej, co nim kierowało. Niby jakoś to wyjaśniano, ale nie tak obszernie, jak zakładałam.
Głównym wątkiem była miłość Snowa i Lucy Gray. To dość zabawne, kiedy się pomyśli, że nie wiadomo, jak skończyła, prawda? Zdawało się, jakby Collins pomyślała sobie 'nie chcę tego pisać dalej' i zakończyła tak, byleby zakończyć. Nie mogę znaleźć innego wyjaśnienia.
Zauważyłam też, że kilka mało ważnych, pobocznych wątków jest obszernie rozwijanych, aż do znudzenia, natomiast te ważniejsze, wymagające większego opisu, rozwinięto znacznie za mało.
Co do zakończenia... już wyżej pisałam trochę, ale nieznane losy Lucy Gray to nie jedyna zła rzecz. Zauważyłam to już przy Kosogłosie, autorka zdecydowanie ma talent do wybierania najgorszych zakończeń z możliwych. Kiedy już przychodzi czas domykania wszystkich wątków, akcja zaczyna toczyć się szybciej i szybciej. Nierozwiązywalne sprawy rozwiązują się na najłatwiejsze dostępne sposoby. Czytamy o czymś całą książkę, tylko by dowiedzieć się, że problem rozwiązano najprostszą drogą. Frustrujące, czyż nie?
Całość nie była najgorsza, nawet odrobinę mi się podobała, lecz zawód definitywnie przeważa szalę goryczy.
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Jon snowa ayrı dizi yapıyorlarmış. Yaradan verdikçe veriyor ya.
Donaaat tüm yakışıklıları donaaaattt
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3 Key Takeaways from Financial Literacy Week
Financial literacy week is one of our favorite weeks of the year. During this time, we unite experts in the industry to share tips, tricks and general knowledge about managing finances in a week-long digital event. Our experts cover everything from mortgages, paying off debt, saving for retirement and more.
The virtual event is a full 5-days and is broken up by key topics such as financial foundations, homeownership and family finances – all of which we can’t cover in this article, so feel free to check out all the free content afterward.
Headlined by best-selling author, speaker and CEO of Clever Girl Finance Bola Sokunbi, this year may have been one of the best yet. In case you missed it, here are some of the key takeaways from 2022 Financial Literacy Week.
Discipline is a key ingredient for success
Several of our speakers mentioned the importance of discipline when it comes to achieving short, medium and long term financial goals. Now, ‘discipline’ can be broad word – here are some examples of exhibiting discipline in relation to managing finances:
Creating a budget, and sticking to it. Building a budget may feel like an overwhelming task, however, seeing funds come and go provides greater transparency into what is blocking you from achieving your financial goals
Pay down existing debit as a priority. Debt comes in a variety of forms – student loans, car payments, credit cards and mortgages. The more debt you incur, the more difficult it will be to achieve other financial goals, which is why prioritizing paying down debt is important
Establishing a ‘rainy day fund’, requires a lot of financial displinte but can unlock a secure financial future. According to a 2020 Bank Rate survey, 40% of Americans would borrow money to cover a $1000 emergency (e.g a car accident, medical emergency, urgent home repair) – a scary statistic given the unpredictability of life. Establishing an emergency fund can feel overwhelming, or tempting to pull from, however, it will keep you grounded if anything unexpected were to happen
Look for secure investments such as bonds, dividends and money market accounts and familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of each. Avoid high risk investments such as NFTs, unpredictable IPOs or timeshares
Talk to your kids about money
Learning about taxes, wages and the complexity of personal finances is often brushed off in the classroom. Therefore, if you are a parent or guardian, teaching your children about money management can provide them a life skill which will set them up for a brighter financial future.
Conversations around finances can shape your child’s relationship with money – and you don’t need to be an expert to have these conversations. The opportunity to teach a child about the value of a dollar can come up naturally in everyday life.
For example, if you’re in a shop and your child wants something, explain to them that everyone has limited money therefore we need to be selective about what we spend it on. It’s a good chance to explain needing vs. wanting, and talk about how your family earns money in exchange for items such as clothes, cars and housing. Making the most of these moments will teach them good spending habits for adulthood.
Avalanche and Snowball aren’t only used to describe types of snow
As mentioned, debt can occur in a variety of forms. Additionally each of those forms have different consequences for delayed or partial payment, which is primarily driven from interest rates.
