#Lucius Malfoy is actually a good father in this one
thelashjedi · 1 year
you’re safe with me
Dramione | Completed | 4.7K words
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As quietly as possibly, Hermione crept inside the library at Malfoy Manor. It was as good a place as any for to catch her metaphorical breath, before she’d need to plaster on a fake smile and rejoin the ball — to keep up appearances. Maybe she could find the book on the origins of arithmancy Draco mentioned the last time they were here?  Hermione doubted she’d be back at the Manor any time soon, if ever. Not after this evening has gone exactly as she’d feared, To her great surprise, despite her fraught wartime history, the Manor had somehow become one of her favourite places in the world, with the exception of one permanently sealed drawing room. But alas, Malfoy Manor had once again become ground too dangerous for Hermione Granger to tread, though this time the reasons for it were vastly different.
Hermione idly fiddled with her beaded bag, wondering if the Malfoys would even notice if just one of their many books went missing for a bit. Probably not. She would return it later by owl, of course. 
Making her way to her favourite spot in the back corner, Hermione was surprised to find Draco Malfoy collapsed in one of the wing-backed chairs, a hand wearily rubbing his eyes, the other gripped tightly around an empty glass, notes of firewhisky lingering in the air. He hadn’t noticed her.
Recovering as best she could in the circumstance, Hermione deliberately kept her voice light. “Malfoy? Why on Earth are you hiding in the library? This is your Engagement Ball. Shouldn’t you be out there accepting the fawning praise of the Sacred Twenty-Eight for doing your part to keep the Malfoy family tree as devoid of branches as possible?”
Her voice startled him, causing Draco to look momentarily panicked. Though he regained his customary smirk so quickly, perhaps it was only  her imagination. Or a trick of the dim light. 
“Ha, Granger. Very droll. As a point of clarification, this is my Betrothal Ball, nothing to do with an engagement. And secondly —“ Draco sighed deeply. “Fuck. I just need a break from it all, you know?”
Hermione blinked. She knew. After all, that’s precisely why she was here, but it was conveying to see Draco struggling when he ought to be celebrating the ostensibly happy news. “I do. And you’re safe with me, Auror Malfoy. As always.”
Her partner made a non-committal noise, as he put his empty glass on the side table. The reality of her presence caught up with him and his gaze sharpened. “Why are you here, Granger?”
Hermione laughed softly, hoping she didn’t sound as nervous as she felt. This was not a conversation she wanted to have with him, full stop and she especially did not want to have it now. “Well, Ron’s not accepting the end of our relationship as well as I’d hoped. He’s out their hitting the champagne pretty hard, whilst making eyes at me. Seemed like a good idea to hide out for a bit.” 
Technically, everything she’d said was true, but only to a point. It was Hermione’s own inability to stop staring at the future bride’s left hand that prompted her to seek refuge somewhere else. If Ron had been her only issue, she could have drawn on a wealth of experience to simply endure it. But being forced to confront the reality of a future where she would never get what — who — she wanted? That proved to be too much.
Draco snorted. “Really, Grange — the library? It’s your natural habitat. If you wanted to hide almost anywhere else in the Manor would be better than — wait. Did you say the end of your relationship?”
Briefly wondering how much firewhisky he’d had, Hermione plastered that bloody fake smile back on, responding in a falsely bright tone. “Um, yes. Ron and I broke up.”
It was Draco’s turn to blink. He sat silently for a moment, his thinking face — the one he adopted when they were working on a case together — firmly in place. Then he rose from his chair, standing before her, his eyes boring into her own. “When?”
Hermione tried — and bloody failed — to sound breezy. “Oh, late last month.” 
Malfoy Heir to wed Miss Astoria Greengrass. 
The headline in the Daily Prophet, accompanied by a photo of Draco next to a smiling, beautiful, perfect pureblood witch screamed at Hermione from the front page. She felt as though all the air left her flat, leaving her underwater, unable to  her breathe as her carefully crafted illusions about her own feelings disappeared into the ether the very instant she realised she was too late. It was only then Hermione registered just how deeply she was in denial over the extent of feelings for the pale wizard who was definitely not just her co-worker, no matter how many times she’d angrily shouted at otherwise at Ron.
Draco’s expression was inscrutable as he studied her face. “Before or after my betrothal was announced?”
The question was so prescient Hermione did not have her features schooled enough to prevent her jaw from dropping a fraction. She made a hasty correction, though Draco’s narrowed eyes told her she wasn’t quick enough, blast him. “What? That’s not — Malfoy. That has nothing to do —”
“Granger.” Her name was an interruption and a plea. 
Unable to pretend any longer, Hermione sighed. “After.”
“Why?” Draco asked in a pained whisper.
“Ron and I were never right for each other — okay? Not really. But when my close friend and partner getting engaged sent me into an emotional tailspin, it really didn’t seem fair to Ron to keep pretending otherwise. Not after assuring him for years I only admired you as a colleague, because we got along so well and we had such a good working relationship.” Keeping her gaze on her shoes, Hermione blinked back tears. “To be fair, I didn’t realise I was lying to him until it was too late.”
Draco’s bitter laugh prompted her to look up and she took in the stunned disbelief in his grey eyes, as well as the undercurrent of anger. Her heart broke just a little bit more.
Hermione swallowed. “I don’t find this particularly funny, Draco. And I think I should just go home.”
“Oh no you don’t, Granger. “ Draco grabbed her wrist, pulling her close as he pressed her hand over his heart, his eyes blazing into hers. “I only agreed to this damned betrothal because you were still bafflingly with that unworthy tosser and I couldn’t bear to continually hope you’d eventually see that he wasn’t right for you. That you’d eventually see me.”
Hermione blinked back tears, unsuccessfully trying to pull away from Draco’s grip, overwhelmed by his intensity and nearness. “I always saw you, Draco. But I never thought you’d see me as anything more than what we already were.” Unable to look at him, she used her free hands to point in the direction of the ballroom, where his betrothed was currently holding court and Draco flinched, dropping her hand. Summoning her resolve, Hermione spoke again, the words like ash on her tongue. “Given our inability to effectively communicate,I will be requesting to be transferred out of Magical Law Enforcement. The Unspeakables still try to recruit me a couple of times a year — I’ll see if I can move there.”
“No.” He looked stricken, his voice pa whisper as he shook his head.
Hermione’s voice broke. “Draco, working with you the past three years has been hard enough. I’m sorry, but I can’t keep doing it now.”
“You think it’s been hard for you? I’ve watched the only witch I’ve ever loved be with someone who takes her for granted, does not appreciate her and has the unmitigated gall to incessantly complain about her to me whenever I’ve been forced to speak with him.”
“Ron was likely trying to convince you I wasn’t a very good girlfriend because he was jealous of us — of our working relationship, I mean. We fought about it constantly, Malfoy.”
“And his way of coping was to try to diminish you at every opportunity?”
“Oh lay off of him, Malfoy! He’s not the one who spent the entire time being in love with someone else.”
 Draco’s mouth was on hers before the last syllable left her lips, quickly swallowing her startled gasp. One hand cradled her chin as the other pulled her hips flush against his and Hermione whimpered, losing herself in the feel of his tongue gliding against hers as her body pressed into him. Her blood sang as she grabbed fistfuls of his robe, desperate to pull him closer still — the years of unspoken, mutual longing becoming thoroughly unmasked with the worst fucking timing. She stiffened, as she recalled why she was at the Manor in the first place. 
As if hit with the same  realisation, Draco abruptly let her go. She instantly stepped back — keeping more than an arm’s width away as they stared at each other, panting.
Draco spoke first, his words full of quiet desperation. “I can get out of it, Granger. If you’ll have me.”
Hermione’s heart clenched. “I feel really bad about that for her sake, but not so bad I’m willing for us both to be perpetually miserable over it. I was having a hard enough time when I thought it was just me. How badly will your parents react?” 
As far as Hermione was concerned, this was an open question. Over the past few years, she’d become far closer to the Malfoys than she would’ve ever dreamed possible. Narcissa was quite fond of her, frequently insisting they take tea together — just the two of them as Draco was deliberately not invited. She ate dinner with the family once or twice a month. While it took longer for Lucius to come around on her, he had reluctantly admitted she was just as talented and capable as his son, even though it clearly pained him to say the words aloud. Hermione harboured secret affection for the still somewhat vainglorious older man— particularly after l realising he was too much like his son for her to ever truly dislike. But the elder Malfoys acceptance of her was in her role as Draco’s partner at the DMLE — a role where she frequently saved his life. There was an enormous gulf between accepting Muggle-born Hermione Granger as their son’s colleague or even close friend, and accepting Muggle-born Hermione Granger permanently into their family, particularly when such acceptance would ultimately end the Malfoy family’s status as a purebloods. 
It had not been lost on Hermione that outwardly both of Draco’s parents appeared delighted at the prospect of Astoria Greengrass becoming the future Lady Malfoy — something that hurt Hermione more than she’d expected, even when she has no right to that pain.
“I do not fucking care.” Draco’s voice was iron. “And for what it’s worth, this is a love match for Astoria either. It’s a business arrangement made by our respective families. I’m not saying she’ll be happy about it. But I won’t be breaking anyone’s heart.”
Oh. That was a relief. Hermione chewed her lip. “How long?”
“Tomorrow — by the end of day. I’d do it tonight, but that seems unnecessarily cruel.”
“Right.” Hermione thought quickly, her mind still reeling from the kiss and the fact she’d just admitted out loud she loved him. Although assuming she hadn’t misheard, Draco technically declared his love first. “I’m going home and I will stay there for the rest of the weekend. My floo will be closed to everyone who isn’t you. If I don’t hear from you by Sunday, I will put in my transfer request at the Ministry on Monday morning.”
“You will hear from me, Granger. You have my word. I intend to tell my parents tonight.”
“Tell her first.” Hermione blurted out the words before she could stop herself, apprehension working its way up her spine.
Draco was nonplussed. “Why? Honestly, Granger, as I said the entire thing was arranged by our parents anyway. They’ll have to be involved.”
“Tell her first and have someone else you trust —  like Theo — with you when you tell your parents.”
“Hermione, I don’t —“
Her fears overtook her and she cut him off. “Every time your parents have invited me to dinner over the past six months, Lucius has been unsubtle in telling me he expects you to wed soon. Then at the office, you’ve been telling me about how much they were pressuring you into accepting a betrothal arrangement that you said you didn’t want. I’m not accusing him of anything, truly — but while I can most likely live with you deciding to proceed with your existing betrothal, not without some assurance it was your decision in truth.”
Draco’s eyes went wide as he grasped her meaning. “Point taken. I don’t think Father would do that, Granger. But I also don’t feel certain enough to say he’d never do it. So some precautions wouldn’t hurt. I’ll speak with Theo before he leaves tonight.” Draco tucked a curl behind her ear as he spoke, before leaning forward — clearly intent on kissing her again, stopping when he felt her hand pushing him back.
“Draco, I feel enough guilt over the earlier admittedly bloody amazing kiss, especially seeing how your Betrothal Ball is still on-going as we speak. To say nothing of how bad I feel about the emotional affair I didn’t quite realise I was having while still with Ron.” 
Hermione had already been tempted to beg him to shag her against the bookshelves during visits to this part of the library. And that was while she was still trying to convince herself constantly thinking about the wizard before her was merely an idle fantasy that wasn’t hurting anyone. She had no confidence in her ability to resist sharing that desire if he kissed her like that again. “I’m going to leave now, before I do more things I regret. But I expect I to see you soon, Malfoy.”
“You will, Granger. I promise.” 
Seized by hope and terror in equal measure, Hermione nodded, managing a small smile before apparating out of the Manor and into her tiny, darkened flat. Only then did she allow the floodgates to open, sliding to the floor as she wept, not even attempting to sort out which of her tangled emotions prompted the tears. 
When her floo roared to life the next evening, Hermione’s heart nearly beat out of her chest. Instinctively hiding her chewed nails, she frantically tamped down the blossoming surge of hope inside her before she has unambiguous confirmation from Draco.  What if he was only coming over to let her know in person that he’d reconsidered?
So when Draco strode directly towards her from the fireplace and kissed as intensely as he had the night before, her soul cried out in relief. Hermione wrapped her arms around his neck, frantically pulling him, needing him as close as possible. 
After a long moment, he pulled back to look at her, palpable relief etched across Draco’s own features as he stroked her back. Seemed as though he’d also worried she might reconsider. 
“It’s done. Everyone knows. The Greengrasses are not happy, but as it turns out, Astoria wasn’t particularly upset. Especially not after I insisted the settlement for breaking the betrothal go to her and not her parents. Seems like she prefers independence over a marriage to me in any event.”
Well there was an unexpected balm for her conscience, but Hermione didn’t really care about Astoria Greengrass, not that she relished the thought of the witch being hurt. But she didn’t know the witch. 
Narcissa and Lucius were another story. They’d become dear to her and she was terrified about what their reactions might be. “And your parents?” she asked, unable to hid her nervousness.
So she was taken aback when Draco’s eyes lit up with joy. He coughed, attempting — poorly — to hide a smirk. “About that. I have a letter for you from my father.”
Her nerves were stil on high alert as she opened the sealed parchment with trembling hands, frowning as she took in Draco’s poorly concealed grin.
