ruinestagehouse · 2 years
[This blog is +18! Minors, do not interact!]
Welcome to the Stagehouse~
Hello, my name is Ruine. I hope that you enjoy my blog, but for the comfort of myself and for readers, I figured I would set some expectations and lay out the content warnings.
Please read before following~!
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Can Minors follow/interact with your blog?
Minors will be blocked on sight.
Yes, I do have a SFW tag. This is not so that minors can scroll through it. It is so my adult followers and friends can filter the content they view.
Minors and ageless blogs and NOT welcome on here. I am done being nice about this.
Do you have a DNI List?
I don't. Outside of minors and ageless blogs, I don't care who views or interacts with my blog. It's out on the internet, people will find it, be they Proship/Anti, TERFS/SWERFS, Pro/Neutral/Anti-Para, etc. My general rule is that if you act like an asshole, I'm going to block you. Regardless of what label you wear.
Are there any Trigger Warnings associated with your blog?
I'm glad you asked.
Queerphobic Slurs: You'll notice a lot of my reblogs are from other queer folk. We use slurs, they are directed at ourselves with the intent of reclaiming them but they are slurs nevertheless. Be advised. As a side note, I don't consider Queer a slur. I won't call you queer if you ask me not to, that's common decency. However, I am queer. I call myself queer. If you tag my posts with "q slur" I'm going to block you, my identity isn't a slur. Tag it "queer" all you want but I reserve the right to block you if you reblog something of mine with "q slur."
Sexual Content: This blog is NSFW and that is mostly due to kink related content. The major warnings happen to be: CNC, NonCon, Blood, Knife play, Vampires, Body Modification, Hypnokink, Asphyxiation, Gunplay, Body Modification, Transformation, and Uniform kink. Be advised, you will be seeing depictions of Nazis on this blog. Beating the shit out of them is a kink of mine, this is your warning if Naziploitation (this word is a nightmare to spell) is a trigger for you when the Nazi's are on the heel-end of the boot.
Problematic Content: I'm a horror writer, and sometimes I write and interact with content that may offend or trigger. I will always include trigger warnings, and my writing and viewing of content does not equate to an endorsement. This blog is essentially one big Dead Dove: Do Not Eat warning. I'll tag things as best I can, but you have been warned. I'm human and may miss a minor tag here and there.
Do you have any triggers?
Not particularly. Fiction doesn't bother me, regardless of how graphic or otherwise disgusting it may be. You're unlikely to bother me, but tag your posts just in case. I don't want to open gore or porn on public transit. Other people do, in fact, have triggers.
What are your thoughts on [insert topic here]?
My ask box is open, I'm not going to make this unreadable by listing them all. Feel free to ask, I don't bite.
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Currently in-use blog tags.
RedLightStages: NSFW content of any kind.
Hypno'dPlush: If I get tranced or otherwise out of a clear state of mind and go on any kind of rambling, it will end up here. It'll mostly be droning on about my S/O.
OpenDistrict: SFW content of any kind.
RuiAnswers: Answers to asks I've been sent.
Dead Dove - Do not Eat: Exactly what it says on the tin. Proceed with caution, this is a tag exclusively for stories and my writings that go a tad beyond that norm. I am aware this is an actively in use tag on the website, hence why I picked it.
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A Brief About Me~
♱ Aromantic, Demisexual, and Agender.
♱ 20s.
♱ Author, Artist, and lost somewhere along the west coast.
♱ Disabled.
♱ Happily taken.
♱ Generally unconcerned with what consenting adults decide to do with their free time, as long as it doesn't involve unconsenting persons or my olive stash.
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Did I miss anything? If so, send me an ask with what you think ought to be included.
[Last Updated: October 27th, 2022.]
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