#Redacted Ollie
moronkyne · 1 day
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So. I heard you guys like men…
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pandoraroid · 1 month
ollie to aaron or asher to david me thinks
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nylashimxari · 3 months
Ass or tits
Redacted and yuurivoice
A/n: made this in first period 💀
Gavin, Huxley, Asher, Milo, Sam, Charlie, alphonse, Lucien, Seth, Damien, Guy, Aaron, Elliot, Ivan
David, Vincent, Lasko, Auron, Finn, Faust, Geordi, Avior, Ollie
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miya-akiko · 3 months
just saw few confessions about guy
IF YOU DONT WANT TO LISTEN TO GUY THEN DONT?? YOU DONT HAVE TO INSULT HIM AND STUFF?? i too love lore but dont you think everything will be so exhausting to do if all the asmr just lore lore lore lore lore lore and lore? listen i do agree with people saying that guy need more flavor that guy need angst or reverse comfort audio
but sometimes when all the lore videos has been too much it's nice to take a break and listen to a nice chill audio from ollie and guy you know?
you dont have to insult him if you dont like him :(
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sheawritesstuff · 4 months
Redacted Couples as Things My Partner & I Do
✩ Whenever Sweetheart’s head is on Milo’s chest and he wants to show them something he flexes his pecs until they lift their head up to look
✩ When Aaron is stressed, Smartass plays with his hair to turn his brain off - he whines if they stop but he’ll never admit it
✩ Angel smacks David’s ass any time he even slightly bends over
✩ When Lasko is in an overthinking spiral Coworker gently holds the sides of his face and takes deep breaths with him until he’s calmed down enough to talk about it
✩ Darlin’ bites Sam’s finger if it gets too close to their mouth and then just holds it in their teeth as long as possible without biting too hard
✩ Any time Damien is standing at the counter while making food, Huxley comes behind him and almost completely envelopes him - chest pressed against his back, arms wrapped around his waist, and head nuzzled against his neck
✩ Avior is a tummy kisser, Starlight is a hand kisser
✩ Instead of just telling Ollie when they don’t understand the game/show/movie he’s talking about, Coworker just blankly stares and frog blinks until he stops and re-explains the confusing part
✩ Asher and Baabe hold hands whenever they walk almost anywhere together, including just moving from room to room in their apartment
✩ Guy showing Honey his music playlists and taking them to concerts, even if they don’t know or particularly like the band, is one of his favorite ways to connect with them and show them his love
✩ On special occasions, Anton makes little snacks for My Love to take to work with them, even though he’s not super confident in his food-making abilities
✩ Freelancer has had to convince Gavin to put temperature-appropriate clothing on more times than they can count - he would go shirtless all the time if he could
✩ When Lovely gets flustered by Vincent’s flirting and looks away, he gently holds their chin and makes them look at him
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burgerkingussy · 11 months
when milo said “home isn’t what’s inside these walls, it’s what’s in my arms right now; it’s you” and when ollie said “you feel like…a relief to come home to” and when david said “i’m glad you’re back, now it’s home again” and when gavin said “it’s not just a city, it’s a home…you showed me that” and when sam said “you feel like home” and when avior said “you’ve made this hell into a heaven” and when james said “you are home” and when anton said “i want to be home with you” and when
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ashturnedtomist · 1 year
Redacted HCs 3
- Cutie has been unable to sleep properly since they separated from Geordi
- Geordi checks up on Cutie from time to time but they don’t always respond, and when they do, the answers are short because they feel guilty about how everything went the last time they were together
- Avior loves coffee
- Starlight also loves coffee
- Freelancer prefers salty over sweet
- Bestie loves tea
- Guy was a backpack leash kid
- Elliott and Aaron had Pokémon phases as children
- Sometimes Avior wakes up in the middle of the night just to make sure Starlight is still breathing
- Blake used to collect stickers and give them to Bestie when they were kids
- Whenever Smartass visits Aaron at work, they purposely wear clothes that they know he likes
- Ollie and Mentor love going on picnic dates :)
- When David told Angel he was a shifter, they just accepted it, no proof needed
- Baabe on the other hand, did not believe Asher until he shifted (they thought he was insane, kinda like Geordi when Cutie told him they were a telepath)
- Of course, Asher was extremely willing bc, how else would they believe him???
- when Baabe found out how everyone met their mates, they looked at them all like they were insane (you broke into his house?? he accused you of stalking??? THEY TRESPASSED ON SOLAIRE TERRITORY????)
