aftermathdb · 4 years
DEATH BATTLE Review: Genos vs. War Machine
So I only recently remembered that my other preferred opponent for War Machine was Steel from DC, and that I still wanted Genos to fight Cyborg.
So throughout the episode proper, Wiz pronounces Genos as “Jen-Os” while Boomstick says “Gene-Os.”
Genos’ Preview.
So to start off, Genos was an ordinary kid until his family was killed by a rampaging robot cyborg. However, he found a scientist who rebuilt him into a cyborg as well, allowing Genos to fight back and take his revenge.
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However, Genos would soon meet Saitama, and train under him to learn more after nearly dying to a mosquito lady that Boomstick openly expresses is very attractive.
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Regardless, the two became friends, and Genos was very popular due to his appearance and attitude.
But in order to fight giant monsters and evil dudes, Genos would need a lot of weapons.
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Some of his weapons, like his adhesive from the heels, were built-in as a response to other threats.
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Genos is also equipped with special sensors in his eyes that let him track heat and image signatures.
He has a wide assortment of weapons, like detachable body parts, missiles, and incinerator cannnons.
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And when he wants to get really serious, he blasts foes with two of them at once.
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Unib- I mean, uh, Spiral Incineration Cannon!
He’s got a stronger one that I unfortunately didn’t get a screenshot for, but yeah. It’s strong.
All of this leads into a Wiz and Boomstick segment where they finally fixed Boomstick’s smile.
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Adding on, Genos once used his incinerator cannons on a mountain, which resulted in a blast worth over 66 kilotons of TNT.
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He’s even managed to tag and track a massive meteor, which means that he can move 200 times faster than sound.
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And remember the mosquito lady?- Her swarm of mosquitoes once covered Genos completely.  While that may not sound intimidating, he was swarmed by nearly 65 Trillion of those things. Which equates to 358178 tons of mosquitoes. I doubt that there’s a masochist that would still want to get it on with the bug-lady if those are her party-mates.
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But regardless of his weakness of his power core being the one thing that fuels everything, Genos has shown time and time again that he can compete with the best.
And Boomstick provides a nice little heartwarming moment that while Genos hasn’t found his family’s killer yet, he’s found a new family with Saitama and friends. And that he’ll keep getting stronger.
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Y’know, I forgot how much of an edgelord he could be before he met Saitama.
War Machine′s Preview.
So right off the bat, we go into a brief backstory about Colonel James Rupert Rhodes and how he wanted to be in the military annd wound up helping out Iron Man, so Iron Man helped him back.
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Eventually, Tony offered Rhodes a suit of his own and Rhodes became War Machine.
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Worth noting: Boomstick absolutely gushes about the amount of weapons Rhodes has on deck. It’s kinda nice to see him going back to his “Lover of weapons” persona rather than his “pervvy redneck” one.
Anyways, Rhodes has a massive amount of weapons, including a powerful beam that he can fire from his chest. Spiral Incin- I mean, Unibeam!
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And all this talk about weapons leads into our next Wiz and Boomstick segment.
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Real men wear pink… Except for Dan. Dan just sucks.
Regardless, the hosts go over how Rhodes has gotten multiple suits, each stronger than the last.
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The latest one comes equipped with camo and Ghost tech, allowing Rhodes to turn invisible and intangible. Making him immune to most attacks.
And should the suit ever be in danger of falling into the wrong hands, Rhodes can detonate it. I guess that’s a thing this episode since Genos can do the same thing.
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Also worth noting is that since Tony isn’t one for half-measures, Rhodey’s suit is just as strong as the Iron Man suit, just not as maneuverable what with all the weapons. This means that it can scale to Tony’s suits in terms of strength. What does this mean?
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It means that he can survive massive blows.
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This one in particular was worth over 2.5 Megatons of TNT.
And despite the lack of maneuverability, the suit is still fast. In a short ammount of time, Rhodes managed to get into orbit. This means that he was moving at over mach 600.
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Rhodey’s PTSD can make it hard for him to keep his head on straight in a fight, but when it comes down to protecting the people, his friends, the planet, or even just punching some dictator in the face, he’s always going to power through.
Also, remember how in Iron Man vs. Lex Luthor, Iron Man’s end quote was just him showing off his weapon?
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Same verse as the first it seems.
The Battle Itself.
RT 2D Animation team on deck for this animated fight (directed by Jordan Battle), Genos will be voiced by Howard Wang and War Machine will be voiced by Mark Allen Jr. Therewolf made K.O Computer , and audio by Chris Kokkinos.
