jcmarchi · 2 months
Said no to tracking cookies? Good chance your data are still being collected - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/said-no-to-tracking-cookies-good-chance-your-data-are-still-being-collected-technology-org/
Said no to tracking cookies? Good chance your data are still being collected - Technology Org
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When browsing the internet, it’s hard to escape those annoying pop-ups: ‘Control your cookies! Accept or decline.’ You might make an effort to decline the cookies. Privacy is key. Good for you, right? That’s mostly wishful thinking, according to the research of Amit Zac and his colleagues. Our study shows that 65% of the websites we were able to test ignore user rejection choices.’
Just a quick reminder: What are digital cookies again? ‘They’re small files installed on your computer to gather information’, says Zac. ‘Your location, IP address, previously visited pages, and email address are examples of information that cookies track and collect.’ Websites are legally obliged to get permission to gather personal data – hence the annoying pop-ups. ‘The regulation aimed to protect the privacy of EU citizens online’, Zac explains.
Intentional violations
What is the level of compliance when it comes to the requirements of consent? That’s the question Zac asked in his research with Ahmed Bouhoula, Karel Kubicek, Carlos Cotrini and David Basin from the computer science department at ETH Zurich. They created an automated process using machine learning methods, which allowed them to analyze 100 thousand websites in Europe. The results were stunning: around 90 percent of websites seem to fail at least one requirement. ‘That’s an incredibly high percentage. If this percentage of people did not follow traffic laws, they would not leave their homes. The online world seems to be different from the offline world, and I wanted to know why,’ he says.
The research differentiates between 2 types of violations. ‘Naive violations’, as Zac calls them, and back-end intentional violations. ‘An example of a naive violation is to not ask for consent to collect cookies at all.’ The research showed that 32 percent of websites visited by European users, lacked a question for consent altogether. ‘These violations are very visible and easy to detect. So visible that the France Data Protection Agency (CNIL) has already fined Google, and others, for not including a reject button next to the accept button for cookies. We found that 56% of our studied sample is still missing a reject button’.
A back-end violation is sneakier and happens behind the veil of compliance, which makes it much harder to notice. ‘It means that a website does whatever it wants on the back-end, regardless of your answer. When you click on “reject all cookies”, it still uses tracking cookies, even though you have explicitly opted out. Our study shows that 65% of the websites we were able to test, ignore user rejection choices. Websites also often collect information before you answer the consent pop-up, or register closing the pop-up screen as giving consent. The law does not allow that in most cases. Explicit consent is needed for gathering your personal data.’
User manipulation
In addition, companies use so-called ‘dark patterns’ to nudge for more consent. ‘The classic example is the use of colors. The accept button is made more attractive by the use of bright colors and the reject button is made less visible and colorful. Another example is hiding the reject option by using smaller letters, making it harder to notice. The research showed that on many websites the “accept” and “reject” buttons for cookies look very different, which might indicate user manipulation.’
The machine learning method the researchers created allowed them to differentiate between violations made by popular websites and smaller websites. ‘We found that the more popular websites score low when it comes to the easily detectable violations, such as not having a consent banner. But these websites score relatively high on the back-end intentional violations. The popular websites are a bit sneakier about violating your rights. They give you the feeling you’re protected by asking for consent. But in reality, it’s worse because they ignore your choices. It’s a facade of compliance.’
Is it then still worth the effort to refuse cookies when you visit a website? ‘I still take cookies seriously. I always say no and try to minimize my exposure to random click traps online. You can install an extension on your browser that blocks attempts to collect your data, regardless of your cookie answer or use a VPN. Although I think most users don’t bother, maybe because of the illusion that makes them believe they are protected under the system.’
Next step: new technology
‘At this point, cookie consent notices are broken,’ states Zac. So how do we fix this gap between the law and reality? ‘There are small companies that lack the technical and legal knowledge to comply with regulations. We want to help small and medium size players to become compliant by offering them useful technology. Policy makers should also help the naive players because not all companies are intentionally violating the laws.’
Other firms are purposely violating the law; for them a different approach is needed. ‘Some websites operate under the impression that they won’t get caught. This is where the internet becomes the wild west. Data protection agencies can’t keep up with the technology and the diffusion of dark patterns. We need new technologies to address this on a much bigger scale. That’s the next step. I want to approach the right people in the Netherlands and say to them: “We have the methods here to boost compliance with the law.”’
Source: University of Amsterdam
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gaylordnantais · 10 months
Compensation Available for Catastrophic Injury Claims in CA
A catastrophic injury can have a profound impact on a person’s life, causing the victim and their family to experience financial, emotional, and physical hardships. The legislation gives victims a way to seek recompense and justice when such sad incidents occur in California as a result of another party’s negligence. In order to obtain the support required for recovery and rehabilitation, it is essential to comprehend the complexities of catastrophic injury claims and the available compensation choices.
