#Odessa Darcy
gaysiimar · 2 years
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Swordtember - Elemental
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house-of-slayterr · 1 year
Just my Marvel OC’s:
Odessa Bordeau: Grimm
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Midge Spector: Witch Doctor
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Scorpius Brooks: Scorpion
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Andromeda: Effigy
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Jasper Lewis: Archive
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Birdie Banner: Wren (and Kestrel)
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Morfan: Kestrel
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Marceline Dumitrescu: Day Break
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keepingeahalive · 1 year
Ever After High Parents’ Names Headcanons Pt. 2:
Apple White:
Snow White: Ambrosia White
King White: Audacious White
Raven Queen:
Evil Queen: Elin Queen
Good King: Benevolent “Ben” King
Briar Beauty:
Sleeping Beauty: Rosalinda Beauty
Prince: Valiant Beauty
Ashlynn Ella:
Cinderella: Dustine Ella
Prince: Determined Charming
Maddie Hatter:
Mad Hatter: Darjeeling “Darjee” Hatter
Cerise Hood and Ramona Badwolf:
Red Riding Hood: Scarlett Hood
Big Bad Wolf: Lucius Badwolf
Cedar Wood:
Pinocchio: Pine Wood
Blondie Lockes:
Goldilocks: Chiffoni Lockes
Mr. Lockes: Unknown
Hunter Huntsman:
Huntsman: Archer Huntsman
Huntsman’s wife: Juniper Huntsman
Daring, Dexter, and Darling Charming:
King Charming: Forthright Charming
Queen Charming: Felicity Charming
Holly and Poppy O’Hair:
Rapunzel: Cressida O’Hair
King O’Hair: Dauntless Charming
Melody Piper:
Pied Piper: Reed Piper
Mrs. Piper: Karsilamas Piper
Lizzie Hearts:
Queen of Hearts: Mary Hearts
King of Hearts: Henry Hearts
Kitty Cheshire:
Cheshire Cat: Catherine Cheshire
Mr. Cheshire: Unknown
Duchess Swan:
Swan Princess: Odessa Swan
Prince: Ambitious Charming 
Hopper Croakington II:
Frog Prince: Hopper Croakington 
Princess: Precious Charming
C.A. Cupid:
Eros (adopted)
Psyche (adopted)
Alistair Wonderland:
Alice: Alicia Wonderland 
Bunny Blanc:
White Rabbit: Panon Blanc
Mrs. Blanc: Coney Blanc
Ginger Breadhouse:
Candy Witch: Sugar Witch
Mr. Breadhouse: Biscotti Breadhouse
Sparrow Hood:
Robin Hood: Martin Hood
Maid Marian: Marianne Maid
Rosabella Beauty:
Beauty: Belleza Beauty
Beast: Best Charming
Faybelle Thorn:
Dark Fairy: Darcy Thorn
Mr. Thorn: Loki Thorn
Farrah Goodfairy:
Fairy Godmother: Freya Goodfairy
Mr. Goodfairy: Auberon Goodfairy
Crystal Winter:
Snow Queen: Frostine Winter
Snow King: Eirwen Winter
Justine Dancer:
12th Dancing Princess: Hustella Dancer
King Dancer: Swift Charming
Lilly-Bo Peep:
Little-Bo Peep: Lila-Bo Peep
Mr. Peep: Ramon Peep
Meeshell Mermaid: 
Little Mermaid: Pearl Mermaid (canon)
Prince: Philip Mermaid (canon)
Humphrey Dumpty:
Humpty Dumpty: Barnaby Dumpty
Mrs. Dumpty: Henna Dumpty
Jillian Beanstalk:
Jack: Jock Beanstalk
Jack’s wife: Janine Beanstalk
Nina Thumbell:
Thumbelina: Dalena Thumbell
Flower-Fairy Prince: Mosswell Thumbell
Coral Witch:
Sea Witch: Cirrina Witch
Mr. Witch: Barney Brine
Brooke Page:
Female Narrator: Constance Page
Male Narrator: Pendleton Page
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silencehq · 3 months
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jsob o olhar atento dos deuses, saudamos os novos semideuses que chegam ao acampamento meio-sangue! solicitamos que suas contas sejam enviadas aos cuidados de dionísio dentro de 24 horas. bem-vindes ao lugar onde os filhos dos deuses descobrem seu verdadeiro potencial!
