elysianslove · 3 years
sub tsumu supremacy 🥳
sub tsumu supremacy 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
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1waizumihajime · 3 years
hey~ so awhile ago i made a uquiz that asked for some unpopular a3! opinions. here is the verdict (note: responses have only been edited for spelling, and if a response mentioned members of multiple troupes they are repeated in each section) enjoy!:
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tsuzuru should become a professional gay drama fanfic writer based off the mankai company
Chikage is a cool character but if he doesn't get over his mom trauma and keeps treating women bad its gonna be a problem. Like outside of kidnapping izumi as a sabotage for the company he treated her so bad bc she's a woman and he was like "oh I realize ur not like other girls" I hate it here
Sakuya is underappreciated and deserves some more heart to heart talks.
Citron and Izumi would make a fantastic couple!!
TsuzuMizu is one of the world’s greatest love stories. The Y E A R N I N G
I think that. Chikage :)
I don’t like Masumi
why does everyone like chikage and itaru i dont understand
masumi pls stop deep breathin
Tsuzuru’s deadlines were only for the first 4 plays of the company and the fact that no one says this to him or try’s to help him with his sleep and work means they’re perfectly fine with him ruining his health if they get what they want from him (a good script) in this essay I will
if they don't release the sprites of itaru and banri's older sisters i have no choice but to assume they're hot af and also sapphic
Izumi needs to place a restraining order on Masumi
Muku has bigger duality than Itaru
Masumi is creepy
Itarun is baby
citron is a walking racist stereotype and thats why i dont like a3 :)
itaru is too good looking for his own good, love that for him
sakuya deserves the world but that's not an opinion it's just a fact
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I- u. H m— u h— ...... so like- Taichi Banri and Tenma hanging out being friends. Y e s—
muku nonbinary
Yuki is a cishet, and saying he isn't when it's stated he is, and gets bullied for not being cishet makes me feel wrong
a3! writers: we addressed kazu's problems me: you didn't address shit a3! writers: we've addressed them
misumi deserves the world
Yuki is Ace and no it’s a fact people refuse to acknowledge
maybe we should talk more about how kazunari never got his conclusion and still has issues being himself but im just sayin
i don't think is actually unpopular but a3 im begging you. please stop type-casting characters and let characters other than yuki play female characters hdjkhfjkhfjs khjksh ok thanks
Misumi x Tenma is NOT valid (Sorry not sorry)
idk if this is unpopular but i wish misumi’s character was more fleshed out...his whole life can’t be 1.) triangle and 2.) parental neglect ToT
Muku has bigger duality than Itaru
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cmon we could have a little izumi/banri's older sister. just for fun and banri's mild suffering
Juza is overrated
I- u. H m— u h— ...... so like- Taichi Banri and Tenma hanging out being friends. Y e s—
if they don't release the sprites of itaru and banri's older sisters i have no choice but to assume they're hot af and also sapphic
i actually don't see the appeal in SakyoIzu. idk, Izumi can do better than that
banri depressed :( thats why he angy
juza and omi superior ship
banri has good fashion taste fite me
taichi is a top tier boy <3
Taiyuki supremacy
jtszbn :]
taichi and juza good ship why does no one ship GRRR i angery
juza is way more interesting than people give him credit for! him just casually offering to cross dress...i love him. also he definitely wears eyeliner
idk man but taichi is severely underappreciated
Juza and banri are both subs but banri is a brat and makes juza top. Juza's mom has beaten god behind a 711
Nachi is best boy
Azumi needs to Stop
Uhhhh the puppy characters aren't actually that cute and Taichi is very annoying on the surface before taking into account his backstory. The characters who have passions and interests outside of just being good to you, the player, are much cuter imo
it's not an unpopular opinion, i'm literally just in love with omi
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Homare’s definitely gay, I can feel it
azuma... asexual.. thank u for coming 2 my ted talk
Tasuku is a himbo. He's buff, he's stupid, and contrary to popular belief he is NOT mean, yall are just sensitive. I will die mad about this
Tasuku is a himbo. No I will not budge on this. After he stops being an asshole he BECOMES a himbo and if liber would just SHOW him being the himbo he was meant to be then I'd be able to rest in peace
Hisoka is a really good flirt
U h Hisoka is so fuvkimg short i swear to fucking god he needs to drink more fucking milk-
Beyond the Wall is not that good.
guy deserves more thirsty hoes why does he have so few give guy thirsty hoe stans
homare rights
Homare world domination
hisoka unhinge
Azuma is genderfluid.
Tsumugi and his "grandma" vibe ;)))
Homare mermaid play. We need it
Azuma deserves a hug so does Homare actually all of Winter Troupe deserves a hug
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Cybird pls let me date izumi I would like to give her a kiss pls
They’re all gay
I'm gay
i’m conflicted about izumi bc on the one hand i like fleshed out female leads but on the other hand because i’m so different from her i find it hard to relate to the game sometimes
the anime is still not perfect but I like it for what it is
um i dont hate this particularly, but it annoys me how everyone ships the lead and co-lead (saku&masu, tenyuki, juban) because they have a good dynamic, like ??? yeah lol and?? but its harmless and stuff so in chill w it. only exception is tasuku and tsumu because they do have chemistry!! absolutely hinted at
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