#Penance's continued stressful adventures at RI
rex101111 · 1 year
Imagine Penance meeting W.
Like, W doesn’t even have to say anything to her, maybe they just pass each other in the hall, maybe Penance overhears something and looks over to see her annoying a few other operators in the cafeteria, whatever. Penance recognizes her. Just barely.
Sarkaz Mercenaries show up pretty much anywhere and everywhere on Terra, its just inherit to their life style. And Siracusa is probably well connected enough to the outside world to have heard about Reunion and what they tried to do. Or at least the public version of it. Chances are she also read a bunch of files in RI so she could learn a bit more of what came and happened before she joined.
And there, right there, is one of the damn leaders of a fucking terrorist cell just walking around this landship she’s decided to camp out in for however long like its no big thing, and she just found out about it. She’s worked with criminals before, and it ended well for absolutely no one. 
She knows about a bunch of the legally shady shit RI had done and is doing, but this is something she would have liked a warning about to prepare for it. If she needs to shove her face in the mud to get justice, again, she’ll do it. But it would have been nice to know what kind of mud to expect.
So, she barges into Doctor’s room, slams her hands on their desk and snarls, “why is there a terrorist war criminal walking around this ship?”
Whatever answer she was expecting, she sure as hell didn’t expect the Doctor to just blink at her and ask, a bit too confusedly, “uh, which one?”
A few seconds later everyone on the landship hears a screech of “FUCK DO YOU MEAN WHICH ONE!?” 
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rex101111 · 1 year
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Penance:...Miss Heavyrain, I'm probably going to regret asking, but how do you know so much about causing grievous bodily harm? Not that I doubt your combat ability, it's just that, well, you don't seem the...type.
Heavyrain, sweating slightly, remembering that time she ripped someone's arm off cause they scratched up one of the medics she was patroling with and realising bringing that up with a Judge in the room wouldn't be smart: I. Uh. Have what you might call...moments.
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