VAGAS OCUPADAS NOS CHALÉS: Eris (3/5); Despina (1/5); Hermes (8/8); Fobos (1/5); Thanato (4/5) ; Apolo (6/8)
INSTRUTORES: Mitologia Grega.
DOVE CAMERON? não! é apenas KASSANDRA GENOVESE, elu é filhe de ERIS do chalé 29 e tem VINTE E CINCO. a tv hefesto informa no guia de programação que elu está no NÍVEL III por estar no acampamento há 16 ANOS, sabia? e se lá estiver certo, KASS é bastante ENGRAÇADA mas também dizem que elu é MALDOSA. mas você sabe como hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
EMILY ALYN LIND? Não! É apenas SERAPHINE LYNN WOLF, ela é filha de DESPINA do chalé TRINTA E TRÊS e tem VINTE E UM anos. A TV Hefesto informa no guia de programação que ela está no NÍVEL TRÊS por estar no Acampamento há DEZ ANOS, sabia? E se lá estiver certo, WOLFGANG é bastante CALMA mas também dizem que ela é PROTETORA. Mas você sabe como Hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
ODESSA A'ZION? Não! É apenas PRIMROSE GALLAGHER, ela é filha de HERMES do chalé ONZE e tem VINTE E QUATRO ANOS. A TV Hefesto informa no guia de programação que ele está no NÍVEL II por estar no Acampamento há DOZE ANOS, sabia? E se lá estiver certo, PRIM é bastante ASTUTA mas também dizem que ele é IMPASSÍVEL. Mas você sabe como Hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
LYRICA OKANO? Não! É apenas MARY ANN BISHOP, ela é filha de FOBOS do chalé TRINTA E QUATRO e tem VINTE E SETE ANOS. A TV Hefesto informa no guia de programação que ela está no NÍVEL III por estar no Acampamento há DEZESSEIS ANOS, sabia? E se lá estiver certo, BISHOP é bastante DISCIPLINADA mas também dizem que ela é RÍGIDA. Mas você sabe como Hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
ANYA CHALOTRA? Não! É apenas DARCY HELLER, ela é filha de THANATOS do chalé 22 e tem 24 ANOS. A TV Hefesto informa no guia de programação que ela está no NÍVEL II por estar no Acampamento há DEZ ANOS, sabia? E se lá estiver certo, LADY DARCY é bastante DETERMINADA mas também dizem que ela é ESNOBE. Mas você sabe como Hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
MICHEL EVANS BEHLING? Não! É apenas LUCIAN HALE, ele é filho de Apolo do chalé 7 e tem 27 ANOS. A TV Hefesto informa no guia de programação que ela está no NÍVEL III por estar no Acampamento há VINTE E UM ANOS, sabia? E se lá estiver certo, LUC é bastante CALMO mas também dizem que ele é INSEGURO. Mas você sabe como Hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
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introvrt · 3 months
── sol asked for a list of five randomly generated ships !
DARCY KING & SANTI ROMERO : i can see this... i can see it. darcy is raising his little sister, who would think the racing was the coolest thing she's ever seen. them meeting because darcy wants to introduce his sister to her favorite f1 racer?? i need that.
SILAS LOVETT & CASSIUS 'CASH' MORGAN : ...this one has the potential to be so good, actually. silas is this son of a business mogul so he and cash would for sure run in the same circles, some sort of rivalry maybe? with silas himself also being an investor, and also being just insufferable in general. i love love the idea of them.
ODESSA CLARKE & ELLIE MUNOZ : i think this could be so cute too? ellie seems like such a cute muse, i would love to write with them!! a coffee shop meetcute with the barista would call my name for them.
NOAH CAVENDER & PARIS HEO : okay now let me tell you why this one is funny... noah working in a bookstore, maybe he knows all about the erotica paris writes?? him ending up talking to paris about it when paris comes into the bookstore, having no idea he's the anon writer is such a hilarious concept, this could not have been set up more perfectly.
CADE BERKELEY & LEVI TUTT : this could be good too... underground fighter, and then cade being a really dumb/reckless rich kid with money to bet on the fights?
