#Kiril Petkov
politikwatch · 11 months
Hat Ursula #vonderyLeyen dem ehem. bulgarischen MP Kiril Petkov versprochen, beim #EuroZone Beitritt zu betrügen?
Dies geht geht aus heimlichen und jetzt veröffentlichen Aufnahmen hervor, in den Petkov dies behauptet.
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gtaradi · 2 years
Zastupnici izglasali nepovjerenje bugarskoj vladi
Bugari će vjerojatno četvrti put na izbore od travnja 2021., što dovodi u pitanje milijune eura iz europskih fondova za oporavak kao i usvajanje eura u 2024.
Bugarski parlamentarci izglasali su u srijedu nepovjerenje vladi premijera Kirila Petkova, čime nastupa politička kriza u zemlji za vrijeme rata u Ukrajini i rastuće inflacije. Oporbeni zastupnici srušili su vladu, koja je preuzela vlast prije šest mjeseci, sa 123 glasa za i 116 protiv, nakon što je vladajuća koalicija izgubila većinu zbog sporova o proračunskoj potrošnji i o tome treba li…
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goplaymovies-blog · 2 years
Welcome to Bulgaria, where the war in Ukraine is the fault of NATO
Welcome to Bulgaria, where the war in Ukraine is the fault of NATO
Press play to listen to this article NATO is to blame for provoking the “special military operation”, as Vladimir Putin called his invasion of Ukraine. Washington helped Kyiv build secret bioweapons labs. Ukraine is defended by the Nazis and the world supports Moscow’s efforts to liberate the country from a fascist regime. These false narratives and conspiracy theories, designed to bolster…
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zanimljivaekonomija · 2 years
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Premijeri Grčke i Bugarske označili početak rada na FSRU u Aleksandrupolisu
Aleksandrupolis kao novo čvorište energetske bezbednosti i autonomije Grčke i JI Evrope
Na specijalnoj ceremoniji održanoj danas u starom skladištu lučke carine u Aleksandrupolisu je dat „signal za početak rada“ na izgradnji plutajuće jedinice za skladištenje i regasifikaciju (FSRU) tečnog prirodnog gasa (LNG) koja je u vlasništvu Gastrade SA. Premijer Grčke Kirijakos Micotakis (Kyriakos Mitsotakis) i premijer Bugarske Kiril Petkov potpisali su specijalnu simboličnu plaketu za pokretanje projekta, koji će postati novo energetsko čvorište i igraće ključnu ulogu ne samo u energetskoj bezbednosti i nezavisnosti Grčke, već i cele Jugoistočne Evrope, i odlučujuće će doprineti nesmetanoj energetskoj tranziciji i energetskom pluralizmu ovog izuzetno osetljivog regiona.
Događaju su prisustvovali i predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić, premijer Severne Makedonije Dimitar Kovačevski, ambasador SAD u Grčkoj Džefri Pajat (Geoffrey Pyatt), kao i predstavnici lokalne vlasti, među kojima i regionalni guverner Istočne Makedonije i Trakije, Hristos Metios (Christos Metios) i gradonačelnik Aleksandrupolisa Janis Zampukis (Giannis Zampoukis).
Svečanoj ceremoniji su takođe prisustvovali i akcionari Gastrade SA, među kojima osnivačica i predsednica Upravnog odbora Gastrade Elmina Kopeluzu (Elmina Copelouzou), izvršni direktor Gaslog Cyprus Investments Ltd Paolo Enoizi, predsednik DEPA Commercial Joanis Papadopulos (Ioannis Papadopoulos) i izvršni direktor kompanije Konstantinos Ksifaras (Konstantinos Xifaras), generalni direktor Bulgartransgaz EAD Vladimir Malinov, kao i izvršna direktorka DESFA Marija Rita Gali (Maria Rita Galli).
Izgradnja i rad Aleksandrupolis FSRU će ojačati stratešku ulogu Grčke kao energetskog čvorišta u širem regionu jugoistočne Evrope i ponudiće alternativne izvore i puteve snabdevanja gasom u regionu, povećavajući energetsku sigurnost snabdevanja i energetsku autonomiju, u periodu velikih izazova. Projekat će takođe učiniti Aleksandrupolis energetskom kapijom celog regiona jugoistočne Evrope, naglašavajući strateški značaj grada i podstičući lokalnu ekonomiju i zapošljavanje.
