#Like yes OPs face isn't my fav either
artobotsrollout 2 years
Some of y'all are super salty about the Earthspark character designs but listen....
Transformers has not been the epitome of distinct character design from the beginning.
If a transformers piece of media even makes SOME attempt at making unique silhouettes and or visual differences for their main characters they are beating out a lot of other TF media.
.... Also idk I personally think the new designs are good and very fun and and I'm optimistic about the show.
Some people might eat me for this but dhdjxks
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hxhhasmysoul 5 months
I know that JJK s2 op 1 is about SatoSugu (and I agree because even the song writer think about them when write the song), but don't you think op 2 "You R My Special" could be about Sukuna to Yuuji? Like in ep 17 (one of my fav episode), when Yuuji's breakdown and that song played, I think it felt right......
My shipper heart wants to say yes, but I feel it's more general.
The Shibuya arc centres Yuuji on the sorcerers side. He's the only sorcerer that goes through it all from the beginning till the end.
You could say that Panda and Kusakabe do too, but Kusakabe was actively avoiding doing anything the whole time and anything either of them do is incidental.
Yuuji on the other hand is active from the beginning til the end and he has personal encounters with almost all significant antagonists of the arc with the exclusion of Dagon and Haruta.
So I can definitely agree that Yuuji is "my special" but not only to Sukuna.
He is singled out by Mahito, Chousou, Jougo, Sukuna nad Kenjaku in different ways and only Jougo doesn't have a very personal reason to interact with Yuuji.
Sukuna does the most he can to torment Yuuji. And that song playing over Yuuji standing face to face with the mass murder Sukuna'd just committed is very fitting. Yuuji is his special one to torment.
Mahito and Chousou try to kill Yuuji because he holds a special place in their lives.
Mahito is just obsessed with Yuuji and considers him his mortal enemy.
Chousou wants revenge at first but then Yuuji becomes special to him in a different way.
And to Kenjaku Yuuji is special too, they have a whole conversation with him where they praise him. It's very sweet ;)
And finally he gets targeted again by the elders.
He's everyone's special boy.
It's very funny to me when people argue that Yuuji isn't the protagonist when he's the only one from the main cast who goes through the totality of the the most iconic arc of JJK. And he's the only one who has a connection to all the major antagonists of that arc. He even wins with one of them, something no other major character can boast.
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vtori73 3 years
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Hmm.... I GET what this post is for but I also... maybe I don't interact with fandom enough to get this but some of these sound innocent enough & don't seem necessarily phobic, at least not by themselves. I mean like I said I get this to a certain extent but I also don't.
I'm sorry but "badass but nice" is... how is that biphobic? What exactly is bad about this? Even in a "even nice stereotypes are bad" sense what does this do to us? (And yes op does day specifically this stuff above is phobic not just some but all of these).
Maybe I'm not getting something but ANYWAY moving on I also feel the same about bubbly extrovert pan but I'm also not pan so I cant really say for sure but what I will say is that isn't it normally (at least in terms of media rep not fan rep) that anyone who is weird, strange (including neurodivergent coded characteristics), and extrovert usually coded as pan (hmm now thinking about it that is usually men though). Bonus points if the character flirts with anyone/thing.
I can see a bit of a point with the shy/anxious ace but I thought the phobic rep was this + being very robotic & inhuman characteristics etc. Not to say headcanons & other stuff have to have ALL those traits to be considered acephobic it just seems weird to claim two simple traits as x automatically... I don't know if that made sense sorry if it didn't I can't seem to explain this point better at the moment so fuc-
Anyway... I also find it odd aro isnt mentioned... is it just not brought up enough or is being lumped in with ace? Either way aro I believe has the same/similar problems pan has of being over sexualized but that's all I really know on the matter (also possibly thrown on shallow/promiscuous characters too?).
As for the others I do DEFINITELY think mean lesbian is a problem & phobic. What I find interesting about this though is that this is not just a problem within fandom but a problem with depictions of lesbians in pop media as well. And I find it... I find it a little odd that this is the only one that shares that unlike the others.
Moving on to the last which is that all men are hc as gay which I do agree with BUT... this I think REALLY tends to more so apply to white men & not at all or as often too MOC. Yes fans of color may do this too with MOC but I'm coming from the angle of what I've learned from POC who critique fandom & with how fandom IS very white & racist so they tend to avoid shipping men of color with their fav white characters IF any sort of other white character is involved in said media no matter HOW little screen time they get & regardless if the two have ever interacted. I think the "if flirty, bi" holds up mostly, but I would also add pan as well considering that IS an actual problem they face a lot with irl rep as well.