My dear Miss Granger, 
You wound me. After my concerted effort to welcome you into my ancestral home and indeed into our lives, you truly believe me to be capable of acting against my son’s wishes in matters of the heart? For shame, Miss Granger. For shame.
Since my efforts on this front also managed to escape my son’s notice, I will spell it out plainly for you here, just as I had to for Draco in person. I told you I expected my son to wed soon for the very same reason I told him he must either make his own choice or accept a betrothal from his parents. Namely, so you foolish children would realise you are perfect for each other and act accordingly! 
Do not misunderstand me. Astoria Greengrass is a fine witch and she has left Malfoy Manor with more galleons than her parents would have ever deigned to give her and my heartfelt felicitations. But Miss Granger had the match proceeded, she would have been a consolation prize to more than just Draco. 
My dear, after seeing first-hand the lamentable consequences of attempts to force my choices on Draco, I want nothing more than for you to marry my son and make him happy, as I (ahem) was always aware that you are in fact, his choice. I have loved none but my dearest Narcissia, but that is only because the fates smiled on me when I did not deserve it. Draco, however, deserves the world. Seeing as you are his world, I was compelled to act to see him happily settled with you at his side, permanently.
(As an aside, I think it uncouth for me to point out that no one — such as yourself — worthy of a Malfoy ought to be saddled with a Weasley. Further, I fear it would also be uncouth for me to discuss how often I pondered why a witch happy in her ‘relationship’ would spend so much of her limited free time in the home of her ‘colleague’ dining with his parents — occasionally doing so even when my son was unavailable, and Narcissa and I were blessed to have you all to ourselves. One might forgive me for assuming it meant you enjoyed our company. But I digress and as I do not wish to be uncouth, I will say neither of those things.)
While I must confess that your doubt has caused me some genuine hurt, in truth it is only a small injury to my pride and this letter is perhaps more harsh than the injury itself justifies. Narcissa and I are overjoyed the pair of you have finally, as I understand Muggles say, “gotten your shite together” and I expect (and in truth demand) to see even more of you at the Manor than we have in the past. All of the denizens of Malfoy Manor have missed you terribly over the past month — with Bunny left especially bereft by your absence. (In time, I hope you can forgive yourself for hurting a house elf. If it helps, I do not believe she intends to hold a grudge.)
For the sake of moving forward as a family, I will admit that given my history, your caution to Draco that he ought to involve Theo when telling us of his intentions was wise. One might even go so far as to describe it as a cunning choice on your part. (You know my dear, despite how often you claim your hat-stall was between those abominable do-gooders and Ravenclaw, your evasiveness on questioning has led me to wonder if Slytherin actually had the next best claim on you. If you confess this to me, all will be forgiven and I will forget you ever suspected me capable of treachery when in truth I only had the very best of fatherly intentions towards you both.)
I expect to see you both at the Manor soon. We intend to proceed with wedding planning, far more joyously now the correct bride is in place. (Narcissa tells me it would not be appropriate to have a second betrothal ball and was not swayed in the slightest when I pointed out it would actually be the first ever Malfoy Engagement Ball. I do hope your heart wasn’t set on that my dear, as I have reluctantly acceded my wife’s better judgement in this regard.) I have instructed my son to ask you himself properly, in the Muggle fashion. The ring belonged to my mother, who would have adored you had she lived in a world where meeting you was possible. Do not fret about the heirloom, it suits you — just as you are. 
By now, Miss Granger, I hope you realise you have stolen the hearts of all the Malfoys. Please take care with them — for though we have a well-earned reputation for ferocity in most matters, our hearts are unaccustomed to the fray and thus, more fragile than you might expect. If it helps, pretend we are similar to house elves and treat us accordingly. (Of course, except for the time you ignored Bunny for a month. None of us could withstand such cruelty from a loved one.)
Narcissa and I love our son very much, and while he is in no way deficient, I must confess we always longed for a daughter. We are waiting for you, my dear. And please be merciful with Draco — as the cleverest among us, he was the first to recognize your true worth and has therefore been waiting for you the longest.
With great love and affection, 
Lucius Abraxas Malfoy
P.S., Turn around.
Feeling dazed, Hermione did as the letter bade. She was at turns bewildered, amused, mildly irritated and deeply touched by the words written by Lucius Malfoy. So utterly engrossed by the parchment in her hands, that Hermione hadn’t noticed Draco getting down on one knee. 
He held out a ring — a simple one by Malfoy standards. A reasonably sized emerald, set with smaller diamonds on either side. Lucius was right, it did suit her — far better than the ridiculously enormous diamond which had graced Astoria’s finger the night before, a ring Hermione simultaneously loathed and deeply coveted. 
Over the years, she had witnessed Draco in all manner of precarious situations. Their line of work was dangerous and as partners they had been frequently been in peril together. She was struck by how odd it was — to see fear on his face for first time since she’d acceded to Robards unenthusiastic plea for her to accept Draco as her partner, a request only made after the rest of the department had already refused. Strange to realized she could be the one provoke that fear, especially when she loved him so. 
Draco exhaled before speaking, his voice clear as his eyes never left hers. “Hermione. If this feels too sudden, I’ll tell Father he can go hang and I will wait until you are ready. But you should know I’m not asking because he or Mother or anyone else wants me to. I want to, Granger — me. I want to know you are finally mine. In fact, I want the whole world to know you are mine. Because you — Hermione Jean Granger — you and no one else, are my choice. Now and always.”
Hermine bit her lip, nodding at him as tears slid freely down her cheeks — waiting.
Draco’s anxiety disappeared and his eyes filled with tears as well as the most beautiful smile she’d ever witnessed graced his face. “Hermione, will you marry me?”
“Yes. Of course I will, yes.”
She would have said more, but she was back in Draco’s embrace too quickly and her ability to speak was hindered for a long time thereafter — not that she was complaining. When they finally separated, clothing in disarray and ring on her finger, Hermione took a few minutes to respond to her future father-in-law. After she sent off her owl, Hermone dragged her fiancee into her bedroom without a word — not that he had any complaints either. 
Once there, Draco set upon her like a man possessed, quickly divesting her of everything that wasn’t her engagement ring as he explained in detail exactly how he intended to fulfil every fantasy he had about her over the past three years. Seeing howthey were more or less the same fantasies Hermione had about him, she was more than happy to oblige. 
Happy coincidence, that. 
Lucius Malfoy sat in his study at Malfoy Manor, immensely pleased with himself for finally getting his oblivious children on the right path. He was in the midst of his second self-congratulatory glass of firewhisky when an unfamiliar owl interrupted his reverie.Lucius’s curiosity already piqued and it only  l grew on further inspection, when he discovered the letter was charmed so it could only be opened and read by himself. Quickly confirming there were no dark spells at play, Lucius opened the envelope and began to read.
 My Dearest Lucius,
If you don’t irrevocably and unequivocally forgive me for my unintentional slight to you (as well as promise to never bring the matter up again in the future) I will convince Draco to elope with me within the month. Further, I will — with copious tears in my eyes —  tell Narcissa that your letter is what pushed me to do so, thus laying the blame for depriving her of the opportunity to throw us a lavish wedding squarely at your feet. 
 However, should you graciously accept my terms without fuss (ahem), not only will I enthusiastically allow Narcissa to plan our wedding, I promise on the occasion of our tenth wedding anniversary I will tell you the unabridged version of my initial encounter with the sorting hat. Between us both, I do not think you will be disappointed by the tale. 
Choose wisely.
The Future Mrs. Hermione Granger-Malfoy
I look forward to receiving your reply by the end of business on Friday; failing which, I will be forced to put my alternative plans in motion. 
Having said that, please do not feel like you have to rush your decision on my account. For the next few days at least, Draco and I expect to be quite preoccupied.
I love you too.
The very instant Lucius read the last word, Miss Granger’s letter burst into flame, vanishing in a puff of smoke which destroyed all evidence of her affectionate threats. No one was present to witness it, but the brief light from the fire illuminated an actual grin on the face of Lord Malfoy, the likes of which was only rarely seen by his wife. 
Lucius chuckled as he brought the firewhisky to his lips and took a hearty sip from the tumbler. Hermione Granger was going to fit in here beautifully. 
He fervently hoped any future grandchildren would have curls.
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machiavellli · 5 months
Some painful headcanons about Mattheo and Draco growing up as brothers
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Summary: Draco and Mattheo became brothers once the Malfoy adopted him, now they suffer together as their youth is being stripped away.
Notes: one thing about me is that I like pain, I love feeling miserable, I live for tragedy. And I was about to write some cute Enzo headcanons but then this caught my mind, so I think that will be for later. I even though about putting a sort of reader situation were the two basically fight for you, but it was ruining everything, so this is the outcome. Some sad headcanons about two brothers by choice.
Warnings: painful memories, mention of bl0od, agony, children being slowly forced into a war that’s not theirs, Lucius Malloy being himself, voldy mention. English is not my first language, please alert me if I make any mistake!
I don’t know if this is a general headcanon but I personally headcanons Mattheo to be sort of adopted by the Malfoy family, so I started thinking about his life there
Lucius would be thrilled to have the dark lord’s son under his tutelage, it would be an honor for him (obviously).
Narcissa would feel bad for the little brown haired boy with eyes so big yet already full of pain and range.
It’s almost like Mattheo always knew who he was and always hated it.
Draco would obviously despise him at first, he would learn what jealousy feels like like with Mattheo
It seemed like Lucius liked Mattheo best.
But what could that little boy, that didn’t even looked like a Malfoy, have for his own father to watch him like the most rare gem?
Mattheo just arrived one day and he knew that he wasn’t his brother, so what was he doing here?
He tried to ask his father but he literally shutter him away, as expected.
His mum tried her best.
She explained that he was a less fortunate one
“But why do we have to help him? Couldn’t he go to an orphanage or something?” Immediately interrupted the short blonde figure
“Because we are kind dear and you shall be kind with him too”
After that Draco changed attitude, it’s not like he really understood what his mum said, but he understood that he had to be kind. It was mandatory.
His mum asked him, what could he do otherwise??
So he tried to approach him one day in the Malfoy manor’s garden with a game for the two to play
Mattheo was slightly taller, but his mum told him it was because he was also a couple of months older, so that’s normal, he wasn’t worried, a couple of months and he would have been as tall as him, if not more
They played together for hours and so on the day after, and the day after that, etc etc
Draco was so stunned by the fact that he actually grew affectionate to Mattheo, but he liked that
He liked that so much that one day, he really didn’t meant to say it aloud, but it just slipped out of his tongue, he called Mattheo “Brother”
Mattheo looked as stunned as the blondie in front of him, but his lips quickly turned into a smile
“Sure little brother” he just responded.
In their childhood they had their closest moments.
Laughing and smiling is all they knew.
And I like to think that Narcissa didn’t want another child because she wouldn’t ever want to ruin this precious yet delicate brotherhood that had formed between the two.
Her heart was warm at the sight of the two happy children and she felt at peace with that.
Lucius, wasn’t that pleased at first, but the fact that Draco was growing closer and closer with the dark lord’s son was for sure a good thing.
And the best thing ever is that, when the moment will come, it would be easier for Draco to fulfill his destiny as a humble servant of the dark lord. His own son befriended the closest thing to the dark lord, wonderful! Isn’t it? Isn’t it…?
With the departure for Hogwarts something shifted, no one knows what happened, but the two sort of drifted apart.
Is not like they weren’t friend, but their friend groups kinda melted what they had, that special brother to brother connection
Yet, they still cared.
But now Draco was the closest with Blaise and Mattheo the same with Theodore.
But they were all friend at the end, so it was fine, that’s what often they told themselves in their heads.
During the first three summer breaks from Hogwarts they didn’t spent that much time together.
That’s the problem about you prideful people:
So worried to be hurt that you prefer to hurt yourself first, so that nothing and no body could ever caught you by surprise
Such insecure people.
Such as Draco and Mattheo.
But you can’t actually blame them.
Imagine being forced into an ideology, being forced to hate, to refuse, to the point that you actually start to wonder if you are the dumb miserable idiot that failed to see life as your father wished.
Imagine crying alone in the cold, in the dark of a moonless night, because you don’t know what’s real.
Imagine suffering, to the point of breaking each one of your nail with your grip on the wood chair.
Imagine that blood rushing, imagine when it will stop on the corpse of somebody you didn’t even knew, when even the gray ashes floating around, of the candle that was once a life, have stopped.
Imagine thinking about all of this when you are blowing your birthday candles, knowing that it will be your everyday vision for the rest of your life, but with actual warm bodies, destined to become cold by your hand.
Imagine a child, a teenager, thinking it. Imagine being stripped of your youth that way.
That’s what I think was going in the head of the two.
And I feel like that they both feared the unstoppable in a way that made their bones tremble.
Perhaps that’s the reason they stared to drift apart.
Draco knew who Mattheo Riddle was. Who the dark lord was.
And when he discovered it, he grew so worried that detaching himself from Mattheo appeared as the sole logical thing.
He was trying to stand a chance against his destiny, can’t you understand?
Because what a fool he had been, volunteering for a life of pain.
But also…you shall be kind with him Draco…
This brotherhood, his mother’s words, both echoing in his mind.
He befriended the devil’s son and he actually cared about him.
He couldn’t simply let him go…they were brothers, right?
And Mattheo…well he had enough shit on his own. He always knew, but now that reality was about to break free on everyone face…well it was different.
