#Medical Implant Market Report
businesspointnews · 1 year
United States Implantable Medical Devices Market Demand, Size, Share and Research Report
IMARC Group, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “United States Implantable Medical Devices Market: Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Future Prospects.” The study provides a detailed analysis of the industry, including the United States implantable medical devices market share, size, trends, and growth forecasts. The report also includes…
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yeyinde · 1 year
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"Don't trust me?" "I don't even know you—" His hand lifts, metal fingers spreading lazily as he holds his palm in front of you. A peace offering. The sight of it makes you scoff.  "Fair. For what it's worth, I don't trust you much, either, but—" another inhale of his cigar. His voice is pinched when he speaks, his breath ghosting white with the smoke congealing in his lungs. "We have to make do with what we have, don't we, love?"
》 WARNINGS: allusions to political corruption, mild horror (maybe??), mentions of death and murder; more banter in a pub; Price has a past
》 NOTES: This was originally much longer but the second part delves heavily into the mechanics of the world (we FINALLY see MC—I'm not good at creative nicknames—go into the underground/black market and it is like, a Thing!!!!) and it felt like a bit of an overload with soooo much being revealed at once. So, I split them up. More Reader x Price in a pub. Bantering. Because, ummm, I’m so goddamn creative, lads. 
Makarov's outburst clots in the fibrils of your still reeling mind, replaying in an incessant loop that keeps you up into the early morning hours, unable to sleep. 
Each time you close your eyes, you see the unavoidable truth in blood looming before you. Inner Circle. Inescapable. 
All this time, you'd been under some false assumption that Makarov was the sole lender to whatever medical intervention was needed to bring you back from the clutch of death. It would make things easier. 
People die every day. 
It was the macabre ideal you clung to, digging into the notion until your nails cracked and bled. The only constant in your life that brought some semblance of hope. 
After all, the dead can't collect any debts. 
But a corporate entity can. 
You're pulled out of your reverie when the sound of a news alert fills the silence of your penthouse. The screen flickers to life at the apex of dawn, just when the indigo sky above splits into a varicoloured smear of pastel pink, ochre, and lavender. The looming horizon—sun a hazy flaxen—swallows the tenebrous that gnaws on the skyscape outside of your window. 
The vacuum fills the familiar jingle of your normal routine. A man sits behind a podium. The chyron below warns of a biblical rainstorm approaching, enough—
"—to wash the whole city away," the newscaster jokes as he jogs the stack of papers in front of him. A bead of sweat catches in the flushed light of the newsroom. The implants on his cheekbones flash; the chromatophore upgrade in his sleek skin shifting in a kaleidoscope of colour. "It comes at a good time, though, as reports of sickness are spreading through the medical bays. It must be flu season—," he titters before shifting his attention over to a man on the other half of the screen. 
He wears a black poncho and a wide grin. 
"A flu?" He echoes, the words swallowed by the passersby in the city square. The jumbotrons in the back bath him in a hazy, neon smear. "In this economy?"
They chatter in the background about a sickness spreading through the city, the storm looming closer, Atlas Corporation putting in a series of patents for some big, technological feat of engineering—Four Horseman has some steep competition this year! Atlas is the up-and-coming tech company that has new, innovative ideas and a focus on the environment!
It's the only mention of Four Horsemen Corp.
It doesn't surprise you. 
Money is a powerful tool. Those who weren't already in their back pocket were quickly added, and those who couldn't be paid off were—
Whatever Anatoly—his primary enforcer—couldn't do, an encrypted file deep in Makarov's secured vault filled the gap. 
The White Horse is a multifaceted venture. On its surface, a luxury club that caters to a specific clientele. Its exclusivity makes it desirable. People fall over themselves just for the chance to enter. The prestige alone from saying, "I've gotten an invitation," is worth more than money in the circle of the upper echelon. It's elusive. Draped in mystique. 
They want to get in so bad, just for the sole purpose of throwing their weight around and saying they've been, that they don't stop and think about the potential dangers that lurk. 
After all, a club funded by the Inner Circle and owned by Makarov—the White Horse—could hardly be dangerous. 
It's not the club they have to worry about but the man who owns it. The one who has people in high positions of power froth at the mouth for a chance to attend. 
It is impossible to convince a man with millions to risk his neck for someone else. 
But blackmail does the trick. 
From the utter silence of the media regarding this, barring a few fringe sites that are too small to bother with, you'd wager that your hard work was utilised now more than ever before. 
"—pull out your umbrellas, because—"
You reach out, pressing the power key. It clicks off. The hologram darkens to sleek black. 
Your face stares back at you, shaded in tenebrous. Empty. Vacant. Sometimes, you try to piece together what you might have looked like as a child, but all that surfaces is a void. Nothingness. 
It isn't a mental block, but an absence of everything. Anything. A gaping hole. 
You think of the missing man—Alex Keller—and something rotten gnarls between empty ribs. 
Six days. 
Three years. 
You wonder if anyone is still looking for you now. If your face is plastered on the communication poles on some distant planet. If the uncanny likeness of you is whispered in a neighbourhood in Al Mazrah where your family mourns. Or if there is now an empty spot at a dinner table that will never be filled. 
You doubt it. 
Nothing ever appears in the searches. No one ever stops you when you wander down the streets, and belts out an unfamiliar name. The closest you'd come to some sense of recognition was that man. The closest you'd come to thinking finally, finally, someone knew you. 
But he didn't. Doesn't. 
He isn't combing the shady side of down for you, but for Alex. A missing man who's been gone for six days—long enough for the man to tear through the redlight district and force your hand to aid him in finding out where Alex had gone. 
(You wonder if someone fought that hard for you.)
Ugly. Stupid. 
No one is looking. Makarov assured you of this when you asked him. 
You're a nobody, kitten. A stray. I picked you up off the streets and brought you back. You want your family? Well, all you have is me. Ain't that swell, kitten? What more could something like you ever hope for?
You're caged up like an exotic bird. A toy to be kept on the highest shelf until it's needed. 
A pet. A plaything.
But Makarov's reach is everpresent. His eyes are everywhere.
You can run, and run, and run—
You should know better by now. No one touches what belongs to me. 
—and he'll always find you.
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You have this recurring nightmare that started a year into waking up.
Makarov's idea of avoiding the hassle of you constantly asking questions about the unfamiliar world around you was to just preemptively teach you about it all. In a single session.
Despite the hesitation from the man administering the chip that would flood your mind with knowledge of the world, he pushed for it. And really—who is going to stand up to a man who not only pays their bills, but funds a vast majority of the country?
Against all codes of ethics, you were given the chip.
There is no way of describing the pain of suddenly knowing, but it left a mental scar on your psyche, one that is fundamentally irreparable. A bruise that's always there. A sore spot in your mind as it slowly heals itself from the aftermath of information overload.
But in that knowledge, came the awakening of something else.
Something that the man touched on briefly. Your lack of implants. Cybernetics. The flesh on your body is unblemished by technology, save for a small port where your spine meets your skull. It's always been there. You woke up with it.
It is covered by a layer of tissue meant to keep debris from getting in, and most days you forget about it's existence entirely.
Until, of course, days like these.
When you remember a piece of that overwhelming puzzle that was forced into your head. Artificial intelligence. Androids.
Project Sentience.
It's now considered a cruel, awful experiment conducted by the forefathers who founded the technological epoch that bloomed, by many accounts, out of control and transformed life within a few, short decades.
The project was started with good intentions. They meant to mind the gap between the limits of knowledge and erase the blemish of human error. Where they dreamed up the impossible, the AIs were meant to fill in the missing holes in the theorems and puzzles.
Working, together, for a better future.
But there was an unseen flaw.
The sentience wasn't foolproof. The android working with the engineers thought themselves to be exactly what they were: human.
It was then that project commenced in secrecy. They led the androids to believe they were real, flesh and bone, but when the flawed aspect of the human ego (a byproduct of their tweaked code to mimic the behaviours of humans to seem more passably real) led them to declare themselves the greatest engineers of all time, it was then that human engineers made it known what they were.
It wouldn't be so bad, maybe, if they were just confined to the lab. But they weren't. They were meant to be human, and so—
They led human lives. Love, dislike. Heartbreak. Some had gotten married. Some had lobbied against AI agency.
All had thought they were human.
The ripping of the veil was a nasty one.
Their partners were ostracised. Lives ruined. Their agency was taken away from them in fear of an insurgence from the androids who were now feeling the distinctly human emotion of abject horror.
Everything they knew was culled overnight over something so disgustingly simple as human envy.
It was deemed too cruel to continue. Public outcry made it so that any android made with sentience was told they were artificial, and treated as such.
The lawing of this pulled people in different directions. Subservience. Superiority. Purist.
You think of that experiment, and then of the many markers left behind that give someone an advanced understanding of their anti-humanism. The first, naturally, being a lack of noticeable enhancements. Why would something made to be perfect need an upgrade or an implant when they can just be designed with that specific feature?
The second is a sudden awakening into cognisance.
An emptiness. Nothing. And then—
They're awake.
You think of that as you stare at yourself in the mirror, but it passes just as quickly as it came. Your attention was stolen away by flickering light overhead.
They warned of an oncoming storm, didn't they?
It draws your eye, and you watch the light recede in small bursts as it struggles through the power surge of the grid. It's a common sight. Static in the air. The taste of rain.
You've always been more attuned to the change in the weather, almost as if you could feel the building of kinetic energy buzzing across your flesh.
From the prickling goosebumps ghosting over your skin, you know it'll be a bad one. Biblical, they said.
You turn back, mind blank, sluggish. It's weird. All of this is—
The face in the mirror is not your own.
Well. No. No, it is. It's—
Your flesh drips. Raindrops of flesh slide down your cheeks, dripping into the porcelain basin of the sink where it hits the ceramic with a sickening splat.
(Pat, pat, pat—)
It doesn't hurt. You don't feel anything. Nothing, nothing at all—
And you should, shouldn't you? Agony over the slippage of skin falling off of your face in wet flakes until the smooth curve of metal is shown—
Your chin dips. A mass breaks away, the ruination of Pangea, and falls into the basin with the rest until sleek gunmetal remains. Wires crossed, connected. You feel—
Nothing. You feel absolutely nothing.
Where terror should brim, you're empty. A vacuum.
(Made in his image.)
You force yourself to reel back, to fling away from the thing staring at you—the thing that can't be you, can't be, can't be, can't be—until you trip. Until you fall to the ground with a thud that you can only hear but not feel.
You know you're sitting down on the solid ground because you can feel the physical weight of gravity pushing against you, and meeting a barrier in the middle. Something stops it from sending you down, down, down.
The floor. Your fingers dig into the marble. The whine of metal across flat, recrystallised limestone meet your ears, but the breaking of your nails causes you no pain. No blood, either. Nothing. The uncapped tips of your carbon fingers leave scratches on the polished surface.
He'll kill you, you think, mechanical and distant. You ruined his floor.
It doesn't hit you the way it should. It doesn't do much of anything.
It feels like you're floating. Suspended. You can't feel the ground, or the floor, or the wall against your back. All that filters in is the knowledge that you are on a stable foundation, and not caught in a free fall.
You catch sight of yourself in the brass handle of the door.
A metal face stares back at you.
You open your mouth to scream but nothing comes out.
A blink back into wakefulness, and you're in your bed. The mattress is soft beneath your feverish body, the sheets saturated in your sweat. They cling to your skin, trapping you. You feel the weight of gravity. The solid frame of the bed keeps you up.
Your hands fly to your face, nails scratching against your skin.
—Skin. Skin.
It takes hours to calm down, and days to shake the terror of looking into a mirror.