Catastrophic Injury Claims: Understanding the Severity
A catastrophic injury is a terrible occurrence that leaves you severely disabled, generally permanently, this is exactly what is a catastrophic injury. These injuries cause severe physical, mental, and financial difficulties for the patients. Victims must understand their rights and the compensation choices available in California because the aftermath of such occurrences may be overwhelming.
Catastrophic Injury: Effects on Victims
A major injury is one that prevents a person from functioning normally for an extended duration of time or a lifetime. Injuries like these have profound impacts, not solely on those injured but also on their close companions who provide care and support while they heal.
Types of catastrophic injuries: Recognizing Their Diversity
Countless traumas are categorized as catastrophic injuries, every having its own set of hardships. Significant head trauma can result in catastrophic brain injuries, which can cause memory loss, cognitive decline, and behavioral changes. Partial or total paralysis can arise from spinal cord injuries, which are frequently brought on by mishaps like car accidents and restrict movement and independence.
Determining Compensation: Evaluating Damages
Compensation for catastrophic injury claims in California involves assessing both economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages cover quantifiable losses, such as medical expenses, ongoing treatment costs, rehabilitation, and lost wages. Non-economic damages address intangible losses, including pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, and loss of consortium. At the time of the tragedy in 2005, the overall cost of natural disasters or Catastrophic injury (which happened due to Hurricane Katrina) was 125 billion US dollars. In 2022, it will be worth 190 billion US dollars. Statista released the report in March 2023.
Catastrophic Health Insurance: Limitations and Solutions
While catastrophic health insurance exists to cover medical expenses related to severe injuries, its coverage may not be sufficient to address the extensive needs of catastrophic injury victims. Long-term care, ongoing medical treatments, and adaptive equipment costs often surpass the limits of traditional health insurance plans.
How the catastrophic injury lawyer at our law firm will assist you in battling the catastrophic injury claims case in California
As we have a solid knowledge of personal injury law and considerable expertise with difficult cases, we will closely examine the facts underlying your injuries, collect critical evidence, and build a persuasive legal strategy. From negotiating with insurance firms to defending you in court, we will be at your side every step of the way, defending your rights and pursuing justice on the matter.
Take action now and let our skilled attorneys handle your catastrophic injury claim in California. We will work nonstop to secure the settlement you deserve thanks to our track record of success and commitment to our clients. Contact us right away for a free consultation to learn how we may be your staunchest supporters while you pursue justice and begin to rebuild your life after a tragic injury. Don’t attempt to navigate the complexities of the legal system alone. Our catastrophic injury attorneys’ are committed to supporting you along the road because your future is our top priority.  Contact us at (562) 561-2669 or visit Workers’ Compensation Attorney Long Beach at Gaylord Nantais for a free case evaluation.
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fulldinosaurprincess · 10 months
How Much Is Your California Unpaid Wages Claim Worth In 2023?
In California, employees have legal rights when it comes to receiving fair compensation for their work. Unfortunately, wage violations and unpaid wages continue to be issues faced by many workers. Understanding the intricacies of California’s wage and hour laws is crucial for employees seeking to address unpaid wages and wage violations effectively. This ultimate guide will provide you with essential information on navigating the landscape of unpaid wages in California in 2023. Additionally, we will discuss the importance of seeking legal assistance from an unpaid wage attorney when resolving such disputes. Whether you are an employee dealing with unpaid wages or an employer seeking compliance, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge needed to navigate California’s unpaid wages landscape.
So, let’s start by taking a grasp on what is unpaid wages California and what is a wage claim?
Unpaid wages are the amount of funds toward which a worker has a right but has yet to be paid by their employer. It consists of any sort of cash payment received by a person via their job but not yet paid out, such as regular salary, overtime wages, commissions, bonuses, delayed benefits, etc. Unpaid wages can be the consequence of a number of things, such as employer error, deliberate payment withholding, violations of labor regulations, or disagreements over the computation or timely delivery of wages.
While, a wage claim, is an instance of law that takes place when a worker attempts to retrieve unpaid wages from their employer. It is an official claim or legal action filed by an employee over their employer with the aim of utilizing their right to compensation. Wage claims often entail producing supporting documents, such as timesheets, pay stubs, employment contracts, and any other proof that supports the unpaid wage charges.
Understanding the California Minimum Wage: California employers are committed to paying their representatives or employees at least a time-based compensation under California labor law regulation. The state’s minimum wage permitted by law will increment to $15 each hour in 2023 for organizations with at least 26 representatives, in consequence, the average hourly wage compensation in the US was 10.99 dollars in March 2023.
An explanation of the process of filing a wage claim in California
Filing unpaid wage claim California involves a specific process to ensure that employees can seek resolution for unpaid wages and wage violations. Here are the steps involved:
Gather Documentation
Complete the DLSE Form
Submit the Claim Form
Await Investigation
Resolution or Hearing
Hearing Decision
Appealing the Decision
Why we assist you win the labor court in California?