Interest rate is the amount of money you pay to the entity you’re borrowing from on top of the money you borrowed. For example, you may take out a home loan at 5% interest from a bank. That 5% will be added onto your monthly repayments, which is how the bank makes money. The longer it takes you to repay the money you borrowed, the more you’ll end up paying the entity you borrowed from – in this example, the bank.
Managing loan payments can be done with the right strategy in place. In Financial Literacy week, we learned that there are two methods that can be used in paying down debt, the avalanche method and the snowball method. Both strategies have pros and cons and will require research to find out which one is right for you.
The Avalanche method is a more aggressive approach which involves paying extra money towards the debit with the highest interest rate. While the Snowball strategy involves paying down the smallest debt first and working up towards larger debts – regardless of what the interest rate is on the loan.
The Avalanche method is more efficient for debt reduction, but requires more discipline. While the Snowball method does not reduce debt as quickly, it can allow more flexibility if you’re not equipped to pursue the Avalanche approach. Both strategies, however, can reduce debts and provide more financial freedom.
Financial foundations isn’t a skill that is gained overnight
It can take some time to budget, learn and execute strategies to improve your financial health and it doesn’t happen immediately. Habitat for Humanity is one of many organizations that offer a variety of free resources that can help support your journey to financial literacy. If you need help getting started, explore our Financial Literacy videos from this year’s event.
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cupsofsilver · 7 days
Equinox, A Poem
Here's a semi-recent poem!
I yearn, my face pressedto the glass window,watching the snowas it disappearsfrom the sidewalk;the Sun and Moonsit in equilibriumtonight,and I wonderif they’re sharing secrets,in the waysthat old Lovers only can. Sterling, 2024
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wpdariacutnes · 13 days
Me: bit redsinging and Wall megaman.exe oc a can play full because wery old RP staws like lot heppend a canda dont neber and one diva!renita because code refrit a dys mega.exe heppend so canda so old but okey story a gest idk is so shiti old a dont neber
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And I neber a one wery like a snowa a redsinging a more style legends mega and like okey niby me See sowing do here but onesly im so frogs it like enifing forget or enifing finks wow look cool and after chraing is out so ertich a wona forw out some rezan and can't fund so yeah
But enifing snowa more a megaman legends canda more role but more canda technologii ykuiki vipe so idk how make it like i knows mean technologiicore but ykuiki is not say enifing a do sowing so better not coll it a get a working and look laters
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fadak · 16 days
There is a problem with the air circulation of Snowa air conditioner.
This item itself has two different forms. In the first case, it is possible that your device makes the sound of producing and passing cool air, but no cool air is blown into the environment. But in the second case, the air may come out, but this air is not cool. Various reasons may cause this problem. The most important of these are as follows:
• The circuit breaker is faulty.
• Cooler gas level is low.
• The blower pipe does not have the quality of its first day and they are not worn out.
تعمیر کولر گازی اسنوا
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aliceyoake · 2 years
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omg, how its pretty///
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yesterdays-dog · 29 days
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Playing in the Snow
A playful deer I did for Kidd back in December! Thanks for the commission!
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44gamez · 4 months
All Ship Types in Skull and Bones
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From a small and innocent boat to probably the most menacing and highly effective ship on the earth. Listed here are all of the completely different ship sorts in Cranium and Bones.