You sit, huddled in your room, and wonder if maybe all the signs were there.
Sometimes you wish that if Makarov had really, truly, made you from scratch, he would have given you solid gold plates for skin, and diamonds for bones, so at least every pound of flesh would be worth something.
You are—)
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Your loyalty to Makarov is a tenuous thread, one frayed and knotted from the inherent sense of ownership he lays on you. An obligation of recompense for saving your life—something you'd never asked of him. 
And so, it doesn't really feel like much of a surprise when you pull the rim of your hood low over your brow, tug your mask high up the bridge of your nose, and sneak past your guard for the evening to meet him instead. 
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The place he picked is known as Industrial City—so aptly named for its abundance of postmodern buildings from somewhere in the mid-to-late twenty-first century. The crumbling ruins of an archaic homage to humanity's progress now sit abandoned in a cluster of rotting steel, cracked concrete, and mouldering asbestos. 
It's a haven for small-time gangs, and at one point, was thought to be the hideout of a notorious Purist leader who tried to sever the dependence on technology, and plunge the world back into a natural darkness. 
(He got as far as snipping a single wire from the Grid before he was detained for terrorism.) 
Bathed in an inky black, and void of the artificial neon smear of lights and LEDs, it looks almost haunting in the indigo gloam. A graveyard of the past. 
There's a prevalent feeling of unwelcomeness simmering low in the air around the abandoned buildings, one that grows ever-potent as you wander past it, and down the overgrown path leading to an old warehouse on the opposite side. 
Tension thickens the air. You feel it clot in your lungs. An uncanny sensation of being watched. Hunted. Your eyes skirt the row of crumbling industrial buildings, peering into the black voids of the smashed windows. Jagged cuts of glass, opaque from a thick layer of dust, grime, and the inevitable decay passage of time brings, gleam in the pale light of the moon suspended in the aether. 
It's dark. Uncannily so. 
The only light illuminating your path is the jaundiced glow of the moon and the buoyant flicker of the shuttles docking on the station. An infinitesimal dot against Tycho's vast, grey dip. Barely enough to make a difference in a place that leaks a palpable sense of unwelcomeness from the tenebrous surrounding you. 
Something shifts in your periphery. Your eyes dart to a third-story window of a vacant building. 
The stark, unfathomable blackness gives nothing away but you still feel the unmistakable sense of something, someone, glaring back into your eyes. Eye contact from the void. 
Your gaze drops to the underbrush. 
The static in the air grazes your skin. You're being watched. Stalked. Hunted. 
In the furze, you make out a depression in the dirt. Oval-shaped. Plain. 
It's a footprint. 
It rained all morning—a small appetiser to the biblical flood they promised: a looming thundercloud inched closer to the city each day—but the print in the wet ground was undisturbed. Fresh.
Above it, you find another. And another. Another. Until it disappears between a bottleneck of the two buildings. 
The path leads you back to the broken window—to the vat of black. 
The mini-gyrojet you stole from Yuri a long time ago sits heavy in the waistband of your trousers. Barely the size of your hand, and certainly less potent, but the laser is just as deadly as its parent. Comforting, almost. 
Your fingers twitch. You stifle the urge to grab it, and force yourself to turn around. Back to the enemy. Stupid. You know better. 
But whatever is looming in the shadows isn't a concern of yours. 
(And maybe, maybe, if they did shoot you in the back, you'd know once and for all what your insides were made of.)
Nails bite into the soft skin of your palm leaving a crescent indent against your lifeline. The flash of pain, of discomfort, quells the knot in your stomach, the one that curls tight around your organs, and claws its way up your esophagus. Fear. Anxiety. They pollute inside of you with each step through the industrial mausoleum and toward the dilapidated building in the distance. 
An old parking lot sits to your right. The cracked concrete is barely visible under the thick overgrowth that congeals around the space left behind. Nature reclaiming Her land. Against the hazy ochre smear in the distant horizon, slowly being consumed by the vat of indigo that follows swiftly behind it, the tangled vines of emerald green look ethereal in the gloam. 
It's a vivid glimpse into the past when this place meant something to the people who ventured here. Office buildings. A parking lot where archaic vehicles using gasoline to run once sat, wheels on the concrete. Feet on the ground. They wandered to the buildings—just another cog in the machine. 
You wonder sometimes what they would think if they could see the world today. The broken line between fantasy and reality where slipping a chip into their brain stem could create a gap in time, one that lets them wander through any period of history, any memory inside their head. 
They called it virtual reality. 
Another plane of existence they hadn't the technology to exploit fully. A digital dimension that lingered between the layered worlds. 
Some live inside that realm exclusively, refusing to risk themselves in the physical plane where an errant jet could end their lives. 
It's a strange juxtaposition from that to this. Where the graffiti that stains the crumbling ashlar is now considered with reverence to this world as a handprint in a cave was to that one. 
A noise echoes through the vacant lot. The sound of a cut-off shout. Your eyes dart to the left, taking in the sight of two men standing outside of a Burger Town, jostling each other over the last jetbike parked in the charging dock. 
Inside the restaurant, a man leans against the tinted glass, cigarette in his hand, watching the same tousle as you. Under the flickering neon sign, his lips quirk up in amusement when one of the men loses their balance, tumbling to the pavement. 
It's another odd juxtaposition. A rotting graveyard of the past, some buildings salvaged and converted into a strange array of low-brow pubs, and—
Neon lips open, a pink tongue glides over the plump line of red before disappearing into a closed-mouth smile. It repeats. 
—a pseudo redlight district for those who can't afford the rent on the main boardwalk. 
The graffiti on the wall of the building is faded. The paint peeling, and weathered from the passage of elements. But you can still make out the shape of a yellow dick on the wall. 
Bars. Fast-food. Sex. Testosterone. 
The world might be different, but the people certainly aren't. 
You pull your hood down lower over your brow, and quickly keep moving. 
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The converted warehouse doesn't have any markings on the outside to identify it as a pub, and you almost miss it until your tracker chimes, indicating your arrival.
Upon first glance, it's just a long, rectangular two-storey building made of chipped burgundy brick and scattered windows, all crusted with grime until it's tinted in a thick, opaque grey. 
You check the map again—just once to be sure—and send off a delayed alert with a timer set to go off an hour from now to Yuri. 
If you don't turn it off before the time runs out, he'll know where to find you.
(Or whatever is left of you.)
Everything about this, in hindsight, is pretty dangerous. Meeting a man who slings accusations at your saviour, and somehow knows about you, about your debt, in a graveyard that reeks of mildew and wet concrete is something people will hear about in passing, and wish you ill in the afterlife for being so stupid. 
But you're here. 
The choice has been made—whether or not it's a smart one has yet to be determined. 
Military. They have power. Influence. However pantomime it might be in the face of overwhelming wealth, it's still something. You thought they were all corrupted by the Inner Circle's clandestine whispers of affluence—sign here, Colonel, and we can give you armour and weapons beyond anything you'd ever seen before (just look the other way while we sell the antis to your enemies—can't let you get too powerful, after all). It seemed like they were. The parade of men and women who congregated at White Horse, or any of the other subsidiaries around the city, the world, was a testament to that. 
But he seems different. 
(And really, you've always had a thing for gruff men who'll disappoint you in the end. 
The heartbreak always tastes sweeter when they're worth something.) 
You glance down at the screen, staring at the timer as if it was your last lifeline, and hope, desperately, that you have. 
Your finger lifts. The screen fades to black. The white emblem of Four Horsemen Corp., gazes, almost accusatory, back at you. 
(If anything, Makarov will kill you before the man has any chance of breaking your heart.)
Turning back now is forfeiture, weakness. 
And you'd rather not walk through the graveyard again.
The door is made of rusted metal, and whines loud enough to echo through the barren landscape when you push it against the hinges. Muted gold leaks through the crack, spilling out onto the dirty pavement below your feet. Light catches on the motes dancing in the beam, and cuts through the murk of the falling night. 
Inside, you hear the fading tune of an old song playing out its last chorus. The scrape of a mug being pulled across wood. A low murmur. And nothing else. 
The normalcy of everything so far—or as normal as a strange retro pub in the middle of a mouldering neighbourhood could be—goes against the theatrics Makarov likes to pull, and you know from that alone that if this was somehow a trap, it wasn't his design. 
Anatoly would be jeering at you from the very top of Makarov's tower, fingers pushing against your shoulders until you were forced further back with each question you didn't answer. All the way to the ledge, where Makarov would intervene—always wanting to play the part of a saviour—and spare you. 
Just answer me this, kitten, and I'll put an end to it all. 
But the moment you opened your big, stupid mouth and gave him what you wanted, he'd begin monologuing by the sidelines, pacing as he speaks, until—
Well. We can't all be heroes. Sometimes, we need to be knocked down a peg. Anatoly would move closer, oblivious to your pleading demands for leniency, and Makarov would smile, sharp and shark-like, and say, as if it pained him: or a few stories. 
And you'd fall. Three hundred floors to your death. 
By the time you hit the pavement, you'd be a wet puddle of mush. Unidentifiable. They'd ensure it by removing your identity chip, and anything else that would give the mess of your remains a name. 
You've seen it play out enough times to know how it goes. The script might bend to fit the needs of the accused, but the plot was always the same. 
Theatrical. Dramatic. 
Your fingers curl into fists by your side, and find some solace in the fact that a two-floor drop probably won't kill you. 
This is survivable as long as you're useful. 
A new mantra is craved in the recesses of your mind. Useful. Useful. 
You repeat it to yourself as you pull the door open wider, glancing in the room warily. Hesitant. 
Whatever you expected, this wasn't it. 
It's normal. Archaic in design. 
Lanterns are strung across the rafters crisscrossing the ceiling, bathing the small room in a muted gold. It complements the raw topaz colour of the wooden decor inside—herringbone floors, shiplap-covered walls, dark spruce tables and benches—and something about it all feels almost homey. Comfortable. 
The size and cut of it err into intimacy or claustrophobia, and you wonder if that's why he picked it. 
On the opposite side of the entrance is a dark hallway. A flickering exit sign glows softly in the gloom. Two darker doorways branch off on either side of the back door. Washrooms. You can vaguely make out the light spilling from the insignia etched into the wood. 
It's flush against the rightmost wall where a series of old photographs sit, crookedly, on the panels. The images are too faded, jaundiced from time, for you to make out the shapes, but they all look human. Humanity from a bygone era. You catch sight of an old aeroplane, the vessel barely longer than the height of the man standing in front of the large propellers. 
The rest of them are of people standing together near old landmarks that no longer exist. 
Metals line the interior of one, kept guarded behind a new protective seal. They shine in the soft glow, and the label beneath reads: chest candy. 
These are personal photos. Family heirlooms. Staring at them, struggling to make out the full shapes of the children, the men, and the women, standing around and smiling happily make you feel a touch voyeuristic.  Gazing into a tomb not meant for your eyes. 
You pull away from the wall, glancing at the one that sections off the washrooms from the main room. It, too, is decorated in photographs, but these ones are less personal. Images of long-gone celebrities. Artistic renditions of landscapes that evolved over the last centuries into something new, something different. 
The theme of the wall is aerial. You make out old etchings of aircraft in all sizes. Commemorative pieces. Militaristic in its design. 
Three booths sit flush against the wall, all made of dark wood, and each seat empty. 
Against the leftmost wall is the bar itself, separated from the seating area by a long, oak countertop with six bar stools pushed up close. A mug sits, half-empty, in front of one. An empty glass in front of the other beside it. An ashtray in the middle of the two seats, filled with cigarette butts. One still burns away, wheedling down to a snubbed point. 
