#Sayaka's is from when I just started making character playlists so i was a lot looser on adding songs
feenixmork · 1 year
No idea where all the people who follow this playlist came from, but y'know if that many people like it then might as well put it here
Plus the art I made for it
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mirobami · 3 years
Hi, hi! If you're accepting requests at the moment, I'd love to ask for some headcanons on the girls having a stunning s/o (Stunning in a way that they're bright, brilliant, and loud! since most of the fics have the s/os be shy) but maybe also have introverted qualities so that they have depth! I really loved the ones I requested so far so I'm looking forward to reading more of your brilliant work!! Thank you! 😊❤️
↳ stunning s/o with introvert qualities
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♥ GENRE: fluff.
♥ CHARACTER(S): all the girls (except kirari)
♥ SYNOPSIS: in request!
♥ NOTE: Hi again! I do think this was needed and since there was no specification, I will do all of them! They may be shorter because of the length, but here it is! I apologize for taking so long to write this, I think this has been in my inbox for a good month or so, I am so sorry. Let’s get started!
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She is completely here for it because she knows that she can get along with you more than anyone else
You two were best friends before you started dating because of this
You were usually the one to go into gambling dens with her and automatically start gunning for a victory or one that both of you could get and you had to trouble whatsoever talking to people
It didn't help either that you were extremely popular so with the right cards, you could convince the dealer to let you off
Does Yumeko love that? More than ANYTHING
But she also loves the quiet moments with you, it reminds her to slow down and rest for a while
She loves how stunning you are and how you can sit back and just relax alongside her
She is definitely interested in you from the start 
You were intelligent to the point where you rivaled with Yumeko, but unlike her, you were much louder and therefore you constantly had heads turned towards you 
It was practically guaranteed that you knew at least someone from every industry because of the amount of friends and acquaintances you’ve made through merely talking 
That’s actually how you and Mary met, you were the one that talked to her first
But when she finds out that you also like to have the quiet and peaceful moments, she decided to create a quiet space just for you to calm down 
It’s a duality that Mary couldn’t live without
This girl is beyond surprised at realizing that you don’t exactly recharge around other people, nor do you mind being with them 
Of course you were the person that made others turn their heads towards you when you merely walked into rooms and she would always hide behind you, one hand grabbing onto your sleeve
You had friends everywhere and it was not uncommon to find you chatting with someone new everyday
Ririka notices, however, that you take more time making decisions in peace
If there are things you need to complete, you will have a soft playlist playing in the background as you get to work and these are the times where Ririka is aware she has to be quiet, but she will stay by your side in case you ever need her 
Finally, someone that will be able to keep up with her!
Obviously she’s the kind of person that will not hesitate to talk to someone (of course, it’s mainly for her own insanity, I mean, sake) 
Not everyone can keep up with her but when she finds out about you and how brilliant you were in the sense that you could light up a room, she just had to meet you
Everything else was history, she adores watching you talk to everyone else easily and play games like it’s nothing, you’re just someone that no one can really hate (which is a difference, because a lot of people were scared of Midari)
She thought that you were constantly like that until you show that you enjoy your quiet time as well
She’ll find you lying down listening to music and saying nothing, not even when she walks in the room and instinctively she knows that you are at peace during these times and she’s glad that you feel like that
It took her a long time to understand you because this poor girl used logic to get you when in reality, you were just “no thoughts” and bouncing around to talk with people about different things 
Since she’s a dedicated person and also someone rational, you’re her opposite in which you will be devoted to something yet you’ll also make some irrational choices from time to time 
There have been occasions where she’s had to tell you not to jump from a tree to a trampoline, because no, turns out you can’t make a deflated balloon float from that 
That is when she gets to know you further and she finds out that you’re not all reckless and loud, sometimes you like to listen and write instead of talk and be the center of attention
You’re someone that can be in the spotlight as well as out of it and Sayaka really admires you for it 
Unlike Sayaka, it doesn’t take her a long time to understand you 
You’re someone that is loud but not in an obnoxious way, you can just walk into a room and already you have invitations for both gambling and other things 
She was in a den with Ibara and Yumi when you walked in and all three of them had looked up to look at you, grinning and going over to someone so that you both could gamble 
She had asked them who you were and when they told her, she had decided to become friends with you
But after going further, she had found out that you’re not reckless whatsoever, in fact you like to take your time pondering your decisions in a calm environment, which is the opposite of what she had expected
She can understand, though, she likes being in a quiet environment too, so both of you are at peace with one another and what you like to do
Oh boy, if Runa isn’t excited to get to know you better
After Aoi Mibumi left the school, she had gotten bored because everyone else in the student council was either really quiet, insane, or bubbly with a dark side 
You were none of these, it appeared, you were fine with just going along with Runa and playing video games with her in your free time; you were also one of the only people to ever make her laugh genuinely 
She shares her snacks and candy with you after she decides that you’re now her new favorite person and she just adores watching you go around talking to people and leave them as they stare after you 