So, Rhodes is basically taking a nice flight when an explosion interrupts him and makes him spill some of his coffee. Credit where it’s due, he takes it more in stride than when Leonardo lost his food.
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So, after confronting Genos, the Demon Cyborg determines that War Machine is another cyborg. Lack of credit where it’s due: He jumps to conclusions just as fast as Jason did.
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So, right off the bat, it’s fairly clear that Rhodes has some advantage in at least one area. As he was just able to catch Genos’ punch with ease. It’s either in strength or defense.
More likely to be defense because Genos’ Incinerator cannons don’t really do much against the War Machine.
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So we get a really nice fist clash, and with Rhodes keeping up, he may either match speed or surpass it.
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He certainly takes tech. He was able to find some flaws in his opponent that Genos simply can’t counter.
But credit where it’s due: Genos doesn’t go down easy.
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We cycle back into another punch clash right before the fight is brought back down to the ground.
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Rhodes turns on his invisibility and Genos, well…
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He can’t find him. Genos believes that he went home, but then he makes the mistake of insulting the tech, which ticks off Rhodey.
So Genos retaliates by rendering the invisibility useless with his adhesive making Rhodes visible enough to hit, which Genos follows up with…
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Rhodes  counters…
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God I love Beam Struggles. Genos kinda wins this one and gets a bit overconfident. But…
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Rhodes was still standing.
Anyways, Genos starts spamming an attack.
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Like… You know that one scene in the Days of Future Past HISHE where Mystique just tries to shoot Trask but it doesn’t work? Yeah, this is pretty much like that.
So Rhodes escapes the glue trap and starts his attack.
Finishing Blow in
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Verdict + Explanation.
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Okay, so right off the bat, Rhodes was just a better Genos.
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Experience was obvious. Rhodes has seen way more than what Genos has, and that’s before putting on the suit.
Genos knocking around the Elder Centipede is impressive, as it clocks in at about 725 meters, and the amount of force to knock it around would be over 15 Megatons of TNT
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But Rhodes has taken on far stronger and dealt way more damage.
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Tony-Designed suits can bust up mountains, and those feats are worth over 280 Terratons of TNT. And yeah, they made a typo here. Better start asking questions or telling them to fix this. Pretty sure that it doesn’t matter in the long run, but still.
Rhodes was also way faster.
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And even if Genos could get in a hit, he’s got no counters for the massive amounts of tech that Rhodey has at his disposal, like energy draining tech or “Ghost Chameleon” mode as Boomstick put it.
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Overall impression.
So the previews go by pretty fast, essentially glossing over backstory and personality, and focusing on each character’s stats feats, and arsenal. Which, while I’m not against, kinda makes this episode feel really fast-paced with little room to breathe between each stat. This, while being an interesting way to show the character off, makes it really hard to keep up with what each character can do and what they have at their disposal. In comparison to the previous episode, where they do have room to breathe between each stat, these characters seem as if they are only analyzing their stats and nothing else.
It just seems as if this was written in a rush is all. Trying to get as much information out as possible, and that rush job is pretty apparent when you see those typos.
Not to mention that the animation felt a bit repetitive in certain parts. Like the punch clashes. I like those and all, but there’s a reason why the Jotaro vs. Kenshiro one is a better one. It’s because the punches actually clash. Heck! Even the Venom vs. Bane punch clash was better.
Also, it seems odd that they chose this battle to be a hand-drawn one. I’m pretty sure that there are plenty of fan-made Genos sprites or even official ones too. Not that it isn’t spectacular or anything, I’m just kinda curious.
Also: I was looking around in the comments section, and there are a lot of comments about audio. Maybe it’s because my mother could surpass Sindel’s loudest scream when watching Basketball, but I didn’t notice anything. Maybe you did.
7.5/10. Great fight, just a weird one…
Next Time…
Y’know, maybe I should start watching one of these.
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I mean, I wasn’t interested at all in Yu Yu Hakusho until Hiei made his debut, and now I’m pushing for Krillin vs. Kuwabara (People who think that Krillin vs. Saitama is a good fight should honestly just admit that they want a baldy battle and be done with it).
Is there a fight that you want me to review? - Send an ask/request, and I’ll look into it!
Do you want to read my fanfic based around DEATH BATTLE itself? click here!
Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you next time for…
From what I understand, a missed opportunity for Icy vs. Elsa.
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