#Kingdom of the Stars || Khaenri’ah AU
starry-skies-116 · 2 years
Genshin Thought Dump Chapter 1- The Traveler Exposed:
Y’all are so obsessed with the upcoming Sumeru region and juicy Harbinger and Khaenri’ah lore (don’t get me wrong, I’m SUPER stoked too, I be aroace and squishing with aesthetic attraction on Columbina and “Sir Panties” Pantalone~) but are we all gonna ignore the fact that the Traveler is WAY too suspicious for everyone to be simply overlooking right now?
I knew really nothing about them beyond the fact that I decided to slap autism and mild depression and anxiety on Aether and Lumine, and the headcanon I made that Aether was secretly a numbers and statistics nerd/enthusiast and HATED when people didn’t depict data or draw graphs correctly in a way that was understandable (kinda self-projecting here, modern AU he’d be one of the smartest software programming interns/students, please don’t kill me Genshin community /hj).
There are MANY posts theorizing about the full lore of Genshin, and many posts predicting that even AFTER the game is finished, there will still be a shit ton of hidden lore that we’ve yet to decipher and piece together because HoYoverse devs are just like that, y’know? Making everything a painstaking and yet fun and engaging mystery to solve so we can feel like the Sherlock of Gacha Fantasy RPGs.
There’s people theorizing that Kaeya is of royal Khaenri’ah blood and is descended from the Eclipse Dynasty that ruled the kingdom at the time of its downfall, there’s people saying that Paimon is the Unknown God (personal objection there, I think Paimon IS a god/otherworldly/supercelestial being but not the god that sealed the twins’s powers, captured Lumine and yeeted Aether to a beach in Mondstadt 500 years after the Cataclysm and the world basically ‘resetting’ itself, more on my theory compiled from many, many, MANY sources about Paimon’s true identity for a later post) and then there’s people asking about what’s TRULY at the foot of Decarabian’s Tower and why we can’t explore it (which is an incredibly valid and good question, why can’t we?)
But honestly, spoiler alert- the Traveler is NOT who they seem to be… nor are the twins, for that matter. Think I’m wrong, and want to show me evidence of the fact that the main character is ‘weak as hell’ by showing me how they got clapped by Baal and Scara-douche?
Well, in the opening scene in the beta version, it EXPLICITLY states that both Traveler’s powers were sealed away and that Aether was cast down by the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles, placed into a torturous slumber for 500 years before he woke up after the Cataclysm. 
I will repeat that: The traveler we see ingame is in a weakened and diminished state. They are LITERALLY, simply put, interdimensional UNIVERSE AND TIMELINE HOPPING aliens with swords and wings, and they are the personification of stars- CELESTIAL BODIES. 
Oh, and might I add that their wings look VERY similar to the Primordial One’s wings on the Sal Vingandyr mural? They bear resemblance to the literal PROGENITOR GOD of Teyvat. 
The Primordial One is to Teyvat what Sothis is to Fodlan- a nigh-omnipotent and almighty progenitor and creator god. Do you REALLY think that the Traveler is THAT weak and insignificant with their FORCIBLY SEALED power that they harbor within? Yeah, I don’t think so.
Another detail on the Traveler’s outfit is that both Aether and Lumine have accents on their outfit that glow, and that glow changes color based on what element we wield- turquoise for anemo, gold/amber for geo, and a violet purple for electro. However, in the opening cutscene, what do we see? 
A white glow on the accents.
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White, the color most associated with purity, divinity and ascension to a higher state of being, as well as the heavens. White- the color of all the ROYGBIV colors on the spectrum combined with one another before being filtered through a prism- and what else bears resemblance to the colors of split prismic light that combine to form the Traveler’s white glowing light on their accents? 
Anemo, Geo, Electro, Dendro, Hydro, Pyro, Cryo.
The colors of the emblem of the seven elements of Teyvat.
Look, hey, listen: I KNOW you think I’m crazy. I can hear your screaming at me through the screen right now, but just PLEASE bear with me. You think the big-brain moment compiled from several theorists AND my own findings end here?
Keep reading. I’m going to blow up your fucking brains. And this is only Part 1.
Let’s jump from the topic of the traveler to the Hypostasis boss in Genshin. Seems random at first, right? Yes- at first these rubix-cube looking asses don’t have that much meaning to the game besides dropping ascension materials and the pyro one being annoying as fuck without a hydro character to diminish its shields quickly (*chuckles in Tartaglia haver*).
However, if you paid any attention in the beginning to the NAMES of the bosses because you were curious like I was, you’ll notice that they all have specific codenames assigned to them.