We assist you in winning labor court cases in California by providing expert legal guidance, support, and representation. Our team of skilled attorneys specializes in labor laws and has extensive experience in handling wage-related disputes. We carefully examine each detail of your case, compile convincing evidence, and develop a powerful legal strategy suited to your particular circumstance. We fight for your rights, make a strong argument, and traverse the tricky labor court procedures thanks to our in-depth understanding of California labor laws and the complexities of the legal system.
Understanding your rights regarding unpaid wages is crucial for employees in California. Familiarize yourself with the state’s minimum wage, the wage claim process, and the option to seek legal assistance when needed. By being informed and proactive, you can assert your rights and take steps towards obtaining the compensation you deserve. Remember, seeking guidance from an unpaid wages California attorney from our law firm can provide invaluable support throughout the process of claiming unpaid California wages. Call Employment Attorney Los Angeles at (424) 688-1057 to get help of our lawyer.
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workers-compensation1 · 11 months
First Meeting Questions for California Bus Accident Attorney
Learn about California’s bus accident regulations and how they could help you if you were injured severely in a bus accident. You might be unsure about the damages to which you are entitled and how to track down the offender. Survivors of injuries caused by careless bus drivers have a right to compensation under California bus accident law. You could also be able to make a claim against the bus operator, another driver who was at fault, or other parties.
You can better grasp how California’s bus accident regulations relate to your situation by consulting a personal injury lawyer.
As a popular law firm in California, we recommend asking these 6 queries your Bus Accident Attorneys in the first meet
How do I claim after a bus accident?
The procedure for making a claim following a bus accident is one of the initial inquiries to be answered. Your lawyer will walk you through the process, which normally includes gathering proof, cataloguing damages and injuries, and filing a claim with the proper insurance provider. They’ll work to make sure that your claim is filed correctly and on time.
What is the average settlement for a bus accident?
Although it’s challenging to pinpoint the precise average compensation for bus accidents, your lawyer can offer insights based on their expertise and familiarity with comparable cases. Your attorney will strive endlessly to secure an adequate settlement that includes the requisite healthcare expenses lost earnings, pain and suffering, and other damages.
What happens if you get hit by a city bus?
Dealing with government agencies may be necessary as part of the compensation procedure if you are struck by a city bus. Your lawyer can help you through the difficulties of submitting a claim against a government body, which frequently has distinct regulations and processes.
What should you do if a bus hits your car?
You must put your safety and well-being first if a bus crashes your automobile. Gather accident details, such as the bus company, the driver’s identification, and any eyewitness reports, after obtaining medical assistance. In addition to reporting the incident to the police, speak with a California bus accident lawyer as soon as you can.
What happens if you hit a school bus?
In the event that you crash with a school bus, the issue may be complicated legally. Governmental organizations frequently provide school bus services, thus there may be certain rules and protocols to adhere to. Your lawyer will assist you in navigating the particulars of your case, ensuring that your rights are upheld, and assisting you in pursuing just recompense for harm and losses.
Can you sue a school bus driver?
If a school bus driver’s carelessness led to an accident and your injuries, you might be entitled to sue them in certain situations. To assess the circumstances of your case, it is necessary to speak with a California bus accident attorney.
Getting legal advice from a California bus accident attorney is essential following a bus accident in the state of California. You may better grasp the courtroom procedure, your legal rights, and the likely results of your case by asking these crucial questions during your initial consultation. Remember that every bus accident case is different, and having a knowledgeable lawyer by your side—like the lawyers at our firm—will ensure that you get the assistance you need to pursue a strong claim and get the settlement you are entitled to. Contact us at (626) 602-9483  or visit us at San Gabriel Valley for a free case evaluation.
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Can You Get Disability for Carpal Tunnel in 2023?
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is one of the most prevalent and long-term disability concerns that Americans face. Even though carpal tunnel syndrome disability may start off moderate, it can get worse to the point where surgery is necessary to prevent permanent harm.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a syndrome is a typical ailment that affects the hands and wrists and produces pain, numbness, and weakness. It may be challenging for some people to work and carry out daily chores if they have severe and persistent symptoms. Let’s examine the potential for collecting disability payments in 2023 for carpal tunnel syndrome, focusing on the workers’ compensation and disability insurance options accessible to those with this disease.
This chart will clearly help you grasping that how many disabled worker beneficiary registered every year in the USA.
Here’s what you should know when you face such carpal tunnel disability
Workers’ Comp Carpal Tunnel
Employees who are hurt or ill at work are compensated under a type of insurance known as workers’ compensation. Carpal tunnel syndrome may occasionally be seen as an illness associated with the workplace, especially if it is brought on by repetitive motions or continual use of the hands and wrists.
Carpal Tunnel Disability Benefits
When a medical condition stops a someone from working and earning a livelihood, disability benefits in California might give financial support. To qualify for carpal tunnel and disability payments, the severity of carpal tunnel syndrome and its impact on daily functioning and work must fulfil the disability insurance program’s specified criteria.