But Runa notices something else too, and that’s how you concentrate
You need silence to concentrate, hence why when she walks into one of your gambles, she expects it to be loud and cheerful and instead, it’s dead silent as you concentrate on your next move
Runa has never liked you more than in the moment where she realized that you were someone she could trust completely
Miyo thinks of you at first as an obstacle 
You could take over the school easily with all of the connections you have made and how easily you can make someone bend to your will because of one little “please” 
She wants to get to the top of the school and therefore control the country, and honestly, she thought that that was your final goal when in reality, you’re just “no thoughts, only playing” or something along those lines 
Both of you meet each other and you’ve heard stuff about her, so Miyo thinks you’re about to falter when she see her but you’re just asking her about how she does everything because you’re genuinely curious
Oh no, I fell right into the palm of her hand, she thinks once she’s home from a long conversation with you
Surprisingly, she does not mind and she cannot wait to see you again 
Then she notices more about you: you have friends everywhere, but you mainly hang out with a small group of friends and you like being alone from time to time 
You’re not at all what she expected and she’s actually happy that she got to meet you 
This girl is almost alike to you except that she is bright and bubbly, mainly in front of people that can get her connections or her fans and in private, she’s more reserved
When she meets you and you can match to her “level”, she’s pleasantly surprised and then she finds out more about you through the student council
You’re someone that not a single person doesn’t like and it doesn’t matter that you’ve beaten everyone, you’re still lovable 
It surprises Yumemi that you’ve won a bunch of people but aren’t on the student council; specifically because she hasn’t been able to win as many gambles as you and she has this mindset that someone as bubbly is relatively reckless
She was wrong, especially when she accidentally stumbled in on you gambling
She hadn’t ever seen you with a look that serious and when you closed your eyes to think, that was when Yumemi knew that you were not who she thought you were, but in a way that she liked
As one of the smartest and powerful people in the clan, she made it her job to first research about you and ensure that you wouldn’t be a problem or an obstacle in her way
But she finds instead that you’re just someone that likes to be around people and play with everyone at once, you’re that likable in comparison to Kirari
It’s interesting to her, because usually someone at school hates someone else and there was not a single person that hated you; you could walk in a room and it would seem like you brought light along with you 
Terano wanted to do a gamble with you and she thought you would have mannerisms that matched your personality
In fact, what she found was you raising your hand and all of the chatter in the room completely stopped as if you hit the pause button on them 
Turns out you can only concentrate in silence and when she lost for the first time in a long time, you will find her staring at you as she has never looked at you before
You two are alike and different in the same ways, you can charm people easily but in different ways and it always made Rei smile at the thought of it 
Whereas Rei can charm literally anyone to be under her thumb with her quiet tones, you are the one that can merely smile at them as if you had just replaced the sun and the people you have smiled at will do anything for you
That’s what was interesting to her and she wanted to know more about you 
Unfortunately (or fortunately), you had both charmed each other at the same time so now you two were never apart for long and in the future, Rei will be amused at why you two started hanging out 
Rei was more calm and reserved and you were the one that had no problem going up to people to ask them something random 
It seemed like everywhere you went, all eyes were on you and it also appeared as if you enjoyed it 
Then Rei saw that you needed time to recharge afterwards and from the on, she is now the person that will bring snacks and other things so that your battery goes up 
Trust me, out of all of them, she’s the one that’s the least surprised
She’s an actress, she has to convert herself from a villain to the protagonist to the bubbly side character to literally any role that is given to her 
That also coincides with her studying and analyzing people; she sees how bright you are and also how intelligent and her first thought is that you’re an extrovert with introvert qualities
Even if you don’t notice her studying you, she’s usually there; now why are you so special to her? That’s the question she asks herself, but she cannot get away from you for a long time 
It’s not even a surprise when you befriend her, except for her, she’s surprised that you went up to her so easily and wanted to be friends 
From that point on, your relationship grew steady until you were dating and that’s when she found out that she was right, you had introvert qualities
You’d go to her and hug her tightly to recharge and she’d assume that you had been in a crowd and all of the attention was on you
She completely loves you for who you are and she never wants you to change
You’ve got one bubbly girl on your side that also has a side to her she’s hardly shown except when playing 
When she meets you, courtesy of Yumeko, she expects you to be like Mary and Ryota, cold and reserved or shy and timid
Instead, what she gets is someone that isn’t scared of being around her at all, as well as enticing her to get into a conversation about literally anything (her favorite was talking about nail polish colors), you’re completely different than what she had expected
Even in a crowd, it seems like the spotlight is always on you, even if you haven’t done anything and that’s something that Itsuki really admires 
However, when you two are alone, that’s when she notices how drained you are and you laugh when she asks you about it
“It’s nothing, I like being in crowds but also, a lot of people at a time can drain me, so I’d rather be with someone I can recharge with.”
She’s genuinely so whipped for you afterwards
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