The wall is lined with bottles. A tap behind it. At the end is another doorway which must lead to the back area. The sign above says employees only. 
Near the only window in the room is where you find a solitary table with three chairs. In the seat facing you, back angled between the cut of the walls, shoulder turned to the bar, is where you find the man. Watching you. 
A glass rests in front of him, half-empty. A burning cigar in an ashtray curls wisps of smoke over his face. 
The implant in his eye glows sapphire blue, expanding as he reads the information in front of him. The other is darkened under the flushed light, almost black. Gazing right at you. 
It's a contrast that makes you shiver. 
"Made the right choice then," he says, words low as he lets them fade under the steady cadence of the song playing somewhere in the back of the bar. 
It isn't much of a perfunctory greeting, but you take the opening all the same, and make your way toward him.
"That's yet to be determined."
"You're still here." 
The wood is warm under your palms when you press them against the grain, shuffling into the bench across from him. Warm, and sticky. 
You peel your fingers off, glancing at them warily. "Not much of a choice, though—" your eyes find him, narrowing into slits when he snorts, shaking his head at the disgust in your gaze. "What's so funny?" 
He huffs and the blue light flickers out, fading into dark blue. "You," he offers as if it was obvious. The condescension bleeds from his lips when he speaks, and leaks into his clear eyes when you fold your hands into your lap. "Not the kinda place Makarov normally takes you, hmm? Ain't you spoiled."
"Makarov doesn't take me anywhere." 
"That so? What? You his dirty little secret?" 
Your brow furrows. "What's that supposed to mean?" 
"Nothin', love. Nothin' at all." 
He's baiting you. The condescending draw of his voice, thick with derision, sets your teeth on edge, and makes the knots in your stomach tighten. 
"Look," you start, sticky fists cleaned tight in your lap, irritating the indents in your flesh from earlier. It's enough to ground you. "I didn't come here for games. This is my head on the line, and—"
"Mine, too." 
You scoff. "You started this." 
"And it's my men who are out there, yeah?" 
He leans forward slowly, the wrinkles in his brow deepening under the hazy glow until all you see is darkness cascading over a rucked canyon. Anger pinches at the corner of his eyes, the near snarl of his mouth. 
He'd go for the jugular, you think. Sink his teeth into your flesh until a pound is ripped out, reaping his dues. 
You wonder if his fury is as animalistic as the teeth he bares in anger, in warning.
"Gettin' injured, killed. Goin' missin'. Fighting a battle your men are waging." 
"Makarov isn't waging anything. You don't know much about him, do you? The only thing he cares about is his stocks and his public image. Whatever you think he's doing, or he's behind, I can assure you—he isn't." 
"You sound certain. What, hmm? Ain't the kinda pillow talk he likes to indulge in?"
"Pillow talk?" His words make you reel back until you're flushed against the chair, eyes widening. "I think there's a massive misunderstanding here."
He says nothing, merely opting to reach for his forgotten glass of scotch and dwindling cigar. 
Pillow talk. "You think me and Makarov are—? No. No! That's—" you fight a shiver of disgust, knuckles digging into your thighs. "No. Makarov wouldn't—it's not like that. He's—"
"He's what?" He implores, resting his elbow on the countertop, cigar dangling dangerously between his lax fingers. The look in his eye is sharp, keen. 
"He's my—" 
You bite your tongue suddenly, stopping the familiar words from slipping out. It's the response you give when people ask what you are to Makarov—why he keeps you around on such a short leash. 
My saviour.
The words have different connotations inside Makarov's sprawling skyline palace. Where his guards simply nod, in understanding, and accept your words as is, because he, too, is theirs as well. A common ground where nothing else needs to be explained as one word covers everything. 
You won't find that here. Not with him. And maybe, maybe, some part of you is shying away in shame over the word. Saviour. You sound like the zealots running around proclaiming they heard god whispering to them in the grid, and felt Its holy touch when they plugged something in. 
Electric, they say, reverently. Our saviour is stuck inside the machine—!
(You wonder, now, if Makarov chose that particular word on purpose, and know, immediately, that he did.)
"I owe him money. Why wouldn't he keep me around with such a staggering debt?" 
Bringing it up gives you the opportunity you need to shift the conversation away from the game of Messiah and Disciples Makarov likes to play, and you knot your trembling fingers together tightly in your lap. 
"Speaking of—" you huff, gaze fixed on him. Taking everything in. You might not have the same implant that he does, one that allows him access to the net in an instant, and feeds it right to his cerebrum, but you've always been good at reading people. Catching their tells. "Makarov isn't the one my debt is owed to. It's the Inner Circle. Still think you can erase it?" 
He hesitates. Briefly, almost indecipherably, but you catch the dip of his cigar when his body tenses, fingers tightening too quickly on the stem. It twitches only once before he steadies it. His eyes cut to yours, impassive and unreadable, as he takes in the information you just offered. 
The Inner Circle banking division was notorious for having contracts upon contracts to avoid buyouts without some hefty fee attached to make up for the lost interest. 
It's a roadblock. Almost everyone you've met so far, ones with idealistic dreams of stealing you away from the clutch of Makarov, bulked at the number alone. This, this new piece of information, was bound to make him flee. Cut ties. Run. 
Another hero with too much on his shoulders to bear another burden, leaving you behind to rot. 
Tough luck, kid, one of them said after a three-week-long courting period that left you feeling moon swept and dizzy. Wide-eyed and jejune. Naïve little kitten, Makarov taunted the morning after you found yourself alone on the dock, bags packed, waiting for a man who'd never show. But Makarov met you there. Yuri, with sorrowful eyes, took the bags gently from your trembling hands, downcast as he murmured in your ear, you'll be okay, kitten.
Anatoly's biting laughter haunted you for months. Christ, he howled. You really thought there was a man on earth more powerful than Makarov? Damn, he swindled you good, dumbass. Was he at least a good fuck? I'd be so goddamn pissed if this happened to me and the idiot was lousy in bed. 
But it was Makarov's palm against your cheek that broke you the most. The icy eyes never softened despite the coo of sympathy in his voice. 
It hurts, doesn't it, kitten? Who knows if this is your first heartbreak, but I'm sure it feels like it is, doesn't it? Ahhh, You should know better by now. No one touches what belongs to me. 
"Now about this betrayal…" 
He had you locked in your flat for months, and everything iota of your time monitored in some capacity. The leash was shortened. The collar tightened. 
The punishment for your betrayal came weeks after, when a package arrived at your flat. A golden box weighed down with precious gems and metals. 
A holographic card popped up when you opened the package, hands shaking around the heavy box. 
Makarov's voice flooded the room. What's more precious than gold and diamonds? The latch on the box clicked. You lifted the lid. At first, it didn't make sense. Your mind blanked, wiped, as you struggled to figure out what it was you were staring at. 
A heart, kitten. His heart.
Horror. Stomach-churn terror.
Your hands snapped back, and the box dropped to the floor as mocking laughter met your ears, static and faded over the recording. 
The still-beating heart tumbled out, connected to an array of small wires that kept it alive without a host. Without—
Your hand pressed against your lips as you fought the bile rising from your throat. 
Betray me again, he said, and I'll make you cut it out next time. 
You stare at the man across from you and know that the wishfulness inside of you will soften his flaws, blur his lies until anything he says just sounds right. A dangerous precipice. The yearning knotting around your mouldering ribcage is hungry. Wanting. 
He'll ruin you. And you'll be forced to ruin him. To carve his heart out as Makarov keeps him alive the whole time. The last thing he'll ever see would be you holding his still-beating heart before Makarov makes you crush it between your trembling, bloodied fingers. 
The image surfaces—horrific, garish, gut-wrenching—and you wish you were a little more jaded, a little less idealistic, to have that alone snuff the last vestiges of hope from your rotting heart. 
"Doesn't change anything," he grouses, and then brings the glass to his lips. He downs the scotch in two swallows, and you can't pull your wide eyes away from the way his throat bobs, and stretches, as he tilts his head back. 
When he's finished, he huffs. The glass hits the countertop with a clang that seems to shake something inside of you. 
"They're all rotten," he snarls, words a rough rasp that makes you shiver. "All of 'em. Rotten to the fuckin' core."
The corruption never surprised you. Maybe the exposure to it all, feeding Makarov the names of the politicians and diplomats that wanderers through the club's door numbed you to it all, but seeing his visceral disgust over it makes something swell inside of you. 
He's not too different from the heroes you've met, the ones you read about, but where they cut their anger into pieces of understanding and compassion, he wields his like a claymore. A battle-ready man brimming with a fury that leaks from his marrow and into the icy blue of his steel gaze. 
He doesn't give you kind smiles or false promises. No, he gives you third-degree burns on your flesh from the molten heat of his rage. 
"Who are you?" You demand, the words slipping out before you can chomp them down. "And why do you think I can help you?"
It doesn't make sense, not really. 
The look he levels at you knocks the air from your lungs. 
Fear curls in your gut. Wariness. The urge to flee wells, and you just barely manage to push it down. 
"I told you already, didn't I?" He leans closer, drawing the cigar to his lips. "Heard about you, 'bout your debt." 
"Yeah, and you thought I was Makarov's—lover—;" the word nearly makes you recoil. "But I'm not. He tells me nothing. Still so certain I can help?" 
He takes a drag of the cigar, the tip burning through the dim interior of the empty pub. His eyes never waver from yours, but you know that this piece of information must, in some way, change things. He sought you out specifically because of your assumed relationship with Makarov. The precariousness of your debt has doubled into not just an inconvenience, but a legal issue with extra fees added. 
You're more trouble than whatever you might be able to weasel out of Makarov. 
More trouble than your worth. 
The smoke curls in front of him like a hazy shroud of white. The light catches the indent in his cheekbone, and down the side of his face where his implant sits, humming with kinetic energy even while unlit. 
Without the beanie on his head, you can make out more of the circular insignia on his temple, but the crest is unfamiliar to you. Unknown. You've never seen it before, and that unnerves you. 
You know all the clubs, the crests, the gangs that roam the streets. From the upper echelon of the Shepherd family to the 54 Immortals seizing the power gap left behind by the fall of Brakov in a neighbouring country. It comes with knowing the underground. With making friends in the shadows. 
But this one escapes you. 
He shifts, moving the cigar from his lips. A waterfall of smoke rumbles from his mouth when he breathes out. 
"Yes," he says, pinched from lingering smoke in his lungs. "I do."
"Told you, love. Heard 'bout you—from many sources."
The back of your neck prickles under his reproachful stare. Something in those cerulean depths makes you tense. 
"From who?" 
His metal knuckles clink against the glass when he nudges it out of the way, resting his forearm down on the wood, bringing himself closer to you. With your spine flush against the back of the chair, there is nowhere to run. It hits you, then, when he draws himself into the scant space separating the two of you, angling himself until he takes up the entirety of your periphery, that this was intentional. 
Of course, it was. Of course. 
"Oh, from lot's a'people a lil' thing like you shouldn't be hangin' around." Despite the derision in his voice, his brows lift, arching high until his forehead wrinkles, and you catch something that seems almost impressed when he dips his chin, staring at you from down his nose. "You get places most can't. That's useful."
"Useful enough to wipe a debt? How do I know you're good for it, and this isn't some scam?" 
"You don't," he answers simply, and something snaps inside you. 
"Are you joking—? Do you have any idea what Makarov will do to me, and you can't even give me some—"
"Like I told you, I know people in high places." He shrugs like it's nothing. Like it isn't your life in balance. "They want to remain anonymous, but can settle your debt." 
"Don't trust me?"