Listed are the benefits you will gain hiring our legal services
Comprehensive Evaluation To establish the strength of your case, we will thoroughly analyze your condition, including medical records, job history, and other pertinent data. Our staff will provide an honest assessment of your possibilities of receiving disability benefits or workers’ compensation for carpal tunnel syndrome.
Advice and Assistance We understand the complexity of the legal procedure as well as the difficulties you may confront when experiencing carpal tunnel injury at work. Throughout your legal journey, our attorneys will offer you individualized assistance and support. We will clarify your rights, aid you in understanding your legal alternatives, and support you in making educated decisions for carpal tunnel and workers’ comp.
Effective Legal Representation Our carpal tunnel lawyers are experienced negotiators and litigators who will fight for your rights and best interests. We will provide excellent legal counsel to optimize your prospects of a good conclusion, whether it is negotiating with insurance companies, representing you in settlement negotiations, or contesting your case in court.
Compensation Maximization Our objective is to assist you in obtaining the greatest amount of compensation attainable for your case. Our carpal tunnel attorney will rigorously investigate all available alternatives to help you obtain the benefits you deserve, whether it is securing disability benefits, workers’ compensation, or exploring other avenues of compensation.
Are you suffering from carpal tunnel disability at your workplace? Are you looking to get a workers’ comp for carpal tunnel, California disability benefits, etc? Then no worries and get connected with us, as with our thorough expertise and strong legal advices we are here only to assist you in getting the workers’ compensation you deserve for your carpal tunnel disability. So, assign your case to us and rest aside as our team will fight for your rights and maximize your chances of a favourable outcome for any workplace-related permanent disability benefits. Contact us at (844) 414-1768 or visit us at Pistiolas for a free case evaluation.
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nevver · 2 years
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Korn, Uli Westphal (because)
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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What Did the Tablets Look Like?
I read in the Torah that Moses came down from the mountain with two tablets of stone,1 but did not see anything about their size, shape, or what kind of stone they were made of. Can you shed some light?
The Dimensions:
Tradition tells us that they were thick square blocks of stone, six handbreadths tall, six handbreadths wide, and three handbreadths deep. In modern measurements, that is about 18″ × 18″ × 9″. The sages of the Talmud demonstrate how tablets of this size—along with a few other relics—fit neatly into the Ark of the Covenant that Moses made as described in Exodus.2
It is interesting to note that nowhere is there any mention of them having the rounded tops that are so common in the popular drawings of Moses and the tablets. This design appears to be the invention of non-Jewish artists.
The Material:
The tradition is that both sets of tablets were made of sapphire. After Moses broke the first set, G‑d revealed a large deposit of sapphire under Moses’ tent. Moses used some of the stone to carve the second tablets, and was permitted to keep the remainder.3
The Writing:
The most common understanding is that the first five commandments were written on one tablet, and the other five commandments were on the second.4
The Torah describes the writing as “inscribed from both their sides; on one side and on the other side they were inscribed.”5
This means that the inscription was engraved through and through. As such, the words were clearly legible on one side and written in mirror writing on the other. Now there are two Hebrew letters, the ם and the ס, that are closed from all sides. The centers of these letters, Rav Chisda concludes, must have been miraculously suspended in place.6
Others teach that the writing was miraculously legible on each side—in other words, although the letters were engraved all the way through, they could nevertheless be read from right to left on both sides. Rabbeinu Bechayei explains that this is because the Torah can be understood on two levels, one revealed and one hidden.
[There are two sets of tablets in the Ark of the Covenant. One set to represent G-ds Law infused in every mote of earth, from which all cultures arose and learned their portion of truth. One set to represent Israel, G-ds people united once again recognizing the whole Truth of G-d.]
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legalupanishad · 2 years
Right to be forgotten in India: All You Need to Know (2022)
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This article on 'Right to be forgotten in India: All you need to know' was written by an intern at Legal Upanishad.
The legal right to request that personal details or information about an individual be withdrawn from Search queries and other databases is recognized as the Right to be forgotten. As it sounds, this concept of unique law has been found in many legal spaces around the world, like the European Union, the Philippines, and many more. Therefore, the right to be forgotten allows a person to remove their data from Google searches so that their past transgressions or bad records do not affect their current and future life. The Indian Supreme Court has established some significant legal precedents about the country's right to be forgotten. This article will assist you in gaining knowledge regarding the Right to be forgotten, along with how it relates to the Right to privacy and the current scenario in India.
What is right to be forgotten?
The right to be forgotten enables an individual to request the removal of their data of any kind, like films, photos, etc., from specific Internet records so that search engines cannot access them. The notion behind "the Right to be Forgotten" is that people should be able to delete unfavorable references from searches on Google and other search engines so that their past transgressions or poor decisions do not appear eternally. The individual's Right to privacy, which is a fundamental right covers the legality of the Right to be forgotten.
