#Radiant Citadel
partyoftwo · 1 year
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Radiant Citadel battlemap from our brand new set this month.
Loved drawing the lil teahouses and tea tables for this one (also brocade?? brocade!! love me a good brocade). Immense fun to light too :D
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floodkiss · 7 months
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my circle of stars druid, YOLAN, and my college of glamour bard, MIFFY ⋆⭒˚。⋆
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humblegoatart · 2 years
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ride em cowbun
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bugbart · 1 year
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Santiago & Zul, our party’s Warlock & Sorcerer
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fiovske · 2 years
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remember me, I ask; remember me, i sing give me back my heart, you wingless thing
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mothdogsart · 4 months
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Characters for a oneshot(ish) I’m DMing with my buds. Clockwise from the top right we have Finch, fire genasi monk; Marigold, weretiger barbarian; Adrien, custom-lineage firbolg/elf ranger; and Patina, dragonborn bard. They’re all level 11 and currently kicking asses throughout the lands of the Radiant Citadel lol
Paging @blissandbookstores and @likesirensinthenight 🥳
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maxhpart · 1 year
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Yaretzi, the Wayward Warrior
Originally from a sword-skilled clan in Yeonido, this elf ran away from home when her family ties soured. She eventually found herself in the San Citlán area, where she changed her name to Yaretzi Luna and met Izel, a local dwarf who had also recently lost family (though differently). The two bonded and were inseparable ever after, spending decades rebuilding their lives together, until Yaretzi came to her honorable but grim end while protecting them.
Pose reference by @jookpubstock
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danekez · 3 months
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Itzcoatl got re-classed into Path of the Giant Barbarian! My Rage Form is a little different! Hes uh!! A little bit of a freak!!!
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ailustrarte · 2 years
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“Serapio, Teen with a Secret” for Mario Ortegón’s “The Fiend of Hollow Mine” adventure in Dungeons and Dragons' Journeys Through The Radiant Citadel.
AD: Emi Tanji
Copyright: Wizards of the Coast
When painting this guy, it was flor the calabaza season. I really enjoyed painting flowers, vegetables, fruits and his little rooster friend. I am obsessed with Manuel Benedito Vives “El Chico de la Gallina” so I wanted to make something in that direction. I also looked through a lot of photos from La Revolución from my dad’s “Relatos e historias de México” for the right outfit. Thanks so much to Miguel Romero for helping me out patiently and enthusiastically with the reference for this one!
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seafleece · 2 years
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from now on, old is new and new is old
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intergalacticantics · 5 months
I’m running journey through the radiant citadel rn and my party could not be convinced to confront the bad guy. One of them kept going “I know it’s him but we need more evidence” like baby girl I’ve given you all the evidence I have!! Now I’m making up evil villain shit. My next step was to make them catch him kicking a dog or something.
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arealcrow · 1 year
citadel rooftops
~600 words, d&d (radiant citadel)
Adina flees a tense conversation.
Adina can’t hear anything but his own blood rushing in his ears. Or maybe it’s the sound of the wind whipping past him as he darts from rooftop to rooftop. Some part of his brain is distantly aware of his limbs moving, pushing him forward and ever higher, but clear thoughts are fleeting in the haze of adrenaline. He wants to leap and bite and tear, to satisfy his need for fight and flight in one sharp flurry, but the thought of causing more damage than he’s already been the source of today keeps him on the run. He only stops when he finds a perch that he can’t see the rest of the citadel from, like the tiled roof is an island in the fog of the Ethereal Plane. 
He goes through the motions of setting Goldbiter down- the dragon had stayed curled around his shoulders as he’d fled- and finding a dark corner to hide in. Shadows he could disappear into. With nothing to distract himself, the thoughts just keep rushing through his mind like blood from a fresh wound. Leaking, messy, and all together too red with violence.
What was just a glimpse in a crystal ball takes life in his panicked and spiraling thoughts, a clash of blades turned into a calamitous conflict. By now, he’d memorized the way that Micah brought that sword down on his foes. It was all too easy for him to imagine the dark blade swinging towards him, fuming with smoky malice. Would he manage to dodge out of the way in time, or deflect with his own blade? Would he have the will to strike back? Would he have the will to do what it takes to win the fight? Could he?
The thought wrenches a shaky gasp of distress out of him, and he realizes there are hot tears streaming down his face. One gasp leads to another- it’s not long until he’s dissolved into hyperventilating sobs. He goes to wipe the tears, warm and wet like Micah’s blood on his hands, and the pressure on his chest tightens like a vice.
He’s curled himself into the corner he’d found, with his wings wrapped protectively around himself. The tight configuration is no challenge for Goldbiter to squirm his way into, poking his head into the first gap he finds and insistently pushing forward until Adina makes space for him. He settles on Adina's chest, a warm weight that the tiefling shifts to accommodate.
“I don’t want to hurt them,” he whispers shakily to the pseudodragon, in Draconic hisses, “Any of them.” Some sharp part of him had wanted to snap, to say that none of it was his problem. He hadn’t been able to- to hurt people he cared about even more. He squeezes his eyes shut against the tears that still flow unbidden, though he finds no relief in it. The image of Juni and Micah’s upset faces as he fled the tower are burned into the back of his eyelids.
Goldbiter presses his snout into the space under Adina’s chin, responding with a comforting rumble that continues past the tears finally subsiding.
“Try to actually hit it, this time,” Adina shouts down to Micah, his usual taunt when he’s trying to get a rise out of the harengon in combat.
The blow that Micah then delivers is nothing short of brutal- a single swing that brings the gargoyle to its demise. It’s an impressive hit, and Adina’s enjoyment of well wielded violence is almost enough to distract himself from nagging thoughts of being on the other end of that sword. Goldbiter must be able to feel the spike in his pulse, as he feels a gentle nip at the tip of his ear a few seconds later. 
“‘s okay, I’m good,” he murmurs, half reassuring Biter and half reassuring himself.
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thaumic-hobo · 7 months
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I'm getting to play in a D&D campaign for, like, the third time ever. These are my notes from the first session. Benjamin is my character; he's a firbolg wizard. Torvus, also a firbolg, is the cleric from his home village; for Reasons they're both out seeking their fortune. Elsinore is a dwarf rogue who runs a soup kitchen in the Radiant Citadel, and Green is her half-orc barbarian bouncer.
This was an absolutely excellent session, and I am looking forward immensely to the next one.
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graciedart · 2 years
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I made a cover!!! A real ttrpg cover!!!
You can find the product here: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/414428/Encounters-in-the-Radiant-Citadel?filters=45469_0_0_0_0_0_0_0
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bugbart · 1 year
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PRINCESS MAEV (a.k.a my PC in a Radiant Citadel game. She’s a Wild Magic Barbarian)
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fiovske · 2 years
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finn (they/ae), my melee ranger for radiant citadel 🪶⚔️
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