Those aren’t any ordinary codenames, though. If you look closely, you’ll notice a pattern.
They’re in Hebrew. The wiki literally stated it and proceeded to blow up my tiny brain- I’m not joking.
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The codenames are the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, which instantly give it religious connotations because Hebrew is said to be the holy language and scripture of the Hebrew Bible, or in more historically accurate terms endowed with the appropriately distributed nomenclature, the Tanakh- the first five books compiled to compose The Old Testament of the Bible.
The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet is Aleph, a codename given to the Electro Hypostasis by HoYoverse.
Beth, the second letter, is given as a codename to the Anemo Hypostasis, followed by Gimel for the Geo Hypostasis, Daleth for the Cryo Hypostasis, He for the Hydro Hypostasis, and so on and so forth.
Then along comes the fucking Pyro Hypostasis, codenamed Ayin. The 16th letter in the Hebrew Alphabet.
“Why, Starry?” I hear you asking. “Why did the writers at HoYoverse straight up jump the line from 5 to 16?”
The truth is… I don’t truly know, either. Current evidence points to such a decision being a completely randomized and arbitrary preferential decision on HoYoverse’s part- maybe they thought that the name merely sounded more suitable for a hellfire rubix cube? Or it could be representative of the legend of Prometheus and his flame from all the way back in Greek Mythology?
This big-brain redditor explains it WAY better than I do- check out this post if you wish for more context and symbolism on the names of the Hypostases, even though with context on the meaning of the letters/codenames the decision still comes across as still a tad arbitrary and uncalled for… at least to me: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Lore/comments/pcsk6r/hypostasis_theory/
With that out of the way, why do I bring up letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, much less them being the codenames of the Hypostases? Well, we all know that it’s common knowledge that the archons of Genshin are actually named after the demons of the Ars Goetia, a tome on demonology compiled in the seventeenth century discussing demons affiliated with all Monotheistic religions of Abrahamic origin (Morax being Zhongli’s goetic title, Barbatos being Venti’s goetic title, Beelzebul being Ei’s goetic title and Baal being Makoto’s goetic title, et cetera- I’ve a high suspicion that Mobius is going to be the Dendro Archon Kusanali’s goetic title).
And you know how the theory exists that slimes are representative of the abilities of the original seven archons (the tHICC shields of both Zhongli and the geo slime, the ability of both Venti and the anemo slime to float and propel themselves into the air, the existence of TWO types of electro slimes since the position of Electro Archon was held by the twin gods Makoto and Ei up until Makoto’s death during the Cataclysm/Fall of Khaenri’ah, etc etc).
And you ALSO know that in the Adventurer’s Handbook provided to us it states that both slimes and hypostases are pure elemental lifeforms/entities?
I think the connection between slime and archon also applies to hypostasis and archon, and that the connection between the two go WAY deeper than we think. There are actually TWO parallels that define this theory: the parallels within the Ars Goetia and the Tanakh itself, and the ingame connections subtly displayed within the narrative of the archons and the design choices of the hypostases.
In the actual game, if you look at the model for a hypostasis, you will notice something very odd (and slightly terrifying in my opinion) about the anemo, geo and electro hypostases: they all have cracks within them, as well as bits and pieces floating around them: as if they are being eroded at. Erosion… hm, where have we heard this before? 
When Zhongli talks about it and how his friends literally went mad because of it, and in the scenes where Ei states that she actively takes desperate measures to avoid erosion and stave off its effects for as long as possible. Hell, SCARAMOUCHE THE BALLADEER HIMSELF is a product of her efforts, as well as the Raiden Shogun puppet body, tying in to reinforce Ei’s divine ideal of eternity.
Since Venti and Zhongli are the oldest archons, and Ei is the same generation because she is twin sisters with Makoto, they are all undergoing the process of erosion, whereas the dendro, pyro, hydro and cryo archons are replacing the original seven and are therefore relatively young (save for the cryo archon because she witnessed the Cataclysm and is DEEPLY traumatized for it) and therefore, their hypostases are left undamaged and clean.
If you want to prove me wrong by saying how the hypostases had NO significant role in the story unlike the archons, I’ll tell you that the juicier lore hides in plain sight in the sidequests. For example, why is there a dead ‘twin’ electro rubix cube in a region of Inazuma near the damaged/tainted roots of the Sacred Sakura? And why is it so representative of Makoto’s death during the Cataclysm 500 years ago?
Well, wow, phooey. That’s TOTALLY not too coincidental to be a coincidence at ALL!
