jasleh · 6 months
Someone asks your character to tell them a joke. What do they respond with?
oh boy it is very early and my brain is not fully awake yet and is also like 95% BG3
I think.... Rrahna would go blank for a moment, then bring out some old dad joke that her dad told her a long time ago because it's all she could remember on the spot lol
depending on how tired/grumpy she was at the time tho, she might also have to fight the urge to respond "you," however that would not vibe well with the perfect hero image she always tries to project lol
Cota would probably bring out some joke that absolutely kills on the Steppe but is largely incomprehensible anywhere else and be surprised when it doesn't go over well and just confuses people
alternately, they would go "ok watch this" and prank someone nearby. this impulse probably gets worse after going to Il Mheg
oh, also if anyone ever introduces them to the "strange noise behind the door" joke, they will be using that one forever
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pangolinheart · 11 months
sending you a pic of Rrahna 'cause our WoLs seem to have so much in common <3
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(and also because I'm Love Her and want to show her off even tho I'm Bad At Screenshots)
her outfit is Super Basic, but I put her in it as a lvl 1, just got to the mailbox and just gotta get rid of the miniskirt outfit and went "oh no, oh no, that's Rrahna. That's Perfect." and she has with few exceptions refused to change out of it since lol
WAHHHH Rrahna is so cute!!! Her hair is so fluffy! And I love the color of her eyes!
I've definitely repurposed some of the starting Miqo gear, most recently for my current DRG glam. I think the top suits her, though!
I don't really have any recent screenshots of Rhiki, but here is the most recent canon-outfit one below the cut! I've been thinking of redesigning her though since I've realized she looks almost identical to like 77% of cat people lol.
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nojohnny5ive · 3 years
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For participation prize winner: @jasleh Character: Rrahna Congrats!
It was fun deciding how to portray this rough and tumble sort of character. She is part highlander and part keeper hence the more human eyes, but both Jasleh and I agreed the fangs were a must have.
@sea-wolf-coast-to-coast (Thank you for hosting. It was fun!)
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jasleh · 11 months
What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
hmm, I think Rrahna's fatal flaw is her compulsion to live up to whatever anyone expects of her (or even just what she thinks they expect of her), no matter how much self-destruction it takes to appear that way.
and while she is certainly aware that she does this, alas I don't think she believes it a flaw. she just thinks it's what she has to do because of how many people look to her for hope.
she does at least have one place where she can set down the burden of being (and appearing as the perfect) Warrior of Light... and now one other person who she hasn't completely let her guard around but still finds it very difficult to fully mask around, which is Progress. But without those outlets (and especially that safe space to retreat to) I'm pretty sure she would have crumbled entirely by now, broken under the pressure of other people's expectations.
(this is also why she finds G'raha extra stressful to be around, because no one puts her up on a higher pedestal than he does)
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jasleh · 7 months
FFxivWrite2023 Prompt 26: Last
character: Rrahna time period: post-6.4/Pandaemonium
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"I've been thinking…" Claudien and Rrahna were once more sitting on the ledge where they had been meeting secretly, and Rrahna looked over to him as he spoke up.
"We keep trying to sort ourselves into these neat little boxes… yet the lines between have only blurred further, at least for me. Who are we doing it for, really? Is it for us? Or to appease the judgement of… some unseen third party." Claudien knew which it was for him, even if it had taken him some time to get there, but wanted to know what Rrahna had to say on the matter.
"That… be a good question," Rrahna said slowly. "People keep sayin' that souls become new people when they be reborn, an' I keep tyin' meself into knots tryin' to believe it. But at least some of the people who told me could no have believed it themselves, or why would the Unsundered track down Shards of the Convocation to raise back to their seats? I still do no think it would be fair to ye if I looked at ye an' only saw Eric… but do it be so bad if I look at ye an' see both?"
"Is it so bad that I cannot draw a clear distinction between myself and my feelings, and Erichthonios's? Where ever these feelings originate, I… I love you," he reached out and took her hand, staring into her eyes. "And I want to be with you. And I think I have spent enough time letting Lahabrea's expectations control me." It was his words that had haunted Claudien. The abrupt rejection of his attempt to reach out and forgive, on Erichthonios's behalf. The denial that they could in any way be the same person. But Erichthonios had spent enough time being haunted by the words of his father, and Claudien was Erichthonios, at least in part.
Rrahna smiled a slow smile that made him feel suddenly hot. "I think ye be right." She shifted, partially getting up from where she had been sitting next to him, and he suddenly found her straddling his lap, face barely an ilm from his. "I want the same," she murmured into his mouth, and then kissed him.
Rrahna and Erichthonios had shared a kiss, back in a brief moment of privacy in Pandaemonium. Memory, Claudien found, was not as good as reality. His arms snaked around behind her and one hand came up to tangle in her hair, soft as a cat's fur. When she started tugging at his clothing, however, he grew suddenly flustered. He'd not expected her to move so quickly - although a bit of Keeper trivia that chose that moment to drift through his head told him that perhaps he should have. He broke the kiss with a gasp and stammered out the first inane thing that came into his head.
"Shouldn't we have dinner first?"
Rrahna sat back, looking at first almost comically startled by the idea, then delighted.
"Ye mean like a date?" she asked. "I have no had a proper date before."
"Would you like to?" Part of him was a bit disappointed in himself for interrupting things… but mostly he felt the need for a bit more mental preparation before taking that step. Also he wasn't as young as she was and they were sitting on a rock.