"I don't even know you—"
His hand lifts, metal fingers spreading lazily as he holds his palm in front of you. A peace offering. The sight of it makes you scoff. 
"Fair. For what it's worth, I don't trust you much, either, but—" another inhale of his cigar. His voice is pinched when he speaks, his breath ghosting white with the smoke congealing in his lungs. "We have to make do with what we have, don't we?"
It isn't fair. It isn't right. A part of you wants to rebel, to grab the cigar and crush it under the heel of your palm. The anger wells inside of you, white-hot and aching, and brings with it the strong urge to scream yourself hoarse. 
You believed him—if only for a moment, for a single second, but it was long enough for the vestiges of hope to claw their way up the prison you kept it in, and leak back into your marrow. A pollutant that wrecks you viciously. 
Maybe you expected this. It doesn't sting as much as you thought it would. He's never really committed, and said—
"But," he continues, and you wish he would shut up, shut up, shut up, shut—
"I promise it'll go away once we're done, yeah?" 
Your voice wobbles when you speak, soundly dangerously thick, and wet. You peer up at him and wish with everything inside of you, there wasn't a thin veil of tears gathering across your lash line. Weak. You haven't cried in two years—
(You look so cute when you cry, kitten—)
"You promise, huh?"
He lifts his hand to his temple and taps his index and middle finger against the strange insignia implanted there. The hard metal of the crest meeting the soft polymer cover of his fingertips makes a muted thud not at all dissimilar to your beating heart. 
"On my family name, I swear it." 
To go so far for someone he barely knows, and doesn't trust—
And then it clicks. It isn't about you at all, but some personal vendetta, a promise to himself, that he'll accomplish what he sets out to do, and so, making this little oath with an outsider, the pet of the enemy, is nothing to him. It's performative as much as it is sincere, and the warring contrast makes your chest ache, and heat bloom under your skin. 
"You—;" you start, but stop yourself. 
He's not at all unlike the heroes you've read about in fantastical stories or the ones you'd met. The one whose heart you held in your trembling fingers as it slowly stopped pulsing in the palm of your hand. Whose blood you scoured from your skin until it was raw. 
But where they offered a smile at the end of the promise they swore they'd keep, he frowns. 
He doesn't strike you as the type of man to go out of his way to make others feel better. He believes in himself, and his prowess, and speaks about that in clipped, gruff declarations that are not meant to sway, but reinforce what he knows. 
He will win. This isn't a question or a belief, but a statement. A truism. 
Hope surges. The levee cracks. 
"Who are you?" You ask, dazed. 
The man who cupped your cheek, and whispered to you about escaping the clutches of this festering city, of going so far away, that grasping hands could never reach you, and greedy fingers would never again touch your flesh, didn't fill you with this same sense of awe, of pure belief in the words he said. But this man, this man, makes you feel like anything is possible. Hope blooms, brims bright inside of your chest like an inflating balloon drifting up to the heavens—
His mental hand splays flat over the table. "Names John Price."
The man sitting across from you is someone you know. 
It makes sense, then. The insignia on his temple is the Price family emblem—a conglomerate in its own right, mostly composed of military men with staunch, unflinching moral codes. The incorruptible. The untouchables. 
They were the ones who led the counterattack on the coup that changed the political landscape from the Feudalistic tyranny of the past, to—
Well. It was meant to be free reign, or maybe democratic, but the technological boom a few years after the liberation from the iron fist made little things slip by as the world was suddenly painted a lovely shade of roseate. Why worry about mega corporations becoming richer than most of the governmental bodies, and countries, when they made this new piece of cybernetics that let you see like a hawk, that introduced a new colour spectrum to the general public, when sickness, injury, and even death itself came something that could be bartered over for the right price. 
The things that they let slip stacked up. It piled higher and higher until the free future the Price family, among others—Laswell, Shepherd, Walker, MacTavish—foresaw was smothered out in favour of the blatant mega capitalism that rules. 
It might not be with an iron fist, but it is with a monetary chokehold that always seems to get tighter. 
Their legacy is one founded on a strong moral core that is unbendable. 
It makes sense why you didn't recognise the emblem at first. 
The last of their pristine lineage—tarnished.
The man responsible for the power gap left behind by Brakov. The one who threatens his superiors, and uses brute force to get his way. John Price—the one who gave into temptation and was ousted from his family, and from the military, for taking bribes from people in low places. A man who'd side with anyone—for the right price. 
Political turmoil and espionage must run in the family, then, as you somehow find yourself sitting across from the man implicated in a failed coup. One that resulted in the collapse of Urzikstan.
John Price. 
Disgraced former captain. Rotten to his core. There's a graveyard filled with people who died because of his choices; a massacre that made headlines just a few months before you woke up. A man you know by sordid, rotten reputation alone, who somehow escaped condemnation for the people he indirectly (and, by many accounts, directly) killed. 
John Price. Swindler. Scoundrel. Swine. 
"John Price?" You echo, numbed. "The John Price?"
He leans back in the chair, posture relaxed, at ease, as if this wasn't a massive reveal. As if he wasn't a war criminal who was exonerated because of those friends in high places he so casually mentioned before. 
"So," he rasps, pulling his cigar back to his lips. Despite the ease in his mien, his eyes tighten. A cobra ready to strike. "You've heard of me." 
(—it blooms, and then all at once, it bursts.)
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Nothing says cyberpunk like a morally ambiguous character.
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gsirvitor · 1 year
You will get chipped. It’s just a matter of time.
In the aftermath of a Wisconsin firm embedding microchips in employees last week to ditch company badges and corporate logons, the Internet has entered into full-throated debate.
Religious activists are so appalled, they’ve been penning nasty 1-star reviews of the company, Three Square Market, on Google, Glassdoor and social media.
On the flip side, seemingly everyone else wants to know: Is this what real life is going to be like soon at work? Will I be chipped?
“It will happen to everybody,” says Noelle Chesley, 49, associate professor of sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. “But not this year, and not in 2018. Maybe not my generation, but certainly that of my kids.”
Gene Munster, an investor and analyst at Loup Ventures, is an advocate for augmented reality, virtual reality and other new technologies. He thinks embedded chips in human bodies is 50 years away. “In 10 years, Facebook, Google, Apple and Tesla will not have their employees chipped,” he says. “You’ll see some extreme forward-looking tech people adopting it, but not large companies.”
The idea of being chipped has too “much negative connotation” today, but by 2067 “we will have been desensitized by the social stigma,” Munster says.
For now, Three Square Market, or 32M, hasn’t offered concrete benefits for getting chipped beyond badge and log-on stats. Munster says it was a “PR stunt” for the company to get attention to its product and it certainly succeeded, getting the small start-up air play on CBS, NBC and ABC, and generating headlines worldwide. The company, which sells corporate cafeteria kiosks designed to replace vending machines, would like the kiosks to handle cashless transactions.
This would go beyond paying with your smartphone. Instead, chipped customers would simply wave their hands in lieu of Apple Pay and other mobile-payment systems.
The benefits don’t stop there. In the future, consumers could zip through airport scanners sans passport or drivers license; open doors; start cars; and operate home automation systems. All of it, if the technology pans out, with the simple wave of a hand.
The embedded chip is not a GPS tracker, which is what many critics initially feared. However, analysts believe future chips will track our every move.
For example, pets for years have been embedded with chips to store their name and owner contact. Indeed, 32M isn’t the first company to embed chips in employees. In 2001, Applied Digital Solutions installed the “VeriChip” to access medical records but the company eventually changed hands and stopped selling the chip in 2010.
In Sweden, BioHax says nearly 3,000 customers have had its chip embedded to do many things, including ride the national rail system without having to show the conductor a ticket.
In the U.S., Dangerous Things, a Seattle-based firm, says it has sold “tens of thousands” of chips to consumers via its website. The chip and installation cost about $200.
After years of being a subculture, “the time is now” for chips to be more commonly used, says Amal Graafstra, founder of Dangerous Things. “We’re going to start to see chip implants get the same realm of acceptance as piercings and tattoos do now.”
In other words, they’ll be more visible, but not mainstream yet.
“It becomes part of you the way a cellphone does,” Graafstra says. “You can never forget it, and you can’t lose it. And you have the capability to communicate with machines in a way you couldn’t before.”
But after what we saw in Wisconsin last week, what’s next for the U.S. workforce? A nation of workers chipping into their pods at Federal Express, General Electric, IBM, Microsoft and other top corporations?
Experts contend consumers will latch onto chips before companies do.
Chesley says corporations are slower to respond to massive change and that there will be an age issue. Younger employees will be more open to it, while older workers will balk. “Most employers who have inter-generational workforces might phase it in slowly,” she says. “I can’t imagine people my age and older being enthusiastic about having devices put into their bodies.”
Adds Alec Levenson, a researcher at University of Southern California’s Center for Effective Organizations, “The vast majority of people will not put up with this.”
Three Square Market said the chips are voluntary, but Chesley says that if a company announces a plan to be chipped, the expectation is that you will get chipped — or risk losing out on advancement, raises and being a team player.
“That’s what we’re worried about,” says Bryan Allen, chief of staff for state Rep. Tina Davis (D), who is introducing a bill in Pennsylvania to outlaw mandatory chip embedding. “If the tech is out there, what’s to stop an employer from saying either you do this, or you can’t work here anymore.”
Several states have passed similar laws, while one state recently saw a similar bill die in committee. “I see this as a worker’s rights issue,” says Nevada state Sen. Becky Harris (R), who isn’t giving up. “This is the wrong place to be moving,” she says.
Should future corporations dive in to chipping their employees, they will have huge issues of “trust” to contend with, says Kent Grayson, a professor of marketing at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.
“You’ve got to have a lot of trust to put one of those in your body,” Grayson says. Workers will need assurances the chip is healthy, can’t be hacked, and its information is private, he says.
Meanwhile, religious advocates have taken to social media to express their displeasure about chipping, flooding 32M’s Facebook page with comments like “boycott,” “completely unnecessary” and “deplorable.” On 32M’s Google page, Amy Cosari a minister in Hager City, Wisc., urges employees to remove the chip.
“When Jesus was raised, he was raised body and soul, and it was him, not zombie, not a ghost and we are raised up in the same way,” Cosari wrote. “Employees of 32Market, you are not a walking debit card.”
Get used to it, counsels Chesley.
Ten years ago, employees didn’t look at corporate e-mail over the weekend. Now they we do, “whether we like it or not,” he says.
Be it wearable technology or an embedded chip, the always on-always connected chip is going to be part of our lives, she says.
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violasarecool · 2 years
Rating: G, Gen Characters: Shepard Summary: While Kord's black market L2 implants may have been the only reason it got off earth and into the military, the accompanying chronic pain is enough to keep it out of commission for weeks at a time. Kord doesn't appreciate the irony.
"You were out for two months this time," Kord's commanding officer said, ignoring the medical report it had just handed him in favour of staring at Kord with withering intensity. "How do I know you're not going to just relapse again the minute I trust you with my soldiers?"
Relapse. Like the chronic pain was an addiction it kept circling back to; like it wasn't always there, every second of every day, waiting for the slightest slip-up to drag it under. "I've been cleared for active duty," Kord snarled. "If you don't like it, take it up with Alliance Command."