FSRU, čiji je kapacitet 153.500 m3 (kubnih metara) LNG-a, biće povezan sa Nacionalnim sistemom za prenos prirodnog gasa (NNGTS) Grčke gasovodom dužine 28 km, kojim će se gasifikovani LNG prenositi na tržišta Grčke, Bugarske i šireg regiona (Rumunije, Srbije, severne Makedonija itd.), ali i sa perspektivom snabdevanja Ukrajine.
Očekuje se da će Aleksandrupolis FSRU biti u funkciji do kraja 2023. godine, a ugovoreni kapacitet regasifikacije je već dostigao do 60% njegovog tehničkog kapaciteta od 5,5 milijardi kubnih metara godišnje. Napominje se da je Nezavisni sistem prirodnog gasa (INGS) Aleksandrupolisa uključen i finansiran Operativnim programom NSRF (dokument na nacionalnom nivou kojim se programiraju sredstva evropskih fondova) „Konkurentnost, preduzetništvo i inovacije 2014-2020“ (EPAnEK), sa iznosom javne potrošnje od 166,7 miliona evra.
Gastrade je podneo Regulatornom organu za energetiku (RAE) Grčke još jedan zahtev za novu licencu za Nezavisni sistem prirodnog gasa (INGS), za projekat „Trakijski INGS“, koji će se takođe sastojati od Plutajuće jedinice za skladištenje i regasifikaciju (FSRU) i biće razvijen u blizini prve FSRU u Trakijskom moru, u priobalju Aleksandrupolisa.
Osnivačica i predsednica Upravnog odbora Gastrade Elmina Kopeluzu je izjavila: „Energetska mapa se menja. Sada ulazimo u završnu fazu implementacije FSRU Aleksandrupolis, važnog i inovativnog projekta za Grčku. U periodu velike nestabilnosti geopolitičkog i energetskog okruženja, Grčka ovim projektom pokazuje Evropi da može da odgovori čvrstim strateškim koracima na neizvesnost vremena i kroz rast ponudi rešenja od kojih svi mogu imati koristi. FSRU Aleksandrupolis otvara novu energetsku kapiju za Grčku i Jugoistočnu Evropu, koja dolazi u kritičnom trenutku da ispuni hitne nacionalne i evropske potrebe. Iz Aleksandrupolisa koji je snažno prihvatio ovaj projekat, učinili smo Grčku energetski referentnom tačkom u regionu, doprinoseći energetskoj bezbednosti i diversifikaciji izvora snabdevanja, uz dobrobit za milione građana u različitim zemljama“.
Potpredsednik i izvršni direktor Gastrade Konstantinos Sifnaios je naglasio da: „Strateška i ekonomska neophodnost, ali i značaj projekta LNG stanice Aleksandrupolis je više nego očigledan u novom energetskom okruženju. Ovim veoma važnim projektom koji je okupio zemlje iz okruženja, promovišući saradnju, solidarnost i na kraju mir u regionu, jačamo regionalnu energetsku sigurnost, energetsku likvidnost, sigurnost i dobrobit građana širom regiona JI Evrope. Želimo da se zahvalimo našim akcionarima, koji su kamen temeljac ukupnog uspeha, kao i velikoj mreži organizacija i ljudi koji su doprineli pokretanju Aleksandrupolis LNG stanice i naravno centralne vlade i lično premijeru zemlje za nepokolebljivu i suštinsku podršku projektu. Aleksandrupolis je kapija a Bugarska karika u lancu snabdevanja ovog projekta na putu ka Srbiji i Rumuniji. Drugi FSRU, koji je prošlog četvrtka dobio licencu RAE, omogućiće dalje proširenje ovog lanca na Moldaviju i Ukrajinu. Sa ova dva projekta doprinećemo stvaranju pravog regionalnog energetskog čvorišta u regionu koje će ojačati ekonomiju, bezbednost i saradnju“.