"Aye… I think I would. But!" She held up a finger in admonishment. "Ye'd best be takin' me to the Last Stand. If there be one thing I learned of this island, it be that there be no other good place to eat."
"Are you sure you want to go somewhere so public?" Up until this moment she had been all but fanatical in her desire for secrecy. At the question she considered him with a serious expression that seemed an odd combination with the fact that she was still sitting on his lap.
"Keepin' things secret… be a habit. An' it feels safe. But… I do no want to keep ye a secret forever. I… I did no want people talkin' while we were still figurin' things out, but now that we have… I want to try to be open about ye. Although I 'spect it'll take some gettin' used to… an' I will still have secrets that I will soon be trustin' ye to keep."
Claudien took a deep breath and continued the matter in turn. It did feel oddly intimidating to step out of the shadows in such a way. Perhaps because Rrahna was such a well known figure. But… he did not want to keep it a secret forever either.
"Tonight then? At the Last Stand?"
A short time later, well before she'd agreed to meet Claudien again, Rrahna walked up to the proprietor of the Last Stand. This… was more frightening than the thing waiting on the Void's moon, but the thought that had begun to plague her would not let her bury her head and hope for the best.
"Our hero returns!" Dickon exclaimed as she walked up to the counter. "What can I get for you this afternoon?"
"Actually, I have a favor to ask of ye… and as ye be a friend of Alisaie, I be hopin' I can ask as a friend." Rrahna was trying very hard not to think about how this man was the very center of the local rumor mill, but it was difficult. She was also trying very hard not to pay too much attention to how many other people might be in hearing range.
"Of course. What did you have in mind?"
"I have… a date here, later tonight." It took all she had to force the words out, which was not helped by Dickon leaning forward with interest.
"Oh? Who with?"
"Ye'll be findin' that out soon enough," she huffed in reply. "Listen… this be important to me. I have no ever had a proper date before, and… and I do no often get a chance to feel normal, ye know? So… I'd appreciate it… greatly… if ye could have yer people watch out for anyone comin' over to talk to me an' divertin' them. Do no want tonight to be interrupted for less than an emergency." Internally she cringed as she once more imagined Krile - or, far worse, G'raha - wandering up in the middle of her date to talk to her. "I'll tip ye all big for it, too."
He smiled. "After all you've done for us, I'd say an uninterrupted date is the very least you deserve. Consider it done, and I hope your night goes well. I'll see if I can't whip up something special to serve."
She smiled back gratefully. "Thank ye."
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jasleh · 7 months
FFxivWrite2023 Prompt 21: Grave
character: Rrahna time period: post-6.3/Euphrosyne
It took far too long for Rrahna to realize where she was. Where she had been lead. The disorienting novelty of walking with gods distracted her, and then there was the awkward encounter with the cultist, but…. the truth was she had never been. Never once visited. First she did not have the time… then she did not have the strength.
It was only when she went up to Menphina's stone that she saw it, and realized. Her body stiffened abruptly, even shook slightly with the effort of holding herself together. She held her device out to the stone and spoke, though her voice was nearly strangled.
"Ye go on ahead. I will catch up."
"Is everything alright?" Deryk's voice. Ha, as if he didn't know. They all should have known.
"GO." The word came out harsh and angry. She didn't care. The device stopped vibrating in her hand, but she did not take her eyes off the symbol in front of her until the crunch of footsteps had faded into the distance. Then at last she turned with a shuddering breath and with dragging feet made her way to the grave.
Her clothing was not at all suited to anything but the briefest visit to such a clime, but she took no notice of the cold as she collapsed onto her hands and knees in the snow before the gravestone and cried. Years of grief that had been kept bottled up all struggling to spill from her at once in painful, choking sobs.
She had never had the chance to grieve. Not really. There had been no time at all immediately after he had died in the mad scramble to hunt down those who had murdered him, and even after that it had just been one thing after another. And when at last she had found moments in which she might have fallen apart, when she was not immediately needed… she had no longer known how.
Even now, she could not just let it happen. Had to somehow pull herself back together so she could go back to the others and pretend like nothing had happened. They would know, of course. But if she could pretend to believe that 'Deryk' was just an explorer, they could surely grant her the dignity of at least pretending they hadn't witnessed this.
At a distance too far for mortal eyes, three beings stared back the way they had come - two in the form of small creatures, one in the form of a hyur.
"Poor child," Menphina murmured. "I should have realized."
"Even we are not omniscient," reminded Halone.
"She needs more than this," spoke Oschon, "but perhaps it can be a start."
An uncounted amount of time later, the crunch of footsteps in snow announced Rrahna's return. Her eyes were red but tears no longer fell from them. Ignoring the others, she looked only to the small form Menphina had taken.
"That were cruel," was all she said before continuing along the path.
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jasleh · 7 months
FFxivWrite2023 Prompt 19: Weal
character: Rrahna time period: post-Endwalker
Rrahna wandered quietly through the Doman Enclave, just taking in the sights and sounds. Improvements were happening in many of the former Garlean provinces, she knew, but nowhere was it so visible as here. Oh the scars still ran deep, there was no doubt, but prosperity was returning through the Doman's hard work and shared vision.
After the Final Days, Rrahna had found herself in need of a reminder that she did not only bring destruction in her wake. That she was not some sort of harbinger of despair and violence, but someone always in the thick of things because she was fighting to forestall it… even when things did not at all work out the way she had hoped as they had with Zodiark.
She needed the reminder that after wildfire could come renewal.
"Rrahna? Rrahna! Is that you?"