- Gavin has to force Freelancer to drink water or else they would just run on energy drinks
- Honey loves Sanrio
- Starlight wants to take Avior to the beach </3
- There is a buzzfeed unsolved episode of Vincent 💀 and Lovely watches it religiously
- Honey acts all big and bad, but as soon as there’s a spider in the room they lose their shit
- Ollie carries a picture of Mentor in his wallet
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mmmoicca · 1 month
Currently listening to Mr. Erik Redacted's migraine relief audio to fall asleep because whispers makes brain go brr
but you're telling me Ollie's listener takes advil to help with migraines? Advil? Like, regular painkillers?? God, get this poor soul some proper migraine medication cuz painkillers ain't gon do shit
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How Redacted Boys would respond to being told “I think that you’re in love with them”
Did anyone see my pun? Can you please laugh?
Redacted Masterlist
“I think you’re in love with them.”
David: “Mind your own.”
Asher: “Is that what it is?”
Milo: “... How’d you figure it out, sherlock?” /s
Vincent: “And I’m about to make it everyone’s problem.”
Sam: “I thought I would never feel this...”
Gavin: “Shit. I’m in love with them...”
Damien: *Chokes on drink*
Huxley: “You might be onto something, dude.”
Lasko: “Don’t say a word to anyone!!”
Aaron: “But I hate them. I am in hate with them.”
Ollie: “This is so embarrassing!!”
Ivan: “I always was.”
Elliot: “heheheh.... I’m screwed.”
Blake: “Not only that.”
Avior: “Definitely not. Doesn’t sound like me.”
Vega: “Don’t be ridiculous.”
Guy: “How could I not be?! I mean, look at ‘em!”
Morgan: “I didn’t see this coming...”
Camelopardalis: “In love? I’m not worthy enough to love them.”
Caelum: “Yup! I love them with my whole entire heart!”
Geordi: “Shit shit shit shit shit.”
Regulus: “And they love me.”
Kody: “In love? I don’t have time to be in love.”
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mrsmiagreer · 1 year
Favorite Redacted quotes but the list gets longer everytime I find a new one
“And the energizer bunny…Takes a tumble” -Milo
“Is this why you put up with my memes and shit? Because i gotta big dick and a great ass??” - Guy
“Do you love me?” — Imp!Damien
“Keep his name out of your FUCKING mouth” -Sam
“Laying in comfortable silence, hands roaming lazily betwixt our supine bodies, tracing gentle patterns across supple skin…Yes that was all about my eyes😂” — Guy
“This isn’t like a dog or something. Like normal wolves are big. Shifter wolves are even bigger…and i’m on the bigger end of that too” -David
“Is David being a total groomzilla about your side? Oop— Heard that-” Asher
“But I bet I’d lay down for it” — Vincent
“Make it two” —Sam
“Great deal on a large sausage” —Guy
“Will you marry me, Angel?” —David
“….Isn’t that right??” “Heyyy no tickling!!” — Gavin and Caelum
“No not just yes…say the words…say the whole thing” —Vincent
“Ohh— You are getting close! Hi! Hi baby….I love youuu” —Guy
“We are NOT matching. I am wearing my work clothes, YOU’RE wearing contraband” — David
“someone please get the gentleman a door prize”— Blake
“I was thinking a little less nature documentary and little more battle bots you know like i want you to just fucking SNAP me like a twig😭” -Guy
“No! You can’t tell me I taste good >:(” — Lasko
“Who are you and what have you done with my lover??” — Guy
“I know baby I know” — Milo
“Staaapppp you’re being rude… Yes RUDE you heard me!” —Guy
“…..do it— hmmmMmMmMmm okay okay….That had a little less finesse than i’m used to” —Milo
“You know what wordplay reminds me of? Tounge twisters!! And you know what tongue twisters remind me of? Tongue kissing!! Let’s explore that topic shall we?” —Guy
“The goal is healin me, you can’t be hittin me at the same time” —Milo
“Show me that wagon ya draggin sexy uehh” -Guy
“Who’s that bitch we hate?” — Asher
“Any hole is a goal” — Guy
“Just move your ass…..hmm i didn’t mean to move it quite like that but you’ll get no complaints outta me” —David
“My mouth is good for a lot more than just…talkin” —Milo
“It’s our bedroom….It’s our bed” —Geordi
“Hey Baaaaabyy” —Ollie
“I’ve sat with these feelings long enough to know how to manage them I promise” —Blake
“Call me that one more time and you won’t be able to walk tomorrow” —David
“I cant be another mistake…because it’ll break me” —Blake
“I’m sure seeing him is like….like those healing classes. A nice diversion😊” —President Moore
