#Leia calls herself his baby sister only on occasion
swedenis-h · 1 year
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melyaliz · 4 years
Past loves and future babies pt. 1
Fandom: Marvel / MCU 
Summary: Takes place after the Endgame. After realizing Peggy has moved on Steve comes back to the present to take on his biggest mission ever. 
Have a baby to save the world. 
Pairing: Steve x OC
Notes: So Tony survives but loses one of his arms and has a prosthetic (Why? Because I want him and why not)  
Also, I normally try and make my Reaer/Ocs more basic but I wanted this one to have a VERY specific personality and backstory so Reader felt like to didn’t fit the story. 
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His future love. 
It all started with a door. An opening to an idea. A name written on a plaque. An idea etched in a golden plaque. 
Margaret Carter. 
He could go back. He could change his fate. He could be happy. 
He could rest. 
But there had been one thing he hadn’t counted on. (Bucky had always warned him that he was too brash. Always running ran into everything head first.)  One variable he hadn’t added to the equation. 
She would fall in love with someone else. 
She would move on. 
But as he stood there in front of her small house laughing in the arms of another man he knew. The way he looked at her his dark brown eyes so bright as she smiled up at him. Had he looked at her that way? 
Had she looked at him? 
Did it even matter? 
All he really knew was the reality of it all. The truth. He knew he couldn’t go back. 
He needed to let her go. 
Let her be happy. 
Even if that meant he never could. 
“I sear to all the gods above Dixie.”
“What? You didn’t like that?” 
“Let me think… you cutting all the wires before I could finish the transfer while also tripping the alarm which now has you stuck on the top floor of a… million story building… no, I’m not loving this.”
The slender brunette woman paused as she caught herself in the reflection of one of the large glass walls to a meeting room. Pausing she took a moment to check herself out. These new pants made her butt look amazing. This vigilante thing was putting her in the best shape of her life. 
“Aww I believe in your skills Mac.”
“Are you checking yourself out?” 
“What can I say? These metallic leggings are the bomb.” 
“Jesus woman focus!” 
Dixie’s cockatiel attention span was interrupted by the sound of yelling and footsteps getting closer. “Uhhh, Mac.”
“Ok. uhhh down the hall to the left there’s an office, John Mcfly.”
“Oh dear god tell me he has a son named Marty.”
“Ok, ok” her Adidas sneakers slipped slightly on the gray carpet as she caught sight of the plaque. 
John Mcfly CFO.
“Ohhh fancy Mcfly.” slipping into the office Dixie took a moment to catch her breath before looking around. “Mac?” The sound of the guard’s footsteps were getting louder and louder. 
The young woman’s eyes looked up at the large glass window that overlooked the city. Was he serious? Yeah, Mac would never joke about her safety. He was her brother and as much as they teased each other it had always been them. Just the two of them looking out for each other. 
Dixie would and had on many occasions, put her life in her brother’s hands. 
So taking a deep breath Dixie bit her lip balling her hands into fists “You’ll catch me right?” 
“Of course” 
“Good because I hate heights!” 
Also glass, Dixie hated glass. Shielding her face she prayed her new leggings wouldn’t get ruined. It was hard to make this white girl’s ass look that good. Looking up as she plummeted down the 50 floors she saw one of her brother’s drones flying next to her. Grabbing it she let out a squeak as it dipped with her weight her stomach dropping much lower than her body did. Shouldn’t have had that doughnut this morning. 
While the drone steadied itself Dixie wasn’t able to get her heart back to a normal rate until her feet were firmly planted on the ground. Finding her motorcycle where she had left it she quickly took off toward their meeting place several blocks away. 
“Dixie!” Mac took a step out from the dark ally throwing the last of his equipment into the white van ready to leave. Ready to ditch this city now that their work was done. Move on to the next job. The next mission.
The siblings paused looking at each other confused when they heard it again. “Dixie North.” a blue light slowly started to glow in the alleyway as a shape appeared. 
Dr Strange stood in front of them in all his red flowing cape glory. 
Both siblings froze.