Her ears twitched at the familiar voice, and she turned with a well-practiced smile.
"You should have told me you were coming! I could have arranged for an appropriate welcome."
Rrahna waved her hand in an almost warding gesture. She had grown somewhat superstitious about such things as they always seemed to bring some crisis or another with them.
"Gods forbid. No, I do no be here on any official business. Just felt like wanderin' through. Yer people be doin' well it seems."
"Thanks in no small part to you." Hien smiled. "If you will have no hero's feast, then perhaps something from the Ten Thousand Stalls? My treat."
Rrahna's nose twitched almost against her will. The smells coming from that section of the Enclave were undeniably tempting.
"Suppose I could take ye up on that…"
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jasleh · 7 months
FFxivWrite2023 Prompt 13: Check
character: Rrahna time period: post-6.4/Pandaemonium
"I do no like it."
"I know, but just imagine what we might learn!"
"Would be best if ye learned how to destroy it. I will no take it from ye, Claudien. I can no dispute yer claim and I do no have any better plan, but it be dangerous." Claudien opened his mouth to answer back, but Rrahna continued over him. "I know, I know. Ye should know that better than anyone, but I worry about ye. If ye must study the thing, I expect ye to be careful and take all precautions. Do no think I be above settin' Fourchenault and the Forum to breathe down yer neck if I think ye be cuttin' corners!"
Claudien's mouth hung open for a moment in a shocked and hurt expression. "You wouldn't!"
"Do no try me. I be serious about this. Here." Rrahna thumped down a thick stack of papers and a small box on a nearby table. "This be for ye, I expect ye to use it, though I do no trust it to be strong enough."
"What is it?"
"A device to block the effects of auracite," Rrahna pointed at the box. "It be only partially effective against even the Sundered stuff, but it be better than nothin'. Also a copy of everythin' the mammets in the library could dig up of Mikoto's research on it…. I wish ye luck with that, she be hard enough to understand in person. Since ye be insistin' on doin' this, I'd recommend workin' with her if ye can."
"Meanwhile, I were talkin' to Cid about tryin' to make a stronger version of the device. He be the one who built it. Mikoto designed it, but I do no know her as well. I'll put ye in touch with him in case ye know anythin' that might help. If need be, I can go back to the past to get more aether-rich materials for it, though it'll only work if they be in Elpis somewhere." She paused a moment as a sudden thought occurred to her. "I'd best ask the Loporrits too… Had the mammets make an extra copy of Mikoto's research in case Cid needed it, but it might be put to better use on the moon."
Claudien was honestly rather touched by how much thought and effort Rrahna had put into this.
"Thank you, but surely you need not go to such lengths… I do know how to be careful, you know." Even as he spoke though, Rrahna was shaking her head.
"I do. That rock be dangerous. It may be more dangerous now that it be empty than it were when it were full. Naught the High Seraph shat out ever brought a soul to a good end. I do no want to see ye end up like your ma." She brought a hand up to cup his face. "Please," and her voice broke slightly on the word, "Do no make me fight ye."
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jasleh · 8 months
FFxivWrite2023 Prompt 9: Fair
character: Rrahna time period: 6.4/Pandaemonium
Since Pandaemonium had appeared in the Aetherial Sea, barely a day went by that Rrahna didn't drop in to pester Fourchenault, Ruissenaud, or Nemjiji about the investigation. Had she any way to reach the place without help, she would not have bothered waiting on the Forum's ever so lengthy discussions. Through it all, one thought tormented her: was Eric in there? After falling for him hopelessly, knowing it was doomed from the start, was he somehow, impossibly still alive? Did he need help? Would he be as tall as the Watcher or the shades of Emet-Selch's recreation? It was impossible to get a sense of scale from within the bounds of the Aitiascope.
The disappearance of the Professor, in all honesty, was not high on her list of priorities. Oh, she'd pull him out of whatever fire he'd crawled into if she could, that was what she did, after all, but the only real impression he'd made on her was of someone enthusiastic and distractible. More bothersome was that he'd taken the memory crystal when he'd disappeared. Rrahna would have liked to have gotten Lahabrea's thoughts on it, odd as that felt to her.
When at last the response changed from "nothing new to report, investigation still ongoing" to "Fourchenault has uncovered something new and will meet us in the Aitiascope to discuss it," Rrahna was about ready to shake it out of the man. She had not anticipated just how crushing it would be - how much hope she had had - until Fourchenault's words stripped that hope away.
It was not Pandaemonium, somehow cast adrift from the flow of time. It was just a chunk of Azys Lla, relocated and reshaped. When she went into those oh so familiar halls, it would not be to search for Erichthonios, but Professor Claudien. Rrahna felt grief transmute into rage. Claudien, I swear, when I see ye again, I will punch ye for gettin' me hopes up. Was it fair to him? Probably not, but she didn't think this situation was terribly fair to her either.
Somehow, it never occurred to her to wonder what exactly Claudien had gotten up to that had resulted in such an effect, or the sheer volume of aether it must have required, or even how he had managed to make such a perfect replica of a place he had never seen.
Finding Athena was behind the reconstructed edifice was both unexpected and yet somehow not surprising at all. Finding out she held Claudien and had some manner of use for him likewise, although what exactly that use could be was a mystery. The true contents of the memory crystal and what Athena did with them, on the other hand…. Well, it distracted Rrahna thoroughly enough for Athena to escape with ass unkicked, that was for damn sure.