Honestly my main concerns with, at least in terms of biphobia because that is something I feel I can definitely speak on since well *points at page bio* in fandom would more so be people erasing possible Bi headcanons/canons because they "claim" them. For example I've seen Lesbians (& probably other sexualities too honestly) in fandom complain about Bi people headcanoning a character as "Bi" because the character showed interest in a man/men once (&/or were very young when they did) so it doesn't count to them OR because they claim the characters specific attraction &/or negative experience with the relationship being indicative of their Lesbianism which... I shouldn't explain WHY that's messed up so I'm not going to, just please connect the dots yourself. Also I believe the same could be said of straight fandom erasing Bi characters as well, but tbh I see this more rarely because I don't really FOLLOW cishet people, at least not enough for it too be noticable.
Now as a fun bonus I'm going to go through my headcanons & see if they align with the above photo or not (also quick CW for abuse and suicide mention down below)
Okay so first I will go into fallout headcanons (don't worry if you don't go here I will give brief description on the character for you). First up is 4 since it's the one that sticks in my head the most lol.
- Piper, a woman character who is nice enough (I wouldn't say bubbly but she is energetic, always looking for the next big story for her newspaper) has a sweetooth, and is a tad immature (I don't think intentional but comes off that way due to poor writing... the women characters REALLY weren't written well) I hc her at FIRST as bi because well as a bi I like to make ALL characters Bi but I honestly now more so headcanons her as Lesbian. Why? No real reason honestly just felt like it & most the ships I like her with are other woman so figured I might as well, lol. Oh yeah & also I've started to hc her as a trans women.
- alright who's next? Let's go with Cait... Cait would totally fall under mean bitch lesbian if we are to headcannon her that. She is NOT a nice person & her morals aren't good, she's isn't necessarily awful altogether but because of her past goodness and niceness rub her the wrong way (she had a pretty messed up childhood). She is a melee/fist fighter & doesn't care for helping people all that much. I personally want to headcannon Lesbian NOT because of any of the above BUT more so out of principle BECAUSE of how she is written to act in a relationship & how dudes who ship them with their character etc kind of... GROSSLY cling onto her 馃あ (like one who says they LOVE how devoted she is to you after helping her get sober & how they love that she NEEDS you or something 馃あ馃あ馃あ). Anyways, yes that is the main reason I personally WANT to hc her as a Lesbian, because men were weird with her so now I don't want them to her. But she could also easily be Bi but just not with men... you know what? That works out well, she's a sapphic Bi, Bi lesbian, whatever the best word for it is, I honestly think it goes well with her character! I've also thought about her possibly being ace, but unsure if there might be a problem with that. Aro would probably DEFINITELY be a problem since she is also written as being promiscuous & flirty & not to say its wrong if aro people claim her but I don't think it's necessarily my place to do that.
- Currie, ok I'm getting tired of explaining so quick explation is she was a robot that later wanted a gen 3 synth body (basically human but fake) that you can get for her or not. She is only romanceable with a human body though & she is literally the "born sexy yesterday" trope so yeah it's also 馃ぎ馃ぎ馃ぎ
Now that we are done with the women let's move on to the few men I have headcanons for.
She is nice, robotic a bit because well... yeah anyway, she is nice character, sweet and innocent because of that troupe I just mentioned, she is very smart and scientific because again duh robot & has a french accent. I before hc as bi but then thought about switching to Lesbian because AGAIN men being creepy but I think I'm going to stick with Bi.
- Deacon, a man who is a spy, he disguises himself often and no one really knows much about him because he always lies & always shaves off scalp & facial hair and wears sunglasses so his appearance is more vague & hard to identify. He works with a group that helps synths (human robots) stay safe & find homes etc. He is good person morally but he is a person hard to trust because he never is truthful, despite being a spy he definitely isn't shy or refrains from speaking and actually a bit of a jokester. We find out eventually he had a fiancee wife etc (I don't remember) who he lost to a gang that killed synths that HE was a member of (they, his wife & him, both weren't aware of her being a synth & they swore to keep it secret but word got out somehow??? Idr). He lost it killed them all, was offered to join the group that helps synths and he joined, I guess to make up for his past & also why he pushes people away with all the lies (idr if this is actually stated or just heavily implied but either way oh well). I headcanon him as aro/ace, one reason because Bethanyesda loves the good dead wife troupe so this + me believing Deacon is only half telling the truth because he can't bring himself to tell the FULL truth considering the type of character he is but also how painful the memory/time is for him. So I do think he lost someone but it could have been anyone, a friend, a family member etc. I feel this sort of fixes the problem with the original because "dead wife" is a tired misogynistic troupe to create man pain so to create further vagueness not only aligns with the character but also sort of destroys the troupe considering how it operates & such. As for gender I honestly can't say for sure, he has reasons to be vague so I feel its more inline just to say he probably never says for sure, but does go by he/him pronouns (he does say something about going undercover as a women once but... yeah it's meant for laughs so... yeah...).