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raaiinu · 2 years
I got bored the other day so I collected a bunch of pretty/fancy names, y’all can use them for whatever i don’t care
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cyramountain · 11 months
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dark academia female names:
acacia / marnie / odessa
valeria / athena / neala
kinsley / darcy / carrington
coletta / rayleigh / londyn
amaraillis / beatrix / minerva
eleanor / granger / bella
ophelia / pilar / maris
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pedrop61 · 2 years
La Russia che mina le acque di Odessa, così da non poterla raggiungere via mare. La Russia che bombarda la centrale nucleare di Zaporizhzhia, già sotto il suo controllo. E ora, la Russia che si buca da sola il condotto del Nord Stream, l’enorme gasdotto che nasce a Vyborg, attraversa i 1.200 km del mar Baltico e termina a Greifswald, in Germania. Una mostruosa struttura che porta ogni giorno nelle casse di Mosca un miliardo di Euro.
Con questa fanno tre. Una terna agognata da chi ci crede, e che per ignavia intellettuale non riesce ad abbandonare le trincee segnate dal sistema e bombardate dalla Propaganda, rimanendo intrappolato nella sua condizione di scemo di guerra in tempo di pace.
Per mesi Putin è stato dipinto come l’inverecondo ricattatore che gioca ad aprire e chiudere il gas, il sadico che gode nel prospettarci lo spettro di un gelido inverno e di un’economia in serrata. Ora il cinico calcolatore, non si capisce perché, perde la testa e si priva della sua miglior arma di ricatto. Anziché continuare ad utilizzarla modulando strategicamente il flusso del gas, se ne disfa. Torna il proverbiale masochismo dei Russi, già manifestato a Odessa e Zaporizhzhia.
Già questo basterebbe per darci un’idea delle dimensioni della bufala che vorrebbero propinarci. Ma se aggiungiamo alcune semplici considerazioni, capiamo che media e governanti ci credono incapaci di distinguere un lingotto d’oro da una mattonella.
Alcuni parlano di un quintale di tritolo piazzato da uomini rana, il doppio del quantitativo usato nella strage alla stazione di Bologna. I più temerari parlano di un sommergibile russo che ha sganciato un siluro contro la struttura, in uno specchio di mare saturo di navi da guerra. Tutto questo i Russi l’avrebbero fatto a meno di dodici miglia nautiche dall’isola di Bornholm, dunque in acque territoriali della Danimarca, che è membro della Nato.
In una porzione di mare controllatissima, su cui lo Stato costiero esercita una sovranità piena. Deve solo consentire il cosiddetto «diritto di passaggio inoffensivo» alle navi straniere, anche militari, purché si limitino soltanto a passare, su rotte concordate.
Per dare un’idea, l’art. 19 della Convenzione di Montego Bay considera offensivo, fra i tanti, il comportamento di una nave straniera che pesca senza permesso in acque territoriali. E se ogni passaggio offensivo legittima lo Stato costiero ad usare la forza, si comprende l’estrema gravità e la scarsissima credibilità del comportamento attribuito alla Russia, che avrebbe rischiato il massimo per colpire se stessa.
È poi risaputo che gli USA hanno sempre visto, fin dagli albori del progetto, il Nord Stream come il trait d’union tra Russia ed Europa, quindi come il fumo negli occhi. Tanto da far trasalire anni fa il mite sindaco tedesco della cittadina di Greifswald, quando si vide recapitare una lettera di tre senatori del Congresso USA, che gli intimavano di revocare l’autorizzazione all’attracco delle navi russe che sbarcavano materiale e forza lavoro per la costruzione dell’imbocco del gasdotto su suolo tedesco. E propinando al mondo le imbarazzanti dichiarazioni di Biden, che in una conferenza stampa minacciò di porre fine al Nord Stream se la Russia avesse invaso l’Ucraina. Dichiarazioni esplosive, ma che le nostre tv si guardano bene dal mandare in onda.
A questo punto, chissà quanto lo pagheremo lo scadente ed ammorbante gas liquido che gli americani, in un raro slancio di solidarietà, hanno assicurato di volerci consegnare in futuro a quadrilioni di tonnellate, ma al prezzo legato agli umori del listino di Amsterdam. Solo lo scemo di guerra in tempo di pace non arriva a capire cui prodest questo gravissimo atto di sabotaggio.