He was so fed up by Lucius words, his father intrusion in his mind, the evil laugh of his mother. There was such a stark contrast between the chaos he felt when being involved with anything regarding the cause and the peace coming from Narcissa’s care and Draco’s brotherhood.
He knew what was right, he knew what light was because of them.
On the summer after the fourth year they had some of their moments again. A glimpse.
Draco living between shame and guilt
And Mattheo in the same rotted broth as his brother.
They sat down in the Malfoy garden in a warm mid July evening.
It was like when they were kids, Draco brought something for the two to do, but no more shiny toys, just disgusting cigarettes.
And as the smoke got in and out of them, hoping that it could actually burn something inside them for real, instead of living with just this imaginary fire, they talked again.
With they hearts open again
As if the two little children were hiding all along inside of them, both scared and miserable.
“You don’t have to be on my father’s side, I don’t want either.”
“It’s not like we got that much of a choice anyway.”
“Yeah right, little brother”.
My ask box is open!
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ecoamerica · 21 days
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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wisteria-blooms · 7 months
sunburns & dragons (charlie weasley & reader) (3/??)
TAGLIST: @badgerqueen07 @superduckmilkshake @k-k-merlin @kisskittenn @pluiesdefleurs@lilianelena39 (let me know if I've missed you! otherwise, comment or DM me to be added) Uhm, before you start, peep this gorgeous GIF set below by @alicent-targaryen. Please just browse the entire #sam-heughan tag like I did for the past hour lol. A/N: Also, I don't think the most thorough editing job. I'll go over it again and fix hiccups.
CHAPTER 3: After an unplanned first 'date', having Charlie over for dinner sounds more scrumptious than any perfectly-done filet mignon. However, you should've known that involving him would involve more people than you would've liked. (3.7k words)
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It was the same dreadful feeling of getting in trouble when you were a child. A premonition that a scolding was coming.
That was what you felt as you followed your father down the hallway. But you weren’t going to be asked why Draco was crying after you pushed him (see: age three) or why you scored so poorly in an third-year elective over Christmas break (see: age thirteen). No, twenty-three was going to bring on a different slew of problems.
When you and Lucius were situated in a dark corridor and shielded from the view of the other patrons, you braced yourself. Deep in the shadows, you definitely looked like your father. You never quite got his platinum blonde hair or pale blue eyes; your colouring was always a touch darker. But here, you were the mirror image of him, displeased expressions and aversions to losing and all. 
You clenched your jaw shut as did Lucius until he finally gritted out: “What are you doing here? And in this get-up?”
“Why does it matter what I wear?” you snapped back. Lucius was draped in some of the fanciest emerald robes he’d owned, so whatever meeting he had was definitely important. 
“I don’t particularly care for what you’re wearing, but rather, who it belongs to,” Lucius clarified. “And for you to be here with that Weasley—”
“His name’s Charlie, father.”
“They’re all the same, a stain on our reputation, and speaking of such things,” Lucius continued, his voice gaining volume as he spoke. “We Malfoys have one to upkeep. Either bring some acceptable friends of yours or—”
Lucius quickly glanced around him to make sure there was no one important passing by. When he saw a woman exit the powder room, he waited pleasantly for her to pass before resuming his speech. One that you’d heard a million times. 
“Don’t present yourself here with him.”
“Oh, what does it matter?”
“You will leave this instance,” he commanded. “With the Weasley child.”
“He is not a child, and you can’t tell me what to do,” you countered, your voice rising too. “I can be here with whoever I please. In fact, we’ll have Jacques seat us so we can stay longer. He always has a spot in the restaurant for the Malfoys.”
“You will not,” he hissed. “I have more associates joining me and I won’t be—”
When an elderly couple turned the corner down the hall, you and Lucius both shut up immediately. At the same time, you choked out smiles at each other to give the guise of a pleasant conversation, not the whisper-shouting match that was actually going on. It was in that moment of much-needed silence that you realized something important: Lucius falsely assumed you and Charlie were together. Not in the form of a fling, but he falsely assumed Charlie was the boyfriend you were parading around yesterday. 
“I’m going back to Charlie. Good luck with your meeting.”
You spun away on your heels. As you ditched Lucius, you walked thunderously back to the front. Arguing with your father always put you in the worst of tempers. First, he threatened to have Goyle over because you were unpaired, and now, he was upset with your choice of partner? It was like arguing with a wall.
Up front, Charlie was waiting for you, two drinks in hand and a pastry bag in between his fingers. In the time you were gone, his order had been served. He handed a drink to you.
Trying to suppress your frustration, you asked Charlie in a whisper: “Can you follow my lead?”
“What was that?” he asked, leaning downwards. “You’re too quiet. Or too short for me to hear you.”
“Lean closer, then,” you instructed.
“Okay.” Charlie complied immediately, arching down even further until his lips were a touch too close to your ear. From the view of a bystander, it gave the appearance of him kissing your cheek, maybe his lips grazing your earlobe… You repressed a shudder, having to remind yourself that he just was fooling around like his younger brothers often did.
“Walk out with me,” you whispered. 
You extended your right hand, motioning for him to take it. And without a second of hesitation, he did. Those long, callused fingers wrapped around your smaller ones for the second time today. His grip was firm and protective. You turned your head slightly to see Lucius was looking, and sure enough, he was. Luckily from him, Mr. Lemieux was turned away from the spectacle. 
You imagined he was wearing his teeth down with how hard his jaw was clenched. Worn dentition was soon going to be the least of his problems if he kept pissing you off. 
“Let’s get out of here,” you said. 
“Tell me about it.”
You led him out back through the double glass doors. Your brisk walk turned into a jog down the street. You were trying not to trip on cobblestones or spill your drink again. When you’d reached a safe distance from Cauco, you burst out laughing. And so did Charlie.
“What was that?” he asked. “Actually, what is this?” He raised both your hands that were still tangled to each other. “A change of heart for me?”
“No, this is pure subterfuge,” you responded through fits of laughter. 
“What possessed you to take my hand?”
“My father told me to get out, so I did. I couldn’t leave you.”
“I didn’t know you had a flair for dramatics.”
“You don’t know me well enough!” you laughed. 
“Charlie?” a voice rang suddenly from the corner. “Is that you?”
Both of you whipped around.
It was Molly Weasley. Oh, you know, no other than Charlie’s mum.
Molly nearly dropped her woven baskets full of groceries at the sight of well, firstly, her son who was back home once a year if she was lucky. And secondly, you imagined at the shock of the two of you holding hands. 
You quickly removed your hand from Charlie’s. Now your expression really read like you’d been caught in this imaginary romp in the sheets. 
“What are you doing back in England?” Molly asked, bringing her son in for a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She cupped his face and gave it two firm pats, trying to ascertain that Charlie was real and not some apparition.
“Apparently, you can’t bank vacation for ten years straight,” he said. A blotch of red was forming on his cheeks from Molly’s hand. “Pretty ridiculous, I reckon—”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming back?” Molly then demanded. “I could’ve prepared properly for you. A proper room, a proper meal.”
Charlie jolted. “I didn’t know until two days ago, I promise, mum. I’ve been on a train for the past day. I’ve barely slept all of last night.”
“Well, you’re just in time for a big lunch.” Molly looked at you. “(Y/N), dear,” she said, her voice much sweeter with you. “So lovely to see you, too.” 
“Likewise, Mrs. Weasley,” you responded.
“(Y/N), won’t you join us for lunch as well?” Molly hummed. Then she turned back to Charlie. “Charlie, you’ll be elated to know that Bill is home, too.”
You could never refuse Molly. You also weren’t in a rush to get home, knowing your father may be there, ready to have an argument about the scene you caused at Cauco. And the guilt was starting to settle in, so you shook it off with a nod towards Molly.
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As the three of you walked up the grassy hill that led up to the Burrow, Charlie pestered Molly over the validity of her statement about Bill’s being home. “Is he really? You’re joking me, surely.”
“Why would I ever joke about that?” Molly asked. “You know I’ve always asked you to come home more often.”
Charlie groaned as he opened the door to his childhood home. “I should’ve brought home more Romanian parchment for him.”
“Why Romanian parchment?” you asked.
“It’s lighter and less resistant to tearing and burning. Easier for him to carry during expeditions and less to worry about goblins burning them.”
“I’m sure that’s the last thing on his mind right now,” Molly hummed. “But I shouldn’t spoil what your brother is going to tell you, no, I shouldn’t...” She seemed to be fighting with her own morals as she entered the house. 
“Good,” Charlie said as he let out a sigh of relief. “But now I should’ve bugged him for more Egyptian hide.” He pulled the hem of your jacket. “If I was wearing that instead of this jacket, my pocket would’ve lived to see the tale.”
“Is that yours, Charlie?” Molly asked. “I should’ve known, seeing as it’s so tattered up. But nothing I can’t fix.”
“You’ll have to fix (Y/N) up, too. I spilled coffee on her,” Charlie admitted sheepishly.
“Of course, I’ll tend to you, dear, in just a moment…” Molly unloaded her baskets on the counter, eyeing her assortment of meats, cheeses, vegetables, and breads. “Let me get the stew going first. It shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes.”
As Molly worked, you peered around the house. You’d been here many times throughout your school years and knew every nook and cranny. Though, you were always cooking things up with Fred and George in their room upstairs. You’d met Percy, Ron, and Ginny but never overlapped much with Charlie or Bill. Regardless, you’d always appreciated how inviting it was compared to your abode located upstate. Every bit of you felt warm from the sun seeping through the windows. In the house, things were stuffed to the brim until it was precariously close to exploding: books on the bookshelf, mugs in the cabinet, non-perishables in the pantry, spare blankets in the closet. And even though the Burrow was enclosed by farmland, Molly and Arthur were very friendly with the neighbours. You barely knew yours.
You were about to ask Molly if you could offer any assistance when you were interrupted by footsteps.
“Bill!” Charlie recognized his brother immediately. 
“Charlie?” Bill said. No sooner, he’d jumped down the last two steps and enveloped his younger brother in a hug that almost toppled him over. “What are you doing back in England?”
“It’s a long story,” Charlie said. “What are you doing here?”
“Well,” Bill started, trying to conceal a grin. He reached out for Fleur’s hand as she came down the steps behind him. “Fleur is expecting. We’re due in the next month or so.”
“What?” Charlie exclaimed. “Already?”
“What do you mean ‘already’?” Molly scolded suddenly from behind him. “It’s about time you settled down as well, Charles Weasley. You should consider staying put for once. I pray you won’t jostle your wife around like you do yourself—”
“I shouldn’t have said anything,” Charlie whispered to you before getting dragged off by Molly. Bill followed him into the kitchen.
“Hello, (Y/N),” Fleur said as she came down the last step. Despite being heavily pregnant, she was more than graceful.
“Hello, Fleur,” you responded. “Congratulations on the pregnancy. You look lovely.”
“Thank you,” she said, a proud smile on her face.
You waited awkwardly in the living room alone for a couple moments. You really wished Fred or George or both of them were here to give you someone to talk to. When Molly finished up giving orders to Bill and Charlie, you felt it appropriate to tiptoe into the kitchen. 
“Hello (Y/N),” Bill was the first to notice you creeping in. “Long time no see.”
Bill, as you faintly remembered, was indeed the tallest of the bunch. He was fit but not as muscular as Charlie, if what you saw this morning was anything to go by. He was more laid-back as well, and less prone to making remarks that would receive a scolding from Molly. 
“Indeed!” you responded, feeling more at ease. “And congratulations on the baby.”
“Thank you.” A smile broke out on Bill’s face. He was radiant, his blue eyes crinkling from his smile. His face wasn’t as angular and defined as Charlie’s but he was very handsome in a more boyish way. 
“I didn’t expect you to be here, you’re usually with Fred and George,” Bill said as if reading your mind. “Do you have some news of your own you want to share with me?”
You gave him a puzzled look.
“Mum told me she saw you and Charlie holding hands this morning, after your date,” Bill whispered, glancing slyly at Charlie. “I didn’t know that you were together. Charlie writes to me about everything. Apparently he left out an important chunk.”
Oh. Your date. “Oh, I’m not sure I—”
“That’s okay, I won’t press you. I’ll just ask Charlie,” Bill said, letting you off the hook. You breathed an internal sigh of relief. “He’s a tough read is all I’ll say. He dilly-dallys around a lot, especially around women.”
“Does he?” you said with a laugh. You thought of Charlie’s words to you earlier in the day.
 “One day, he’s saying he’s met this girl. Next week, he’s in love. Then, he wants to propose, and before I know it, I’m standing at the altar.”
Right, Bill wasted no time. Conversely, Charlie denied he was the same. 
Bill smiled. “I reckon so. But it’s no doubt you were able to read through him. You’ve always been smart.”
Your words caught at Bill’s sudden compliment. “Thank you, Bill. But I’m really not.”
“Come on, it was one class almost ten years ago,” Bill said with a teasing grin. “Nothing to beat yourself up over.”
“How do you know?” you asked, your cheeks heated. You’d never overlapped schooling with Bill and yet he knew about—
“Fred told everyone about the cursed elective the three of you took.”
You groaned. You were going to give Fred a piece of your mind next time you saw him.
