#Kreto'Noto Shine
rasmot-corner · 7 years
Kohart Universe Drinks: Draccicanai Kreto’Noto Shine
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So i’ve been on a bit of a kick lately. And well. I have decided to make some more drinks from my personal universe. Because of a mood i have had recently called the “Cheeki Breeki” where i have wanted to consume massive . . . stupidly copious amounts of alcohol, i present to you the absolute final word on what the Dracicannan people view as PURE alcohol. If you have not seen the earlier creation i have made, check [ Here ] for my recipe for making the Dracicannai Gor’Kitan Cider. As a warning, this drink contains STUPID amounts of Alcohol. Do not drink it all in one go. Do not drink more than one. Moderation is absolutely advised. And now let’s get to a description of it, and the recipe ^ ^
“Kreto’Noto Shine: If there was ever to be a drink that could get as close to the “Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster” in the history of any race across the galaxies, this is absolutely it. Kret’Noto Shine, sometimes known as Kreto’Noto Glimmer or just simply Kreto’Noto, is a very strong alcohol. The distillation process begins with the gathering of native Dracicannai herbs and mushrooms into a blend known as Korcha. Instead of drying the mixture it is instead mashed into a pulp and stuck in a carved stone bowl, in a cave, in the mountains next to open sources of Elem-Stone or E-365. The bowl is first placed in the middle of a ring of Elem-Stones and under a slow trickling stream of water. After several months, the bowl is removed and the contents are then put through a distillation process similar to Rum or Whiskey.
While Korcha tastes similar to Matcha or Green Tea from earth, Kreto’Noto tastes nowhere similar to it. It instead has a slightly sweet taste to it but also with a hint of what seems to be licorice to the concoction. However it is the strong alcohol content to the drink that gives it the name of “The Green Bonfire”. It is comparable to Moonshine but far more pleasurable and alluring than the Human made rotgut. This drink is very rare and is often viewed as a precious commodity to several races. A single bottle of this substance could even buy your way into at least one, if not several royal parties on distant planets. As such it has become a popular and highly sought after export. And like many highly alcoholic exports it is considered heavily illegal in certain regions of space. If you ever get your hands on this substance it is advised to drink it slowly and with caution.
This drink could likely set your soul ablaze.”
-How to make your own Kreto’Noto Shine-
A bottle or can of Normal Mountain Dew
Some Absinthe
Some clear Moonshine
Some Aged Rum (Must not be Black Rum)
Some Melon Liquor
Use a glass about the size i have shown above in the picture. It is not recommended that you use a bigger glass. Trust me on this. Your glass should be close to half the size of a normal drinking glass. Do not attempt with anything larger.
Fill the glass half full with crushed ice.
Add in about half a shot full of Moonshine into the glass.
Add in almost 75% or half a shot and a quarter of Absinthe into the glass
Add an almost full shot of Aged Rum into the glass
Add a full shot and a quarter of a shot of Melon Liquor into the glass. The rum and Melon Liquor will dampen the blow from the rest of the ingredients, and bring out the flavor/color of the drink.
Add in Mountain Dew to the rest of the glass, or until practically full. Try not to add too much. You can use the rest later to add to the drink (highly recommended)
Stir your glass with the back end of a spoon and enjoy once mixed!
This is probably the most alcohol you may ever consume in your lifetime. However i am also highly excited at how well this drink came out! I was halfway afraid that none of this would mix well and that there would be “waves” to everything when making this drink. To my absolute shock and joy everything blended together smoothly. There will be a “kick” to it on the first go. However it will be a smooth kick, not at all like Moonshine or Absinthe. It will be a very pleasant and surprising motion that will make you have a small jig in delight of how well it came together. Sometimes it’s stuff like this that make me the most happy with how well it all comes together. If you’re not fond of anything remotely tasting like Licorice, give this a hard pass. There is that taste to the drink, and that mostly comes from the Absinthe. However everything else levels the flavor out and it is a surprisingly good mixture. Do note that you should not drink more than one. After having the one drink i was completely intoxicated. And that was pretty much after half the drink was done. So drink with moderation and caution!
Also, Yes, it will be a cloudy green colored drink, and probably the greenest thing you will ever consume. But that’s what makes it good~
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