Che più che danneggiare la Russia, fotte noi europei, colpevoli di aver tentennato un po’ troppo nel rifiutare il buon gas di Mosca a prezzi stracciati. Come dire: se non riesci ad impiccarti, sarò io a strozzarti.
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nerdygirlobsessions · 2 years
My Mayutori Playlist
Aptly named “Sunlight”
Sunlight - Hozier
Say My Name - Prince of Eden
Work Song - Hozier
Iris - Chris Lanzon (cover)
Under the Skin - Flyte
Third Eye / Demo - Florence + the Machine
She Burns - Foy Vance
Delilah - Florence + the Machine
Warmth (Live at Capitol Studios) - Bastille
Would That I - Hozier
Ocean Eyes - The Darcy’s (cover)
Honey - Magic Man
Jackie and Wilson - Hozier
Two Ghosts - Harry Styles
I Will Be There - Odessa
So Hot You’re Hurting My Feelings - Caroline Polachek
Queen of Peace - Florence + the Machine
Archie, Marry Me - Flyte (cover)
Blood Bank - Bon Iver
Shrike - Hozier
Admit Defeat - Bastille
Love Again - Gregory Dillion
All I’ve Ever Known - Original Cast of Hadestown (not the Broadway version)
Cringe (Stripped) - Matt Mæson
Anchor - Bastille
Wasteland Baby! - Hozier
I need to contribute more to Mayutori week. I have a few fics in the works but my editor and I have been busy
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https-rainbumble · 2 years
Lesley ‘Rebel’ Wright
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face claim · brie larson
fandom · top gun
fic · creators of the frontline
love interest · bradley [?]
Alethea Shadow
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face claim · maimie mccoy
fandom · pirates of the caribbean
fic · serpents of gold
love interest · jack sparrow
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face claim · elena kamporius
fandom · descendants
parents · odette and derek
fic · rejecting the skies
love interest · jay
Dorothea Tabiner
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face claim · eloise smyth
fandom · pride & prejudice
fic · dishonor with a goal
love interest · mr. darcy
Charlotte ‘Charlie’ McPherson
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face claim · amybeth mcnulty
fandom · little women [2019]
fic · supporter of freedom
love interest · theodore laurence
Jo Warren
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face claim · karen gillian
fandom · jurassic world
fic · growls in my dreams
love interest · owen grady
Cameron Wooten
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face claim · brie larson
fandom · jurassic world
fic · calm before the storm
love interest · owen grady
Valentina Giovinco
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face claim · anna-maria sieklucka
fandom · fifty shades trilogy
fic · welcome to the night
love interest · christian grey
Jolene Johnson
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face claim · lily collins
fandom · kingsman
fic · companions and heirs
love interest · eggsy
Harley Fisher
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face claim · alice pagani
fandom · kingsman
fic · intention of the end
love interest · eggsy
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ruleof3bobby · 3 years
SWEET VIRGINIA (2017) Grade: C+
Much slower & simpler plot than I expected. Great cast but no real greta twist or ending for that matter.
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gaysiimar · 2 years
People reblogging that Odessa Swordtember piece (the elemental one) and I drew him so ominous— he’s actually the goodest boy ever
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intomusings · 3 years
﹒﹒   female   names   masterlist     !
in honor of my second milestone on here , i’ve decided to release a master list of 400+ female names i personally love and think could be used more in the community . this was also requested by a few anons and names will be added to the list frequently . the names are sorted by first letter but not alphabetically within each letter category . if you found this useful , feel free to like or reblog to spread this !
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A : aurianna, addison, alannah, allegra, alina, alma, andra, avril, abella, arizona, annalise, amelia, aspen, alejandra, ayla, ales, alessia, anessa, asia, aline, adrienne, avery, armani, adaline, arden. 
B : blaire, brooke, brooklyn, bruna, bettina, bianca, becca, bella, bonnie, brielle, blake, bodhi, beverly, bambi, bronte, billie, briar, bria, birdie, brighton. 