Cranium and Bones: All Ship Sorts
Whereas the sport is at present present process an open beta interval, Cranium and Bones does have a reasonably vital assortment of ships so that you can experiment with. After crashing your ship towards the British Navy, you may be left with a really innocent Dhow. Nonetheless, should you make investments the time to gather all of the supplies and acquire the required infamy contained in the pirate neighborhood, constructing larger and extra highly effective ships shouldn’t be a difficulty. Right here is the checklist of all of the ship sorts in Cranium and Bones: ShipDescriptionShip KindPerksDhowA small vessel initially constructed to hunt wildlife alongside rivers and coastlines.DPS: Specialised in dealing injury and standing results, the DPS favors an aggressive playstyle.Hunter: Preserves wildlife supplies from searching.BedarA small maneuverable ship that may ram targets and trigger flooding injury.DPS: Specialised in dealing injury and standing results, the DPS favors an aggressive playstyle.Lancer: Will increase injury from ramming by 25%. and reduces slowing impact of Torn Sails by 50%. Applies flooded impact to an enemy ship upon ramming.HulkExtra sturdy and able to taking sustained injury, this ship makes a speciality of bracing towards incoming fireplace.Tank: Specialised in bracing towards incoming injury, the Tank excels in protection.Ironclad: Reduces Brace Power depletion by 20% when hit. Will increase Brace Power by 250% and Brace Power Restoration by 25%.CutterA ship able to supporting different ships within the thick of fight.Help: Specialised in aiding pleasant ships, the Help excels in offering assists that may assist flip the tide of a battle.Unburden: Restores Extreme Harm by 0.5% and Hull Well being by 0.5% per second. Restores Hull Well being of all pleasant ships in a 100m radius by 2% per second. Restores 60% extra Hull Well being on a pleasant ship whereas utilizing a Restore Weapon.BargeA ship specialised in dealing fireplace and burning injury, earlier than spreading the chaos to close by ships.DPS: Specialised in dealing injury and standing results, the DPS favors an aggressive playstyle.Wildfire: Making use of the Ablaze impact to a ship will apply the identical impact to all enemies in a radius of 125m. Enhance weapon injury by 20%. Burning Harm will increase ablaze cost velocity by 150%.SloopWith the correct weapons geared up, this ship is ready to stand toe-to-toe with a number of enemies.DPS: Specialised in dealing injury and standing results, the DPS favors an aggressive playstyle.Outburst: Explosive hits have a 50% likelihood of triggering an explosion, which offers 1500 injury inside a Blast Radius of 150m. Will increase injury to buildings by 40% and Explosive Harm by 15%.PadewakangA bigger ship able to taking up a number of enemies when correctly geared up.DPS: Specialised in dealing injury and standing results, the DPS favors an aggressive playstyle.Detonate: Explosive hits have a 70% likelihood of triggering an explosion, which offers 1000 injury inside 125m Blast Radius. Will increase to 100% of goal ship is Ablaze. Will increase injury to buildings by 50% and Weapon Harm Radius by 12%.SnowA ship with elevated sturdiness and holding its floor in a battle. It makes a speciality of bracing towards incoming fireplace and gives resistance towards the weather.Tank: Specialised in bracing towards incoming injury, the Tank excels in protection.Tenacity: Recovers Brace Power by 4% per second, whereas bracing. Will increase Brace Power by 50% and Brace Power Restoration by 150%.BrigantineA swift ship that is ready to ram singular targets and trigger flooding injury.DPS: Specialised in dealing injury and standing results, the DPS favors an aggressive playstyle.Bullhorn: Will increase injury from ramming by 45% and reduces the period of Torn Sails impact by 80%. Applies Flooded to an enemy ship upon ramming.SambukA ship specialised in meting out fireplace injury and burning its targets. It's also in a position to goal a number of enemies in shut proximity.DPS: Specialised in dealing injury and standing results, the DPS favors an aggressive playstyle.Scorched: Offers 5000 Burning Harm whenever you apply the Ablaze impact to an enemy ship. Ablaze can be utilized to enemies in a radius of 150m. Will increase injury to ships with Ablaze impact by 50%.
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Picture: Ubisoft Associated: All Cranium and Bones Twitch drops & how you can declare them Proceed exploring the world and finishing the completely different missions and quests in Cranium and Bones and you'll ultimately get the chance to craft stronger ships. It's both that or you may be pressured to given the power of the enemies you’ll face. Able to improve your ship and tools? Take a look at how you can get Bronze Ingots in Cranium and Bones. Source link Read the full article
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herredvibe · 5 months
Hii guys bugün de Khal ve John Snowa aşık oldundu mu?
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deviqu · 6 months
Kochani oto moje pierwsze opowiadanie napisane w tym roku w mieście Dawson mieszka wielki twórca i konstruktor snow razem z synem tworzą duet wspaniałych konstruktorów którzy tworzyli technologie pomagającą życiu jednak syn snowa zev przeczuł że technologia jego ojca będzie obiecującym obiektem zainteresowania organizacji rządowych pewnego dnia zev zauważył szczesliwego snowa wychodzącego z garażu zev zauważył stojący samochód marki Dodge Challenger w kolorze miętowy z pudrowo różowym paskiem z jasno fioletowymi lampkami aż tu nagle samochód odpalił się zev az odskoczył aż snow go złapał żeby się nie przewrócił oto cząstka mojego pierwszego opowiadanie a drugie opowiadanie jest w trakcie pisania mam nadzieję że wam się spodoba pozdrawiam was cieplutko
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