Erichthonios…. even with Lahabrea right there, even knowing he wasn't actually real, just memories made solid with the aid of a wandering soul…. it took every ounce of self-control Rrahna possessed to not run over and hug him. It hurt, seeing him here like this. It hurt so much, and yet it felt a blessing too.
Yet the moment everything seemed to shatter around her came after she had to fight Themis, almost had to watch him fade away for a second time. The moment Themis said he thought he knew why Athena needed Claudien… because he'd heard her call him by a different name. Erichthonios.
Erichthonios. Eric - or the memory of him - was confused, but Rrahna understood instantly, and it seemed Lahabrea had already suspected. Claudien was Eric's shard. Rrahna felt numb with shock, but knew that saving him had suddenly become a much higher priority.
The time had come at last to fight Athena. Before heading into the unknown, Rrahna surveyed the three reconstructed Ancients with whom she had gotten this far. She would not trust Lahabrea with her precious scythe. Nor did she trust whatever plan that he'd come up with for Erichthonios, better not to give him something additional to worry about. She went up to Themis and pushed the scythe into his hand.
"This be very important to me. Do no lose it." He took it, giving her an oddly knowing smile. She started for the strange gateway into Athena's realm.
"Athena is not a foe to be underestimated. You will need your weapon." Lahabrea spoke up behind her. She did not even turn her head to answer.
"I hit harder without it."
The last sight Rrahna had of Erichthonios was not of the reconstructed memory that Athena had made, but a projected one as Claudien projected his last message from the memory crystal.
"I leave this memory for you, the future of our star. The Final Days have come, and the creation magicks we have so relied upon now hasten our downfall. But despair has not yet won out. Lahabrea and the others of the Convocation are working to stem the chaos which threatens to engulf our star. Their plan requires great sacrifice. Elidibus - Themis - has already offered to give his life for our salvation. Yet there is another problem which must be dealt with: Pandaemonium…"
Rrahna watched the image, heart in her eyes and tears streaming down her face. With no one to witness save Themis and Claudien, she felt no shame, nor any need to hide.
"Alongside my warning, this memory shall carry a wish. Rrahna…may we meet again. Now listen well: If anyone receives this message, you must come to Pandaemonium. Please make haste. I repeat…"
With eyes only for the image in front of her, she never saw how Claudien watched her more than the message.
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jasleh · 8 months
FFxivWrite2023 Prompt 8: Shed
character: Rrahna time period: Endwalker
If there was one thing Rrahna could honestly claim to dislike about how much she traveled, it was the absolute havoc it wreaked on her shedding cycle. No more predictable seasonal growth and shedding of the undercoat on her tail when she might be in wildly different climates from one day to the next. Never enough fur when she needed it, and too much when she didn't. The contrast between Garlemald and Thavnair had been particularly bad, and going from one to the other and back again seemed to have confused her system utterly. Garlemald was so cold that even the hair on her head - always closer to fur even at the best of times - had decided to get in on the act and started to grow an undercoat. Which then promptly attempted to fall out after she again met the heat of Thavnair.
The whole mess itched abominably and she had resorted to digging out a brush and brushing head and tail both as aggressively as possible, resulting in an ever-growing pile of fluff next to her. And the whole lot likely to try to grow back in next time she had to visit that snowy wasteland. What a nuisance. Even Coerthas hadn't been this bad, although at least she had stayed there long enough for her undercoat to grow in properly and be of use.
Rrahna muttered angrily under her breath as she worked. Had anyone been around to walk by and say "wow, you could make an entire cat out of that!" they would likely have quickly come to regret it.
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jasleh · 8 months
FFxivWrite2023 Prompt 7: Noisome
character: Rrahna time period: at some point after Elpis
Noisome: offensive to the senses and especially to the sense of smell, highly obnoxious or objectionable
Morbols of any variety were unpleasant enough to deal with when one managed to not get hit directly by their breath. This time, Rrahna was not so lucky. The bone deep cold of Garlemald had slowed her a step and she'd taken the blast head-on. Stepping away from the creature's slashed corpse, she shuddered and ran a slime-covered hand over her equally slime-covered face, then attempted - and quickly regretted attempting - to take a deep breath.
"By the Twelve," she groaned. It would take a week to fully get rid of the stench. "Hythlodaeus," she muttered under her breath, "I do blame ye for this. Why did ye ever approve those bloody things."
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jasleh · 8 months
FFxivWrite2023 Prompt 5: Barbarous
character: Rrahna (indirectly) time period: post-6.4/Pandaemonium
Claudien managed to spend some days blissfully unaware of the rumors swirling around him and Rrahna. Absorbed as he was in his work, he had no time for such things, and the relative isolation of Apora helped as well. Eventually they came to roost, however, in the form of an unwelcome visitor.
He was studying some schematics and working his way through an astonishingly dense paper when the interruption came. Rrahna had dug them up somehow and pressed them upon him rather forcefully, as they were regarding a device designed to block the effects of auracite. The device itself was also in his possession. For all that she was quick to declare her lack of learning, Rrahna had picked up a remarkable number of things in her adventurers. She was also less than thrilled at his decision to study the Heart of Sabik.
"Claudien, my good man! What have you been up to?"
Claudien blinked, trying with limited success to pull his head from the nest of jargon he had been immersed in. Looking up, he saw a vaguely familiar elezen man, with his research assistants gesturing apologetically behind him. It took a few moments to place him. Someone he'd gone to school with? Yes, that was it. Not someone he'd ever been especially close to, or in much contact with since then - and just now school felt longer ago than the Sundering itself.