“Is that…” 
“Holy shit…” 
“My name is Dr. Steven Strange. Master of Time. I have come to deliver a message to you Dixie North”
Next to her  Mac stiffed his hand going toward the large band around his wrist. Ready to attack if this guy tried anything toward his sister. Not that Dixie thought much would happen if he did. This was one of the great avengers. But hell, they would go down fighting, 
Like they always did. 
“Things have happened to disrupt our timeline. The delicate balance has been fractured so certain events must now happen much sooner.”  the tall man explained taking a slow breath before continuing, “You must have your child sooner to keep the universe in balance.” 
That was all that came across her. “I’m sorry, my what now?” 
“You’re child, you and Steve Rogers need to have your child now.” 
“Is there something you’re not telling me?” Mac mumbled glancing at his sister who looked just -if not more- shocked than he was. Her face pail, feeling slightly… sick, confused, unsure. Many things really. 
“I’m sorry I need to…”  
“You and Steve Rogers are designed to have a savior but… somehow time has been tampered with and this child must be born sooner.” 
“You mean Dix and Captain America…” Mac’s voice slowly faded behind his sister. Everyone knew Steve Rogers the man who had saved them from Thanos. The man who had probably been the leader to bring back half of all living creatures only a few months ago. 
Well, shit shit shittery shit. 
This wasn’t going to be awkward at all. 
“Go to the Avengers, I have already told them.” Strange said nodding, “The fate of the universe is hanging on your shoulders.” then he disappeared in a cloud of green smoke. 
Both of the North siblings stood there unsure how to process this information. 
“Ok Sara Conners,” Mac said finally breaking the awkward silence. As always, just knowing what to say in situations like this to make his sister feel better. 
“Ok but wait,” Dixie said turning to her brother holding her finger up for him to wait a moment, “that dude was from further… if we go by terminator rules than I would be fucking him.”
“Maybe we should go back and asked Mcfly to verify?.” Mac smiled already seeing his sister relaxing. How else can you combat a stressful situation but with comedy?  
“Oh my gosh, I was thinking the same thing” Dixie giggled wagging her fingers at her brother who mimicked her action. She already was starting to feel better. After all, matter what happened at least she had Mac at her side. 
Like always.
“I can’t go with you.”
“What!?! Why the hell not?!” Dixie let out a high pitched whine that would have dogs for miles barking as she sat on her bright blue suitcase. One of many… after all she WAS about to meet her future baby daddy and who knew what kind of outfit that would require. 
“Because Tony invited you and not me.”
Dixie stuck out her tongue in pure annoyance. “He can shove his invite up his…”
“I’m about 70% sure he can still hear you,” Mac mumbled nodding toward the flying drone that had come to send them - well Dixie - an invite to come to join the avengers. He had floated there on a hologram, like Princess Leia.
“Dixie you’re our only hope.” 
Ok, he didn’t actually say that but… it would have been cooler if he had. Missed opportunity. Honestly, Dixie felt like there was going to be a lot of these going forward. Good thing she was here to help provide all their Scifi references for them
This whole thing already felt like a drag. 
“Promise I’ll only be a phone call away.” Mac mumbled, “And fuck the future. If this get’s to be too much just let me know and we can run away to Mexico.”
“Only if you promise we can go back to the beach after the Latveria embassy heist.”
“I promise,” he said holding up his pinky for her to take.  
“Children change your life,” Tony said lamely (for the first time in his life not knowing what to say) at Steve who stood in the doorway of the large avengers compound waiting for this future to come up. She should be here any moment.  
Dixie North. 
Next to him, Bucky snickered lightly. Of all the Avengers, Bucky had been the only one who had been reserving judgment. He was also the only one who knew about Steve going back to Peggy. About his plan to go back to the life he had wanted. 
Bucky was the only one who knew about Steve coming back heartbroken. 
The black car pulled up the gravel driveway stopping at the door where the Avengers stood waiting for their new roommate. 
The young woman stepped out of the car saying something to the driver who laughed. A large smile on sweet round her face. Cheeks bright from smiling. At least she was happy. Steve mused. He, on the other hand, felt like he was being marched to his death. 