“Milo…play nice” — Imp!Asher
“You don’t have to order anyone to do it…Just take volunteers” — Imp!Milo
“I just set my fucking curtains on fire” -Damien
“Who taught you how to do healing magic?? A construction worker with a jackhammer?!” —Milo
“You’re taking me so fucking good” —Milo
“I’m trying to get off of you…I don’t wanna crush you” —David
“Awe yeah i often walk into work with shotgun shells in my fucking brief case” —Milo
“I cant read your mind baby” — Vincent
“Welcome home my love. How was your day?” -Gavin
“Park it on me Sweetheart” — Milo
“That does not feel like searching for a key Lovely” —Vincent
“Do i need to set this stuff down or are you gonna behave?” —Vincent
“Yeah, no thinking about work today. Or we’ll come over there and kick your ass” —Milo
“Hey…sorry i’m late” —Blake
“Do I look like i care??” —Blake
“I’m a grown ass man” —Milo
“I DON’T whimper…” —Damien
“You know what we do to…Bad Boyss around here—💀💀💀” —Guy
“Did I really just get drive by kink shamed??!” —Asher
“Awweee poor baby” —Asher
“Keep it in your pants you two. I already mopped this morning😒” —David
“…boop” —Sam
“I don’t want this for you baby” —Milo
“Boot Licker” —Milo
“I’ll always find you” —Avior
“Wexler, Greer is causing problems at the west entrance” — That One Guard😭
“That wasn’t rhetorical. Answer me” —Imp!Damien
“I love you more than human words can convey” —Gavin
“Yes baby” —Gavin
“Ruth Holland are you here? Hello? Hello?” —Milo
“Fuck, bounce on my fucking dick” — Guy
“Moan. They moaned. You moaned.” — Geordi
“Pfftttt hahaha- Okay— WuHwuhWwaA—” — Guy
“This isn’t happening!!” — Ivan
“I don’t like you, and I’m not going to” — Alexis
“Hold still i’ll grab you one of mine” — Milo
“Bad. Worse. Better.” — Vincent
“Go kick that ass….champ? Oh God-” — Lasko
“No can do baby” -Huxley
“I’m just fucking with you” — Sam Collins
“I needa stop saying fuck. Fuck. Sorry. And i needa stop saying sorry. fuck. sorry. FUCK i mean FUCK so— oh fuck😭 Oh my god i am such an idiot” — Lasko
“I wanna touch” — Stranger/Caller/John..?
“Fuck! Fuck me—” — Lasko Moore
“Can I cum on you?” — Milo Greer
“I am not gonna have ants runnin round my house cause of you😭” — Sam Collins
“It is not funny, you FUCK” — Milo Greer
“I’ll spank your ass brat. Not like it’d be the first time. Or the last.” — Milo Greer
“You’ll be safe” — Blake
“Well of course it’s gaudy. I made it” — Gavin
“Shit Darlin. You really weren’t gonna say anything about this?” — Sam Collins
“It’s all good” — Huxley
“I hate to make a guy lose his fuckin’ noodles” — Milo Greer
“Where do you want these fangs baby?” — Sam Collins
“Do you have any idea just how much energy is coming off of you right now?” — Fool!Gavin
“Sorry” —Fool!James
“I gotta go faster before i start…fucking…crying or something😭” — Asher
“Moan for me baby” — Milo Rebane
(I will be updating this list when i find/remember new ones😊)
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moronkyne · 6 days
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Here are some super cool profile pictures I made :3 they didn’t take much effort so don’t worry about there being a watermark cause THERE ISNT ONE! You can use them for whatever you want. Spotify playlist, icons, character ai bots… etc etc. tag me if you use it cause I wanna see what yall use them for but besides that YEAH!!
Im taking requests!
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that-gothickitty · 5 days
Stop being a delulu bitch and accept that NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU GUYS. Honestly imagine sicking your followers on anons just because your a snowflake who can't handle a little criticism 🙄
Funny you say that cus' newsflash, idgaf 😛
Anywhoodle, this is just for you anon 💗
Also, babes, it's you're*, not your. :>
Redacted Pride Headcanons 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Shaw Pack
Asher Tabolt - Pansexual. Demiboy, He/They.
Milo Greer - Bi as fuck. Cis, He/Him.
David Shaw - Omnisexual. Cis, He/Him.
Christian - Two words, twenty dollars. Cis, He/Him.
Amanda - Heterosexual and aceflux. Demigirl, She/They.
Soliare Clan
William Soliare - Gay, homosexual gayyyyy (and demi romantic). Cis, He/Him.
Vincent Soliare - Bisexual. Cis, He/Him.
Porter Soliare - Also bisexual. Cis, He/Him.
Alexis Soliare (Getty) - Pansexual, hetro romantic. Cis, She/Her.
Samuel Collins - Unlabeled. He just knows he loves his Darlin'. Cis, He/Him.
Frederick Collins - Pansexual bi romantic. And demi romantic/sexual. Cis, He/Him.
