#Naesia's punishment for traitors is horrible for the sake of determent
thefallofnaesia · 3 years
A Plot, If You Want One
Okay, it's been months and it has become quite clear to me that the kingdom of Naesia will never really see the light of day. It was born from me thinking 'this has dictator ruler vibes' while clapping for the NHS in the spring and acted as a way for me to chuck in aspects of historical rulers that I like but alas, never to be.
I tried to tell the story via this ask blog. Tumblr kept eating the asks and I knew I couldn't keep asking the 2 or 3 mutuals who were kind enough to get invested if they'd sent an ask. Besides, as I was answering asks it occurred to me I lowkey felt this story would be better as a regular fic. I then attempted to do just that. Except... despite genuine intentions to actually write it past the prologue, that never happened.
I want the only real scene I had fleshed out to stop living in my head and making me feel guilty because it requires the majority of the story to be written before it can be shown. By doing this, hopefully I can finally write it and just be like 'yeah have this if you want'.
Anyway, here's the limited plot points I had planned for the Kingdom of Naesia.
TWs for terrorism as well as mentions of/implied torture, death, imprisonment, execution and gore. It should go without saying that I don’t endorse or support the actions of the characters. However, I’m sure there’s somebody out there who would try pin that on me for whatever reason.
Brief reminder of who's who since it has been y'know... at least half a year since I talked/made content about this AU.
King Anthony IV, 42 - King of Naesia whose Silver Jubilee (25th anniversary of throne) is coming up. His great-grandfather was a foreign prince who took the throne by force over 150 years ago and his father was a tyrant, especially in his later years, so to certain people, that reflects on him.
Charles 'Chase' Brody Jr, 25 - The son of a rebel and Anthony III's (A4's father) closest advisor. He is determined to gather his family friends and do something about Anthony IV.
Jackson Brody, 2nd Duke of Neskon, 39 - Head military advisor to the king, Anthony's sweetheart and Chase's half brother via their dad. He's suspected his stepmother of being against the monarchy since he was a teenager.
Prince James of Irivalon, 31 - Son and youngest child of the Irivalonian queen. His family would rather have his cousin (Anthony's half brother) on the Naesian throne.
Martin, 21 - From Espa, a nearby country. His parents were against Anthony III.
Henrik von Schneeplestein, 28 - From Cuvaberg, another nearby country. Like Martin, his parents were against Anthony III.
The story starts with Chase and his mother (Gracília) standing outside their house to reflect on the years of tyranny Naesia has endured since Anthony I won the crown. This is a weekly tradition they do at the same time the rest of the country routinely claps and celebrates the Antonian rule.
Chase decides it's time he tried to track down his mother's old allies who fled the country when an assassination attempt failed. He knows for a fact that Heather escaped to Espa and that the Schneeplestein kids were sent off to Cuvaberg to live with family after their parents were captured and subsequently executed.
Jackson pays his stepmother and brother a visit to tell them Chase was asked to attend an engagement party in Irivalon. King Anthony wants Chase to use this opportunity to prove he and his mother are trustworthy because Anthony has had his doubts about Gracília for years but decided to give her the benefit of the doubt until now because of Charles Sr's loyalty.
Chase goes reluctantly but relishes in the opportunity to leave Naesia for the first time in his life. The party is celebrating Prince James' engagement to Helene von Schneeplestein, Henrik's older sister. Due to this, Chase bumps in Henrik who recognises his surname. The two of them agree to try keep in contact after they return their respective home countries.
The Schneeplesteins have also kept in touch with Heather, who has gotten married and had a family in the 25 years since Gracília last saw her. One of these children is her son Martin who is also willing to side with them.
The three of them, along with Gracília and Heather, decide Anthony's Silver Jubilee would be a good opportunity to make a move. At some point, James learns of their plans and offers them help and resources to assist in their efforts. If all goes well, Iravilon could manage to manipulate a way to put one of Anthony's half brothers (also James' cousin) on the Naesian throne.
Eventually, everything is set for them to attack the cathedral where a ceremony to celebrate Anthony's 25 years as king will take place. Chase and Martin are delivering the last of the explosives when they are discovered. Martin is just about able to get away but Chase isn't quite as lucky.
Chase is imprisoned, Anthony requests to speak with him in person so he is brought to the dining hall. Anthony berates him for his viewpoint which has lead him to what is obviously attempted terrorism. In the hope it will convince Chase to co-operate, Anthony makes him a deal. If he reveals the identities of his conspirators, Chase will get off lighter than he usually would. He'll still be executed for treason, of course, but it won't be via the typical method (don't look up ‘hdq execution’ if you have a sensitive stomach). The king doesn’t intend to let him off lightly at all, he just wants the information. Chase refuses to betray the others so at the end of the night, he gets sent back to his cell.
Over the following week, Chase continually refuses to reveal any details despite the efforts to 'encourage' him to. From the window of his cell, he hears distant bangs. The others had gone ahead with their plan. Successfully, by sounds of it.
Because of this, Chase is put in solitary confinement as efforts to make him talk are increased. Jackson, who has been keeping his distance from Chase during all this, visits him before he is moved to say a few choice words.
Eventually, at least one of his group is able to organise a way to free him. By this point, those left in charge due to Anthony's absense are debating whether to cut their loses for now and execute Chase while keeping an eye out for the perpetrators of the attack.
I never came up with a definitive ending. However, while Chase is now free and in hiding with the others, he certainly doesn't feel as victorious as the others do. Not to mention he's traumatised by the torture he was subjected to as well. I suspect following the attack and the risky move of rescuing Chase, the group plans to flee to another country to better hide as fugitives.
So if you want a more definitive end scene, picture Chase waiting to depart on a boat while bitterly reflecting on the events that brought him to that moment.
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