“Well at least she’s cute” Sam mumbled loud enough for Steve to hear. The comment earned Sam a quick elbow to the ribs by Bucky. 
Turning from the car the woman, Dixie paused taking in everyone for a moment giving a slight wave. For a moment Steve thought he saw her shoulder’s tense as she focused on him. But it was gone so quickly he wasn’t sure. 
She must be as nervous as he was. He reminded himself. She was in this just as much as he was. 
Walking toward them she smiled holding her hand out for Steve to shake. As he took it he could help but notice how much smaller it was than his large ones. But even so, she took his strong grip matching his grip with one of her own. Her pretty eye meeting his and he felt his stomach drop as if he was leaping out of an airplane without a parachute. 
“Hey I’m Dixie and I guess I’m your future baby Mama.” 
Forever tag:  @the-shadow-of-atlantis-links​​ @coffee-randomness​​ @0hmydeku @xx3fsxx @daisyboobear​​  @jason-redhood​ @hello-i-lovespiderman-blr  @pinkwitch21 @tomhncharliep  @cdwmtjb8
Story Tag: @Evansgirl7
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First Words-Anidala 2017 Happy Skywalker Family AU
Leia had always been more vocal than her brother, babbling cheerfully at her parents while they held her and ready to scream the standard second she didn't get her way.
She wasn't even a year old before she said her first word--”Daddy". Padme wasn't sure she had felt such a range of emotions when elected queen. She and Anakin were beside themselves, crying and laughing while Leia grinned up at her gushing parents and repeated the newly discovered word over and over.
Luke, on the other hand, was happy to quietly observe and let his sister claim the spotlight, most of the time. He babbled to his parents on occasion and enjoyed pointing at anything that interested him, but at a year and a half Luke had yet to utter even one intelligible word while Leia was beginning to form simple sentences.
Padme knew she shouldn't worry. It was still much too early to be concerned. Both of her babies were happy and healthy and she should be grateful for that instead of creating problems out of nothing. Children developed at different rates, that was all. And yet, the part of her that hadn't stopped worrying about the twins since she learned of her pregnancy was going through every worst case scenario as Luke stayed silent, reminding her that both of her nieces had already spoken by that age.
She was a bit comforted by the fact that Anakin wasn't concerned yet, and he was usually even quicker than she was to worry about the twins, frantic at any possible threat to them or to her.
"He'll talk to us when he's ready, Angel," her husband had said, grinning fondly at their baby while Luke giggled. "He does things at his own pace."
"How long would you have waited before taking one of the girls to a specialist?" Padme conversationally asked Sola one early summer day.
"Probably at two years old," her sister replied after a moment's consideration. "Do you think Luke might need it?"
"I'm not sure yet," Padme replied. "I don't think he will, but I keep worrying something is wrong."
"I'm sure he's fine," Sola answered with a reassuring smile. "He's walking and showing interest in his environment. And if he still isn't speaking in a few months, you can always take him to a specialist."
Both of their families were spending a week at the Lake House. She was glad, hadn't realized how much she needed this trip until they arrived. It had been far too long since she had seen her sister and spent some time at home.
Her family was happy in Coruscant, but she always missed the rolling green hills and gentle waterfalls of Naboo when she was away. She wasn't ready to give up the Senate just yet, but perhaps they could return to her home planet for good someday. Her career was important, but there were ample opportunities for all of them on Naboo.
For their part, Luke and Leia were always happy to visit Naboo and see their extended family. Her parents and Sola spoiled them and the twins' older cousins showered them with attention whenever their families saw each other. Both of Padme's nieces were currently sitting by the lake while Leia meticulously decorated their hair with wildflowers.
At the moment, Padme and her sister were getting some much needed quality time in the shade, watching their children play a short distance away by the lake while their husbands supervised.
Luke had played with his sister and cousins for awhile before he needed a short break, as per usual.