C : catalina, cerise, celeste, celene, carson, camila, cecilia, callista, cadence, cassie, carmen, cali, charlie, camryn, camille, clara, claudete, chantel, chachi, capri, cove, chanel. 
D : diana, devi, dylan, daphne, dani, delphine, dahlia, delia, darcy, dawn, davina, dove, daisy, delaney, dua, darya, delilah, dixie, dior, dulce, dina, dayana. 
E : ember, eloisa, eleonora, emara, elena, esme, emery, emmeline, elsa, eva, evie, emmy, estelle, esther, evelyn, erin, eliana, everly, emerson, elle, ezra, eiza, eden. 
F : florence, franny, fiorella, faith, fiona, faye, farrah, freya, fern, flor, frankie. 
G : giulia, giulianna, georgia, ginny, grecia, giselle, genevieve, gabbie, grace, genie, gaia, giada, gemma, geles, genele, gia, gwendolyn, geneva, gracen. 
H : hazel, holland, helena, harlow, haven, hera, haley, houda, heidi, hana, harley, honey, hera. 
I : isobel, ivana, irma, irina, isadora, imogen, isla, ivy, inessa, ibiza, irelynn, iliana, ilana, indya. 
J : juliet, jayden, jordyn, jelena, jodie, jennie, jade, jesy, josie, june, jada, jemmye, jacey, janelle, juniper, jayla, jaliah, jewel, jane, johanna, jolie.
K : kendall, kensington, kennedy, katya, karlie, katerina, kailani, koral, kai, kaia, karma, kinsley, kylie, karina, korinna, karla, kemi, kate, kerigan, kali, kiyomi, kouvr. 
L : lourdes, leandra, london, lucia, luisa, logan, lena, leonora, larissa, lydia, lorelai, lylah, lettie, lottie, lalisa, luna, lara, lia, lorena, livia, layla, leighton, lyra, lola, lainey, laurel, luella, lumi. 
M : maricela, mariana, maeve, mabel, mila, marbella, maia, melody, mimi, monet, malauna, mira, mallory, millie, marla, mia, marvela, marni, madelaine, maleia, magnolia, maren. 
N : nilsa, nutsa, nini, naomi, noa, nevlyn, nathaly, nicolette, nadira, nicola, nova, nany, nala, niaye, nyla, noelle, nathalie, 
O : olympia, orianthi, octavia, opal, oriana, ophelia, orion, oakley, odessa, odette, odelia. 
P : paola, paris, peyton, phebe, priyanka, paislee, paloma, pandora, parvati, piper, perla, pearl, pia, priya, pilar, paxon. 
Q : quinn, quintessa. 
R : rowan, rylie, rosalie, roslyn, raquel, rose, reign, renata, raegan, reyna, ryann, raya, rhiannon, ria, rue, rhodes.
S : serena, serafina, sawyer, sylvie, sol, samira, sloane, silver, sutton, stella, saanvi, sab, seren, seven, sophia, star, skye, sabina, saskia, summer, stormy, salena, sage, sonny, solange, sahar, sumaya, shelby. 
T : tatum, tayler, tara, torre, tia, thea, tyra, truly, thalia, taryn, tampson, tayli, talya, teala, tala. 
U : uma. 
V : valencia, violetta, venus, verity, vanessa, venecia, vinnie, vida, vivienne, valentina, velora, vera, venice.
W : willow, winona, willa, wanda, witney, westlyn, windsor, wilhelmina, wren. 
X : ximena, xiomara, xashary, xena, xyla. 
Y : yovanna, yves, yara, yvette, yasmin, yesenia, yensi.
Z : zara, zion, zoe, zahara, zharia, zella, zendaya, zakiyah. 