Is the Right to be forgotten related to the Right to Privacy?
According to the judgment of, K S Puttaswamy v Union of India, 2017, the Right to be forgotten is an integral part of the Right to Privacy. In the milestone case featuring Justice K S Puttaswamy (Retd) v Union of India, in which the Supreme Court officially recognized the right to be forgotten as an integral component of the Right to privacy (which is part of the right to protection of life and personal liberty, under Article 21 of Indian constitution). In this case, Justice K S Puttaswamy, the retired judge of Madras High Court, questioned the validity and reliability of the scheme of the Aadhar card. In this regard, the Supreme Court upheld the creditability of the Aadhar scheme. Supreme Court stated that suitable precautions should be taken to preserve the data along with annulling several provisions of the Aadhar Act. The Supreme Court also ruled that the Aadhar program and another sort of identification evidence differed fundamentally from one another. Because the Aadhar Card cannot be reproduced in any way, the Unique Identification System was created to empower the disadvantaged groups in society by providing them with a unique identity. In the whole judgment, it was concluded that the Right to be forgotten is derived, from the right to privacy provided by Article 21 of the Constitution of India.
Global Scenario of the Regulation:
The right to be forgotten received a lot of attention when in 2016, the European Union has legally adopted the General Data Protection Regulation. On May 25, 2018, the European Union started implementing the General Data Protection Regulation. According to the General Data Protection Regulation, individuals have the right to request that the organizers delete or otherwise eliminate their data.
Other legal precedents involving the right to be forgotten in India:
In a case, Jorawar Singh Mundy v Union of India (2021), the petitioner, who was an American citizen knocked on the door of the Delhi High Court with a writ petition, requesting to delete the man's judgment in the narcotics case from all the respondent sites because it harmed his employment opportunities. The Delhi High Court directed Google and Indian Kanoon to remove the verdicts from their portals as the right to be forgotten falls under the ambit of the right to privacy. In Subranshu Raot v. the State of Odisha, the High Court explored the Right to be forgotten as a remedial factor for the victims of sexually explicit recordings or images frequently broadcast on social media for intimidating victims. In X v. YouTube, the High Court of Delhi supported an actor's right to privacy under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution and ordered websites and online service providers to remove the actor's explicit recordings that had been uploaded without her permission to many video-sharing services.
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Right to be forgotten in India: All You Need to Know (2022)
Status of Right to be forgotten in India:
Currently, India does not have any specified law in its legal book that provides any particular rules and regulations for the right to be forgotten. The Personal Data Protection Bill was however introduced to the Lok Sabha by Ravi Shankar Prasad, the Minister of Electronics and Information Technology, on 2019. The Bill aims to architect a Data Protection Authority to ensure the protection of individuals' data of any kind. But recently, on August 3, 2022, the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019, was withdrawn by the Ministry of Electronics and IT (MEITY). Following that, MPs were handed over the notes, explaining the grounds for the withdrawal of the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019 "Considering the report of the JPC (Joint Parliamentary Committee), a comprehensive legislative framework is being worked upon." Therefore, it is suggested that The Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019, be withdrawn and replaced with a new Bill that adheres to the comprehensive legal framework.
Complications with the right to be forgotten:
- The press and media will suffer trouble imparting information and ideas to the public. The press and media sector would be in turmoil since they would have to wait for the adjudicating officer's decisions. - It might result in the widespread deletion of online content, which would be detrimental to the right to free speech and other human rights. - Individuals might abuse this right by manipulating the internet content in a way that removes relevant links or otherwise artificially alters it.
Currently, no law in India supports the legality of the right to be forgotten. As public domains provide easy access to read or observe an individual's records and will evaluate that person based on his past actions if such actions are posted online. This might negatively impact the person's current life and create trouble and emotional anguish. But also, enforcement of the right to be forgotten would bring a lot of complications, as internet content might get manipulated by individuals. Hence, a comprehensive legal framework is required for the enforcement of this right. The Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019, was withdrawn by the government for the claimed reason that it will replace it with a "complete legal framework" for data privacy and Internet governance.