"Hello, ah… Fir….?"
"Firmien. Took me a while to track you down, but I simply had to stop by, you would not believe what people are saying!"
Claudien did not at all think about the fact that he had been seen twice now having dinner with the Warrior of Light at the Last Stand, but instead immediately thought that the Pandaemonium reports must have somehow circulated far more widely than he had expected. Ascians, after all, were far more common knowledge in Sharlayan than elsewhere on the star.
"… I might."
"So it's true then? I mean, even seeing you with my own eyes last evening I didn't fully believe it. Of course, before then I didn't even realize it was you people were speaking of."
Last evening? Claudien felt lost for a moment as his framework for the conversation began to shift. Last evening he had been…
"Honestly, man. The Scion's so-called 'champion?' What were you thinking? She's some… some barbarian who has never met a problem she didn't solve with violence. Those war-like types are all the same."
As the man prattled on, not allowing a word in edgewise, Claudien's brows drew down and his hands began to curl into fists, but he managed to keep a tight hold on his temper.
"And those scars! How can you even look at her? Honestly, if you ask me she barely even counts as a person."
And just like that, his tether snapped. Or Erichthonios's did, if such a line could even be drawn. A sputtering glow sprang up around his fists, a spell so well-practiced as to be reflex, but that he didn't begin to have the aether to cast.
"Not to devalue her contribution, of course. I suppose even mindless violence must sometimes have-"
The fool's words cut off abruptly as Claudien's fist met his face with a crunch of breaking nose. It was remarkably cathartic seeing him get knocked on his ass.
"Get out."
"How dare you?!" The words were distorted by the broken nose and the hand Firmein held to it, but understandable. "She's clearly rubbed off on you! You're as barbarous as her now."
"Get. Out."
Ruissenaud hoisted the man to his feet and began urging him towards the door. Claudien glared at him until he was out of sight, ignoring the sputtered threats of censure. Only after Firmein was gone did he begin to relax and notice the glow flickering around his hands. Not near formed enough to have shape, but he knew the channels the aether was trying to follow. Not a spell of this age. Or one that would have been particularly useful, really.
"Professor?" Nemjiji spoke up hesitantly. "That may not have been a good idea."
"And if he drags me before the Forum," Claudien asked, "Who do you think the majority would side with if I repeated what he just said?" Attitudes in Sharlayan could be slow to change, but the Forum had gotten a closer view than most of Rrahna's efforts to stop the Final Days, and had backed the Scions' efforts.
Nemjiji thought about it for a moment, cocking her head. "You may have a point."
"It was worth it regardless. If any other gawkers or gossips come by, I'm not here. I have work to do."
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jasleh · 8 months
FFxivWrite2023 Prompt 4: Off the Hook
character: Rrahna time period: post-6.4/Pandaemonium
The ambush had been carefully planned. Every element must be in place, and the timing perfect. Rrahna had been visiting Sharlayan often of late, but catching her on the way in would do no good, especially as she often teleported directly to Labyrinthos. Often she teleported directly out from there as well. However, keeping tabs on Rrahna's aetheric signature had become almost second nature to Krile, so when she began making the occasional stop by the Last Stand on her way out, well… that provided an opening.
Krile set the gears in motion about half a bell after she felt Rrahna enter her awareness, sending Raha away to research something time consuming in the Archon stacks of the library. The recent rumors swirling around had the poor boy moping terribly, and that simply wouldn't do. Not to mention that she very much doubted Rrahna would open up while he was around.
When Rrahna's aether shifted from deep below ground to the surface, Krile knew this was the time. She made her way to the aethernet shard by the annex and reached the Last Stand just in time to oh so casually and, of course, purely by chance get into line behind the Warrior of Light.
"Rrahna! How good to see you! I had heard you've been spending more time around Sharlayan."
Rrahna spun, ears going back, and looked at Krile with the wariness that she'd had ever since Tataru had let on that they knew where she had been getting off to when she vanished. It hurt, and Krile was very much hoping to bridge the gap that had come up between them.
"Ah, Krile. I have been in and out, aye. Thought ye be too busy to have me dropin' by and interruptin.'"
It was a lie, but Krile wouldn't dream of calling her on it. Especially when it gave her such a perfect opening.
"Oh I have certainly been busy, but I can spare some time now! Come, let's order some extra pastries and tea - or would you prefer coffee? - and we can take it back to the Annex and chat. Raha's off researching so it'll just be us two. I think we're overdue on catching up, don't you?"
The wariness increased, and Rrahna's shoulders dropped slightly. "Ye will no be lettin' me off the hook on this, will ye?"
"Is tea with a friend such an imposition? Come on, it'll be fun! And I could certainly use the break from paperwork."
Rrahna agreed, if reluctantly, and they took their bounty from the Last Stand back to one of the nap rooms.
"You need not look so glum." Krile spoke to Rrahna over a mug of tea. "I did not mean to twist your arm, truly, I only wished to talk. And I do know how to keep a secret, if that is what has had you so worried."
The flat look she got in return said very clearly that it was what had Rrahna worried and Krile knew it.
"I'd be more inclined to believe ye if ye hadn't told Tataru."
"Tataru was worried, we both were. You were not near so recovered as you pretended when you left, and it had been far too long since anyone had word of your whereabouts. In truth, you'd vanished so completely that I'd expected the sort of aether trail that would indicate you'd gone to the First! As for where it went instead, well! Had it not been your own teleportation magic that carried you I would have been certain you had been kidnapped. And it was only when I realized that it was not one trail I was seeing but many layered ones that I could believe there was no coercion involved. There isn't, is there?"