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keepingeahalive · 1 year
Ever After High: Parents’ Names Headcanons
Snow White: Ambrosia White 🍎👑 Evil Queen: Elin Queen 😈👸 Sleeping Beauty: Rosalinda Beauty 😴🌹 Cinderella: Dustine Ella 🎃👠 King Charming: Forthright Charming🤴 Queen Charming: Felicity Charming 👸 Pinocchio: Pine Wood 🪵 Goldilocks: Chiffoni Lockes 🐻 Swan Princess: Odessa Swan 🦢 Frog Prince: Hopper Croakington I (obviously) 🐸 👑 Rapunzel: Cressida O’Hair 💇‍♀️ Little Bo-Peep: Lela Bo-Peep 🐑🐏 Little Mermaid: Pearl Mermaid (canon) 🧜‍♀️🪸 Sea Witch: Cirrina Witch 🌊 🧙‍♀️ Fairy Godmother: Freya Goodfairy 🧚‍♀️🪄 Dark Fairy: Darcy Thorn 👿🧚 Red Riding Hood: Scarlett Hood 🍒🧺 Big Bad Wolf: Lucius Badwolf 🐺 Candy Witch: Sugar Breadhouse 🏠🍬🍭 Pied Piper: Reed Piper 🎼🐀 Jack and the Beanstalk: Jock Beanstalk 🫘🍃 Robin Hood: Martin Hood 🪶 Hansel and Gretel: Hans and Greta Crumb🍭🍬 Huntsman: Archer Huntsman 🏹🪓 Mad Hatter: Darjeeling “Darjee” Hatter🎩☕️ Cheshire Cat: Catherine Cheshire 🐱😁 Queen of Hearts: Mary Hearts 👸♥️ Alice in Wonderland: Alicia Wonderland 📚 White Rabbit: Panon Blanc 🐇 ⏱️ Thumbelina: Dalena Thumbell 🌸 Snow Queen: Frostine Winter ❄️ Beauty: Belleza Beauty 🌹🥀 Beast: Best Charming 👹👑
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whatsnextmovies · 6 years
Sweet Virginia
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hanalwayssolo · 2 years
1, 2, 10, 18, 20 for the writing asks!
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
By 'current' projects, I'd take that as the ones actively consuming my brain, and they are:
What We Ought To Give, part 3 and final series under The Burden We Share. It's an Uncharted fanfic centered on my OC Darcy Kingsley and her absolutely tumultuous relationship with Sam Drake. For the progress, I'm on my last stretch for the remaining chapters (6 more to go!) and I am stressed lmao. Anyway, what I love most about it... a lot, strangely enough? I love Darcy and her twins, the special family dynamic, and the notion that you can still find love (and love can still find you!) at whatever age or phase in life you're in. Also, I rarely read stories that revolve around a woman in her late thirties/forties who gets to do shit that’s more than just about being a mother, that they can be both a mother AND whoever they want to be, so here’s that, too.
Laws of Motion, part 2 and final series under The Science of Us. A FFXV fanfic I had to put on hold because the lore is bigger than my own life!! 🤣  But I'm writing and rewriting bits and pieces just so I can keep it moving even at such a horribly slow pace. What I love most about it is the big-ass found family energy, my dearest baby Briony, my Messengers, Cor the (not so) Immortal falling in love with an actual immortal that is Candela. 🤍
Renegades. A BNHA fanfic that's been in progress for quite a while, and since I have no time to focus on it, it does pick at my brain with plotbunnies from time to time. Tells the story of people discovering their Quirks for the first time and how they come to terms with it. Features POVs of people from different parts of the world. What I love most about it: Kit Fujiwara, her friendships with Xiomara, Tala, Miguel, and Odessa.
2. Tell us about what you're most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project.
There's this original story I've been keen on writing soon. The premise: it's set on one of the most beautiful islands in the Philippines but also believed to be one of the most mysterious. Siquijor holds a special place in my heart, and so does Corazon, a former classics teacher who came home from NYC to look after her mother. But her homecoming is soon mired by the faces of past lovers who have wronged her, and memories are quite a trigger for her need for blood. 🥴
10. How would you describe your writing process?
A fucking mess, that’s what 🤧
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
God we can talk about this all day, but The Burden We Share in particular has tons of AUs. @oc-musings​ knows this all lmao
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
I have a lot of these in What We Ought To Give!!!! 🥺  And I remember going on full on meta on this lovely reader who asked stuff about Darcy’s connection with the twins and how I’ve been hinting at that ever since the beginning of the chapter. As an avid reader, I love paying attention to details - like some nicknames matter, and how mannerisms are described, and I love incorporating these things into my writing. Just leaving a trail of crumbs and all that. 
Fun meta asks for writers
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