Izvršni direktor Gaslog Cyprus Investments Ltd Paolo Enoizi je u ime kompanije rekao: „Svi u GasLog-u su izuzetno ponosni na naše učešće u projektu Aleksandropolis FSRU koje je danas počelo ovde u Aleksandrupolisu. Tragedija koja se trenutno dešava u Ukrajini je istakla važnost LNG-a ne samo kao goriva koje će omogućiti prelazak na svet sa nižim štetnim emisijama gasova, već i kao kritičnog elementa u planovima energetske bezbednosti mnogih zemalja. Takva sigurnost se postiže samo značajnim ulaganjem u infrastrukturu, koje danas u poređenju sa cenom i rokom isporuke ukazuje na dalekovidost osnivača Gastrade-a, Vlade Grčke i raznih akcionara koji su planirali ovu investiciju mnogo unapred. GasLog kao vodeći pomorski dobavljač LNG je doprineo ukupnoj specifikaciji FSRU, njegovim nacrtima i konačno njegovoj izgradnji i fizički će isporučiti FSRU na sidrištu u Aleksandrupolisu do kraja 2023. GasLog-ovi iskusni timovi na brodu i na kopnu će upravljati bezbednim i pouzdanim funkcionisanjem jedinice tokom narednih godina“.
Predsednik DEPA Commercial Joanis Papadopulos i izvršni direktor kompanije Konstantinos Ksifaras su u zajedničkoj izjavi naglasili: „LNG Terminal u Aleksandrupolisu, kao najveći energetski projekat u Grčkoj poslednjih godina, predstavlja stratešku investiciju koja će odlučujuće doprineti sigurnom snabdevanju naše zemlje prirodnim gasom. On jača geopolitičku poziciju i ulogu Grčke kao energetskog čvorišta u jugoistočnom Mediteranu, jer se ova investicija realizuje u trenutku kada je uloga LNG-a na tržištu prirodnog gasa već znatno uvećana. Uključenost DEPA Commercial-a u projekat potvrđuje njenu vodeću ulogu u našoj zemlji, pokazujući u praksi da je pokretačka snaga iza razvoja energetike u Grčkoj i jugoistočnoj Evropi“.
Generalni direktor Bulgartransgaz EAD Vladimir Malinov je primetio: „Značaj Nezavisnog sistema prirodnog gasa u Aleksandrupolisu kao nove energetske kapije je ključan za jugoistočnu Evropu. Terminal će obezbediti neophodne dodatne količine prirodnog gasa, nudeći pristup proizvođačima iz celog sveta i povezivanje sa odgovarajućim putevima snabdevanja svim zainteresovanim korisnicima u regionu. Nivo rezervisanih kapaciteta i interesovanje trgovaca i potrošača dokazuju kako strateški značaj terminala tako i njegovu ekonomsku efikasnost. Zahvaljujući terminalu Bugarska, Grčka i susedne zemlje moći će da iskoriste sve prednosti rastućeg tržišta LNG-a, kao i sigurnost i konkurentne cene koje ono pruža. Pristup alternativnim zalihama gasa, iz SAD, Katara, Egipta i drugih zemalja, obezbediće konkurentne cene gasa za ove zemlje. Implementacija projekta će ojačati diversifikaciju izvora prirodnog gasa i stimulisaće konkurenciju u korist poslovnih i krajnjih korisnika, uz rast likvidnosti kroz pristup LNG-u ubrzaće se proces dekarbonizacije u energetskom sektoru. Drago mi je što zajedno radimo na uspehu projekta”.
Izvršna direktorka DESFA S.A Marija Rita Gali, izjavila je: „Aleksandrupolis FSRU će učiniti da usred izazovnog međunarodnog okruženja Grčka ima vodeću ulogu u regionalnom energetskom razvoju, odlučno jačajući energetsku sigurnost Grčke i šire.  Povezivanje ovog strateški važnog projekta, putem mreže DESFA, sa postojećim i novim izvoznim pravcima ka Bugarskoj i Severnoj Makedoniji, dovešće do povećanja izvoza na tržišta jugoistočne i centralne Evrope, čime će se Grčka uspostaviti kao energetsko čvorište. DESFA će doprineti projektu, svojom ekspertizom i dugogodišnjim iskustvom od 20 godina uspešno upravljajući terminalom za regasifikaciju, ostajući posvećena razvoju ključne energetske infrastrukture koja će unaprediti sigurnost snabdevanja, značajno doprinoseći diversifikaciji izvora snabdevanja i energetske tranzicije zemlje i šireg regiona“.