- Next let's say John Hancock, YES John Hancock one of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence and did other stuff I don't care to list. He has no relation to the actual man though & just wears John Hancock's outfit that he found after getting very high one day saying it spoke to him & decided to take the last name as well saying he relates to him or something. He didn't care for how he lived his life before he took up the name & decided to take a drug to become a ghoul (irradiated people in Fallout universe, changed somewhat in FO4). After this he took up the new name & outfit & decided to live life under the philosophy of helping those who need it & hurt those who deserve it. He does drugs often & is promiscuous or at least hinted at being (it's been awhile so forgive me if I make mistakes if you know anything about FO4 lol) & IS one of the few companions who actually has a canon event that shows he is queer to some degree (random npc sometimes go up to John asking if he is "available" basically & sometimes a man shows up and his response is basically or exactly the same with woman "kind of busy right now" if he hasn't been romanced but I think it changes a bit if romanced). Now I do understand it probably IS cliche to headcanon him as bi or pan BUT he technically is to some degree mspec so I don't think their is any problem with headcanoning him as a specific id. I personally hc him as a Bi person who also goes by Pan, who is ALSO a trans man with some gender nonconformity thrown in. I hc the trans part because a LOT of trans people do and have made good points for why he would be & I agree with them.
- next Preston, a sweet sweet man who is going through depression due to the group he joined, the Minute Men (yes this game was suppose have ties to stuff in US history like that, didn't do a GREAT job & also for a lot of other reasons I'm mostly trying to ignore that part of the game lol) to help people but it fell apart due to corruption and he became the last one. Making mistakes along the way to help people who he was trying to protect also didn't help his confidence and reveals later that he has suicidal ideation because of everything. He is very moral and caring and helpful to others BUT is definitely not a pushover & doesnt let people take advantage of him & stands up for himself & what he believes in. I personally have decided to hc him both as Pan & as a trans man. I believe this helps if John is a stereotype/cliche because it varies the rep between two very diff people & because people CAN fall under stereotypes doesn't mean they are terrible automatically for it and deserve rep still too BUT it can be bad if that's the only way the group is represented so Pan Preston is a good choice (to me at least) & since I already hc him as Bi it wasn't hard at all to leap to Pan.
- last but DEFINITELY not least Nick Valentine. A gen 2 synth, or more specifically gen 2.5 synth. He was an unethical experiment conducted to transfer a prewar cops brain/being (fallout universe takes place AFTER a nuclear war that devastated the world & takes place in the US) into a synths body. Before the prewar cop personality there were other personalities loaded into him but none of the others took hold. Nick for the longest time believed he was tossed out like garbage but we learn through a dlc he was actually freed by his brother Dima (other 2.5 synth left to develop its own personality instead). But before that because of what he believed & only remembering waking up from a dumpster he has a rather low opinion of himself. This & him fully aware of how unethical his entire being is doesn't help and also fuels his deep dilemma of whether he truly IS his own person or the pre war Nick Valentine. Nick is a couple of hundred of years old (I don't feel like checking lol he at least over 100) and has various events happen but I'm going to skip a few and start off with how he ended up finding a permeant home in one of the places within the game for rescuing the mayor's daughter. He at first is a repair man doing odd jobs but after awhile he finds himself needed for detective like work & ends up becoming a detective full time opening up his own agency. Nick very much devotes a lot of his time to his job, a workaholic basically. However he is a very nice & caring individual who does what he does because he wants to help others. He can be reckless considering we find him trapped in a vault by some of his "enemies" & have to rescue him and are told by his friend and secretary that stuff like that has happened before. Nick is a pretty charismatic guy, he can be sarcastic but not in a mean way UNLESS others are. He is definitely influenced by fictional detectives in not only outfit but also in voice and a tad bit in personality. Nick will do whatever is takes to help someone even if it puts himself at risk. I personally headcanon the man as Bi, I try to stay away from ace headcanons as he is basically a robot BUT I do partially want to headcanon him as gray-aro considering he does sort of mention possibly being with someone at somepoint once (I'm not going to count pre war nicks fiance because a. man pain hint hint since she was killed 馃檮 & 2. since Nick questions who he truly is & isn't sure if she is his and he even says she wasn't his but prewar Nick Valentine's). Also because of how I personally hc him with my Sole Survivor & John Hancock I think it fits him well considering this man has been alive for over 100 years and has barely felt any sexual and romantic attraction during that time. I also like the idea of him being demi-romantic and nonbinary basically for the same reasons as Curie only also because I try to distance him from his pre-war version who would most likely be cis.
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