“Bill, could you be a dear and call Fred and George over for lunch?” Molly called from the windowsill. She barely looked up at the stew she was seasoning. “I’m sure they can afford an hour for lunch now that their busy season is over.”
“Sure thing,” Bill acquiesced, throwing down the dishcloth. “I’ll talk to you later, (Y/N)." 
Molly replaced Bill’s spot in front of you and took you by the arm. “Now, follow me upstairs and let’s get you fixed up. I told Charlie he’s going to have to be more careful around you.”
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In an hour, lunch rolled around and so did Fred and George who got a scolding for apparating right into the home. You learned that Fred’s imitation of Molly wasn’t far off. 
“What are you still doing here?” Fred asked with a genuine look of surprise on his face. 
“I’m not sure, Molly asked if I wanted to come for lunch.”
“How did this chance occurrence happen?”
“We bumped into her at Diagon Alley.”
Fred wiggled his eyebrows. “We?” 
You shrugged. 
Thankfully, you were ushered to the table before Fred could pester you anymore. Bill sat with Fleur, Fred with George, you and Charlie, and Molly at the end. The bread basket perched in the centre was bigger than your head.
“So, Charlie, dear,” Molly started. “What brings you back home?”
“Well,” Charlie responded. “As I was saying earlier—”
“Charlie’s going to meet (Y/N)’s parents next Saturday,” Fred added suddenly. 
“You’re going to the Malfoy’s?” Bill asked, directing a look of surprise at Charlie. Molly followed suit. 
You nearly sputtered into your stew. You hadn’t really discussed that nor had Charlie consented to it, at least not seriously. You figured he was just kidding about having dinner, and now that his appetite had been satiated, so was his curiosity. 
“Sure am,” Charlie responded after a long swig of water. He didn’t skip a beat. 
“You’ll have to find something suitable to wear,” Molly commented, looking Charlie up and down. Her inquisitive brown eyes narrowed at his dishevelled long hair and outfit that looked like he was going to bed rather than dinner. “I’m sure we can find something of your father’s or grandfather’s in the attic.”
“There goes the rest of my afternoon,” Charlie groaned loudly, much to Molly’s chagrin. Then, he leaned into you. “I hope you didn’t have plans for us, (Y/N).”
You shook your head. “I shouldn’t think about taking you away from something so important.”
The rest of lunch was filled with questions about Bill and Fleur’s impending baby and Fred and George’s business. Luckily, no questions were thrown towards you and Charlie. You wouldn’t even know what to say. When lunch was over, Charlie was the first to excuse himself. 
“That was a lovely lunch as always, mum,” Charlie said, getting up. “I’m going to unpack and maybe take a nap. It was a long journey from Romania.”
As he began to head up the stairs, Molly piped up: “Be sure to use Ginny’s room.”
Charlie descended a step back. “What about mine?”
“It’s under renovation.”
“You remodelled my room?” Charlie cried.
“As a temporary nursery. You can obviously still stay in the guest room the duration of time you’re here,” Molly clarified. 
“I won’t even fit into Ginny’s room, let alone the bed. And are the walls still pink?”
“Well, a fair warning that you’d be coming back would’ve been sufficient,” Molly said. “Bill was first to tell me that he and Fleur wanted to move back in for the duration of her pregnancy.”
“But why mine? Why not remodel Ginny’s room as the nursery?”
“Because yours is closest to Bill’s room,” Molly explained. “It provides easier access to the baby.”
“You can always stay with us, Charles darling,” Fred suggested, a grin dancing on his face. “We have a spare room in our flat that’s gone unused for some reason.”
“I’ll consider it as my dead last option,” Charlie said with a shudder. He jumped back on the first floor and ran past Fred, but not before commenting: “There are a million people I’d rather live with before I’d live with you.”
After Charlie left to unpack, Fred and George followed suit to reopen the shop. You lingered around the house for a while longer, offering to help with the dishes which was promptly refused. Instead, Molly gave you a tour of the new nursery, her eyes brimming with pride at her handiwork. And it really was a lovely room with white, flowy curtains billowing in the wind, a vintage wooden cot, and tons of hand sewn blankets and plush toys. You were glad she was so preoccupied with the baby and showing you around that she wasn’t asking about Charlie. 
“It’s beautiful, Mrs. Weasley,” you said, admiring the stitching on the curtains. “Bill and Fleur are lucky to have you alongside them.”
Molly placed a hand on her hip. “You know, dear, I would do it for any child of mine and their partner.”
You eked out a smile in response. You sure hoped she wasn’t insinuating anything about you. 
When you went downstairs, you decided it was proper for you to excuse yourself and head home. It was nearing three in the afternoon and you couldn’t believe how the hours just flew by. Before you left, you went to Ginny’s old room and knocked on the ajar door. 
“Come in,” Charlie said.
You stepped in slowly. Charlie was unfolding his clothes on Ginny’s old bed. He towered over the frame, and he’d be lucky if he could stretch out his legs tonight. Luckily for him, the walls were now a muted pink, not the bright shade they were years ago. 
“I’m about to leave,” you said. “I just wanted to apologise for today before I go. I’m sorry you got caught up in things.”
Charlie cocked an eyebrow. “What’s there to apologise for?” 
“The whole debacle with my father,” you clarified. “I never meant to get you involved. I don’t think well at the crux of an argument.”
“Why shouldn’t I be involved?”
Did Charlie sound offended?
“You want to be?”
“(Y/N),” Charlie said with a chuckle. “I’m always hungry. I’ll be there for the meal if not for the entertainment, or world-class Malfoy hospitality.”
“Are you serious?” you asked. “Because you understand what the deal was right? We’d have to be…” You bit your lip. You didn’t want to finish the sentence. 
“Like we’re dating? Was that so hard to get out now?” Charlie laughed, leaning in closer to you until he was a few inches from you. “I mean, you’re meeting my mum.”
“I’ve already met her, many times over,” you huffed. “And on that topic, don’t you think it’s wrong to lead her on like that?”
“Hey,” he said. “Don’t lecture me about ethics. You’re the one who just tried to swindle your father in public.”
You turned red. “My prospects were looking terrible.”
“Hey, I’m just kidding,” Charlie said. “I’d do the same thing if I were in your shoes.”
“Alright”—you eyed him suspiciously—“Well, if you’re sure, I’ll send you an owl.”
“You know exactly where I’ll be,” Charlie confirmed.
Before you turned away to leave, a sudden thought came to mind. “Charlie, wait. You never told me. Why are you back in England?”
“I really was banking up too much vacation,” he confessed, airing out a rolled t-shirt. “I was strong-armed into taking it, so I chose the off-season.”
“What are you going to do at home?”
He hummed. “I was cordially invited to be a guest professor at Hogwarts two days a week, depending on how often they need me.”
“That is splendid for you,” you said, eyes brightening. “Which classes will be taking over?”
“Just Care of Magical Creatures for now”—he turned fully to you—“I reckon I could sneak in a few dragons for the kids.”
“You wouldn’t,” you warned. “You were Head Boy, you knew the rules.”
“Try me, Headmaster Malfoy.”
He held your gaze, intense blue eyes locking with yours and a smirk rising on his face. For the briefest of moments, you felt a shudder course through your body. He wasn’t being suggestive, you had to remind yourself. Charlie was just more intense and smouldering than his brothers—
Wait, did you just use the word smouldering to describe Charlie? The Charlie Weasley you’d really just met six hours ago? You scolded yourself. You had to focus on the issue at hand. 
“I’ll try to wrangle a way out of dinner regardless,” you affirmed. “I have to free you up for your duties as a professor.”
He broke his gaze. “Let me know if you’re successful,” Charlie said with a laugh. “Catch you later, (Y/N).”
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shanastoryteller · 10 months
I think one thing about siat I personally relate to is how Draco loves his parents despite their racism. All too often I hear people say cut the racists out of your life, but that's really hard when its your parents and your entire extended family who you love dearly. Do I call them out on their prejudices? Yes, of course, but cutting them out is not going to change their minds but maybe me sticking around to show them a different perspective will.
ah. well. i'm glad you liked it and you found things that resonated with you!
i am obviously saying absolutely nothing about your parents, because fictional situations do not at all map against real situations, and i know absolutely nothing about your family and your experiences. and "stay with you family and help change their minds" is actually the advice of several activists!
draco did cut his family out of his life
he and lucius get in a big screaming fight after the world cup about their family and draco becoming a death eater and lucius being one and he stops talking to his parents for a whole year. he refuses to go home for the holidays and would rather NOT being published in the charms review than break his silence with his parents to get their permission. he does send them christmas gifts, because he does still love them, but that's it
until he runs back to the manor to save lucius's life, because obviously he doesn't want his father to die, but that's not the thing that bridges the gap between them
it's lucius refusing to kill harry and nearly getting himself killed because of it
and lucius does have a little bit of conscious here, because harry's his son's age and all he's done the past year is think about his son, but that's not why he doesn't kill him. lucius malfoy is not a good person. in the second year he doesn't lose any sleep over all the muggleborn children he's almost killed but is devastated at the idea that he could have harmed his son. he doesn't kill harry because he wants draco to be proud of him, to love him, and he worries that if he does this thing then maybe he won't and the idea of losing his son's affection is worse to him than gaining voldemort's ire
narcissa is sort of go with the flow, in a way that makes her a bit of a psychopath. she'll play the game on either side, will kill whoever she needs to kill, and not care much either way. she cares about her family. she doesn't care about who dies at the end of her wand
draco tells lucius not to get caught again, even if it means doing terrible things, because now that voldemort's back they don't have much of a choice if they want to live - which is a very different situation than they were in after the world cup. and lucius knows that draco feels differently and supports him and does everything he can to protect him
and then, when it comes to a head, he betrays voldemort outright and fights voldemort wandless because draco is in danger
none of this makes him less of a bigot
lucius doesn't really change his mind about anything. he still doesn't care for muggles or monsters or freaks, but he's a slytherin to his core, and he certainly doesn't mind winning, regardless of who he's doing it with
draco does the equivalent of holding his breath to get his parents to change sides. and it works
narcissa and lucius are not good people. they are flighty and ambitious and fought on the wrong side of the war and switched only because their son gained a moral compass and their stance is family first. if draco can't be swayed, then they must be the ones to change
and it's fiction! so that means we love them. in real life we'd be dragging them to guillotine, but it's not real life, it's a fun little fanfic, so real life rules don't apply, and being good parents who love their son more than anything makes up for being sort of insane serial killers
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slayingqueenchal · 1 year
noble house of bullshit | draco malfoy x f!reader
Summary: draco and reader broke up because of stupid reasons, but they'll have to marry and this is about resolving your relationship
Warnings : angst, fluff, happy ending, fights, curse words, pet names like 'love and doll', you are Theodore nott twin sister, old wip
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'My dearest daughter, y/n
We remember that you've mentioned about the malfoy boy several times, draco malfoy. And it seems like you two are perfect.
From what your brother have said to us a few weeks ago, we found out that you had an eye on malfoy, and malfoy might be interested in you too.
We thought it'll be great, so, we arranged some stuff with lucius and narcissa malfoy, and, they've got letters from draco, some is about you.
And we arranged some stuff, and thought it'll be best if you two will marry after finishing Hogwarts. We thought that, we'd wait until you actually had some one that you were interested in to, then arrange somethings.
We know this isn't the most thrilling choice, or maybe it is, we just want the best for our Pureblood family. We didn't know when to tell you, but Draco knew about this a week ago, and we thought he'd tell you but he didn't, so we told you our self.
Well, we'll be ending this letter here, but, have a great day, y/n, we miss you
-your father and mother, dorian and cornelia'
You dropped the letter. Marriage? After finishing Hogwarts? Were you gonna go crazy like bellatrix did?
Sure, if they told you that a week ago you'd be happy. The only person who knew you had a messy breakup with draco was theo, and blaise.
Theo have never shaded someone this much before. And, to see him having fun after breaking your heart was painful for you.
You climbed up to your bed, thinking about the good times you had with draco since the start of Hogwarts. The 'oh this is just a small crush' turned into 'oh, I fell for him'. Even with the quite questionable things draco has done, he was a sweetheart. You remembered everything vividly.
"Love? You okay? " Draco said. You weren't okay. "Draco, ginny is gone" You cried. Remembering the first year girl that you grew quite close too. "Ginny? Weasley? " Draco said, he sounded like he wad annoying. "As much as you hate her family, you'd feel sad if someone is gone, right? Wouldn't you be sad if i was gone? " You wiped your tears.
"Oh doll,'sorry that Ive said that, and, of course I'd be said if you were gone, I'd be a mess" Draco said.
You wished you hated Ginny, and for good reasons. If that hadn't happen you wouldn't grow feelings. If only you two stayed friends you'd be fine.
"What the fuck Draco! " You screamed. "What? Is it my fault that you probably just 'love me' because I'm a Pureblood? Oh please" Draco mocked. The tears came out of your eyes so easily. "I love you, draco, why'd you say that?" You looked down.
"Cause.. You know what never mind that, just, it's over alright, we're over. Go" Draco took your hands, but you threw it away. "You think I'd marry someone just because of their blood status. But no, I'd never do that" You walked out of his room.
"I'd never do that, he says" You scoff on your bed, sobbing. "I hate you" You curled up, hugging your pillow.
