nikkeisimmer · 1 year
My Pretty Chiss Jedi Consular Miria'situ'tadec
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I love her smile.
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This pretty Chiss is so diplomatic. Miria just doesn't say that she wants to tear Leksende's arms from the rest of his body and leave him to exsanguinate.
"Leksende...dude...you're making a bad mistake dropping explosives on Grommik’s house...Now she's going to come after you..."
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"You had one chance...and you blew it..."
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nikkeisimmer · 1 year
Warning: SWTOR post incoming.
SWTOR: Breaking Cultural Norms
Miria’situ’tadec gazed upon the towering buildings of the Capital City of the Republic and wondered how many millennia it had taken to reach this level of civilization. Not a bit of natural ground was visible amidst the towering skyscrapers that dotted Coruscant. Everything was covered over with duracrete from the horizontal to the vertical surfaces. It was a home only a duracrete slug could envision as home (food and accommodation in one). Having just come from Tython and finishing up her Jedi training, she marvelled at the difference between the Jedi Homeworld. Yet scant decades earlier Coruscant had been laid waste to by an invasion by the Sith Empire.
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Buildings that were laid waste to during the Sith Invasion were now towering miles above the surface of the planet in record reconstruction time. And plenty more were destined to go up. Whole cities thrived in each building. Trillions of beings. Millions of species of sentient and non-sentient creatures called this planet home and each one knew suffering from the aftermath of the Sith invasion.
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Qyzen muttered an epithet in Dosh that roughly translated to “Herald, this is a dead world; no places for prey; no place to increase score. Scorekeeper will not be pleased.”
“I understand your frustration, Qyzen,” Miria said. “But we need to help Master Yuon. I don’t know what’s causing her illness and until we’ve exhausted all measures we can take to cure her that can be found on this planet, we will stay.”
“I’m not saying we leave, soft one, we stay until we find cure for Yuon. All I say is dead world causes much discomfort for soul”. the Trandoshan looked out at the buildings, as far out and as tall stretching in all directions as the eyes could picture.
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The dome of the Senate Tower towered far above Miria staring up from the main concourse. The magnificent backdrop of towering buildings that stretched far above and far below encouraged her to look up to behold the towering edifice that was the legislative center of the galaxy. Yet it was still a tiny section of this enormous city-planet.
“…scum-sucking Chiss…” an epithet hurled into the air from the teeming throng of people didn’t allow her to spot her verbal attacker. Even her Jedi robes didn’t protect her from the spiteful glances given to her species. After all her species were known to be in league with the Sith Empire. There were few Chiss to be found in Republic space. Chiss were distinctive: blue skinned with black or blue hair, fine aristocratic features; glowing red eyes with pupils and irises not readily apparent; Miria’s features were strikingly attractive even to humans; who were notoriously xenophobic to any species other than their own.
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She ignored the attacker but mentally mapped out potential avenues of escape open to her should the caller cause more disturbance.
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“Caller cause you disturbance”. Qyzen said simply. “Maybe caller need lesson in politeness. You are Jedi Knight; should be good enough for people.”
“One can’t control what others think, Qyzen.” Miria smiled calmly at her Trandoshan companion. “We will be fine. Let’s keep walking towards the Tower. Master Yuon awaits.
Qyzen gave her a skeptical look. “If you say so, Herald”. Yet he squared his shoulders, took firmer grip on his staff and scanned the crowd for any signs of that hateful miscreant, who probably now noticing the Trandoshan Companion scanning the crowd to find him, did not utter a peep lest he get his head caved in by the reptilian bodyguard to the so-called “scum-sucking Chiss”.
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Fortunately, their walk to the Senate Tower passed with no further incident and Miria sighed a deep breath of relief as the arch of the main entranceway to the Senate Building passed overhead as she entered.
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She was supposed to meet another Jedi; a healer somewhere in this gigantic edifice that was the Center of the Republic. As she took a moment to stand still and look upon the “Grand Hallway” her mouth hung open in awe; not just of the opulence and grandiosity of the building but the sheer size. The entrance rotundas were large but the Grand Hallway dwarfed the rest with its height. You could stand thirty Grans on each other’s shoulders and still not reach the bottom of the walkways supported by duracrete pillars the size of tree-trunks.
One could seriously get turned around in here.
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And she did. There were multitudes of hallways; plenty of alcoves and dead-ends to get oneself thoroughly turned around in. Miria was certain she would need a search party to find her after going down the wrong corridor for the sixth time.
But finally, she managed to find the location where she was supposed to be headed to down a corridor off the main hall of the Senate Tower and through a number of frustrating turns that had her once again wishing fruitlessly for a holomap of some sort so she could orient herself she found the office where they were to meet.
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nikkeisimmer · 10 months
Seeing all the art here...I wish I had the skill to draw - I'm more a photographer.
I would love to draw my Chiss Jedi Consular. She's one that I have a crush on.
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Miria has my little hard iron heart.
Then there's my wife's stunningly gorgeous "Imperial Agent"
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Ravenna Carys - unfortunately since Miria and Ravenna are on opposing sides, if the two of them ever met up, they'd probably be at each other's throats. ~sigh~ Even if they are both Chiss.
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nikkeisimmer · 2 years
A Chiss Jedi is a rarity in the Republic.  But Miria Tadec (her Core Name) hopes to prove that not all Chiss support the Sith Empire.   
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Currently a Padawan in Tython, she stands ready to learn the Jedi ways.  She’s rebelling against her own kind who stand as staunch supporters of the Empire and the Chiss Ascendancy.  She believes in the Force as her ally and in the Light Side. 
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