- LawBhoomi. (2020, May 8). Case Brief: Justice K. S. Puttaswamy (Retd.) and others. vs Union of India and Ors. Retrieved: https://lawbhoomi.com/case-brief-justice-k-s-puttaswamy-retd-and-anothers-vs-union-of-india-and-ors/ - Barmak Nassirian. (2017, Aug 28). The General Data Protection Regulation Explained. Retrieved: https://er.educause.edu/articles/2017/8/the-general-data-protection-regulation-explained - Mr. Kartikay Sharma. The Right to be forgotten. Retrieved: https://www.legalserviceindia.com/legal/article-5935-the-right-to-be-forgotten.html#:~:text=TheDelhiHighCourt,whilevisitingIndiabutwas - Rajat Chawda. (2020, November 24). Subhranshu Rout @Gugul vs. the State of Odisha. Retrieved: https://www.mylawrd.com/subhranshu-rout-gugul-vs-the-state-of-odisha-2/ - S Jyotiranjan. 2022, Aug 8, CONTEMPORARIES It’s prudent to withdraw Personal Data Protection Bill. Retrieved: https://www.dailypioneer.com/2022/state-editions/contemporaries----it---s-prudent-to-withdraw-personal-data-protection-bill.html Read the full article
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389 · 2 months
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nanaluvbug · 1 year
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🧀🥪🌶️🥭 The Ravening War portraits  🧀🥪🌶️🥭
patreon * twitch * shop  
[ID: a series of digitally illustrated portraits showing - top left to bottom right - Bishop Raphaniel Charlock (an old radish man with a big red head and large white eyebrows & a scraggly beard. he wears green and gold robes with symbols of the bulb and he smirks at the viewer) Karna Solara (a skinny young chili pepper woman with wavy green hair, freckled light green skin with red blooms on her cheeks. she wears a chili pepper hood lined with small pepper seeds and stares cagily ahead) Thane Delissandro Katzon (a muscular young beef man with bright pinkish skin with small skin variations to resemble pastrami and dark burgundy hair. he wears a bread headress with a swirl of rye covering his ears and he looks ahead, optimistic and determined) Queen Amangeaux Epicée du Peche (a bright mango woman with orange skin, big red hair adorned with a green laurel, and sparkling green/gold makeup. she wears large gold hoop earrings and a high leafy collar) and Colin Provolone (a scraggly cheese man with waxy yellow skin and dark slicked back hair and patchy dark facial hair. he wears a muted, ratty blue bandana around his neck and raises a scarred brow at the viewer with a smirk) End ID.)
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70sscifiart · 11 months
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One of my favorites by Paul Lehr, used as a 1971 cover to "Earth Abides," by George R. Stewart. It's also in my upcoming art book!
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gaylordnantais · 10 months
How to Win a Carpal Tunnel Workers’ Comp Claim In California
How to Win a Carpal Tunnel Workers’ Comp Claim Is Discussed Here. Carpal tunnel syndrome is an injury to the median nerve in the wrist caused by engaging in repetitive motion such as writing or typing. The actual cause of CTS is still a matter of debate. While Employees who sustain CTS injuries due to job-related activities are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. So, if you are in a dilemma about Can I claim workers’ comp for carpal tunnel? Then the answer to this is “YES”, you can claim workers’ comp for carpal tunnel syndrome if you can establish that your injury is work-related. Further, a carpal tunnel accident happened at the workplace can lead the worker to grab the following benefits:
Medical care
Temporary disability
Permanent disability
Compensation for lost wages
Job displacement benefits
While pursuing your claim, it’s essential to take steps to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, proper ergonomics at work, taking regular breaks, using ergonomic tools, and performing hand exercises can help alleviate symptoms and reduce the likelihood of future complications.
Recognizing carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms
Knowing the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome is key to filing a workers’ compensation claim. Pain, burning and stiffness in the hand and fingers, are its typical symptoms. Further to achieve a strong workers’ comp claim, it’s essential to report your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome to your employer as soon as possible
Seeking medical treatment and diagnosis
To strengthen your workers’ comp claim, it’s crucial to seek medical treatment from a qualified healthcare professional. A medical diagnosis is vital in confirming that you indeed have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and that it is work-related. Keep detailed records of your medical visits, treatments, and any prescribed medications or therapies.
Preventing carpal tunnel syndrome
While pursuing your claim, it’s essential to take steps to prevent further aggravation of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Proper ergonomics at work, taking regular breaks, using ergonomic tools, and performing hand exercises can help alleviate symptoms and reduce the likelihood of future complications.
Carpal tunnel workers’ compensation average settlement in California
The average settlement for Carpal Tunnel workers’ compensation claims in California can vary widely. Settlement amounts depend on individual circumstances and may include medical expenses, lost wages, and compensation for any permanent disability. To grasp more on it consider consulting with an experienced workers’ comp attorney who understands California’s laws and can guide you through the process, ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve. As per the data revealed by Injury Facts, the total worth of $30,000 workers comp cost was served to the injured workers during 2019-2020.
Why taking our law firms’ assistance is a must when carpal tunnel syndrome after car accident compensation
Taking our law firm’s assistance is essential when seeking compensation for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome after a car accident. Our talented lawyers can help you negotiate the courtroom as our lawyers are adept at handling the complexities of workers’ compensation claims in California. Our legal professionals will ensure sure that the rules are respected and that you obtain a fair reimbursement for your injuries. With our expertise, you can focus on recovery while we handle your claim efficiently.