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wellnessweb · 13 hours
Navigating the Landscape: Understanding the Market Size of Medical Ceramics
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The Medical Ceramics Market size was estimated at USD 20.2 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 30.09 billion By 2031 at a CAGR of 5.11% during the forecast period of 2024-2031.The Medical Ceramics Market, an essential sector within the broader medical industry, exemplifies the innovative intersection of materials science and healthcare. Offering a range of applications, from orthopedic implants to dental prosthetics, medical ceramics have become indispensable in modern medicine due to their biocompatibility, durability, and versatility. This dynamic market is characterized by a continuous quest for advancements, driven by the pressing need for more efficient and longer-lasting medical solutions. As technology evolves, so too does the potential for medical ceramics, promising enhanced patient outcomes, reduced recovery times, and improved quality of life. With ongoing research pushing the boundaries of material engineering, the future of the Medical Ceramics Market holds the promise of even more groundbreaking developments, poised to revolutionize the landscape of healthcare.
Get Sample Of This Report @ https://www.snsinsider.com/sample-request/3374
Market Scope & Overview
Readers will find information in the most recent research on current trends, chances, and elements that could have an impact on future growth, as well as a basic review of the international Medical Ceramics Market . A high-level overview of the market and its lucrative potential is provided in this report. The analysis looks into market drivers, difficulties, and opportunities in addition to market size. The report also shows the market shares of the top companies and the state of competition among the main competitors in the industry.
The latest market research conducts a detailed investigation of the Medical Ceramics Market. The market estimations and forecasts in the research report are based on primary interviews, extensive secondary research, and the insights of internal subject matter experts. The examination of a number of important factors, such as product performance, market share expansion, and investments in emerging markets, to name a few, is made possible with the help of market research.
Market Segmentation Analysis
By Material Type
Bioinert Ceramics
Aluminium Oxide
Other Bioinert Ceramics
Bioactive Ceramics
Glass Ceramics
Bioresorbable Ceramics
By Application
Dental Applications
Dental Implants
Dental Crowns & Bridges
Inlays and Onlays
Dental Bone Grafts & Substitutes
Orthopedic Applications
Joint Replacement
Knee Replacement
Hip Replacement
Shoulder Replacement
Fracture Fixation
Synthetic Bone Grafts
Surgical Instruments
Plastic Surgery
Craniomaxillofacial Implants
Orbital/Ocular Implants
Dermal Fillers
COVID-19 Impact Analysis
The impact of supply and demand on the target market is examined in the research. In addition to private databases and a paid data source, this study report used both primary and secondary sources of information. The impact of COVID-19 on the domestic and international Medical Ceramics Marketplaces is covered in this study. The market players will design pandemic preparedness measures with the help of the COVID-19 impact study.
Regional Outlook
The effects of COVID-19 on a variety of geographic markets, including North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East and Africa, are thoroughly examined in the Medical Ceramics Market research investigation.
Competitive Analysis
This Medical Ceramics Market research analysis comprehensively examines the effects of COVID-19 on numerous geographical markets, including North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East and Africa.
Key Reasons to Purchase Medical Ceramics Market Report
The market research examines the structure of the global market, market segmentation, growth rates, and comparisons of revenue share.
Market forecasts and estimates consider the many political, social, and economic variables that will affect market expansion as well as the current state of the business.
The research report analyses the global market and conducts research on consumption, value, year-over-year growth, and future development plans in order to provide a complete picture of the Medical Ceramics Market.
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SNS Insider is a market research and insights firm that has won several awards and earned a solid reputation for service and strategy. We are a strategic partner who can assist you in reframing issues and generating answers to the trickiest business difficulties. For greater consumer insight and client experiences, we leverage the power of experience and people.
When you employ our services, you will collaborate with qualified and experienced staff. We believe it is crucial to collaborate with our clients to ensure that each project is customized to meet their demands. Nobody knows your customers or community better than you do. Therefore, our team needs to ask the correct questions that appeal to your audience in order to collect the best information.
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atomicgalaxywinner · 15 hours
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High-Performance Ceramic Coatings Market: Trends, Drivers, and Future Prospects
The high-performance ceramic coatings market has experienced substantial growth over the past decade, driven by their superior properties and wide range o f applications across various industries. High-performance ceramic coatings are known for their exceptional resistance to heat, wear, corrosion, and chemical attack, making them ideal for use in extreme environments. This article explores the key trends, market drivers, challenges, and future outlook of the high-performance ceramic coatings market.
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Market Overview
High-performance ceramic coatings are applied to components to enhance their surface properties without altering the material's inherent characteristics. These coatings are commonly used in aerospace, automotive, energy, healthcare, and industrial applications due to their ability to improve durability, performance, and longevity. The market for these coatings is expanding rapidly, with increasing demand for advanced materials that can withstand harsh conditions and improve overall efficiency.
Key Drivers
1. Aerospace and Defense Industry Growth: The aerospace and defense sectors are major consumers of high-performance ceramic coatings. These coatings are used in aircraft engines, turbines, and various other components to provide thermal and wear resistance. The growth of air travel and defense budgets worldwide fuels the demand for advanced coating solutions.
2. Automotive Industry Advancements: In the automotive sector, ceramic coatings are used to enhance engine performance, reduce wear and tear, and improve fuel efficiency. The push towards electric vehicles (EVs) and the need for lightweight, high-performance materials are driving the adoption of ceramic coatings in automotive applications.
3. Energy Sector Demand: High-performance ceramic coatings are crucial in the energy sector, particularly in power generation and oil and gas industries. These coatings protect equipment from corrosion and high temperatures, thereby extending the lifespan of critical components and improving operational efficiency.
4. Medical Applications: In healthcare, ceramic coatings are used for medical implants and devices due to their biocompatibility and wear resistance. The growing demand for advanced medical technologies and the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases are boosting the market for ceramic-coated medical devices.
For a comprehensive analysis of the market drivers:- https://univdatos.com/report/high-performance-ceramic-coatings-market/
Market Segmentation
The high-performance ceramic coatings market can be segmented based on type, technology, end-use industry, and geography.
1. Type:
   - Oxide Coatings: Known for their high temperature and corrosion resistance, used in aerospace and industrial applications.
   - Carbide Coatings: Provide excellent wear resistance and are commonly used in cutting tools and machinery.
   - Nitride Coatings: Offer high hardness and are used in applications requiring superior wear resistance.
2. Technology:
   - Thermal Spray: Widely used for applying ceramic coatings due to its versatility and ability to coat large surfaces.
   - Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD): Offers precise and thin coatings, used in high-precision applications.
   - Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD): Provides uniform and high-purity coatings, used in semiconductor and aerospace industries.
3. End-Use Industry:
   - Aerospace and Defense: Largest consumer of ceramic coatings, driven by the need for high-performance materials.
   - Automotive: Growing demand for fuel-efficient and durable components.
   - Energy: Need for corrosion and heat-resistant coatings in power generation and oil and gas sectors.
  - Healthcare: Increasing use of ceramic-coated medical devices and implants.
4. Geography:
   - North America: Significant market due to advanced aerospace and automotive industries.
   - Europe: High demand driven by strong automotive and aerospace sectors.
   - Asia-Pacific: Rapid industrialization and growth of key industries like automotive and electronics.
   - Latin America and Middle East & Africa: Emerging markets with growing industrial activities.
Despite the positive growth outlook, the high-performance ceramic coatings market faces several challenges:
1. High Production Costs: The manufacturing process of ceramic coatings can be expensive due to the cost of raw materials and advanced technologies required.
2. Technical Complexity: The application of ceramic coatings requires specialized equipment and skilled labor, which can limit adoption in some regions.
3. Environmental Regulations: Stringent environmental regulations regarding the use of certain chemicals and materials in coating processes can pose compliance challenges for manufacturers.
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Future Outlook
The future of the high-performance ceramic coatings market looks promising, with continuous advancements in coating technologies and materials. The development of nanostructured coatings and environmentally friendly production processes are expected to drive market growth. Additionally, the increasing demand for high-performance materials in emerging applications such as renewable energy, electronics, and nanotechnology will create new opportunities for ceramic coatings.
In conclusion, the high-performance ceramic coatings market is poised for significant growth, supported by strong demand from key industries and ongoing technological advancements. While challenges such as high production costs and regulatory compliance exist, the market's future remains bright with innovation and sustainability at the forefront of its evolution. As industries continue to seek advanced materials to enhance performance and durability, high-performance ceramic coatings will play a crucial role in meeting these demands.
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UnivDatos Market Insights
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The Role of Government Regulations in Shaping China’s Dental Procedures Market
China's dental procedures market is booming, but government regulations play a crucial role in shaping its landscape. These regulations can influence everything from the quality of care to market access and growth.
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For more insights into the China Dental Procedures market segments, download a free sample report
Let's delve into the key areas where government regulations are impacting the market:
Ensuring Quality and Safety
Licensing and Accreditation: The government sets standards for dental education and practice. Dentists must obtain licenses and their facilities require accreditation to ensure they meet minimum safety and quality requirements. This protects patients from unqualified practitioners and substandard care.
Regulation of Medical Devices and Materials: Government regulations ensure the safety and efficacy of dental implants, equipment, and other materials used in procedures. This helps to prevent complications and improve patient outcomes.
Promoting Market Access and Affordability
National Health Insurance Policy: China's national health insurance program covers some basic dental procedures, making them more accessible for a larger population segment. However, the scope of coverage and reimbursement rates can influence the affordability of more advanced procedures.
Regulation of Pricing: The government may set price controls or guidelines for certain dental procedures. This can help to ensure affordability but may also impact the profitability of dental practices, potentially hindering investment in advanced technologies or attracting new talent.
Combating Unfair Practices and Fraud
Regulation of Advertising and Marketing: The government regulates how dental clinics and product manufacturers advertise their services. This helps to prevent misleading claims and unethical marketing practices that could exploit consumers.
Combating Counterfeit Products: Regulations targeting counterfeit dental materials and equipment protect patients from potential health risks associated with substandard products.
Challenges and Considerations
Balancing Regulation and Innovation: Strict regulations can sometimes hinder the adoption of new technologies or treatment methods. Striking a balance between ensuring safety and fostering innovation is crucial for market growth.
Enforcement and Consistency: Effective enforcement of regulations across the vast geography of China is essential. This ensures a level playing field for all players and protects patients from unethical practices.
Government regulations play a vital role in shaping China's dental procedures market. By focusing on quality, safety, accessibility, and fair competition, regulations can help to create a thriving market that prioritizes patient well-being and drives sustainable growth. As the market evolves, regulations will need to adapt to address new challenges and opportunities.
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vijay1225 · 1 day
Cone Beam Computed Tomography Market Forecast 2024-2033
Overview and Scope Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) refers to a technique in which a cone-shaped tomographic imaging beam is revolved around a patient’s head to acquire focused pictures of a small area of the body, as in the case of dental scans. It is used for the treatment planning of orthodontics and dental implants.
Sizing and Forecast The cone beam computed tomography market size has grown rapidly in recent years. It will grow from $1.21 billion in 2023 to $1.36 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.6%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to expansion of dental and maxillofacial surgeries, minimally invasive procedures, insurance coverage expansion, increasing prevalence of dental disorders, rising geriatric population.
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The cone beam computed tomography market size is expected to see rapid growth in the next few years. It will grow to $2.09 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.3%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to increasing applications in non-dental fields, rising global healthcare expenditure, emergence of portable cbct devices, growing adoption in veterinary medicine, focus on precision medicine. Major trends in the forecast period include integration with cad/cam systems, mage-guided interventions, technological advancements, technological innovations in cbct systems, 3d imaging in dentistry.
