#OH AND ALSO Geoffrey was another pre-promote I didn't use because of my sister LOL
dmclemblems ยท 2 years
ajsdhgjkh yeah sorry shinon! he's good but i don't remember him ever being top for me, though i've probably done por 4 times and rd twice. i started using oscar because the nintendo power strategy guide said to plug the one bottleneck in the map on the chapter shinon and gatrie leave, because he's a brick wall. and they were right. he would never let me down etc etc. i think i gave him a custom forged lance called the BadGuyKiller. Kieran got the OscarBane, which was hot pink.
For some reason no matter how much I love other FE games, I always keep replaying the Tellius ones. I guess maybe in part it's because growing up I took to PoR a lot more? I started with FE7, but 7 and 8 weren't as strong for me and didn't keep me as interested. Also, I was kind of the shy nice girl growing up who stayed out of trouble, so I kind of grew up really admiring Ike. Even if I don't play either game for a year or two straight, I always come back to them and end up playing at least one of them once or twice through before taking a break again. Even though 4 is my favorite FE game, I guess between Tellius' gameplay, the characters and how I felt about those games growing up ends up pulling me back to them all the time.
NINTENDO POWER LITERALLY SAID USE OSCAR? Damn, I didn't give them enough credit. My sister subscribed to that magazine and I never read it. They're RIGHT though, I love plugging bottlenecks with him and Shinon. Chapter six is a pain in the ass but I rely on the two of them to cover the front, and in chapter eight I similarly have Oscar handle the front. Oscar dodges enough and he takes very low damage if he gets hit. My strategy was to keep a javelin equipped for most of chapter eight since a lot of the enemies used them as well, so he was always able to hit back and he took out the enemies in the front all by himself (which is pretty impressive at that point in the game considering how many enemies he'd be fighting by himself).
It's actually funny to me because he has no trouble at the front, but meanwhile Titania and Boyd are handling the right side of the map and kinda having trouble. Soren and Ike handle the left side (and eventually Ilyana if she even makes it down there in time to do much of anything lol), and I have Rhys run around healing as much as he can with Mia using her turns to shove him out of harm's way if he's in range of an enemy's distant attack when he's behind someone. Mia's too weak at that point for me to use her for anything else, so she's kinda just Rhys' support to keep him safe while he heals.
Agreed, Oscar never lets me down. IN FACT, IT'S ALMOST ALWAYS BOYD WHO LETS ME DOWN LMAO. Last run I did with a friend watching was fun because we were picking on Boyd lovingly. He was actually pretty damn for me in that run but whenever he screwed up we'd poke fun at him.
THAT'S SO FUNNY LOL. I love giving Oscar forged weapons. Actually, since they're so expensive if you want them to be really unique and not super close to an existing weapon that I don't make forged weapons that often at all. Generally Oscar is one of the few if not the only one in a playthrough who gets one. I always make it insanely OP, like, as OP as you literally make it lol. I make it green for him and give him all sorts of names for his weapons.
KIERAN GOT THE OSCARBANE AND IT WAS HOT PINK JUST LIEK HIS PERSONALITY. Kieran no you're supposed to fight the enemies, not your allies. SIR.
My friend in the playthrough I played with them watching tried to convince me not to use Oscar in chapter 28 and I firmly refused LOL. He basically handles the whole left side of the map by himself or has like, one other person with him helping out a little bit while Ike, Soren and Ranulf take the center and everyone else takes the right side.
Also this has nothing to do with Oscar but LISTEN. Have you ever put Vantage AND Adept on Ranulf? They behave differently in RD so it won't work the same, but in PoR Vantage always activates so your unit will always attack first if they're attacked by an enemy. Combine that with Adept and it's literally so broken because the sheer number of times I had Ranulf attack first and use Adept, attacking first twice and killing the enemy just for initiating combat was so bonkers it was like easy mode lmao.
It's kinda like when I discovered that putting Gamble on Shinon was stupid broken because he'd keep getting a 100 percent crit rate with a killer bow.
Oscar and Shinon are already broken and I somehow always seem to find ways to make them more broken. Then I got to add PoR Ranulf to that list... and honestly, once RD Ranulf gets Rend, he's basically as much of a monster as those two (especially if you're playing the endgame parts and you give him a Laguz Gem to be transformed for the entire battle LEL).
#nintendo power is a CHAMP for suggesting to use oscar The Correct Way (tm)#when I was younger and I first started playing PoR my sister convinced me that pre-promoted were ''bad''#when I grew up I was SO MAD LOL bc she was basing that on playing FE7/8#where generally pre-promoted units barring game soloer King Seth the Great weren't that great#(though I did use Saleh quite a bit... and to my recollection he wasn't bad)#and I literally SUFFERED trying to train Rolf bc of that. now I just train him enough to withstand that Blizzard#in chapter 18 in case he gets hit by it when I'm going down the corridor to reach Shinon#and basically once I get him back Rolf is benched for the rest of or most of the rest of the game hfkjsagjsg#BUT KNOWING THE SHINON I KNOW NOW I'M SO MAD SHE CONVINCED ME NOT TO USE HIM FKJSHJHFG#I can't remember what playthrough I finally started using him or why at this point#but I wouldn't be surprised if it had to do with me wanting to try out using a unit for a character I enjoyed#bc it always sucks when you can't/don't use characters you like#KINDA LIKE WHY I USUALLY BRING TORMOD TO THE TOWER OF GUIDANCE?#BC I'M RLY FUCKIN' MAD THAT HE'S HARDLY IN THE GAME AT ALL AND I NEED TO MAKE UP FOR LOST TIME???#I angrily get Tormod to tier 3 level 20 at all cost bc RD did him so dirty with screentime#OH AND ALSO Geoffrey was another pre-promote I didn't use because of my sister LOL#nowadays I tend not to use him and Haar bc they join so late into the game and by then#most of my roster is pretty figured out while still making room for Ranulf prior to him and Haar joining#I use Geoffrey as much as I can in RD though because I love Geoffrey#also like ofc Shinon is gonna be behind everyone else for a bit when you get him back bc he's the same level he left at#it's like playing Tales of Phantasia and benching Chester permanently just bc he rejoins you at the same level you left him at fjksghjgsg#now I just like to meme about Shinon killing everything and how the AI actually works when it comes to Provoke#DCE Ask
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