He was content to rest quietly in her arms, running his tiny hands over her japor snipet and tracing its markings. Their father's first gift to her had been an endless source of fascination to the twins ever since they could crawl. They always grabbed it whenever it was in reaching distance. Padme was pleased they enjoyed their father's handiwork so much, but it made her a bit sad as well. There was so little of their father's culture the twins could experience.
Her train of thought was interrupted by shrieks of laughter from Padme's nieces. The cause turned out to be Anakin, who was sitting on the grass and grinning wickedly while Leia stood in his lap and carefully entwined flowers into his hair.
His smile widened when he saw Padme watching and he waved at her. She laughed and waved back.
"Anakin really took to fatherhood," Sola remarked. "In truth, I wouldn't have guessed it the first time I met him. Well, I wouldn't have a guessed a lot of things the first time I met him."
Padme had to smile at that memory. The awkwardness of trying to deny her feelings for Anakin to herself and to him while her amused family observed it all. They could laugh at it now, but it hadn't been funny to her then.
"He really has. I couldn't ask for a better father for the twins," she smiled, watching him lean down so Leia could reach him more easily. "It all seems like a dream sometimes."
They were so close to losing this happiness entirely, and despite the summer heat Padme felt a shiver at the thought.
Suddenly her concerns about Luke and speaking seemed very small by comparison.
"Padme," Sola began hesitantly after a few moments. "You don't think Anakin would ever have..."
"Ever what?" Padme asked, her voice a bit sharper than she intended.
"Ever....ever taken the chancellor's offer and gone to the Dark Side." Before Padme could truly fathom the question, Sola quickly explained. "It's just, those days after the chancellor was killed were pure chaos. It seemed like the entire galaxy had gone mad. And then you were married to a Jedi, and pregnant...and your husband had killed the chancellor. While you were fixing the Republic and having the twins and he was handling the Jedi we never really got the chance to talk about what happened."
Padme glanced over at the lake. Fortunately Anakin was still preoccupied with Leia and didn’t seem to notice anything was amiss.
Even over a year later few knew about what really happened that night and what Palpatine had truly wanted from the Hero with No Fear. There weren't many people Padme was willing to speak with about it, and she would have been angry at most for asking what Sola was asking. But Sola was family, and Padme had kept enough secrets from her for a lifetime.
"I don't believe Anakin could ever completely turn away from the good in him," Padme replied slowly. "He wanted to protect us, and his judgment was clouded for awhile because of it. Besides that, the chancellor had been preparing him for the Dark Side since he came to the Temple, manipulating him since he was just a child."
The guilt about her own ignorance concerning Palpatine never truly left her and she doubted it ever would, no matter how much Anakin tried to reassure her she wasn't to blame.
Padme hadn't liked the chancellor's influence on her husband and it had been a sore point since the beginning of their marriage, but she never dreamed of how terrible Anakin's reliance on Palpatine truly was. If she had only seen how deep the chancellor's influence ran, or better yet never allowed him any political power in the first place, the war could have been avoided entirely and her husband saved so much grief.
"I just can't imagine Anakin choosing the Dark Side," she admitted. The night Anakin killed the chancellor had been one of the worst nights for both him and her, but it had led to this happiness. There had been plenty of tears from both of them and a conversation that they should have had long before. Among many other things, Anakin had admitted the temptation he faced at Palpatine's offer in his desperation to save her and the baby, but until Sola's question Padme had never considered the possibility of him giving into it.
Her Ani was complicated which she had known when she married him, but while she wasn’t blind to his flaws, to Padme he was the boy who carved a charm for her and saved her planet and later protected her and kissed her so gently and cried at the sight of his newborn babies. She didn't know what she would do if she lost him to the Dark Side.
"But Anakin still made the right choice," Sola reminded her gently. "And that is what matters."
"It is," Padme agreed, looking down at Luke. She gently pulled the japor snippet out of Luke's grip as he tried to place the charm into his mouth. She offered her finger instead, which he happily took.
They stopped speaking as Anakin approached, smile bright as the orange and red wild flowers adorning his hair.
"You look quite handsome, Master Skywalker," Padme grinned. "Leia should help you with your hair every day. The HoloNet will be buzzing about your look for a change."