Segmentation & Regional Insights The cone beam computed tomography market covered in this report is segmented –
1) By Patient Position: Standing, Seated, Supine 2) By Application: Dental Implantology, Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Orthodontics, Endodontics, General Dentistry, Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders, Periodontics, Forensic Dentistry, Other Applications 3) By End User: Hospitals, Dental Clinics, Other End-Users
North America was the largest region in the cone beam computed tomography market in 2023. Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing region in the global cone beam computed tomography market during the forecast period. The regions covered in the cone beam computed tomography market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa
Major Driver Impacting Market Growth The increasing cases of dental disorders are expected to propel the growth of the cone beam computed tomography market going forward. Dental disorders refer to the types of oral conditions that affect oral health, including gum disease, tooth erosion, and cavities. Dental disorders can be painful and uncomfortable, may limit one’s capacity to eat, and may be detrimental to one’s self-esteem. Cone beam computed tomography is primarily used to detect dental problems before they occur, which improves the endodontist’s capacity to identify, assess, and care for patients as well as evaluate issues with the jaw, teeth, and skeletal aspects of the face. For instance, in March 2023, according to a report shared by the World Health Organization (WHO), a Switzerland-based health organization, globally, oral diseases affected almost 3.5 billion individuals. Approximately 10 percent of people worldwide have severe periodontal gum disease, which can result in tooth loss. Additionally, 2.3 billion individuals worldwide have dental caries in their permanent teeth, and 520 million children worldwide suffer from primary tooth decay. Therefore, the increasing cases of dental disorders are driving the growth of the cone-beam computed tomography market.
Key Industry Player
Major companies operating in the cone beam computed tomography market report are Dentsply Sirona Inc., Planmeca Group, Vatech Co. Ltd., Asahi Roentgen Industry Co. Ltd., Brainlab AG, CurveBeam AI, J. Morita Corporation, NewTom, PreXion Inc., Canon Medical Systems Corporation, Fussen Technology Co. Ltd., Gendex Dental systems, Genoray Co. Ltd., Idetec Medical Imaging, Instrumentarium Dental Inc., Carestream Health Inc., Danaher Corporation, QR s.r.l., Sirona Dental Systems, Cefla s.c., Villa Sistemi Medicali Spa., PointNix Co. Ltd., CMT Medical Technologies, ASAHIROENTGEN IND Co. Ltd., CephX Technologies, ClaroNav Inc., JPI Healthcare Solutions, Meyer Instruments Inc., LargeV Instrument Corp., Soredex
The cone beam computed tomography market report table of contents includes:
1. Executive Summary 2. Cone Beam Computed Tomography Market Characteristics 3. Cone Beam Computed Tomography Market Trends And Strategies 4. Cone Beam Computed Tomography Market — Macro Economic Scenario 5. Global Cone Beam Computed Tomography Market Size and Growth . . . 31. Global Cone Beam Computed Tomography Market Competitive Benchmarking 32. Global Cone Beam Computed Tomography Market Competitive Dashboard 33. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Cone Beam Computed Tomography Market 34. Cone Beam Computed Tomography Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis 35. Appendix
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bhushans · 2 days
Bridging the Gap: How the Global Humeral Implants Market is Expanding Access to Care
The global humeral implants market is set for substantial growth, with a projected value of USD 1,017.6 million in 2023. Over the forecast period from 2023 to 2033, sales of humeral implants are expected to surge at a remarkable compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.0%, reaching an estimated USD 2,005.5 million by 2033.
Humeral implants play a crucial role in orthopedic surgery, particularly in the treatment of fractures, arthritis, and other conditions affecting the shoulder joint. As the global population ages and the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders increases, the demand for humeral implants is expected to rise significantly.
Humeral implant designs have changed as a result of significant changes to prosthetic biomechanics and proximal humeral anatomy. Imitating the articular architecture is the main objective of humeral implant design in order to avoid issues such proximal humeral bone loss, aseptic loosening, and periprosthetic fracture. It also seeks to provide long-term bone fixation and early implant stability. The primary cause of humerus fractures is trauma.
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Addressing Shoulder Issues: Humeral Implants Offer Restoration and Relief
The global humeral implant market is experiencing significant growth, driven by the rising need for effective treatment options for shoulder disorders. Humeral implants play a vital role in shoulder replacement surgeries, offering patients improved mobility, pain relief, and restored function.
Multiple Factors Driving Market Growth
Several factors are contributing to the expansion of the humeral implant market:
Rising Shoulder Replacement Procedures: The growing prevalence of shoulder arthritis and other degenerative conditions is leading to an increase in shoulder replacement surgeries, which require humeral implants.
Improved Implant Design: Advancements in prosthetic biomechanics and a deeper understanding of shoulder anatomy are leading to the development of more sophisticated humeral implants. These implants aim to replicate natural shoulder anatomy and minimize complications associated with traditional implants.
Fracture Treatment: Humeral implants are also used in treating complex fractures of the humerus bone, a bone in the upper arm.
Key Takeaways:
The global humeral implant market is estimated to reach US$2,005.5 million by 2033, reflecting a significant rise from US$1,017.6 million in 2023.
This growth is projected at a steady compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.0% throughout the forecast period.
The increasing demand for shoulder replacements and advancements in implant design are key drivers for market expansion.
Key Players in the Global Humeral Implants Sector:
Internationally, B. Braun Ireland, Arthrex, Inc., Exactech, Inc., mediates, Zimmer Biomet, Smith & Nephew plc., Stryker, Wright Medical Group, DePuy Synthes, and other companies are major market players in the humeral implants industry. The development of cutting-edge humeral implants is the primary focus of these businesses, which helps to fuel the global market for humeral implants.
In March 2022, Shoulder Innovations Inc., (SI), a leading innovator in the development of shoulder replacement systems, announced the FDA Clearance of their latest component of the InSet Total Shoulder System, the InSet™ Stemless Humeral System. The InSet™Stemless implant is the latest addition to the innovative and integrated InSet™ system, which already includes the successful InSet™ Glenoid, Humeral Short Stem, and Reverse components.
In July 2021, Stryker launched the Perform humeral stem as part of its newly introduced Tornier shoulder arthroplasty portfolio. Kalamazoo, Mich.-based Stryker designed its Tornier Perform humeral stem for use in anatomic, reverse, and hemiarthroplasty of the shoulder to allow for conversion from an anatomic to a reverse shoulder prosthesis in the case of revision.
In August 2021, DePuy Synthes, The Orthopaedics Company of Johnson & Johnson, introduced the INHANCE™ Shoulder System, a first-to-market, fully integrated shoulder arthroplasty system. The system is designed with an intuitive stemless-first surgical approach that aligns with how surgeons approach patient care. The ENHANCE Shoulder System is the first shoulder system to offer surgeons the ability to seamlessly transition from stemless to stemmed implants during surgical procedures.
Key Companies Profiled:
B. Braun Ireland
Arthrex, Inc.
Exactech, Inc.
Zimmer Biomet
Smith & Nephew Plc.
Stryker Corporation
Wright Medical Group
DePuy Synthes
Key Segments:
By Product Type:
Proximal Humerus Implants
Humeral Shaft Implants
Distal Humerus Implants
By End User:
for Hospitals
for Ambulatory Surgical Centers
for Clinics
By Region:
North America
Middle East & Africa
Latin America
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 Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers Market Growth Strategies, Quality Assessment, and Trends by 2024-2031
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The "Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers Market" is a dynamic and rapidly evolving sector, with significant advancements and growth anticipated by 2031. Comprehensive market research reveals a detailed analysis of market size, share, and trends, providing valuable insights into its expansion. This report delves into segmentation and definition, offering a clear understanding of market components and drivers. Employing SWOT and PESTEL analyses, the study evaluates the market's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, alongside political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal factors. Expert opinions and recent developments highlight the geographical distribution and forecast the market's trajectory, ensuring a robust foundation for strategic planning and investment.
What is the projected market size & growth rate of the Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers Market?
Market Analysis and Size
The increasing demand for personalized and customized medical implants, coupled with advancements in biocompatible materials research, is a key driver for the biocompatible 3D printing polymers market. These polymers offer a unique combination of biocompatibility, flexibility, and precision, making them suitable for complex structures in medical applications. The growing adoption of 3D printing technology in healthcare, particularly for patient-specific implants and drug delivery systems, further propels the market.
Data Bridge Market Research analyzes that the gobal biocompatible 3D printing polymers market which was USD 1,269.40 million in 2023, will reach USD 1,846.5 million by 2031, and is expected to undergo a CAGR of 4.8% during the forecast period. “Natural polymers” dominate the type segment of the biocompatible 3D printing polymers market due to inherent biocompatibility, low toxicity, and their ability to promote cell adhesion, making them ideal for medical applications such as tissue engineering and implants. In addition, their biodegradability and sustainability contribute to their widespread use in eco-friendly solutions. In addition to the insights on market scenarios such as market value, growth rate, segmentation, geographical coverage, and major players, the market reports curated by the Data Bridge Market Research also include in-depth expert analysis, geographically represented company-wise productionand capacity, network layouts of distributors and partners, detailed and updated price trend analysis and deficit analysis of supply chain and demand.
Browse Detailed TOC, Tables and Figures with Charts which is spread across 350 Pages that provides exclusive data, information, vital statistics, trends, and competitive landscape details in this niche sector.
This research report is the result of an extensive primary and secondary research effort into the Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers market. It provides a thorough overview of the market's current and future objectives, along with a competitive analysis of the industry, broken down by application, type and regional trends. It also provides a dashboard overview of the past and present performance of leading companies. A variety of methodologies and analyses are used in the research to ensure accurate and comprehensive information about the Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers Market.
Get a Sample PDF of Report - https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-biocompatible-3d-printing-polymers-market
Which are the driving factors of the Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers market?
The driving factors of the Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers market include technological advancements that enhance product efficiency and user experience, increasing consumer demand driven by changing lifestyle preferences, and favorable government regulations and policies that support market growth. Additionally, rising investment in research and development and the expanding application scope of Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers across various industries further propel market expansion.
Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers Market - Competitive and Segmentation Analysis:
Global Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers Market, By Material Type (Natural Polymers, Synthetic Polymers), Application (Medical Devices, Drug Delivery Systems, Denatal Products) – Industry Trends and Forecast to 2031.
How do you determine the list of the key players included in the report?
With the aim of clearly revealing the competitive situation of the industry, we concretely analyze not only the leading enterprises that have a voice on a global scale, but also the regional small and medium-sized companies that play key roles and have plenty of potential growth.
Which are the top companies operating in the Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers market?
Some of the major players operating in the biocompatible 3D printing polymers market are:
3D Systems, Inc. (U.S.)
Evonik Industries AG (Germany)
Stratasys Ltd. (U.S.)
Concept Laser GmBH (Germany)
EOS (Germany)
Renishaw plc (U.K.)
Formlabs (U.S.)
Markforged, Inc. (U.S.)
Aspect Biosystems Ltd. (Canada)
Advanced Solutions Life Sciences, LLC (U.S.)
Apium Additive Technologies GmbH (Germany)
Arcam AB (Sweden)
DETAX Ettlingen (Germany)
Elix Polymers SLU (Spain)
Höganäs AB (Sweden)
Medprin Regenerative Medical Technologies Co., Ltd. (China)
Short Description About Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers Market:
The Global Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers market is anticipated to rise at a considerable rate during the forecast period, between 2024 and 2031. In 2023, the market is growing at a steady rate and with the rising adoption of strategies by key players, the market is expected to rise over the projected horizon.
North America, especially The United States, will still play an important role which can not be ignored. Any changes from United States might affect the development trend of Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers. The market in North America is expected to grow considerably during the forecast period. The high adoption of advanced technology and the presence of large players in this region are likely to create ample growth opportunities for the market.
Europe also play important roles in global market, with a magnificent growth in CAGR During the Forecast period 2024-2031.
Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers Market size is projected to reach Multimillion USD by 2031, In comparison to 2024, at unexpected CAGR during 2024-2031.
Despite the presence of intense competition, due to the global recovery trend is clear, investors are still optimistic about this area, and it will still be more new investments entering the field in the future.
This report focuses on the Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers in global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.
Get a Sample Copy of the Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers Report 2024
What are your main data sources?
Both Primary and Secondary data sources are being used while compiling the report. Primary sources include extensive interviews of key opinion leaders and industry experts (such as experienced front-line staff, directors, CEOs, and marketing executives), downstream distributors, as well as end-users. Secondary sources include the research of the annual and financial reports of the top companies, public files, new journals, etc. We also cooperate with some third-party databases.
Geographically, the detailed analysis of consumption, revenue, market share and growth rate, historical data and forecast (2024-2031) of the following regions are covered in Chapters
What are the key regions in the global Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers market?
North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Turkey etc.)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.)
Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)
This Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers Market Research/Analysis Report Contains Answers to your following Questions
What are the global trends in the Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers market?
Would the market witness an increase or decline in the demand in the coming years?
What is the estimated demand for different types of products in Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers?
What are the upcoming industry applications and trends for Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers market?
What Are Projections of Global Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers Industry Considering Capacity, Production and Production Value? What Will Be the Estimation of Cost and Profit? What Will Be Market Share, Supply and Consumption? What about Import and Export?
Where will the strategic developments take the industry in the mid to long-term?
What are the factors contributing to the final price of Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers?
What are the raw materials used for Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers manufacturing?
How big is the opportunity for the Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers market?
How will the increasing adoption of Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers for mining impact the growth rate of the overall market?
How much is the global Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers market worth? What was the value of the market In 2020?
Who are the major players operating in the Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers market? Which companies are the front runners?
Which are the recent industry trends that can be implemented to generate additional revenue streams?
What Should Be Entry Strategies, Countermeasures to Economic Impact, and Marketing Channels for Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers Industry?
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Detailed TOC of Global Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers Market Insights and Forecast to 2031
Market Segmentation
Executive Summary
Premium Insights
Market Overview
Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers Market By Type
Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers Market By Function
Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers Market By Material
Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers Market By End User
Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers Market By Region
Biocompatible 3D Printing Polymers Market: Company Landscape
SWOT Analysis
Company Profiles
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neha030624 · 2 days
Solid State Battery Market Report, Growth and Analysis 2023-2033
At USD 47,200 million in 2022, the global Solid State Battery Market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18% throughout the 2023–2033 period, reaching USD 177,420 million by the conclusion of the analysis timeline.
Along with the industrial sector, the consumer electronics and healthcare industries are seeing a steady increase in demand for wearable technology. Furthermore, the emergence of wireless healthcare monitoring systems and mobile healthcare equipment has completely changed the worldwide healthcare industry. The wearable electronics market is experiencing constant growth due to the introduction of new products and advancements. Because these gadgets need small, compact form factor batteries, like solid-state batteries, the wearables industry is likely to drive up demand for solid-state batteries.
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Smart Devices and Wearables of solid state battery market
Solid-state batteries are a perfect option for the small, light, and long-lasting power sources needed by wearables and smart gadgets. The need for compact, high-performing batteries is growing as smartwatches, fitness trackers, and other wearable technology become more widely used. A huge business opportunity is presented by the rise of these smart gadgets.
Medical Devices and Implants of solid state battery market
The medical field is depending more and more on sophisticated implants and gadgets, which need for dependable and long-lasting power sources. Compared to conventional batteries, solid-state batteries have the ability to power these gadgets more safely and effectively. Aging populations and technology improvements are driving the rapid expansion of the medical device and implant business, which presents solid-state battery makers with a profitable opportunity to meet rising demand.
Opportunities: R&D spending on solid state battery market research and development should increase.
Implants and Medical Devices
Wearables and Smart Devices
Applications in Aerospace and Defense
In the near future, this solid state battery market is anticipated to increase due to the companies in the industry's ongoing efforts to conduct research & development in order to create sophisticated and affordable solid-state batteries. The primary goals of these initiatives include lowering production costs, enhancing stability, and raising public knowledge of the advantages of these batteries over traditional lithium-ion batteries. Research on electrolyte materials is primarily focused on making them stable and safe.
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DIFFICULTIES: Exorbitant price of solid state battery market
Challenges of Scale-Up:
Changes in solid state battery market regulations, strategic market growth analysis, market size, category market growths, application niches and dominance, product approvals, product launches, geographic expansions, import-export analysis, production analysis, value chain optimization, market share, impact of domestic and localized market players, and technological innovations in the market are all covered in detail in this solid state battery market report. For additional information about the solid state battery industry, get in touch with Data Bridge industry Research for an analyst brief. Our staff will assist you in making well-informed decisions that will lead to market expansion.
Solid-state battery technology is still in its early stages of commercialization, and there are logistical and technical challenges in increasing manufacturing to industrial levels. Market success depends on large-scale production facilities maintaining constant quality and performance, which can be difficult to do. As a result, raising production to meet rising demand can impede market expansion.
Budgetary Restrictions for Advanced Batteries
Solid-state battery manufacture involves the use of complex materials and methods, which raises manufacturing costs when compared to conventional lithium-ion battery production. The wide-scale adoption of solid-state batteries is significantly hampered by this cost difference, especially in industries where affordability is crucial, including consumer electronics and the auto industry.
Key Companies of solid state battery market
Robert Bosch
Toyota Motor
Solid Power
Excellatron Solid State LLC
Blue Solutions
Prologium Technology
Sakuu Corporation
Samsung SDI Co Ltd
Factorial Energy
NGK spark plug
Jiangxi Ganfeng Lithium Co. Ltd
Qing Tao Energy Development
Dyson Ltd
Prieto Battery
Storedot Ltd.
LG Chem
Ioniq Materials
Catl (Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited)
SK Innovation
Worldwide solid state battery market: Segmentation Overview
Based on Type
Multi-Cell Battery
Single-Cell Battery
Based on Rechargeability
Secondary Battery
Primary Battery
Based on Capacity
Below 20 mAh
Between 20 mAh and 500 mAh
Above 500 mAh
Based on Application
Consumers Electronics
Electric Vehicles
Energy Harvesting
Medical Devices
Wireless Sensors
About We Market Research:
WE MARKET RESEARCH is an established market analytics and research firm with a domain experience sprawling across different industries. We have been working on multi-county market studies right from our inception. Over the time, from our existence, we have gained laurels for our deep rooted market studies and insightful analysis of different markets.
Contact Us: www.wemarketresearch.com
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Medical Plastics Market Scope, Size, Share, Trends, Forecast By 2031
The circumstantial development of plastics used in the medical industry has led to several technological advancements in recent years. The expansion of comprehensive medical care facilities in developed nations across all socio-economic boundaries, combined with the penetration of modern medical care techniques in developing regions, has significantly bolstered the market for medical devices and their packaging. The associated cost and safety concerns have prompted a growing potential market for plastic medical products. At present, plastics reign supreme in the medical world with numerous applications, including tubing, containers for IV and dialysis fluids, blood bags, dialysis bags, IV sets, and examination and surgical gloves.
For Full Industry Insights: https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/report/medical-plastics-market
Polycarbonate and PEEK Outweighing Conventional Plastics’ Demand
Depending on customer requirements, cost-effectiveness, raw material availability, and applicability, medical device manufacturers opt for different types of plastics. Conventional plastics such as PVC, PP, and PE account for more than 30% share in the medical industry. However, with the emergence of high-temperature applications of plastics, device manufacturers are shifting focus towards advanced polymers such as engineering thermoplastics, which are used for various stages of disease management and surgeries.
The advanced polymers increasingly finding space in the medical industry include polycarbonate, acetal copolymer, polymethyl methacrylate, polyether ether ketone, and polyphenylsulfone, among others. The unique set of characteristics of plastics has enabled manufacturers in the medical plastics market to replace titanium/stainless steel metals with plastics in medical tubing applications. Examples of medical devices made using plastics include surgical instruments, catheters, coronary stents, pacemakers, MRI machines, X-ray machines, prosthetic limbs, artificial hips/knees, surgical gloves, and bandages.
Robust Development in Implantable Devices Arising Need for Engineered Polymers
Biocompatibility and durability are considered the most important factors when selecting a new raw material for any medical product. It requires a tremendous amount of research to select apt polymers to replace metal usage in medical devices. This factor has led to exceptional developments of implantable devices, giving rise to the demand for suitable polymers.
In the 1990s, many suppliers were resistant to serve the medical industry due to high regulatory requirements, small volume consumption, and high-profile litigations. Those who did supply this market charged higher costs associated with regulatory compliance and risk management. To overcome such challenges, polymer manufacturers are continuously making efforts toward product innovations, focusing on biocompatibility, while others are developing combination products with drugs blended into polymers.
Plastics have contributed immensely to the healthcare sector during the pandemic, enabling public safety. Frequent usage of hand sanitizers along with wearing plastic-based personal protective equipment (PPE), including face masks, gloves, medical suits, aprons, gowns, face shields, surgical masks, and other PPEs, have proven to be the best possible solutions in these challenging times. Properties of plastic, such as an excellent strength-to-weight ratio and durability, along with versatility, have made plastics irreplaceable in the healthcare industry. Thus, medical plastics are likely to find major applications in single-use medical tools, equipment, and most importantly, packaging.
Regulatory Requirements Intensifying for Medical Devices
Regulatory requirements for medical devices have been progressively becoming more stringent over the past few years. Examples include tighter material specifications for medical applications, USP and ISO-10993 testing compliance, and no-change policies for manufacturing or formulations. In most cases, these compliances and tests are levied upon the raw polymer suppliers. This has made polymer suppliers more aware of the unique requirements of the medical market.
COVID-19 Reemphasizes the Role of Single-use Plastics in North America
In North America, the demand for blood bags to store blood and blood components has increased considerably over the past year. A double-digit increase in the demand for convalescent plasma as COVID-19 cases surged in numerous states has been observed since June 2020. As people become more aware and the number of blood donors constantly rises, the regional blood bag market is on the rise as well. Not only this, but the demand for intravenous (IV) bags and dialysis bags is also on the continuous rise, not just because of COVID-19 but also due to other health-related issues. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is continuously updating its guidelines regarding the disposal of medical waste. This ensures a protocol-driven risk assessment and recommends mitigation steps to be adhered to by clinical and biomedical laboratories. Therefore, the demand for biohazard bags is expected to rise at a substantial pace worldwide in the near future. This has had a compelling effect on polymer manufacturers to utilize their production capacity to the maximum extent in order to fulfill this ever-increasing demand.
Asia Pacific and Europe, highly virus-affected regions, had to overutilize their production plants for manufacturing medical products and devices. This led to tremendous demand for raw materials, with plastic being the key amongst all. The role of plastics in these regions has been inevitable due to the tremendous demand from highly populated areas.
Companies Focusing on Capacity Expansion to Meet the Soaring Demand
The key companies operating in the global medical plastics market include Celanese Corporation, Eastman Chemical Company, GW Plastics, Orthoplastics Ltd, Aran Biomedical Teoranta, Rochling, SABIC, Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics, SOLVAY, and DOW Chemical Company. These leading market players are devising strategies such as partnerships, mergers and acquisitions, facility expansions, and research and development to expand their geographic presence and customer base worldwide.
In January 2020, GW Plastics completed the expansion of its Royalton, Vermont Manufacturing and Technology Center to expand its medical device business. To extend a helping hand in managing the current COVID-19 crisis, Solvay has promised to supply high-performance, medical-grade transparent film to Boeing for the production of face shields.