Damn Crew
Damien - Polysexual and demisexual. Cis, He/Him.
Huxley - Pansexual. Demiboy, He/They.
Lasko - Omnisexual. Pangender, Any.
Gavin - Unlabeled, doesn't really care about labels. Genderfaun, He/They/Xey.
Unempowered boys
Ollie - Pansexual. Cis, He/Him.
Guy - Omnisexual. Nonbinary, Any.
Geordi - Panromantic and Bisexual. Demiboy, He/They.
Aaron - Bisexual and demiromantic. Cis, He/Him.
Anton - Unlabled. Cis, He/Him.
Brian - Heterosexual. Cis, He/Him.
Camelopardalis - Aroace. Genderfluid, Any.
Vega - Polysexual and Demiromantic. Let's be honest, Vega himself is a gender, he doesn't give two fucks about pronouns.
Avior - Omnisexual, Demiromantic and Demisexual. Genderqueer, He/They.
Caelum - Aroace. Nonbinary, He/They.
James - Bisexual. Cis, He/Him.
Elliott - Bisexual, Panromantic and Asexual. Demiboy, He/They.
Blake - Pansexual. Cis, He/Him.
Hush - Doc has not explained the concept of sexuality to him yet. Agender, He/Him.
*if I forgot anyone pls scold me in the comments and I'll add em later okie thank you love ya <3
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anexistingexistence · 10 months
Describing Redacted characters in one sentence or less (brackets don't count) but it gets progressively less comprehensive:
David: Big werewolf alpha dude (not the cringe kind)
Milo: Smol werewolf dude (the big kind)
Damien: Hot tsundere (literally)
Morgan: Non-existent
Guy: A heart-shaped pizza with all your favorite toppings that you can top yourself if you want-
Nick: Cat boi (definitely the cringe kind)
Ollie: Comfort food
Blake: Cold soup
Gavin: The reason I cry myself to sleep once a week
James: Needs to go tf home.
Asher: The canonical energizer bunny
Lasko: Me
Huxley: Me on anxiety meds
Caelum: Cotton candy given human form.
Anton: A testament to Erik's voice acting and general acting skills.
Marcus: Very killable.
Kody: Looks like great cake but actually went bad five months ago.
Elliott: Had an edible for breakfast and hasn't eaten since.
Hudson: Trying to eat serotonin with chopsticks.
Brachium: An edible pretending to be a gummy worm.
Vincent: Talks like what perfume tastes like.
Ivan: Saltwater in your eyes but it might just be your tears and you honestly don't even care at this point.
Aaron: Sand in your mouth and between your teeth but you're enjoying it.
Sam: If blankets could talk, they'd sound and speak like him.
Eric: That feeling you get when looking at an empty closet.
Camelopardalis: Anxiety meds in the form of a flesh prison.
Avior: If you unhinged your jaw, you could eat him.
Vega: You can drink him with a straw (and only with a straw).
Hush: You can eat him.
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dani-ya-dig · 6 months
Ollie’s little “yay!” When Baby says he can kiss them fobdskdndjd
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sheawritesstuff · 3 months
Redacted Fic Ideas
[These are ideas I've had but writer's block has prevented me from actually writing, so I'm releasing them into the world so maybe someone else can write them :] ]
✩ Honey taking Guy to a concert they like - probably punk or metal and getting to teach him how to mosh
✩ Movie night with Freelancer, Gavin, and Caelum
✩ Darlin wrestling with Asher and Milo while they’re all shifted
✩ Ollie introducing Coworker / Mentor to his friend group - or telling said friend group that they’re a couple
✩ The pack setting up a surprise birthday party for David because he would never agree to have one of his own volition
✩ Angel and Babe trying to teach Asher how to cook because maybe David just tried teaching him the wrong way
✩ Elliott and Sunshine reunion - very sappy, very angsty
✩ Darlin explaining how important the term “mate” is to them and what kind of weight it holds in their relationship
✩ Camelopardalis checking in on Baby, just to make sure they’re still doing alright
✩ Asher tricking Milo and Darlin into watching a horror movie
✩ Hush trying to do research on humans and finding outdated, questionable material which leads him to ask Doc weirdly specific clarifying questions on things they’ve never even considered before
✩ Sam explaining to Fred and his progeny that he’s leaving the Solaire clan and offering to take them with him to be their new support system 
✩ Morgan and the seer playing a game of Never Have I Ever / 20 Questions to get to know each other better
✩ Aaron making dinner for Elliott, Sunshine, and Smartass and getting to catch up with all the non-cult stuff that they missed out on
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star-sheeps · 7 months
i want to date someone like guy or milo or vincent or sam or damien or ollie or anton
or cyril or law
but a girl obviously
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