Rediscovering the Lost Faith
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In times of despair and unmet desires, we take a downward spiral and end up questioning our faith. As if all hopes have deserted us, our faith slowly diminishes as our suffering aggravates. In such forlorn state, we feel like there’s no one to turn to—even God. We begin to question the significance of our existence to Him out of frustrated desperation. Then, we wonder the purpose of everything, starting from ours with our lost faith. A person’s will can be built with such fragility that it bends at the occurrence of minor challenges. There also exists challenges which shatter even with a fortified faith. Instances as such are natural. We can't weather some storms. Yet, the verdict comes from us if we want to build our faith and ourselves anew. Lost Faith and Lost Self The aftermath of a tragedy is always the worst. In its event, all the faith that we have with us dissipates quickly. Thereafter, we start losing ourselves, and our thoughts begin to wander aimlessly to roads where faith is absent. This dramatic course in life is common and natural. However, there are those whose struggles in recovery are too great that hope fails to permeate through their negativity. Thinking life has deprived them even of the slightest chance, they succumb to their inglorious defeat. Recovering the lost faith and self is met with countless mishaps. Sometimes we think of rediscovering this lost faith and self is absolutely absurd and a blurry vision. In this journey, we think that God has completely abandoned us—that He has overlooked your greatest struggles in life. With his omnipotence, he could just end your struggles in a snap. But, how would we learn the significant morals in life if that ever happens? How would we alter our perspective and thus consider the struggles of others if we couldn’t even understand ours? From a Lost Faith to a Renewed Faith As we complete the journey of rediscovering the lost faith, life rewards us with profound realizations. Surely, the struggles in our lives grant us pieces of life learning that fortify our faith and thus help us combat stronger storms. It often requires total devastation to give birth to a stronger and wiser version of ourselves. In times of great difficulties, we shouldn’t question God at all. We need to remind ourselves that He is here with us all the time and that we are destined to make it through our struggles. There are times that the difficulties are far too much than what we have imagined. But, it doesn’t mean He has forgotten us. This is a test of our faith’s fragility. Once it shatters, we force ourselves to come up with ways to rebuild that lost faith. It is never God’s intention to abandon us in adverse times. He subtly sends help, though sometimes we confuse it with random, sweet serendipities. He is those sweet serendipities. Sometimes there is no sign of help. But, this is because He believes in us, so we must also start believing in ourselves. This is how we rediscover our lost faith. Read the full article
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misslorono · 10 years
only the power of His love. Amen. #RediscoveringFaith (at Don Bosco Church, Sunter)
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