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wellnessweb · 14 hours
Unveiling the Market Size of Vagus Nerve Stimulation: Insights and Trends
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The Vagus Nerve Stimulation Market is experiencing a profound paradigm shift, propelled by advancements in neuromodulation technology and a deepening understanding of the vagus nerve's intricate role in regulating various bodily functions. This market, once niche, is rapidly expanding as researchers uncover its potential in treating an array of conditions beyond epilepsy and depression, including chronic pain, inflammatory disorders, and even autoimmune diseases. Innovations such as miniaturized implantable devices and non-invasive VNS techniques are reshaping the landscape, making treatment more accessible and patient-friendly. Moreover, the integration of artificial intelligence algorithms for personalized therapy optimization marks a pivotal moment, promising tailored solutions that maximize efficacy while minimizing side effects. As investment pours into research and development, fueled by both medical necessity and the pursuit of novel therapeutic avenues, the VNS market stands poised at the precipice of transformative growth, offering hope for millions seeking relief from debilitating ailments.
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Market Scope & Overview
Market participants can use the research reports’ insight to better understand the Vagus Nerve Stimulation Market and develop a profitable business expansion strategy. Production, manufacturing, sales, potential initiatives, and technological breakthroughs are all examined in the research. Product portfolios, investment goals, business and marketing strategy, and financial estimates are also included in the market study. The research also includes a SWOT analysis, a business description, and revenue figures for the leading international industry participants.
The market will rise in the upcoming years, according to the Vagus Nerve Stimulation Market research, which assesses both past and present market circumstances as well as market growth patterns. The most recent research looks at the effects of some of the most significant techniques used by the top corporations in the market. To give readers a general understanding of the market, the research looks at a number of important categories and sub-segments.
Market Segmentation Analysis
By Product
Implantable VNS Device
External VNS Device
By Application
By Biomaterial
By End-use
Neurology Clinics
Ambulatory Surgical Centers
Research Centers
COVID-19 Impact Analysis
The supply chain, import and export limitations, regional government policies, and the sector's possible effects in light of the global COVID-19 outbreak were all evaluated in the analysis. Throughout the study, extensive Vagus Nerve Stimulation Market research is carried out using a variety of research methods. The market research study investigates how a COVID-19 outbreak will affect the economy.
Regional Outlook
The research looks into noteworthy shifts in the Vagus Nerve Stimulation Market on a global scale, with a particular emphasis on North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East, and Africa. Powerful technologies, significant market trends, development patterns, growth drivers, restraints, challenges, threats, potential opportunities, standardization, value chain, regulatory environment, future forecasts, and critical methodology are all examined in the report's thorough analysis of the global market.
Competitive Analysis
The market research report covers production, manufacturing, sales, new projects, and technological advancements. The SWOT analysis of the Vagus Nerve Stimulation Market is part of the market research study. The opinions of experts in the field and professionals are included in the report's conclusions. Sector specialists are attempting to determine which export/import policies promote the expansion of the global market.
Key Reasons to Buy this Vagus Nerve Stimulation Market Report
A combination of primary and secondary sources were used to produce the report. Primary research techniques include questionnaires, interviews, and paying close attention to prominent members of the sector.
In light of the conflict involving Russia and Ukraine, the study paper emphasizes the need of understanding market conditions.
Key decision-makers, stakeholders, investors, suppliers, manufacturers, and participants who are interested in knowing more will find the Vagus Nerve Stimulation Market report to be a priceless resource.
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SNS Insider is a market research and insights firm that has won several awards and earned a solid reputation for service and strategy. We are a strategic partner who can assist you in reframing issues and generating answers to the trickiest business difficulties. For greater consumer insight and client experiences, we leverage the power of experience and people.
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bhavanameti · 6 days
Silicone Elastomers Market Projected to Reach $15.1 Billion by 2031
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Meticulous Research®—a leading global market research company, published a research report titled, ‘Silicone Elastomers Market by Type (Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR), High-temperature Vulcanize (HTV)), Process (Extrusion, Molding), End-use Industry (Automotive, Healthcare, Electrical & Electronics, Construction), and Geography - Global Forecast to 2031.’
According to the latest report from Meticulous Research®, the silicone elastomers market is projected to reach $15.1 billion by 2031, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.9% from 2024 to 2031. This growth is driven by the increasing application of silicone elastomers in medical devices, advancements in material science, and high demand in the electrical and electronics sectors. However, environmental concerns, sustainability issues, and stagnant growth in developed countries pose challenges to market expansion.
Market growth opportunities are anticipated through the integration of silicone elastomers with IoT devices and their rising use in the automotive industry. Nonetheless, fluctuations in raw material prices remain a significant challenge.
The silicone elastomers market is segmented by type, process, and end-use industry. Types include room-temperature vulcanize (RTV), liquid silicone rubber (LSR), and high-temperature vulcanize (HTV). In 2024, HTV is expected to hold the largest market share of over 52%, driven by advancements in manufacturing technologies and its extensive use in high-temperature applications in the automotive and electronics industries. The LSR segment is projected to experience the highest CAGR due to innovations in material science and increasing demand for high-volume production in the automotive and healthcare sectors.
By process, the market is divided into extrusion, molding, calendering, and others. The molding process segment is anticipated to account for the largest share of over 45% in 2024, driven by the demand for LSR injection molding for complex parts and advancements in molding technologies. This segment is also expected to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period.
In terms of end-use industry, the market is segmented into automotive, aviation & aerospace, consumer goods, electrical & electronics, healthcare, energy, industrial machinery, construction, and others. The electrical & electronics segment is expected to hold the largest share of over 35% in 2024, due to the increasing use of silicone elastomers in components like power supplies and circuit boards. The healthcare segment is projected to grow at the highest CAGR, driven by the demand for biocompatible materials and silicone elastomers in medical devices and implants.
Geographically, the silicone elastomers market is divided into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Asia-Pacific is expected to dominate with a share of over 53% in 2024, driven by rapid economic development, particularly in China and India, and the growing healthcare and construction industries. This region is also projected to register the highest CAGR of over 9% during the forecast period.
Key players in the silicone elastomers market include Momentive Performance Materials, Inc. (U.S.), China National Bluestar (Group) Co., Ltd. (China), The Dow Chemical Company (U.S.), Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. (Japan), Wacker Chemie AG (Germany), DuPont de Nemours, Inc. (U.S.), among others.
Download Sample Report Here @ https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5844
Key Questions Answered in the Report:
What are the high-growth market segments in terms of the type, process, and end-use industry?
What is the historical market size for the silicone elastomers market?
What are the market forecasts and estimates for 2024–2031?
What are the major drivers, restraints, opportunities, challenges, and trends in the silicone elastomers market?
Who are the major players in the silicone elastomers market, and what are their market shares?
What is the competitive landscape like?
What are the recent developments in the silicone elastomers market?
What are the different strategies adopted by major market players?
What are the trends and high-growth countries?
Who are the local emerging players in the silicone elastomers market, and how do they compete with other players?
Contact Us: Meticulous Research® Email- [email protected] Contact Sales- +1-646-781-8004 Connect with us on LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/company/meticulous-research
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Colorless Polyimide Films Market: Trends, Applications, and Future Prospects
Colorless polyimide films have emerged as a revolutionary material in various high-tech industries, owing to their exceptional thermal stability, mechanical properties, and optical clarity. Unlike traditional polyimide films, which are typically yellow or amber, colorless polyimide films offer transparency without sacrificing performance, making them ideal for a wide range of applications. This article explores the current trends, key drivers, applications, and future outlook of the colorless polyimide films market.
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Market Overview
The global colorless polyimide films market has been experiencing robust growth, driven by the increasing demand in electronics, aerospace, and other advanced industries. As of 2023, the market was valued at approximately USD X billion and is projected to reach USD Y billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of Z% during the forecast period. The shift towards flexible electronics and the need for durable, high-performance materials are major factors contributing to this growth.
Key Drivers
1. Flexible Electronics: The rise of flexible and foldable electronic devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and wearable technology, is a significant driver for the colorless polyimide films market. These films are used as substrates in flexible displays and circuits due to their excellent thermal stability, mechanical strength, and transparency.
2. Aerospace and Defense: The aerospace and defense sectors require materials that can withstand extreme temperatures and mechanical stresses while maintaining lightweight characteristics. Colorless polyimide films meet these requirements, making them suitable for various applications, including insulation, coatings, and lightweight components.
3. Optoelectronics: In optoelectronics, the demand for materials with high optical clarity and stability is growing. Colorless polyimide films are used in optical devices, solar cells, and photonic applications due to their ability to transmit light without significant loss or distortion.
4. Advancements in Material Science: Continuous research and development in material science have led to the improvement of the properties of colorless polyimide films. Innovations in synthesis and fabrication techniques have enhanced their performance, expanding their application scope.
For a comprehensive analysis of the market drivers:- https://univdatos.com/report/colorless-polyimide-films-market/
Colorless polyimide films are used in a variety of applications across multiple industries:
- Flexible Displays and Electronics: One of the primary applications of colorless polyimide films is in flexible displays for smartphones, tablets, and other electronic devices. Their flexibility, durability, and transparency make them an ideal substrate material for organic light-emitting diode (OLED) displays and other flexible electronic components.
- Aerospace Components: In the aerospace industry, these films are used for insulation, protective coatings, and lightweight structural components. Their ability to withstand extreme temperatures and mechanical stress makes them indispensable in this sector.
- Optical Devices: Colorless polyimide films are used in various optical devices due to their high transparency and stability. They are employed in the manufacture of optical lenses, solar cells, and photonic devices where clarity and performance are crucial.
- Medical Devices: The biocompatibility and excellent mechanical properties of colorless polyimide films make them suitable for medical applications, such as flexible medical devices, sensors, and implants.
- Automotive Industry: The automotive industry utilizes these films in various applications, including flexible circuits, display panels, and sensors. Their durability and resistance to harsh environmental conditions enhance the performance and longevity of automotive components.
Regional Insights
The colorless polyimide films market is geographically diverse, with significant growth observed in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.
- North America: The region holds a substantial share of the market due to the presence of major electronics and aerospace manufacturers. The demand for advanced materials in these industries drives market growth.
- Europe: Europe is a significant player in the market, driven by the robust automotive and aerospace sectors. The focus on innovation and sustainability in manufacturing processes also contributes to market expansion.
- Asia-Pacific: The Asia-Pacific region is experiencing rapid market growth, fueled by the expanding electronics manufacturing base and increasing demand for flexible electronics in countries like China, Japan, and South Korea.
For a sample report, visit:- https://univdatos.com/get-a-free-sample-form-php/?product_id=35663
Future Prospects
The future of the colorless polyimide films market looks promising, with several trends expected to shape its trajectory:
- Technological Innovations: Ongoing research and development will lead to the introduction of new and improved colorless polyimide films with enhanced properties. Innovations in synthesis, processing techniques, and material formulations will expand their application scope.
- Sustainability: As industries increasingly prioritize sustainability, the development of eco-friendly and recyclable polyimide films will gain traction. This trend aligns with global environmental goals and regulations.
- Expansion of Flexible Electronics: The continued growth of flexible electronics will drive the demand for high-performance colorless polyimide films. The proliferation of new electronic devices and applications will further boost market growth.
In conclusion, the colorless polyimide films market is poised for robust growth, driven by advancements in technology, increasing demand for flexible electronics, and the need for high-performance materials across various industries. As research and innovation continue to enhance the properties and applications of these films, they will play a crucial role in shaping the future of advanced manufacturing and technology.
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