Speaking of which, where did the inspiration for a hypostasis even come from? The creators actually stated themselves that the inspiration for both the attacks and designs of a hypostasis came heavily from Ramiel from Neon Genesis Evangelion, who looks VERY similar to the diamond shape of the exposed core of a hypostasis, might I add?
Ramiel is also literally an angel. And it is there that there are already SO many red flags.
Couple that with how in the version of the Ars Goetia by Thomas Rudd, it is a grimoire on both angelology AND demonology. The Lesser Key of Solomon in this edition pairs the 72 goetic demons up with the 72 angels of Shem HaMephorash. Oh, and with the fact that if you look at a Hypostasis’s attacks, they have the SAME sigils in some attacks at angels and demons in the Ars Goetia have.
“What’s the point of explaining all of this uselessly trivial compiled knowledge to us, Starry?” I hear you questioning me ever so inquisitively and ever so curiously, firmly doubtful and skeptical, eager for me to simply get to the point.
The Hypostases could be, whether it be literally or symbolically, the ‘angel’ counterparts to the goetic demons- the gods, the Seven Archons, of Genshin. 
Already that explains their significant connection of all the traits that I’ve listed previously- and it is because of those snippets of evidence TOO deliberate to ignore that I am a FIRM believer in the slime and archon connection theory, AND the hypostasis to archon connection theory. They coexist akin to two sides of the same coin- opposite but not separate by any means.
But wait- that’s not all. Ohohoho, no no no, my friends: I have more.
Remember my previous analogy of the description of how prismic light can be filtered back into white light by merging the different wavelengths, alternatively spectrums, back together again? And remember how in the opening cutscene, we see a WHITE glow on the accents of Lumine’s and Aether’s outfits that literally change colors based on what elements they possess ingame?
Once again- coincidence? I think not, and color me calling you a skeptic if you think otherwise because we already know by this point that HoYoverse never does coincidences. The theme of ‘combining’ items or symbols of great power or significance is a constant theme throughout this theory.
Going back to the real life parallel- when the 72 names of the angels are combined with one another, it becomes a 72 letter-long name serving as the “true and explicit name of God”, which is what Shem HaMephorash and the Tetragrammaton is a version of. According to the gods and demonology wiki, if those who are pure and worthy enough to speak the true name of God do so, they gain access to nigh-omnipotence and become an immortal, godlike being with dominion over all aspects of existence itself. Y’know, like the Triforce, except with the judgment of the Sorting Hat “as it doth require”.
I think you know where I’m going by now with the Genshin equivalent of ‘saying the true name of God’: what if the Harbingers are trying to collect all the Gnoses of the archons so they can form the ultimate artifact of power to challenge and take down Celestia? The Gnoses are not the symbol of an archon’s/god’s raw power, rather they and Visions themselves are gifts bestowed upon mortals and archons by Celestia- which is already megasus™ in and of itself and is probably best reserved to be discussed in a future theory of its own. If the Fatui have discerned that the only way to topple the Second Throne of The Heavens that usurped The Primordial One, forged the lie to alter history and cast The Primordial One down from the heavens after defeating it, both that and the conclusion would make a helluva lot of sense- at least to me.
What greater enemy can exist to Celestia than its own power turned against it by mortals- human beings? Retribution upon The Second Who Came, from its own divine essence, by the progeny of The Primordial One themselves?
Oh, and going back once again to the white light prism analogy connected to the seven elements, when the Traveler still possesses a white light on the accents of their clothes, they wield a foreign element NOT of Teyvat- a cosmic, holy or divine element, if you will, symbolized by a color oft representing purity and divinity: white.
Speaking of which, you know what the legend of the twins remind me of besides their Greek counterparts? That’s right if you guessed correctly: Adam and Eve. 
The FIRST two children of God.
Aether and Lumine are directly related to The Primordial One, the progenitor of Teyvat and its universe. My personal interpretation is speculation and my imagination running wild from here: I believe Aether and Lumine could be the direct children of The Primordial One, and therefore, as they are divine beings hailing from The First Throne of the Heavens, Celestia (The Second Who Came) feared their power so much that the Sustainer had to seal their powers away and separate the twins instead of outright killing them- implying they are hilariously incapable of doing the latter no matter the effort.
And here, to those that still don’t believe me I present to you the final nail in the coffin: what is the Traveler’s ascension gem at their final ascension phase? Brilliant Diamond. And what does the Brilliant Diamond resemble? 
Too sus to be just a mere coincidence, if you ask me.
***((part 2 coming soon~!!))***
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