Someone opened the door and gasped. "Y/n are you okay? " Daphne said. "I'm not well, not really" You said. "Oh gosh, should I get Draco? " She said. Which, hit the spot. "Is Theo there? " You asked. "There? Where? ", " Common room"."yes, he is in the common room " Daphne gave a weak smile. "Thanks, Daphne, uhm, Im going to talk to him" You gave a smile.
"Theo" You walked down the stairs. To see the Slytherin boys circle. And that sadly includes both Draco, and Theo.
"Lo- y/n, you alright? " Draco said. But you didn't answer. "Can I talk to you for a second, Theo? " You gave a weak smile to the rest of the boys, but not even looking at Draco. "Sure" Theo walked away, well still in the common room, no one was really there, just some first year.
You immediately cried again. "Y/n". "Did you know? " You said. "What? " Theodore said. "Father and mother made me marry him! Some arrangement shit! " You cried, hugging him. "Him? Draco? " Theo guessed, and you nodded.
"I need to be tough, but I can't." You cried. "You don't need to be tough, y/n, you just need to be here, alright? We're gonna solve everything, alright, I'll tell mom something but, go to sleep, okay, I promise you'll feel better.
"Don't tell mother, or father" You said, receiving a sigh and a small nod. While that night was a rollercoaster and felt like a few seconds, it felt like hours for Draco.
Theo walked to draco, well the others sorta knee by then about what happened, so they walked away and sat on another spot.
"Draco. How dare you" Theo said. "How dare I? She was the one who 'loved' me just because I'm a Pureblood" Draco scoffed.
"Listen, you don't get to just have fun after breaking my sisters heart. She's a mess, and after a day you acted like nothing happened, like you and her never exists and it broke her, you broke her and now your parents and mine are arranging marriage between the two of you, so you better fix things, or I'll fix them my self" Theo threatened.
"She doesn't even want to talk to me! " Draco said. "And was I the guy who broke her heart? You are, and, Id you don't fix things to atleast platonic level you two will spend the rest of your live in misery, maybe just her cause you don't even care do you? " Theo scoffed.
"I care for her, I love her! Until mom told me that we were getting married. I don't want to get married so young and I don't want to be with her, not because I believe that she only loves me because of my blood status, but because I need her to be happy, I don't want her marrying someone like me, I might love and care about her now but who knows what monster I might become later, I don't want to hurt her more" Draco mumbled.
"Well you fucked up already, Draco, just, do something and be lovely for her alright, Daphne told me she, she's not really at her best state so just don't force her into anything" Theo said, patting dracos shoulders before leaving, deciding it was enough rambling.
Well, that night not only Draco stayed up late, but the whole dorm. Everyone heard draco sniffing and mumbling, and being scrunched up on his bed.
And little did he know, you were doing the same thing too.
The next morning was tough. The trip to the great Hall was tough. Draco was so close yet so far. His eyes looked puffy 'he probably stayed up late talking shit or something ' you thought.
You barely ate your food, just watching Draco from afar, watching the person you couldve been happy with. The person you could've married happily. But now it's grim.
The library was silent, reading dorian gray was fun, especially when your fathers name is dorian. The book you used to read with draco was Lord of the rings. You wanted to continue but, it was too much. 'What happened to frodo, what happened to the shire' is what you would've asked if you were fine, but right now you were asking yourself if you were alright. The sun goes down, and the moon comes up.
"Y/n? " You recognised the voice. "Go away, like you told me to go away" You huffed. "Y/n, just wait" He said.
You turned and look at the blonde. Showing your bloodshot eyes, but shockingly, he had bloodshot eyes too. "What do you want draco? Make me feel bad again? " You said.
"No, never again y/n, it was a mistake! I knew we were going to get married before you did. I didn't want you to marry someone like me" Draco said, sitting on the chairs next to you.
"Well, haha, it happens that I want someone like you, you Draco, is it so hard to accept that I fell for you? " You said, standing up and putting the book where it was.
"It's not, y/n I know you love me and you know I love you! " He says. You ignored him.
"I just don't, you, you broke my heart Draco and you were out there having fun with your friends. Even they have some bit of common sense to care for me! Even in a brotherly-platonic way! But oh, you were having the best time of your life. The boys were worried, even crabbe too, but you didn't care did you? That you just full on broke my heart? We couldve sorted this out. And if you didn't want to spend you years with me we couldve solved this in a better way than breaking me into a million pieces! It's just not fair! "You cried out.
"Y/n, y/n, calm down, will you, love? ", Draco slowly got closer to you. Draco looks at your eyes. " I'm sorry, y/n, I really am sorry. I love you and, to know that I broke your heart messed me up and made me a bit of an asshole, but, I swear I'll be the best husband ever, y/n, I love you"
"I'm sorry too, Draco, I was a bit hars-", " You didn't do anything wrong " Draco cut off. "Well in that case, I love you" You smiled, the first genuine smile.
"We'll grow a family free from blood purity and all of that noble house of bullshit, we'll be a loving family, alright, doll? " Draco said, receiving a smile and a nod.
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hsvh-hp · 2 months
You know I agree with you that fanon paints Lucius as a much worse father than he was and I don't like that either, but do you not think indoctrinating your child into a genocidal cult + coldly demanding that he be the best in class and publicly humiliating him about that ("if [my son's] grades don't pick up, a thief or a plunderer] may indeed be all he is fit for") is bad parenting?
Like I'm not saying "he is a bad parent" or "he is a good parent", I'm very hesitant to label parents (real or fictional) in such a one-dimensional way because parent-child relationships are so incredibly complicated. But at the same time it is very important to me to acknowledge even little things parents can do that can really have a negative impact on children. And indeed in Draco's case they do, leading him to want to be a Death Eater, to seek validation from Voldemort (when he disarms Dumbledore he talks about wanting to be the Dark Lord's favourite, he doesn't want help from Snape because he has a need to prove himself etc) and contributing to his general insecurity and need to be better than everyone & getting upset when he's not, because if he's not the best all the time then he feels really bad.
One big reason I dislike the fanon tendency to make every morally questionable parent an extremely physically abusive monster is precisely because that erases the representation of how the smaller, psychologically/emotionally damaging things they do can still be traumatising.
It goes without saying that there’s nuance. I would never say nor claim that Lucius did nothing wrong or didn’t make mistakes. By mere virtue of holding bigoted beliefs, he signaled to Draco that there were things he could do or be that might undermine his father’s love. To me, it doesn’t even matter if Lucius is otherwise perfect as a father. That small thing, in a kid as needy for love and validation as Draco is, would be enough to have him always on edge and anxiously performing his role as the perfect son to the best of his ability.
My earlier frustration was a pushback against the need to inflate Lucius’ less-great moments into overtly obvious abuse (we are very much in agreement there), as fanon seems to love to do without a hint of introspection or greater analysis. I’m so bored of complicated behaviour being filed away into a thought-terminating box called ‘abuse’, where a sole instance of someone being a grumpy, imperfect dad (the Borgin & Burke’s scene) is all that’s required to put a character on the same level as men who actually do beat their sons. It’s not given a greater thought.
For instance, you bring up Draco’s indoctrination into the Death Eaters, and his eagerness to join. This is a very interesting conundrum for Lucius to me because Voldemort is back for an entire year before Draco signs up. Lucius is in Azkaban at the time, unable to exert any influence over Draco’s decision, and Voldemort explicitly brings Draco into the fold as a form of punishment for Lucius. We have no access to Lucius’ head as readers, but he had an entire year afterward to sit and think about how he failed Draco. He’s a smart guy. I’m sure he could put it together that his bigotry came very close to costing his son his life. Considering the Malfoys sit alongside the winners of the war in the Great Hall, it speaks to me of some greater narrative reflection on Lucius’ part to have earned himself a place there.
The point is, I’ve never seen that Lucius in fic before. I crave that Lucius, who can realize his mistakes and grow or change as a result (and is brave enough not to let the lateness of its arrival dictate the terms). It’s very important to me that growth not be something exclusive to a certain age (16 and under? 18? I’ve seen people argue that Draco was no longer redeemable at 12 LMAO). So yeah, feeling alone in this sentiment occasionally bubbles up and I forget to articulate all the nuance of the subject when engaging with it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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saintchaser · 8 months
narcissa black hcs??
quiet and observant, and a bit stuck up
used to be closer with andromeda than with bellatrix, due to their rather similar nature
got along really, really well with regulus; they saw themselves in the other
really, really tall. i’m thinking around 180? it was one of the only black family traits she has got, otherwise she’s very similar to the rosiers
and while i mentioned that, although she is very similar to her mother, she will always be his father’s daughter
writes poetry; it’s mainly about suffocating love, about the way being a part of the noble and most ancient house of black feels, and about what she wants of her future
seldom falls in love
speaking of which, she actually fell in love with lucius, and their life was generally good and loving. they also loved draco very dearly, and narcissa was absolutely crushed when lucius was sent to azkaban
only wears silver jewellery. when she was younger, she didn’t really care about what kind of jewellery she wore, but bellatrix told her she looks better in silver, and therefore decided to follow her sister’s advice
really picky eater
loves doing ballet and dancing in general. in the malfoy manor, lucius specifically designed a dance studio for her, and, when draco got older, she gave him lessons, too
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greenerteacups · 1 month
Hello, it’s so good to have you back. I earnestly hope your healing journey is easy and straightforward.
I’m seeing you answer questions about Tonks, and I wanted to share how intrigued I am with the way you used Tonks’ Animagus ability to navigate and represent her estranged relationship with the Black family. Given the “mass of black hair” she sports in the Ministry and the “pixie cut shock of electric pink” at Grimmauld Place, we intuit that Tonks clearly plays around with her face to heighten and decrease her resemblance to her aunts on a situational basis. I presume she thought that resembling Bellatrix would be a tactical advantage for her Ministry interview.
In that vein, I’m curious to know what you think Draco would do with his appearance if he had Tonks’ same abilities. If Draco had the Animagus ability that Tonks does, would he also play with his face and how it resembles that of his father? I think he doesn’t mind being a resemblance of his father at Hogwarts, because none of his friends had any relationship with Lucius. But given that during Narcissa’s episodes she perceives Draco as his father, I wonder if you think Draco would change his face to avoid triggering another episode.
In general, I’m very intrigued by the idea of shape shifting and what it represents. I think in terms of his relationships with Theo and Pansy, Draco would sometimes (metaphorically) shift into the image of an ideal Slytherin, playing up his pedigree and knowledge of pureblood tradition.
This is a really cool question, and I took a hot minute to think about it. For one thing, metamorphmagus!Draco would be even more ridiculously vain than he is at present; it seems useful for all sorts of things like haircuts and spots (even fit aristocratic fifteen-year-olds get them, tragically). I don't think Draco would deliberately try to play up the resemblance to his father — in most cases. For one thing, he's very much attached to his mother, and he wears that resemblance proudly; he identifies as a Black as well as a Malfoy, if to a lesser extent, and those echoes are part of his heritage. That said, Narcissa (who's the best and only real authority on the subject) thinks Draco looks a lot like Lucius anyway, and everyone already associates him heavily with his father, so playing up the resemblance wouldn't do much for him. Playing it down, on the other hand, is an intriguing idea... except he'd probably be making himself resemble the Black side of the family more, and we're all familiar with the fates of the two most recent sons of Black.
That being said, there are places it would probably be useful. Tonks definitely played up the family resemblance to lean on Bellatrix's reputation. (Also, Tonks's normal aesthetic is very Manic Pixie Dream Witch, and it would not go over well with the wizard Tories.) It also would have changed major plot points related to the Polyjuice Potion in Book 3 (although to what extent, I'm not sure; we're never really told what a fully realized metamorphmagus's abilities could do, e.g. if Tonks could alter whole body parts, height/weight/build, or even internal organs; is she doing a glamour, or is she actually changing parts of her body, and if the latter, can she heal her own injuries; as always, the first rule of every magic system in Harry Potter is Don't Think About The Magic System).
To wit: if the current version of Draco could change what he looked like, I don't think he would, and that's quite telling in and of itself.
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What do you think happens to Slytherins after Hogwarts? The ones who, unlike Malfoy, can't throw their parents names around and escape all trouble. The Wizarding World is tiny, so I imagine the stigma follows them into adulthood real easy, especially with the whole thing with Voldemort likely intensifying it tenfold, do you bet they'd be way more subject to suspicion and totally legal searches by the aurors where they conveniently find something to toss them in Azkaban over?
Well, remember that many of the Slytherins were not Death Eaters.
Draco was the youngest Death Eater to be inducted in. Crabbe and Goyle got high on a prefect power trip but weren't actually Death Eaters who had taken the mark at that point. The other students seem to have less and less involvement than even that (it was pretty much Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle throughout the series that were the super Slytherin Slytherins).
So, reasonably, Draco's the only one going to trial if at all. Considering all the other people who have to go to trial who did a lot worse things, including his own father who is a much juicer target, it's not surprising he got off the hook (that, and Harry thinks he owes him because of Narcissa).
Crabbe probably would have gotten a trial for dark magic voodoo arson, but his dark magic voodoo arson killed him so he gets to rot in hell.
That leaves the rest of the kiddos.
Goyle was high on a power trip, but it was also under order of the Carrows, and while Wizarding Britain could go nuts trying to try underage collaborationists that'd get... very messy... and likely shortly lead to a third wizarding war.