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jurnaldeoltenia · 2 years
Prim-miniștrii României și Bulgariei vor un nou pod peste Dunăre, la Giurgiu
Prim-miniștrii României și Bulgariei vor un nou pod peste Dunăre, la Giurgiu
Premierul României, Nicolae Ciucă, a anunţat, la finalul întâlnirii sale cu omologul bulgar, Kiril Petkov, că a fost semnat un memorandum pentru construirea unui al doilea pod, peste Dunăre, între Giurgiu şi Ruse şi s-a discutat despre viitoarea şedinţă comună a Guvernelor din România şi Bulgaria. Prim-ministrul Nicolae Ciucă a declarat că a discutat cu premierul Bulgariei, Kiril Petkov, despre…
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mariacallous · 9 months
Major amendments to Bulgaria’s Law against Domestic Violence look set to enter into force on Monday in the face of fierce opposition from pro-Russian parties who say the changes promote LGBT rights at the expense of ‘traditional’ family values.
Responding to anti-violence protests following a brutal knife-attack on an 18-year-old girl in the town of Stara Zagora in late June, the amendments introduce the term ‘intimate relationships’, broadening the scope of the law beyond cases of domestic violence within marriage.
The amendment passed a first reading with the support of 144 of parliament’s 240 MPs – from the conservative GERB party, its long-time partners in the Movement for Rights and Freedoms, and the pro-European We Continue and Change and Democratic Bulgaria.
The pro-Russian Revival party and Bulgarian Socialists voted against, incensed by what they called a bid to promote “gender ideology” and boost the rights of the LGBT community given that the term “intimate relationship” encompasses more than simply marriage between a man and woman.
The amendments are expected to pass a second reading later on Monday.
“This is an effort to legalise same-sex relationships,” Socialist MP and former cabinet minister Ivan Ivanov said, apparently unaware that same-sex relationships have been legal in Bulgaria since 1968. 
His party leader, Kornelia Ninova, said the amendments would open the door to recognition of a “third gender”. Other MPs warned the amendments were based on “perverse ideas” and represented an attempt to revive the Istanbul Convention on violence against women and domestic violence, which was struck down by a Bulgarian court in 2021. 
We Continue the Change leader Kiril Petkov, who served as prime minister between 2021 and 2022, condemned the tone of the debate. “In this hall, domestic violence is discussed in a very immature, limited and simple-minded manner,” he said.
The amendments, however, have faced criticism from both sides, with rights experts and activists criticising a stipulation that such ‘intimate relationships’ must have lasted at least 60 days to be subject to the law.
Whether a certain number of days indicating the length of a relationship should be specified remained a point of debate before the second vote.
As MPs arrived for the session, protesters surrounded the entrance to parliament holding banners that read, ‘Not One Woman Less”.
During a break in proceedings, GERB’s Vezhdi Rashidov, a former speaker of parliament, was caught on microphone saying:  “There are enough laws now, anyway. What is this nonsense? Every whore has suddenly woken up and decided they were raped years ago.”
Tempers are already running high following the knife-attack in Stara Zagora; the alleged perpetrator, a 26-year-old man, was initially arrested but then discharged, with the local court describing the wounds – which required over 400 stitches – as “minor bodily injury”. The man was on probation at the time for a yet undisclosed previous crime.
Amid public outcry, the man was re-arrested at the end of July and charged with making a death threat via text messages. He denies all charges, but the authorities’ handling of the case provoked a wave of anti-violence protests in around 40 towns.
An analysis by BIRN in 2020 noted that despite growing awareness, the institutional response to gender-based violence remains ineffective in Bulgaria, with the resistance from the country’s conservative parties to the ratification of the Istanbul Convention another major contributing factor.
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
The Sofia City Prosecutor's Office (SCPO) proposed to the prosecutor general Ivan Geshev to submit a request to bring to criminal responsibility the deputy of GERB Daniel Alexandrov.
He is a member of parliament for the first time and is a member of the committee on children, family, youth and sports. He is 31 years old and a competitor in classical wrestling.
From the announcement of the state prosecution, it is understood that the proposal was prepared by the supervising prosecutor in the city prosecutor's office in connection with a pre-trial proceeding initiated on May 31, 2023, and it indicates that the collected evidence is sufficient to bring D.A. as a defendant for a crime under Art. 150, par. 1 of the Criminal Code.