"Good. Had I believed otherwise, I would have told everyone that we might take steps." Rrahna shuddered visibly at that. "However, as you seemed to be there of your own free will, I told only Tataru so she could stop worrying. I have not told anyone else, nor will I." Krile leaned forward in gentle emphasis and Rrahna let out a puff of breath.
"Ye've kept yer mouth shut so far, I'll admit, but ye like to gossip, Krile. I've seen how ye are with Alphinaud."
"Alphinaud needs to be embarrassed every so often. It's good for him. Besides bringing up the occasional old school story is hardly the same thing as talking about something you have clearly gone to great lengths to hide. Isn't there even a saying about it being impossible to keep a secret in Ul'dah? Now, I'm not saying I wouldn't dearly love to know the details, but I will not press you on it, nor will I tell anyone, you have my word."
Krile put as much sincerity as she could into the words, and finally Rrahna's shoulders relaxed.
"All right, I'll believe ye."
"Good!" Krile smiled. "I'm glad we could finally clear the air. Now! Important as that was, it wasn't really what I was hoping to talk about."
"Oh?" The wariness returned, but Krile was glad to see it had lost much of its edge. Krile leaned forward and grinned in an almost predatory manner.
"Rumor has it that you have been seen a great deal in the company of some Labyrinthos researcher of late."
Rrahna groaned and buried her face in her hands. "That be the last thing I need."
"You are a rather public figure, I'm afraid. Rumors come with the territory," Krile said sympathetically.
"So what have ye heard," Rrahna asked resignedly.
"I heard you had a date at the Last Stand the other day. Of course, mostly people are talking about how shocked they are that you would be interested in someone so studious. You know how most people think of Eorzeans here."
"Hmph. He be braver and stronger than they could imagine." The affection was clear and deep in the words, and Krile leaned forward again.
"So you do want to talk about him then. I'd hoped as much."
"Oh, fine. But it be complicated." In spite of Rrahna's tone, the sparkle in her eyes told Krile she was right.
"What's his name? The rumor mill never picked that detail up."
"Claudien. He be a professor studyin' the Aetherial Sea." Rrahna's expression shifted suddenly to mischief as an impulse struck her. "He also be Lahabrea's son."
Krile's shocked expression must have lived up to Rrahna's hopes, for she sat back with an air of smugness.
"You mean like how the Galvuses were descended from Emet-Selch?"
"No, no like that," Rrahna waved the comparison aside. "In his right mind, Lahabrea would no have claimed him, but fortunately he did no ever find him for he were no in his right mind by then. Too much Hephaistos, no to mention how long he'd carried that damn rock. But I should no start at the end. Let me start over."
"Please," Krile said, feeling a bit dazed. "I fear you have quite lost me."
"I be guessin' you have no had time to read the Pandaemonium reports?"
"No, I've been swamped. I don't think I've even heard the word."
"May be for the best. The one writin' them be… creative. I do no be sure how close she stuck to the facts. Were ye aware that some moons ago, soon after I… started movin' around again, there were someone askin' for help in Labyrinthos?"
"Oh! Yes, I remember that. There was a lalafell hanging around the Annex for over a week hoping you would drop by."
"Hm. If she were less enthusiastic about makin' wild leaps with what I told her, I'd feel more guilty about that. But that be where it started. Ye see…"
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jasleh · 8 months
FFxivWrite2023 Prompt 3: extra credit
character: Rrahna time period: post-6.4/Pandaemonium
(been wanting to write this one pretty much since I finished Pandaemonium but never got around to it, and as it also gives some context for my first prompt entry, I decided to go ahead and do it today)
Rrahna was just returning from the moon in low spirits and on her way to her usual bolthole when the moogle waved for her attention.
"Letter for you, kupo! All the way from Sharlayan!" The words snapped her out of her rumination in an instant, all thought of the dreadful threat lurking just beyond the Rift vanishing.
"From Sharlayan," she repeated automatically, heart suddenly in her throat. Her mind went instantly to one person, but that was ridiculous, it could be any number of people, surely.
"That's right, kupo!" The moogle squinted at the envelope where a return address had been scrawled. "Says it's from a Professorrrr…."
Rrahna snatched the letter before he could finish and held it in hands that trembled ever so slightly. Claudien. It was from Claudien. No the same person. He do no be the same person. But no matter how firmly she thought it, she didn't believe it. Not really. Changed, certainly, as time changed anyone, but…
"Oooooh, is it a ~love~ letter, kupo?" The moogle danced around her head and her arm flashed out and grabbed him by the strap of his mail bag.
"Do no be ridiculous, it be from a friend. And if ye breathe a word otherwise, I will hunt ye down and squeeze yer pom until it pops off, do ye understand me?"
A love letter. Of course it wasn't a love letter. She and Claudien barely knew each other… no matter how much it felt otherwise. The moogle squeaked some manner of terrified reply that she didn't listen to and she let him go, then entered the Ul'dahn apartment building. Her apartment here was impersonally furnished. It only really existed as a decoy, a place from which to teleport to somewhere else. The precaution hadn't saved her from Krile's aether tracking abilities, but that was no reason to get careless. Still, it had a couch and she sat on it and stared at the envelope for some minutes before finally working up the nerve to open it.