Winning a Carpal Tunnel Workers’ Comp claim in California requires a comprehensive approach. From recognizing the symptoms and seeking prompt medical treatment to understanding your rights and hiring legal support, each step plays a crucial role in the success of your claim. If you believe you have developed Carpal Tunnel Syndrome due to job-related activities, take action promptly and follow the steps outlined in this guide to protect your rights and secure the compensation you are entitled to.
Do You Know How to Win a Carpal Tunnel Workers’ Comp Claim In California? Contact us at (562) 561-2669 or visit Workers’ Compensation Attorney Long Beach at Gaylord Nantais for a free case evaluation.
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layla-keating · 1 year
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XO, KITTY — 1.09 “SNAFU”
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workers-compensation1 · 11 months
4 Legal Rights That Turmeric Brain Injury Workers’ Comp Survivors Need to Know
Life is unpredictable and it can never be simple after a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Even survivors with little brain injuries might have long-term consequences that affect their lives and careers. People who suffer TBIs as a result of the carelessness of another can seek compensation for their losses through a personal injury lawsuit under California law. A significant TBI survivor lawsuit or conviction can provide much-needed income to assist sufferers and their loved ones rebuild themselves and prepare for the future. Every year, around 1.7 million Americans are affected by TBI.
4 beneficial legal rights of a brain injury worker in California
Benefits from Workers’ Compensation
Workers who have suffered brain damage have the right to seek workers’ compensation payments. The workers’ compensation system in California offers financial aid to pay medical expenditures, rehabilitation costs, and lost income as a result of work-related brain damage. This benefit is critical in enabling access to required medical care and income replacement while recovering.
Disability Insurance
Plenty of firms offer disability benefits to workers who endured brain injuries. The Americans with Disabilities Act restricts firms from entering into competitiveness with handicapped workers, especially individuals who have suffered traumatic brain injuries. Under the programs like Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), that provide monetary support to those who have no ability to work because of disabilities, people with brain injuries may be eligible for disability payments.
Discrimination Legal Protections
Anti-discrimination laws protect brain injury employees. The ADA forbids discrimination against people with disabilities in the workplace. It guarantees that workers with brain injuries are not treated unjustly or are refused employment chances only because of their impairment. Employers must provide reasonable modifications to enable brain injury workers to execute their job obligations successfully.
The Right to Seek Legal Advice
Employees who sustain brain damage as a result of a third party’s negligence or wrongdoing have the right to seek TBI legal advice in addition to workers’ compensation. They could be eligible to file a personal injury lawsuit for additional payment for their pain and suffering, mental agony, and other expenses caused by the brain injury.  An expert personal injury attorney can help brain injury employees understand their choices and efficiently manage the legal procedure.
The four-step approach how can we assist you in obtaining the compensation you deserve?
For a boost in your potential of winning the claim you have a right, you need to meet with qualified attorneys who emphasize workers’ compensation claim cases, with traumatic brain injuries. You can get assistance from us in the listed ways:
Legal Counsel
Obtaining Evidence
Negotiation and Resolution
Appellations and Litigation
As a traumatic brain injury workers’ compensation survivor in California, it’s critical to understand your legal rights in order to obtain the assistance and money you deserve. By catching advice from our staff of legal practitioners who have dealt with the traumatic brain injury workers’ comp settlements in California, you will be significantly aided in protecting your rights and gaining the compensation that you want for your medical care. To support you in restoring your life after a traumatic brain injury, remember the fact that you are not isolated as well as that the legal system is on your side. Contact us at (626) 602-9483  or visit us at San Gabriel Valley for a free case evaluation.
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garciaphan · 11 months
What To Know About Fault And Liability In California Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle accidents can be disastrous, resulting in severe injuries and enormous financial difficulties. Understanding the ideas of responsibility and liability is critical after being involved in a motorbike accident in California.  If you are unfamiliar with the essential features of motorcycle accidents in California, such as responsibility determination, liability considerations, and the pursuit of damages, then this blog post is a must-read for you.
As revealed by the California Office of Traffic Safety Motorcycle fatalities increased by 3% from 549 in 2020 to 565 in 2021. This statistic is constantly growing day by day.
You must understand the following information regarding Fault and Liabilities in California Motorcycle Accidents.
Determining Responsibility in Motorcycle Accidents
In California, the idea of comparative negligence is used to assess culpability in motorcycle accidents. This means that fault might be assigned to several parties involved in the accident. Each party can be awarded a percentage of fault under the pure comparative negligence rule, and their compensation may be lowered correspondingly.
Liability and Motorcycle Accident Claims
When seeking compensation for a motorcycle accident, understanding liability is essential. Hiring a knowledgeable California motorcycle accident lawyer can greatly assist in navigating the complex legal landscape. They will assess the circumstances of the accident, gather evidence, and build a strong case at fault motorcycle accident to establish liability and maximize your chances of receiving fair compensation.
The Work of Insurance Companies
After a motorbike accident, dealing with insurance providers can be difficult. It is critical to remember that insurance firms are primarily concerned with reducing their obligations. An experienced attorney for your personal injury case on your side helps level the playing field since they understand the insurance companies’ practices and can battle for your rights.