"The supervising prosecutor considered that in the course of the investigation, evidence was gathered that on May 7, 2023, in the village of Bistrica, D.A., through the use of force, committed acts with the aim of arousing sexual desire without intercourse with a person who has reached the age of 14", reads the announcement of the prosecutor's office. For this crime, the Penal Code provides from two to eight years in prison.
In recent days, Geshev submitted a request to remove the immunity of GERB leader Boyko Borissov because of the "Barcelonagate" investigation. He also received a proposal to submit a request for the immunity of the former prime minister and co-chairman of "We Continue the Change" Kiril Petkov for filling out the citizenship declaration. The chief prosecutor also requested the immunities of two deputies from "Vazrazhdane".
Years ago, "Ataka" deputy Vladimir Kuzov was convicted of pedophilia and expelled from parliament.
Daniel Alexandrov is in the National Assembly from Region 23 Sofia. He came in after Prof. Asen Baltov announced that he was giving up his seat in parliament. Alexandrov was in second place on the electoral list in Kyustendil, but was displaced by preferences.
According to "Club Z", Aleksandrov is close to Boyko Borissov and is being considered for the GERB nomination for mayor of Dupnitsa in the local elections in the fall.
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
Hristov [Interim Energy Minister] accused the previous government of reformist Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, which collapsed in June just six months after taking office, of damaging ties with Russia over its invasion of Ukraine.[...]
Hundreds of Bulgarians have held protests against the interim government since it took office on Aug. 2, worried it would work to resume Russian gas supplies and once more increase the Kremlin's influence over the economy.
Russia's ambassador to Bulgaria said on Sunday gas deliveries to Bulgaria could be resumed if there was a political will from Sofia, reiterating payments should be in roubles.
At present the country, which needs about 3 billion of cubic metres of gas per year, gets 1 bcm a year from Azerbaijan and buys the rest from the market.
Wholesale gas prices have jumped by about 60% to about 300 levs ($153.44) per megawatt hour in August.
Business organisations and trade unions said high gas prices were hitting industry and called on the government to seek ways to resume Russian gas imports, which would be cheaper than buying on the open market.
Sofia is starting talks with Azerbaijan this week to boost Azeri supplies and would also discuss deliveries with Turkish gas traders, Hristov said.
The interim government has decided to seal a deal with U.S. gas company Cheniere for just one cargo of liquefied natural gas for October, saying it could not secure slots at LNG terminals at affordable prices for the other six cargos secured by the previous Cabinet.
22 Aug 22
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Bulgaria approves funds for 8 more F-16 fighters
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 09/21/2022 - 19:44 in Military
The Bulgarian Ministry of Defense received government approval to buy eight more F-16 fighters for about $1.3 billion.
This was confirmed by the interim Minister of Defense, Dimitar Stoyanov, after the U.S. approved the purchase of the second batch of F-16 in April this year.
With the new lot, Bulgaria would bring its fleet of F-16 to a complete squad of 16 fighters. These would replace the old Russian MiG-29 fighters currently in service.
“The new package includes resources for air-to-surface and air-to-air attacks, which means that we will have a full squad of 16 aircraft,” Stoyanov told reporters on Wednesday after a meeting of the Council of Ministers.
"The acquisition of new aircraft is extremely important for the Bulgarian Air Force. We have old Soviet aircraft, which we cannot maintain because of the problems that occurred after the conflict in Ukraine."
According to the previous approval of the U.S. Department of State, Bulgaria requested the purchase of four single-seat F-16C Block 70 aircraft and four two-seat F-16D Block 70 aircraft. The first batch included six one-seat and two-seat aircraft.
Bulgaria expected to start receiving the first F-16 under contract from 2019 in 2023, but this schedule was postponed for two years due to interruptions in the supply chain, as stated by former Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov.
Bulgaria's request for the additional F-16 also included Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMAM) AIM-120C-7/C-8 or equivalent missiles, small diameter GBU-39/B bombs, M61A1 Vulcan cannons, air-to-air missiles AIM-9X Block II missiles and Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) tail kits for 500
The final agreement for the purchase of additional fuselages is still subject to the approval of parliament, which is not expected before the general elections of October 2.
