caemthe · 4 months
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so about the valentine day's art i was talking about...
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please understand that if i don't draw cú in a bunnysuit every year, i'll die 😔
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caemthe · 5 months
hairstyle variations for the trio !!
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caemthe · 3 months
hey hey hey hey
so i've been thinking a lot about pat's hsr verse and hopefully will get to translate all of my ideas into something that makes sense, but until then....
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look at him
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caemthe · 1 month
My muses & NPCs
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First row: Deirdre, my secondary muses and a rare Finnscoth apparition. Finn and Connla are siblings, so it was fun to try and make them similar to their parents in different ways. Ferdiad is a Fir Domnann, a mythical race that descends from the Fir Bolg, who stayed in Ancient Greece for a few hundreds of years or so. No matter where you are, everyone is always connected. Emer of the Beautiful Hair and Deirdre of the Sorrows were blessed/cursed with the power of divination, so I wanted to better show that with their star & black hole-like pupils.
Second row: Cú Chulainn and his (lore-relevant) cousins. They all come from the same cradle of wolves and, now that I think about it, they really look like they hunt their enemies down with hunting hounds for sport. But who am I to judge others' family traditions. Cormac and Fedelm are half-siblings (from different mothers), children of King Conchobar. Cú Chulainn, Conall and Naoise are the sons of King Conchobar's half-sisters. Their family lore is complicated. And yes, they all have sharp teeth and, yes, they all have canonically murdered people.
Third row: Patroclus and a few men of the Iliad. Odysseus, King of Ithaca, was the great tactician of the Achaean army, even a greater liar, and my babygirl. Diomedes, King of Argos, was one of the greatest Achaean warriors, who even managed to make the goddess of love and god of war bleed. Ody & Dio were always together in the Iliad, participating in raids, schemes, destruction of public property, etc. Do not separate them. Ajax the Greater, second to Achilles in strength and one of the Achaean leaders, got his moniker 'Great' because of his height and size, a man said to be as big as a mountain. Peleus, King of Phthia, was the aged father of Achilles and mentor of Patroclus.
Also, woad paint alt version for the ulster cycle characters under the read more because they feel too naked without any war paint on
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caemthe · 4 months
me: i need to do valentine-related stuff for my muses what i end up doing instead:
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caemthe · 2 months
hey you
hands you a rabbit hole redraw ft cú
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caemthe · 3 months
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This is how my muses (in their fantasy verse) look after another healer / cleric / enlightened paladin™ reject joining their party for the 98765678th time btw
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caemthe · 4 months
No one: Absolutely no one: Me: Deirdre in some of my favorite looks from SS24 Haute Couture
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caemthe · 4 months
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posting patro.chilles on the year of 2024? more likely than you think
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caemthe · 5 months
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i always see these art summaries going around every year so i wanted to join this time and surprisingly i made enough sfw pieces this year to do it, yay!
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particularly proud of these two so you'll have to perceive them
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caemthe · 3 months
@guhamun i couldn't get the song out of my head (which entirely your fault!) so i hand you this 'everything is the same but---' alt universe
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caemthe · 6 months
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Usually, I would partially cover Deirdre's face because 1) her tale said her to be the most beautiful woman and my current artistic skill is nowhere near good enough to do her justice, but mostly because 2) beauty is subjective so it doesn't make much sense to define features for someone meant to represent the pinnacle of it, especially when Deirdre was supposed to surpass human parameters so she was more of an error in the matrix, she was: disturbingly beautiful, terrifyingly beautiful, abnormally beautiful, catastrophically beautiful, a madness-inducing beauty.
But then I remembered that that only applies to her original tale, which means I can give her a face based on some of her descriptions in all her other verses. ✨
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caemthe · 7 months
one ( 1 ) pat with the chet lo scarf i'll never be able to buy under the read more
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caemthe · 7 months
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"You look lonely"
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caemthe · 10 months
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there are 100 billion stars burning down the milky way, but humans have chosen earth over heaven every time. looking at you, I think I know why.
topaz winters // last night I dreamed I was drowning
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caemthe · 10 months
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so how does ferdiad's hair look like? yes
he may look like he's about to commit a cold-blooded murder but the truth is that, whenever he's talking to someone new, internally he's like this:
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