Pansy Parkinson tried to capture Harry for the glory points, but that makes her even less of a collaborationist than Harry so I don't expect anything to have happened to her.
And that's it, that's all we got who even aided the Death Eaters. So Daphne Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, all of them didn't do anything themselves and presumably weren't even involved.
Now, we do have some dirt on their parents. Nott's dad, known Death Eater. Greengrass's father, not a Death Eater but involved in incriminating activities per the fandom wiki, Lucius Malfoy, always a gem, and of course Crabbe and Goyle Sr. proud Death Eaters.
The reason I'm getting into this is that the kids of the parents involved in this, if they're not dead already (see Crabbe), then they're probably losing a good chunk of their money over this and get a stigma with the family name.
And that's where your ask comes in.
It was already bad in Slytherin, you have Hagrid noting casually "25% of the population is irredeemably evil" to Harry like it's a known fact, and that's before Voldemort was resurrected, but for the kids with the black mark on the last name it'll be even worse.
Probably in the aftermath there'll be attempts to um, rehabilitate Slytherin, so the new kids will have to stay on their toes but won't get it quite as bad.
This generation getting out though, well, I love Cursed Child so I will discuss it and note that Scorpius Malfoy's life is ruined over the rumor that his mother went back in time to have sex with Voldemort and he is their love child.
Is this in any way believable? No.
Do I believe something like this could ruin their lives? Yes.
Basically, Malfoy especially, will all be living on Harry (head of the Auror department's) good will and whether or not he doesn't feel like searching their house today (this is not absent in canon either, when Arthur Weasley promotes a low, that does pass, that um... lets them search certain people's houses without warrant).
So, yes, they're going to have a fun time.
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moonlightdancer26 · 11 months
“Oh yeah?” said Moody quietly, limping forward a few steps, the dull clunk of his wooden leg echoing around the hall. “Well, I know your father of old, boy. . . . You tell him Moody’s keeping a close eye on his son . . . you tell him that from me. . . . Now, your Head of House’ll be Snape, will it?”

“Yes,” said Malfoy resentfully.
“Another old friend,” growled Moody. “I’ve been looking forward to a chat with old Snape. . . . Come on, you. . .”
And he seized Malfoy’s upper arm and marched him off toward the dungeons.
After finding out that Moody was actually Barty Crouch Jr. in disguise, I’ve always found the line “old friend” curious whenever I do my annual reread of the series. What he said might actually be true since Barty was a disguised Death Eater and not the real Moody who was speaking. Barty was 2 years younger than Snape and they both became DEs later on, so they definitely must’ve known each other. I have a headcanon that they were decent friends during their time at school, but after Snape “turned spy for the Order” and was declared free of all charges, Barty either thought he betrayed Voldemort or (if Snape was still on Voldemort’s side) that he was a coward for pretending to have turned good rather than proudly announcing his loyalty to Voldemort. We know Barty thought lowly of the Death Eaters who lied their way out of Azkaban (Lucius is a prime example), so that might’ve been part of the reason as to why Fake!Moody was so vindictive towards Snape in their scenes together.
Additionally, when Fake!Moody revealed himself, Harry noticed that there were three images in the Foe glass that were gradually becoming more distinct. A little before the door was broken down, Harry recognised the people in the glass as Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape. Which not only proves that Snape was in fact a good guy, but also confirms that Barty considered him an enemy. I personally think that when Fake!Moody referred to Severus (Lucius too) as “an old friend,” he meant it as “former friend,” since Snape was at one point a loyal Death Eater. Thoughts?
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ensnapemysenses · 1 year
would you write a blurb or smth that Severus Snape has a daughter whose either 16 or 17 and Voldemort has her become a deatheater. Draco and her are good friends and this is just about oc or y/n having a legilimency conversation in a deatheater meeting while Voldemort is there
Pairing: Draco Malfoy X Reader
A/N: decided to take this as a friends to lovers route, hope I did it justice!
Warning: written really quickly so will probably contain errors as I didn’t really proofread it, suggestive themes
‘This is boring.’
The thought rings through your mind as your eyes glance over at Draco seated on your right beside his father, Lucius.
You take in a sharp breath and elbow Draco hard causing him to wince from the pain.
“Watch your thoughts. You’re gonna get yourself in trouble. Again,” you whisper through gritted teeth.
Unlike you, Draco isn’t skilled in occlumency and you know if he keeps it up Voldemort will show him his wrath. He’s done it before and nothings stopping him from doing it again.
Draco tenses beside you. You know he’s thinking about all the times Voldemort has used crucio on him before. Both of you would rather not have to deal with that again. Draco, because of the immense pain and you, because Voldemort forces you to cast the spell knowing Draco is your really close friend. It pains you to have to pretend to be so heartless and you’ve cried for hours in Draco’s arms after the fact each time, profusely apologizing over and over again. Draco simply consoles you, ignoring his own pain. He doesn’t hold it against you. He understand you must obey The Dark Lords bidding.
Your father, Severus Snape has been attempting to teach him occlumency as a preventative measure to protect him, but he hasn’t caught on as fast as you have. In fact, even though you are only 17, one could argue that you were almost as good as your dad in warding your mind from prying eyes. It’s something you are actually quite proud of. You like to think of it as a way to honor the Snape name you carry proudly.
Your eyes soon drift back over the Draco. The meeting today is especially boring: logistics and technical things that don’t really concern you. You and Draco are only present given your fathers high positions in rank.
Draco is visibly sweating and he’s a lot paler than usual as his eyes dart over to you as well and he uncomfortably shifts his position a bit. You don’t mean to but you accidentally see his thoughts and you immediately wish you hadn’t.
He’s thinking of you - naked; remembering his dream from last night, playing it over in his head. You watch as he kisses your body all over and — a booming voice saying your name and Draco’s brings you both back to reality blushing, embarrassed, and overwhelmed with a hot desire pulsing between your legs.
“My, my, what do we have here? What an interesting daydream, Malfoy. I see that you noticed it as well, Snape. You let your guard down,” Voldemort tuts. “You’re not quite as skilled as your father, yet.”
Beside you your father tenses a bit and his hand squeezes your leg in reassurance warning you to keep your cool and lock your mind back down. You take a deep breath and steady yourself.
“It seems that two of my highest ranking men in my inner circles children fancy each other. How amusing. Yet, I approve,” he playfully hums. “You two are dismissed. Do what you want with your time.”
You and Draco practically run out of the meeting and down the hall to an empty bedroom, locking the door behind you.
For a moment you hesitate, eyes hovering over the others lips for just a moment too long. But then, the tension snaps and you’re pulled together like two magnets attracting, your lips finding each others and kissing fiercely with a pent up desire you both never saw coming.
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quillinhand · 7 months
favourite snape hcs go 🎤
this is gonna take a while cuz I've been waiting for someone to ask this question for so long- so sorry for answering this post after a while lol
ok so.
he hates coffee, but marking and juggling all his work means it's often the only thing keeping him awake, and my man, he likes to take his coffee with enough cream and sugar to kill a small child. for energy, of course.
he likes to sleep. will commit murder if someone disturbs him.
actually likes marking. something about shitting on teenagers calm him down.
sometimes, he'll take out his old essays and go thru them with red ink. no teenager is as fun to shit on as yourself. except perhaps potter.
pan ace. am not accepting arguments
had sex for the first in the early days after graduation and initiation into the death eaters. hated it. very much.
loves physical touch and so, naturally, will make it impossible for anyone to touch him
has the weirdest possible relationship with Lucius malfoy but like, we don't talk about that.
(They are as close as you get to fucking/killing each other without actually fucking/killing each other. Knows each others darkest secrets but still would kill the other to keep themselves alive sort of close)
has a similar relationship with voldy shorts except, with our resident evil it's like, not consensual? Sort of? idk . My man's into tall dark and creepy ok? except in Lucius's case it's tall blonde and rich/ridiculous but. we don't talk about that.
Severus fucking Snape didnt become friends with Lily fucking Evans cuz she was pretty. nope. Twas cuz ma girl was powerful as heck(like him) and, more importantly, a bitch(like him). You are kidding yourself if ya think their friendship was anything other than that.
his relationship with his parents is a toxic one in that there IS some level of care there, but Tobias is too much of a depressed 30 something man to be a good father and Eileen was too much of a proud hag to be a good mother, and Severus was too much like them to be able to deal with their shit.
a huge part of why he used the mental arts so much was cuz he couldn't handle his emotions easily for the longest time, and would burst at the smallest thing. this was the trait that made him such a good target for bullying. the one trait he could never quite get rid of- just hide, under steel walls and scars that opened far too easily.
after lily died, he occluded to the point of magical exhaustion and ended up collapsing. wrecked his body to the point of him not being able to move for months. this was one of the first, and only things he learned to be kind to himself for, and relaxed with his occlumency shields as much as he could. and then voldy returned, and. well.
he is the Slytherin house's hero. not that he understands why. something about the whole, evil, dark, vampire aesthetic was very appealing ya see.
my man wears heels to look taller. not accepting arguments
his whole outfit was carefully planned. 20s Snape had FUN, I tell you. My man spent YEARS cultivating his whole vibe, from the expressions, to the poetry, to the ROBES- perfection, perfection. have you any idea how much he argued with tailors that, no, he actually didn't give a fuck if the robe he wanted was too tight for pockets. what the actual FUCK do you mean.
the buttons have so much history
his eye colour is actually just. gray, but like my man likes the whole vibe of ✨ obsidian ✨ more so. makes sure to stay around dimly lit areas for maximum effect.
he did actually go to school before hogwarts, but like he couldn't control his magic, so my man would bust the lights and flood the bathrooms and make the chairs hit the teachers he didn't like. The AMOUNT of confounding Eileen had to do to distract the town from their magic- worthy of a book series on its own.
I'm ending cuz this is already so longgg. sorry for answering lateee. ilyy 💜💜💜
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misguidedasgardian · 18 days
The Lifeaters (III.1)
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I. Something's in the air
Chapter Summary: You are excited to return to school… so many changes though
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia, classism, charms and curses, reader is referred to as “little girl” and others, implied menstrual blood (sorry, it’s important for the story), UNCLE LUCIUS EXPLAINING POORLY TO DRACO WOMAN’S GROWTH, please don’t cancel me, I think its funny, might miss some warnings (this will be the only chapter discussing these things, sorry if it makes you uncomfortable)
Wordcount: 3 k
Notes: Like I say in the warnings, it's just a few paragraphs, I wanted to use that to say that the reader is growing and “maturing” and this year at school a line began to be drawn, her first real crush and all of that… anyways…
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You smiled as you felt your aunt’s soft hands on your hair, she was looking down at you with those eyes so much like yours, with a strange proudness shining in them
“My little girl is not so little anymore”, she whispered sweetly, “you are almost a woman grown, a little lady of thirteen”
“I feel like one”, you contributed softly with a shy smile, your lower belly burned like hell
She smiled at you, and presented you with a small wooden box, you took it gently in your hands, and opened it quickly, revealing a silver ring, with Slytherin’s snake carved into the metal
“For you my love”, she said proudly, you looked at her wide eyed
“This is for me?”, you asked, it was gorgeous 
“It was your father’s”, she said carefully, you gasped
“What? how?”, you had so many questions, “Why? HOW?”, you were so excited she only giggled 
“You know you are the only second generation on our end, but this is a legacy ring”, she explained softly, “your mother had it, he had gifted it to her, it is said to have been in his family for quite some time, he was a Slytherin legacy”, she said softly, “and you are becoming one”, she murmured
“Thank you aunt”, you said softly, placing the ring in your finger, as soon as you accommodate it, it shrunk a bit to fit you perfectly, as magic rings usually did
“My father’s ring”, you whispered, looking at its perfect carving
“One day, I will talk to you about your father, I promise”, she said, smiling, “I know he would have been very proud of you, his young woman, a quidditch chaser”, she stood up and prepared to leave, but you stopped her, ready to ask her a question
“Can I go to the Malfoys for the weekend before school starts?”, you asked hopefully, and when your aunt smiled sadly at you, you frowned
“You are a woman now”, she said severely but softly, “it is inappropriate for you to sleepover with a young man”, she resolved, your eyes filled with tears
It was all different now
“Maybe I can stay in a guest room”, you suggested, “there are going to be more people there…”
“Why don’t you get in touch with the Parkinson girl, uh?”, she suggested, “we can go to Diagon Alley with her, and her mother, a girl’s day, wouldn’t that be nice?”, you nodded
“But can I still go to Malfoy Manor? Draco is going to be disappointed if I don’t”, you suggested, because you knew how your aunt was against “disappointing” the Malfoys
“Yes, I’ll speak to Narcissa”, she said softly, and let the matter settle, “I’ll brew you the potion, for your pains”, she said with a soft smile, and left you alone. There is so much things she relied on servants and house shelves for, but self-care wasn’t one of them, after all, your family’s fortune came from skin products, and your aunt was very good at brewing potions and creams
You sighed, feeling like you were somewhat sick, but you weren’t, right?. You sat on the edge of your bed.