Tags: Military AviationF-16VBulgarian Air Force
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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Russia cut off natural gas to NATO members Poland and Bulgaria on Wednesday and threatened to do the same to other countries, using its most essential export in what was seen as a bid to punish and divide the West over its support for Ukraine.
The move, condemned by European leaders as “blackmail,” marked a dramatic escalation in the economic war of sanctions and countersanctions that has unfolded in parallel to the fighting on the battlefield.
The tactic, coming a day after the U.S. and other Western allies vowed to rush more and heavier weapons to Ukraine, could eventually force targeted nations to ration gas and could deal another blow to economies suffering from rising prices. At the same time, it could deprive Russia of badly needed income to fund its war effort.
Poland has been a major gateway for the delivery of weapons to Ukraine and confirmed this week that it is sending the country tanks. Just hours before Russia’s state energy giant Gazprom acted, Poland announced a new set of sanctions against the company and other Russian businesses and oligarchs.
Bulgaria, under a new liberal government that took office last fall, has cut many of its old ties to Moscow and likewise supported punitive measures against the Kremlin. It has also hosted Western fighter jets at a new NATO outpost on Bulgaria’s Black Sea coast.
The gas cuts do not immediately put the two countries in any dire trouble. Poland, especially, has been working for many years to line up other suppliers, and the continent is heading into summer, making gas less essential for households.
Also, Russian gas deliveries to both Poland and Bulgaria were expected to end later this year anyway.
Still, the cutoff and the Kremlin warning that other countries could be next sent shivers of worry through the 27-nation European Union. Germany, the largest economy on the continent, and Italy are among Europe’s biggest consumers of Russian natural gas, though they, too, have been taking steps to reduce their dependence on Moscow.
“It comes as no surprise that the Kremlin uses fossil fuels to try to blackmail us,” said EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. “Today, the Kremlin failed once again in his attempt to sow division amongst member states. The era of Russian fossil fuel in Europe is coming to an end.”
Gazprom said it shut off the two countries because they refused to pay in rubles, as President Vladimir Putin has demanded of “unfriendly” nations. The Kremlin said other countries may be cut off if they don’t agree to the payment arrangement.
Most European countries have publicly balked at Russia’s demand for rubles, but it is not clear how many have actually faced the moment of decision so far. Greece’s next scheduled payment to Gazprom is due on May 25, for example, and the government must decide then whether to comply.
Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki told his country’s parliament that he believes Poland’s support for Ukraine — and the new sanctions imposed by Warsaw on Tuesday — were the real reasons behind the gas cutoff.
Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov called the suspension blackmail, adding: “We will not succumb to such a racket.”
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Russia views gas as a weapon for political blackmail and “sees a united Europe as a target.”
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zeroz2ro · 2 years
Klasszikus oszd meg és uralkodj. Vajon hány nap alatt esnek egymásnak az európia országok a gázért? Biktor úr és a futsalügyi külügyminiszter csapkodhatja az asztalt ha hozzánk se fog gáz jönni, Putler magasról fog szarni rájuk ....
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What happened to Bulgaria? Why did their status changed?
It's unclear if this will already influence the voting. Hence why the status changed.
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avetruth · 8 months
Kiril Petkov. The voices of medieval Bulgaria, seventh-fifteenth century (2008)
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Kiril Petkov. The voices of medieval Bulgaria, seventh-fifteenth century (2008) https://www.avetruthbooks.com/2023/08/kiril-petkov-the-voices-of-medieval-bulgaria-seventh-fifteenth-century-2008.html?feed_id=17215
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kristinzervos · 10 months
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apsny-news · 1 year
conservateurs et libéraux au coude-à-coude et montée du camp prorusse
Publié le : 03/04/2023 – 00:15 Alors que la Bulgarie votait dimanche pour la cinquième fois en deux ans, le parti conservateur de l’ex-Premier ministre Boïko Borissov est crédité d’une très légère avance sur la liste libérale menée par l’ex-dirigeant centriste Kiril Petkov. Quant à la jeune formation ultra-nationaliste prorusse Vazrajdane (Renaissance), elle poursuit son ascension. Les…
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sauolasa · 1 year
Global conversation: Bulgaria al voto per la quinta volta in due anni, chi vincerà stavolta?
Ai microfoni di Euronews, Kiril Petkov e Bojko Borisov. affilano le armi in vista dell'ennesima tornata elettorale
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