"Don't speak too soon, Angel." He chuckled. "She's chosen you as her next target."
Padme shook her head indulgently, while Anakin laughed again and kissed her forehead, then ruffled Luke's hair.
"Mommy!" Pooja called. "There's a fish! Come see! Come see!"
With a bemused smile, Sola hurried over to her enthusiastic daughter.
"What were you and Sola talking about?" Anakin asked casually when his sister-in-law was gone.
"Nothing much. Just typical sister things," Padme replied with a shrug.
There was a look in his eyes that told her he didn't quite believe that. She would tell him more later, sparing some details. His wounds were much less raw now, but Padme didn't want to ruin this happy moment for him.
She was so proud of her husband, of everything he had done and everything had become. The journey hadn't been easy for him, she knew, and it wasn't over yet, but he had come so far already.
Whatever else lay ahead they would have one another every step of the way.
"What is it?" Anakin asked. And she realized she had been staring at him a little too long.
"Nothing," she said quickly. "Just thinking about how much I love you."  
He leaned down for a kiss and she eagerly obliged.
"We should probably go back to the others now," Padme said a bit reluctantly after they parted. "It's almost lunchtime, and I might as well accept my fate and get my floral makeover."
"If you say so, Angel," Anakin chuckled.
"What do you think, Lukey? Are you ready to go play with the girls some more?" Padme smiled at her son.
Luke was gazing at her, his blue eyes so like his father's brimming with an intensity almost startling in a baby.
Padme's free hand flew to her mouth and Anakin looked as if he had seen the Force itself manifest before his eyes.
"Did he just...?"
"Angel," Luke repeated more confidently as he pulled a lock of Padme's hair.  
Anakin's shout of joy echoed across the lake while Padme frantically called for Sola and Luke beamed all the while.
Yes, whatever the gods had in store for them, good and bad, they would face together.
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emrysthemerlin · 7 years
Fem Barry Headcannons Disney
Boredom and the Moanna soundtrack have cursed me. Barry loves Disney always has. Growing up Joe took her and Iris to every single Disney movie that ever came out good or bad. Barry's favorite was Aladdin. Iris's favorite was the little mermaid. Growing up did not stop Barry's love of all things Disney. When in college she dragged Hal to every Disney movie. He made her buy tickets but he bought the snacks. When Barry discovered that Oliver hadn't seen many Disney movies she made it her mission to fix this. Len was never a fan but Lisa was. One of the first things Len ever stole was a Cinderella doll for his baby sister. Lewis wasn't happy. That just made Len want to do it more. Barry's favorite Disney movie has changed. Moanna is now her favorite as she relates to the search for something undefinable that's been in you all along. She equates Moanna's journey to her own interactions with the speed force. She still loves Aladdin and this makes Cisco laugh because of her relationship with Len. He will occasionally teasingly call her Jasmine when Len is brought up in conversation. The Star Labs crew will occasionally have Disney movie nights after particularly hard battles. Team arrow has frequently been invited but only Felicity ever shows up. Len and Lisa and even on occasion Mick will gate crash though no ones sure how they know when the nights are as they are never scheduled. Barry and Iris cried at Frozen when Anna sacrificed herself to save Elsa from Hans. That Christmas each sister got the other something Frozen related and when Frozen Fever came out they both got each other a stuffed version of the baby snowmen. Barry was skeptical about Disney purchasing Lucas films but loved both Force Awakens and Rouge one. She owns a BB8 mug and an R2D2 snuggy. Barry and Cisco both have Star Wars Cosplays. Cisco tends to go as either Han or Vader. Barry tends to go as Ahsoka Tano. But she and Cisco put their heads together and made her a Jyn Ersa costume too. Len found out about her cosplaying hobby when he walked into Star Labs right before Central City Comic Con to talk to Cisco about a malfunction in his gun and found Barry in a slave Leia outfit, she'd lost a bet. He was unable to speak for ten minutes and turned redder than the Flash costume. Barry will sing along with pretty much every Disney song. She loves the villains songs. She tries to only sing along when no one else is around as she is pretty self conscious about her voice.
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