Even though you felt a sharp pain you didn’t feel any different, you wondered if Draco was going to be acting differently towards you too? you doubted it 
You thought of Pansy, how nice she was and how you were actually thinking it was a great idea to go with her to Diagon Alley, to shop for your things for the new school year
So you did, you wrote hastily, asking her ho she’d been, what were her plans for next week, and if she would like to “hang”, to go to Diagon Alley with her, and you actually took the opportunity and asked her if she would like to spend the night afterwards in your home
Umbra went and came back with an answer the same day, which meant she had answered pretty quickly
“Dear (y/n), good timing you had because you see, I’m in need of a new pair of EVERYTHING for the new term! and would LOVE to hang out with you, can’t wait to see this season’s new shoe collection at Cobbler's fancies, see you Wednesday at 12 in front of Flourish and Blotts! and then of course I would love to go back to your house with you!”
Wednesday arrived pretty quickly and soon you were walking down Diagon Alley, alone! for the very first time! Pansy was there, just in time, smiled and waved at you when she saw you. You aunt was going to meet you, but like at five to have some tea, in the rumanian tea shop, she had given you a handsome bag of galleons to spend, so happy you got to go on a shopping spree with a friend, she went a bit overboard and told you to buy whatever you wanted, not only needed 
“Hey Basilik!”, she greeted cheerfully, hugging into you tightly
“Hey Parkinson!”, you teased back, it was nice to hang around with a girl-friend  
She grabbed your hand and led you down the street
“I need to buy some shoes!”, she said decisively, “and you too!”, she led you to the most famous shoe shop in London, “Cobbler’s fancies”, with the most delicately made shoes and boots, made from all kind of authentic magical leathers
You naturally turned to the most… flat, classic shoes, but Pansy only shook her head and led you to the back, to the woman’s shoes
“We are in our third year already!”, she said, “we need to get something more… Stylized”, she said, “like this!”, she gave you a low cane black boot that had a bit of heel, “gorgeous!”, it was very pretty, but you never thought you’d be wearing something like that for school, “go on! try them”
You indulged her, trying them on
“Your legs look great!”, she said, and you looked at her in terror, and then looking down again
“M-my legs?”, you asked her. It had never occurred to you that shoes had something to do with your legs 
“A bit of heel will made your legs look thinner!”, she explained, you walked around the shop a bit, and they were comfortable, you looked back at the window and you tried to imagine what they would look like with the uniform skirt on
“Should I get them?”, you asked her, who just had picked a Mary jane shoe with a thick high heel 
“YES!”, she insisted, trying her on her own shoe, which she also bought
“Fine Dragon skin leather!”, said the witch that minded the shop, and Pansy looked extremely happy, and you were too
“Now! new bags for our books!”, she said grabbing your hand and walking down the street
You got gorgeous new matching leather bags for your books, hers in black and yours in your favorite color, and you grew more excitedly each passing second. 
It was a fun day, giggling and gossiping with Pansy and you entered every store you could, getting yourself two entire new outfits to visit Hogsmeade, and winter matching hats, scarves and gloves. 
And then when you had the time… you went to get your school supplies…
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“Is little sweet (y/n) joining us?”, Lucius asked, and by the look on his son’s face he already knew what the answer was going to be, as they both walked down Diagon Alley 
“No she isn’t”, he grumbled, “she told me she was hanging out with that Parkinson girl”, he said, and Lucius chuckled, “what?”
“What you need to understand Draco, is that when women are… growing… they reach a certain age, they can experience changes and alongside that… mood swings, she can become a bit… aggressive…”, he said softly, “they will tend to their own kind”
“own kind?”, he asked
“Other witches”, he continued, “they will hang in groups of only women, and they will form a coven, they become vicious creatures”, he started rambling, looking ahead of him down the road as Draco followed him, frowning, not understanding where this was going.
“what!?”, he asked, concerned, Lucius stopped his movements and grabbed his shoulder, “vicious?”
“There is a reason sirens and mermaids are only women”, he said frowning deeply, grabbing into his shoulders
“I don’t understand”, were you going to turn into a man-eating winged woman? Lucius seemed to think about it, looking at the horizon
“But don’t worry, she will grow out of it…”
“When?”, he asked
“A couple of years”
“YEARS!?”, he asked back, now terrified. Narcissa showed up then, with a frown on her face
“Lucius! don’t you dare!”, she threatened. Lucius whimpered in fear and started walking hastily ahead of them both
“Don’t listen to him”, she said severely, Draco, now in fear of his own mother, nodded quickly, “you are still the same two you had always been, you are just growing”, Narcissa said and leaned in and kissed him in the forehead, “I will advice, though, to always hang into a couple of chocolate frogs in your bag”
“As a tribute, I understand”, he said firmly, accepting this new “challenge”, Narcissa looked at him fondly and kept walking with him
Draco got his things in the company of his parents, indeed missing you, thinking time and again about what his father had said 
Were you really going to turn into a man eating striga? 
But then, as the sun was hiding through the streets, he walked by the Rumanian tea shop, and when he catches a glimpse of you, you were standing up to meet him
“Draco!”, you said, so excited, its only been a month since he last saw you, you looked pretty much the same, not, correction, you looked better
He knew everything was going to be as good as always
You hugged him tightly hiding your face on his neck
“Miss you!”, you said quickly
He greeted Parkinson with not the same enthusiasm 
“I see that you had fun!”, said Narcissa with a smile, “can you show me what you girls bought?”, she asked excitedly
Lucius joined too, as Cercille did, and as all the girls were giggling, gossiping and talking about their shopping man, Draco noticed how his father’s hands were trembling, grabbing into his walking stick, when they met their eyes, he whispered something like
“Don’t worry, everything is going to be alright”, as he seemed like he was going to be sick. Draco only laughed 
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“What are you doing?”, you giggled, as Draco kept looking and palming your back for wings
“Nothing”, he said quickly releasing you, you saw his hand.
“So, you got yours”, he admired, grabbing your hand softly in his, admiring the ring, he was wearing the exact same one
“And you got yours!”, you teased, wanting to see his ring, your fingers with his intertwining playfully
“Was it your aunt’s?”, he asked, and you shook your head
“My father’s actually”, you said, and he looked at you wide-eyed
“Did she finally tell you?”, he asked
“No but she promised she was going to”, you said, and he nodded, “do you think your parents know?”
“I think they do”, he said and you thought bitterly that if they didn’t they probably wouldn’t let Draco hang around with you like they did
Whoever your father was, he must have been really important 
You often wondered the reason they didn’t want to tell you, it was because maybe he wasn’t dead at all. What if he was locked up in Azkaban for committing terrible crimes? What if he was a follower of you know who and got locked up?
You honestly were scared to find out.
“Have you seen that a prisoner of Azkaban escaped?”, he asked, you indeed had seen the page this morning in the daily prophet
“They say he murdered 13 muggles with only one curse!”, he almost admired
“He looks dangerous, and crazy, you should have seen my aunt’s face this morning when she saw the paper”, you said
“Is she concerned?”, he asked, frowning
“A bit, she wouldn’t say though”
“Well, he is a murderous lunatic and he is free somewhere”, he conceded
“They will catch him, right? the Azkaban guards?”
“Of course they will, have you seen those things?”
“They are terrifying”, you whispered
You were hanging out in the “informal” living room in the manor, as Cercille, uncle Lucius and Narcissa were having tea in the library
“Let’s go steal some pastries from our parents”, he said standing up, you followed him and almost trotted to the library, but before you barged in, he grabbed your hand to stop you, as they were talking and by their tone, it was serious.
“Do you think he knows?”, you heard your aunt ask, she was pretending to be calm, but you could tell she wasn’t
“There is no way to know”, said Lucius
“He didn’t”, confessed Narcissa, “I’m certain he didn’t, he was estranged for years”
“We don’t need to worry, he won’t get near us…”
You shared concerned looks, it was juicy
“Draco!”, called uncle Lucius angrily, with a flick of his walking stick the doors opened wide, exposing you to the three adults. They all looked like your crushed their party
“Join us for pastries dear”, said Narcissa with a soft smile
They completely changed the subject when you joined them, talking trash about Dumbledore and about the coming school year. 
You knew for Lucius to be a delicate subject, as he had been “relieved” from his duties as a governor for the school.
“Let’s see the character he is going to bring in this year to be our teacher against the dark arts”, whispered Draco, and for once you were truly concerned
“They should put in Snape already”, conceded 
You catched Narcissa looking at you fondly, and then at Draco
“You are staying dear?”, she asked softly, “we still have the party tomorrow”
“Yes I will”, you said softly, looking at your aunt, who nodded with a smile.
You spend the rest of the day chatting with your parents.
And before you knew it, you were in the platform 9 ¾ , your aunt fixing your jacket you picked for the journey
“I’m so proud of you, did you know that?”, she whispered, smiling at you
“Thank you”
“Do great this year, alright?”, she said, “follow the rules, don’t get into too much trouble… keep your friends close”
“And your enemies closer?”, you mocked, she faked a laugh
“I’m serious, please”
“yes”, you answered quickly, she cradled your face in her hands, caressing the apple of your cheeks with her thumbs
“You looked like your mother”, she whispered
“Do I also look like my dad?”, you asked her, and she smiled
“You got the devil in your eyes kid, that’s all him”, she answered with a smile 
With a last hug, you grabbed Umbra and climbed the steps inside the train
Draco, Pansy, Matthew, Greg and Vince got a compartment for yourselves, it was a bit crowned, but you were having fun talking about all the things that you were going to do
“I signed up for Care of magical creatures and divination!”, you said contently
“Me too!”, said Draco
“Nobody took muggle studies?”, asked Matthew, and you all laughed like he had cracked the best joke of the centuries 
The day outside was ghastly, it soon started to rain, the droplets hitting the window loudly 
“Heard about Sirius Black?”, asked Matthew
“he escaped from Azkaban, the ministry is concerned he will get to Potter”, said Pansy, and you all looked at her wide-eyed, her father worked for the ministry
“i thought this was the Hogwarts Express, not the Potter express”, you mocked
“And why would he go after Potter?”, asked Draco, now certainly interested
“Well, he was a big supporter of the Dark Lord, and Potter is on the way of him returning to his glory”, said Matthew
“So Sirius Black is on the hunt for Potter?”, you asked, “oh merlin, so the nutter will try to get inside Hogwarts, won’t he?”
“Maybe finally we can get rid of Potter”, said Malfoy with a wicked smile
Suddenly the train stopped suddenly, everyone jumping on their seats
“Merlin’s beard!”
“What was that?”
Matthew looked through the window
“There is something out there”, he said. The lights flickered and eventually, you were in the dark, illuminated barely by the stormy cloud outside 
The entire compartment moved, like something heavy had just come aboard, Matthew jumped from his seat and locked the compartment door. 
The entire window froze, the entire room temperature, even though there were six of you, dropped almost to the minus ceros. 
“What’s happening?”, you asked, hugging yourself 
You gasped when you saw it, passing by the door and window of your compartment
It was big and cloaked, and when you tried to look at its face, a shiver ran through you, like you were watching something that didn't belonged to this world, like everything was misery and you were never going to feel happiness again
That thing turned around, looked at you through the windows, tried the door, and then he kept going.
“Is that…?”, Pansy asked
“A dementor”, Matthew completed 
All the cheerfulness of the ride disappeared, and even though that the train was moving ten minutes later, you all just sat there, wide-eyed, not being able to say anything else.
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fieldofsecretss · 2 years
M’ gonna marry your daughter-D.M
Fluff <3
Draco x fem!reader
Summary: Draco asking for your fathers permission to marry you for eight years straight. Cute huh?🥰
Warnings: NONE (not proof read)
First year
Draco and y/n 11 years old
Family day
Hogwarts had started a new tradition that every year they’ll be hosting a family day. A day when parents can see their children and just spend time together with them.
You were sorted into Slytherin and quickly became the one and only best friend of Draco Malfoy. He was always so kind towards you, always asked about your day, you had sleepovers at each other’s dorms and sometimes picnics at the black lake. The picnics always ended up with Draco throwing a tantrum because some seventh years told him about how cute you two were and such.
Sometimes you’d just mess with each other and make jokes about Professor Snape’s greasy hair or something else that’s actually not funny for anyone but the two of you. It was safe to say that he was the greatest and the bestest of friends you could wish for at your first year of Hogwarts.
Family day was going well, almost everyone’s parent had gone home again, except your parents who was hugging you goodbye. Draco was looking at you with the whole world in his eyes before he approached you.
“Is that your father over there, y/n?” He asked politely.
Your parents were walking away a few meters away from you and Draco.
“Yes, why?” You asked.
“You’ll see, y/n” he said and walked over to your dad, he tapped him on his shoulder as he turned around to face the blonde boy behind him. You walked closer to hear what he was going to ask in pure curiosity.
Your parents knew about your good relationship with the Malfoy’s son.
“Yes?” Your dad said with a raised eyebrow. He knew it was Draco, he’d went to hogwarts together with Lucius and he could never misstaken him for another boy thanks to his platinum blonde hair.
“I’m gonna marry your daughter...” Draco started. Your cheeks crimson red
Second year
Draco and y/n 12 years old
Family day
Same place as last year, Draco talking to your father while you stood a meter behind, blushing.
“-and make her my wife…” Draco kept on going like last year. Your father just stood and listened carefully as the speech went on.
Third year
Draco and y/n 13 years old
Family day
“-I want her to be the only girl that I love for the rest of my life…” Draco was more grown. His hair gel period was finally over matter of factly.