Dear Rrahna, I suppose that before I begin, I should assure you there is no emergency or great danger threatening, nor am I asking your aid for some project or difficulty. Warrior of Light and Champion of Etheirys as you are, I suspect that much of your correspondence falls into the above categories. I write instead on a personal matter. I confess I have hesitated greatly to send this letter, and if you feel I have overstepped my bounds you need not answer and I will not bring it up again. Nonetheless, I find myself compelled to reach out to you. Ericthonios's greatest wish was to see you again. I know that, as Lahabrea said, I am not him, and yet… since I was granted his memories… I can not help but feel as if fate has granted us a second chance. Should you feel the same, or simply wish to talk, then perhaps we might meet again soon. Yours in hope, Claudien, who was once Erichthonios
A few days and exchanged letters later, Claudien walked cautiously through the sparse forest to the north of Aporia. Ostensibly, he was taking a break to stretch his legs. Not that he had ever been much known for taking breaks, but he supposed he could always claim to be turning over a new leaf. His research assistants knew better, of course, but he had needed their help to make sure he made this meeting on time anyway. He was beginning to worry that he was the only one that had made the meeting when a soft voice called out from somewhere nearby.
"Up here."
He looked around, and finally spotted Rrahna on a wide ledge of rock jutting out from a nearby cliff face.
"Oh! Um…" He looked around trying to figure out how to get up. She pointed to a spot on the rock.
"Put yer foot here, then give me yer hand. I'll pull ye up."
He did as instructed and she pulled him onto the ledge with no visible effort whatsoever. Half of him was astonished at her strength. The other half was only surprised at how tall she was. Shouldn't she only come up to his collarbone? But no… that had been another life. Another him, even if it was the same her. In this life, they were very nearly the same height. Not quite a week since he had seen her last, and he had already forgotten.
They stared at each other for a few moments, and then he cleared his throat awkwardly. "Um. Thank you for coming to meet me."
She gave him a sad smile. "Could no stay away." The smile fell as she continued to gaze at him. "Can no believe I did no see it before," she said quietly. "Ye look just like him."
Hesitantly he took her hands in his. "I know that I am not and cannot be him, and you have every right to dismiss me as Lahabrea did, but… his memories live on within me, and show no signs of fading… as do the feelings that came with them. I… cannot easily separate myself from him within my mind."
Rrahna gave a half grin at that. "'Least half the time I be sure Lahabrea were full of shite," she said, then added more seriously, "And… I've some idea what it be like, with the memories. No exactly, but…" She trailed off and looked away.
"What do you mean?"
"Let's sit." She followed words with action, sitting against the cliff face, and he followed suit. "When first we met… if ye can find a first in this mess… I told ye I knew someone who had a crystal like yers."
He nodded. "I remember."
"Well, the 'someone' were me," she admitted, and pulled out an orange crystal of familiar shape, although unlike his this one bore a mark. He gaped at it, thinking first of the Ascian's crystals she had spoken of, with the marks of the Convocation on them. The thought that actually came out of his mouth, however, was fueled by far older memories and came quick on the heels of the first.
"That's Azem's symbol!"
"Aye. And I be Azem's shard, as ye be Eric's."
He stared at her blankly before his face transformed with realization, a memory that Erichthonios had all but forgotten surfacing.
"Azem's familiar."
"Aye. No my idea, but a useful cover."
"I'd almost forgotten. I… he could never think of you as a Creation."
Rrahna smiled softly. "I know. It be part of why I fell for him, foolish and doomed though I knew it were." Her shoulders hunched, and she looked down. "Owe ye an apology for that. Owe him. I did no get the chance to say it to him, even…" she gestured vaguely downwards. "I knew the end were coming. Were already on the way. And I did no tell ye. Could no, but after all the things that were kept from ye 'for yer own good,' ye deserved better. I be sorry. Tore me apart not to tell ye, but tellin' would have been crueler yet, even if…" another vague gesture as she trailed off, as if waving at the whole concept of time travel.
"I understand," Claudien said gently. "And faint though my memories of his time in the Aetherial Sea are, I believe he understood too."
Rrahna took a deep breath, and he thought he saw her shoulders relax a little. "He did no seem so upset as I'd have expected, when I told him. But Lahabrea were right there as well, so… I could no be sure. The apology were owed regardless. Anyway."
With visible effort she brought herself back to the original topic. "Me crystal do no be exactly like yers. It were no made by Azem, she were gone by then. And it were no made to restore a shard to their seat on the Convocation as an Ascian neither, for Azem were declared a traitor to be forgotten to time. But Hades - Emet-Selch as ye'd know him - could no bear to forget. So after the other crystals were made, he made this one in secret… and after his death it came to me. So… it do no be me memories directly, more memories of me, but… well, there it be, do it no? 'Me.' I do no be Azem, yet I be the greater part of Azem and can no but think of Azem as meself."
She glanced at him, then looked away. "So ye see, I do understand how such things can be… complicated. I do no know ye, Claudien. No like I knew Eric. And ye… ye've seen a truer side of me than most, but there be much ye do no know as well. But… I think I would like to get to know ye."
He swallowed hard. "I would like that as well. To get to know you, I mean. And… and I suppose I had best work out where Ericthonios's feelings end and my own begin."
"Aye, complicated is it no? I'll be needin' to work some things out as well. Would no be fair to ye to only see Eric when I looked at ye."
"There's also…" he hesitated, realizing this probably should have been brought up sooner, but with his thoughts as tangled as they had been, he hadn't thought about it. "I'm… a fair bit older than you are, I fear."