Pursuing Compensation for a Motorcycle Accident
Medical bills, property damage, missed pay, and pain and suffering can all be covered by motorcycle accident compensation. Uphold comprehensive documentation of all damages and injuries caused as a result of that incident. A competent personal injury lawyer can assist you in evaluating the worth of your claim, negotiating with the insurance company, and initiating a lawsuit if required.
Understanding Motorcycle Accident Laws
Motorcycle accidents are subject to special laws and regulations in California. Understanding these laws is critical for both riders and any persons involved in a collision. Working with a qualified attorney who has strong experience in personal injury lost wages and is familiar with motorcycle accident legislation guarantees that your rights are protected and that you receive the guidance you need to properly navigate the legal process.
Take a look at how we help you on understanding the Fault and Liability in California Motorcycle Accidents
Our law office is committed to assisting you in comprehending the complexity of fault and liability in California motorcycle accidents. Throughout the process, our knowledgeable team of California motorcycle accident attorneys will offer you thorough information and support. We will meticulously investigate the facts of your accident, collect all necessary data, and assess potential fault allocation based on the pure comparative negligence rule. We will explain your rights and alternatives, allowing you to make informed decisions based on our deep knowledge of California motorcycle accident laws and regulations.
A motorcycle accident can be a stressful experience however everyone who has suffered from such incidents thought that motorcycle accident is not my fault. Well, it’s your fault or not, but knowing your rights and comprehending the principles of fault and liability can help you seek appropriate compensation. A personal injury attorney in California for motorcycle accident settlement can help you improve your chances of receiving the compensation you deserve for the injuries, damages, and pain and suffering caused by the accident, please contact Garcia and Phan by calling (714) 586-8298.
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How Can I Maximize the Amount of My Workers’ Compensation shoulder injury Settlements California?
Getting injured at work can be physically demanding and expensive. It’s crucial to know how to optimize your settlement amount if you’re navigating the California workers’ compensation system. In this blog article. We’ll offer helpful tips to assist you navigate the system and obtain the compensation you are entitled to, covering everything from the claims procedure to return-to-work regulations and disability concerns along with updating you with the cases when will workers’ comp offer a settlement in California are liable.
What are some common work-related shoulder injuries that are liable for compensation?
Torn or frayed rotator cuff
Broken collarbone or clavicle
Frozen shoulder
Torn labrum
Separated shoulder
Broken shoulder blade
Here is how our firm will stand by you to get a promising compensation amountProfessional Advice
In California, the practice area of our experienced attorneys is workers’ compensation law. We will offer you professional advice, outlining your rights and available choices as well as assisting you in comprehending the intricacies of the legal system.
Comprehensive Inspection
We’ll perform a thorough analysis of your case, taking into account the particulars of your shoulder injury, medical records, treatment recommendations, and the effect on your ability to work. We can precisely estimate the potential worth of your claim thanks to this evaluation.
Strong Support
Our company will tenaciously fight for your best interests. Our lawyers will utilize their expertise and knowledge to develop a compelling case on your behalf since they have a wealth of experience negotiating with insurance companies.
Documentation Help
We will help you compile all the evidence you need to substantiate at the time of filing a workers’ comp claim. We will make sure that your case is well documented, from medical documents to lost salary estimates, leaving no opportunity for miscalculation or rejection of your proper compensation.
Settlement Negotiation
With the insurance provider, our experts will expertly bargain in order to secure a favourable settlement sum. We are aware of the strategies used by insurance adjusters and will utilize our knowledge to thwart any efforts to minimize or reject your claim.
When Are Shoulder Injuries Covered by workers’ Comp settlements California?
Workplace Injuries
Your shoulder injury must have been caused by your employment or work-related activities. It might be the result of a single occurrence or develop over time as a result of repeated movements or tension.
Informing Your Employer
It is required to notify your employer regarding the shoulder injury as quickly as feasible. Workers who have been injured in California are obligated under law to report their supervisor within 30 days of the incident. A professional workers’ comp lawyer California will give you a better understanding on it.
Medical Attention
Seek medical attention for your shoulder injury as soon as possible. You may need to be assessed and treated by a doctor who is part of your employer’s workers’ compensation network.
Claim Submission
There are deadlines in California for filing a worker’s comp claim that is explained in the workers’ comp settlement chart California. You must file a claim for worker’s compensation with the insurance firm that serves your employer.
Finish up
We care about your well-being and will be there for you every step of the journey. So, don’t allow your shoulder injury claim to go unpaid. Take action right away to get the workers’ compensation settlements you deserve. Contact our firm immediately to schedule a consultation with one of our skilled workers’ compensation lawyers on CA workers’ compensation and let our professional team fight for your rights. Contact us at (844) 414-1775. or visit us at Pistiolas Law for a free case evaluation.
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