Same as every year, but you loved it. It quickly became a tradition for you and your family, to listen to Draco asking your father for his daughters hand, asking your father for his blessing.
Fourth year
Draco and y/n 14 years old
Family day
“-and give her the best of me till the day that I die…” his voice darker, he’s grown a tad bit taller than last year. He was almost as tall as your dad while he stood and talked to him with hands behind his back.
You had to admit that you loved family day all because of Draco and his spontaneous idea in first year.
Fifth year
Draco and y/n 15 years old
Family day
“-I’m gonna marry your princess…”
There you stood now, pink cheeks and heart eyes as you listened to his angelic voice, blonde hair getting a golden color in the evening sun.
Your mothers head on your dad’s chest, his arm around her body while smiling in content.
Sixth year
Draco and y/n 16 years old
Family day
“-and make her my queen…”
Every year Draco had grown, now taller than your dad. For every year that passed you’d memorized all the words he’d say to your father with a polite daydreaming smile. Draco had an all black suit, and you decided to match you boyfriend this year with an tight all black dress with a silver necklace with a snake, that you’d gotten from Draco on your three months anniversary.
Seventh year
Draco and y/n 17 years old
Last family day
“-she’ll be the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen…”
You held his hand. You looked down at you intertwined fingers that had matching rings. Yours was silver with a green gemstone and the initials D.M carved into it. Draco’s was silver with your initials carved into it.
One year after graduation
Draco and y/n 18 years old
Draco talking to your father in the y/l/n
“I’m gonna marry your daughter, and make her my wife. I want her to be the only girl that I love for the rest of my life, and give her the best of me till the day that I die. I’m gonna marry your princess, and make her my queen. She’ll be the most beautiful bride that I’ve ever seen!” Draco said for the last time to your father.
“Well, malfoy. Since the day I met you I knew you were I little troublemaker. But after seven, now eight years of asking for permission to marry my daughter, I’ve come to realize that you are her world. You are of legal age, so let’s say that you got my permission to marry y/n y/l/n.” Your father said to Draco. Draco held out his hand as a thank you gesture, but your dad only laughed and pulled him in for a real hug.
And that was the beginning of y/n and Draco’s future.
The wedding s’ coming soon, loves😘
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mokkkki · 3 months
SWTE A1 C10: 5 Winners, 5 Losers 
"Put that in the cauldron on low heat. And kill yourself after. Thanks."
Set in Eurus, a tech and media conference/winter camp for billionaires, Chapter 10 of Sleeping With The Enemy was probably my favorite one to write so far- either for the Princess Mononoke reference or the moving pieces that are kicked into motion. With that, here are the 5 winners and 5 losers from "I Am Landed", as chosen by the very biased person that wrote it! There will be spoilers below the cut.
Winner: James Potter
I hesitated to put James in as a winner because he almost got stabbed, didn't get to brew anything, and his coworker (Remus) had a meltdown, but he proved his innocence to Regulus, and was believed! Granted, he did use unconventional methods to do so, but who can fault him when he got such good results?
Winner: Emma Vanity & Evan Rosier
While Vanity experiences professional victory, complimented by Regulus several times and even high-fived by him, Rosier, who wastes no time flirting with the Eurus attendant, experiences a recreational one. Additionally, we find out that they've made an Unbreakable Vow to never betray Regulus, which has essentially secured them for life.
Winner: Lucius Malfoy's Hair
It's difficult for Regulus to compliment anything without feeling immediately vindictive after, so it was terribly surprising to get a paragraph in which he waxed poetic about Malfoy's hair. I swear I had NO IDEA why I started writing that, only that I was literally shaking with laughter afterward - convinced I was possessed by the "symphony of luminous strands".
Winner (thinks he's a loser): Regulus Black
From an objective standpoint, Regulus is doing pretty well, so far: his father has trusted him to find a spy, destroy Potter, and speak to Riddle's opposition candidate. It's becoming rapidly clear that out of all of the Black spawn, it's Regulus whom Orion trusts the most to deliver corporate duties. Additionally, Vanity secures a dinner with the potential Miss President, Pettigrew snitches on Lucius, and he exchanges the most heartwarming texts with his daughter, reminding us that he does actually have a heart. If that wasn't enough, James also calls him beautiful, even at the receiving end of getting stabbed in the throat, and proves to Regulus that he's trustworthy. He's fucking killing it. But none of that seems to matter to Regulus, who is torn between conflicting emotions regarding sex, attraction, and his father, ending the chapter by sitting and staring dramaturgically on the shower floor.
Loser: Lucius Malfoy
Regulus Black knows he's a spy, and next chapter he plans on exposing it. Do I need to elaborate?
Loser: Narcissa Black & Sirius Black
We didn't get much of the Black kids other than Regulus, this chapter, with Bellatrix being entirely absent, but things aren't looking so hot for either of them; not only are they both hosting the conference their father/uncle eloquently deems "bullshit", Narcissa is the one who brought Lucius along to Eurus, and Remus' poaching isn't making Sirius look too good, either. Not only that, Sirius is imposed under a strict set of rules, and Regulus is starting to question which side his brother is on.
Loser: Orion Black
We're not sure what it is exactly that's being leaked or threatened to leak - only that it has to do with Cygnus, Orion's brother, who he started Greyscar with. Still, he doesn't appear happy about it, which means that we can kind of assume the worst. Also, my heart is still a little bit broken over Regulus putting on his headphones for him :(
Loser: Remus Lupin
Last time we saw Remus, he was just screamed at by Sirius, James, and Regulus - I think it's safe to say he patched things up with Sirius, but it wouldn't be a stretch to say that James is starting to grow uneasy about his motives, and his rather Slytherin philosophy of "the ends justify the means".
read chapter 10 here!
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wellpresseddaisy · 8 months
There's a Silver Lining Through the Dark Clouds Shining pt 4
Because @sneverussape asked what would happen :)
“Well, there’s something you don’t see every day.” Tobias Snape commented mildly, catching sight of Severus on one of the beds. “All right, lad?”
Severus stared for a moment, taking in the sight of Tobias Snape in…in robes. He looked…he just looked big next to the headmaster, the clearly magical tailoring showing off his height and the breadth of his shoulders. Of course, Severus thought, he’d inherited his build from his mother. If he’d taken after his dad he wouldn’t need the steps to get things off most higher shelves.
“All right, Da.” Severus answered automatically.
“And that’s got to be the Potter boy. I’d recognize that nose anywhere.” Tobias continued as if blithely unaware of the sensation he caused.
Potter, of course, tried to look cross-eyed down at his nose. He possessed all the subtlety of that troll that almost finished him off last year.
“Handy, this is.” Tobias commented to the headmaster. “Now I don’t have to ask you to go hunting the lad down.”
Why would his father have anything to do with Potter?
“Or Russ, of course, as it seems he hasn’t read his post or a newspaper in the last four months.”
Would the infuriating man actually explain anything?
“Your gran’s gone and upset all the, er, blood purists, are they?”
“How, Da?” Oh, this would not be good.
It might, however, be hugely entertaining. And it certainly wouldn’t be dull, so there was that.
“Well, it seems that if one of those old families is dying out, then the magic might find the best family member without magic and…elevate them to head of the family. That’s what I could make of the explanation they gave your gran, in any case.”
“Nan’s…” Severus blinked.
“Head of the Fairchild family now. And, er, she’s got quite a bit of magic. Certainly took her by surprise, but the family wand works for her.”
Severus thought furiously for a moment. The Fairchilds were a rather reclusive family, rumored to have produced Squibs in the last few generations. Nan had that tea set from her own Mam with the crest on it.
Nan…she wouldn’t have to be an OAP, hoping she’d have enough for the electric meter and meals and neither would Da. They’d be taken care of. And…and they’d live longer now, in the magical world. He wouldn’t lose them, not yet. Not soon. Severus just breathed for a moment, trying to take all of it in.
“It’s a bit…”
“Oh lad, I know. It’s been in all the papers. Your lot don’t half get themselves worked up. Mam’s having the time of her life.”
He bit his lip to keep from smiling at that. What would Lucius Malfoy look like if he heard Tobias Snape criticizing the magical world? And oh how he wanted to see Nan in society. For some reason, he had the inescapable feeling she’d be like Mame Dennis in that one film Lily loved.
A vague memory of an out of the way cinema and Lily’s ‘Come on, Sev! Mum said it was funny!’ tickled at the edges of his consciousness.
“And you required Potter for…” he trailed off, hoping his Da would fill in the blank.
“Well, that’s been a right undertaking that has. Ten years I’ve been looking for the boy, since the obituary. I asked you once, but you had no idea where he’d gone.”
That answered precisely zero questions. Potter, as usual, stared gormlessly. Although…something niggled at the back of his mind. Some reason Potter wouldn’t ask questions. He didn’t know where Potter lived, but something bothered him about that.
“Lucky he’s here though. I’ll be taking both of them for the week at least.” Tobias turned to the headmaster.
“I cannot give Mr. Potter into a stranger’s custody, Mr. Snape.” Dumbledore spoke tartly, as if they’d had this argument before. “His aunt is his custodial guardian and he must remain with his family.”
“Well, that does put us in a pickle as I’m his testamentary guardian. Mrs. Dursley isn’t the one his parents chose and she acknowledged that sweet as you please this morning.” Tobias somehow seemed to grow larger in his irritation. “Lily Potter came to see me after her mam’s funeral and asked me if I would take the boy in if the worst happened. I agreed. She had everything done proper, by a solicitor who knew both worlds, and filed where it should have been filed. I’ve no idea how he was kidnapped and hidden, but he was. I have everything with me, certified by your own Ministry.”
Potter went chalk white at that little speech. Severus, spurred by some instinct he didn’t quite understand, moved to shove Potter’s head between his knees.
“Breathe,” he ordered. What the bloody hell? What had Lily been up to? Where had Da learned how to do that? Walk in like he owned the place and throw around orders.
Actually, Da probably learned that between growing up in the theater and the war. No one made an entrance like Nan. He’d just…forgotten for a bit.
Dumbledore looked like he’d got an extra-sour lemon drop as he looked through the papers Da handed over.
“So, if you could have Mr. Potter’s and Russ’ things packed and ready in an hour, I’ll be taking them with me.” The dismissal in his voice would have been clear even to Potter, Severus thought. “Thank you so much for your assistance, Headmaster. Now, has that hand been healed?”
Potter struggled upright and stared at his still-bruised hand. “Er, no, sir.”
“Madam…Pomfrey, is it? Could you?” Tobias smiled a charming smile as Madam Pomfrey flushed and got to work.
Dumbledore swept out of the hospital wing in high dudgeon.
(It was, Severus thought, an excellent strop and quite wasted on the current audience. Nan would have approved.)
Mam always said Da had a way about him that just drew one in. Well he could stop drawing in the school mediwitch. Severus watched as Pomfrey quickly healed Potter’s hand.
“It would, of course, be best to vanish and regrow the bones, but this will do. There’s some old damage that needs to be cleared up or Mr. Potter will have problems later on in life. I shouldn’t wonder if he has trouble writing due to poorly healed prior injuries.”
Madam Pomfrey, Severus remembered, never let an opportunity pass her by.
“If you have any instructions or suggestions, Madam, my mother and I will be pleased to see him properly healthy.” There went that charming smile again. “We can discuss it when I bring the lad back.”
Severus really had tried to make peace with his own inherited looks, but when Da went all charming he couldn’t help but feel put out. If he tried smiling like that he’d look like a deranged badger.
His destiny lay in brooding silence, he supposed.
“Did my mum really…” Potter trailed off, hunching his shoulders and staring at his knees.
“Yes, lad. I don’t suppose your Aunt Petunia ever told you about where she grew up?”
Severus startled when Da sat next to him on the bed. He felt like he should be…bigger next to his father.
“No sir.” Potter answered quietly.
“I didn’t think she had. I took her a bit by surprise, I reckon. Why don’t you have a look at what your mam left with me. She left a letter.” He held the sheaf of papers out to Potter.
Severus watched Potter take them and stare down at them. Who would have left him with Petunia? It made Potter make sense, though. Something from being an adult told him that. Petunia never liked questions or what the neighbors might say. Magical children were a sure way to get the neighbors talking.
“She really did want me with you. I wasn’t meant to be with my aunt at all.” Potter looked up, anguished. “I…how…”
“I reckon you’re a bit shaken. You’ll come home with us for the week and we’ll…we’ll sort something out.”
“But he hates me!” Potter bounced up off the bed to point dramatically.
“Do I? Or should that be did I?” Severus asked. “I’m not quite sure how any of this really works. I don’t think I hate you now. It’s more like resigned exasperation? As if I just know you’re going to do the most ridiculous thing possible in any situation.”
Da looked like he wanted very much to laugh. Severus recognized the crinkling around his eyes.
“Don’t tease, Russ. We’ll work that out at home, lads. Your things ought to be ready by now and it’s a long trip back. Is there anyone you’d like to tell what’s happened?”
Potter’s eyes went comically wide. “Ron and Hermione! They’ve got to know!”
“We’ll go and tell them, then, before we’re off home. Come along.”
Da stood and Severus found himself following in his wake with Potter. He’d forgotten how big Da always seemed to him. He must seem enormous to Potter, who stood head and shoulders shorter than he did.
At least Nan would be at whatever home they went to. Severus hoped she had an idea of what to do. He hadn’t any.
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