Rrahna laughed suddenly at that, a sound of genuine amusement, although he could not see the joke. "Oh that has no stopped me before," she said once she could speak again. "'Sides. How many centuries did Eric have on me? I may have been older than him in practical terms but I do no be an Ancient and I know they lived a sight longer than we do."
Claudien thought about it, then laughed weakly. "Not too many, but you have a point."
"So, let's find out what there be for us in this age."
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jasleh · 8 months
FFxivWrite2023 Prompt 1: Envoy
character: Rrahna time period: post-6.4/Pandaemonium
(Envoy is too close to Emissary so I guess it's Being Sad About Elidibus Hours 'cause I couldn't think of anything else lol)
"Ye do no remember much from when ye were captured, ye said? From… from Eric, I mean."
Rrahna and Claudien sat together on a rock ledge in Labyrinthos, close enough to Aporia that Claudien didn't need to worry about running into something dangerous getting there, but far enough away to provide privacy. Not that it was truly necessary to keep their meetings a secret, but Rrahna was finding secrecy a hard habit to break. Anyway, even in Sharlayan the Warrior of Light was watched and gossiped about. She wanted no rumors swirling while the two of them were still cautiously working out what they were to each other now.
"Not much, no," he admitted. "Some vague impressions, nothing more. I was hoping they might come clearer, but they grow only fainter. Because they were not inscribed in the crystal, I surmise…. why do you ask?"
"Oh, it just… there be somethin' that he said to me… And I keep thinkin' about it." Rrahna leaned back against the cliff face behind them, eyes closed and face thoughtful. "'Bout how Themis would no want to be me enemy. And yet… he were me enemy before he were me friend… and me friend before he were me enemy. Loops," she sighed. "Loops and loops and loops."
Claudien could but sympathize. His own life had felt decidedly non-linear ever since Ericthonios had granted him the memories of a life long past. How much worse must it be for Rrahna, who had actually traveled to that past in this life? Loops upon loops indeed.
"Ye… he… were right, I be sure, and yet, we were enemies far longer than we were friends. Far far longer, dependin' on how and who ye count." How had he reacted to Azem's betrayal, she wondered? Such memories were long lost and never now to be recovered. "When we fought, I hated him. There be a part of me that has no yet forgiven him and may no ever… and yet after I won I mourned him." The part that would not forgive was Ardbert, and even he had softened somewhat towards Themis. Yet she couldn't blame him for the grudge after how poorly she had reacted to Zenos's much shorter theft of her body. She would need to introduce Ardbert to Claudien sooner or later, but not yet.
Claudien just watched her, letting her talk. This, perhaps more than anything else, was what bound them together. Who else could understand - truly understand - what it was like to have such complicated emotions about Ascians? Who could they really speak to about such things but each other?
"Oh Eric," it came out half a sob, and she did not even realize the wrong name had slipped out. "There were so little left of him. Ye can no imagine. Time and Zodiark stole all that were Themis. He had only the memory of duty left. There were only Elidibus, the Emissary." It had hurt even then, the tragedy of how much he had lost. It hurt so much more now that she knew him as he had been. "I be glad… ye did no ever see him like that. And gladder still that I were able to speak to him one last time."
At last, Rrahna opened her eyes and looked at Claudien. "Down in the Aetherial Sea, Themis told me he were just like Lahabrea and… and Eric. Just a wanderin' soul that Athena impressed memories on. After ye left, he admitted it were no true. Or at least no entirely. She did find him, and manipulate him, but… he were no random soul. It were really him."
Claudien could only gape at this revelation. "That was him? You mean Athena found his actual soul?"
"Aye. Venat… Hydaelyn… must have brought him home after he made the portal. He thought it would take all of him that were left, but it seems it did no."
"So… he could remember…?"
"No much. He said his memories of Pandaemonium were clear, but most after were lost in fog. He were no sure if it were Athena's doing or… because of what he became. Probably a mercy. But he remembered that we fought in the Crystal Tower. And he remembered usin' it to send me to the past on the scrap of a memory. No of Pandaemonium, or what would happen there, but just… a flash of me in Elpis, where I could no have been. He said… he said knowin it let me end the Final Days meant it all had meanin'. Every moment. And he could go to his rest without regrets."
Rrahna sighed and looked down. "I miss him."
Claudien reached out a hand and put it over hers. "Me too."
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jasleh · 9 months
glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature?
no character specified, so you get the pair I've got brainworms about right now!
for Rrahna: absolutely her scars. she scars easily and (as the WoL) is therefor absolutely covered in them. I think in one write I described her as something along the lines of "like she was drawn by an artist who'd just heard of cross-hatching, but hadn't really understood the point of it yet." pretty much only her face and neck are (mostly) unscarred 'cause she protects them better (/survivorship bias, wounds to the neck would be Bad). Her usual outfit leaves a fair bit of her torso uncovered, so while there's a lot more hidden, it's still probably the thing most people notice first. Those who don't know who she is probably assume she's some grizzled mercenary
for Cota: they have pixie wings lol. yeah most people in Eorzea assume they're fake and it's just some like... idk, oversized bit of enchanted(?) jewelry that they're really attached to, but no, they were just born with pixie wings. because I made them in a very self indulgent mood. After a while they realize just how much Cota emotes with them and start to go "wait, are those actually real?" and Cota's just "I can't believe how many people here think these are fake." .... anyway, the excuse I came up with was that their Azem (Pandora) was heavily tinkering with their aether around the time of the Final Days for gender reasons and also kicks and giggles and Cota's just the first shard that's put back together enough for the tinkering to have a visible effect.
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